
IOSYS - shining grace [Osu|Taiko]

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As your request

00:20:722 (1) - this slider should be start at 00:20:722 . here's my example
00:52:222 (2) - ugly slider shape
00:53:555 (1) - ^
00:58:555 (3) - 164||159 for flow
01:05:555 (2) - ^ ^
01:07:555 (1) - ^
01:13:555 (1) - ^
01:32:222 (2,3) - copy,paste the slider before and rotate 120degree. it is not a good shape currently.

00:00:889 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - just suggeston. seperate the notes here. overlap isn't a good idea imo
01:33:555 (6,7) - change into slider
01:40:222 (2,3) - stack
01:04:888 (9) - NC

[ Yukinsane]
00:22:555 (3,1,2,3) - very confusing when play. seperate a bit
01:30:888 (3) - ctrl + g

Good map but, you should recheck the shape of sliders imo.


[ Sana ] wrote:

[ Yukinsane]
00:22:555 (3,1,2,3) - very confusing when play. seperate a bit
01:30:888 (3) - ctrl + g
sry no change

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:


  1. 来回跳点赞
  2. 00:33:222 (2,3,4) - 叠的有点紧密, 把这一堆往右一点, 叠起来就好看点 怎么移都觉得不好看,不改了
  3. 01:10:388 (5,6) - 这里感觉不合适, 请ctrl G 没啥不合适
  4. 01:54:805 (9) - 不科学 擦这里这么会是0.6……改了
  5. 01:55:222 (14) - 而且这里加点弧度?
thx for modding~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

0.0 过来mod了 謝謝


  1. 01:07:555 (1,2,3) - 只有这个这么大, 不好 後面也跳大點了
  2. 01:33:555 (1,2,3,4) - 太丧病#(蜡烛) 還好?
  3. 01:45:555 (4,3) - 弯的程度有点大, 这样就好 已修

  1. 01:33:888 (7,1) - spacing部队? 沒注意到,已修。
  2. 01:49:888 (2) - 这一段都只有30%? 不是故意的吧o.o咦 這裡好小聲 我調60了..
謝謝ar3的mod :)

[ Sana ] wrote:

As your request Thanks

00:20:722 (1) - this slider should be start at 00:20:722 . here's my example
00:52:222 (2) - ugly slider shape fixed
00:53:555 (1) - ^ fixed
00:58:555 (3) - 164||159 for flow all fixed
01:05:555 (2) - ^ ^
01:07:555 (1) - ^
01:13:555 (1) - ^
01:32:222 (2,3) - copy,paste the slider before and rotate 120degree. it is not a good shape currently. I consider it

00:00:889 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - just suggeston. seperate the notes here. overlap isn't a good idea imo fixed,enlarge DS
01:33:555 (6,7) - change into slider fixed
01:40:222 (2,3) - stack fixed
01:04:888 (9) - NC fixed

Good map but, you should recheck the shape of sliders imo. OKAY

Thanks [ Sana ]"s mod :)
因为之前irc过一次了 所以再来看看最高难度了

mod info:
Black: Suggestions.
Bule: Emphasis suggestions.
Red: Unrankable stuffs. Must be fixed.

  1. 01:20:222 (1,2) - 试着让这两个slider平行 (当前的这两个slider有夹角)
  2. 01:04:888 (9) - New combo
  3. 01:20:888 - 01:23:222 - 我更愿意选择用一个转盘带过去 虽然现在的没问题 但是有些蠢BAT可能会死抓这个地方不放
  4. (nazi) 01:33:555 (1,2,3,4) - 做成一个平行四边形试试?
  5. 01:41:722 - 可以加一个note

比我上次看到的好多了 但是Hard仍有提升空间 加油


edit: 漏了新加的GD

* 00:33:222 (2,3,4,1) - 可以分开来做成跳 感觉会很不错

* 01:20:888 (1) - 静音?

* 01:47:222 (3,4) - 换一下位置?

* 01:49:555 (1,2,3) - 这里迷惑性好大啊。。但是也没问题啦

其他没问题 这个难度的来回跳挺赞的
00:00:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - all k
00:05:888 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - all d
00:23:888 (67,68) - dk
00:31:555 (114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126) - kkkdkkddkdddk
01:21:722 (385) - k
01:40:888 (517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529) - ^
00:00:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - 你猜
00:23:722 (61) - d
00:31:888 (93) - k
00:32:055 (94) - del
00:34:222 (102) - D
01:21:722 (282) - k
01:45:556 (375) - k
01:48:222 (388) - k
01:50:889 (401) - k
01:21 *tutuhaha is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Insane]]
01:22 smallboat: 恩對
01:22 smallboat: 你只幫摸一個?
01:22 tutuhaha: 看看工作量大不大._. ....
01:22 tutuhaha: 不大再摸另一个
01:23 tutuhaha: 强烈建议刚开始的这个地方降音降到20%
01:23 smallboat: 哦哦 因為另一個GD趕決問題也不大
01:23 smallboat: @_@
01:23 smallboat: 好
01:23 tutuhaha: 你用的是回音的音效
01:23 smallboat: 所以叫你摸這兩個就好˙-˙
01:23 tutuhaha: 小声点那种空灵的感觉会更大
01:23 smallboat: 喔喔
01:23 smallboat: 好的
01:23 smallboat: 恩恩
01:23 tutuhaha: 行我先看看:D
01:23 smallboat: jonthan叫我調40%
01:23 tutuhaha: 00:11:555 (1) - 然后到这里再40%
01:24 smallboat: =.=
01:24 smallboat: 好
01:24 tutuhaha: 然后你再听一下效果
01:24 smallboat: 恩還不錯:D
01:24 tutuhaha: 00:14:722 (6,1) - 这俩合成一个slider比较好
01:25 smallboat: 好
01:25 tutuhaha: 00:20:388 (1) - 个人神经发作,不知为何很想ctrl+G ._. ...
01:26 tutuhaha: 00:25:222 (2) - ctrl+g?
01:26 smallboat: 哦 ok
01:26 tutuhaha: 00:28:805 (5) - 去掉
01:26 tutuhaha: 00:29:472 (x) - 然后加在这里
01:26 smallboat: 不會扭喔? 剛那個
01:27 tutuhaha: 那块搞成跳我觉得比较有意思
01:27 smallboat: 好
01:27 smallboat: 這個是加什麼
01:27 tutuhaha: 00:32:222 (6) - 这块其实节奏上来说3连没结束所以不建议用slider拉过去
01:27 tutuhaha: 加note._.
01:27 smallboat: 你說29555 移到29472?
01:28 smallboat: 哦哦
01:28 tutuhaha: 饿..这么理解也行?,,,,我说的是节奏啊摆放这么摆就简直坑爹;_;
01:28 smallboat: 瞭解
01:28 smallboat: 也是@@
01:29 tutuhaha: 00:33:555 (5,6) - 在我看来这个的间距应该比00:33:222 (4,5) - 要大...很多?...
01:30 smallboat: 還要再大點@_@?
01:30 tutuhaha: 这样,吧4,5的距离缩小
01:30 tutuhaha: 00:38:805 (X) - 这个地方和前面一样加note会比较好
01:31 smallboat: 好
01:32 tutuhaha: 00:40:222 (4) - 这个放到x256y112的地方搞个小跳
01:33 smallboat: 好
01:33 smallboat: 這樣的話 後面連打應該也要變動 形成個弧?
01:33 tutuhaha: 这个随便啦:DDDD【Pia!(o ‵-′)ノ”(ノ﹏<。)
01:34 smallboat: >_q
01:34 smallboat: 好的 這個會fix
01:34 tutuhaha: 00:44:888 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这个要是我来做的话会是很鬼畜的一种形式,so..你要看么._.,不看保善良哦
01:34 smallboat: 咦這樣還不鬼喔..
01:35 tutuhaha: 00:56:888 (1) - 这边应该是1/4不是1/2.A.
01:35 smallboat: @_@
01:35 tutuhaha: 01:03:222 (4,5) - 间距与前面对比太近,考虑4 ctrl+g?
01:35 smallboat: 是嗎
01:35 tutuhaha: 恩恩
01:36 tutuhaha: 听后面伴奏重音
01:36 smallboat: 剛剛那個1如何變動
01:36 tutuhaha: 这里伴奏比较重所以跟伴奏
01:36 smallboat: 恩恩 我試試
01:36 tutuhaha: 就把他改成1/4就行啦:D摆放不限制
01:37 smallboat: 好
01:37 tutuhaha: 00:58:888 (8,9) - 俩尾巴家whistle
01:38 smallboat: 好
01:38 tutuhaha: 00:56:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - 不如说这块红线的地方都加whistle,蓝线拍的slider就加尾巴
01:38 tutuhaha: 听起来比较爽:DDDD【。。
01:39 smallboat: 這邊的話 在考慮一下:D
01:39 smallboat: 紅線會 藍線考慮
01:39 tutuhaha: 恩恩摸头
01:39 tutuhaha: 01:06:888 (4,5) - 这里怎么听都应该有大跳,不大跳不开心【...
01:40 smallboat: 因為妮妮說藍線不用+ ww
01:40 smallboat: 事喔 聽不出來 我很渣
01:40 tutuhaha: 妮姆芙那个八嘎太喜欢安静
01:40 smallboat: 哈哈.....
01:40 tutuhaha: 像我的选曲都是超大声的so╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭你懂得
01:40 smallboat: 恩剛好大聲.....
01:41 tutuhaha: 01:12:222 (4,5) - 这边可以拉大一点,节奏允许就不用那么挤,也读的出来
01:41 smallboat: 好
01:42 tutuhaha: `01:12:888 (1,2,3) - 这像前面一样摆成三角形比较好,要是空间不允许可以摆成和前面同间距的比较好
01:42 smallboat: ok考慮
01:42 tutuhaha: 01:16:555 (4,5) - 间距和3,4一样
01:43 smallboat: 都一樣阿?
01:43 tutuhaha: 3,4是2.57x4,,5是1.42x :DDDD
01:44 smallboat: ok
01:44 smallboat: 會調下
01:44 tutuhaha: 01:19:555 (1,2) - 单纯看这么挤不顺眼...考虑把2向下移一点
01:44 tutuhaha: 01:20:222 (1,2) - 单纯看尾巴靠在一起不顺眼,考虑把1向下移一点【强迫症没得救
01:44 smallboat: 我覺得這邊後來加大感覺要改梗˙˙
01:44 smallboat: 只是一直想不到
01:45 smallboat: 好@@
01:45 tutuhaha: 摸摸头,要是懒或者觉得改和没改你感觉差不多的话就无视我
01:45 smallboat: 沒關係
01:45 tutuhaha: 01:20:888 (1,2,3,4) - 这块感觉没必要那么大间距
01:45 smallboat: 在小一點?
01:45 tutuhaha: 不如说可以搞大间距的地方有,但是最大间距放在这里感觉太奇怪了
01:45 tutuhaha: 01:21:888 (1,2,3,4) - same
01:45 smallboat: 想說成個蝴蝶形
01:46 smallboat: 如果是你該怎麼擺 @_@?
01:46 tutuhaha: 这蝴蝶有点太扁,建议翅膀缩短以找回正常蝴蝶的样子._.【漏
01:46 tutuhaha: 01:22:555 (5,1) - 这里的间距可以再大一点
01:47 smallboat: 好
01:47 tutuhaha: 我的话一般不会在没有重音的地方放那么大的间距....就那么单纯...而且我摆造型其实很烂的
01:47 smallboat: 是喔
01:48 smallboat: 我等下試下.
01:48 tutuhaha: 01:25:888 (8,9) - 这个ctrl+g一下._.b?
01:48 smallboat: 咦 不錯耶 我怎沒注意..
01:48 tutuhaha: 01:30:555 (8) - ctrl+g一下
01:49 smallboat: 好
01:49 tutuhaha: 01:33:722 (2) - 加大那种跳的感觉的话,缩小1和2之间的间距就行了,其实没必要吧4和3放那么远...这么温柔的歌其实...恩这个跳太大了
01:50 smallboat: 恩 好..
01:52 tutuhaha: 01:37:555 (3,4,1) - 间距搞一样,现在3-4 1.22x 4-1 1.13x有点明显
01:52 smallboat: 的確..ok
01:52 tutuhaha: 格子问题的话吧grid snap关掉
01:53 smallboat: 我都開最小
01:53 smallboat: 的百
01:53 tutuhaha: 开最小偶尔也会有这种事情发生的
01:53 smallboat: 好
01:53 tutuhaha: 我深有体会【不开小格子做不了图的强迫症
01:54 smallboat: xd
01:54 smallboat: 呵
01:54 smallboat: 感覺這個還是有好多問題
01:55 smallboat: 不之445怎給星的 呵
01:55 tutuhaha: 01:42:222 (2,3) - 这个间距稍微缩小点,首先这里没必要跳那么远,其次为了跳你都出格了至于么Orz....
01:55 tutuhaha: 不不不他们给星是给星,泡照样不给╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭...
01:55 smallboat: 上次給frost看 有些撞血調
01:55 smallboat: 很尷尬
01:55 smallboat: 恩恩
01:55 tutuhaha: 好美丽
01:55 tutuhaha: 好没了
01:56 smallboat: ok
01:56 tutuhaha: 说你是不是看到群里说2ha上线了才跑过来找我的▄︻┻┳═一……
01:56 tutuhaha: 老实交代
01:56 smallboat: 咦不是 ..
01:56 tutuhaha: ._.
01:56 smallboat: 是這邊遊戲有+你看你有上
01:56 smallboat: >_>
01:56 smallboat: >_q
01:56 tutuhaha: 那为啥今天那么多人找我摸(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!
01:57 smallboat: 神麻婆(?
01:57 smallboat: 因為你好久沒上..
01:57 tutuhaha: 好久没上就给那么大工作压力?!要死的节奏
01:58 smallboat: @@
hi random mod


