
BURTON - Junsuina Aijou

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Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 3월 29일 금요일 at 오전 1:07:04

Artist: BURTON
Title: Junsuina Aijou
Source: Mashiro-iro Symphony -Love is pure white-
Tags: - t e n n y a - original soundtrack ost visual novel eroge
BPM: 90
Filesize: 4501kb
Play Time: 02:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.3 stars, 240 notes)
  2. n y a's Normal (1.93 stars, 144 notes)
Download: BURTON - Junsuina Aijou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
BURTON - Junsuina Aijou

Hard : me (Done)

Normal : - t e n n y a - (Done)
first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first <33333333 Gloria-kuuunnn BURTOONN

EDIT: Normal done I did my best tough >u<;
from your queue
this is suggestion 'w'


  1. Audio Lead-in : + 500~1500 ?
  2. Source:Mashiro-Iro Symphony -Love is pure white-

[n y a's Normal]

00:41:263 (1) - move to x:212 y:132
01:30:596 (3) - 2glid right
01:39:930 (1) - spacing
01:54:596 (2) - stack to 01:53:263 (1) end
01:59:930 (2) - ^ 01:58:596 (1)
02:06:263 - add note
02:07:930 (2) - move to x:456 y:196



00:09:553 (3) - 2glid down
00:11:553 (2) - 1glid down
00:12:553 (4) - ^
00:23:930 (4) - 1glid right
00:29:930 (6) - 1glid up
00:47:929 (4) - ^
00:58:596 (4) - 1glid down
01:03:929 (7) -
01:33:263 (4,5,6) - move to x:80 y:196
01:59:930 (3) - 1glid down
02:01:263 (1) - remove NC
02:07:930 (3) - 1glid up
02:16:596 (5) - 1glid down
02:17:263 (1) - ^

sana kawaii
Hi :),
For the M4M:

n y a's Normal
??????????Why no Kiai time??????????
00:16:220 (1) - It's silent. You don't need a whistle.
00:29:930 (4) - Make it symmetrical like the previous notes.
01:02:596 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe a little hard to read for newbie players.
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (try a pattern where the notes aren't stucked to each other)
01:23:930 (3) - I think the music is better followed that way:
01:30:596 (3) - Move it to x=456 y=204 in order to be on the same axis as the end of 01:29:263 (1).
01:39:263 (2,3,1) - There is nothing wrong here but in all your previous pattern when there was three notes, the firts one and the last one were always one the same axis. But not here.
02:01:263 (4) - Whistle.
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - Your pentagon isn't good. Use "Create Polygon Circles" for a nice one.
02:19:263 (3,1) - I think it's better if you end it 1/2 beat later and start the spinner 1/2 beat later too.

00:13:3553 (1) - Try to end it on 00:12:220 (3). I think it would be nicer.
00:16:720 - Add a note? I'm not sure but i think i heard anote.
00:41:263 - I don't think you need a kiai here. It's pretty quiet and you already have one later.
01:23:930 - I don't really understand this kiai either. There isn't any major change in the song before and after.
01:54:263 (2,3) - Considering the relatively low amount of jump on this map i find it kind of weird. (Well... It surpised me when i played)
02:01:263 (1) - I think it would be better at the center than on the bottom left corner.
02:02:341 (1) - I think you should end it 1/2 beat later if i heard correctly.

Good map. I really like the sliders in the Normal and the patterns in Hard :D. But, it's maybe me, but i feel like the claps at the beggining of the Hard sounds very off.
Good luck getting it ranked ;).
m4m from your modding queue ^_^

n y a's Normal

00:07:053 more like this?
00:59:596 Delete this one


00:16:220 Is easier :)

Well nice map, and sorry if my mod is bad, but i didnt mod for 1 month =3
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you for modding all ^^/
Hello! M4M? (´◉◞౪◟◉)

In General, you should have a preview point. Go to Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Point. My Opinion, use this here: 01:45:263

00:00:220 (1) - This slider should be similar to slider (3).
00:13:553 (4) - NC? Or maybe circle 6 can be a NC.
00:19:886 - timing point not snapped. (Be aware, after this sentence i go on a rampage of sound hits). For the slider, maybe have a clap here, since the other slider has a clap clap to it. For some reason around this part first you only one clap in a slider (00:25:263), then you use two claps in another (00:27:930), I might need an explanation on this.
01:02:596 - Be careful of overlapping, may confuse players.
01:05:263 - ^
01:08:596 - Clap. (Below these I'm trying to create a steady beat like 01:03:263 and 01:03:930, you seemed to stop later.
01:11:263 - ^
01:13:930 - ^
01:16:596 - ^
01:19:263 - ^ etc. etc.
01:23:930 - NC?
02:06:263 - Circle?
02:20:096 - Slider tick makes this sound weird.

00:16:220 - Slider isn't snapped correctly.
01:09:930 - Clap.
01:23:930 - For this might as well put Kiai time at normal as well.

AGH, This song sounds so depressing WAI. ಥ__ಥ
Hi, M4M here.

[n y a's Normal]
Imo, the claps need more adjustment.
00:22:596 and 00:25:263 -The claps are inconsistent with 00:19:930
00:25:930 is inconsistent with 00:28:596
My suggestion is :
00:22:596 and 00:25:263 - Remove clap
00:25:930 - Add clap
00:27:930 and 00:30:596 - Remove clap

01:02:596 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too much overlap is confusing, especially in EZ/NM
My suggestion is:
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

01:08:596 - Clap
01:11:263 - ^
01:13:930 - ^
01:16:596 - ^
01:19:263 - ^
01:21:930 (1) - ^
And so on. 2,4 clap is nice in this song.Try if you like.

00:12:219 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - Try this to stack 3 with the slider's end:

01:09:930 - Clap?
01:29:263 - Downbeat,Try Clap

From 00:19:930 to 01:01:930
Although the rhythm is all the same, you can try different arrangement. For example:
00:21:263 (4) -
Type 1:
Type 2:
Combine them with the former type will make the map better~

02:19:930 (1) - The spinner is a bit too long.Let it end at 02:21:930 and start another spinner form 02:23:596
Try and see if your like.

