
Prozzak - Sucks To Be You

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 7 februari 2009 at 22:13:17

Artist: Prozzak
Title: Sucks To Be You
BPM: 125
Filesize: 3178kb
Play Time: 01:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,62 stars, 94 notes)
  2. Hard (4,54 stars, 375 notes)
  3. Normal (3,49 stars, 253 notes)
Download: Prozzak - Sucks To Be You
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hey! I'm back with my 2nd beatmap. It's Sucks To Be You by Prozzak. It's my first attempt at full length song. It turned out pretty good. It's complete, but I uploaded it to Beatmap Help for now since I'm not too sure of the timing, nor the way I mapped it. I asked an IRL friend to play it, he enjoyed it alot. But I'm not too sure. What do you guys say? Is it Pending-worthy?

Edit #1: Made Hard harder, with more notes, less repetition, some jumps, more movement. Thanks to james039 for this!
Edit #2: Uploaded to Pending! Thanks again to james039!
Edit #3: So like, I like, you know, added alot of hitspunds to Hard. Yes.And like, i totally would love to see what a BAT feels about this map. But I'm like, SO forgotten.
Edit #4: MaxwellDemon's changes. Now everything feels great. :D
Edit #5: Larto's super-small changes. :p
Edit #6: Even more cosmetic changes by Larto.
Edit #7: Blah
Edit #8: minyeob cosmetic changes. The suspiciously shaped pattern is no more. :D
As far as my ears can tell, you've nailed the timing. Good job!

Now onto the map, Easy and Normal seem fine for an Easy and Normal map. But I was left hoping for more on the Hard difficulty.

It seemed repetitive and didn't make much use of the screen. Too many notes stacked in single locations. I want to play a hard that has more movement to it. I know it's a downer song, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. Try different rhythms, tracking vocals, tracking different parts of the instrumental, and make me move my mouse some more!!
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
hey dude, you got a lot better with your maps! Good work!

And... I can't mod right now. maybe later.
Keep it up! ;)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
THERE we go. I had so much fun playing [Hard].

You're definitely welcome for the advice, but don't forget to pat yourself on the back as well for making an awesome [Hard]. ;)

You should go ahead and bring this to pending now, and when a mod gets to your map, they'll probably have some technical advice to clean the map up, but then this is definitely the type of map that gets ranked.

Good work!

Cleared it with an A on my first attempt, and missed a few notes, so this is definitely the right difficulty for a [Hard].

Download: james039 - Prozzak - Sucks To Be You [Hard] (0001-01-01) OsuStandard.osr
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! You make me feel good about myself, and that is rare, since my self-esteem is usually dying in the bottom of a sea somewhere. :D
Now we are in Pending. Let's see what happens next!
This whoas a fun beat map i hope it gets ranked son :lol:
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ImTheOne wrote:

This whoas a fun beat map i hope it gets ranked son :lol:
Thanks, man. :D
Well, MaxwellDemon has put this beatmap in his queue, I think, so he will get to it soon. I hope.
It does seem like you got the timing down, great job! :)

00:29:75 (1) - I didn't mention this in Easy because it was an easy map, but in normal I think this spinner should start at 00:30:714 for a better feel.

00:30:23 (1) - Same thing here, except I think you should had stuck with your previous ending point. :P
00:51:83 (1) - Start 1/2 earlier, and perhaps end at 00:52:794, as I am assuming you are mapping to the lyrics?
00:55:19 (1) - Start 1/2 later
01:53:03 (1) - End 1/2 earlier :P
02:47:99 (1) - Same thing with the other spinners, I have mentioned, it just feels unnatural to have it start so early. :(
02:51:59 (1) - ^

Other than that, great map, great timing! You get a star, fix and this will be ranked in no time (as long there is a second BAT to look at it...)
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I wonder what I was thinking with those spinners, hehehe. Now everything should be in order. :D
All difficulties:
I suggest you make a short audio lead in. The song starts a bit TOO suddenly imho.

Nothing, but it sucksto be you how you ended the song to be honest. A repeat slider... that's it. A bit dull :/

00:10:31 (2) - Isn't perfectly stacked with 1's end
01:13:91 (2) - ^

00:04:79 (9) - Placed pretty uglily
00:19:67 (4) - Bit far away from 3
00:25:19 (4,1) - That jump doesn't play well
00:37:91 (8) - 1 Level 3 grid to the left
00:42:23 (2,1) - That jump doesn't play well
01:17:27 (5) - 1 Level 3 grid up
01:18:23 (9) - 1 Level 3 grid to the left
01:29:03 (5) - ^
01:31:91 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ugly
01:49:43 (1) - 1 Level 3 grid up and to the left
01:58:79 (7) - 1 Level 3 grid to the left
01:59:03 (8) - 1 Level 3 grid down
02:16:55 (4,5,6) - 1 Level 3 grid to the right
02:17:27 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - 1 Level 3 grid down
02:27:35 (3,1) - That jump doesn't play well
02:58:79 (3,5) - 2 Level 3 grids down
03:04:55 (2) - Maybe make that slider perfectly horizontal, looks ugly otherwise


00:19:43 (3,4) - 1 Level 3 grid up
00:29:27 (5) - Slider perfectly vertical plz
01:00:95 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I never noticed how ugly that pattern was.
01:50:39 (5,6,7,8) - One level 3 grid to the right

Normal is alright

Easy is alright. rofl.
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Done. Small things it was, but as long as it becomes good. Thanks Larto.

Download: Lady Gaga - Born this Way (Armin) [BORN THIS UEI].osu
It cen be bubble tiem now?
Minyeob used minor modding~

50:390(2) Seems ugly. move right a bit.
1:03:110(3) move up a bit.

7:910(1) Ugly~(Screen Shot)
1:28:550(3) Move right a bit<make little farther from(2).>
2:17:994(8) Make closer from (7).
2:41:753(3) Move right a bit.

16:790(2) Move up a bit.
37:914(8) Move right a bit.
1:06:710(8) Make closer from (9)=Make farther from (7).
1:18:233(9) Move up a bit.

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Thanks minyeob. All fixed! Yeah... That pattern sure looked a bit strange...... Errm. :?
Considered this ranked. :3
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Wohoo! First ranked map!

Thanks to everyone who helped me in this! You are all my heroes. ;)
According to Mr. Cyclone, an offset of +5ms is required. I'd add it myself, but I am not so sure. XD

Ah, he can do it when he comes back.
I usually don't touch it if i've only changed it 5 ms myself, since there will probably be slight disagreements.
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Real1 isn't sure. But Real1 isn't that good at timing anyways, Real1 can't really notice much of a difference. :?
We'll leave it then, since -/+5 is supposed to be the range for an offset. :P
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