* 00:22:222 一直到这里我觉得滑条速度还能再低一点,很慢的滑条加上比较分散多分note在这种地方打起来会很爽

* 00:24:555 (2) - 我个人觉得让这个note和后面的三连间隔远一点会好打

* 00:25:555 (3) - 这个滑条单独用慢速

* 00:27:555 (1) - ^

* 00:30:222 (1) - ^

* 00:32:222 (6) - 放远一点做个跳,例如x:40 y:36

* 00:38:055 (1) - 这个也是减速

* 00:41:222 (5) - ^并且吧串的间距变小

* 00:43:555 (1,2) - 试着改一下这两个滑条的位置并且在中间加个note这样

* 00:56:555 (5) - 换成滑条这样,结尾压到蓝线红线我觉得都可以

* 01:05:222 (2,3,4) - 试试这样的节奏

* 01:13:222 (3) - 换成减速的滑条

* 01:10:555 (3) - 换成减速的滑条

* 01:18:388 这个地方加个note

* 01:21:555 (5,1) - 改成长的滑条。。。并且是减速的

* 01:47:388 (1) - 减速

* 01:50:222 (1,2,3,4,5) - 减速


* 00:33:222 (2,3,4,1,2) - 这个地方是不是可以摆个跳,什么五角星之类的

* 01:05:888 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这个地方我打不好,我试了试感觉这样好打一点
呃。。就是首先01:06:388 (2) - 和 放在01:06:055 (2) - 的位置,01:06:722 (2) - 放在01:06:388 (2) - 的位置,01:06:888 (1) - 放在01:07:055 (2) - 的位置,01:07:055 (2) - 放在01:06:722 (2) - 的位置。。。大概是这样

* 01:10:305 加个note(输入法为什么老是打出价格啊

* 01:42:222 (1) - 滑条头上放个3连

很好的图 (。・∀・)ノ゙☆~
Topic Starter



Mei wrote:

hi random mod
做的很好啊,这里只是些建议。大部分都是我个人的喜好啦仅供参考 謝謝,我會努力。


* 00:22:222 一直到这里我觉得滑条速度还能再低一点,很慢的滑条加上比较分散多分note在这种地方打起来会很爽 考慮,因為0.75已經很慢了,後面散NOTE我在想想怎擺吧 我也覺得想換

* 00:24:555 (2) - 我个人觉得让这个note和后面的三连间隔远一点会好打 好 已放遠一點

* 00:25:555 (3) - 这个滑条单独用慢速 好..OK 從1.10調1.00

* 00:27:555 (1) - ^ 這個就不了

* 00:30:222 (1) - ^ 這個就不了

* 00:32:222 (6) - 放远一点做个跳,例如x:40 y:36

* 00:38:055 (1) - 这个也是减速 應該是可以 我改了

* 00:41:222 (5) - ^并且吧串的间距变小 不用了

* 00:43:555 (1,2) - 试着改一下这两个滑条的位置并且在中间加个note这样 改了一些

* 00:56:555 (5) - 换成滑条这样,结尾压到蓝线红线我觉得都可以

* 01:05:222 (2,3,4) - 试试这样的节奏 不了 想放滿點

* 01:13:222 (3) - 换成减速的滑条 覺得還OK,已換

* 01:10:555 (3) - 换成减速的滑条 我想對應這個01:07:555 (1,2,3) -所以不換

* 01:18:388 这个地方加个note 好,加一個

* 01:21:555 (5,1) - 改成长的滑条。。。并且是减速的 這是一個pattern 所以不換

* 01:47:388 (1) - 减速

* 01:50:222 (1,2,3,4,5) - 减速 不了,因為前面串子也沒減速

很好的图 (。・∀・)ノ゙☆~ 謝謝你的評語和star
謝謝Mei 的random建議,有些都改了,稍後UP。 以後有空再摸你圖。
no change thx for modding
00:08:888 (3) - 使得他迎合00:08:555 (2) - 跳的趋势?
00:31:555 (4,5) - 这放得比较莫名啊...我是说排版
00:32:555 (1) - 叠在00:32:222 (6) - 下面?
00:44:555 (5) - 使得他和00:44:388 (4,6) - 间距一致?
00:49:888 (4) - 为什么这个会想下滑条?我倒是比较倾向他出00:46:888 (2) - 这种音的时候下一个滑条
00:52:222 (3,6) - ^
01:02:888 (3,4) - 这链接有点勉强
01:10:555 (3,1) - 叠起来或者用1.0x或更大的间距
01:18:555 (1,2,3) - 叠一块
01:56:388 (5) - 这里变1/2滑条然后01:56:722 - 这里分明是个长音,要么长滑条要么hold滑条

00:26:555 (2) - ctrl+g?
00:36:222 (3,4) - 这里是一个1/2长音,而你选择了继续放note,我觉得这样下节奏比较莫名
00:39:055 (4,5) - ^
01:50:138 (5) - remove