That's all. Good luck

Title: "Junsuina Aijou"

Both difficulties lack a preview point, by the way. And I'd recommend adding more audio lead-in.

n y a's Normal:

Good placement of those anti-jumps. Just some small suggestions for touching up.

- 01:03:263 (3) - Don't really understand why having slider points would make much of a difference when they're already this stubby.

The angle at which it points towards also makes the one at - 01:03:930 (4) - look out of direction

- 01:05:930 (3,4) - Identical to above. Try this?
- 01:08:263 (2) - Seems kinda bumpy. Move it up maybe 4 grids ?

- 01:30:596 (3,1) - Here's my suggestion:
- 01:58:596 (1) - Why not have the slider-end point straight to the next note ?

- 02:01:263 - Onwards. You don't really need a break here.


- 00:16:220 (4) - You're missing 1 more repeat for this.

- 01:17:263 (5) - Shift this 1 grid right.

- 02:18:596 (5) - Hmm, try having a repeat, then start the spinner at - 02:20:013 (1) - (1/8 snapping)

That's about it. Try to acquire more SP for this in the meantime. (More modding is definitely welcome, in any case)

[n y a's Normal]
None... Nice!

느린곡이면 6비트 쓰시는걸 추천해요 ㅋㅋㅋ

01:39:930 (1) - 이 스피너 01:44:930 - 여기까지?
01:58:596 (1) - 리듬이 가까히 있는데 너무 먼것같은 느낌이 있네요

제 실력상... 이것뿐이네요...
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
00:16:220 - Slider isn't snapped correctly. fix
01:09:930 - Clap. fix
01:23:930 - For this might as well put Kiai time at normal as well.fix

00:12:219 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - Try this to stack 3 with the slider's end: fix
01:09:930 - Clap? fix
01:29:263 - Downbeat,Try Clap fix

From 00:19:930 to 01:01:930
Although the rhythm is all the same, you can try different arrangement. For example:
00:21:263 (4) -
Type 1:
Type 2:
Combine them with the former type will make the map better~ No fix

02:19:930 (1) - The spinner is a bit too long.Let it end at 02:21:930 and start another spinner form 02:23:596
Try and see if your like. fix


- 00:16:220 (4) - You're missing 1 more repeat for this. fix

- 01:17:263 (5) - Shift this 1 grid right. fix

- 02:18:596 (5) - Hmm, try having a repeat, then start the spinner at - 02:20:013 (1) - (1/8 snapping) fix

Holy wrote:

from your queue
this is suggestion 'w'

[n y a's Normal]

00:41:263 (1) - move to x:212 y:132 current one is ok `v`
01:30:596 (3) - 2glid right ok
01:39:930 (1) - spacing where?
01:54:596 (2) - stack to 01:53:263 (1) end sorry no ><
01:59:930 (2) - ^ 01:58:596 (1) ^
02:06:263 - add note added
02:07:930 (2) - move to x:456 y:196 ok

sana kawaii
mod thanks owo

rezoons wrote:

Hi :),
For the M4M:

n y a's Normal
??????????Why no Kiai time?????????? added
00:16:220 (1) - It's silent. You don't need a whistle. ok
00:29:930 (4) - Make it symmetrical like the previous notes.
not fit sorry ><
01:02:596 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe a little hard to read for newbie players.
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (try a pattern where the notes aren't stucked to each other)
I'll keep mine for now.
01:23:930 (3) - I think the music is better followed that way:
I hear a long voice at here :)
01:30:596 (3) - Move it to x=456 y=204 in order to be on the same axis as the end of 01:29:263 (1). fixed
01:39:263 (2,3,1) - There is nothing wrong here but in all your previous pattern when there was three notes, the firts one and the last one were always one the same axis. But not here. circle removed
02:01:263 (4) - Whistle. changed into spinner
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - Your pentagon isn't good. Use "Create Polygon Circles" for a nice one. somehow fixed
02:19:263 (3,1) - I think it's better if you end it 1/2 beat later and start the spinner 1/2 beat later too. ok

Good map. I really like the sliders in the Normal and the patterns in Hard :D. But, it's maybe me, but i feel like the claps at the beggining of the Hard sounds very off.
Good luck getting it ranked ;).mod thanks[/box][/box][/box]

@autumn: I fixed my claps


Nickname128 wrote:

m4m from your modding queue ^_^

n y a's Normal

00:07:053- more like this? keep my current
00:59:596- Delete this one keep it for now


Entreal wrote:

Hello! M4M? (´◉◞౪◟◉)
[box=]00:00:220 (1) - This slider should be similar to slider (3). keep mine
00:13:553 (4) - NC? Or maybe circle 6 can be a NC. yeah I confuse this part too, but if I nc-ed the 4th slider it'll make the follow point gone and a but hard for flashlighting
00:19:886 - timing point not snapped. (Be aware, after this sentence i go on a rampage of sound hits). For the slider, maybe have a clap here, since the other slider has a clap clap to it. For some reason around this part first you only one clap in a slider (00:25:263), then you use two claps in another (00:27:930), I might need an explanation on this.
01:02:596 - Be careful of overlapping, may confuse players.
01:05:263 - ^
01:08:596 - Clap. (Below these I'm trying to create a steady beat like 01:03:263 and 01:03:930, you seemed to stop later.
01:11:263 - ^
01:13:930 - ^
01:16:596 - ^
01:19:263 - ^ etc. etc. somehow fixed ;)
01:23:930 - NC? ok
02:06:263 - Circle? added
02:20:096 - Slider tick makes this sound weird. changed


Faust wrote:


Title: "Junsuina Aijou"

Both difficulties lack a preview point, by the way. And I'd recommend adding more audio lead-in.

n y a's Normal:

Good placement of those anti-jumps. Just some small suggestions for touching up. ah ok

- 01:03:263 (3) - Don't really understand why having slider points would make much of a difference when they're already this stubby.

