
Kawano Marina - Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年10月12日 at 17:29:29

Artist: Kawano Marina
Title: Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size)
Source: Monogatari Series Second Season
Tags: ending Sonico Makaron Sekai-nyan
BPM: 169
Filesize: 11715kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.72 stars, 96 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 251 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (4.71 stars, 341 notes)
  4. Oni (4.83 stars, 423 notes)
  5. Sekai's Hard (4.9 stars, 202 notes)
  6. Sonico's Normal (4.23 stars, 134 notes)
Download: Kawano Marina - Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size)
Download: Kawano Marina - Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
my 2nd standard map
Easy :100% by me
Sonico's Normal :100% by Sonico Makaron
Sekai's Hard :100% by Sekai-nyan
Insane :100% by me
Muzukashii :100% by me
Oni :100% by me
special thanks >w<
Sanjenin Nagi
Dark Fang
EnakoRin (thanks for timing check!)
jonathanlfj (thanks for video help!)
aabc271 (10/05/2013)
Garven (12/15/2013)
Frostmourne (12/17/2013)

Topic Starter
Some IRC mod on Sekai's diff. I must go to school, so other diff I will mod after ^^
you are lucky, this map is my mod after 1 month didn't mod anything =w=
10:37 Oyatsu: 00:05:147 (5) - 
10:37 Oyatsu: can u make slider starts at here and the end at 00:05:325 -
10:37 Oyatsu: I can hear ""~
10:37 Oyatsu: =w=
10:39 Sekai-nyan: umm
10:39 Oyatsu: 00:24:676 (1,2) - slider 2 should at 00:25:205 - , because vocal starts at here but slider is late, i can't hear why you put there?
10:39 Sekai-nyan: no i think note fits better there
10:40 Sekai-nyan: because of music
10:40 Sekai-nyan: i followed that there
10:41 Oyatsu: 00:24:676 (1,2,3,4) - I have some ex for u :
10:42 Oyatsu: it will easier to read maybe ><
10:43 Oyatsu: 00:28:558 (1) - remove NC and should NC at 00:29:264 -
10:44 Oyatsu: 00:47:794 (3) - NC, i need some special to look it =w=
10:45 Sekai-nyan: well
10:46 Sekai-nyan: ok fix them
10:47 Oyatsu: 01:03:323 (1,2,3,4) - there are some difficult to understand rhythm
10:48 Oyatsu: because instruement isn't clear, try to vocal is better:
10:48 Sekai-nyan: but it'll make it harder
10:49 Sekai-nyan: so i think i'll keep it for now lol
10:49 Oyatsu: uhm ok it is give up u
10:50 Oyatsu: 01:25:029 (3) - some clap here i don't understand
10:50 Oyatsu: 00:07:911 - put a note here and clap, I can hear drum here
10:51 Sekai-nyan: sure
10:52 Oyatsu: 00:13:735 (7) - 256/284, pre and next there is distance blanket, easier to understand here is a jump, i died when the first playing
10:54 Oyatsu: 00:39:852 (2) - add whistle at begin, creat a hitsound better
10:55 Sekai-nyan: sure fixed the hitsounds
10:55 Sekai-nyan: but small jumps is fine ></
10:55 Oyatsu: =w=
10:55 Oyatsu: ok
10:56 Oyatsu: 01:00:500 (1) - finish instead of whistle, because I hear finish in instruemtn
10:56 Oyatsu: instrument*
10:57 Sekai-nyan: ok =w=
10:57 Sekai-nyan: i guess it's good now
10:57 Oyatsu: 01:05:794 - add a note?
10:57 Oyatsu: maybe =w=
10:58 Sekai-nyan: umm
10:58 Sekai-nyan: ok added it
10:58 Oyatsu: 01:18:676 (3) - tail at 224/236, it will blanket better
10:59 Oyatsu: 00:05:503 (1) - add whistle
10:59 Sekai-nyan: ok =w=
11:00 Sekai-nyan: fixed both
11:00 Oyatsu: 00:37:911 (1) - finish instead of whistle o-o
11:00 Oyatsu: at begin
11:01 Oyatsu: 00:40:735 (1) - ^
11:01 Sekai-nyan: sure
11:01 Sekai-nyan: =3=
11:02 Oyatsu: 00:48:852 (7) - end at 00:49:029 - . There is using, 1. i can understand jump, 2. Can put finish at end, better about hitsound
11:03 Oyatsu: 00:52:029 (1) - this spin can put at 00:52:382 - , that is mainly. so if u make, let put some note before
11:04 Oyatsu: 01:07:558 (4,5,6) - oh lala... let see distance? ><
11:05 Oyatsu: ok, i think that is all on ur diff
11:06 Sekai-nyan: oh
did some irc mod with Oyatsu and here's the update diff =w=/
Topic Starter
updated~ >w</
hi~ Rey san、Sekai-nyan o.o/ Thank you for mod request !!

00:01:230 ~ 00:05:503 - ここの約4秒間に、音が付いてなかったので少し寂しいかなと思いました。ピアノが鳴っているのでwhistleを付けてみてはどうでしょう?
個人的には、00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - のすべてのサークルにwhistleを付けてピアノに合わせたほうが良いと思いました。

00:05:681 (1) - add clap
00:52:382 (1) - add clap ?
01:01:558 - ^
01:17:441 ~ 01:24:676 - ここの区間、finish + clapの箇所がvolume80%だと大きいかなと感じました。01:17:441 - ここに緑線を引いて70%まで下げてみては?

Sekai's Hard
00:17:794 - add note + add clap ?
00:41:264 (2) - x:0 y:256 ?
00:41:441 (3) - x:48 y:320 ?
00:48:676 (4) - x:184 y: 64 ?
00:49:205 (6) - x:223 y:172 ?
00:51:676 (4,5) - The proposal of a rhythm

00:54:147 - Spinner end ? + finish → clap
01:17:441 - add green line ? (Audio volume 70%)

00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Easy 同様。
00:43:029 (4) - remove clap ? BGM通りにclapを付けるなら、次の00:43:205 (5) - にclapが合うと思います!
01:17:441 - ここもEasy 同様、Volumeを70%まで下げたほうが良いと思います。
音取り & 音のハメ すごく上手でびっくりしましたw nice insane!

以上です、応援してます!頑張ってね o.<
Topic Starter

iyasine wrote:

hi~ Rey san、Sekai-nyan o.o/ Thank you for mod request !!

00:01:230 ~ 00:05:503 - ここの約4秒間に、音が付いてなかったので少し寂しいかなと思いました。ピアノが鳴っているのでwhistleを付けてみてはどうでしょう?
個人的には、00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - のすべてのサークルにwhistleを付けてピアノに合わせたほうが良いと思いました。

00:05:681 (1) - add clap
00:52:382 (1) - add clap ?
01:01:558 - ^
01:17:441 ~ 01:24:676 - ここの区間、finish + clapの箇所がvolume80%だと大きいかなと感じました。01:17:441 - ここに緑線を引いて70%まで下げてみては?

00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Easy 同様。
00:43:029 (4) - remove clap ? BGM通りにclapを付けるなら、次の00:43:205 (5) - にclapが合うと思います!
01:17:441 - ここもEasy 同様、Volumeを70%まで下げたほうが良いと思います。
音取り & 音のハメ すごく上手でびっくりしましたw nice insane!

以上です、応援してます!頑張ってね o.<
all fixed >w<
thanks for mod iyasine-san :)
Fixed everything but the first suggestion, i think it's better without a note there so yeah :3

Thanks for modding =w=/
The audio lead-in isn't the same as the others difficulties.
There's a inconsistency to the combo colors.
00:16:029 (1) - Move it to x:276 y:236 and move the middle square to x:292 y:280 and the last one to x:348 y:296.
00:19:029 (1,2,1,2,1) - Move to two ticks before (at 00:18:852 ) and extend the sliders to two ticks?

00:16:382 (2) - Don't stack it with the tail of 00:15:500 (2) .
00:25:029 (1) - Maybe replace the red little square to a white one for a curve?
00:40:735 (1) - Move the middle little square to x:142 y:224 and the last one to x:182 y:158 so that 00:40:382 (5) may fit in the curve.
01:13:735 (2) - You can stack it to the head to 01:13:205 (1) and rotate it with the selection centre on to -13 degrees.

00:05:147 (5) - Move it to x:416 y:192.
00:41:441 (3) - Move it somewhere at x:46 y:325.