No kd this post
Chat #1
20:13 *OniJAM is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Insane]]
20:13 smallboat: 0.0
20:13 OniJAM: 00:03:222 (2) - whistle?
20:14 OniJAM: 随手摸一下 无聊现在
20:14 smallboat: 恩 好
20:14 smallboat: 我也覺得這邊好像忘了+
20:15 OniJAM: 00:07:055 (4) - whistle移到00:06:888 (3) -
20:15 OniJAM: 00:05:222 - 可以加一个whistle
20:16 OniJAM: 00:05:555 - 调到15%
20:16 smallboat: 好的
20:16 smallboat: 15不會太小?
20:17 OniJAM: 00:10:555 (4,5,6) - 开头都whistle
20:17 OniJAM: 因为你之前设置的都是15啊
20:18 OniJAM: 我觉得可以提到20或者25
20:18 smallboat: 恩現在開頭有提高到25
20:18 OniJAM: 00:05:888 - 这里之后的绿线我觉得可以参考前面你怎么加的 也来几个减音
20:19 OniJAM: 00:10:555 (4,5,6) - 记得fixed
20:19 OniJAM: 滑条尾我觉得可以减到25
20:19 OniJAM: 这样不至于那么吵
20:19 OniJAM: 00:12:388 (3) - whistle move to 00:12:222 (2) -
20:20 smallboat: 好
20:20 OniJAM: 00:14:722 (6) - 开头的whistle可以去掉?
20:20 OniJAM: 你考虑一下
20:20 OniJAM: 我觉得有点吵
20:21 smallboat: 好像有.
20:21 OniJAM: 00:24:888 - 以后除了finish就没有别的音效了?
20:22 smallboat: 0.0
20:22 smallboat: 加個clap?
20:22 OniJAM: 加clap
20:23 OniJAM: 和yuki一样加法吧
20:23 OniJAM: 00:25:888 - clap
20:23 smallboat: ok我參考看
20:23 OniJAM: 后面也是24clap
20:23 smallboat: 所以24888也+clap?
20:24 OniJAM: 00:25:222 - 要
20:24 OniJAM: 24888不用
20:24 OniJAM: 长白线和位于两根长白线中间的白线不要clap
20:25 OniJAM: 每一小节的00:25:222 - 和00:25:888 - 位置
20:25 smallboat: 好
20:25 OniJAM: 00:29:555 (1) - 首尾都whistle一下 做个点缀 更好听
20:25 smallboat: ok
20:25 OniJAM: 00:32:555 (1) - clap加到这里停掉(这个要加)
20:26 OniJAM: 就是按24clap加上去
20:26 OniJAM: 00:34:222 (7,8) -
20:26 OniJAM: 78滑条头都加finish
20:26 OniJAM: delete 8 尾的clap
20:27 OniJAM: 00:35:888 (1) - 可以finish
20:27 OniJAM: finish+clap
20:27 smallboat: ok
20:27 OniJAM: 00:38:555 (1) - 和这个一样
20:27 smallboat: 恩0.0
20:27 smallboat: 感覺忘了+好多音效
20:28 OniJAM: 00:41:555 (6,1) - 这个节奏好奇怪
20:28 smallboat: 0.0
20:28 smallboat: 有嗎
20:29 OniJAM: 我建议是00:41:555 - 放note
20:29 OniJAM: 00:41:888 (1) - 提前到00:41:722 -
20:29 OniJAM: 00:42:222 - 放note
20:29 OniJAM: 因为00:41:722 - 和00:42:222 - 都是很重的音
20:29 smallboat: 好
20:29 smallboat: 恩@@
20:29 OniJAM: 你就这样用滑条尾带过去啦?
20:30 smallboat: 可能這邊沒注意就過去了
20:30 OniJAM: 而且00:41:888 - 这里并不是特别值得下滑条头的音
20:30 OniJAM: 00:41:722 - 才是拉音的开始
20:30 OniJAM: 所以建议这么改
20:31 OniJAM: 00:44:555 (5,6) - delete finish?
20:31 smallboat: 好 我覺得這ok
20:31 smallboat: 恩
20:32 OniJAM: 00:46:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - whistle下的太奇怪了> <
20:32 smallboat: orz
20:32 OniJAM: 建议全都2whistle
20:32 smallboat: 好@@
20:32 OniJAM: 就是00:46:888 (2) - 类似这里
20:32 OniJAM: 3whistle
20:32 OniJAM: 打错*
20:32 OniJAM: 3
20:32 smallboat: 所以是3?
20:33 OniJAM: 因为这里music突然给了个高音
20:33 smallboat: 好
20:33 OniJAM: 00:48:222 (6) -
20:33 OniJAM: 00:49:555 (3) -
20:33 OniJAM: 举了几个例子
20:33 OniJAM: 应该动了吧
20:33 OniJAM: 就这里加 其它地方不要加
20:33 smallboat: 高音+whistle就是了?
20:33 smallboat: 有聽出來
20:34 OniJAM: 对
20:34 OniJAM: 我感觉你的whistle有点是想跟钢琴音的变化
20:34 OniJAM: 但是太乱了
20:34 OniJAM: 不太好
20:34 smallboat: ok
20:35 OniJAM: 01:06:722 - clap
20:35 OniJAM: 01:06:888 - delete finish&clap
20:36 OniJAM: 01:07:388 - 可以加whistle?
20:36 OniJAM: 01:07:555 (1) - whistle
20:37 OniJAM: 01:07:888 (3) - missing whistle
20:37 OniJAM: 还有01:08:555 - 01:09:222 -
20:37 smallboat: 好
20:37 OniJAM: 01:09:222 - delete clap
20:37 smallboat: ok
20:37 OniJAM: 01:10:555 (3) -
20:37 OniJAM: 这个delete clap
20:38 OniJAM: 刚刚复制错了
20:38 OniJAM: sorry
20:38 OniJAM: 01:09:222 (4) - 要clap
20:38 smallboat: 好@@
20:38 OniJAM: 01:10:555 (3) - delete clap是因为这里声音太轻
20:38 OniJAM: 你开25%能听的出来
20:38 smallboat: 也是
20:39 smallboat: 有
20:39 OniJAM: 01:11:222 - whistle
20:39 OniJAM: 其实就是24whistle啦
20:40 OniJAM: 01:13:222 (3) - delete clap
20:40 smallboat: 好的
20:40 OniJAM: 01:13:888 - delete clap
20:40 OniJAM: 当然whistle照加
20:40 smallboat: 好
20:40 OniJAM: 你应该懂要加到哪里
20:41 smallboat: 懂
20:41 smallboat: 24
20:41 OniJAM: 01:08:888 - 01:09:222 - 加finish
20:42 OniJAM: 和你01:14:222 - 01:14:555 - 一样
20:42 smallboat: 好的
20:42 OniJAM: 01:11:555 - 01:12:222 - finish
20:42 smallboat: 好
20:42 OniJAM: 01:15:722 - delete clap
20:43 OniJAM: 24whistle加到01:15:555 - 为止
20:43 smallboat: ok
20:43 OniJAM: 01:16:555 (4) - 把whistle和clap都delete掉?
20:43 smallboat: 恩可以
20:44 OniJAM: 背景音这里什么都没有
20:44 smallboat: 好
20:44 OniJAM: 01:17:055 (5) - 换成在01:17:222 - 的一个note?
20:44 OniJAM: 01:17:055 - 这里背景音也是什么都没有
20:45 smallboat: 是說在222+個note?
20:45 OniJAM: 对
20:45 OniJAM: 删掉滑条
20:45 OniJAM: 在01:17:222 - 加note
20:45 smallboat: ok
20:45 smallboat: 好
20:46 OniJAM: 01:22:555 - 删掉whistle
20:46 smallboat: ok
20:46 OniJAM: 01:20:805 - 声音调小一点
20:46 OniJAM: 如果你不嫌累的话01:21:388 - 01:22:388 - 还可以调更小
20:47 OniJAM: 加几根绿线改一下
20:47 smallboat: 那我考慮下
20:47 smallboat: 好
20:47 OniJAM: okay
20:48 OniJAM: 刚刚那个你自己看着办不是特别重要
20:48 OniJAM: 总体声音小就行
20:48 smallboat: ok
20:48 smallboat: 還有什麼節奏怪怪的0.0
20:48 OniJAM: 01:23:555 -
20:48 OniJAM: kiai啊
20:48 OniJAM: 你啊
20:48 OniJAM: 为什么1234都clap
20:49 smallboat: orz
20:49 OniJAM: soooooo noisyyyyyy
20:49 smallboat: 咦 沒注意
20:49 OniJAM: 24clap如何
20:49 smallboat: ok
20:49 OniJAM: 和00:24:888 - 一段的音效加法一样
20:49 smallboat: 恩 24clap
20:50 OniJAM: 01:30:222 - 01:30:555 - 01:30:888 - 01:31:222 - 加whistle
20:50 OniJAM: 知道为什么么?
20:51 smallboat: 24?
20:51 smallboat: 還是重音
20:51 OniJAM: 和00:31:555 - 00:31:888 - 00:31:888 - 00:32:555 - 让你加的理由一样
20:51 OniJAM: 不觉得全是clap很无聊么
20:51 OniJAM: 所以点缀一下
20:52 smallboat: 好的
20:52 OniJAM: 01:30:222 (7,8,9,1) - 记得这里滑条头尾的clap都删掉
20:52 smallboat: ok
20:53 OniJAM: 01:31:555 - 01:32:222 - 01:32:888 - 01:33:222 - 01:33:555 - 可以考虑加whistle
20:53 OniJAM: 同样起点缀作用
20:53 smallboat: 好
20:53 OniJAM: 还有01:33:888 (3,4) -
20:53 OniJAM: 也是whistle
20:54 smallboat: 好0.0
20:54 OniJAM: 从01:34:222 - 开始
20:54 OniJAM: 知道我要说什么么?(学包子)
20:55 smallboat: whistle?
20:55 OniJAM: sad
20:55 smallboat: >_<
20:55 smallboat: clap?
20:55 OniJAM: yes...
20:55 OniJAM: 24clap
20:56 OniJAM: 01:34:888 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - 中间的finish去掉
20:56 OniJAM: 太吵
20:56 smallboat: 好
20:56 smallboat: 我感覺我+的都13clap
20:56 smallboat: orz
20:56 OniJAM: 这里好像是13clap了没错
20:56 OniJAM: 改成24
20:57 OniJAM: 音效也要有整体性
20:57 smallboat: 好
20:57 OniJAM: 01:40:888 - 01:41:222 - 01:41:555 - 01:41:888 -
20:57 OniJAM: 01:43:555 - 01:43:888 -
20:58 OniJAM: 这两块分别应该加什么呢
20:58 OniJAM: 我之前mod有说过的
20:59 smallboat: 綠線?
20:59 OniJAM: ……
20:59 smallboat: @@
20:59 OniJAM: 我觉得吧
20:59 smallboat: 我剛看了一下是提高音量
20:59 OniJAM: 小船你的音效还有很大的进步空间
20:59 smallboat: 好
21:00 OniJAM: 不对吧
21:00 OniJAM: 我说的提高音量不是那儿吧
21:00 OniJAM: 前面那4个是加whistle啊
21:00 smallboat: 咦
21:00 OniJAM: 点缀
21:00 OniJAM: 还记得吧
21:00 OniJAM: 后面两个是加finish
21:01 OniJAM: 和00:34:222 - 00:34:555 - 一样的道理
21:01 smallboat: 這就整體性?
21:01 OniJAM: 对啊
21:01 OniJAM: 同样一个旋律
21:01 OniJAM: 自然音效下法最好是一样的
21:02 smallboat: ok
21:02 OniJAM: 顺便我觉得00:32:888 (3,4) - 可以delete clap
21:02 OniJAM: 00:32:888 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 人声是越来越重的
21:02 smallboat: 恩有
21:03 OniJAM: 所以3456可以做出有点提高的感觉
21:03 smallboat: 瞭
21:03 OniJAM: 00:38:055 - 这个whistle我有没有叫你删掉?
21:03 OniJAM: 删了
21:03 smallboat: ok
21:04 OniJAM: 00:41:222 - 00:41:472 - 这两个绿线应该是N:C1的绿线
21:05 smallboat: 不是s?
21:05 OniJAM: 对
21:06 OniJAM: 00:41:555 - 00:41:555 (6,1) - 这两个明显应该是同一个音效组
21:06 smallboat: 所以調完後把41222的clap去掉?
21:06 OniJAM: 00:41:555 (6) - 首位都删
21:06 smallboat: 恩有
21:06 OniJAM: 首尾*
21:07 smallboat: 好
21:07 OniJAM: 我刚才没发现
21:07 OniJAM: 仔细听才听出来的
21:07 smallboat: 是喔
21:07 OniJAM: 01:45:222 -
21:07 OniJAM: 从这里开始
21:07 OniJAM: 和刚刚一样
21:07 OniJAM: 24clap
21:07 OniJAM: 多余的clap删掉
21:07 OniJAM: 01:50:555 -
21:08 OniJAM: 你看你这里后面就没有那两条绿线
21:08 OniJAM: 01:50:888 (6,7) -
21:08 smallboat: 對耶
21:08 OniJAM: 和我在00:41:555 (6,1) - 提到的改法一样
21:08 smallboat: 好
21:09 OniJAM: 01:54:222 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 删掉所有clap
21:09 OniJAM: sample提高到70%
21:09 OniJAM: 这一段
21:09 OniJAM: 我想想
21:10 OniJAM: 白线加clap就好了
21:10 smallboat: 好的
21:10 OniJAM: 01:56:722 - clap
21:11 OniJAM: 01:56:888 (7) - 01:57:222 - delete clap
21:11 OniJAM: 01:57:388 - clap
21:11 OniJAM: 01:57:722 (2) - ^
21:11 smallboat: ok
21:13 smallboat: ok
21:17 smallboat: 還有?
21:18 OniJAM: Insane大概没了
21:18 OniJAM: YukInsane刚刚看了一下
21:18 *OniJAM is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [YukInsane]]
21:18 OniJAM: 大致还好啦
21:18 OniJAM: 00:35:055 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
21:18 OniJAM: 但是这里
21:18 OniJAM: 强烈建议不要这样连打
21:19 OniJAM: 日卡之前跟我说过
21:19 smallboat: 呵呵你跟他講
21:19 OniJAM: 我知道
21:19 OniJAM: 反正就这一点啦
21:19 OniJAM: 其它都还过得去
21:19 smallboat: ok
21:19 OniJAM: 实在不行参考我给你的Insane改的音效就好
21:19 *OniJAM is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Hard]]
21:20 OniJAM: 强烈强烈强烈建议 AR-1
21:20 smallboat: 因為OD6?
21:20 OniJAM: 00:08:888 (3) - 漏了个whistle
21:20 smallboat: OD7才要AR8?
21:20 OniJAM: 感觉AR8太高
21:20 smallboat: 好
21:21 smallboat: 好
21:21 OniJAM: 586再怎么说不平衡
21:21 OniJAM: 要不687 686要不576 676这样
21:21 OniJAM: 我感觉AR7比较好
21:21 smallboat: 好
21:22 OniJAM: 这个毕竟你不是我黑白那样最高难度 BPM也挺高的
21:22 OniJAM: AR8可能太为难玩家了
21:22 smallboat: 也是
21:22 OniJAM: 总体感觉吧
21:23 smallboat: 0.0恩
21:23 OniJAM: 还可以
21:23 OniJAM: 略微有点无聊
21:23 OniJAM: 特别是开头那段
21:23 smallboat: 恩
21:23 OniJAM: 声音挺低点的那里
21:23 smallboat: 恩跟INS差不多
21:23 OniJAM: 你一直在那里顺时针放note
21:23 OniJAM: 但是没有太大的问题啦
21:24 smallboat: 一直繞圈就是了?
21:24 OniJAM: 01:18:055 (1) - 结尾移到01:20:888 -
21:24 OniJAM: 我是觉得一直绕圈不太好
21:24 OniJAM: 个人风格问题啦
21:24 OniJAM: 所以没有关系
21:25 smallboat: 恩 不知道怎麼發揮所以就放這樣了
21:25 smallboat: 怎麼放都一樣
21:25 OniJAM: 没事
21:25 *OniJAM is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Normal]]
21:26 OniJAM: 你是因为超星了才把HP-1了?
21:26 smallboat: 可是我也想改變
21:26 smallboat: 恩
21:27 OniJAM: 00:46:222 - 从这开始改稀疏一点
21:27 OniJAM: 明明是一个声音很低的部分
21:28 OniJAM: Normal就不要和其它地方一个难度水平了
21:28 smallboat: 好
21:28 OniJAM: 该放松一点放一点
21:28 smallboat: note全去掉?
21:28 OniJAM: 01:08:888 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 改到和这个差不多密度
21:28 OniJAM: > <
21:28 OniJAM: 没叫你全去掉note
21:28 OniJAM: 只是说删一些
21:28 OniJAM: 不要太紧
21:28 OniJAM: 降难度
21:28 OniJAM: 然后HP+1
21:29 smallboat: 好
21:29 OniJAM: 01:13:555 (1,2,3,4) - 一样
21:30 smallboat: 也是弄稀疏點?
21:30 OniJAM: 改成像
21:30 OniJAM: 节奏建议
21:30 OniJAM: 不要看note摆的位置 我随便放的
21:31 smallboat: 好
21:31 OniJAM: 只改稀疏这一个地方就从3.23降到3.18了
21:31 OniJAM: HP+1又是3.23了
21:31 smallboat: 對耶
21:31 OniJAM: 前面再改稀疏一点
21:31 OniJAM: 难度可以更低
21:32 smallboat: 好
21:32 OniJAM: 好的
21:32 OniJAM: 我的mod给完了
21:32 OniJAM: 这些改完
21:32 smallboat: OK
21:32 OniJAM: 大概可以给你加1分
21:32 OniJAM: 59/60
21:33 OniJAM: 因为我觉得排列还有问题
21:33 OniJAM: 特别是Hard和Insane
21:33 smallboat: orz
21:33 OniJAM: 看着不太舒服
21:33 smallboat: 恩
21:33 OniJAM: 这时候你就应该去找Fycho
21:33 smallboat: 之前找他很多次
21:33 OniJAM: 他最后帮你改改排列
21:34 OniJAM: 找找别人可能也行
21:34 OniJAM: 怎么说呢
21:35 OniJAM: 我再看看
21:36 OniJAM: 作为1st的话可能能过
21:36 smallboat: 因為看了很多圖 還是排這樣
21:36 smallboat: 什麼1ST?
21:36 OniJAM: 主要flow不是特别好
21:36 OniJAM: 第一张图
21:37 OniJAM: 1st beatmap
21:37 smallboat: 恩
21:37 smallboat: 我怎麼感覺這張只會打9.0
21:38 OniJAM: 01:25:555 (7,8,9,1) - 比如这个打着就挺不舒服的
21:39 smallboat: 89換一下?
21:41 OniJAM: 01:26:055 (9) - 移到320:200?
21:41 smallboat: 好
21:41 OniJAM: 可能能顺手一点
21:41 OniJAM: 因为后面不好改
21:42 OniJAM: 后面你blanket和flow都做的很好
21:42 OniJAM: 这里动会影响到后面
21:42 smallboat: 雖然好 可是排列..
21:44 OniJAM: 唉
21:44 OniJAM: 我也想不出更多的解决方法了
21:44 smallboat: 想改善~~
21:44 smallboat: ><
21:44 OniJAM: 可能只能多靠mod
21:44 OniJAM: 听听别人意见
21:44 smallboat: 很多了說..
21:45 OniJAM: 感觉是mod质量?
21:45 OniJAM: 还是说你中间有re几次
21:45 smallboat: 沒RE
21:45 OniJAM: 感觉音效问题我摸之前挺明显的
21:46 OniJAM: 从我第一次摸图开始到现在应该有大概30个mod
21:46 smallboat: 可能後來靠感覺+ 又全亂了
21:46 OniJAM: 可能吧
21:46 OniJAM: 你主要音效整体感不太强
21:46 OniJAM: 然后就是举一反三的能力……
21:46 smallboat: 是
21:47 smallboat: 想像力?
21:47 OniJAM: 就是我今天告诉你了一些下音效的技巧 你以后能不能类似的用出来
21:48 smallboat: 好
21:48 OniJAM: 改mod的时候modder好的想法接受了之后要想一下这首歌其它类似的地方能不能用
21:48 smallboat: 好的
21:49 OniJAM: 就先这样吧
21:49 OniJAM: 我po到论坛

