
osu!International Mapping Contest #3

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Topic Starter

Current Status: Results out.

  1. Teams List
  2. Round 1 Start
  3. Round 1 Results
  4. Round 2 Start
  5. Community Voting
  6. Results
We are proud to announce the third installment of the osu!International Mapping Contest!

The format of this contest will be drastically different to the previous iterations of this contest so please read through the entirety of this forum post to keep up to date!

This iteration of the osu!International Mapping Contest is different in that the mapping stage is split into two rounds; Round One and Round Two.
Anyone can participate in the first round of the contest. However, only the top 8 teams of the first round will advance to the second round.

There are three genres that you may pick a song to make a beatmapset;
  1. Electronic
  2. J-Pop
  3. Rock/Metal
Each of these genres will have three different songs that you may choose from. This will allow you to showcase your best mapping ability with the genre of your choice.
You only need to make a beatmapset out of one song. Only one beatmapset will be considered for judging per round (For more details, see the boxes below).

Prizes are based on the results of the second round only.

First Round
First Round
  1. Register as a participating team by getting your team captain to complete the google form linked below in the Registration section of this post.
  2. The song choices will be made available on this forum post and in the discord server when the round begins. Songs will be approximately 2:00 drain time in length.
  3. From the start of the round, participating teams will have a total of 336 hours (or 14 days) to map a single difficulty for the song of their choice.
  4. Once you are finished with the beatmapset, send the individual .osu files to Rizen via osu! Forum PM's ONLY.
  5. After the 336 hours of the first round has elapsed, no more entries will be accepted. Any late submissions will automatically be disqualified.
  6. The qualifying submissions will be anonymized and sent to the first round judges for judging. Their scores will be based on their discretion and the given judging criteria.
  7. The results of this judging process will be posted here and in the Discord server. The top 8 teams of this round will advance to round two.

Only the top 8 teams from the previous round may participate in the second round.

Second Round
Second Round
  1. The song choices will be made available on this forum post and in the discord server when the round begins. Songs will be approximately 3:30 to 4:00 drain time in length.
  2. From the start of the round, participating teams will have a total of 504 hours (or 21 days) to map a full beatmapset of the song of their choice.
  3. Once you are finished with the beatmapset, send the individual .osu files to Rizen via osu! Forum PM's ONLY.
  4. After the 504 hours of the first round has elapsed, no more entries will be accepted. Any late submissions will automatically be disqualified.
  5. The qualifying submissions will be anonymized and sent to the second round judges for judging. Their scores will be based on their discretion and the given judging criteria.
  6. The community vote will open a week after the end of the second round.
  7. The results of this judging process and the community vote will be posted here and in the Discord server.

Google Docs

Expand to see the Rules

  1. You must have from 2-4 members on your team.
    1. This is a teamwork based contest so it will rely on teamwork-based effort to make the beatmapset required.
    2. You may not modify the member roster of your team once the first round has started.
    3. You may only be involved in one team at most, regardless of whether you are a main member or a reserve.
    4. Unless there is some unforeseen circumstances, every main member of your team is required to participate in both rounds.
  2. You may have one reserve member.
    1. This is to allow switching in members when other members encounter situations where they are unable to participate.
    2. This reserve member must be selected before the first round starts. You may not change/add this member once the first round starts.
    3. A reserve member cannot be a reserve of any more than one team.
    4. You can only sub in the reserve member in the second round, or in the event a starting member is unable to participate during the first round (as per stated in rule 1.4).
    5. Moreover, if a main team member cannot participate in round 1, and/or had to be replaced with a reserve team member for the whole round, then the replaced member is not eligible to participate in round 2.
  3. Only members that participate in the creation of the round 2 beatmapset will receive rewards.
    1. It would be highly unfair to reward members that have contributed nothing to the beatmapset.
    2. By participate means to actively contribute to the creation of the beatmapset.
    3. A reserve member that has not been swapped in at all will not be receiving any rewards.
  4. Copying other people's work is prohibited.
    1. Copying other people's work is strictly forbidden, because the whole point of the contest is to be unique and fair with everyone, and most importantly to show off your skill, not somebody else's! If we, or the judges, find out your work has been copied, your entire team will be disqualified.
  5. Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.
    1. Everybody will have the same time to map the diff so it will ultimately become unfair if somebody had more time than the others. Therefore, after the deadline, any submitted entries will not be considered, and will be disqualified.
  6. Custom hitsounds outside of the provided ones are prohibited.
    1. This is to ensure the contestant are on an even ground, and may use the same hitsounds across genres, plus to avoid conflicts and other issues when the entries will be judged
  7. Altering the mp3, timing, or any other given elements of the provided beatmapsets is prohibited.
    1. This is to avoid any complications during the judging process since you will be submitting .osu rather than .osz. If there are any errors in the provided .osz, an announcement will be made in the official contest thread and in the discord server.
  8. The osu!Standard Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria are in effect for this contest.
    1. As you may know one of the prizes for the winning mapset is having their entry pushed to the ranked section. We cannot do that if you don't follow the Ranking Criteria.
    2. The only exception to this is the spread rule for the 1st round only, as it is only one difficulty.
  9. Round two only: Your beatmapset must have a reasonable spread of difficulties, with at most 5 difficulties.
    1. This should allow teams to showcase their mapping ability to the fullest extent.
    2. A reasonable spread, in this case, means following the RC spread rules, but also having no duplicated difficulties. As such, you may have only one of each difficulty amongst: Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, Extra, Ultra.
  10. You have to have a team name and a team tag.
    1. If you are registering as a contestant, you will get the option to choose a team name and a team tag (3 letter name relating to your team) for you and your group of friends. Doing this will save time during the judging process as it's easier to identify people by their team name rather than listing individual participants names.
    2. You may not change your team name and tag after the contest’s start. If you don’t choose a team name and tag, you will be assigned one.

