Here is some feedback:
- the mode selection is just awful. All sides have different thickness for the white parts, the text is not alligned with the icons, the box has sharp and not rounded edges
- the searchbar icon is not alligned with the text
- you shouldn't have part of the toppart on the mode selection and part on mode small, just put a black shape onto selection mode and add the actual toppart on mode small only
- it looks weird that the gradient on the button is only on middle and not left and right
- seeing the mode selection is really hard, because the girls are covering it
- there is a crapton of useless files in the skin
- never use latest for version in the ini
- sliderstyle command does not work
- there are a lot of @2x blank files, which can be removed, SD blank files are enough
- why is the animation only in 8fps and not 60 or 30fps
- the extra folders are a mess, the followpoint extra shouldnt even work
- some of the custom sounds are so silent that they are basically blanked out (e.g. match-start)
- the text on menu-osu is missalligned, but that file does not work (aswell as playfield.png), so it doesn't matter and is just another useless file
- some files are missing SD images, just run this programm on the folder
- the 1px thick white lines on scorebar and reversearrow look bad, they end in .5px white blur garbage
- ranking-title is alligned with the middle, but the ranking-panel actually doesn't end in the middle of the screen, instead it has a lot of useless space
- the style of the ranking-letters doesn't really fit the skin
- the selection-tabs are really bright and don't fit that well
- I wish people would stop putting tumors like #-, - # and other characters, its really annoying to always having to delete them, just because a creator wants their skin to be at the top of my list
- the render on the ranking-panel has a bad quality. Either redo it or exchange it. Some other renders have small imperfections or jpg artifacts