Chat #2
14:30 OniJAM: 在?
14:30 smallboat: 有
14:30 *OniJAM is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Insane]]
14:30 OniJAM: 00:31:555 - 00:31:888 - 00:32:222 - 00:32:555 - whistle
14:30 smallboat: 好
14:30 smallboat: ok
14:31 OniJAM: 01:48:055 - 01:48:222 - 删掉clap
14:31 smallboat: 好
14:32 OniJAM: 01:54:222 - 01:54:555 - 01:54:888 - 01:55:222 - 要不要都clap一下?
14:33 smallboat: ok 適合
14:33 OniJAM: 01:53:222 (1) - 这里的clap嘛
14:33 OniJAM: 你放在红线上了
14:33 OniJAM: 感觉是跟音乐变化
14:33 smallboat: 沒注意到0.0
14:33 OniJAM: 算了也可以
14:33 smallboat: 好
14:34 OniJAM: 那01:52:888 (4) - 加个clap吧
14:34 OniJAM: 配合一下后面
14:34 smallboat: ok
14:34 OniJAM: 另外我觉得01:53:222 (1) - NC可以移到01:52:888 (4) -
14:35 smallboat: 可以?
14:36 smallboat: ok修正
14:37 OniJAM: 可NC?
14:37 OniJAM: 00:14:222 (1) -
14:38 smallboat: 好
14:38 OniJAM: 00:14:722 - 这里的话我昨晚和你说的是删掉whistle 你照做了
14:38 OniJAM: 但是好像有点空
14:38 OniJAM: 你看着办
14:38 OniJAM: 这里可以加whistle
14:38 smallboat: ok
14:39 OniJAM: 如果你觉得加舒服就加
14:39 smallboat: 恩 開頭還是加一下好了
14:39 OniJAM: 嗯 好的
14:41 OniJAM: 00:35:055 (1) - 开头finish删了
14:41 smallboat: ok
14:42 OniJAM: 00:41:222 - 漏clap
14:42 smallboat: ok
14:44 smallboat: 阿 柔和段我還沒排列 只排音效
14:45 OniJAM: 00:45:888 - 开头finish换clap
14:46 OniJAM: 01:26:222 - 01:26:888 - 删finish
14:47 OniJAM: clap也删
14:48 OniJAM: 01:27:555 - 也删clap
14:48 OniJAM: 01:28:888 -
14:48 OniJAM: 01:29:555 (3) -
14:48 smallboat: 好
14:48 OniJAM: 我没写东西就是同上的意思
14:49 smallboat: 好
14:49 OniJAM: 01:34:888 - 删finish 太吵
14:49 OniJAM: 01:35:555 -
14:49 OniJAM: 01:36:222 (3) -
14:49 OniJAM: 01:36:888 -
14:49 OniJAM: 01:37:555 -
14:50 OniJAM: 01:41:555 (3) -
14:50 OniJAM: 这里还要删clap
14:50 OniJAM: 01:41:222 - 也删clap
14:50 OniJAM: 01:30:888 (9) - 删finish
14:51 OniJAM: 01:41:888 (1) - 删clap
14:51 OniJAM: 01:42:555 (3) -
14:51 OniJAM: 01:42:888 (4,5) - 这两个加clap
14:51 OniJAM: 01:43:888 -
14:52 OniJAM: 01:43:555 (6,7) - 这个note和滑条头的话
14:52 OniJAM: 如果你觉得finish+clap太吵 就只用finish
14:53 OniJAM: 不管加不加clap 最后00:34:222 (7,8) - 调成一样的
14:53 smallboat: ok
14:53 OniJAM: 建议不加clap
14:53 OniJAM: 可能会太吵
14:53 OniJAM: 01:41:888 (1) - NC move to01:42:222 (2) -
14:53 smallboat: ok
14:54 OniJAM: 01:48:888 (1) - NC move to 01:48:722 (6) -
14:54 OniJAM: 01:49:555 (5) - NC
14:54 OniJAM: 这两个NC改动是为了遵循音乐的节奏
14:55 smallboat: nc不太會用
14:55 OniJAM: 01:50:555 (5) - 可NC
14:55 OniJAM: NC根据不同歌曲用法不一样
14:55 OniJAM: 最简单的用法 长白线给NC
14:56 OniJAM: 这适用于节奏比较简单 没什么变化的歌曲
14:56 OniJAM: 比如我的黑白
14:56 OniJAM: 都是一根长白线给一个NC
14:56 OniJAM: 但是有一个例外
14:56 smallboat: 好
14:56 OniJAM: 就是NC第二种用法
14:56 OniJAM: 在滑条变速的时候NC
14:56 OniJAM: 提醒玩家这里变速了
14:57 smallboat: ok
14:57 OniJAM: 所以检查一下 凡是滑条速度和前一个滑条不一样 那么这个滑条就要加NC
14:57 OniJAM: 01:50:555 (1) - NC了么
14:58 OniJAM: 还有NC还可以来分割梗
14:58 smallboat: 分割?
14:59 OniJAM: 找例子ing
14:59 OniJAM: 01:33:222 (5,1,2,3,4,1) -
15:00 OniJAM: 01:33:555 (1,2,3,4) - 这里是一个单独的四角跳
15:00 smallboat: 恩對
15:00 OniJAM: 01:33:222 (5) - 则是跟着前面的滑条+三连
15:00 OniJAM: 起过渡连接
15:01 OniJAM: 01:34:222 (1) - 又引起了下一个部分
15:01 smallboat: 好
15:01 OniJAM: 所以中间这个四角跳就可以用NC和前后分割开
15:02 smallboat: 從 3 NC?
15:02 OniJAM: 我的意思是这1234是个整体
15:02 OniJAM: 不用断开
15:02 smallboat: 恩對
15:02 smallboat: 好
15:02 OniJAM: 但是可以和前后分割开
15:02 OniJAM: 所以你的NC是对的
15:02 OniJAM: 我只是举个例子
15:03 smallboat: 好
15:03 OniJAM: 01:53:222 (1) - NC move to 01:52:888 (4) -
15:03 OniJAM: 这里就是刚刚那个反例了
15:04 OniJAM: 首先01:52:888 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - 这个音乐是相对连续的
15:05 OniJAM: 但是01:53:222 - 有个人声
15:05 OniJAM: 所以按理也可以NC
15:05 OniJAM: 但是
15:05 smallboat: 恩有
15:05 OniJAM: 01:51:888 (1,2,3) - 和01:52:888 (4,5) - 相对是独立的
15:05 OniJAM: 前面是滑条构成的三角 后面是一个折返
15:05 OniJAM: 01:52:888 (4,5,1) - 而这三个是完整的折返跳
15:06 OniJAM: 因为NC的缘故 01:53:055 (5,1) - 游戏时是不会出现连线
15:06 smallboat: 好
15:06 OniJAM: 这样就有了读图的难度
15:06 OniJAM: 所以NC应该提前
15:07 smallboat: 恩 應該瞭解.
15:09 OniJAM: 00:25:555 - 这里的绿线变速怎么成1.00了
15:09 OniJAM: 调到1.10然后调整滑条
15:09 smallboat: 咦 好像是之前mod的..
15:11 OniJAM: 这里应该没有什么合理的理由减速
15:11 OniJAM: 没有必要
15:11 smallboat: 唔 也是
15:11 smallboat: 那我把1.00的都調回去
15:12 OniJAM: 00:36:722 (5) - 就那一个1.00改回去就行
15:12 OniJAM: 00:36:722 (5) - NC
15:12 OniJAM: 提前跳出来了ww
15:12 OniJAM: 1.00是刚刚我指出来的那一个
15:12 OniJAM: 其它1.00不用改
15:13 smallboat: 好
15:13 OniJAM: (话说我觉得用1.10实在有点奇怪)
15:13 OniJAM: 00:36:722 (5,8) - 这俩NC
15:13 OniJAM: 和后面01:46:055 (1,1) - 一样
15:14 OniJAM: 00:41:722 (1) - NC move to 00:41:222 (5) -
15:14 OniJAM: 00:42:222 (2) - NC
15:14 smallboat: 好
15:15 smallboat: 36722那個 我沒5跟8耶0.0
15:15 OniJAM: 00:42:222 (1) - 放到412:192?
15:16 OniJAM: 00:36:722 - 00:37:388 -
15:16 OniJAM: 这两个地方有NC就行
15:16 smallboat: 好
15:16 smallboat: 有看出來 ok
15:16 OniJAM: 00:42:222 (1) -
15:16 OniJAM: 这样放flow舒服一点
15:17 OniJAM: 而且00:42:222 (1,2,3,4) - 成菱形梗也好看一点
15:17 smallboat: 那疊在(7)?
15:17 OniJAM: 00:50:888 (1) - NC move to 00:51:555 (2) -
15:17 OniJAM: 对
15:17 OniJAM: 聪明
15:18 smallboat: 剛那個1
15:18 smallboat: ww
15:18 OniJAM: 00:54:555 (1) - NC move to 00:54:222 (7) -
15:18 OniJAM: 42222那个
15:18 OniJAM: 就是overlap在7上
15:18 smallboat: 好
15:18 OniJAM: 00:56:555 (1) - remove NC
15:19 OniJAM: 01:24:888 (5) - 可NC
15:20 OniJAM: 01:30:222 (1) - NC
15:20 OniJAM: 01:30:222 (7) -
15:20 OniJAM: 01:31:222 (1) - NC move to01:31:555 (2) -
15:21 OniJAM: 01:31:888 (1) - NC move to 01:32:222 (2) -
15:22 OniJAM: 01:32:555 (1) - NC move to 01:32:888 (2) -
15:22 OniJAM: 01:56:055 (1) - 01:56:888 (3) - 可NC
15:23 OniJAM: 00:04:388 (2) - 可whistle
15:24 OniJAM: 00:17:722 (5) - 可remove whistle
15:25 OniJAM: okay
15:25 OniJAM: 目测暂时没有了
15:25 smallboat: OK 那我UP
15:27 OniJAM: ok

lkx_Shore wrote:

00:26:555 (2) - ctrl+g? nope
00:36:222 (3,4) - 这里是一个1/2长音,而你选择了继续放note,我觉得这样下节奏比较莫名 我觉得没啥问题ww
00:39:055 (4,5) - ^ ^
01:50:138 (5) - remove

至于那个连打 我再考虑下

Muzu and Oni have both 5-5 settings. Two possible options :
  1. If you want to keep 5-5 on Muzukashii: In Oni, increase difficulty settings by 1. You'll then have 6-6.
  2. If you want to keep 5-5 on Oni: In Muzukashii, decrease difficulty settings by 1, to have 4-4.
Up to you to change how you want.

Some flow breaks that makes the map stay off the song. Some are quite important.

First green timing point is not useful at all, please consider removing it. (at 889ms)

00:00:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52) - (Beside the eights), this pattern is... how to say it... very off-standing. I know you want to map stuff so you've mapped to the vocals, but is that necessary to put a note to each syllable..? It's overdoing, there (although not overmapping.)
00:46:222 (157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191) - Same goes here, the song is very calm compared to your mapping.

00:29:222 (82,83,84) - Honestly the last note is the lowest-pitched of the three. If you put kkd instead, I am convinced that first it fits more in terms of consistency, and that's a bonus added for the don pattern it makes.
00:29:555 (84,85,86) - Why are all those notes big ?
00:31:222 (90,91,92) - I don't think kdk fits the best here. Invert 91 and 92.
00:32:888 (98,99,100,101,102,103) - Not too convinced that this pattern plays nice... The best would be full dons, then finishers as the two closing notes.
00:35:555 - Add a note here, you hear a kick.
00:39:388 (124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132) - You've used 1/2, but haven't here : 00:43:222 (144,145,146) - .
00:43:888 (146) - Put a finisher, since you've done to every other "yeah".
00:56:888 (191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202) - I don't like this pattern that much (because it doesn't fit as much as you think it does), but a nice variation to it is : (cursor on 00:57:555 (195) - )
00:59:888 (204,205,206,207,208) - Same goes here; I think the 4th note is too much.
01:00:888 (208,209,210,211,212,213) - This pattern plays... very odd.
01:02:222 (214) - D ? K doesn't fit as much.
01:07:555 (236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263) - I'll have to be honest, this pattern plays as weird as the two at the beginning. Try cutting down to 2/1s, instead.
01:18:555 (264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278) - make a 8-6-1 pattern, instead of a 6-8-1 ?
01:21:555 (280,281,282) - kkd ? you'll have dons on the guitar only.
01:28:222 (307,308,309) - Finishers aren't necessary.
01:29:555 (311,312,313,314,315) - ddkkd, it will work better this way.
01:31:555 (320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331) - Plays odd, vocal mapping doesn't work well here.
01:38:889 (350,351,352) - Same as 01:28:222 (307,308,309) -
01:40:222 (354,355,356,357,358) - See 01:29:555 (311,312,313,314,315) -
01:58:055 (1) - Move it to 01:58:222 (1) - , and put a note before (where the spinner stood before.)

Also, 01:46:056 (376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384) - (and similar) - These patterns are a bit long for a muzukashii...

This diff need a lot of work. I will work on the Oni later, but first look at this.
沒有很大的問題,老實說已經有這麼多MOD了應該問題不多才對- -

01:30:888 (3) - 放反了??
01:50:055 (4,5) - 距離拉遠一點,黏在一起了

00:04:722 (1) - 旋轉6度,去做微調比較好看
00:05:222 (2,1) - 把滑條的弧度和圈圈對好吧
00:12:222 (2,3) - 這裡和 00:12:388 (3,4,5) 的距儀不太一樣,可以微調一下
00:15:888 (5) - 包好上一個滑條的尾巴,調整一下弧度
00:38:055 (1) - 感覺這個滑條藍線結尾比較好
00:51:555 (1,2) - 距離微調
01:28:888 (1) - 弧度和 01:29:222 (2) 一樣比較好
01:29:722 (4) - 有點太彎了,和上一個一樣比較好
01:30:555 (2) - 尾巴的點往右移一小格
01:31:888 (4) - 原地旋轉3度
01:34:555 (2) - 弧度包好上一個滑條尾巴
01:36:888 (1) - 包好circle (5)
01:51:222 (3) - 弧度包好上一個滑條尾巴

00:13:888 (2) - 頭和 00:12:722 (4) 尾巴重疊??
00:30:722 (2) - 排成一個正三角形吧,不然感覺好怪
00:42:222 (1) - 弧度有點彎,微調一下
01:12:222 (5) - 弧度和下一個滑條一樣比較好
01:21:055 - +break
01:51:555 (3) - 彎曲點往下拉2小格
01:52:222 (5,1) - 弧度對好滑條尾巴??

01:20:888 (1) - break
01:30:222 (1) - 包好circle (2)
01:44:388 (4) - 調好吧...- -




m1223961117 wrote:

沒有很大的問題,老實說已經有這麼多MOD了應該問題不多才對- -

01:30:888 (3) - 放反了?? 故意的
01:50:055 (4,5) - 距離拉遠一點,黏在一起了
Topic Starter


m1223961117 wrote:

我來MOD了^^ 謝謝來喔
沒有很大的問題,老實說已經有這麼多MOD了應該問題不多才對- - 是沒什麼大問題啦..只是說剩排版方面吧

00:04:722 (1) - 旋轉6度,去做微調比較好看 算的還真精細 已修
00:05:222 (2,1) - 把滑條的弧度和圈圈對好吧 已修
00:12:222 (2,3) - 這裡和 00:12:388 (3,4,5) 的距儀不太一樣,可以微調一下 已修
00:15:888 (5) - 包好上一個滑條的尾巴,調整一下弧度 已修
00:38:055 (1) - 感覺這個滑條藍線結尾比較好 也是可以,但考慮到距離就不修了,這樣點擊會很緊張

00:51:555 (1,2) - 距離微調
01:28:888 (1) - 弧度和 01:29:222 (2) 一樣比較好 已調
01:29:722 (4) - 有點太彎了,和上一個一樣比較好
01:30:555 (2) - 尾巴的點往右移一小格
01:31:888 (4) - 原地旋轉3度 OK
01:34:555 (2) - 弧度包好上一個滑條尾巴
01:36:888 (1) - 包好circle (5)
01:51:222 (3) - 弧度包好上一個滑條尾巴

00:13:888 (2) - 頭和 00:12:722 (4) 尾巴重疊?? 忘記疊了 已修
00:30:722 (2) - 排成一個正三角形吧,不然感覺好怪 OK 已調
00:42:222 (1) - 弧度有點彎,微調一下
01:12:222 (5) - 弧度和下一個滑條一樣比較好 已修
01:21:055 - +break 不太需要..3Q
01:51:555 (3) - 彎曲點往下拉2小格
01:52:222 (5,1) - 弧度對好滑條尾巴??

01:20:888 (1) - break 考慮
01:30:222 (1) - 包好circle (2)
01:44:388 (4) - 調好吧...- - 好 還不錯


音效線可以放在滑條頭尾的那條線上沒有關係,沒有影響 OK有空再試試
這下次作圖的時候可以試試看 OK

做得很好,加油 好的 Rank已近
謝謝m1223961117的細節mod,白天再UP。 :) (如果你要MOD可以找我)
Sayuki Fujimi
Here's my mod :D


-There's some hitobjects a bit out of the grid, my screen is a 4:3 size,
those hitobject overlap my screen border.
Exemple: those -> 00:27:555 (1) - 01:10:222 (1) - 01:26:888 (3) - 01:31:555 (1)

00:16:222 - You can add a slider here. ->like that:

01:57:222 - You can add a hitcircle here.


01:07:555 (1) - hitobject overlap my screen border.
01:15:888 (4) - This slider is a bit weird?

Very goodly mapped and your audio setting is awesome!
Also i'm hurry to see this ranked :).
Topic Starter

Dusicyon wrote:

Here's my mod :D OK


-There's some hitobjects a bit out of the grid, my screen is a 4:3 size, Your screen is too small? lol
those hitobject overlap my screen border.
Exemple: those -> 00:27:555 (1) - 01:10:222 (1) - 01:26:888 (3) - 01:31:555 (1) Oh? sorry overlap..I change a bit place.