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

The audio lead-in isn't the same as the others difficulties.
There's a inconsistency to the combo colors.
00:16:029 (1) - Move it to x:276 y:236 and move the middle square to x:292 y:280 and the last one to x:348 y:296. maybe ok
00:19:029 (1,2,1,2,1) - Move to two ticks before (at 00:18:852 ) and extend the sliders to two ticks? no

Good Luck~
thanks for mod!
Sonico Makaron

sheela901 wrote:

00:16:382 (2) - Don't stack it with the tail of 00:15:500 (2) ok
00:25:029 (1) - Maybe replace the red little square to a white one for a curve? no, why? i think what now looks good
00:40:735 (1) - Move the middle little square to x:142 y:224 and the last one to x:182 y:158 so that 00:40:382 (5) may fit in the curve. ok
01:13:735 (2) - You can stack it to the head to 01:13:205 (1) and rotate it with the selection centre on to -13 degrees. ok
thx for mod :3
OK, The last, NO kds. Let's go!!


Remove Widescreen Support all diffs plz. Because you don't use SB for this map


  1. Some NC are wrong here: 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - remove NC, because vocal not changes in time, at big time are time to it changes.
    00:13:205 (1,2) - put NC at (2) not (1). 01:22:382 (1) - similar
  2. 00:13:205 (1,1) - They are the same rhythm but hitsound at 00:13:205 (1) - head and tail are clap but 00:16:029 (1) - just head?
  3. 00:52:382 (1,1) - If you are newbie, I'm sure u can't look at it soon and miss. Also a note after spin should at center of spin afterward.
  4. 00:59:794 (2,1) - Stacked!! Try to move it other place, so i have a ex rhythm for u here:

  5. 01:04:735 (1) - Remove NC and NC at 01:05:970 (2) -
  6. 01:07:558 (2) - Middle point at 296/324 to blanket
  7. 01:13:205 (1) - Finish not whistle, the same as 01:11:794 (1) -
  8. 01:25:558 (2) - Whistle will better
  9. 00:16:735 (2) - 376/212 to blanket and distance better
  10. 00:41:794 (3) - NC
  11. 00:57:323 (1) - 192/136 to not stack and better follow


  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - Remove, Let give me cause you NC them?
  2. 00:21:676 (4,5) - Change into a slider, i feel better with it. I feel @@ when mod this
  3. 00:29:088 (4) - Move it to 00:28:911 - . From follow vocal changes into instrument so fast. Make difficult for newbie
  4. 00:49:029 (3,1) - NC at (3), not at (1). Let hear vocal plz!!
  5. 00:48:500 (2,1) - The same rhythm but 2 is diffirent together??
  6. 00:58:382 (2,3) - This case is unrankble. Other place plz. 01:04:382 (3) - 01:07:558 (3,4,5,1) - 01:13:205 (1,2) -
  7. 00:16:029 (1) - I didn't hear finish instrument, remove plz
  8. 00:39:323 (3) - This why not NC?


  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - like easy
  2. 00:18:147 (3,1) - Repeat NC plz. you often wrong about put NC ><
  3. 00:41:264 (2,3,4,1) - Afew bored for an Insane
  4. 00:42:676 - Why not put circle? it can creat add a pattern jump
  5. 01:16:558 - I can hear vocal sings here, but it is empty?
  6. 01:25:558 (1) - NC
  7. 00:05:681 (1) - A late-spin so it must after 1 note or circle 1/4 tick, 1/2 is too late
  8. 00:17:264 (1,2,3) - wrong rhyhtm, a Vocal is long and a vocal sings main word, This rhythm is not follow both instrument or vocal? I don't understand this.
  9. 00:25:205 (1,2,3) - Not must be a good rhythm, difficult to read:

  10. 00:28:735 (1,2) - This also, vocal sings long from 00:28:911 - to 00:29:088 - , But you make repeat, so I feel weird here when testplaying. Also I hear a voice at 00:28:581 - , so try to this rhythm:


Good luck!! :)
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

OK, The last, NO kds. Let's go!!


Remove Widescreen Support all diffs plz. Because you don't use SB for this map


  1. Some NC are wrong here: 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - remove NC, because vocal not changes in time, at big time are time to it changes.
    00:13:205 (1,2) - put NC at (2) not (1). 01:22:382 (1) - similar
  2. 00:13:205 (1,1) - They are the same rhythm but hitsound at 00:13:205 (1) - head and tail are clap but 00:16:029 (1) - just head?
  3. 00:52:382 (1,1) - If you are newbie, I'm sure u can't look at it soon and miss. Also a note after spin should at center of spin afterward.
  4. 00:59:794 (2,1) - Stacked!! Try to move it other place, so i have a ex rhythm for u here:

  5. 01:04:735 (1) - Remove NC and NC at 01:05:970 (2) -
  6. 01:07:558 (2) - Middle point at 296/324 to blanket
  7. 01:13:205 (1) - Finish not whistle, the same as 01:11:794 (1) -
  8. 01:25:558 (2) - Whistle will better
  9. 00:16:735 (2) - 376/212 to blanket and distance better
  10. 00:41:794 (3) - NC
  11. 00:57:323 (1) - 192/136 to not stack and better follow


  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - like easy
  2. 00:18:147 (3,1) - Repeat NC plz. you often wrong about put NC ><
  3. 00:41:264 (2,3,4,1) - Afew bored for an Insane
  4. 00:42:676 - Why not put circle? it can creat add a pattern jump
  5. 01:16:558 - I can hear vocal sings here, but it is empty?
  6. 01:25:558 (1) - NC
  7. 00:05:681 (1) - A late-spin so it must after 1 note or circle 1/4 tick, 1/2 is too late
  8. 00:17:264 (1,2,3) - wrong rhyhtm, a Vocal is long and a vocal sings main word, This rhythm is not follow both instrument or vocal? I don't understand this.
  9. 00:25:205 (1,2,3) - Not must be a good rhythm, difficult to read:

  10. 00:28:735 (1,2) - This also, vocal sings long from 00:28:911 - to 00:29:088 - , But you make repeat, so I feel weird here when testplaying. Also I hear a voice at 00:28:581 - , so try to this rhythm:


Good luck!! :)
some fixed, thanks for mod :)
hi m4m


00:23:617 (3) - the current spacing is confuse imo, try to move to 100|32, it will be triangle with (1,1) and not a confuse spacing.
00:25:029 (3) - move to 508|176. same reason as above
00:26:441 (3) - 40|348 ^
00:53:441 (1) - make this slider curve for flow the stream.
01:05:088 (3,4) - same reason as above
01:14:088 (3) - move to about 80|60 for avoid the spacing confuse.
01:15:323 (3) - make slider a bit curve like the above reason.

[draH s'iakeS]

00:11:088 (1,2,3) - what about this pattern
00:34:382 (4) - this spacing look weird if look over (1,2,3,4) please fix if possible.
00:43:911 (2,3,4) - what about this
00:45:676 (5) - move tail to 148|160
00:49:558 - please use this rhythm, its more fit the song imo
00:59:970 - same rhythm as above if possible.
01:04:558 (4) - center should be 204|216 and tail should be 260|96 for perfect blanket.
01:25:029 (3) - spread it to 2 slider? :3
nice hard

[lamroN s'ocinoS]

hmm nothing to say..


try this?
00:05:681 (1) - end the spinner here on 00:06:853 is better imo, the break before the note after spinner is too low. too hard for beginner.
00:48:500 (2) - just use this, it will easier for beginner imo
00:51:323 (3) - same reason as above.
someone still confuse for beginner ex: 01:05:970 slider end on white tich but note start add red tick, it can confuse beginner

that's all, good luck all :3
Hi._. as your request

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
00:41:794 (3) - keep 0.8x distance snap?

it's a bit hard for much overlapping
01:03:323 (1,3) - this overlap is a bit hard for normal
01:13:205 (1,2) - ^, change direction of (1)?

00:43:558 - it's close to spinner end and difficult to catch. suggest using only a circle at 00:43:743 - .
01:00:500 (1,2) - the spacing here can be misleading since the spacing at 00:59:441 (2,3) - denotes 1/2
01:07:558 (5) - Ctrl+G
00:39:147 (5,2) - overlap ._.
01:13:205 (4) - head change to finish?