The angle at which it points towards also makes the one at - 01:03:930 (4) - look out of direction

- 01:05:930 (3,4) - Identical to above. Try this? I'll keep mine since it clear-able for play owo;
- 01:08:263 (2) - Seems kinda bumpy. Move it up maybe 4 grids ? ok

- 01:30:596 (3,1) - Here's my suggestion: followed

- 01:58:596 (1) - Why not have the slider-end point straight to the next note ?
- 02:01:263 - Onwards. You don't really need a break here.
added spinner
thanks for mod Faust owo)/

Sorry Gloria-kun I was on my study tour yesterday >.<
Hi Gloria,
Saw this beautiful song in #Modreqs.

All suggestions
Nothing to say maybe add sana to the tags and not really important but make the bg ~500 kb
Love the hitsounds sorry need to say it

01:03:263 (3,4) - and 01:05:930 (3,4) - those sliders plays bad imo, maybe finish them in the red tick or add a reverse arrow in 01:03:263 (3,3) -
01:46:596 (3) - i would like this slider like this plays better for me, but its just my opinion
02:19:263 (3) - i dont think this slider need to be curvy
02:20:096 (1) - end it at 02:26:596 - like in hard

Nothing sorry,i played it so many times and still want more xD

The song make me cry T.T but still beautiful!
Im a newbie at modding hope it was useful, good luck with the rank and sorry if you dont underestand something, ask me ingame
Have my star!

mathi747 wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Saw this beautiful song in #Modreqs.

All suggestions
Nothing to say maybe add sana to the tags and not really important but make the bg ~500 kb
Love the hitsounds sorry need to say it

01:03:263 (3,4) - and 01:05:930 (3,4) - those sliders plays bad imo, maybe finish them in the red tick or add a reverse arrow in 01:03:263 (3,3) - I'll keep mine, I'll change it if there's a lot of dislike at this part =w=)b
01:46:596 (3) - i would like this slider like this plays better for me, but its just my opinion I'll keep mine, it'll make variety of this song part
02:19:263 (3) - i dont think this slider need to be curvy for variety ;;n;;
02:20:096 (1) - end it at 02:26:596 - like in hard changed

The song make me cry T.T but still beautiful!
Im a newbie at modding hope it was useful, good luck with the rank and sorry if you dont underestand something, ask me ingame
Have my star!
thanks, update:
Hi ~ accepted mod request :D sorry my poor English & mod quality

I think, this song's end has different bpm. sounds are not fit each ticks.
노래 끝 부분에 변속이 있는거 같아요. 틱에 소리가 안 맞음.

[n y a's Normal]
00:18:886 - How about makes turn down volume at 5%?
00:38:596 (3) - Move to x:212, y:130. not perfect stacked.
00:40:596 (4) - Change auto Addition and add whistle.
00:50:596 (4) - Clear whistle.
01:04:596 (5) - Is it intentionally unstacked? unless, how about move to x:256, y:208?
01:04:596 (5,5) - How about add whistles on?
01:22:596 (2) - Add whistle on slider's end.
01:29:263 (1) - Add clap on slider's end.
01:39:263 (2) - Add whistle.
01:49:263 (2) - Move to x:41, y:26. not perfect stacked.
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - How about makes more pentagonal?
02:26:596 - I think, volume 20% a little big. so, I recommend turn down 5%

00:12:219 (3) - 제대로 안 겹쳐짐. x:268, y:204로 이동시키는건 어떤가요?
00:38:596 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이건 어떠신가요? 00:33:263 (1,2) - 이쪽 점프에 맞추시는걸 추천.
00:40:596 (6) - 좀 더 완벽하게 감싸실 수 있다면 감싸시는게 어떨까요?
01:05:596 (1) - x:397, y:125로 이동시키시길. 제대로 안 겹쳐짐.
01:28:596 (1) - 끝에 클랩으로 바꾸는게 나을듯 싶음.
01:36:263 (4) - 애로우에 휘슬
02:15:263 (3,4,5) - 점프 모양이 좀 이상하네요. 이렇게 해보시는 건 어떤가요?

02:18:596 (5) - 애로우에 휘슬
02:26:596 - 소리 5%로 하시는게 좋을듯 싶음.
Hello M4M from your queue.


I don't know this game so I don't know if the music is character specific, but a smiling character in the background doesn't really fit the music to me XD

[nya's Normal]
00:29:930 (4) - nazi, but make this symmetrical
00:38:596 (3) - nazi again, but this is slightly off a perfect stack with 00:35:930 (1).
00:51:263 (5,1,2,3) - Don't know if like these stacking on the easiest difficulty.
01:02:596 (1,2,3,4) - I think this part is a bit cluttered to read. I'd prefer if you unstacked (1,2) and didn't stack 4 on any of those and I think it would look better.
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:09:930 (4) - I'd say either just make this a circle or add a repeat to it. If you add a repeat you follow the music better, if you add a circle you make this more straightforward.
01:12:596 (2) - ^
01:23:930 (1) - move this to (344,196) so that it is the same distance from the middle as 01:21:930 (1) for better symmetry.
01:26:596 (3) - then adjust this to match that
01:49:930 (3) - make this so it is not overlapped by 01:47:930 (1)
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe clean this up into a perfect pentagon?


00:16:220 (4) - a 1/8 repeating slider fits better here with 4 repeats
01:15:929 (3,4,5) - these don't blanket (4) perfectly, if you go to 01:16:513 - you can see that (3) and (5) aren't perfectly blanketing it, so maybe fix that.
01:01:930 - maybe have 01:01:263 (4) no repeat then add a 1/1 slider here and delete 01:02:596 (1) so that it is consistent.

