
Konuko - Toumei Elegy

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hp5 can avoid failing during the easy part, as well as making the map itself HRable. (refering to Mendes)
awaken did some things and rebubble k
Topic Starter
thank you again lol!
Dayum it matched Freedom Dive 4D's star rating O:
Topic Starter
Sorry Ntasuto but I prefer something without video, because it may get the osz 10MB+ and the pv is not really very fantasic :?
irc mod
23:12 Awaken: 大佬佬佬佬佬
23:12 Mei: 阿爷
23:12 Mei: 我来了
23:12 Mei: np我一下
23:12 Awaken: 啊我爱你
23:12 *Awaken is listening to [ Konuko - Toumei Elegy]
23:13 Mei: 没有视频么
23:13 Awaken: 那个pv我感觉有点粗糙 不过加也挺好的
23:13 Mei: 不加没事
23:14 Mei: 我就问句
23:14 Mei: 卧槽
23:14 Mei: 那一段现在也很难啊
23:14 Mei: 以前是难成什么样
23:14 Awaken: 以前就两个人能过
23:15 Awaken: hhh
23:15 Awaken: 主要是以前的flow差 难打
23:15 Mei: 02:12:380 (6) -
23:15 Mei: 其实这里overmap了
23:16 Awaken: 爷爷哦 我下个视频还得挂VPN
23:16 Mei: 怎么秒掉一下
23:16 Mei: 没救
23:17 Mei: 02:13:266 -
23:17 Mei: 这里是不是漏音啊
23:17 Awaken: 漏了
23:17 Awaken: 不过短滑条之后这样缓冲一下也好
23:17 Mei: 嗯
23:18 Mei: 我简单看一下
23:18 Mei: 应该没有unrankable的东西吧
23:18 Mei: 不要害我
23:18 Mei: 不对
23:18 Mei: 我想下狗了
23:18 Mei: 那随便了
23:18 Awaken: 卧槽
23:18 Awaken: 下狗了我岂不是再也rank不了图了
23:18 Mei: 00:19:675 (8,1) -
23:18 Mei: 换个nc?
23:18 Mei: 爷爷
23:18 Mei: 你粉丝这么多
23:19 Awaken: 昨天皮石胖看到凌晨3点钟 应该没了
23:19 Awaken: 爷爷 我哪有粉丝哦
23:19 Mei: 批示胖
23:19 Mei: 思考
23:19 Awaken: k
23:20 Mei: 这歌是vocaloid还是翻唱啊
23:21 Mei: 01:13:130 (1) - 这个感觉ctrl+g好些
23:24 Awaken: remap
23:24 Awaken: 有点难re
23:24 Mei: 不用re吧
23:25 Mei: 我感觉就ctrl+g一下就行
23:25 Mei: 你觉得不好就别改
23:25 Awaken: 这里flow不太好
23:26 Mei:
23:26 Mei: 这样呢
23:27 Mei: 01:54:857 (3) - 漏clap
23:28 Awaken: 五角星 有点厉害
23:28 Awaken: 我试试
23:28 Mei: 不过貌似今天不能qua来着
23:29 Mei: 能不能啊
23:29 Mei: 哭哭
23:29 Awaken: 能啊哭哭
23:29 Awaken: 今天才4张
23:29 Mei: 是吗
23:29 Mei: 那就搞
23:29 Mei: 现在没人抢啦
23:29 Mei: 爽
23:30 Awaken: 爽
23:30 Awaken: 那两天真是差点吓飞我
23:32 Mei: 02:12:379 (6,8) - 这两个我感觉都可以删掉,你自己感受下就行
23:33 Mei: 02:14:220 (1) - 这一段我感觉还是难的一jb
23:33 Mei: 真的大丈夫么
23:36 Awaken: 五连凑的梗都不怎么好玩
23:36 Awaken: 我也觉得难的一笔
23:37 Awaken: 不过flow好了FC的人绝对多了 就怕有QAT看星数涨了屁颠屁颠跑过来dq
23:37 Mei: dui
23:37 Mei: 都怪鬼畜狗
23:37 Mei: 说的是你哦
23:37 Awaken: 美食 歘斯特米
23:38 Awaken: 苦苦我只做四星图啊
23:39 Mei: 你在说什么鬼
23:39 Awaken: 没事 trust me
23:39 Mei: 吔屎啦
23:40 Mei: 唉
23:40 Awaken: 叔叔我们不吔
23:40 Mei: 我认识最叼的那个人不在线
23:40 Mei: 哭哭·
23:41 Awaken: 随便找个top啊苦苦
23:41 Mei: burenshi top
23:41 Mei: gansini
23:41 Mei: 我感觉还是难爆
23:42 Awaken: 真不难了啊苦苦
23:42 Awaken: 以前是难打 现在的间距变大但是好打
23:42 Awaken: 是不是得把extra加难一点啊;;
23:42 Mei: 我找的触手一打到这里就死
23:43 Awaken: 有多处
23:43 Mei: 你怎么这么鬼畜
23:43 Mei: 700rankdt狗
23:44 Awaken: 怀疑10.3以下打不了
23:44 Mei: 他居然说感觉还行
23:44 Mei: 明明死了
23:44 Awaken: 皮世胖都能pass了啊应该不难了
23:44 Mei: 怀疑是m
23:45 Awaken: hhhhhhhh
23:45 Mei: 那我来打
23:45 Mei: 我不能pass就不给q
23:45 Awaken: 爷爷
23:45 Awaken: 求大爷送我双S
23:45 Awaken: 等等
23:45 Awaken: 算了
23:46 Awaken: 我本想update一下