The Contest will run from June 1st to August 20th with an intermission in the middle to accomodate for Cavoe's COE 2019 event.
Expand to see the full Schedule
Effective dates for these days are at 12:00 UTC

  1. May 25th
    1. Contest Announcement
  2. June 1st
    1. First Round begins
  3. June 15th
    1. First Round ends
    2. First Judging phase begins
  4. July 6th
    1. First Judging phase ends
    2. Notifications for teams that qualify for round two are sent out
  5. July 8th
    1. Second Round begins
  6. July 29th
    1. Second Round ends

    Intermission for Cavoe's COE 2019 event.
  7. August 5th
    1. Second Judging phase begins
  8. August 12th
    1. Community Voting begins
  9. August 19th
    1. Second Judging phase ends
    2. Community Voting ends
  10. August 20th
    1. Judging and community vote results released
    2. Prizes given out

Judge Prizes
  1. First Place
    1. $100 USD. *see Footnote
    2. Profile Badge
    3. Beatmap Nominators to push your set for ranked
    4. 6 months osu!Supporter
  2. Second Place
    1. 4 months osu!Supporter
  3. Third Place
    1. 2 months osu!Supporter

Community Voting
  1. Winning Team
    1. Profile Badge
    2. Beatmap Nominators to push your set for ranked
    3. 2 months osu!Supporter

*The cash prize is for the entire team. It will be up to the responsibility of the team captain on how this is distributed.

Once you have formed your team, only the Team Captain should complete this form to register for the contest.

The discord server invite link at the end of the form should be distributed to your team members. The discord server will be where you can find the most up-to-date information about the contest.

Google Docs

Judging will be based on 6 subcategories:
  1. Internal Design (Structure)
  2. Correlation (Relevance)
  3. Creativity
  4. Cohesion
  5. Judge Impression
  6. Hitsounds

Expand to see full Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria
  1. Internal Design (Structure) (max 10 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for the overall structure and execution of patterns.
    2. It will be judged by the gameplay techniques it offers, how well the mapset itself performs, how well concepts are organised and introduced, etc.
  2. Correlation (Relevance) (max 10 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for how well the map represents the song; rhythm choice, spacing, and other forms of emphasis such as slider use and patterning are taken into account here.
  3. Creativity (max 10 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for how creatively the mapset was constructed.
    2. The overall points should go to how creative the map itself is whilst still being justified by the song.
  4. Cohesion (max 10 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for how well the entire mapset got structured and for how well collaborations/contrasts between songs (if any) were organised/managed throughout the whole mapset.
  5. Judge Impression (max 10 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for how well you think the mapset is put together as a whole.
    2. Think about how well (or not so well) the collaboration is in this diff, the overall effort put into the mapset (is every aspect of the mapset covered ranging from hitsounding to combo colouring, etc.), and how well it all blends together.
  6. Hitsounds (max 5 points)
    1. Points will be awarded for the usage of hitsounds, whether it's usage was used effectively, creatively, and uniquely, etc.
    2. 5/5 would be awarded if the hitsounds are very well executed, creative, but mostly how well it fits with the song.
    3. 0/5 score would be awarded if there is no hitsounding, or if a very poor effort was made whilst doing them.