00:20:088 (2,3) - make full overlap?
00:22:911 (2,3,1) - distance is confusing. try stack 00:23:617 (3,1) - ?
00:24:323 (2,3,1) - distance like ^. try 00:24:323 (2,3) - as an antijump?
00:25:735 (2,3,1) - like ^
00:30:676 (1,4) - a small adjust on overlap
00:35:441 (2) - make more curved (get blanket with (1) as well as form good flow with (3))
00:40:205 (5,6,1) - also a confusing distance. try swap (5,6)?
00:46:735 (3,4) - the placement looks weird.. try this?
01:11:088 (5,6) - make symmetric?
01:13:735 (2,3,4) - also poor spacing
01:13:205 (1) - add finish on head?
01:25:382 (8) - use S:C1 clap sounds better

Good luck!
Sonico Makaron

EmingK wrote:

01:03:323 (1,3) - this overlap is a bit hard for normal not hard
01:13:205 (1,2) - ^, change direction of (1)? ok

Oyatsu wrote:


  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1) - Remove, Let give me cause you NC them? ok
  2. 00:21:676 (4,5) - Change into a slider, i feel better with it. I feel @@ when mod this I have done so little to diversify patterns
  3. 00:29:088 (4) - Move it to 00:28:911 - . From follow vocal changes into instrument so fast. Make difficult for newbie ok
  4. 00:49:029 (3,1) - NC at (3), not at (1). Let hear vocal plz!! ok
  5. 00:48:500 (2,1) - The same rhythm but 2 is diffirent together?? no problem here
  6. 00:58:382 (2,3) - This case is unrankble. Other place plz. 01:04:382 (3) - 01:07:558 (3,4,5,1) - 01:13:205 (1,2) - why you think its not rankable? i think no problem here
  7. 00:16:029 (1) - I didn't hear finish instrument, remove plz ok
  8. 00:39:323 (3) - This why not NC? because this place not need NC imo
thx for mod
lol, pm mod req farmer :P

nice diff.

[Sekai's Hard]
00:31:911 (3) - I felt a little out of place. I would like you to try this beat for that combo, I feel better:
01:25:029 (3) -It feels empty, please repeat over until the red tick. Also, turn down the volume to that timing section at 60%, this slider does not cover drums of the song.

[Sonico's Normal]
01:24:676 (1) - It feels wrong to be so short. Try repeating:

Sonico Makaron

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]
01:24:676 (1) - It feels wrong to be so short. Try repeating: I do not think that this place is feel wrong, it is consistent with the rhythm well imo
thx for mod
Thank you for your mods :3
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

hi m4m


00:23:617 (3) - the current spacing is confuse imo, try to move to 100|32, it will be triangle with (1,1) and not a confuse spacing.
00:25:029 (3) - move to 508|176. same reason as above
00:26:441 (3) - 40|348 ^
00:53:441 (1) - make this slider curve for flow the stream.
01:05:088 (3,4) - same reason as above
01:14:088 (3) - move to about 80|60 for avoid the spacing confuse.
01:15:323 (3) - make slider a bit curve like the above reason.


try this?
00:05:681 (1) - end the spinner here on 00:06:853 is better imo, the break before the note after spinner is too low. too hard for beginner.
00:48:500 (2) - just use this, it will easier for beginner imo
00:51:323 (3) - same reason as above.
someone still confuse for beginner ex: 01:05:970 slider end on white tich but note start add red tick, it can confuse beginner

that's all, good luck all :3
almost fixed, thanks for mod >w<

EmingK wrote:

Hi._. as your request

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
00:41:794 (3) - keep 0.8x distance snap?

00:20:088 (2,3) - make full overlap? i think its a fine
00:22:911 (2,3,1) - distance is confusing. try stack 00:23:617 (3,1) - ?
00:24:323 (2,3,1) - distance like ^. try 00:24:323 (2,3) - as an antijump?
00:25:735 (2,3,1) - like ^
00:30:676 (1,4) - a small adjust on overlap
00:35:441 (2) - make more curved (get blanket with (1) as well as form good flow with (3))
00:40:205 (5,6,1) - also a confusing distance. try swap (5,6)?
00:46:735 (3,4) - the placement looks weird.. try this?
01:11:088 (5,6) - make symmetric?
01:13:735 (2,3,4) - also poor spacing
01:13:205 (1) - add finish on head? sound of the finish is not heard here
01:25:382 (8) - use S:C1 clap sounds better

Good luck!
thanks for mod :3

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

lol, pm mod req farmer :P

nice diff.

Taiko maps request from my queue


* 00:02:655 (3,1,2,1,1,1) - d k  k d  k  d → k   k   d
* 00:07:647 - add d
* 00:13:382 - cut d
* 00:13:558 (1) - k → d
* 00:13:735 - add d
* 00:31:382 - cut d
* 00:31:735 - d d k d → d k k d
* 00:39:500 - cut d
* 00:44:088 - add k
* 00:47:088 - move d → 00:46:911
* 01:22:029 - cut k


* 00:48:676 (2,3,1) - ddk → kkd , kkk
* 00:45:500 - add note ( 00:45:588 - ? )
* 01:15:411 - d → k
* 01:24:852 - d → k

Topic Starter

AniMe666 wrote:

Taiko maps request from my queue


* 00:02:655 (3,1,2,1,1,1) - d k  k d  k  d → k   k   d ok
* 00:07:647 - add d ^
* 00:13:382 - cut d no
* 00:13:558 (1) - k → d ^
* 00:13:735 - add d ^
* 00:31:382 - cut d ok
* 00:31:735 - d d k d → d k k d ok
* 00:39:500 - cut d ^
* 00:44:088 - add k ^
* 00:47:088 - move d → 00:46:911 ^
* 01:22:029 - cut k 01:21:500 - i remove this


* 00:48:676 (2,3,1) - ddk → kkd , kkk fixed kkk
* 00:45:500 - add note ( 00:45:588 - ? ) ok
* 01:15:411 - d → k ^
* 01:24:852 - d → k ここは元から k になってます。 01:25:382 - ここの間違いでしょうか? ここをdにしました

thanks for mod :)
from #modreq

[Sekai's Hard]
00:21:676 (3,4) - try this or do this

00:54:676 (1) - tail go to X:360

01:03:323 (1) - Put this on to the(2), because too strange
01:05:794 (1) - ^

00:23:617 (3) - DS not good ,go to 1.00x
00:57:323 (4,5) - this can try x:400 y:244 and x:288 y:56 if you try this,you can know what meaning 8-)

[終わり :) ]
I only can use english to mod sorry :(
頑張って :)
Topic Starter

wmtokok wrote:

from #modreq

00:23:617 (3) - DS not good ,go to 1.00x fixed
00:57:323 (4,5) - this can try x:400 y:244 and x:288 y:56 if you try this,you can know what meaning 8-) no ;w;

[終わり :) ]
I only can use english to mod sorry :(
頑張って :)
thanks for mod :)
- TiRaFiouS -
[EZ & NM]
** DS must be the same~

## between "---------------------" this is a set>W<

00:35:441 (6) - remove
00:35:617 (6,7,1,2) - move forward to 00:35:441 -
00:37:735 (4) - remove


00:43:558 (1) - i thing the note after the spinners too hurry (?) suggest to remove((._.


00:49:205 (6) - remove


00:50:264 (3,1) - exchange


00:56:441 (1) - shorten to 00:56:617 -
00:56:970 (2) - move to 00:56:794 (2) -
00:57:147 (3,4,5) - feel strange~_~ 00:57:323 -try to move the note to here
00:57:323 (5) - shorten the slider's tail from white line to red line


00:58:558 (8) - remove
00:58:735 (9) - move to 00:58:558 -
add a slider from 00:59:000 - to 00:59:441 -


00:59:264 (1) - remove
00:59:441 (2) - shorten the slider's tail from white line to red line and move to 00:59:617 -
00:59:970 (3) - move to 01:00:147 - and shorten it to become a return slider
01:00:500 (1) - remove




01:16:382 (4) - shorten to 01:16:558 -


01:17:000 (7) - remove


01:25:735 (4) - add circle or make the return time longer



mod for ins
23:04 Piyoko_9796: 00:41:441 (3) - remove
23:05 Piyoko_9796: 00:48:852 (6) - ^
23:06 Piyoko_9796: 01:04:029 (4) - ^
23:07 ReySHeL: there is a sound ;w;
23:07 Piyoko_9796: suggest only>W<
23:07 ReySHeL: ok >w<
23:08 Piyoko_9796: y don't add a spinner at the end._.?
23:09 ReySHeL: i would like to do so
23:09 Piyoko_9796: w
23:09 ReySHeL: ww
23:10 Piyoko_9796: finsh~
23:10 ReySHeL: thanks >w<
23:11 Piyoko_9796: no thanks~

Topic Starter
thanks for mod Piyoko >w</
Sanjenin Nagi
taiko Mod
but this map PF.. Short moding

00:18:676 - add k

00:18:500 - add k
00:18:852 - ^
00:19:911 - ^
00:20:264 - ^
00:21:676 - ^
00:22:735 - ^
00:23:088 - ^
00:24:500 - ^
00:25:558 - ^
00:25:911 - ^
00:26:970 - ^
00:28:382 - ^

hmm easy mod sorry :<

  • Mod From your request XD

  1. BPM:168.5 offset:1227
  2. BPM:170 offset:6831

  3. 00:18:676 (1,1) - make their slider trajectory the same?
  4. 00:41:794 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:20:794 (3,3) - didn't stack well
  6. 00:34:205 (3) - ctrl+g
  7. 00:34:558 (4) - ctrl+g
  8. 01:25:205 (6,7,8) - sounds uncomfortably.maybe abate a little volume?