23:50 Mei: 02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) -
23:50 Mei: 这里还是
23:50 Mei: 等比例缩小下吧
23:50 Mei: 我感觉
23:51 Mei: 02:17:493 (1,2,3,4,1,2) -
23:51 Mei: 这里感觉还是有点丧病
23:51 Mei: 要是你坚持的话也行
23:52 Awaken: 唉 我还是坚持一下吧
23:52 Mei: 行吧
23:52 Mei: 虽然我刚刚ss了但是我觉得还是难
23:52 Mei: 哭哭
23:53 Awaken: woc
23:53 Awaken: 不愧是我的妹姥爷
23:53 Mei: 02:50:220 (1) -
23:53 Mei: 在拉多两个折返?
23:57 Awaken: 好像差不多
23:58 Awaken: 02:57:857 (1) - 我这里加slidertick效果是不是好一点啊
23:58 Mei: 我感觉没啥区别
23:59 Mei: 艹
23:59 Mei: 冒险岛疯狂掉线
23:59 Mei: 不服
00:01 Awaken: 爷爷 怎么这么快又开始冒险岛了 快随手把我飞了
00:01 Mei: 我挂机
00:01 Mei: 30分钟在线可以领个东西
00:01 Mei: 但是老是掉线
00:01 Mei: 怎么玩
00:01 Awaken: 恐怕是网不好 挂个中国VPN吧
00:02 Mei: 挂了
00:02 Mei: 唉我随便看看
00:02 Mei: 看看aimod
00:03 Mei: 就把你点了吧
00:03 Awaken: 就把我点了吧
00:03 Mei: 但是我好饿啊
00:03 Mei: 不想点
00:03 Awaken: 好像AIBAT比较靠谱
00:03 Mei: 怎么办
00:03 Awaken: 爷爷
00:04 Awaken: 送我肉给你吃啊
00:04 Mei: aibat不会用啊
00:04 Mei: 苦苦
00:04 Awaken: 那就用aibn
00:04 Awaken: hhh
00:04 Mei: 打爆
00:04 Awaken: 被打爆
00:05 Mei: 对了你哪个难度漏clap加了没啊
00:05 Awaken: 家啦
00:05 Awaken: 加啦
00:06 Mei: 对了你师承哪位大师啊
00:06 Mei: 怎么这么鬼畜
00:08 Mei: 02:22:675 (4) - 用normal的finish
00:08 Awaken: 我没大师啊 只有小师和偶像
00:08 Mei: 柚子的难度
00:09 Mei: 小师是什么鬼
00:09 Awaken: 小师傅
00:09 Mei: 谁啊
00:09 Awaken: 尾巴还是头啊
00:09 Awaken: 01
00:09 Mei: 尾巴
00:09 Mei: 爷爷
00:09 Mei: 你居然是01门人
00:09 Mei: 可怕
00:10 Mei: 为啥不做低bpm鬼畜跑来干这个
00:12 Mei: 01:01:334 - another,多余的绿线
00:12 Awaken: 我从01那边叛变啦
00:13 Awaken: done
00:15 Mei: 02:20:766 (1) - 这里的finish感觉删掉好些
00:16 Mei: 02:42:584 (1) - 怎么你们都一个做法
00:16 Mei: 打爆
00:17 Mei: G's Insane
00:17 Mei: 这难度没用的绿线略多啊
00:18 Awaken: 行吧
00:18 Awaken: 爷爷 是有多少
00:18 Mei: 一堆
00:19 Awaken: 好 来吧 我承受得住
00:19 Mei: 你自己看啊
00:19 Mei: 打爆
00:20 Awaken: 这么多懒看了啊 (咦
00:20 Mei: 打爆
00:20 Mei: 我不知道那个算不算unrank
00:21 Awaken: 等等 该怎么看
00:21 Awaken: 有工具吗
00:21 Awaken: 还是手动看
00:21 Mei: 手动
00:21 Mei: 你打开那个窗口
00:21 Mei: 看到上下一模一样的绿线就删啊
00:21 Mei: hard也有
00:23 Mei: ez也有
00:23 Mei: 别墅奥尔良
00:24 Mei: 应该没啥别的问题了
00:24 Awaken: o
00:24 Awaken: 原来是重复率西安
00:24 Awaken: 我还以为是无用绿线
00:24 Mei: 你没放sliderslide.wav么
00:24 Awaken: 重复应该是unrank
00:25 Mei: 反正改比不改好
00:25 Awaken: 没 这歌太大声了 放sliderslide音效就听不见了
00:25 Awaken: 好
00:25 Mei: 改完后上传叫我
00:25 Mei: 我感觉没啥了
00:25 Mei: 先冒险岛
00:26 Awaken: insane我怎么没找到重复率西安
00:27 Mei: 00:09:925 -开始
00:27 Mei: 一直到切换n都是一模一样的绿线啊
00:28 Awaken: ..所以是无用绿线 爷爷 我又搞错了
00:33 Awaken: updated
00:33 Awaken: dd
00:33 Mei: nuke
00:34 Awaken: 等等 还差一点
00:34 Awaken: ok
00:35 Awaken: 我加个0.01当osu最高星好了
00:36 Mei: sikao
00:36 Mei: osu前最高星是什么啊
00:36 Awaken: fdfd
00:36 Awaken: 除tag4
00:36 Mei: 比fdfd
00:36 Mei: 还难
00:36 Mei: 鬼畜麻婆
00:36 Awaken: 爷爷 哪有
00:37 Awaken: 于是所有人讲到星数虚高都说到了这张图
00:37 Awaken: updated
00:38 Awaken: 看看我creatorword那句话语法对不对啊
00:39 Mei: 如果是我就会写
00:39 Mei: plz redl
00:39 Awaken: 这样酷吗
00:40 Mei: 拗口
00:40 Awaken: 破里斯瑞都
gratz on re-rank!
23:18 Mei: 我想下狗了
23:18 Mei: 那随便了
Re-congratulations on re-qualification C:
Abe Nana
what's that mean in Gonkanau?