That's all, good luck.

scanter wrote:

Hi ~ accepted mod request :D sorry my poor English & mod quality

I think, this song's end has different bpm. sounds are not fit each ticks.
노래 끝 부분에 변속이 있는거 같아요. 틱에 소리가 안 맞음.

[n y a's Normal]
00:18:886 - How about makes turn down volume at 5%? ok
00:38:596 (3) - Move to x:212, y:130. not perfect stacked. my netbook not allowed me to move this into y130 idk why ;w;
00:40:596 (4) - Change auto Addition and add whistle. ok, also lowing the volume to 40%
00:50:596 (4) - Clear whistle. ok
01:04:596 (5) - Is it intentionally unstacked? unless, how about move to x:256, y:208? I keep current one
01:04:596 (5,5) - How about add whistles on? how can I forget this added!
01:22:596 (2) - Add whistle on slider's end. added
01:29:263 (1) - Add clap on slider's end. added
01:39:263 (2) - Add whistle. added
01:49:263 (2) - Move to x:41, y:26. not perfect stacked. changed
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - How about makes more pentagonal? can I req the code?
02:26:596 - I think, volume 20% a little big. so, I recommend turn down 5% ok

Moway wrote:

Hello M4M from your queue.


I don't know this game so I don't know if the music is character specific, but a smiling character in the background doesn't really fit the music to me XD

[nya's Normal]
00:29:930 (4) - nazi, but make this symmetrical changed
00:38:596 (3) - nazi again, but this is slightly off a perfect stack with 00:35:930 (1). can I req the code?
00:51:263 (5,1,2,3) - Don't know if like these stacking on the easiest difficulty. I keep mine
01:02:596 (1,2,3,4) - I think this part is a bit cluttered to read. I'd prefer if you unstacked (1,2) and didn't stack 4 on any of those and I think it would look better.
01:05:263 (1,2,3,4) - ^ I'll keep current
01:09:930 (4) - I'd say either just make this a circle or add a repeat to it. If you add a repeat you follow the music better, if you add a circle you make this more straightforward.
01:12:596 (2) - ^ I'll keep current sorry
01:23:930 (1) - move this to (344,196) so that it is the same distance from the middle as 01:21:930 (1) for better symmetry.
01:26:596 (3) - then adjust this to match that changed
01:49:930 (3) - make this so it is not overlapped by 01:47:930 (1) ok
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe clean this up into a perfect pentagon?can I req the code?
thanks for modding
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

00:16:220 (4) - a 1/8 repeating slider fits better here with 4 repeats fix
01:15:929 (3,4,5) - these don't blanket (4) perfectly, if you go to 01:16:513 - you can see that (3) and (5) aren't perfectly blanketing it, so maybe fix that.
01:01:930 - maybe have 01:01:263 (4) no repeat then add a 1/1 slider here and delete 01:02:596 (1) so that it is consistent. no change

thx for modding ^^
Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Set the same timing on both difficulties.
    This song is very relaxing and kiai doesn't fit it at all, remove it. (or just add some kiai fountains)
    Try to use these combo colors, they fit better with your BG:
    Combo1 : 168,138,255
    Combo2 : 138,255,197

n y a's Normal

  • 00:10:886 (1,2,3) - Try this spacing:
    00:16:220 (1) - Delete this spinner then start a slider here and end it at 00:16:553.
    00:38:596 (3) - Stack the start of this slider perfectly under the end of the previous one.
    00:41:263 (1) - Flip this slider vertically and move it at x:212 y:88.
    01:03:263 (3,4) - End these slider 1/4 later, there are only 6 1/4 sliders and I don't really understand why you added them, I mean they follow the music but you should keep using 1/2 sliders. (or use them not only in this part of the song)
    01:23:930 (1) - Try this spacing:
    01:34:596 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
    01:47:930 (1) - Flip this slider vertically and move it at x:212 y:52.
    02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern can be improved, try to make it like this:


  • 00:48:596 (5,6) - Convert these circles into a slider.
    00:53:263 (4,5) - ^
    00:59:263 (5,6) - ^
    01:39:930 (1) - End this spinner 1/1 earlier then add a circle at 01:44:596.
    01:57:930 (6,1) - Why this jump? Keep the spacing consistent.
    02:04:596 (3,4) - Same thing here, jumps look horrible with this song, try to keep always the same spacing.
    02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - You know what to do, also don't focus too much on which pattern you want to do, listen the song and try to understand which pattern fits better with the current melody.
    02:14:596 (1,2,3,4) - ^

Get a few more mods and call me again for a recheck.

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Set the same timing on both difficulties.
    This song is very relaxing and kiai doesn't fit it at all, remove it. (or just add some kiai fountains)
    Try to use these combo colors, they fit better with your BG:
    Combo1 : 168,138,255
    Combo2 : 138,255,197
I'll leave this to Gloria-kun c:

n y a's Normal

  • 00:10:886 (1,2,3) - Try this spacing:

    somehow fixed
    00:16:220 (1) - Delete this spinner then start a slider here and end it at 00:16:553.
    00:38:596 (3) - Stack the start of this slider perfectly under the end of the previous one.
    00:41:263 (1) - Flip this slider vertically and move it at x:212 y:88.
    done and moved to x200 y88 cause if I put it at x212 next note would be 0.90
    01:03:263 (3,4) - End these slider 1/4 later, there are only 6 1/4 sliders and I don't really understand why you added them, I mean they follow the music but you should keep using 1/2 sliders. (or use them not only in this part of the song)
    ..somehow fixed
    01:23:930 (1) - Try this spacing:
    01:34:596 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
    01:47:930 (1) - Flip this slider vertically and move it at x:212 y:52.
    somehow fixed
    02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern can be improved, try to make it like this:
I'll keep current sorry><

Get a few more mods and call me again for a recheck.
go gloria-kun ^q^)/
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