  9. 00:33:852 (1,2,3) - looks not very good.make a regular triangle
  10. 01:22:382 (5,6) - blanket well

  11. 00:10:382 (1,1) - blanket
  12. 00:24:323 (4,1) - blanket

    blankets isn't enough in this diff. And it looks not beautiful enough._.

  13. Good Job.
Good Luck
Hi :o Have we met before?
00:41:794 (3) - too far from the previous object
[Sonico's Normal]
01:04:382 (3) - Normalにとっては、こんなスタック無理かも
00:13:911 (1) - ちょっと遠い過ぎw
00:20:970 (1) - x:256 y:336
00:29:794 (2) - x:64 y:152 ( (3)の位置も修正して)
00:34:205 (3) - 392, 220

00:05:681 (1) - end unsnapped?
00:54:323 - add note?
00:30:676 (1,2,3,4) - これを試してみようか?
00:33:500 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Topic Starter

Sanjenin Nagi wrote:

taiko Mod
but this map PF.. Short moding

00:18:676 - add k

00:18:500 - add k
00:18:852 - ^
00:19:911 - ^
00:20:264 - ^
00:21:676 - ^
00:22:735 - ^
00:23:088 - ^
00:24:500 - ^
00:25:558 - ^
00:25:911 - ^
00:26:970 - ^
00:28:382 - ^

hmm easy mod sorry :<
sry, no change :(
but thanks Nagi!

Awaken wrote:

  • Mod From your request XD

  1. BPM:168.5 offset:1227
  2. BPM:170 offset:6831

  3. 00:18:676 (1,1) - make their slider trajectory the same? i consider it
  4. 00:41:794 (1,2) - ^ ^
  5. 00:20:794 (3,3) - didn't stack well ok
  6. 00:34:205 (3) - ctrl+g no
  7. 00:34:558 (4) - ctrl+g ^
  8. 01:25:205 (6,7,8) - sounds uncomfortably.maybe abate a little volume? fixed

  9. Good Job.
Good Luck
thanks for mod >w<

Zweib wrote:

Hi :o Have we met before? hi :3 idk >w<
00:41:794 (3) - too far from the previous object fixed

00:05:681 (1) - end unsnapped?
00:54:323 - add note? no
00:30:676 (1,2,3,4) - これを試してみようか? i want to keep it
00:33:500 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
thanks for mod :)
Sonico Makaron

Zweib wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]
01:04:382 (3) - Normalにとっては、こんなスタック無理かも 私はかなりノーマルノーマルのためにプレーできることは不可能だとは思わな lol

Awaken wrote:

  • [Normal]
  1. 00:10:382 (1,1) - blanket I do not want to do blanket here
  2. 00:24:323 (4,1) - blanket ^
thx for mod
Dark Fang


  1. First offset -8 from state of current (1,223)
    Second offset +4 from state of current (6,857)

  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - remove that NCs? that unnecessary for here. this section have no major changes
  2. 00:08:264 (1) - this slider is too hard to read for noob players because slider is put shortly after 00:05:681 (1) - this spinner. why don't you reduce that slider or add circle note on 00:08:794 - here instead of 00:08:264 (1) - this slider? i recommend reduce spinner. but if you want to keep spinner, i recommend other one like this. (look only beat please)
  3. 00:37:558 (1) - aaah. this is hard one too. use 1/1 slider?
  4. 00:57:323 ~ wooo. that beat too no mercy on Easy diff. why don't you use concise beat as be worthy of Easy?
smooth map except too dense rhythm as use Easy diff, and several points

[Sonico's Normal]

  1. 00:02:655 (1,1) - remove each NCs? that have no major changes and no need to supply for HP.unnecessary NCs.
  2. 00:21:676 (4,5) - why don't you use slider like previous pattern? this notes will confuse players bacuse the note density is too tiny overall.
  3. 00:32:970 (3,4) - it is not serious. but if you fixed above my opinion, can you fix it too?
  4. 01:16:382 (2) - remove the Clap on end of slider? i heard the drum sound on here. can you sampleset as drum or auto without any hitsound?
[Sekai's Hard]

  1. 00:22:033 (4) - try add a circle on 00:22:033 - here and that slider attract to 00:22:209 - here?
  2. 00:58:739 (9) - add a Clap on end of slider. let the keep that hitsound.
  3. 01:00:856 (2) - is that empty hitsound is intentionally?
  4. 01:15:327 (2) - well... it's truly painful.. ah. players can read this slider as 'jump pattern'. because you used that slider jump in many time. add a circle on 01:15:151 - here and 01:15:856 - here. or you should increase that note's distance
i'm not fan of that slider jump and beat that varied from the written music.


  1. 00:01:230 - i'll don't mention that NCs as remove, adjust etc. because that NCs need to supply HP by high HP drain. but, i will don't say reduce HP drain. because current HP drain is suitable for next pattern's beat density. ex) KIAI Time. so stuffed beat is awkward for this song and players can feel difficulty from HP drain as Insane diff.
  2. 00:36:852 (2) - try use the beat like this? nevermind that note arrangement i'v randomly put. if you apply this opinion, this section wiil be more fun. IMO
  3. 01:21:323 - please use Finish like previous on this note and next notes.
overall is good for playing. whatever, it's not my style. but i can't mention style of other mappers <_<


  1. 00:50:441 (2,1) - why don't you use d on (2) place and remove (1)? if you apply my opinion, please add a circle on 00:50:794 - here as use d
  2. 01:04:205 (3,1,1,1) - in order, k d k remove? and add a circle on 01:04:911 - here as use d
others are pretty good


  1. 01:04:029 (2,3,4,1,1,1) - on here... try to like Muzu's opinion? current pattern is too confuse for playing. or like this?
cleary :3

boo ~3~
Sonico Makaron

Dark Fang wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]

  1. 00:02:655 (1,1) - remove each NCs? that have no major changes and no need to supply for HP.unnecessary NCs. ok
  2. 00:21:676 (4,5) - why don't you use slider like previous pattern? this notes will confuse players bacuse the note density is too tiny overall. I have done so little to diversify patterns
  3. 00:32:970 (3,4) - it is not serious. but if you fixed above my opinion, can you fix it too? ^
  4. 01:16:382 (2) - remove the Clap on end of slider? i heard the drum sound on here. can you sampleset as drum or auto without any hitsound?
thx for mod :3
Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:



  1. First offset -8 from state of current (1,223)
    Second offset +4 from state of current (6,857)

  1. 00:01:942 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - remove that NCs? that unnecessary for here. this section have no major changes ok
  2. 00:08:264 (1) - this slider is too hard to read for noob players because slider is put shortly after 00:05:681 (1) - this spinner. why don't you reduce that slider or add circle note on 00:08:794 - here instead of 00:08:264 (1) - this slider? i recommend reduce spinner. but if you want to keep spinner, i recommend other one like this. (look only beat please) fixed
  3. 00:37:558 (1) - aaah. this is hard one too. use 1/1 slider? ok
  4. 00:57:323 ~ wooo. that beat too no mercy on Easy diff. why don't you use concise beat as be worthy of Easy? ;w;
smooth map except too dense rhythm as use Easy diff, and several points


  1. 00:01:230 - i'll don't mention that NCs as remove, adjust etc. because that NCs need to supply HP by high HP drain. but, i will don't say reduce HP drain. because current HP drain is suitable for next pattern's beat density. ex) KIAI Time. so stuffed beat is awkward for this song and players can feel difficulty from HP drain as Insane diff.
  2. 00:36:852 (2) - try use the beat like this? nevermind that note arrangement i'v randomly put. if you apply this opinion, this section wiil be more fun. IMO i consider it
  3. 01:21:323 - please use Finish like previous on this note and next notes. ok
overall is good for playing. whatever, it's not my style. but i can't mention style of other mappers <_<


  1. 00:50:441 (2,1) - why don't you use d on (2) place and remove (1)? if you apply my opinion, please add a circle on 00:50:794 - here as use d i think this arrangement is good
  2. 01:04:205 (3,1,1,1) - in order, k d k remove? and add a circle on 01:04:911 - here as use d i follow the beat
others are pretty good


  1. 01:04:029 (2,3,4,1,1,1) - on here... try to like Muzu's opinion? current pattern is too confuse for playing. or like this? i think that there is no problem with this pattern
cleary :3

boo ~3~
thanks for mod >w<
Sorry for delay ><
Skip taiko diff coz I really don't know how to mod (I'm not a taiko player).