-Chata- wrote:

what's that mean in Gonkanau?
wkyikawa's Couple Extra
Second Gonkanau
pretty sure this whistle is placed wrongly
but too late /o/
now harder than freedom dive lol

No Dap wrote:

wkyikawa's Couple Extra
Second Gonkanau
pretty sure this whistle is placed wrongly
but too late /o/
2015-02-23 19:15 pishifat: while you're on that map 01:22:948 (2) - should have the same hitsound as 00:28:402 (1) -
2015-02-23 19:15 pishifat: just sayingggggggggggg
2015-02-23 19:34 Awaken: ok
2015-02-23 19:34 Awaken: hope it's not weird now :D


sionKotori wrote:

-Chata- wrote:

what's that mean in Gonkanau?
I like how you made it even harder
now, it's time for pro players to play
Why is the map not visible in the Qualified beatmaps section?
Gratz! ^^~
White W0lf
Grats on the re ^^
where are you...

cri evrytim


such a nice map

cool aim<3 congratz
Second Gonkanau difficulty beats Freedom dive (FOUR DIMENSIONS) by 0,01 star :O

The new most difficult ranked map in osu?! :o

Slong150 wrote:

Second Gonkanau difficulty beats Freedom dive (FOUR DIMENSIONS) by 0,01 star :O

The new most difficult ranked map in osu?! :o

4D is still way harder
[Second Gonkanau]

01:56:561 (2,3,4,1) - This overlap is god damn disgusting to read. Fix pls.

jesus1412 wrote:

[Second Gonkanau]

01:56:561 (2,3,4,1) - This overlap is god damn disgusting to read. Fix pls.
I don't think it's that hard to read, well it can be changed like this:

or this:

02:01:266 (2,3,4) - A thing that poked me (it was on the fix when it was unrank i guess? o:), the cursor makes a sharp movement imo, somewhere like this should be good:

just my suggestions though, if it stays like that i don't mind o:
Stealth B2
why 7.03 -> 7.08?

Stealth B2 wrote:

why 7.03 -> 7.08?
jumps are hard because AR 9.5 is low for x7.0 jumps at BPM 220; should've used AR 10 imo

Broccoly wrote:

jumps are hard because AR 9.5 is low for x7.0 jumps at BPM 220; should've used AR 10 imo
AR9.5 is never low
E m i
more stars than Freedom Dive

Broccoly wrote:

jumps are hard because AR 9.5 is low for x7.0 jumps at BPM 220; should've used AR 10 imo
after playing this for 20~+ tries I found some issues on Another difficulty

00:31:130 (3) - Ghost note? Might be mapping to the vocal but the consistency???? (*take note at 01:21:857)
00:33:857 (1,2) - I don't get why of all places you have to put this 2 there (*really near the message received notification)

meh , hope this gets past qualified lel
Vuelo Eluko
i do agree it should have been ar10, this isn't like back when BAT's were so iffy about ranking ar10 that stuff like Rainbow Dash being AR9 had to happen just to make it more likely to be ranked, i think it's perfectly feasible to get away with it on a map like this, i can't imagine ANYONE who can pass a map of this magnitude has any problems at all playing AR10, so why not use it?

That said, it's not worth unranking again over. I think it's healthy to make people put more effort into reading in this day and age of almost every single other map that is worth a lot of pp for top 100 players being ar10+.

Slong150 wrote:

Second Gonkanau difficulty beats Freedom dive (FOUR DIMENSIONS) by 0,01 star :O

The new most difficult ranked map in osu?! :o

If we´re talking about star rating, Owen wa Kanojo Nanoka is 11+ stars
So I should wait a week before playing this again right?
Vuelo Eluko

FrcV wrote:

Slong150 wrote:

Second Gonkanau difficulty beats Freedom dive (FOUR DIMENSIONS) by 0,01 star :O

The new most difficult ranked map in osu?! :o

If we´re talking about star rating, Owen wa Kanojo Nanoka is 11+ stars
tag4's are no longer 'ranked'
that is, they have scoreboard, but exist outside the ranking system.

FrcV wrote:

Slong150 wrote:

Second Gonkanau difficulty beats Freedom dive (FOUR DIMENSIONS) by 0,01 star :O

The new most difficult ranked map in osu?! :o

If we´re talking about star rating, Owen wa Kanojo Nanoka is 11+ stars
TAG 4 maps do not count towards PP.