  • 00:48:596 (5,6) - Convert these circles into a slider.
    00:53:263 (4,5) - ^
    00:59:263 (5,6) - ^
    01:39:930 (1) - End this spinner 1/1 earlier then add a circle at 01:44:596.
    01:57:930 (6,1) - Why this jump? Keep the spacing consistent.
    02:04:596 (3,4) - Same thing here, jumps look horrible with this song, try to keep always the same spacing.
    02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - You know what to do, also don't focus too much on which pattern you want to do, listen the song and try to understand which pattern fits better with the current melody.
    02:14:596 (1,2,3,4) - ^

all fix thanks for modding~
n y a's Normal:

00:59:596 (3) - Imo, deleting will be better
01:12:596 (2) - Moving to 01:12:263 will be better.
01:25:930 (2) - Whistle
01:43:596 (4) - 1 Grid left
01:47:930 (1,2) - Not quite sure if this kind of pattern is allowed in normal. Make them something like 01:53:263 (1,2)
02:10:263 (4) - Spacing


00:04:220 (3) - 끝의 사운드 5%로 하세요.
00:09:553 (3) - ^
00:26:930 (6) - 1칸 오른쪽?
00:43:263 (5) - 노트로 바꾸는게 나을듯. 그대로 슬라 하실거면 끝의 휘슬 제거
00:48:930 (6) - 휘슬 제거
00:53:930 (6) - ^
00:59:596 (6) - ^
01:21:930 (2,3) - 좀 먼데 어울리나 모르겠네요
01:57:930 (6,1) - 별로 좋은 점프는 아닌듯요. 일단 좀 좁히는 걸로,,
02:07:930 (3) - 끝 휘슬 제거?
02:13:263 (5) - ^?
02:18:596 (5) - 리버스 제거가 나을듯요
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

00:04:220 (3) - 끝의 사운드 5%로 하세요. ok
00:09:553 (3) - ^ ok
00:26:930 (6) - 1칸 오른쪽? ok
00:43:263 (5) - 노트로 바꾸는게 나을듯. 그대로 슬라 하실거면 끝의 휘슬 제거 ok
00:48:930 (6) - 휘슬 제거 ok
00:53:930 (6) - ^ ok
00:59:596 (6) - ^ ok
01:21:930 (2,3) - 좀 먼데 어울리나 모르겠네요 한번더 언급되면 수정할게요
01:57:930 (6,1) - 별로 좋은 점프는 아닌듯요. 일단 좀 좁히는 걸로,, ok
02:07:930 (3) - 끝 휘슬 제거? ok
02:13:263 (5) - ^? ok
02:18:596 (5) - 리버스 제거가 나을듯요 ok
Hi Gloria chan~~~~
i like songs, and i have a little support XD
  • i don't like Kai should i have a little comments
    if's me
    01:02:596 - start Kiai
    01:21:263 - end
    01:23:930 - start
    01:45:263 - end
  1. in two diff, if you change the code like here
    //Background and Video events
    //Background and Video events
    will bette, it is not the problem big
  1. 00:40:596 (6) - it can better
  2. 01:03:930 (5) -model not good with 01:02:596 (1) -
[n y a's Normal]
  1. i want CS + 1
  2. 01:09:930 (4) - why it as so
    try make it better, i think is add a note
  3. 01:12:596 (2) - same ^
  4. 01:49:263 (2) - 02:13:263 (2) - can hard for player
i don't see wrong more, sorry
this is a gentle song, and good map,
go ranked
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Zejky wrote:

Hi Gloria chan~~~~
i like songs, and i have a little support XD
  • i don't like Kai should i have a little comments
    if's me
    01:02:596 - start Kiai
    01:21:263 - end
    01:23:930 - start
    01:45:263 - end I know remove kiai time
  1. in two diff, if you change the code like here
    //Background and Video events
    //Background and Video events
    will bette, it is not the problem big
  1. 00:40:596 (6) - it can better No
  2. 01:03:930 (5) -model not good with 01:02:596 (1) - No

thanks for modding ~

Sonnyc wrote:

n y a's Normal:

00:59:596 (3) - Imo, deleting will be better ok
01:12:596 (2) - Moving to 01:12:263 will be better. ok
01:25:930 (2) - Whistle ok
01:43:596 (4) - 1 Grid left ok
01:47:930 (1,2) - Not quite sure if this kind of pattern is allowed in normal. Make them something like 01:53:263 (1,2) moved
02:10:263 (4) - Spacing ok

Zejky wrote:

[n y a's Normal]
  1. i want CS + 1 current one is ok
  2. 01:09:930 (4) - why it as so
    try make it better, i think is add a note somehow fixed
  3. 01:12:596 (2) - same ^
  4. 01:49:263 (2) - 02:13:263 (2) - can hard for player this is normal diff when added double time it'll be 135 bpm and for me its ok for current one, since the star rating is low :3
thanks, update:
m4m I guess.