  1. 00:01:230 - I think the BPM of this uninherit timing point should be 169. I set the playback rate to 25% and found that it's more suitable
  2. First offset in each .osu file seems abnormal. Offset should be integer but there are decimal, you may change them manual.
    1. Open .osu file with "notepad.exe", find "[TimingPoints]"
    2. Change the next row: "1230.69085656811" to "1230"
    3. Don't forget save
  3. Second offset - 13?
  1. 00:03:367 (4) - move to (384, 128) to keep horizontal with (1)
  2. 00:13:205 (3,2) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  3. 00:57:323 (1,3) - I don't recommend this style in Easy diff. If I were you, I'll move (3) to (324, 360)
  4. 01:01:911 (3,2) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  5. 01:07:558 (3) - try this style: 260,300,67558,2,0,P|294:328|340:332,2,90,8|8|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
  6. 01:24:147 (2) - copy 01:24:147 (2) - and Ctrl + H, Ctrl + J
[Sonico's Normal]
  1. 01:17:441 - redundant timing point, delete it
  2. 00:41:264 (2) - Move to (187, 86)
  3. 01:05:794 - I think you should add a circle here
  4. 01:25:911 (1) - silence this
[Sekai's Hard]
  1. 00:13:205 (5,6) - too close
  2. 00:43:558 (1,2) - too close
  3. 01:04:558 (4,2) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  4. 01:25:911 (1) - silence this
  1. 00:30:676 (1,4) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  2. 00:36:852 (2,4) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
That's all I could find. Good luck
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
Topic Starter

EnakoRin wrote:

Sorry for delay ><
Skip taiko diff coz I really don't know how to mod (I'm not a taiko player).

  1. 00:01:230 - I think the BPM of this uninherit timing point should be 169. I set the playback rate to 25% and found that it's more suitable
  2. First offset in each .osu file seems abnormal. Offset should be integer but there are decimal, you may change them manual.
    1. Open .osu file with "notepad.exe", find "[TimingPoints]"
    2. Change the next row: "1230.69085656811" to "1230"
    3. Don't forget save
  3. Second offset - 13?
  1. 00:03:367 (4) - move to (384, 128) to keep horizontal with (1)
  2. 00:13:205 (3,2) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  3. 00:57:323 (1,3) - I don't recommend this style in Easy diff. If I were you, I'll move (3) to (324, 360)
  4. 01:01:911 (3,2) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  5. 01:07:558 (3) - try this style: 260,300,67558,2,0,P|294:328|340:332,2,90,8|8|8,0:0|0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
  6. 01:24:147 (2) - copy 01:24:147 (2) - and Ctrl + H, Ctrl + J
  1. 00:30:676 (1,4) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
  2. 00:36:852 (2,4) - these two note aren't in a complete stack
That's all I could find. Good luck
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
thanks for mod :3
but i dont know how to correct the stack :?
Fixed My diff Thanks for modding guys >w<

ReySHeL wrote:

thanks for mod :3
but i dont know how to correct the stack :?
disable the Grid Snap and Distance Snap, then drag notes carefully for well-stack
Abe Nana
from forum PM request

little little little mod

[Sonico's Normal]

00:02:650 (1) - 00:04:070 (1) - NC?

[Sekai's Hard]

01:07:029 (1) - NC?


00:10:382 - 00:10:735 - ここにfinisiを入れてみたらどうかと
00:16:029 - 00:16:382 - ^
00:56:088 - add finish. 00:54:676 こことリズムが同じなので
00:58:911 - 01:00:500 - 00:59:441 (2) - add finish
01:07:382 - 01:08:970 - 01:09:500 - 01:10:205 - 01:10:735 (2) - add finish
01:12:852 - 01:13:205 - 01:14:264 - add finish
01:15:147 (2) - 01:15:676 (4) - add finish
01:19:558 - 01:19:911 - ここにもfinisiを入れてみたらどうかと
01:21:676 (1) - 01:22:911 (6) - add clap


ヒットサウンドだけでごめんなさい。それては、Good Luck

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

you can check my mapset for alternative tags, such as nadeko, medusa and the show name written in japanese
also i think the soource should be "Monogatari Season 2" to keep consistent with the ranked mapset

00:08:264 (2) - need a NC here since it is after a spinner
00:16:029 (1) - try a drum clap on the end here, sounds nice imo
00:28:735 (2) - spacing with the previous slider is a bit inconsistent here
00:57:323 (1) - would be cool if you can avoid the partial overlap with 00:58:382 (3), something like this: 01:16:382 (2) - try a drum clap on the repeat here
01:25:205 (1,2,3) - maybe try to center this for a symmetry effect:
[Sonico's Normal]
00:01:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - position this so 00:03:360 (4) is located center screen gives a nice effect in the intro
00:21:676 (4,5,6) - having consecutive notes placed like this is actually quite confusing under this AR; either do a stack on 00:21:676 (4,5) or swap it for a 1/2 slider
00:33:500 (5) - did you forget a NC here? combo is quite long compared to others in this section
01:04:382 (3) - you sure you want to stack it like this? its quite difficult to recognize under this approach rate (00:59:441 (3) on the other hand is fine since there is a clearly visible slider track to follow)
01:22:382 (1) - shouldnt this be a clap? i dont hear a finish in the music here

[Sekai's Hard]
00:05:136 (5) - why not make a W shape by stacking this with 00:01:940 (2)?
00:26:617 (6) - NC should be on this slider judging from the vocal verse
00:33:852 (1,2,3,4) - you can make this combo cleaner by moving 00:34:205 (3) slightly down
00:43:911 (2,4) - the overlap here can be easily avoided if you rotate 00:43:558 (1,2,3) clockwise by 20 degrees or so; also it is more natural to start at 00:43:735 instead of 00:43:558, considering how the music sounds here
00:57:147 (3,4,5) - i would delete the middle circle here to get rid of this triplet, mostly because there are no 1/4s in the music, and stack leniency results in an unpleasing pattern
01:05:617 - add a note here to catch the vocals
01:08:441 (1,2,3) - if you applied 00:57:147 (3,4,5), do it to this for consistency
01:19:382 (5) - blanket properly around 01:19:205 (4)
01:24:147 (4) - missing a finish on start?
01:25:735 - also maybe a note here
it seems you were mostly mapping to the background rhythm, since a majority of the vocal emphasis were skipped over via blanks or long sliders. For a song like this i would advise you to map to the vocals due to their dominance in the music (maybe next time...)