Gumpyyy wrote:


Riince wrote:

tag4's are no longer 'ranked'
that is, they have scoreboard, but exist outside the ranking system.
I think you're confusing "ranked" and "give pp".
how is this spacing even allowed anymore lmao

song isnt even that intense, just high pitched

blahpy wrote:

Riince wrote:

tag4's are no longer 'ranked'
that is, they have scoreboard, but exist outside the ranking system.
I think you're confusing "ranked" and "give pp".
prolly means ranking as in global player rank

blahpy wrote:

Riince wrote:

tag4's are no longer 'ranked'
that is, they have scoreboard, but exist outside the ranking system.
I think you're confusing "ranked" and "give pp".
i'm almost sure tag4 isnt rankable anymore

Tillerino plz
I feel that 00:33:857 (1,2) - (Another diff) is awkwardly quite far to the edge of the map. I think it should be moved in about half a circle's length personally, or perhaps to like this:

Howdy Awaken, after many testplays and discussion, we have reached a consensus that this map must be disqualified over the following reasons:

[Second Gonkanau]
  1. According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
  2. 02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - After internal discussion and various testplays, we have come to the conclusion that this section has not been lowered in difficulty the way we were hoping. Lowering the spacing is still recommended. Also, we believe that the patterns can be made a lot more intuitive. 02:17:493 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - focuses too heavily on the right side of the screen. More movement around the playfield will allow for a more enjoyable pattern.
  3. 01:56:220 (7,2) - This overlap (as mentioned by jesus1412 and pointed out in various testplays) has been known to cause readability issues. Please try to avoid this.
In addition to these points, across the testplays we have received we have gotten feedback that should be considered and addressed appropriately:
  1. 00:10:402 (3,4,5,6) - The back and forth down and up motion is a bit too fast and awkward for the play. Suggestions have said that unstacking 00:10:811 (6) - and moving it to another location would be pretty beneficial
  2. 00:18:039 (1,2,3,4) - Same issue as above, players have said moving 00:18:448 (4) - to another location for a more oval flow works a lot better
  3. 00:53:493 (1,2,3,1) - The slider movement is quite fast and also flows downward to 00:54:039 (1) - and back up to 00:53:902 (3) - . The confusion stems from moving to 00:53:902 (3) - and then down to 00:54:039 (1) - , which can be hard to read with the AR
  4. 01:50:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Another pattern that can benefit from an oval flowing triangle, the change in directions seems to cause some issues. Here is an example that works rather well:
  5. 02:04:130 (1,2,3,4,5) - You have a pattern flowing in one direction, then changes rather abruptly from 02:04:675 (5,6) - . This, followed by 02:04:948 (1) - coming downwards made the whole play either confusing or weird to handle appropriately. A more clear, smooth flowing pattern going around would be more beneficial for the play you wish to create here
  6. 02:09:857 (1,2,3,4) - The angle to the triplet plays out strangely, a less harsh angle of approach would be preferred
The BNG will handle this mapset from now on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and good luck with requalification!

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
I actually disagree. Personally I find the AR fits very well. In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order. Again, just my personal opinion. :p
Pls higher ar this time ;___; ar9.5 so slow
Please, keep this topic useful for the mapper.
You're free to give your opinion when it makes sense, not shitposting.

Thank you.

(I'm not aiming everyone and this post is for prevention)

Tom94 wrote:

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
I actually disagree. Personally I find the AR fits very well. In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order. Again, just my personal opinion. :p
I completely agree, raising the ar is unnecessary
there shouldn't be more than one unrank per map imo
what's the point of unranking a map and re-ranking it if you guys don't even bother to make sure everything is fixed

Tom94 wrote:

In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order.
Tom94 wrote:
Lust wrote:
According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward

I actually disagree. Personally I find the AR fits very well. In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order. Again, just my personal opinion. :p

I completely agree, raising the ar is unnecessary
I think the opinion of players who are actually able to get a good play on this diff (like 97%+) have an opinion of higher value, and it seems that those players agree that the approach rate should be higher. Thats why I also think that the current ar (9.5) probably is too low.

Brazzers wrote:

Lust wrote:

[*]According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
Your testers can't read medium object density then? I wanna see any of them clearing hard (3.5*) diffs with EZ
I was one of the testers, even if my opinion wasn't heavily considered. But I can tell you EZ has nothing to do with this.

I was one of those who said the AR was too low. Admittedly, I'm not used to this star rating on this AR, and I did tell them that. So it's just my own fault really, or so I believe at least.

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
what? that's ridiculous. AR10 is not going to work on this map at all and increasing it to 9.7 is just going to be a pointless change.

Tom94 wrote:

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
I actually disagree. Personally I find the AR fits very well. In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order. Again, just my personal opinion. :p
I have asked mapper to reduce spacing of that part but he insist that current one is better. I find some players to tset it and they think it is fine (since i cant pass that diff) My point is that different people will have different thoughts and like someone think it is fine someone doesnt think so. It is not that fair you give disqualify with such these kind subjective points. It would be better if you can disqualify this after doing some disscusion with mapper and then we can work more effective.

P.S I think current ar is fine
If someone is calling AR9.7 too low, then they need to learn to read.
It's not about someone being able to read certain ar better than some other ar, It's about a certain ar fitting a diff better than some other ar..
Honestly I feel that if you can't FC the map you can't leave a real opinion on it.