  1. Everything seems fine here :)
[n y a's Normal]
  1. Slidertick rate 2 sounds much better in this diff.
  2. 00:16:220 (1) - Maybe silence the end? It's a bit offbeat from the piano, and considering the sound you're mapping to, I think a silenced end would fit pretty nicely.
  3. 00:19:930 (1) - You should add the clap together with the finish on slider-head. Also, you might consider adding whistle on the sliderend here. Sounds better to me. (If you do this, also add whistles at 00:23:930 | 00:26:596 etc.
  4. 00:38:596 (3,4) - Place this at 300;132, and then place 00:37:930 (2) - at 256;20. This will require some rearranging later, but it makes the pattern look much better with the symmetry. You can fix the next part easily by moving (4) to 112;168.
  5. 00:43:930 (1) - Remove new combo. You're mostly having new combo every 2nd stanza, so this is to keep consistency.
  6. 00:51:930 (1) - Try making this by using the horizontal and/or vertical axis on the playfield, then use the rotate function (ctrl+shift+r) to make this shape look neater. Currently you can see that the 2nd part of the slider curves a bit less than the first part.
  7. 00:54:596 (3) - ^
  8. 00:59:930 (1) - Remove NC. Same reason as 00:43:930 (1) .
  9. 01:09:596 (4) - I'm not quite sure what you're following here, but I think I know what it is, and it plays weird since you don't follow the same sound earlier in the same combo. Imo, you should extend this to 01:09:930.
  10. 01:34:596 (1) - Whistle on sliderhead?
  11. 01:37:263 (1) - ^
  12. 02:03:930 (1) - Try a finish here.
  13. 02:09:263 (1) - ^
  14. 02:09:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move this shape so that (5) stacks on 02:11:930 (1). This should be at 256;104.
  1. 00:16:220 (4) - Add a whistle on head.
  2. 00:43:263 (5) - Imo, you should add whistle on the end as well, to follow the music.
  3. 00:48:930 (6) - ^ and etc.
  4. 01:02:596 - For the next part here, you should change your claps like the one at 01:03:930 (5) with a drum-hitwhistle. Then use the clap to emphasis other parts of the music, like 01:02:596 and 01:03:263.
  5. 01:19:930 (6) - Move endpoint to 408;200 to make a straight line.
  6. 01:22:596 (4,5,6) - Move to 40;232 to follow same pattern as 01:11:596 (3,4).
  7. 01:33:263 (4,5,6) - Same as above, move to 68;232.
  8. 01:35:596 (2) - Whistle.
  9. 01:36:263 (4) - And whistle here on both head, repeat and tail.
  10. 01:47:930 - 01:49:930 - Try make this part a bit quieter than the one before, as the instrument you're mapping changes to one that's lower. If anything, you should make the end of 01:49:263 (3) - quieter.
  11. 01:53:263 - 01:55:263 - ^
  12. 02:03:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I really dislike how this pattern looks and plays for this part. It doesn't fit at all imo. Just making this go in a circle would be better.
  13. 02:07:930 (3) - Remove whistle from end to be consistent. I know it's a different instrument and different part of the song/map, but there isn't anything the whistle is timed to.
  14. 02:13:263 (5) - ^
  15. 02:18:596 (5) - Though add a whistle to the end here :P
Ehh, That's all. Hard mostly ended up as a bad hitsound mod though :(
Good luck!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

CXu wrote:

  1. 00:16:220 (4) - Add a whistle on head. ok
  2. 00:43:263 (5) - Imo, you should add whistle on the end as well, to follow the music. ok
  3. 00:48:930 (6) - ^ and etc. ok
  4. 01:02:596 - For the next part here, you should change your claps like the one at 01:03:930 (5) with a drum-hitwhistle. Then use the clap to emphasis other parts of the music, like 01:02:596 and 01:03:263. ok
  5. 01:19:930 (6) - Move endpoint to 408;200 to make a straight line. ok
  6. 01:22:596 (4,5,6) - Move to 40;232 to follow same pattern as 01:11:596 (3,4). ok
  7. 01:33:263 (4,5,6) - Same as above, move to 68;232. ok
  8. 01:35:596 (2) - Whistle. ok
  9. 01:36:263 (4) - And whistle here on both head, repeat and tail. ok
  10. 01:47:930 - 01:49:930 - Try make this part a bit quieter than the one before, as the instrument you're mapping changes to one that's lower. If anything, you should make the end of 01:49:263 (3) - quieter. ok
  11. 01:53:263 - 01:55:263 - ^ ok
  12. 02:03:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I really dislike how this pattern looks and plays for this part. It doesn't fit at all imo. Just making this go in a circle would be better. ok
  13. 02:07:930 (3) - Remove whistle from end to be consistent. I know it's a different instrument and different part of the song/map, but there isn't anything the whistle is timed to. ok
  14. 02:13:263 (5) - ^ ok
  15. 02:18:596 (5) - Though add a whistle to the end here :P ok
Ehh, That's all. Hard mostly ended up as a bad hitsound mod though :(
Good luck!

Very nice modding ^^
  1. The custom clap feels too loud, try to reduce the volume of it.
~n y a's Normal~
  1. Settings are way too high for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, please reduce HP, OD and AR by 1 tick at least.
  1. 00:07:553 (2,3) - Try to avoid stacking them together, they might be confusing for beginners to read.
  2. 00:13:553 (4) - There should be a new combo here due to the new stanza and music change.
  3. 01:09:596 (4) - I don't think using such a short slider could be a good idea for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, just use a circle instead to fix this.
  4. 01:12:263 (2) - Same as above, please just use a circle instead.
  5. 02:11:930 (1) - I think this slider would look better if stacked under (5).
  6. 02:11:930 (1,2) - Don't stack this circle under the slider, it's totally not good for the easiest difficulty of the mapset.
  1. 01:11:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - It would look better and make much more sense if you use the same spacing you used in the other patterns here.
  2. 01:21:930 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same as above, for consistency.
  3. 01:32:596 (2,3,4,5,6) - And here as well, please do that.
  4. 02:01:263 (1) - I don't think you need this new combo here, just remove it.
Really nice map!
Dark Fang
다이나믹 로동


I agree with Andrea's suggest. custom clap feels loud for me. but not serious too loud.
First offset -10 or -11 current (209)
Third offset -10 from current (19920)

[n y a's Normal]

00:00:220 - hitsound volume is too loud reduce a little bit. i recommend 55%
00:10:886 (1,2,3) - try 2,3 sliders move down than now. like this. current arrangement is awkward for aiming. too curved to right side.
01:09:596 (4) - O_O ... don't use short slider in Normal diff -easy mapset- like this. but you are very good work on follow music. btw, you can ignore that music rhythm on this time. just put circle on 01:09:930 - here. IMO
01:12:263 (2) - same as above. like andrea's mod
01:45:263 - i won't mention on here. because that flow is natural
02:06:263 (6) - add Whistle? just suggestion. i think if you add Whistle at here, sound more soft with music
02:19:930 - try reduce volume a little bit. that feel loud for me.
02:20:096 (1) - end at 02:26:430 - here. and remove Whistle. not good for finish on peace song. IMO