00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Garven will be mad at you (combo spam *cough*)
00:16:382 (6) - a drum clap on the start sounds nice
00:18:676 (1) - whistle start? i hear the loud piano sound here
00:28:558 - add a note here to capture the vocals, combined with 00:28:735 (1,2) it plays surprisingly well
00:41:264 (2,3,4) - try a more challenging pattern here instead of stack: 00:53:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - could use some whistles here to represent the violin e.g. whistle on the white ticks (try whistle patterns on the streams in the kiai as well, sounds pretty nice to me)
01:13:735 (2,3) - try do a stack here to mirror the stack at 01:12:323 (2,3)
01:26:000 - add a spinner here and end it at 01:29:794 like Normal to cover the outro would be cool (add it on Easy as well, if you wish)

Thats what i've got, rank this soon or else nadeko is gonna hunt you down ><
oh yeah here is a star :3
Topic Starter

-Chata- wrote:

from forum PM request

little little little mod


00:10:382 - 00:10:735 - ここにfinisiを入れてみたらどうかと
00:16:029 - 00:16:382 - ^
00:56:088 - add finish. 00:54:676 こことリズムが同じなので
00:58:911 - 01:00:500 - 00:59:441 (2) - add finish
01:07:382 - 01:08:970 - 01:09:500 - 01:10:205 - 01:10:735 (2) - add finish
01:12:852 - 01:13:205 - 01:14:264 - add finish
01:15:147 (2) - 01:15:676 (4) - add finish
01:19:558 - 01:19:911 - ここにもfinisiを入れてみたらどうかと
01:21:676 (1) - 01:22:911 (6) - add clap


ヒットサウンドだけでごめんなさい。それては、Good Luck
バックの音に合わせてfinishなど置いてるのでno changeで ;w;
modありがとうございます >w<

jonathanlfj wrote:


Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

you can check my mapset for alternative tags, such as nadeko, medusa and the show name written in japanese
also i think the soource should be "Monogatari Season 2" to keep consistent with the ranked mapset

00:08:264 (2) - need a NC here since it is after a spinner
00:16:029 (1) - try a drum clap on the end here, sounds nice imo
00:28:735 (2) - spacing with the previous slider is a bit inconsistent here
00:57:323 (1) - would be cool if you can avoid the partial overlap with 00:58:382 (3), something like this: 01:16:382 (2) - try a drum clap on the repeat here
01:25:205 (1,2,3) - maybe try to center this for a symmetry effect:
00:01:230 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Garven will be mad at you (combo spam *cough*) why ;w;
00:16:382 (6) - a drum clap on the start sounds nice
00:18:676 (1) - whistle start? i hear the loud piano sound here
00:28:558 - add a note here to capture the vocals, combined with 00:28:735 (1,2) it plays surprisingly well
00:41:264 (2,3,4) - try a more challenging pattern here instead of stack: 00:53:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - could use some whistles here to represent the violin e.g. whistle on the white ticks (try whistle patterns on the streams in the kiai as well, sounds pretty nice to me)
01:13:735 (2,3) - try do a stack here to mirror the stack at 01:12:323 (2,3) i want to keep it
01:26:000 - add a spinner here and end it at 01:29:794 like Normal to cover the outro would be cool (add it on Easy as well, if you wish) i consider it

Thats what i've got, rank this soon or else nadeko is gonna hunt you down ><
oh yeah here is a star :3
almost fixed!
great mod <3
thanks for mod and star! >w<
Fixed everything :3

Thanks for the good mods www
Sonico Makaron

jonathanlfj wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]
00:01:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - position this so 00:03:360 (4) is located center screen gives a nice effect in the intro ok
00:21:676 (4,5,6) - having consecutive notes placed like this is actually quite confusing under this AR; either do a stack on 00:21:676 (4,5) or swap it for a 1/2 slider ok, changed this place on slider
00:33:500 (5) - did you forget a NC here? combo is quite long compared to others in this section I do not feel here a new combo
01:04:382 (3) - you sure you want to stack it like this? its quite difficult to recognize under this approach rate (00:59:441 (3) on the other hand is fine since there is a clearly visible slider track to follow) ok, i replaced
01:22:382 (1) - shouldnt this be a clap? i dont hear a finish in the music here i think finish sounds good because that the finish matches the music imo

-Chata- wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]
00:02:650 (1) - 00:04:070 (1) - NC? I follow a piano here so i think NC fine for now

EnakoRin wrote:

[Sonico's Normal]
  1. 01:17:441 - redundant timing point, delete it ok
  2. 00:41:264 (2) - Move to (187, 86) this place is played quite well for now so not change
  3. 01:05:794 - I think you should add a circle here i dont want add note here
  4. 01:25:911 (1) - silence this but i already silenced this, no?
thx for mod :3
Topic Starter
updated :3
As requested by ReySHeL, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to
Grey~ Explanations of my suggestions


[ Oni]

00:17:794 ~ 00:26:617 - Just saying that the custom drum pattern fits really well here. Great job :)

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:06:853 (1,2) - Add finishes ? ( Since the cymbal sounds are quite obvious, and I think it could be a nice idea to emphasize them more by using finishes )

01:16:029 (1) - Remove finish ? ( This makes the later 2 to be the only finish, which can emphasize 2 better as it has even stronger hit than this note. Totally optional though )

Well, tbh I can't really find much to mod, not even a hitsound suggestion
I understand the whole diff is based on the background drum, and so I'd prefer keeping the consistency and the structure of the diff
So yeah, I'll say it's totally ok to skip the minor hitsound mod ~

This diff is really nicely-mapped ~
The hitsounds just blend with the background drums naturally, and the note arrangements fit the hitsounds as well
Keep it up :3


[ Muzukashii]

Nothing found. See the box below for some minor suggestion :3

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:06:853 ~ 00:08:264 - Just mentioning that the k hits can be added with finish. But I think it's ok to keep them unchanged because it's hard to keep a consistent use of cymbal finish in this case ( Since there's no 1/4 cymbal, unlike oni )

00:29:264 ~ 00:34:911 - This part seems to be tricky for drum-oriented mapping, because I guess you probably struggled hard to balance between drum consistency and anti-boredom, and I guess that's why you used dkkd at 00:31:558. Although this is totally fine, I'd say you can also consider some patterns like ddkk or dddk. These patterns may have slightly better effect on avoiding repeating patterns. Your decision though :3

01:16:029 (1) - Remove finish ? ( Same as oni )

Again, not much to mention, since it's quite similar to oni in terms of mapping style
Also a really nice map, where the highlights are the hitsounds for sure :3


I'll say both diffs are ready to go ~

Find me when you've checked the above suggestions. I'll taiko icon this afterwards.

Good luck ~ ;)
Topic Starter

aabc271 wrote:

As requested by ReySHeL, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to
Grey~ Explanations of my suggestions


[ Oni]

00:17:794 ~ 00:26:617 - Just saying that the custom drum pattern fits really well here. Great job :)

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:06:853 (1,2) - Add finishes ? ( Since the cymbal sounds are quite obvious, and I think it could be a nice idea to emphasize them more by using finishes ) i want to keep this because I think its a good sound

01:16:029 (1) - Remove finish ? ( This makes the later 2 to be the only finish, which can emphasize 2 better as it has even stronger hit than this note. Totally optional though ) i want to emphasize the sound of two from here

Well, tbh I can't really find much to mod, not even a hitsound suggestion
I understand the whole diff is based on the background drum, and so I'd prefer keeping the consistency and the structure of the diff
So yeah, I'll say it's totally ok to skip the minor hitsound mod ~

This diff is really nicely-mapped ~
The hitsounds just blend with the background drums naturally, and the note arrangements fit the hitsounds as well
Keep it up :3


[ Muzukashii]

Nothing found. See the box below for some minor suggestion :3

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:06:853 ~ 00:08:264 - Just mentioning that the k hits can be added with finish. But I think it's ok to keep them unchanged because it's hard to keep a consistent use of cymbal finish in this case ( Since there's no 1/4 cymbal, unlike oni ) yea, if add a finish
finish is too many and hard
i will keep it

00:29:264 ~ 00:34:911 - This part seems to be tricky for drum-oriented mapping, because I guess you probably struggled hard to balance between drum consistency and anti-boredom, and I guess that's why you used dkkd at 00:31:558. Although this is totally fine, I'd say you can also consider some patterns like ddkk or dddk. These patterns may have slightly better effect on avoiding repeating patterns. Your decision though :3 yea, i understand :3 but want to follow the vocal and drum

01:16:029 (1) - Remove finish ? ( Same as oni ) same as Oni

Again, not much to mention, since it's quite similar to oni in terms of mapping style
Also a really nice map, where the highlights are the hitsounds for sure :3


I'll say both diffs are ready to go ~

Find me when you've checked the above suggestions. I'll taiko icon this afterwards.

Good luck ~ ;)
thanks for mod!
Talked to ReySHeL in-game, and we agreed that the taiko diffs are ready to go

Good luck on rank :)
Topic Starter

aabc271 wrote:

Talked to ReySHeL in-game, and we agreed that the taiko diffs are ready to go

Good luck on rank :)
Hi there!~ You requested a mod via PM, so here it is.


~Not DSed? I suggest DS 1x.
~00:05:757 (1) - Remove spinner? Cuz atm the spinner end and the next slider is too close to each other for easy diff. Furthermore I think removing the spinner creates a build up before entering the verse.
~00:16:029 (1) - Try to stack this note closer to 00:13:911 (1) .
~00:36:147 (3) - Why does this slider suddenly have a different shape? Keep the shapes consistent. Also keep only 3 points for simple curves.
~00:59:088 (1) - Starting from here, there are claps everywhere and this doesn't really fit as it's not a loud song build up. Therefore I suggest u keep the clap pattern as 2nd and 4th white tick for consistency.