This narrows down our choices to 1 person who literally doesn't care that it is high od or ar 9.5 or hard to read in some places.
This map will have 6+ FC's by the end of the year (provided the map creator puts up with all the bullshit), the only difference between rrtyui and the rest will be the play count (2 vs 50)

The only reason I can find for this nonsense is that the QAT/BAT's are having some serious mental breakdowns concerning the number 7, like omg SEVEN STARS, WHAAAT THATS CRAZY, so they are all nervous and anxious about it for god knows what reason and have to compensate by making sure the map is even easier to read than it already is.
Why are people throwing a fit over a qualified map being disqualified? This is what the section is for and you're warned about it when downloading maps.

Don't want this to happen or don't want to be upset about stuff like this? Stay away from the Qualified section. It's as simple as that.

Also there are so many people talking out of their ass without knowing how the ranking process works it's sad.

-GN wrote:

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
what? that's ridiculous. AR10 is not going to work on this map at all and increasing it to 9.7 is just going to be a pointless change.
I disagree. Did you actually try it? AR10 makes it so much easier to read the cross-screen jumps. I mean, I don't understand why the mapper is hesitating to use AR10 when the map is already 7 stars, BPM of 220, and using x6.0-x7.0 distance jumps. I FC'd the hardest part in the second try with AR10, and I really do believe there are players like me who find the AR as the only obstacle that is preventing them from FCing. I doubt that there are people who cannot read AR10 at the skill-level where the diff was aimed to be played at. This isn't 2012 when AR10 was thought as a taboo. The mapper obviously thinks that the song deserves such extreme jumps, and yes it fits well; however, then, why not use an extreme AR? If the AR is kept at 9.5, the mapper is making the same mistake of rainbow dash, pluto, or trigger happy. I really hope you make the wise choice.

Lust wrote:

02:17:493 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - focuses too heavily on the right side of the screen. More movement around the playfield will allow for a more enjoyable pattern.

Everyone is bitching about the AR and I just want this to come true..

Purple wrote:

The only reason I can find for this nonsense is that the QAT/BAT's are having some serious mental breakdowns concerning the number 7, like omg SEVEN STARS, WHAAAT THATS CRAZY, so they are all nervous and anxious about it for god knows what reason and have to compensate by making sure the map is even easier to read than it already is.
Good. That's how it should be when a map like this gets ranked. It's not your typical anime OP with AR9 arbitrarily assigned to it that will fly through qualified without a problem. Maps like these should be scrutinized. The AR change is only one of the suggestions Lust listed. To me, this is more about mapping patterns which don't work well with the AR. There are two scenarios, you change the AR to something slightly higher or you change some of the patterns to be more intuitive. The jumps at 820x, although they are technically the hardest part of the map, they still play fine because they fit the AR quite well (not to say it's mapped perfectly, I think it's entirely reasonable to criticize how it focuses on the right side of the screen even though it is not as big of a deal). The QATs are not overreacting, look at the members of QAT. None of them are top players so they do the logical thing. They ask the top players. "Hey, we need some opinions on this map going through qualified as none of us are able to play the highest difficulty, mind helping us out?", and guess what? We all had problems with it. That difficulty isn't for 99% of the people posting in this thread right now, your opinion is honestly not appreciated and is detrimental to ensuring this map is done right. The only posts here I see worth following up on are Tom and GN's. Simple as that. walloftext
240 + is what calls for more ar 10 tbh AR 9.7 fits best with the map and it also makes calmer part of the map not look awful with it. AR 10 goes a bit too fast
ar9.7 is fine, but ar10 feels better imo
but rip map

Tom94 wrote:

Lust wrote:

According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
I actually disagree. Personally I find the AR fits very well. In general it's a very subjective matter to talk about suitable ARs and I think should be left to the mapper as long as it's not too obviously out of order. Again, just my personal opinion. :p
I also disagree strongly. The AR is completely fine and raising it would make the map objectively worse to play and less challenging and fun.

It's not a mistake to use an AR that's not super high. It's a mistake to force everything to ar10 and 10.33 even though it plays fine at 9.5 and better players could do it at ar9 and take away the whole "reading" side of osu. 9.5 is completely fine.

come on, you already nerfed my favorite part^, it's no fun to learn to play 220bpm effectively instead of just relax playing if the whole fun parts of the map (jumps+spacing, reading) is neutered.

LexiaLovesU wrote:

AR 9.7 fits best with the map and it also makes calmer part of the map not look awful with it.
We know this is not mania so the AR being too high for the calmer part is a problem with no real solution.
Sure it might be true but what can you do? If you make it lower the hard parts will be too low AR..
I'd rather have the hard parts with correct AR than the calm parts with correct AR, if it means one part of the map being in uncomfortable to read regardless of the AR used. (and in this case I do not think AR10 would cause said problems at all)

Quite frankly i do not understand why this is'nt an easy simple decicion, taking into consideration there are no higher star rating maps ranked so i don't understand how anyone would question AR10 being too high.
Every top 500 player can play even higher AR than 10 and feel comfortable with it, so AR10 doesn't seem too extreme from in any aspect for this diff..