00:16:220 - 볼륨 좀 줄이고 크레센도 형식으로 점점 커지게
01:11:263 - 여기패턴 말인데. 이와 비슷한 패턴의 시작점 이기도해서. 갑자기 이렇게 어려워지면 부담스러우니 01:19:263 - 이런패턴 비슷하게 둬보면 어떨까 생각함.
01:36:263 (4) - 에로우 휘슬보단 끝점 휘술! 노 럿시안!
01:49:930 - 여기 초반 도입부분과 같게 사운드 mute 해보는게 어떰. 뒤도 마찬가지
02:03:930 (1) - 좀 소리가 빈느낌이라서 그런데 머릿부분에 휘슬하고 02:04:596 (2) - 끝점에 휘슬?
02:11:263 (6) - 이 뒷부분, 전체적인 분위기에 비해서 왼쪽에 너무 치우쳐져 있는데 이 슬라이더를 오른쪽으로 빠져나가게해서 조정해보는게 어떰. -진짜 개인적인 생각-

Andrea wrote:

  1. The custom clap feels too loud, try to reduce the volume of it. ok
~n y a's Normal~
  1. Settings are way too high for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, please reduce HP, OD and AR by 1 tick at least.-1
  1. 00:07:553 (2,3) - Try to avoid stacking them together, they might be confusing for beginners to read. ok
  2. 00:13:553 (4) - There should be a new combo here due to the new stanza and music change. ok
  3. 01:09:596 (4) - I don't think using such a short slider could be a good idea for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, just use a circle instead to fix this.
  4. 01:12:263 (2) - Same as above, please just use a circle instead. both done
  5. 02:11:930 (1) - I think this slider would look better if stacked under (5). ok
  6. 02:11:930 (1,2) - Don't stack this circle under the slider, it's totally not good for the easiest difficulty of the mapset. ok
Really nice map!

Dark Fang wrote:

다이나믹 로동


I agree with Andrea's suggest. custom clap feels loud for me. but not serious too loud.
First offset -10 or -11 current (209)
Third offset -10 from current (19920)

[n y a's Normal]

00:00:220 - hitsound volume is too loud reduce a little bit. i recommend 55% changed
00:10:886 (1,2,3) - try 2,3 sliders move down than now. like this. current arrangement is awkward for aiming. too curved to right side. current one is ok i guess
01:09:596 (4) - O_O ... don't use short slider in Normal diff -easy mapset- like this. but you are very good work on follow music. btw, you can ignore that music rhythm on this time. just put circle on 01:09:930 - here. IMO
01:12:263 (2) - same as above. like andrea's mod done
01:45:263 - i won't mention on here. because that flow is natural nyehe
02:06:263 (6) - add Whistle? just suggestion. i think if you add Whistle at here, sound more soft with music I hear lower tone at here so no use for whistle
02:19:930 - try reduce volume a little bit. that feel loud for me. ok
02:20:096 (1) - end at 02:26:430 - here. and remove Whistle. not good for finish on peace song. IMO no change
thanks for mod :)
update -->
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
  1. 01:11:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - It would look better and make much more sense if you use the same spacing you used in the other patterns herefix
  2. 01:21:930 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same as above, for consistency. fix
  3. 01:32:596 (2,3,4,5,6) - And here as well, please do that. fix
  4. 02:01:263 (1) - I don't think you need this new combo here, just remove it. fix

Thanks for modding ^^
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

00:16:220 - 볼륨 좀 줄이고 크레센도 형식으로 점점 커지게 Nice
01:11:263 - 여기패턴 말인데. 이와 비슷한 패턴의 시작점 이기도해서. 갑자기 이렇게 어려워지면 부담스러우니 01:19:263 - 이런패턴 비슷하게 둬보면 어떨까 생각함. Good job
01:36:263 (4) - 에로우 휘슬보단 끝점 휘술! 노 럿시안! ㅇㅇ
01:49:930 - 여기 초반 도입부분과 같게 사운드 mute 해보는게 어떰. 뒤도 마찬가지 더 어색해짐..
02:03:930 (1) - 좀 소리가 빈느낌이라서 그런데 머릿부분에 휘슬하고 02:04:596 (2) - 끝점에 휘슬? ok
02:11:263 (6) - 이 뒷부분, 전체적인 분위기에 비해서 왼쪽에 너무 치우쳐져 있는데 이 슬라이더를 오른쪽으로 빠져나가게해서 조정해보는게 어떰. -진짜 개인적인 생각- 큰 문제는 아니라고 생각함.

Thanks for modding
00:02:220 (6) - CTRL+G maybe? it makes an interesting jump
00:07:553 (6) - same here
00:43:263 (5) - same here
01:03:430 - maybe a note here
01:06:096 - same here, it filts with the sound well
01:08:763 - same here, same reason
01:23:930 (1) - CTRL+G maybe? if will do that, remember to fix the next pattern
01:47:263 (6) - same here
02:05:930 (4) - CTRL+G, it follow your jumps patterns and feels good

01:09:930 - I feel this part empty without a note :s
01:12:596 - same here

awesome map, go rank it fast :3
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Makyu wrote:

00:02:220 (6) - CTRL+G maybe? it makes an interesting jump
00:07:553 (6) - same here
00:43:263 (5) - same here
01:03:430 - maybe a note here
01:06:096 - same here, it filts with the sound well
01:08:763 - same here, same reason
01:23:930 (1) - CTRL+G maybe? if will do that, remember to fix the next pattern
01:47:263 (6) - same here
02:05:930 (4) - CTRL+G, it follow your jumps patterns and feels good

awesome map, go rank it fast :3

Sorry i'm not change..
and thanks for modding ~
yea I feel empty too. fixed
Hi, from Teara's mod queue :3


The background is 800x600, I've found a 1366x768 version for you, so that people playing on widescreen monitors can also appricate the background more. :)

I can't find anything majorly wrong with the difficulty, its mapped quite well.