Google Docs

Expand to see FAQ's
Q: What is this contest and what is osu!International?
A: The osu!International Mapping Contest (or o!IMC) is a team-based mapping contest. Previous iterations of the contest were in celebration of reaching membership milestones in the osu!International server. Keep in mind this is an unofficial mapping contest!

Q: Did I have to be a part of the server before this got announced to enter?
A: No. This contest is open for everyone!

Q: Do I have to join the Discord server to participate?
A: Yes & No. If you don't feel like joining the server, since maybe you're in too many already or feel like you don't want to be part of the osu!International server, then you are free not to join, although not joining will cut you out of important announcements and a contest specific chat room where you can discuss the contest with other contestants.

Q: I'm restricted, can I still participate?
A: Yes. But keep in mind that if you decide to participate you will not receive rewards if your team wins.

Q: Do my teammates have to be the same nationality as I am?
A: No. You can assemble a team no matter how far away or close you are from each other. The point is to unite with your friends and form a team!

Q: Do I have to map a beatmapset across all genres?
A: No. You only have to choose one song from one genre.

Q: Can I apply as a judge?
A: As opposed to the previous iterations of this contest, the judges this time round have been preselected prior to the contest announcement. We are currently not accepting any new judges.

Q: Can I make a Mania/Taiko/CTB set?
A: No. This contest is for the osu!Standard mode only.

Q: Can I participate as an individual?
A: No. This contests theme is revolved around unity and teamwork, therefore mapping yourself without a team is breaking that rule.

Q: Can I use my own custom hitsounds?
A: No. The reason for this is because the entries are submitted in the .osu format. You may only use custom hitsounds provided by us in the contest .osz.

If you have some questions about the contest, please do not hesitate to ask me or anybody on the #contest-discussion text channel!

Main Organizers:
C00L, GoldenWolf, Rizen

lcfc, LowAccuracySS

Graphics Designer:

First Round Judges:
bossandy, Gottagof4st, Monstrata, Regraz, Yugu

Second Round Judges:
Electoz, Monstrata, Mafumafu, Sonnyc, Yauxo

Results Sheet (Google Sheets) / PDF (

First off, we would like to thank everyone for participating in this contest! We would like to give our sincere thanks to the judges for their selflessness and their hard work, and to Sing for their graphics design work.

In 1st Place with a score of 45.5 we have den1 composing of team members Realazy, how2miss, Karen, and Regou. Their entry for Syzygia - Camellia really resonated with the judges, scoring the top marks of two judges! A well deserved entry for well deserving prizes which includes $100USD split between team members, 6 months osu!supporter for each team member, a profile badge, and their beatmapset getting pushed for ranked!

In 2nd Place we have Moeriko with a score of 43.5. With team members of Acyl, Necho, Moecho, and Len, they deviated away from the meta and chose Rat Race - TORIENA for their entry! A commendable effort, reaping the prizes of 4 months osu!supporter for each team member.

Last but not least we have Pedalowo in 3rd Place with a score of 41.1. Congratulations to team members Lasse and Mir!

For this iteration of the contest, we have a community vote where members of the osu! community may vote for their favourite entry. We had come to the unusual situation where there are two entries in first place with equal votes. Because one of these teams have already won the main prize, we have decided to award, the winner of this category is Moeriko! They will be running away with a profile badge, 2 months osu!supporter for each team member, and their beatmapset getting pushed for ranked!

With that we now come to the end of the 3rd and final iteration of the osu!International Contest! Detailed results can be found below the banner of this notice/category.

Although participation rates were not as high as we expected, the contest was still fun and we ended up with multiple high quality beatmapsets. Until next time.

- osu!International Mapping Contest #3 Staff
The place is held.
Ayesha Altugle
what? 100 USD, can i be a contestant
Nao Tomori
GL to all participants
Hi Yugu gay
Ryuusei Aika
what will happen?
It would've been nice if we could have worked to use featured artists for a contest like this.
It would've been nice if we could have worked to use featured artists for a contest like this.

peppy wrote:

It would've been nice if we could have worked to use featured artists for a contest like this.

