I'm well aware of what's shown on the CtB screen. The droplets are typically at tick rate 4 (for TR 3 maps they're at 6), so if the map uses TR 4, they don't appear at all, only the big drops (this results in maps where FC == SS). What's missing from that screen are the missed droplets... the caught droplets are there, the missed fruit/drops is there, but the missed droplets are only listed on the website. Droplets aren't just accuracy, they're also worth 10 points and add to Total Hits.
Also, when you're done with CtB, that also leaves Taiko (not just CtB). The ultimate request is simply, "Show the misses that aren't already counted on the score screen"... because the X count on every mode comes up short in that regard.
And stop calling them slider breaks if you want to include tail drops. That's confusing. Tail drops simply don't break. It needs a better name. Or perhaps, slider breaks and tail drops should be listed separately.
Edit: And that graph isn't useless. When playing Autopilot/Relax, it's the way to see if a screw up would have been fatal.
Edit 2: Also, it would probably be better to group misses together and hits together. Ie, swap the spin bonus and the misses.