Sonico's Normal:
~This is more like a hard diff then a Normal @@
~Mapped nicely for hard lol, the main point is that you have to make it easier for Normal diff.

~00:28:558 (4) - Turn the slider into 3 1/2 beat circles? The slider doesn't really follow anything atm and therefore breaks the flow.
~00:54:676 - I can hear inconsistent claps all over the place :? Keep the clap patterns consistent pls, and dun put them everywhere as it doesn't match the song.
~01:25:029 (3) - Extend to 01:25:735 - and then move 01:25:911 (4) -to 01:25:911 - Then move spinner to 01:26:264 .

~Inconsistent Distance snapping again. Pls make sure all the notes are DSed consistently or it will be impossible for ranking.
~00:01:230 - There is no pattern in that jump, try making them opposite to each other like this , and . Use 1x DS and make them symmetrical.
~01:26:088 - Add spinner here to 01:28:735 - for fade out end. Also change the volume of the spinner to 5% for ending.
~Nice map.

That's all I can give now, so keep at it and GL!~ :D
Topic Starter

gideon5504 wrote:

Hi there!~ You requested a mod via PM, so here it is.


~Not DSed? I suggest DS 1x.
~00:05:757 (1) - Remove spinner? Cuz atm the spinner end and the next slider is too close to each other for easy diff. Furthermore I think removing the spinner creates a build up before entering the verse.
~00:16:029 (1) - Try to stack this note closer to 00:13:911 (1) .
~00:36:147 (3) - Why does this slider suddenly have a different shape? Keep the shapes consistent. Also keep only 3 points for simple curves.
~00:59:088 (1) - Starting from here, there are claps everywhere and this doesn't really fit as it's not a loud song build up. Therefore I suggest u keep the clap pattern as 2nd and 4th white tick for consistency.

~Inconsistent Distance snapping again. Pls make sure all the notes are DSed consistently or it will be impossible for ranking.
~00:01:230 - There is no pattern in that jump, try making them opposite to each other like this , and . Use 1x DS and make them symmetrical. code plz? ;w;
~01:26:088 - Add spinner here to 01:28:735 - for fade out end. Also change the volume of the spinner to 5% for ending.
~Nice map.

That's all I can give now, so keep at it and GL!~ :D
some fixed, and i using the DS :?
thanks for mod :)
Did some IRC modding. Mostly dealing with rhythms in Easy and circles way too soon after spinners. A couple small changes in the Insane. Taikos look good~

00:08:264 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal. Give it more time. 2-3 beats is usually fine.
00:18:058 - ^
00:43:911 (1) - This one is pushing it. Might be okay, but I'd err on the side of caution.
00:54:676 (1) - ^
00:48:147 (1) - Too soon

00:32:264 (4,5,6) - These play odd due to the unorthodox rhythm and spacing. Change it up.
00:44:882 (2) - Delete
01:25:911 - Add a circle here
Overall this hard is... really weird to play. You use sliders for fillers instead of following much of anything in the music and it leads to a confusing play experience. I recommend you listen to the music more and revise your rhythm use with sliders. It's not a very good representative of the music itself as of right now, even if the map plays fine if you turned the mp3 off.

2013-11-16 10:26 Garven: ACTION is editing [ Kawano Marina - Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size) [Easy]]
2013-11-16 10:27 Garven: 00:08:264 (1) - Too soon after a spinner in an Easy difficulty. Give around 3-4 beats for recovery.
2013-11-16 10:27 ReySHeL: a
2013-11-16 10:28 Garven: 00:43:911 (1) - ^
2013-11-16 10:28 Garven: 00:54:676 (1) - ^
2013-11-16 10:28 ReySHeL: konbanwa Garven-san
2013-11-16 10:28 Garven: kon~
2013-11-16 10:29 ReySHeL: etto...
2013-11-16 10:29 Garven: 00:54:676 (1,2,3) - kono rizumu ha chotto hen. offbeat -> metronome ni naru
2013-11-16 10:30 ReySHeL: spinnerの後のcircleがhard?
2013-11-16 10:30 ReySHeL: 00:08:264 (1) - 00:43:911 (1) - 00:54:676 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:30 ReySHeL: I agree!
2013-11-16 10:30 ReySHeL: ちょっと英語がむずかしかった
2013-11-16 10:30 Garven: ごめん
2013-11-16 10:30 ReySHeL: no problem!
2013-11-16 10:30 Garven: 間が狭すぎるから
2013-11-16 10:31 ReySHeL: あー
2013-11-16 10:31 Garven: 3-4白線でいい
2013-11-16 10:31 ReySHeL: どうするべきでしょうか
2013-11-16 10:31 Garven: 00:05:668 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:31 ReySHeL: spinnerの長さを変える?
2013-11-16 10:31 Garven: 00:06:853 - ここに終わりはどう?
2013-11-16 10:31 ReySHeL: いい感じ
2013-11-16 10:32 Garven: 00:07:911 - そうして◎add
2013-11-16 10:32 ReySHeL: 場所はどこがbetterですか?
2013-11-16 10:33 Garven: 例だけです
2013-11-16 10:33 Garven: 実例?
2013-11-16 10:33 Garven: じしょおお
2013-11-16 10:33 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 10:33 ReySHeL: 例えばです
2013-11-16 10:34 Garven: ありがとう
2013-11-16 10:34 Garven: 00:42:147 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:35 Garven: 00:52:382 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:35 ReySHeL: slider?
2013-11-16 10:35 Garven: はい
2013-11-16 10:35 ReySHeL: なるほど
2013-11-16 10:35 Garven: Spinnerできれば、時間がないとおもう
2013-11-16 10:36 Garven: fmm
2013-11-16 10:37 Garven: きあいに・・
2013-11-16 10:37 ReySHeL: 00:05:668 - ここ修正しました
2013-11-16 10:38 Garven: 治すやりましたけど、声をFollowしたw
2013-11-16 10:38 ReySHeL: ですねw
2013-11-16 10:38 Garven:
2013-11-16 10:39 Garven: でもReySHeLさんがdrumをfollowしたいね
2013-11-16 10:39 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 10:39 Garven: fmm
2013-11-16 10:40 Garven:  00:54:676 (1,2) - ああああ
2013-11-16 10:40 Garven: むずかしい
2013-11-16 10:40 Garven: 説明むずw
2013-11-16 10:41 ReySHeL: www
2013-11-16 10:41 ReySHeL: 英語で?
2013-11-16 10:41 Garven: Well
2013-11-16 10:41 Garven: Right now with the first cymbal crash to the first slider
2013-11-16 10:41 Garven: It feels like you're not following the music very well
2013-11-16 10:41 Garven: The strongest emphasis in the song is the offbeats that are followed by the vocalist
2013-11-16 10:42 Garven: So it will all be on the red ticks
2013-11-16 10:42 Garven: But this doesn't emphasize the drums that well, since they are more of a background driving force
2013-11-16 10:42 Garven: It's difficult to follow the drums in a manner that fits the Easy difficulty
2013-11-16 10:42 Garven: Mainly at this first part
2013-11-16 10:42 Garven: The rest is easy, but introducing the drums is the hard part.
2013-11-16 10:43 Garven: I'm having a hard time making this not awkward but still follow what you want to emphasize.
2013-11-16 10:43 Garven: But right now it's a little strange and I'm not happy with it.
2013-11-16 10:44 ReySHeL: 大体わかりました
2013-11-16 10:44 Garven: orz
2013-11-16 10:44 ReySHeL: ;w;
2013-11-16 10:45 Garven: でも治すはどう?まだ・・
2013-11-16 10:45 ReySHeL: どこを治す?
2013-11-16 10:46 Garven: 00:54:676 (1,2) -
2013-11-16 10:46 ReySHeL: red tick muzukashii?
2013-11-16 10:47 Garven: iyaiya
2013-11-16 10:47 Garven: It's that 00:55:205 (2) - is a strange place to start.
2013-11-16 10:47 Garven: There is little musical justification
2013-11-16 10:47 ReySHeL: aa
2013-11-16 10:48 ReySHeL: i understand
2013-11-16 10:48 Garven: Right now, the big emphasis points are here
2013-11-16 10:49 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 10:49 ReySHeL: vocalフォローですね
2013-11-16 10:49 Garven: vocalto
2013-11-16 10:49 Garven: strings?
2013-11-16 10:50 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 10:50 Garven: chordへんこの所
2013-11-16 10:50 ReySHeL: 確かに
2013-11-16 10:53 ReySHeL: 00:54:676 - ~ 00:57:323 - 編集中
2013-11-16 10:54 Garven: かなください ._.
2013-11-16 10:54 ReySHeL: へんしゅうちゅう
2013-11-16 10:54 Garven: a
2013-11-16 10:55 Garven: okke
2013-11-16 10:55 Garven: 01:05:970 (1,2) - koko mo onaji desu
2013-11-16 10:55 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 10:56 Garven: orz  Normalが同じSpinnerのこと。00:08:264 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:56 Garven: 00:18:147 (1) -
2013-11-16 10:57 ReySHeL: 位置を変えるべき?
2013-11-16 10:58 ReySHeL: a- normal diff?
2013-11-16 10:59 Garven: はい
2013-11-16 10:59 ReySHeL: sonico今いないですね
2013-11-16 10:59 Garven: ああ
2013-11-16 10:59 Garven: Guest diff
2013-11-16 10:59 Garven: Forumで書く
2013-11-16 10:59 ReySHeL: hai
2013-11-16 10:59 ReySHeL: ありです
2013-11-16 10:59 ReySHeL: normalとhardはguestです
2013-11-16 11:00 Garven: わかった
2013-11-16 11:00 Garven: じゃ、太鼓のむずです
2013-11-16 11:01 ReySHeL: 一応taiko iconあります
2013-11-16 11:01 Garven: まだModできるけど q:
2013-11-16 11:02 ReySHeL: :p
2013-11-16 11:03 Garven: ・・Mapはいいw
2013-11-16 11:04 ReySHeL: thanks w
2013-11-16 11:04 Garven: Oni
2013-11-16 11:04 Garven: きあいできないw
2013-11-16 11:04 ReySHeL: www
2013-11-16 11:04 Garven: でもいいみたい
2013-11-16 11:05 ReySHeL: ok!
2013-11-16 11:05 Garven: Insane: OD+1ください
2013-11-16 11:05 ReySHeL: わかりました
2013-11-16 11:07 Garven: 00:19:382 (2,1) - koko ctrl + H ha Better Flow to omou
2013-11-16 11:09 ReySHeL: ふむ
2013-11-16 11:09 ReySHeL: 00:19:558 (1) - ctrl + H ?
2013-11-16 11:10 Garven: o.ob
2013-11-16 11:10 ReySHeL:
2013-11-16 11:10 ReySHeL: good ww
2013-11-16 11:10 ReySHeL: fixed
2013-11-16 11:10 Garven: 00:19:382 (2) - sukosi migi ni
2013-11-16 11:10 Garven: a, ii
2013-11-16 11:10 ReySHeL: おk
2013-11-16 11:12 Garven: 00:39:852 (2,3,4) - このTripleはちょっと孤独なー
2013-11-16 11:12 ReySHeL: まじか
2013-11-16 11:13 Garven: If you used triples a lot more I wouldn't point it out, but there isn't much in the music to justify using that triple, and it's the first one in the entire map.
2013-11-16 11:13 Garven: Feels out of place.
2013-11-16 11:14 ReySHeL: 確かに
2013-11-16 11:15 ReySHeL: 短いsliderを置くのはどうですか?
2013-11-16 11:15 Garven: 00:43:382 - もっとうるさいに欲しい
2013-11-16 11:15 ReySHeL: はい
2013-11-16 11:15 Garven:
2013-11-16 11:16 ReySHeL: yes
2013-11-16 11:16 Garven: リズムはまだ変と思うw
2013-11-16 11:16 ReySHeL: www
2013-11-16 11:17 ReySHeL: でもここ tripleきこえますw
2013-11-16 11:17 ReySHeL: drumの音w
2013-11-16 11:17 Garven: If you used triples in many places before
2013-11-16 11:17 ReySHeL: ちいさいけどw
2013-11-16 11:18 Garven: It wouldn't feel odd..
2013-11-16 11:18 ReySHeL: ああw
2013-11-16 11:18 Garven: demo hitotu tukutta kara
2013-11-16 11:18 ReySHeL: ですね
2013-11-16 11:25 Garven: 01:21:500 (4,1) - ctrl + g
2013-11-16 11:26 Garven: NormalとHardを書きます
2013-11-16 11:26 ReySHeL: 了解です
2013-11-16 11:33 ReySHeL: modありがとうございます
2013-11-16 11:34 Garven: :3
2013-11-16 11:35 Garven: 悪い日本語ごめんなさい
2013-11-16 11:35 ReySHeL: 悪い英語ごめんなさい ;w;