Maybe next time, I’ll contact you if we decide to create another contest in the near future. Hopefully we can come up with something cool for the contest scene
im mad because i get pinged in every single mapping server for this
Big pog
There is no black dot before rock/metal on the list.
Ciyus Miapah
rekt bitch
Creamy Candy
The logo of this contest is really neat I like that, aswell as the ideas of rounds
When you do not have anyone to participate with... :I
help I'm being forced to participate

EDIT: "A reasonable spread, in this case, means following the RC spread rules, but also having no duplicated difficulties. As such, you may have only one of each difficulty amongst: Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, Extra, Ultra."

Maybe your song choices don't allow for this scenario within the bounds of "reasonable" mapping, but in a hypothetical situation where your top diff ends up being like 8* or just otherwise high end (you get the idea), I don't think you can create a reasonable spread with these rules. Thus I think this is possibly unnecessarily restricting the mappers, perhaps even unhealthily so.

Second showerthought; perhaps subjective (and your contest, your rules), but I don't see why you're enforcing Easy in the set. As far as representing your mapping skills, Normal will do mostly the same job, and RC doesn't require having Easy in any kind of sets nowadays either. Thus I don't see how demanding Easy in the set greatly benefits either the contest results or the future of the mapset afterwards.

In combination these two make me a bit confused about what you're aiming for here. Though as slightly referenced earlier, I guess song choices can either make or break this kind of rule in practice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"At most"
@TKH Perhaps we didn't word it the best way, but aren't forcing mappers to map an Easy. The first round is one difficulty only, as for the second round, since the set has to follow the RC in order to make it rankable, it also means an easy or normal is not an absolute necessity, as the songs will be 3:30 to 4:00 in length. The rules only state it has to be at most 5 difficulties, not at least.
First round rules are indeed obvious enough, but thank you for the clarification on the second round rules, apparently I can't read. Since it does anyway forbid duplicates though, this doesn't exactly still, however, clear my concern regarding possible high end difficulties, but perhaps the song choices indeed then cover that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't think there is a song that would reasonably allow for an 8*+, though this is but my humble opinion.
rip some song types then I see

Good to hear. The validity of your humble opinion aside, the fact that you have such opinion already tells that the songs at the very least should not be encouraging mapsets that break the currently set rules.

Aka all cool it seems. Hopefully :^)
Ciyus Miapah

GoldenWolf wrote:

I don't think there is a song that would reasonably allow for an 8*+, though this is but my humble opinion.

good boy
OH BOI if only I was a half decent mapper
Topic Starter

Information for Round One Contestants

Google Docs
osu!International Mapping Contest #3 Information for Round One Contestants

Songs Selection:
Remember that you are only required to pick one song from one genre and make a map from that. At most, you can only submit one difficulty for your chosen song.

  1. JINJER - Beggar's Dance / mega / Google Drive
  2. Persefone - Upward Explosion / mega / Google Drive
  3. Asuza Tadokoro - 涙 one of them / mega / Google Drive

  1. onoken - Amnolys / mega / Google Drive
  2. wxs ft.spiLa - prompt / mega / Google Drive
  3. kanone - CO5M1C R4ILR0AD / mega / Google Drive

  1. THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Stay One / mega / Google Drive
  2. Hanatan - Hajimete no Oto / mega / Google Drive
  3. yuikonnu - Innocence / mega / Google Drive

When you have finished your entry:

Please send a forum PM (NOT: ingame pm, discord, new site chat message) of your single .osu file (via. puush, pastebin, direct text in [code], etc.) to Rizen. Make sure everything is finalised before sending, because you can only submit your entry ONCE.

The layout of the forum PM should resemble:

Please Remember

  1. The Team Captain has to be the one to submit your team’s entries.
  2. Submit One Difficulty and name them your team’s name plus the difficulty level.
  3. You cannot have a custom background (because only the .osu should be linked).
  4. Your entry must adhere to the Ranking Criteria (except for the spread rule).
  5. You may use custom combo colours.
  6. You may choose to use all, a few, or none of the custom hitsounds included in the .osz. You cannot use custom hitsounds we have not provided.
  7. You cannot share anything (streaming/screenshots/videos/informations/etc...) about your entries anywhere, with non-team members, until the round judging phase is complete. Doing so will disqualify you from the contest.
  8. You may not create a storyboard.
  9. You must submit your entry before the round mapping phase finishes.