00:16:222 - You can add a slider here. ->like that: no change

01:57:222 - You can add a hitcircle here. added


01:07:555 (1) - hitobject overlap my screen border. I change a bit place.
01:15:888 (4) - This slider is a bit weird? I change a bit place.

Very goodly mapped and your audio setting is awesome!
Also i'm hurry to see this ranked :).
Ok,thanks your star!

Thanks Dusicyon"s mod ! Wait for a moment to updated.
Hello there! You requested a mod in-game.

[General thoughts]

  1. There are inconsistencies in combo colours, preview times, letterboxes, and kiai times!

  1. Not a big fan of your HP4 here, it would be better (imo) to have it at HP 3 since it's quite slow normal diff
  2. 00:06:888 (3) - A curved slider here would fit nicely, it seems quite weird when only this slider is straight from the others
  3. 00:50:888 (1) - I'm pretty sure this NC isn't needed here
  4. 01:33:555 (4) - I would make this slider straight to fit with 01:31:555 (1,2,3) - better
  5. Pretty nice diff overall

  1. 00:00:888 (1,2) - I know what you wanted to do here, but it plays quite awkward, try something like this? It would be muuch better:
    You may need to adjust the next hitobjects a bit!
  2. 00:14:222 (3) - This jump wasn't that fun to play, felt too sudden, maybe decrease the spacing a bit?
  3. 00:37:555 (5) - ^
  4. 00:41:888 (4,1) - Blanket can be improved here :)
  5. 00:44:888 (1,1) - Not sure why these NC's here, seem to me that they're quite ueseless
  6. 00:52:222 (3,4,5) - (3) Doesn't play that great here so why don't you try something like this?
  7. 01:11:555 (3) - Curve this slider a bit more to match better with 01:10:222 (1,2) -
  8. 01:16:055 (2) - Shouldn't you have something similar here like 01:14:222 (3,4) - ?
  9. 01:46:055 (4,1) - This jump confused me, it's so sudden and so big, reduce it a bit maybe?
  10. 01:54:222 (1,2,3,4) - These doesn't fit at all, I would suggest to change the rhythm a bit
    Something like that would be much better
  11. Great hard difficulty :)

  1. -1 HP, HP8 is faar too high for such Insane :s
  2. The Insane itself was really fun to play, but there was some distance problems I'd like you to change
  3. 00:12:222 (2,3,4) - Why do you have such low distance here? Increase the spacing?
  4. 00:13:722 (2,3,4) - ^
  5. 00:26:888 (3,4,5,1) - And again such a low spacing compared to earlier objects, it doesn't play that well when you're jumping around the map and then suddenly things like this come D: Increase the spacing?
  6. 00:58:555 (6,7) - Erm, what? The distance between these two is huge, please decrease the spacing here :s
  7. 01:01:555 (7) - ^
  8. 01:12:222 (4) - This confused me a heck, like why isn't this slider muuuch closer to 01:12:055 (3) - ? Or if you want to keep that jump, atleast mark it with NC ( 01:12:222 (4) - ).
  9. 01:12:888 (1,2,3) - Came far too suddenly, would decrease the spacing here :P
  10. 01:18:555 (1) - Weird spacing, jump was quite sudden and unfitting here. Also, you could add some timing points here and increase the volume on each note or every second note since the music goes from silent to loud. It would be a nice effect (imo)
  11. 01:36:055 (2,3,4,5,6) - Weird spacing again, there's no point putting these so close to eachother? The rhythm doesn't change, the tempo doesn't change at all so dunno why these antijumps
  12. 01:40:222 (3,4,5) - ^
  13. 01:41:888 (4,5,1) - Too sudden (atleast for me)
  14. Fun diff otherwise
The other Insane difficulty was fine.

Sorry for my bad english, if you have any questions about my mod feel free to leave me a forum pm about it / talk to me in-game!
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

Hello there! You requested a mod in-game. Thanks accepted :)

[General thoughts]

  1. There are inconsistencies in combo colours, preview times, letterboxes, and kiai times! fixed..well ,The GD diff kiai time is not counting.

  1. Not a big fan of your HP4 here, it would be better (imo) to have it at HP 3 since it's quite slow normal diff fixed
  2. 00:06:888 (3) - A curved slider here would fit nicely, it seems quite weird when only this slider is straight from the others fixed
  3. 00:50:888 (1) - I'm pretty sure this NC isn't needed here Okay,fixed
  4. 01:33:555 (4) - I would make this slider straight to fit with 01:31:555 (1,2,3) - better fixed
  5. Pretty nice diff overall Thanks

  1. 00:00:888 (1,2) - I know what you wanted to do here, but it plays quite awkward, try something like this? It would be muuch better: Great,fixed
    You may need to adjust the next hitobjects a bit!
  2. 00:14:222 (3) - This jump wasn't that fun to play, felt too sudden, maybe decrease the spacing a bit? fixed,reduce a bit DS
  3. 00:37:555 (5) - ^ fixed,reduce a bit DS
  4. 00:41:888 (4,1) - Blanket can be improved here :) fixed
  5. 00:44:888 (1,1) - Not sure why these NC's here, seem to me that they're quite ueseless fixed
  6. 00:52:222 (3,4,5) - (3) Doesn't play that great here so why don't you try something like this? Great,fixed
  7. 01:11:555 (3) - Curve this slider a bit more to match better with 01:10:222 (1,2) - fixed
  8. 01:16:055 (2) - Shouldn't you have something similar here like 01:14:222 (3,4) - ? fixed
  9. 01:46:055 (4,1) - This jump confused me, it's so sudden and so big, reduce it a bit maybe? fixed,reduce a bit DS
  10. 01:54:222 (1,2,3,4) - These doesn't fit at all, I would suggest to change the rhythm a bit
    Something like that would be much better Great,fixed
  11. Great hard difficulty :) Thanks

  1. -1 HP, HP8 is faar too high for such Insane :s I consider it
  2. The Insane itself was really fun to play, but there was some distance problems I'd like you to change
  3. 00:12:222 (2,3,4) - Why do you have such low distance here? Increase the spacing? fixed
  4. 00:13:722 (2,3,4) - ^ fixed
  5. 00:26:888 (3,4,5,1) - And again such a low spacing compared to earlier objects, it doesn't play that well when you're jumping around the map and then suddenly things like this come D: Increase the spacing? fixed
  6. 00:58:555 (6,7) - Erm, what? The distance between these two is huge, please decrease the spacing here :s fixed,reduce a bit DS
  7. 01:01:555 (7) - ^ fixed,reduce a bit DS
  8. 01:12:222 (4) - This confused me a heck, like why isn't this slider muuuch closer to 01:12:055 (3) - ? Or if you want to keep that jump, atleast mark it with NC ( 01:12:222 (4) - ). fixed,already close the (3).
  9. 01:12:888 (1,2,3) - Came far too suddenly, would decrease the spacing here :P fixed,reduce a bit DS
  10. 01:18:555 (1) - Weird spacing, jump was quite sudden and unfitting here. Also, you could add some timing points here and increase the volume on each note or every second note since the music goes from silent to loud. It would be a nice effect (imo) fixed,already add green line adjust volume
  11. 01:36:055 (2,3,4,5,6) - Weird spacing again, there's no point putting these so close to eachother? The rhythm doesn't change, the tempo doesn't change at all so dunno why these antijumps fixed,increase a bit DS
  12. 01:40:222 (3,4,5) - ^ fixed,increase a bit DS
  13. 01:41:888 (4,5,1) - Too sudden (atleast for me) fixed,decrease a bit DS
  14. Fun diff otherwise OK
The other Insane difficulty was fine. OK

Sorry for my bad english, if you have any questions about my mod feel free to leave me a forum pm about it / talk to me in-game!
NV~I am understand your mod suggestion! OK.NP~!
Thanks Asphyxia's mod! Your mod very useful!
Mod in Chatting:


Can you change the title to Shining Grace no shining grace



00:20:722 (53) - It's Noise, You can change a cirlce
00:33:888 (101) - Change Big Dot or Dot
00:34:555 (103) - Change Big Dot to Dot
01:57:338 (430) and 01:57:722 - It's Noise, You can change a cirlce


00:20:888 (1) - Spinner is short. Change
00:35:919 (1,2) and 00:36:888 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remap
01:48:222 (3,4) - Change
01:52:888 (1,2,3,4) - I can't play, Remap



Yuki's Insane:


The Only and Good Luck^^
S o a p
00:24:388 (1,2) - 间距好小,放个大点的跳号码
00:24:888 (1,2,3,4) - flow不好吧
00:26:055 (4) - 这个四的位置不好,也没什么特别大的鼓音啥的,间距变小点吧
00:38:055 (1) - 速度再调低一点
01:06:222 (1,2,3) - 间距大一点...
01:18:555 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - 你这边既然声音越来越大那间距也要相应的越来越大比较好啊
01:26:722 (2,3) - 这儿的间距是不是太太太小了...
01:36:222 (3,4,5,6) - 这边是不是跳一下比较好,这么小的间距打得有点尴尬;w;
01:50:222 (1,2,3,4,1) - 跟前面离远点
part of irc mod
irc mod
2013-11-12 22:11 [Minakami Yuki]: 咳咳
2013-11-12 22:11 [Minakami Yuki]: ACTION is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Normal]]
2013-11-12 22:11 [Minakami Yuki]: 先给点反应
2013-11-12 22:12 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: ok
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 那么开始了啊
2013-11-12 22:12 smallboat: OK收到
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:01:555 (2) -
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 头whi去掉
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:02:722 (1,2,3) -
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 这里也一样
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: 你自己听过没
2013-11-12 22:12 smallboat: 有
2013-11-12 22:12 [Minakami Yuki]: whi的声音特别想
2013-11-12 22:13 smallboat: 那調小點?
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: 你这里vocal声音本来就清
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: 轻
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: wpcap以后不改错别字了你看得懂就好
2013-11-12 22:13 smallboat: 恩有
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: 你一开始这一段
2013-11-12 22:13 smallboat: 看得懂
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: 全都是头whistle
2013-11-12 22:13 [Minakami Yuki]: 你自己听一遍你觉得违和么
2013-11-12 22:14 smallboat: 還好
2013-11-12 22:14 [Minakami Yuki]: 。
2013-11-12 22:14 smallboat: 你覺得有?
2013-11-12 22:14 [Minakami Yuki]: 特别吵
2013-11-12 22:14 smallboat: 因為我也不太清楚..
2013-11-12 22:14 smallboat: 是喔
2013-11-12 22:14 [Minakami Yuki]: 虽然说whi有辅助vocal的作用
2013-11-12 22:14 [Minakami Yuki]: 你这里whi把vocal音几乎全盖下去了
2013-11-12 22:14 [Minakami Yuki]: 人家打的时候就是 ding ding ding
2013-11-12 22:15 smallboat: 喔喔
2013-11-12 22:15 [Minakami Yuki]: 而且这么多绿线来去掉滑条尾部的音干嘛?
2013-11-12 22:15 smallboat: 好那我這邊去掉..
2013-11-12 22:15 [Minakami Yuki]: ACTION is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [YukInsane]]
2013-11-12 22:15 [Minakami Yuki]: 就像我这里这么下就可以了
2013-11-12 22:16 smallboat: 想說靜音..
2013-11-12 22:16 [Minakami Yuki]: 我开始的绿线也15%
2013-11-12 22:16 [Minakami Yuki]: 没必要静音
2013-11-12 22:16 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:16 [Minakami Yuki]: 好先回到normal
2013-11-12 22:16 [Minakami Yuki]: ACTION is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Normal]]
2013-11-12 22:16 smallboat: OK
2013-11-12 22:16 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:09:722 (2) - 这个也是 而且还头尾都加whi
2013-11-12 22:17 [Minakami Yuki]: 0 0
2013-11-12 22:17 [Minakami Yuki]: 服气
2013-11-12 22:17 smallboat: 都把他去掉?
2013-11-12 22:17 [Minakami Yuki]: 对
2013-11-12 22:18 [Minakami Yuki]: whi加在长白线上就可以了
2013-11-12 22:18 [Minakami Yuki]: 顶多1,3whi
2013-11-12 22:18 smallboat: OK我試試
2013-11-12 22:18 [Minakami Yuki]: 真没必要静音
2013-11-12 22:18 [Minakami Yuki]: 开头都是清唱
2013-11-12 22:18 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:18 [Minakami Yuki]: 音乐都没啥 你直接把整个的音量往下调就可以了
2013-11-12 22:19 [Minakami Yuki]: 你现在开头就属于whi乱用结果这歌就毁了
2013-11-12 22:19 smallboat: 好的我試試
2013-11-12 22:19 smallboat: 唔..好
2013-11-12 22:20 [Minakami Yuki]: 改完通知我下
2013-11-12 22:20 [Minakami Yuki]: 其实这个过会改也不要紧
2013-11-12 22:20 [Minakami Yuki]: 我会把irc post上去
2013-11-12 22:21 smallboat: 恩我想過會兒改
2013-11-12 22:21 [Minakami Yuki]: 你再看着改也行
2013-11-12 22:21 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:20:722 (1) - 这个为什么结尾在这里
2013-11-12 22:21 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:22:555 (1,2) - 而且这两个下在2,4不下载1,3感觉巨奇怪
2013-11-12 22:21 smallboat: 聲音是在這發出的
2013-11-12 22:21 smallboat: 放白線很奇怪
2013-11-12 22:21 [Minakami Yuki]: 你是全跟声音?
2013-11-12 22:21 [Minakami Yuki]: 好吧
2013-11-12 22:22 smallboat: 恩恩
2013-11-12 22:22 [Minakami Yuki]: 全跟声音的话就不要下2,4clap
2013-11-12 22:22 [Minakami Yuki]: 听起来巨奇葩
2013-11-12 22:23 smallboat: 所以剛剛12就不用去掉了? 因為13
2013-11-12 22:23 [Minakami Yuki]: 那你就放着吧。。
2013-11-12 22:23 smallboat: 好..
2013-11-12 22:23 [Minakami Yuki]: 然后这一段vocal的2,4clap其实就完全没有必要了
2013-11-12 22:23 [Minakami Yuki]: 加了反而奇怪
2013-11-12 22:24 smallboat: OK
2013-11-12 22:24 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:32:555 (4) - 到这里
2013-11-12 22:24 [Minakami Yuki]: 前面的2,4clap
2013-11-12 22:24 [Minakami Yuki]: 尤其是加在slider tick上面的
2013-11-12 22:24 [Minakami Yuki]: 去掉比较好
2013-11-12 22:24 smallboat: 要?
2013-11-12 22:25 [Minakami Yuki]: 都去掉
2013-11-12 22:25 smallboat: 但chloe又叫我要加.
2013-11-12 22:25 [Minakami Yuki]: 。
2013-11-12 22:25 smallboat: 恩
2013-11-12 22:25 smallboat: 你看看前面幾頁他的post吧
2013-11-12 22:25 [Minakami Yuki]: 那先保留
2013-11-12 22:25 [Minakami Yuki]: 我去看下
2013-11-12 22:26 smallboat: 恩恩
2013-11-12 22:26 [Minakami Yuki]: 哪一页啊
2013-11-12 22:27 smallboat: t/153258/start=75
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 总体来说 排列略差 没有全局性 而且其实可以用tick音效 不过作为新人也是算勉强过关
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 其实可以用
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 其实也可以不用啊
2013-11-12 22:28 smallboat: 哦
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 再说你是跟vocal的为什么要用
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 你既然选择了跟vocal
2013-11-12 22:28 smallboat: 也是..
2013-11-12 22:28 [Minakami Yuki]: 有vocal的地方还去下2,4clap,不是闹矛盾么
2013-11-12 22:28 smallboat: 恩對.
2013-11-12 22:29 [Minakami Yuki]: 没vocal的纯音乐的地方你去下好了我也不会说什么
2013-11-12 22:29 smallboat: 下whi?
2013-11-12 22:29 [Minakami Yuki]: 一样是白线
2013-11-12 22:30 [Minakami Yuki]: 长白线
2013-11-12 22:30 [Minakami Yuki]: 也不用特别响像前面一样
2013-11-12 22:30 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:30 smallboat: ok
2013-11-12 22:30 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:38:555 (1,2,3) - 像你这种地方就2,4clap好了
2013-11-12 22:30 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:31 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:46:888 (2) - 这里后面又都是whi了
2013-11-12 22:31 smallboat: 全去掉?
2013-11-12 22:31 [Minakami Yuki]: 不用全区
2013-11-12 22:31 [Minakami Yuki]: 觉得你这里节奏下的有点怪 不过算了 也不要紧 反正是normal
2013-11-12 22:32 smallboat: 哦頭部去掉
2013-11-12 22:32 smallboat: 節奏阿...
2013-11-12 22:32 [Minakami Yuki]: 为什么要
2013-11-12 22:32 [Minakami Yuki]: 让滑条的尾巴搭在长白线上
2013-11-12 22:33 smallboat: 因為音樂是從我擺的這邊發出?
2013-11-12 22:34 [Minakami Yuki]: 不行我接受不了
2013-11-12 22:34 smallboat: @@
2013-11-12 22:34 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:46:222 (1) - 把这个1去掉
2013-11-12 22:34 smallboat: 那要怎放..
2013-11-12 22:34 [Minakami Yuki]: 然后后面的整体往前拖
2013-11-12 22:34 [Minakami Yuki]: 拖2/1
2013-11-12 22:34 [Minakami Yuki]: NC自己改下
2013-11-12 22:35 [Minakami Yuki]: 然后 00:46:222 - 的头上加fin, 长白线whi
2013-11-12 22:35 smallboat: 後面的2拖到1的位子?
2013-11-12 22:35 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:46:888 (2) - 到00:54:888 (1) -
2013-11-12 22:35 [Minakami Yuki]: 全部往前拖
2013-11-12 22:35 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:36 [Minakami Yuki]: 排列可能要动一下
2013-11-12 22:36 [Minakami Yuki]: 因为ds
2013-11-12 22:36 [Minakami Yuki]: 变了
2013-11-12 22:36 smallboat: 反正滑條頭就是要在大白線上就是了?
2013-11-12 22:36 smallboat: 恩
2013-11-12 22:36 [Minakami Yuki]: 对
2013-11-12 22:36 smallboat: ok
2013-11-12 22:37 [Minakami Yuki]: 然后这里补一个滑条就行了
2013-11-12 22:37 [Minakami Yuki]: 反正你这里就这么下的
2013-11-12 22:37 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:57:555 (2) - 头whi去掉
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 00:58:888 (4) - ^
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:00:222 (2) - ^
2013-11-12 22:38 smallboat: ok
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:01:555 (4) - ^
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 长白够了
2013-11-12 22:38 [Minakami Yuki]: 你这里还是太多
2013-11-12 22:38 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:02:889 (2) -
2013-11-12 22:39 smallboat: 恩恩@@
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:04:222 (4) -
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:05:555 (2) -
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 都是头啊
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 别把尾给去了
2013-11-12 22:39 smallboat: 留頭就好?
2013-11-12 22:39 smallboat: ok
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:06:888 (4) -
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 把头上的whi去了
2013-11-12 22:39 [Minakami Yuki]: 就是把不在长白线上的whistle都去掉
2013-11-12 22:39 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:40 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:40 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:07:555 - 到这里位置
2013-11-12 22:40 [Minakami Yuki]: 为止
2013-11-12 22:40 [Minakami Yuki]: 后面的暂时不用
2013-11-12 22:40 smallboat: ok
2013-11-12 22:40 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:13:805 - 你有些绿线加的我看不懂啊
2013-11-12 22:41 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:13:555 (1) - 顺便这个头whi去掉
2013-11-12 22:41 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:42 [Minakami Yuki]: 01:17:888 (1) - 在01:17:555 - 开始吧
2013-11-12 22:42 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:42 [Minakami Yuki]: kiai的2,4clap留着
2013-11-12 22:42 [Minakami Yuki]: 不用去掉
2013-11-12 22:43 smallboat: 好
2013-11-12 22:44 [Minakami Yuki]: 后面没啥了
2013-11-12 22:44 [Minakami Yuki]: 就这样吧
2013-11-12 22:44 smallboat: 恩
2013-11-12 22:44 [Minakami Yuki]: ACTION is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Hard]]
2013-11-12 22:44 smallboat: 先到這 我想11點左右再繼續到房間再詳講
2013-11-12 22:44 [Minakami Yuki]: 我怕我断网
2013-11-12 22:44 [Minakami Yuki]: 233
2013-11-12 22:45 [Minakami Yuki]: 好吧先这样
2013-11-12 22:45 smallboat: 是喔
2013-11-12 22:45 smallboat: OK
2013-11-12 22:45 [Minakami Yuki]: 希望11点不断
2013-11-12 22:45 smallboat: 看11點左又能不能吧
2013-11-12 22:45 smallboat: 恩恩

(/・ω・\) 23:16:20
[Minakami Yuki]: ACTION is editing [ IOSYS - shining grace [Hard]]
(/・ω・\) 23:16:24
smallboat 23:16:30
(/・ω・\) 23:16:48
(/・ω・\) 23:16:52
(/・ω・\) 23:16:59
smallboat 23:17:03

(/・ω・\) 23:17:44
smallboat 23:17:58
(/・ω・\) 23:18:23
smallboat 23:18:28

(/・ω・\) 23:18:36
00:30:888 (3,4,5) -
(/・ω・\) 23:18:40
(/・ω・\) 23:18:54
00:30:888 (3,4) - 我个人建议是3,4 ctrl+g
(/・ω・\) 23:19:16
然后把00:31:222 (5) - ctrl+g 包住后面的00:31:555 (1) -
smallboat 23:19:31
(/・ω・\) 23:20:14

(/・ω・\) 23:20:20
(/・ω・\) 23:20:27
smallboat 23:21:31
(/・ω・\) 23:22:16
(/・ω・\) 23:22:16
smallboat 23:22:31

(/・ω・\) 23:23:01
smallboat 23:23:24
(/・ω・\) 23:23:58
01:04:222 (7) -
smallboat 23:24:02
(/・ω・\) 23:24:05
smallboat 23:24:28

(/・ω・\) 23:24:43
(/・ω・\) 23:24:56
smallboat 23:25:03
(/・ω・\) 23:25:34
01:16:388 (3) - 个人建议这个3不要藏在线面
(/・ω・\) 23:25:35
(/・ω・\) 23:25:55
01:16:388 (3) - 而且为什么加个clap.
smallboat 23:26:07
(/・ω・\) 23:26:09
01:17:888 (7) - 这个上面+clap
(/・ω・\) 23:26:25
01:17:222 (5) - 这个也加
smallboat 23:26:29
(/・ω・\) 23:26:33
01:17:555 (6) - 这个的clap去掉
smallboat 23:27:01

(/・ω・\) 23:27:09

(/・ω・\) 23:27:13
(/・ω・\) 23:27:21
(/・ω・\) 23:27:24

smallboat 23:27:41

(/・ω・\) 23:28:13
01:23:555 (1,2,3) -
(/・ω・\) 23:28:18
smallboat 23:28:31
(/・ω・\) 23:28:35
怎么都是1/1 slider
smallboat 23:28:50
(/・ω・\) 23:28:59

(/・ω・\) 23:29:00
smallboat 23:29:15
(/・ω・\) 23:29:31
(/・ω・\) 23:29:42
smallboat 23:29:51

(/・ω・\) 23:29:54
(/・ω・\) 23:30:18
smallboat 23:30:40

(/・ω・\) 23:30:59
smallboat 23:31:08

(/・ω・\) 23:31:10
smallboat 23:31:40

(/・ω・\) 23:32:05
(/・ω・\) 23:32:11
(/・ω・\) 23:32:40
(/・ω・\) 23:32:50
smallboat 23:32:50
smallboat 23:32:54
smallboat 23:33:01
(/・ω・\) 23:33:05
(/・ω・\) 23:33:20
01:24:055 - 比如说这里就可以加个note
(/・ω・\) 23:33:32
(/・ω・\) 23:33:36
smallboat 23:33:49
(/・ω・\) 23:34:02
(/・ω・\) 23:34:09
(/・ω・\) 23:34:17
(/・ω・\) 23:34:27
smallboat 23:34:43
(/・ω・\) 23:34:53
这里hard你只能自己改了我帮不上什么0 。0
smallboat 23:35:13
(/・ω・\) 23:35:20
(/・ω・\) 23:35:27
我还有25分钟 争取摸完
(/・ω・\) 23:35:51
(/・ω・\) 23:35:53
smallboat 23:36:05
(/・ω・\) 23:36:22
(/・ω・\) 23:36:29
00:14:222 (1,2,3,4,5) -
(/・ω・\) 23:36:34
这五个开头 全是whi
(/・ω・\) 23:36:42
ting ting ting ting ting
smallboat 23:37:15
(/・ω・\) 23:37:17
00:20:722 (2) - 加个finish吧
(/・ω・\) 23:37:32
(/・ω・\) 23:37:35
(/・ω・\) 23:37:46
而且一样 whi 太响
smallboat 23:38:00

(/・ω・\) 23:38:25
00:24:388 (1,2,3) - 建议等距
smallboat 23:38:36

smallboat 23:38:57
(/・ω・\) 23:39:04
没啥 就是
smallboat 23:39:04
(/・ω・\) 23:39:07
smallboat 23:39:13

smallboat 23:39:36
(/・ω・\) 23:40:17

(/・ω・\) 23:40:24
(/・ω・\) 23:40:30
(/・ω・\) 23:40:45
smallboat 23:41:05
00:11:555 (1) - 他說這邊到00:14:722 (2)
smallboat 23:41:37
(/・ω・\) 23:41:40
(/・ω・\) 23:41:56
smallboat 23:42:03

(/・ω・\) 23:42:30
00:12:722 (5,1) - 这俩距离有点近
(/・ω・\) 23:42:33
(/・ω・\) 23:42:42
smallboat 23:42:50

(/・ω・\) 23:43:33
smallboat 23:43:46
(/・ω・\) 23:43:51
(/・ω・\) 23:43:57
(/・ω・\) 23:44:04
smallboat 23:44:38
smallboat 23:44:44

(/・ω・\) 23:45:04
smallboat 23:45:29

smallboat 23:45:42
(/・ω・\) 23:45:48
(/・ω・\) 23:45:53
smallboat 23:46:04
smallboat 23:46:06

(/・ω・\) 23:46:08
(/・ω・\) 23:46:15
(/・ω・\) 23:46:24

(/・ω・\) 23:46:35
smallboat 23:46:44

smallboat 23:46:53
(/・ω・\) 23:47:08
(/・ω・\) 23:47:16
smallboat 23:47:21

(/・ω・\) 23:47:26
smallboat 23:47:37
(/・ω・\) 23:48:00
00:32:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 虽然和后面的stack了
(/・ω・\) 23:48:04
(/・ω・\) 23:48:24
(/・ω・\) 23:48:33
smallboat 23:48:35
(/・ω・\) 23:49:22
00:46:555 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
(/・ω・\) 23:49:25
(/・ω・\) 23:49:31
smallboat 23:49:40

(/・ω・\) 23:49:56
01:02:222 (1,2,3,4) -
smallboat 23:50:02
(/・ω・\) 23:50:04
23对称了 14不对称
(/・ω・\) 23:50:10
(/・ω・\) 23:50:31
要么摆多边形 要么改折返跳
smallboat 23:50:47

(/・ω・\) 23:51:03
(/・ω・\) 23:51:18
(/・ω・\) 23:51:31
smallboat 23:52:11
(/・ω・\) 23:52:36
(/・ω・\) 23:53:52
01:07:555 (1,2,3) - 01:10:222 (1,2,3) -
(/・ω・\) 23:53:55
smallboat 23:54:14
(/・ω・\) 23:54:15
01:12:888 (1,2,3) -
(/・ω・\) 23:54:22
(/・ω・\) 23:54:27
(/・ω・\) 23:54:33
smallboat 23:54:46
(/・ω・\) 23:55:03
(/・ω・\) 23:55:11
(/・ω・\) 23:56:10
01:25:555 (3,4,5,1) -
(/・ω・\) 23:56:14
(/・ω・\) 23:56:59
01:51:888 (1,3) - 3接在1的尾上
smallboat 23:56:59
(/・ω・\) 23:57:22
(/・ω・\) 23:57:30
smallboat 23:57:34
(/・ω・\) 23:58:42
(/・ω・\) 23:59:10
(/・ω・\) 23:59:15
要断网了 闪
smallboat 23:59:22
ok 謝了 晚安
  1. Disable Letterbox during breaks so this map doesn't have a break times
00:00:888 - to 00:11:555 - I feel really noisy whistle sounds on this part, please lower the volumes to 25% (I mean 40% volumes => 25%)
then 00:11:555 - add a green line of volume 40%
00:16:555 - I want to add a circle here, then add a slider 00:16:888 to 00:17:222
00:23:222 (2) - doesn't fit that whistle, I thought misses whistle it
00:33:555 (2) - add a finish on the head, Also 00:34:222 (3) - add a finish on both , would be follow the music
00:44:888 (3) - uhh I don't liked this slider, try this .. if you want to blanket 00:45:888 (4) - , ignore pls ;w;
00:54:888 (1) - distance x_x
01:24:222 (2) - eeh why sampleset is a drum on the head..?
01:33:555 (4) - make a curve slider, would better flow it
01:38:222 (3) - add a finish on the tale
01:39:555 (1) - add a finish on the head
01:44:388 (4) - where is a finish on the head ;~;//
01:55:555 - why the volume is 30% ? this part is not a quiet

