
Tranquil sublimity skin retry and continue defaulted

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With the Tranquil Sublimity skin on pause and fail, the retry button is default, and the continue button is default on pausing, any help? I'm on a toshiba windows 7 laptop x64
Go into the files of a skin that has a working pause, fail, etc. Then go to the tranquil sublimity skin and check if the (working) skin file name matches with the sublimity skin. I had the same skin with the same issue except that it was my combo that got screwed up because the file name wasn't spaced right. Hope this helps somehow. wrote this at like 4 am so sorry for bad engrish xd
The method mentioned by Mamako will not fix it, because the problem is not a mistyped filename, but the missing of those files completly. The SD versions of the files are missing, only the HD versions are present. Run this programm on the skin folder once to fix the problem.
I never even realized that software existed but I'm highly sure he's got the right fix. All the time when some of my skin assets are turned to default is the files being named wrong which made me think that was your problem on your skin.

Mamako wrote:

I never even realized that software existed but I'm highly sure he's got the right fix. All the time when some of my skin assets are turned to default is the files being named wrong which made me think that was your problem on your skin.

The files are not named wrong, its just that their SD version is missing
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Im late 'ere will try this because I really like this skin.
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