The contest ends 2 weeks from now, at
15th June 12:00 UTC/GMT +0
Topic Starter

Teams List

(Team Tag) Team Name
Team Captain, Team Member..., (Team Reserve Member)

  1. (:3c) Moeriko
    Acyl, Necho, Moecho, Len
  2. (<33) blobheart<3<3
    - Frontier -, Deppyforce, _Epreus
  3. (AET) Aguante El Trap
    Cris-, Cosmolade, Tatan, pkhg
  4. (ANM) aniem
    Agatsu, Fixxis, Gillstar, Amity
  5. (BFG) Big Fans
    Cherry Blossom, PaRaDogi, Respirte, Dirty Farmer, (Antares-)
  6. (BJL) bacon juice
    -Tatsuo, Never Log Off
  7. (BRM) bros mad
    Maffe, ahegao
  8. (CTR) CuteRin
    Iljaaz, DeviousPanda, Shizuku-, Kowari
  9. (D1N) den 1
    Realazy, Regou, how2miss, Karen
  10. (D2N) den 2
    xLolicore-, Starrstyx, Chaoslitz, yf_bmp, (Ulysses)
  11. (D3N) den 3
    J1_, toybot, ScubDomino, byfar, (Sing)
  12. (D4N) den 4
    Kalibe, Ryuusei Aika, Irohas, tomadoi
  13. (D5N) den 5
    KKipalt, UndeadPhoneGuy, Sulfur, Himekawa, (FoxyGrandpa)
  14. (D6N) den 6
    deadcode, jezag
  15. (DEG) OSU Degenerates
    Cubbby, Monarch, Byakuya, Yooh, (-nanako-)
  16. (GAM) Gamers
    FrenZ396, Dementation
  17. (HTQ) team quanhitters
    Cami, Canderos, harepascals, [[Pika]], (leann)
  18. (INT) Illusive Nipple Teasers
    Rhonen, Shademphrik
  19. (JP2) Watykan Warriors
    Venix, Alphabet, Rolniczy, Peter
  20. (KMS) Kirito's Male Sword
    Amiya, Eiri-, Lafayla, Trynna
  21. (LWS) lolwesuck
    Euyale, Zxcvbnmkl, manmathew, (Stoats)
    Ciyus Miapah, Uta, Haruto, AncuL, (Ameth Rianno)
  23. (MPD) Mapping Drama
    Mohab500, Ashton
  24. (MPG) map gang
    -Tynamo, BoshyMan741, Nagatoro, Renumi
  25. (MTR) Monsters
    genga, Tanzeem
  26. (NES) No Effort Squad
    Minorsonek, CptSqBany, SquareTude, Apo11o, (RVMathew)
  27. (NFD) not from den
    xChorse, Fursum, Smug Nanachi, Xenon-, (Osatia)
  28. (NYA) Nekos With Attitudes
    Nyxa, Mun
  29. (OOF) yikes oof
    -Akito, Deca, (cococolaco)
  30. (OSU) the anti-den association
    -Asterisks-, Nite, Ikikaera, Knightc0re, (NyarkoO)
  31. (OwO) Pedalowo
    Mir, Lasse
  32. (POG) lmao thicce
    Icekalt, celerih, LMT, Mao
  33. (pp.) Peppermint Powerhouse
    Milan-, pishifat
  34. (RLC) Twin Stars
    Skystar, Crystal
  35. (しろ) K.Shiro
    Kawashiro, Kyshiro
  36. (もす) Chibimoth
    CXu, xChippy
Just so everybody knows we had to choose a sub-par name because baka team captain didn’t want “This is a Veto.”
if only i new about this earlier
peppy,this kind of stuff should appear in the news section
we noobs miss out on everything'sad face'
Topic Starter

Round One Results

Hello there! We are pleased to announce the results for the first round of this contest!

Congratulations to the top 8 winning entries! Your team captain will be PM'd shortly with the invitation for your team to advance to the second round.

We'd also like to thank the judges for their time, and everyone who participated! The second round will start on July 8th, 12:00 UTC.

Below you will find links to the judge scores, alternative .xlsx and .pdf files, as well as the submissions!