Sotajumala wrote:

LexiaLovesU wrote:

AR 9.7 fits best with the map and it also makes calmer part of the map not look awful with it.
We know this is not mania so the AR being too high for the calmer part is a problem with no real solution.
Sure it might be true but what can you do? If you make it lower the hard parts will be too low AR..
I'd rather have the hard parts with correct AR than the calm parts with correct AR, if it means one part of the map being in uncomfortable to read regardless of the AR used. (and in this case I do not think AR10 would cause said problems at all)

Quite frankly i do not understand why this is'nt an easy simple decicion, taking into consideration there are no higher star rating maps ranked so i don't understand how anyone would question AR10 being too high.
Every top 500 player can play even higher AR than 10 and feel comfortable with it, so AR10 doesn't seem too extreme from in any aspect for this diff..
It's not too extreme, but simply maxing out the AR as high as reasonable people can react for every single map removes a lot of depth from the map
It's not too extreme, but simply maxing out the AR as high as reasonable people can react for every single map removes a lot of depth from the map
Im not saying the AR should be as high as possible, I'm saying that I think AR10 is the best AR for this diff.

JappyBabes wrote:

Purple wrote:

The only reason I can find for this nonsense is that the QAT/BAT's are having some serious mental breakdowns concerning the number 7, like omg SEVEN STARS, WHAAAT THATS CRAZY, so they are all nervous and anxious about it for god knows what reason and have to compensate by making sure the map is even easier to read than it already is.
Good. That's how it should be when a map like this gets ranked. It's not your typical anime OP with AR9 arbitrarily assigned to it that will fly through qualified without a problem. Maps like these should be scrutinized. The AR change is only one of the suggestions Lust listed. To me, this is more about mapping patterns which don't work well with the AR. There are two scenarios, you change the AR to something slightly higher or you change some of the patterns to be more intuitive. The jumps at 820x, although they are technically the hardest part of the map, they still play fine because they fit the AR quite well (not to say it's mapped perfectly, I think it's entirely reasonable to criticize how it focuses on the right side of the screen even though it is not as big of a deal). The QATs are not overreacting, look at the members of QAT. None of them are top players so they do the logical thing. They ask the top players. "Hey, we need some opinions on this map going through qualified as none of us are able to play the highest difficulty, mind helping us out?", and guess what? We all had problems with it. That difficulty isn't for 99% of the people posting in this thread right now, your opinion is honestly not appreciated and is detrimental to ensuring this map is done right. The only posts here I see worth following up on are Tom and GN's. Simple as that. walloftext
I actually didn't realize you or jesus1412 constitute TOP PLAYERS that are known for doing AMAZING THINGS in this game like 7-8 stars maps such as this one. IMO, if the QATs need the input of someone else because a map is too hard for them (fair enough), they should seek people that are known to FC maps of similar difficulty, and in this case, that means rrtyui, hvick, DH, WWW, HDHR, thelewa, and a few others. If they can't find anyone who can FC this song and speak english, they have to do the translation work themselves, it's that simple.

What's interesting is that your post essentially confirms a new ranking rule that says that for a map to be ranked, it has to be easy enough for rrtyui (AKA best player) to FC it, which is just completely unnecessary TBH. There's nothing wrong with ranking a map that noone can FC at the moment, the game is for fun to be had, not for pathological perfectionism.

Sotajumala wrote:

It's not too extreme, but simply maxing out the AR as high as reasonable people can react for every single map removes a lot of depth from the map
Im not saying the AR should be as high as possible, I'm saying that I think AR10 is the best AR for this diff.
I think 9.3 is the best AR for second gonkanau but i can see why some would want to play it at 9 or approaching 10 (i'm just too bad to read it well at ar9)

Just to be clear, i agree that hard to read = bad. Hard to read as in readability issues - stuff stacked badly, very confusing patterns for no reason. However in this case, it's very simply put:

"There's too many circles on the screen at once for me to handle, make it easier" and i don't like that at all. The map plays fine and anybody, anybody at all who plays at a high level and has developed reading skills can go into it on their first play without a hitch.

-Aeryn- wrote:

I also disagree strongly. The AR is completely fine and raising it would make the map objectively worse to play and less challenging and fun.
Can you explain how it is objectively worse? Because you think so?
Less challenging? AR should not be used to challenge players; it should be used accordingly to the patterns and to guide players to clearly read what they are hitting.

Kheldragar wrote:

There's no such thing as fun in Osu.
Can we not digress?
Can you explain how it is objectively worse? Because you think so?
Less challenging? AR should not be used to challenge players; it should be used accordingly to the patterns and to guide players to clearly read what they are hitting.
Insactly, AR is chosen for the map, not the players.

Lust wrote:

  1. According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward
    This is based on personal opinion, I think it is good as it is and it is fun to play even though I can't pass it. And why increasing the AR just to make it easier to FC for a handful of people. Those who are able to FC this map I guess are in the top 200 and those players should be able to read lower AR without problems. And if not they gotta learn it. It doesn't justify the unrank in my opinion.
  2. 02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - After internal discussion and various testplays, we have come to the conclusion that this section has not been lowered in difficulty the way we were hoping. Lowering the spacing is still recommended. Also, we believe that the patterns can be made a lot more intuitive.
    Recommend? So it's optional and doesn't justify the unrank too. I know the section is hard, but it is fun. The map and the section is already very good (at least compared to other maps getting ranked nowadays) and doesn't really need to be "more intuitive" while risking it to be less fun or different at all.
  3. 02:17:493 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - focuses too heavily on the right side of the screen. More movement around the playfield will allow for a more enjoyable pattern.
    Wow, too much circles at the right, I could almost start crying. Seriously... This is a slight drift to the right for a few seconds. That doesn't justify a unrank at all and it looks like you were desperately searching for small flaws to justify it. Is the map now unrankable because of that? That's how the map is, it's not less fun or less FCable because of that.
  4. 01:56:220 (7,2) - This overlap (as mentioned by jesus1412 and pointed out in various testplays) has been known to cause readability issues. Please try to avoid this.
    Have seen way worse in recently ranked maps.
It's just sad, why don't you just rank the map and let people have fun with it. Some of the top FC it and those who can't need to try harder. It's that simple.
I haven't covered the additional points but the reasons for the unrank are either based on personal opinions or just marginal things. This is also caused by the pressure on the QAT because they don't have such a 7 star map with that kind of popularity everyday so they want to make sure to make it perfect. But this is ending in a mess while other maps which don't have that much attention get ranked with some flaws or unusual pattern. Ranking this map which is good in many people's opinion would have been the better choice. These are minor flaws or opinions and maps with worse get through the process of ranking. If this would have got through, nobody would have questioned your abilities as QAT. There wouldn't have been many people complaining about too low AR or the pattern being a bit at the right. You're creating the problems on your own.
I could go on even more but I'm tired and I need to go to sleep now. Good night.

Purple wrote:

I actually didn't realize you or jesus1412 constitute TOP PLAYERS that are known for doing AMAZING THINGS in this game like 7-8 stars maps such as this one. IMO, if the QATs need the input of someone else because a map is too hard for them (fair enough), they should seek people that are known to FC maps of similar difficulty, and in this case, that means rrtyui, hvick, DH, WWW, HDHR, thelewa, and a few others. If they can't find anyone who can FC this song and speak english, they have to do the translation work themselves, it's that simple.

What's interesting is that your post essentially confirms a new ranking rule that says that for a map to be ranked, it has to be easy enough for rrtyui (AKA best player) to FC it, which is just completely unnecessary TBH. There's nothing wrong with ranking a map that noone can FC at the moment, the game is for fun to be had, not for pathological perfectionism.
Jesse has FCd Mendes DT (6.92), Native Faith DT (7.32) and almost TearVid DT (6.94). And I have that shitty Airman score l0l. If your argument is that if you are not someone who does not have an FC on a 7* map you can not accurately perceive problems, not only do you invalidate every single one of your posts because you can't FC a 7* map, but you also admit you don't know how difficult this map actually is. This pales in comparison to something like Freedom Dive and Wahrheit DT even though the star ratings are incredibly similar. There's no need to get all upset because I said you can't play this properly and try and put Jesse and I down as people that don't know what we're talking about. Nowhere in my post did I imply anything about this map being impossible to FC, considering that rrt even FCd the previous version of this which was more difficult (although it had a lower star rating) I don't even know why you wrote that because it is already easy enough for him. Also, it's not about 'striving for pathological perfectionism' but moving away from the mentality that is being content with mediocrity.

Bit off topic but whatever, I don't understand how a mapper trying to get something ranked (ESPECIALLY a 7 star map) would be able to cry about 'oppressing creativity' and such. If you're trying to make the map official and the players the map is directed at find flaws with it, you take them heart and change it. You don't refuse them using bullshit explanations as to why your way of doing things is superior and they clearly have no idea what they're talking about. That's just stroking your own ego and if that's the mindset you have, keep your shit in the graveyard. Not that Awaken has done this yet but we'll see.

JappyBabes wrote:

You don't refuse them using bullshit explanations as to why your way of doing things is superior and they clearly have no idea what they're talking about. That's just stroking your own ego and if that's the mindset you have, keep your shit in the graveyard. Not that Awaken has done this yet but we'll see.

Purple wrote:

JappyBabes wrote:

Good. That's how it should be when a map like this gets ranked. It's not your typical anime OP with AR9 arbitrarily assigned to it that will fly through qualified without a problem. Maps like these should be scrutinized. The AR change is only one of the suggestions Lust listed. To me, this is more about mapping patterns which don't work well with the AR. There are two scenarios, you change the AR to something slightly higher or you change some of the patterns to be more intuitive. The jumps at 820x, although they are technically the hardest part of the map, they still play fine because they fit the AR quite well (not to say it's mapped perfectly, I think it's entirely reasonable to criticize how it focuses on the right side of the screen even though it is not as big of a deal). The QATs are not overreacting, look at the members of QAT. None of them are top players so they do the logical thing. They ask the top players. "Hey, we need some opinions on this map going through qualified as none of us are able to play the highest difficulty, mind helping us out?", and guess what? We all had problems with it. That difficulty isn't for 99% of the people posting in this thread right now, your opinion is honestly not appreciated and is detrimental to ensuring this map is done right. The only posts here I see worth following up on are Tom and GN's. Simple as that. walloftext
I actually didn't realize you or jesus1412 constitute TOP PLAYERS that are known for doing AMAZING THINGS in this game like 7-8 stars maps such as this one. IMO, if the QATs need the input of someone else because a map is too hard for them (fair enough), they should seek people that are known to FC maps of similar difficulty, and in this case, that means rrtyui, hvick, DH, WWW, HDHR, thelewa, and a few others. If they can't find anyone who can FC this song and speak english, they have to do the translation work themselves, it's that simple.