00:04:388 (4) - move 2glid left the end point (nazi)
00:31:222 (5) - CTRL G ?, also I prefer straight slider, so delete the centre point
00:36:388 (4) - the slider should be here to 00:36:722 - , why didn't following the vocal
00:44:055 - I think don't need the green line, why 40% owo..?
01:05:555 (1) - remove a NC here, why add it here?
01:06:888 (1) - ^
01:07:555 (1,2,3) - doesn't been able to follow the vocal, try this for follow the vocal
01:08:888 (5) - hmm remove a finish on the head, then add a whistle on the head. same as 01:11:555 (3) - , 01:14:222 (3) -
01:16:555 (4) - why you don't add a finish? you must be follow the vocal
01:17:222 (5) - I recommended add a NC here
01:28:222 (7) - add a clap and finish, finish is follow the vocal, also maybe you forgot a clap
01:30:888 (5) - add a clap on the head, just you were forgot it ?
01:41:555 (3) - add a clap, I'm not sure i think you can add a clap here
01:55:555 - same as normal diff

00:02:638 - lower the volume to 25%, feels really noisy
00:03:555 - ^
00:04:305 - ^
00:05:138 - ^
00:05:638 - ^
00:07:972 - ^
00:09:638 - ^
00:29:472 (7,8) - I think not good this stack, try to move about x0.8
00:41:222 (1) - probably misses NC here, so remove it owo
00:45:888 (5) - swich NC, 00:46:555 (1) - remove NC here
00:56:888 (1) - add a finish on the head, will be follow the back music
01:02:222 (1) - ^
01:04:888 (1) - ^
01:10:222 (1,2,3) - how about a straight flow?, so move 01:10:388 (2) - to x268 y180, I prefer such pattern
01:12:888 (1,2,3) - ^
01:33:996 - why this slider have sampleset drum on the tale, really don't fit it imo
01:48:805 (2) - ^

00:23:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - why you making the stream here? they are really doesn't fit to vocal , I don't like that stream :/
00:34:222 (1,2) - add a finish to both? I think will be better sounds
00:44:555 (1,2) - try this, they have not good flow now imo
00:54:055 (1) - I recommend the spinner start 00:54:222 -
01:06:888 (1,2) - I confused this pattern on first play, but maybe that's okay :lol:
01:15:555 (1,2) - add a soft finish on both head
01:36:888 (1) - would be good flow than now imo
01:43:555 (1,2) - add a finish both, would be follow the vocal
01:51:055 (3) - I want to make circles instead of the slider>.<

nice diff o/

Delis wrote:


00:23:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - why you making the stream here? they are really doesn't fit to vocal , I don't like that stream :/ why follows vocal?
00:34:222 (1,2) - add a finish to both? I think will be better sounds add one
00:44:555 (1,2) - try this, they have not good flow now imo nope
00:54:055 (1) - I recommend the spinner start 00:54:222 -ok
01:06:888 (1,2) - I confused this pattern on first play, but maybe that's okay :lol: :lol:
01:15:555 (1,2) - add a soft finish on both head ok
01:36:888 (1) - would be good flow than now imo I want to make a jump that
01:43:555 (1,2) - add a finish both, would be follow the vocal same as before
01:51:055 (3) - I want to make circles instead of the slider>.< >.< I want to keep it
thx for modding
Topic Starter
00:08:888 (3) - 使得他迎合00:08:555 (2) - 跳的趋势? fix
00:31:555 (4,5) - 这放得比较莫名啊...我是说排版 fix
00:32:555 (1) - 叠在00:32:222 (6) - 下面? fix
00:44:555 (5) - 使得他和00:44:388 (4,6) - 间距一致? fix
00:49:888 (4) - 为什么这个会想下滑条?我倒是比较倾向他出00:46:888 (2) - 这种音的时候下一个滑条 fix
00:52:222 (3,6) - ^
01:02:888 (3,4) - 这链接有点勉强 fix
01:10:555 (3,1) - 叠起来或者用1.0x或更大的间距 fix
01:18:555 (1,2,3) - 叠一块 fix
01:56:388 (5) - 这里变1/2滑条然后01:56:722 - 这里分明是个长音,要么长滑条要么hold滑条 fix

謝謝拉克修來mod 漏掉你的這個回覆 不好意思 :)
Topic Starter

S o a p wrote:

00:24:388 (1,2) - 间距好小,放个大点的跳号码
00:24:888 (1,2,3,4) - flow不好吧
00:26:055 (4) - 这个四的位置不好,也没什么特别大的鼓音啥的,间距变小点吧
00:38:055 (1) - 速度再调低一点
01:06:222 (1,2,3) - 间距大一点...
01:18:555 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - 你这边既然声音越来越大那间距也要相应的越来越大比较好啊
01:26:722 (2,3) - 这儿的间距是不是太太太小了...
01:36:222 (3,4,5,6) - 这边是不是跳一下比较好,这么小的间距打得有点尴尬;w;
01:50:222 (1,2,3,4,1) - 跟前面离远点
都修了一些 謝謝肥皂的mod ! :)
Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

  1. Disable Letterbox during breaks so this map doesn't have a break times
00:00:888 - to 00:11:555 - I feel really noisy whistle sounds on this part, please lower the volumes to 25% (I mean 40% volumes => 25%)
then 00:11:555 - add a green line of volume 40%
00:16:555 - I want to add a circle here, then add a slider 00:16:888 to 00:17:222
00:23:222 (2) - doesn't fit that whistle, I thought misses whistle it
00:33:555 (2) - add a finish on the head, Also 00:34:222 (3) - add a finish on both , would be follow the music
00:44:888 (3) - uhh I don't liked this slider, try this .. if you want to blanket 00:45:888 (4) - , ignore pls ;w;
00:54:888 (1) - distance x_x
01:24:222 (2) - eeh why sampleset is a drum on the head..?
01:33:555 (4) - make a curve slider, would better flow it
01:38:222 (3) - add a finish on the tale
01:39:555 (1) - add a finish on the head
01:44:388 (4) - where is a finish on the head ;~;//
01:55:555 - why the volume is 30% ? this part is not a quiet

No comment=fixed

00:04:388 (4) - move 2glid left the end point (nazi)
00:31:222 (5) - CTRL G ?, also I prefer straight slider, so delete the centre point
00:36:388 (4) - the slider should be here to 00:36:722 - , why didn't following the vocal
00:44:055 - I think don't need the green line, why 40% owo..?
01:05:555 (1) - remove a NC here, why add it here?
01:06:888 (1) - ^
01:07:555 (1,2,3) - doesn't been able to follow the vocal, try this for follow the vocal
01:08:888 (5) - hmm remove a finish on the head, then add a whistle on the head. same as 01:11:555 (3) - , 01:14:222 (3) -
01:16:555 (4) - why you don't add a finish? you must be follow the vocal
01:17:222 (5) - I recommended add a NC here
01:28:222 (7) - add a clap and finish, finish is follow the vocal, also maybe you forgot a clap
01:30:888 (5) - add a clap on the head, just you were forgot it ?
01:41:555 (3) - add a clap, I'm not sure i think you can add a clap here
01:55:555 - same as normal diff

No comment=fixed

00:02:638 - lower the volume to 25%, feels really noisy
00:03:555 - ^
00:04:305 - ^
00:05:138 - ^
00:05:638 - ^
00:07:972 - ^
00:09:638 - ^
00:29:472 (7,8) - I think not good this stack, try to move about x0.8
00:41:222 (1) - probably misses NC here, so remove it owo
00:45:888 (5) - swich NC, 00:46:555 (1) - remove NC here
00:56:888 (1) - add a finish on the head, will be follow the back music
01:02:222 (1) - ^
01:04:888 (1) - ^
01:10:222 (1,2,3) - how about a straight flow?, so move 01:10:388 (2) - to x268 y180, I prefer such pattern
01:12:888 (1,2,3) - ^
01:33:996 - why this slider have sampleset drum on the tale, really don't fit it imo
01:48:805 (2) - ^

No comment=fixed

nice diff o/
Thanks Delis"s mod! All fixed! :)

00:04:388 (2,3) - 像这种,你得摆flow圆润一点,要结合前面的滑条看,现在这样难看也不顺
00:29:555 应该是2连
00:30:055 这边和后面的蓝线其实是有音的,要改的话前后节奏可能要有变动
00:32:222 这之后的蓝线和红线也有音没有空一拍那么多
00:38:055 (1) - 仔细听这个滑条盖住的节奏还比较复杂,你可以考虑换成kick折返
01:07:222 (5) - 同上
01:47:388 (1) - ^
00:44:222 (3,4,5,6) - 这四个音调都不同可以尝试折线跳,直线跳表现不出
01:12:888 (1,2,3) - 怎么这么难看,改间距一样吧
01:31:222 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 白线三连打不是特殊的节奏不要用太多

01:40:888 (1,2,3,4) - 注意这边的音乐,突然切到了大概是喇叭还是什么的音,你就可以变一下了,现在这按ds摆下来没体现出这个特点
01:44:888 这个点到后面都不是空的,都是1/4节奏

01:05:888 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这梗放这一点不合适
01:31:555 (1,2,3,4) - 这明显节奏复杂怎么4个note带掉了
01:57:722 (5,6,7) - 最后放个三角跳不好放直线的


Tsukuyomi wrote:

01:05:888 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这梗放这一点不合适
01:31:555 (1,2,3,4) - 这明显节奏复杂怎么4个note带掉了
01:57:722 (5,6,7) - 最后放个三角跳不好放直线的

Topic Starter

Tsukuyomi wrote:


00:04:388 (2,3) - 像这种,你得摆flow圆润一点,要结合前面的滑条看,现在这样难看也不顺
00:29:555 应该是2连
00:30:055 这边和后面的蓝线其实是有音的,要改的话前后节奏可能要有变动
00:32:222 这之后的蓝线和红线也有音没有空一拍那么多
00:38:055 (1) - 仔细听这个滑条盖住的节奏还比较复杂,你可以考虑换成kick折返
01:07:222 (5) - 同上 這邊就不換了 想配合345的跳
01:47:388 (1) - ^
00:44:222 (3,4,5,6) - 这四个音调都不同可以尝试折线跳,直线跳表现不出
01:12:888 (1,2,3) - 怎么这么难看,改间距一样吧
01:31:222 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 白线三连打不是特殊的节奏不要用太多

01:40:888 (1,2,3,4) - 注意这边的音乐,突然切到了大概是喇叭还是什么的音,你就可以变一下了,现在这按ds摆下来没体现出这个特点 好,已不照DS擺了
01:44:888 这个点到后面都不是空的,都是1/4节奏
Muzukashii mod here

[OniJAM's Oni]

00:11:388 (29,30,31) - This does not call for a 1/4 at all.
00:31:388 (112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126) - The way you put this long stream is completely random, the song absolutely does not call for this. Calm down the pattern to 1/2s and 1/4s when necessary.
01:30:055 (436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450,451,452) - ^
01:40:722 (515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531) - ^

00:16:888 (45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) - Instead of mapping the instrument, and then vocals (as it makes the whole sound/play very awkward) why not building up a custom pattern, that makes the player prepared ?
00:22:555 (61,64,70) - A small recommendation: Put big notes on these three notes, this would be an added plus to the 'hey'.
00:25:722 (77,78,79,80,81) - Putting kkd k d instead of k d kkd will be more faithful to the song.
00:32:888 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136) - Actually, putting 1/1 finishers all the way through is better. Listen closely.

On all these, the streams are unfitting. I'd recommend putting 1/1 breaks as that's a "song break"

00:35:555 (141,142,143,144,145) -
00:38:222 (159,160,161,162,163) -
00:40:888 (177,178,179,180,181) -
01:44:888 (545,546,547,548,549) -
01:47:555 (563,564,565,566,567) -
01:50:222 (581,582,583,584,585) -


00:44:888 (207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223) - This stream, although a bit justified, is a bit "what". I think you started from a good idea, but couldn't do it well.
00:59:555 (278,279,280) - There, you can invert to d k d ? I mean, you've pretty much mapped the whole part to d k d k d.
01:02:222 (297) - D, instead ? K sounds a bit out of place.
01:04:888 (314) - ^ + it would make a nice d d d pattern.
01:06:888 (329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336) - Instead of this stream, I think k d k k D sounds a looot more better. (it's not English, I know.)
01:18:555 (368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382) - Refer to Muzukashii for this. I will give the exact thing so yeah.
01:31:555 (453,454,455,456,457,458,459,460,461) - Here, you can put 1/4s.
01:33:555 (464,465,466,467,468,469,470) - Here, you should instead put a cool-down with 1/2s
The kiai time is a bit copy-pasted between each parts, make sure you add a bit more variety !
01:54:222 (611,612,613,614,615,616,617,618,619,620,621,622,623,624,625,626,627) - Look at the first mod after "then"

The whole map is not something too bad for a beginner, but it can be improved a lot. Make sure you understand how are structured Oni maps, your diff is pretty close to an Inner.
As your recheck request.