  1. Results (Google Sheets)
    Google Sheets
  2. Results (PDF) / mega / Google Drive
  3. Results (XLSX/Microsoft Excel) / mega / Google Drive
  4. Round 1 Submissions (30MB) / mega / Google Drive

edit: Max for Hitsounds is 5 not 10
Topic Starter

Information for Round Two Contestants

Google Docs
osu!International Mapping Contest #3 Information for Round Two Contestants

Note: Only the top 8 teams from the previous round may participate in this round!

Songs Selection:
Remember that you are only required to pick one song from one genre and make a beatmapset from that. Remember that you must make a full beatmapset in accordance to the Ranking Criteria.

  1. JINJER - Words of Wisdom / mega / Google Drive
  2. MISTERYCIRCLE - Area51 / mega / Google Drive
  3. Buta-Otome - Yurameita Homura / mega / Google Drive

  1. Camellia - Syzygia / mega / Google Drive
  2. Sakuzyo - Irondust / mega / Google Drive
  3. TORIENA - RAT RACE / mega / Google Drive

  1. Hatsuki Yura - Necrophilia Romancer / mega / Google Drive
  2. KANA-BOON - talking / mega / Google Drive
  3. Rigel Theatre - SOLROS -Eternal Memory- (# Vocal Track) / mega / Google Drive

When you have finished your entry:

Please send a forum PM (NOT: ingame pm, discord, new site chat message) of your multiple .osu files (via. puush, direct text in [code], etc.) to Rizen. Make sure everything is finalised before sending, because you can only submit your entry ONCE.

The layout of the forum PM should resemble:

Please Remember

  1. The Team Captain has to be the one to submit your team’s entries.
  2. Name your difficulties their corresponding difficulty level.
  3. You cannot have a custom background ([i]because only the .osu should be linked).
  4. Your entry must adhere to the Ranking Criteria (except for the spread rule).
  5. You may use custom combo colours.
  6. You may choose to use all, a few, or none of the custom hitsounds included in the .osz. You cannot use custom hitsounds we have not provided.
  7. You cannot share anything (streaming/screenshots/videos/informations/etc...) about your entries anywhere, with non-team members, until the round judging phase is complete. Doing so will disqualify you from the contest.
  8. You may not create a storyboard.
  9. You must submit your entry before the round mapping phase finishes.

The contest ends 3 weeks from now, at
29th July 12:00 UTC/GMT +0
Topic Starter

Community Voting

Community Voting for o!IMC #3 has now started!
Download link to all mapsets:

When viewing the submitted beatmapsets, it is recommended to isolate it by putting in the team name in the search field.

To make your vote, please forum PM Rizen with the name of the team in the SUBJECT FIELD. Anything can go inside the message field.

Voting will end 20th August 00:00:00 UTC (when the 19th ends)

  1. Magnanimous Panda
  2. Immaculate Marmoset
  3. Promiscuous Elk
  4. Delirious Rooster

Wow teams are stacked. Sad I had no time to join in on the fun 😭
Topic Starter

Results Sheet (Google Sheets) / PDF (

First off, we would like to thank everyone for participating in this contest! We would like to give our sincere thanks to the judges for their selflessness and their hard work, and to Sing for their graphics design work.

In 1st Place with a score of 45.5 we have den1 composing of team members Realazy, how2miss, Karen, and Regou. Their entry for Syzygia - Camellia really resonated with the judges, scoring the top marks of two judges! A well deserved entry for well deserving prizes which includes $100USD split between team members, 6 months osu!supporter for each team member, a profile badge, and their beatmapset getting pushed for ranked!

In 2nd Place we have Moeriko with a score of 43.5. With team members of Acyl, Necho, Moecho, and Len, they deviated away from the meta and chose Rat Race - TORIENA for their entry! A commendable effort, reaping the prizes of 4 months osu!supporter for each team member.

Last but not least we have Pedalowo in 3rd Place with a score of 41.1. Congratulations to team members Lasse and Mir!

For this iteration of the contest, we have a community vote where members of the osu! community may vote for their favourite entry. We had come to the unusual situation where there are two entries in first place with equal votes. Because one of these teams have already won the main prize, the winner of this category is Moeriko! They will be running away with a profile badge, 2 months osu!supporter for each team member, and their beatmapset getting pushed for ranked!

With that we now come to the end of the 3rd and final iteration of the osu!International Contest! Detailed results can be found below the banner of this notice/category.

Although participation rates were not as high as we expected, the contest was still fun and we ended up with multiple high quality beatmapsets. Until next time.

- osu!International Mapping Contest #3 Staff
Moved to Completed Projects.
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