Spec mode is broken, kinda
Since he posted here... Confirming this, if you spectate someone when he isn't playing it cancels.MayBee wrote:
Spec mode is broken, kinda
So where exactly is this perfect mod at. I can't seem to find it anywhere.peppy wrote:
It is a special feature of Perfect mod. It won't be added for SuddenDeath, so if you want to use it you'll need to use Perfect .
mmm yea i forget that one. thanks sakuraSakura wrote:
Alternatively you can use the /chat command to start PM session with another user.
YEP.... I HATE the automatic retry of "SUDDEN DEATH" >> "PERFECT".....iYoonaRawrx wrote:
I hate the automatic retry though. ):<
Same here, but I don't think the old SD will come back. ;w;totoco wrote:
I liked the Perfect Mode.. but also, i dislike the new sudden death in Taiko :c
I liked it the way Lifebar just dropped to zero and i should've replay the map.
So much ^this. I prefer the old SD for taiko aswell.aabc271 wrote:
Same here, but I don't think the old SD will come back. ;w;totoco wrote:
I liked the Perfect Mode.. but also, i dislike the new sudden death in Taiko :c
I liked it the way Lifebar just dropped to zero and i should've replay the map.
They'll just say SD is meant to kill players instantly (so as to fit the name "Sudden Death")
And they'll say it's the same case in standard & CTB, and so it should be like that :<
But still, I missed the old SD
Because for now, I can't play maps with no worries about unwanted score
Yes I hate A in taiko & CTB (Standard is just too hard for me not to A)
Now I have to press esc just before the song ends, and in the past I don't have to
And when the new SD is on, it simply doesn't allow me to miss the very first note to disable score submission, as it'll stop the gameplay
I know many will disagree how I think about the rating & new SD, but well, I'm just here to state my own opinion :<
Actually I think both old SD and esc/retry have similar speed ( SD -> Wait the diff stops/retry vs esc/retry ), so this doesn't really bother memm201 wrote:
The old SD was slower than hitting esc/retry, which made it pointless. Now it's actually a decent FC mode.
If you don't want scores to submit, log out.
need of AutoRetry ^^ego_17 wrote:
Perfect SD and autorestart, now i can get 50,000 Plays achivement automatically wahahhahahah
yeah -w-S4suk3 wrote:
nice update