What's interesting is that your post essentially confirms a new ranking rule that says that for a map to be ranked, it has to be easy enough for rrtyui (AKA best player) to FC it, which is just completely unnecessary TBH. There's nothing wrong with ranking a map that noone can FC at the moment, the game is for fun to be had, not for pathological perfectionism.
I actually stated that I don't feel good enough to comment on most of the map but to say that someone who can almost FC airman isn't good enough to pass judgement on this? I agree we should "ask rrtyui or hvick" but they're not interested in discussing it so we're doing the best we can by asking other people.#67 Xytox, #6 isokasapupuja, #41 jappybabes, #28 alumetorz, #178 omgforz, #34 kearnen, how many more do you want?
ah, so less than 20 combo off an FC of airman completely invalidates his opinion

looking forward to seeing you fc 7star+ nomod maps in the near future :­)

Purple wrote:

rachel wrote:

are you actually legitimately flaming a top 50 player for not being considered a "top player" when you're barely in the bottom half of the top 10k yourself

dude almost has a fucking airman fc, is that not good enough for you?
It's not a FC, and he himself knows he's not a top player as I described (yet), if he chooses to feel offended, then really that's not my doing. I do admit I find it surprising to see someone play a map that is way harder to read than this 900+ times and see him complain about pattern readability here. I do want to know the list of people who played this map on behalf of the QAT because I can almost guarantee that the players I mentioned in my previous post wouldn't have had a problem with readability on this map.

Broccoly wrote:

Can you explain how it is objectively worse? Because you think so?
Less challenging? AR should not be used to challenge players; it should be used accordingly to the patterns and to guide players to clearly read what they are hitting.
Even if the AR setting's intent purpose was to accommodate players and improve map readability (I don't agree with that), it's still a matter of preference, some people like AR10 and others prefer lower, and in this one case OP might have chosen something that is not popular among the majority of players and I think the QAT should always respect that decision as long as it's not extreme, like AR8 or something.
if, according to you, someone who has been in the top50 consistently for the past 3 years or so is not good enough to determine if this map plays well or not (which is laughable at it's own). how can you even have the nerves to think that you do?

Broccoly wrote:

AR should not be used to challenge players; it should be used accordingly to the patterns and to guide players to clearly read what they are hitting.
Isn't that somewhat ironic? I, an 8k rank trash player, could almost pass the map on its current setting because it's so easy to read (I got past the solo part and choked in the end of the last chorus and failed :( ). On AR10 I don't stand a chance, because only someone really good can read AR10 well.

It's fine how it is. It'd probably be fine as low as AR9 too, but whatever it is now, 9.5 or whatever, is perfectly easy to read.
could almost pass the map
Think this explains broccolys point pretty well LMAO, besides i think even if you would have passed it would not have a been a gloriously awesome play.

Sotajumala wrote:

could almost pass the map
Think this explains broccolys point pretty well LMAO, besides i think even if you would have passed it would not have a been a gloriously awesome play.
My point is that most people who find the map playable would stand less of a chance on AR10. Changing it to AR10 just because a few people have conditioned themselves to only be able to play AR10 and nothing else is stupid.
"Changing it to AR10 just because a few people have conditioned themselves to only be able to play AR10 and nothing else is stupid."
Youre mistaking being able to play AR10 with playing this map rather on AR10 than a on a lower AR. They are not the same thing.
If anyone cares about my opinion I just want to say approach rate should be decided only by map creator without any objections, as he is the one who is making art and it is up to him how it is going to look like. Making it ranked of course needs approval, but as for me good timing and FCable set of notes is all that should be checked. Anything on top of it I consider limiting new horizons.

PS. I love old maps.

also this map should be AR9

Broccoly wrote:

Can you explain how it is objectively worse? Because you think so?
Less challenging? AR should not be used to challenge players; it should be used accordingly to the patterns and to guide players to clearly read what they are hitting.
In that case, AR should be a lot higher on a lot of ranked maps and a lot lower on a lot of other ranked maps. A lot of the basis of HR mod, even, is challenging people to read a very low object density (150-170bpm ar10 anyone?)
I doubt there's a "fitting" approach rate for this. It seems like this is being dictated more by the userbase's comfort than any other standard.
In that case, AR should be a lot higher on a lot of ranked maps and a lot lower on a lot of other ranked maps. A lot of the basis of HR mod, even, is challenging people to read a very low object density (150-170bpm ar10 anyone?)
I don't think anyone should conclude the fact the hr exist in thinking what AR they should use..
keep calm and let the mapper answer okey?
ar10 pls
Thank you guys for giving your opinion on this map.

I would be glad to see good posts which help the mapper, sadly this isn't the case anymore.
I lock this topic for now, we'll reopen it when the mapper will contact me or any QAT/GMT

Since when was "shitposting" a term in the osu! community?

Surely this isn't so bad we have to lock the thread.

If you guys are complaining about maps getting disqualified, stop playing the qualified maps. They have their own category for a reason.
I agee that higher AR will feel better, but AR10 will be awkward since there are also relatively slower parts.
I have restored some posts that could be useful for references in the future.
Let the discussion go on

(I agree with most of top players agree on as a #97)
unranked again??? why ㅜ_ㅜ
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