  1. NM/HD其实不错了,在我看来问题还是在I难度上,preview time之前比较有价值,kiai则质量偏低.
  1. 00:00:889 (1) - move to 72 192? 现在这样不是很好看
  2. 00:02:055 (5) - 滑条首上的whistle可以去掉 因为你后面都没加
  3. 00:08:888 (3) - 这边DS最好和前面那俩个单点一样
  4. 00:09:888 (2) - DS1.4
  5. 00:28:722 (4) - 堆起来FLOW不是很好 可以放在253 0
  6. 00:29:555 (7,8) - 可以换成3连滑条
  7. 00:32:388 (7) - FLOW还行不过我觉得这里放个小跳会比较好 坐标:174 222 00:32:888 (2,3,4,5,6) - 然后这里也不是很好 做个特殊点的图形?
  8. 00:35:055 (1) - 间距略小
  9. 00:35:555 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - nice pattern 但是00:38:055 (1) - 这边与前面衔接的不是很好 因为你在这里降了SV 可以考虑 306 139
  10. 00:40:222 (4) - 这里音乐有一个升高 所以我建议把 00:40:055 (3) - 这个NOTE移到 143 253
  11. 00:44:388 (4,6) - CTRL+G 然后 00:44:555 (5,6) - CTRL+G for better flow
  12. 00:50:222 (1,2,3) - 角度过于锐利 可以平滑一点
  13. 01:02:888 (3,4,5,6) - 这边的音乐其实和前面那些3/4的滑条一样 你可以考虑节奏一致
  14. 01:06:555 (3) - 尾巴上的clap去掉
  15. 01:07:722 (2) - 去掉finish
  16. 01:38:055 (4) - 243 163?
  17. 01:39:472 (5) - add
  18. 01:45:222 (1) - 间距略小
  19. 01:56:388 (2) - 漏音 换成1/2 reverse slider

暂时没了 希望能帮你改善一下图 <3.
(」・ω・) hi~

M4M request :3


●About Tags: Remove "プロジェクト" Same word is not need. Please remove the one.
●About custom hitsound: Please add the normal-sliderslide2. Of course, silence. When you use a tick sound, useless sound enters. Example...01:24:888 (3) and 01:26:222 (1) in Normal diff...etc It is necessary in order to improve, so you should add it.
●About tick rate: Try to use the same tickrate on every difficulty as it is a property of the music rather than the mapping. Using high tick rates to increase score/combo/difficulty is senseless. I strongly recommend the tick rate2 :3


●00:01:555 (2) - Add whistle (end). There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song.
●00:02:722 (1) - Add whistle (start). The reason is the same as above.
●00:03:555 (2) - ^
●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle. This is also the same.
●00:06:222 (2) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:06:888 (3) - ^
●00:07:388 (4) - ^
●00:08:222 (1) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:09:722 (2) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:10:555 (3) - Add whistle (middle and end). ^
●00:12:222 (2) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:13:388 (3) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:15:388 (2) - ^
●00:18:055 (4) - ^
●00:20:722 (1) - Add whistle on the whole of the slider. Sound of the "shoe" will fit the song :3 Then, add whistle (start and end).These will also fit~
●00:05:888 (1) - Why, spacing is different? You're unified by about 1.10x, but only here are different. I think you should fix the spacing.
●00:17:555 (3) - uh.. ^
●00:47:556 (1) - Remove a new combo. Instead of this, add a new combo in 00:48:889. It will keep the unity of the new combo.
●00:59:555 (1,2) - These should be the same angle of the slider. Please look at this. It is different in a subtle. It is recommended that you correct xD
●01:15:888 (4) - It is better to up and down symmetry is beautiful appearance. Therefore, you should fix the form. And, whistle does not need on the whole of the slider. There is not much sense orz.
●01:46:555 (2) - Same as 00:05:888 (1).
●01:58:388 (1) - move to the start time 01:58:138. This would be better ( 'ω')


●AR-1. Normal diff easiest in this mapset, so AR7 would be good in Hard diff. Normal diff is 4. Hard diff is 8.. x_x Difference is too large.. I will recommend that you lower the AR.
●00:02:055 (3) - Add whistle (start). There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song.
●00:02:722 (1) - ^
●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle.
●00:07:388 (4) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:10:055 (3) - ^
●00:10:555 (4) - ^
●00:10:888 (5) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:12:388 (3) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:12:722 (4) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:13:388 (1) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:13:888 (2) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:15:055 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:15:388 (3) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:16:555 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:17:888 (5) - ^
●00:19:222 (2) - ^
●00:20:388 (4) - ^
●00:31:888 (2) - You should be 1.3x the spacing. 00:31:555 (1,2,3,4) - This part is very beautiful, but (2) are different spacing. It's very disappointing ;w;
●01:18:055 (1) - Why, Is different from the Normal diff? It is exactly the same spinner, but end time is different. You should unify the end time.
●01:54:555 (2) - Remove whistle (whole). It's a very unnecessary sound.
●02:00:222 (T) - There is no need to lower volume. finish sound will fit the music. Further, unite with Normal diff.


●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle. There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song. 
●00:07:388 (6) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:10:055 (3) - ^
●00:10:555 (4) - ^
●00:10:888 (5) - ^
●00:11:222 (6) - ^
●00:12:722 (5) - ^
●00:13:388 (1) - ^
●00:15:388 (4) - ^
●00:16:555 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:18:055 (6) - ^
●00:24:055 (3) - Add clap. This is necessary. Why you have not added? this will fit the song.
●00:24:388 (1) - ^
●00:32:888 (3) - Add new combo. Because, rhythm changes and it is jump.
●00:42:555 (3,4) - This should probably be the same x-coordinate. the same x-coordinate will be beautiful.
●00:42:888 (5,6,7,8) - Create a beautiful square. Please try using the function of "Ctrl + Shift + D" This is a useful feature in Graphic (Triangle, Square, Pentagon...etc).
●00:45:222 (1) - Remove new combo. There would be no need.
●00:45:555 (1) - ^
●01:58:222 (1) - Same as Hard diff.


●00:02:055 (5) - Add whistle (start). There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song.
●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:12:722 (5) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:13:388 (1) - ^
●00:15:388 (2) - ^
●00:16:222 (4) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:16:888 (1) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:18:055 (5) - ^
●00:35:055 (3) - Add new combo. Because the stream begins. I think it's necessary

good luck =w=
Thanks -Gamu-
all fixed

change the diff name back to "Yuki"

小船我没上qq 从这里下吧
Topic Starter
給M醬: 收到,我map暫時還不更新,等到我把Gamu看完再up吧。(音效打算跳過..)

Chloe wrote:

As your recheck request.

  1. NM/HD其实不错了,在我看来问题还是在I难度上,preview time之前比较有价值,kiai则质量偏低.
好,你的改完我k i a i 的部分還會再微調下
  1. 00:00:889 (1) - move to 72 192? 现在这样不是很好看
  2. 00:02:055 (5) - 滑条首上的whistle可以去掉 因为你后面都没加 忘記刪掉了
  3. 00:08:888 (3) - 这边DS最好和前面那俩个单点一样 已修
  4. 00:09:888 (2) - DS1.4
  5. 00:28:722 (4) - 堆起来FLOW不是很好 可以放在253 0 還蠻順的 ok
  6. 00:29:555 (7,8) - 可以换成3连滑条 已換
  7. 00:32:388 (7) - FLOW还行不过我觉得这里放个小跳会比较好 坐标:174 222 00:32:888 (2,3,4,5,6) - 然后这里也不是很好 做个特殊点的图形? 前者已修 後者考慮下
  8. 00:35:055 (1) - 间距略小 已加大一點
  9. 00:35:555 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - nice pattern 但是00:38:055 (1) - 这边与前面衔接的不是很好 因为你在这里降了SV 可以考虑 306 139
  10. 00:40:222 (4) - 这里音乐有一个升高 所以我建议把 00:40:055 (3) - 这个NOTE移到 143 253 改了
  11. 00:44:388 (4,6) - CTRL+G 然后 00:44:555 (5,6) - CTRL+G for better flow OK
  12. 00:50:222 (1,2,3) - 角度过于锐利 可以平滑一点 不太清楚這邊哪理銳利,但有移到一點位置。
  13. 01:02:888 (3,4,5,6) - 这边的音乐其实和前面那些3/4的滑条一样 你可以考虑节奏一致 OK有聽出來,那我考慮一下
  14. 01:06:555 (3) - 尾巴上的clap去掉 忘了刪
  15. 01:07:722 (2) - 去掉finish
  16. 01:38:055 (4) - 243 163?
  17. 01:39:472 (5) - add 已add
  18. 01:45:222 (1) - 间距略小 加大一點
  19. 01:56:388 (2) - 漏音 换成1/2 reverse slider ,好吧 把這音也算進去,已修。

暂时没了 希望能帮你改善一下图 <3.
謝謝chloe的recheck! 很有用的建議!


-Gamu- wrote:

(」・ω・) hi~ Hello :)

M4M request :3


●About Tags: Remove "プロジェクト" Same word is not need. Please remove the one. Ok,removed
●About custom hitsound: Please add the normal-sliderslide2. Of course, silence. When you use a tick sound, useless sound enters. Example...01:24:888 (3) and 01:26:222 (1) in Normal diff...etc It is necessary in order to improve, so you should add it. I consider it.
●About tick rate: Try to use the same tickrate on every difficulty as it is a property of the music rather than the mapping. Using high tick rates to increase score/combo/difficulty is senseless. I strongly recommend the tick rate2 :3 OK,adjust 2


●00:01:555 (2) - Add whistle (end). There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song.
●00:02:722 (1) - Add whistle (start). The reason is the same as above.
●00:03:555 (2) - ^
●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle. This is also the same.
●00:06:222 (2) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:06:888 (3) - ^
●00:07:388 (4) - ^
●00:08:222 (1) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:09:722 (2) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:10:555 (3) - Add whistle (middle and end). ^
●00:12:222 (2) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:13:388 (3) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:15:388 (2) - ^
●00:18:055 (4) - ^
All fixed
●00:20:722 (1) - Add whistle on the whole of the slider. Sound of the "shoe" will fit the song :3 Then, add whistle (start and end).These will also fit~ fixed
●00:05:888 (1) - Why, spacing is different? You're unified by about 1.10x, but only here are different. I think you should fix the spacing. Not see it, I fixed.
●00:17:555 (3) - uh.. ^ ^
●00:47:556 (1) - Remove a new combo. Instead of this, add a new combo in 00:48:889. It will keep the unity of the new combo.
ok, fixed
●00:59:555 (1,2) - These should be the same angle of the slider. Please look at this. It is different in a subtle. It is recommended that you correct xD Indeed crooked off, fixed. XD
●01:15:888 (4) - It is better to up and down symmetry is beautiful appearance. Therefore, you should fix the form. And, whistle does not need on the whole of the slider. There is not much sense orz. pattern change a bit ,make a symmetry :)
●01:46:555 (2) - Same as 00:05:888 (1). ok
●01:58:388 (1) - move to the start time 01:58:138. This would be better ( 'ω') Okay ,fixed.


●AR-1. Normal diff easiest in this mapset, so AR7 would be good in Hard diff. Normal diff is 4. Hard diff is 8.. x_x Difference is too large.. I will recommend that you lower the AR. I consider it XD
●00:02:055 (3) - Add whistle (start). There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song.
●00:02:722 (1) - ^
●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle.
●00:07:388 (4) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:10:055 (3) - ^
●00:10:555 (4) - ^
●00:10:888 (5) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:12:388 (3) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:12:722 (4) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:13:388 (1) - Add whistle (start and end). ^
●00:13:888 (2) - Add whistle (end). ^
●00:15:055 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:15:388 (3) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:16:555 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:17:888 (5) - ^
●00:19:222 (2) - ^
●00:20:388 (4) - ^
All fixed
●00:31:888 (2) - You should be 1.3x the spacing. 00:31:555 (1,2,3,4) - This part is very beautiful, but (2) are different spacing. It's very disappointing ;w;
I forgot the "DS" lol, I fixed.
●01:18:055 (1) - Why, Is different from the Normal diff? It is exactly the same spinner, but end time is different. You should unify the end time. okay, fixed.
●01:54:555 (2) - Remove whistle (whole). It's a very unnecessary sound.Okay fixed
●02:00:222 (T) - There is no need to lower volume. finish sound will fit the music. Further, unite with Normal diff. I consider it XD,because the song in the end,so I think turn down the volume.


●00:05:888 (1) - Add whistle. There is a sound like a piano, so this will fit the song. 
●00:07:388 (6) - Add whistle (start). ^
●00:10:055 (3) - ^
●00:10:555 (4) - ^
●00:10:888 (5) - ^
●00:11:222 (6) - ^
●00:12:722 (5) - ^
●00:13:388 (1) - ^
●00:15:388 (4) - ^
●00:16:555 (1) - Add whistle. ^
●00:18:055 (6) - ^
●00:24:055 (3) - Add clap. This is necessary. Why you have not added? this will fit the song.I possible forgot added , already fixed.
●00:24:388 (1) - ^
almost fixed.
●00:32:888 (3) - Add new combo. Because, rhythm changes and it is jump. fixed

●00:42:555 (3,4) - This should probably be the same x-coordinate. the same x-coordinate will be beautiful. okay,fixed.
●00:42:888 (5,6,7,8) - Create a beautiful square. Please try using the function of "Ctrl + Shift + D" This is a useful feature in Graphic (Triangle, Square, Pentagon...etc). Okay ,fixed,already change.
●00:45:222 (1) - Remove new combo. There would be no need. I consider it
●00:45:555 (1) - ^
●01:58:222 (1) - Same as Hard diff. I consider it XD

good luck =w= Thanks,you,too :)

Thanks -Gamu- mod! very useful!
hello, i have to make modding, have you come to map. :oops:

i do not think it is good for the image of "BG.jpg" is.
"BG2.jpg" rather the quality is good.

00:22:222 - 1/1 slide add?
00:22:888 - ^
00:25:888 - it can be added to the slide tick.
00:27:888 - ^
00:30:555 - ^
00:31:888 - ^
00:47:556 (1) - NC remove
01:08:222 - clap add
01:09:555 (1) - ^
01:10:888 (3) - ^
01:12:222 (3) - ^
01:14:555 - ^
01:14:888 - ^
01:33:888 - ^

clap hit has been reversed. :o
00:30:722 (2,5) - x:284 y:276 move. interval is too wide.
01:17:888 (5) - x:224 y:128 move?
01:23:555 (1) - finish add
01:28:222 (7) - finish remove
01:30:888 (5) - ^
01:33:555 (9) - ^
01:34:888 (2) - finish remove
01:35:555 (3) - ^
01:41:888 (1) - ^

Insane and YukInsane have made a good quality. :D
good lucky :D
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