Garven wrote:

00:32:264 (4,5,6) - These play odd due to the unorthodox rhythm and spacing. Change it up. it's still plays well and, it's high jump and i've used the same jumps on my other maps, so i think it's gonna be fine. But thanks for your suggestion tho >w<

Thank you Graven for your mod :3

Fixed everything, but the above!

My Diff:
मी देव क्रमांकावर मजा संगीत भरपूर अपेक्षा !!!
मी कसे उपयुक्त सुदैवी माहित नाही, पण मी तारा आहे :)
Topic Starter

AzuSHeL wrote:

मी देव क्रमांकावर मजा संगीत भरपूर अपेक्षा !!!
मी कसे उपयुक्त सुदैवी माहित नाही, पण मी तारा आहे :)
thanks star!ww
Sonico Makaron

Garven wrote:

00:08:264 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for a Normal. Give it more time. 2-3 beats is usually fine. ok
00:18:058 - ^ I tried to remove the spinner and put something note in place of the spinner and also tried to extend the spinner. On the basis of this I do not like how it goes, sooo i keeping my place for now
00:43:911 (1) - This one is pushing it. Might be okay, but I'd err on the side of caution. little not understanding what u mean but i feel no problem here
00:54:676 (1) - ^ ^
00:48:147 (1) - Too soon some opinion as 00:18:058
thx for mod :)
Topic Starter
updated~ :)
Give more time after the spinners or map through them. This is not an option.

I'll elaborate on the weird spacing in the other guest diff when I get time.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Give more time after the spinners or map through them. This is not an option.

I'll elaborate on the weird spacing in the other guest diff when I get time.
okay >w<
00:18:058 - Too soon after a spinner for a Normal.
00:43:911 (1) - This one is pushing it. Might be okay, but I'd err on the side of caution.
00:54:676 (1) - ^
00:48:147 (1) - Too soon

00:31:911 (3,4) - The main problem is that with these sliders, you're not really accenting the vocal anymore like what you did with 00:29:264 (1,2) - so it feels awkward to play. If you changed the rhythm up these would play much more naturally.
01:21:323 (3) - Feels like you're missing some finishes over here
Thanks for modding Garven did everything, but i didn't understand some stuff like 00:29:264 (1,2) - what's wrong with it? o.o"

osu file format v12

AudioFilename: Sono Koe wo Oboeteru.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 54235
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

Bookmarks: 607
DistanceSpacing: 1.2
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Sono Koe wo Oboeteru (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:その声を覚えてる (TV Size)
Artist:Kawano Marina
Version:Sekai's Hard
Source:Monogatari Series Second Season
Tags:ending Sonico Makaron Sekai-nyan


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 217,159,251
Combo2 : 43,123,69
Combo3 : 249,215,123
Combo4 : 247,141,111

Sonico Makaron

Garven wrote:

00:18:058 - Too soon after a spinner for a Normal. k
00:43:911 (1) - This one is pushing it. Might be okay, but I'd err on the side of caution. stil think that this place fine
00:54:676 (1) - ^ fix maybe?
00:48:147 (1) - Too soon k
thx Garven :)
Topic Starter
updated :)
thanks for mod again!
00:32:617 (5,6,7) - This spacing is rather wonky.
00:33:323 (7) - This rhythm is still a little off-feeling. Maybe doing something like this:

I used 00:29:264 (1,2) - as an example of what was better. q:
Topic Starter
where is sekai ▄█▀█●
sekai does not come to osu :(
Forum PMできない? D:

If all else fails, you can apply changes as you see fit since it is technically your map set.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Forum PMできない? D:
sekai didnt see PM :?

okay, i fixed hard diff and hit sounds of insane diff >w<
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

thanks Garven-san! (o>ω<o)
P o M u T a
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