But, for the last 30% of the song, you overused whistle's quite a bit, and in my honest opinion, it does not fit. So I'll suggest you only use it on every white tick. This is what I had in mind.

Hitsound Suggestions
01:45:263 (1) - Whistle here
01:45:596 (2) - Remove Whistle
01:46:263 (4) - ^
01:46:596 (5) - Remove whistle on end of slider.
01:47:263 (6) - ^
01:48:930 (2) - Remove Whistle
01:49:263 (3) - Finish on the end of slider.

01:50:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - ^ same as above.
01:55:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - ^

02:01:263 (1) - Finish here
02:01:430 (1) - ^

02:03:930 (1) - Remove Whistle on the end of the slider and add a Finish.
02:04:596 (2) - Remove Whistle on the end of the slider.
02:05:263 (3) - ^
02:05:930 (4) - ^
02:06:596 (1) - ^
02:07:930 (3) - Add Whistle to start of the slider, and a finish to the end.

I'll stop here since you should get the general idea. I found this to fit more with your previous hitsounds, and it sounds a little better.

Of course, you don't have to use it, but try it first and get some opinions from other people too, that's all I'm asking.

[n y a's Normal]

This is not a normal, its a hardish easy, so my advice would be to rename it to N y a's Relaxing or something similar. For the last part of the song, you can also use same hitsound pattern as I suggested for hard. (aka, whistles on white ticks instead of red ticks)
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Teara wrote:

Hi, from Teara's mod queue :3


The background is 800x600, I've found a 1366x768 version for you, so that people playing on widescreen monitors can also appricate the background more. :)

I can't find anything majorly wrong with the difficulty, its mapped quite well.

But, for the last 30% of the song, you overused whistle's quite a bit, and in my honest opinion, it does not fit. So I'll suggest you only use it on every white tick. This is what I had in mind.

Hitsound Suggestions
01:45:263 (1) - Whistle here fix
01:45:596 (2) - Remove Whistle fix
01:46:263 (4) - ^ fix
01:46:596 (5) - Remove whistle on end of slider. fix
01:47:263 (6) - ^ fix
01:48:930 (2) - Remove Whistle fix
01:49:263 (3) - Finish on the end of slider. fix

01:50:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - ^ same as above. fix
01:55:930 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - ^ fix

02:01:263 (1) - Finish here fix
02:01:430 (1) - ^ fix

02:03:930 (1) - Remove Whistle on the end of the slider and add a Finish. fix
02:04:596 (2) - Remove Whistle on the end of the slider. fix
02:05:263 (3) - ^ fix
02:05:930 (4) - ^ fix
02:06:596 (1) - ^ fix
02:07:930 (3) - Add Whistle to start of the slider, and a finish to the end. fix

Nice moddding :)

Teara wrote:

Hi, from Teara's mod queue :3

[n y a's Normal]

This is not a normal, its a hardish easy, so my advice would be to rename it to N y a's Relaxing or something similar. For the last part of the song, you can also use same hitsound pattern as I suggested for hard. (aka, whistles on white ticks instead of red ticks)
this is a normal and harder than easy c;
tks for the hitsound suggestion but current one is ok ><
n y a's Normal

  • 00:00:220 (1) - Add a whistle at the end.
    00:02:886 (3) - ^
    00:05:553 (1) - ^
    00:14:553 (2,3,1) - Try this spacing for a better flow:
    00:49:263 (3) - Add a new combo, you should keep adding them every new stanza (big white tick) to better follow the music.
    00:54:596 (3) - ^
    01:09:596 (4) - Remove whistle on start and add it at the end.
    01:12:263 (2) - ^
    01:26:596 (3) - Add a new combo.
    01:30:596 (3) - Add a whistle at the end.
    01:33:930 (4) - Remove clap and add whistle.
    01:43:263 (3) - Add a new combo.
    01:55:930 (1,2,3) - Flip these sliders vertically:
    02:13:263 (2) - Move this circle at x:320 y:348.


  • 01:11:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like this pattern, you should keep using a simple and calm rhythm, try this:
    01:19:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same thing here, try this pattern:
    01:21:930 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
    01:29:930 (2,3,4) - ^
    01:32:596 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^

That's all, call me after your fixes and I'll bubble.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

xxheroxx wrote:


  • 01:11:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like this pattern, you should keep using a simple and calm rhythm, try this:
    01:19:263 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same thing here, try this pattern:
    01:21:930 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
    01:29:930 (2,3,4) - ^
    01:32:596 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^

All fix thanks~

xxheroxx wrote:

n y a's Normal

  • 00:00:220 (1) - Add a whistle at the end.
    00:02:886 (3) - ^
    00:05:553 (1) - ^
    00:14:553 (2,3,1) - Try this spacing for a better flow:
    00:49:263 (3) - Add a new combo, you should keep adding them every new stanza (big white tick) to better follow the music.
    00:54:596 (3) - ^
    01:09:596 (4) - Remove whistle on start and add it at the end.
    01:12:263 (2) - ^
    01:26:596 (3) - Add a new combo.
    01:30:596 (3) - Add a whistle at the end.
    01:33:930 (4) - Remove clap and add whistle.
    01:43:263 (3) - Add a new combo.
    01:55:930 (1,2,3) - Flip these sliders vertically:
    02:13:263 (2) - Move this circle at x:320 y:348.
That's all, call me after your fixes and I'll bubble.
ah all fixed ><
balter 666
God map friend fav !! :) :) :) :)
After a small IRC modding here's a bubble, good job~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
go~~ >:3
Kawayi Rika
Yeah ~ OSU needs more relax map/song ~

Here you go <3

Cool, gratz!
랭크 축하드려요~
Congratz =w=
Dark Fang
Congratulations on the rank.
yay ^q^
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you all :)
what the heck double speedrank ;A;
Wow !!!
vert fast
COMO SE LLAMA EL EROGE???????? :cry:
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