
Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody

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never happened---------------
check out for more difficulties!
Hey haha5957,

This is the timing of a map from my friend, he didn't try to get it ranked, so didn't bother with the BPM at that part, but it seems that it is a small speed change, instead of an overall 95.984 (he doubled it, and maybe you should as well, the song is pretty fast).

Good luck :3
Topic Starter
EDIT : wait, I guess yours is right 'o'xD
I Just did 95.988 and felt much better then both 95.984 and 96+newtimed 'o'/

edit2 : the song's exact BPM is near 96ish, I can't just double just because I want I guess.

take a look at the piano score, and you can see full of 1/4s instread of 1/2. so..
Have a star for great justice
받아랏 스타 ( ˚ _ ˚)ノ⌒*
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

Have a star for great justice
woops thanks ><!

ykcarrot wrote:

받아랏 스타 ( ˚ _ ˚)ノ⌒*
신난다!!!고맙습니다 'ㅁ'///
01:19:047 (1,2,3,4) - 아무래도 이 안티점프는 고치는게 좋을것 같네요. 저도 처음에 이거 틀렸었고, 롤큐브한테 플레이 시켜봤더니 똑같이 틀리더라고요. 앞에 서로 동일한 리듬과 모양을 가진 콤보그룹이 두 번 반복됐는데 세번째와서는 모양이 같으면서 리듬이 다르기때문에 쉽게 틀리는거예요.
01:00:295 (1,2,3,4) - 반면에 이건 안틀리는 이유가 바로 앞의 리듬이 이거랑 똑같고 모양면에서 확실히 다르기때문이에요.

Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

01:19:047 (1,2,3,4) - 아무래도 이 안티점프는 고치는게 좋을것 같네요. 저도 처음에 이거 틀렸었고, 롤큐브한테 플레이 시켜봤더니 똑같이 틀리더라고요. 앞에 서로 동일한 리듬과 모양을 가진 콤보그룹이 두 번 반복됐는데 세번째와서는 모양이 같으면서 리듬이 다르기때문에 쉽게 틀리는거예요.
01:00:295 (1,2,3,4) - 반면에 이건 안틀리는 이유가 바로 앞의 리듬이 이거랑 똑같고 모양면에서 확실히 다르기때문이에요.

고쳤습니당 ^ㅡ^//

thanks a lot!!

+ 내용에서 언급된 사일런스 슬라이더들에 대해서도 수를 써놔야겠군요 ㅜㅜ

+ Finally Moved to pending!!
+ Unslienced some sliders that lolcube mentioned
From Let me TRY to mod your maps
As said in my queue I'm a newbie modder so my mod might be bad.


00:06:225 - Add note
00:09:976 - Add note
00:11:226 - Add note
00:38:729 - Add note
00:39:980 - Add note
01:12:796 - Add a slider which end at 01:13:109 - (Or maybe 2 notes)
02:17:804 - Add note
02:47:808 - Add note

I belive this is the equivalent of an hard so
From 01:20:610 - to 01:25:298 - This folow the music nicely but it's realy too hard imo.
01:40:612 (2) - The start point of this slider is completly hidden by 01:39:675 (7) - hitburst.
maybe you'll have to change it.
02:47:496 - Add note

01:02:482 (4) - This note is completely hidden by 01:01:857 (2) - hitburst
maybe you'll have to change it.
Some times you do notes like this (5) (6) (4) (3) maybe change some to (6) (5) (4) (3) because it's less confusing (Maybe you don't want change because it's insane but anyways)

Good map and I liked the music :) Good luck with rank.
Topic Starter

Arnold0 wrote:

From Let me TRY to mod your maps
As said in my queue I'm a newbie modder so my mod might be bad.


00:06:225 - Add note
00:09:976 - Add note
00:11:226 - Add note
00:38:729 - Add note
00:39:980 - Add note
01:12:796 - Add a slider which end at 01:13:109 - (Or maybe 2 notes)
02:17:804 - Add note
02:47:808 - Add note
=> Some are added, some are not. sorry that i'm too lazy too reply for each of these xD
but the main reason is : some parts are just too early after the spinner, which is too hard for normal players.
I know it feels LITTLE odd on the music flow but usually normal-players (mainly with 50FC or less) will have hard time dealing with those.
other then those, i mostly added one!

I belive this is the equivalent of an hard so
From 01:20:610 - to 01:25:298 - This folow the music nicely but it's realy too hard imo.
=> no, i requested my kinda newbie-player friend, but he had no problem with this part. actually, he told me that jumping parts made this hard (for him).
actually I wouldn't have hard time (if i were a real newbie player) too, because cursor movement is what makes osu! hard for beginners.

01:40:612 (2) - The start point of this slider is completly hidden by 01:39:675 (7) - hitburst.
maybe you'll have to change it.
=> OK~
02:47:496 - Add note
=> I don't think so 'o'/

01:02:482 (4) - This note is completely hidden by 01:01:857 (2) - hitburst
maybe you'll have to change it.
Some times you do notes like this (5) (6) (4) (3) maybe change some to (6) (5) (4) (3) because it's less confusing (Maybe you don't want change because it's insane but anyways)
=> testplayes had no problem with this, I think it's fine 'o'/ (and plus this is insane,yeah)

Good map and I liked the music :) Good luck with rank.

thanks for the modding~~ :D
Gloria Guard

01:08:733 - 01:06:233 (1,2,3) - 와같이 1번 슬라이더와 2번슬라이더 사이에 노트를 넣는건 어떨가싶네요

01:12:797 - 여기엔 노트 추가하는게 더박자가 좋아보이네요

02:17:804 - ^

02:47:808 - ^


00:13:726 (4,5) - 다른 노트들은 한쪽으로 잘겹쳐져있는데 이것만 일부러하신건지? 아니시라면
한곳으로 합쳐주세요

00:14:977 (8,9,1) - ^

00:17:789 (1,2) - ^

02:43:120 (2,3) - ^


00:22:790 (1,2) - 이런모양으로 하면어떠실지?

01:15:609 (2,3) - 이런 갑작스런 점프는 플레이할때 당황스럽네요
5,6번노트랑 같은스페이싱으로 해주시면 좋을거같습니다

좋은노래에 좋은맵이네요~! Good Luck!
from #korean '~'

모딩은 그리드 4레벨 기준입니다 :3

- Moderato -

패스... =ㅇ=

- Allegro -

00:58:419 (3) - 00:57:794 (1,2) 얘내들과 각도가 다르던데 의도하신게 아니라면 슬라 끝점을 왼쪽으로 한칸 옮겨보시는게? 00:58:888 (4,1) 얘내들도 왼쪽으로 한칸씩...
01:09:671 (5) - 이 슬라이더의 끝과 01:08:421 (3,4) 이 슬라이더들의 끝들과 삼각형을 만들기 위해 x:340 y:148 으로 옮기시는건?
01:41:550 (5) - 01:41:237 (3,4) 얘내들과 위치가 x,y좌표 1씩 어긋나는데 완벽하게 맞추시는게...
01:57:177 (3) - 1그리드 위로 올리는게 1.6배 디스턴스 스냅도 맞고 모양도 맞네요.
02:23:117 (2) - 02:22:180 (7) 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 7번 슬라이더를 수정... 2번 슬라이더를 수정하신다면 뒤에있는 6번 슬라이더도 수정하셔야 할듯...
02:45:933 (3) - 슬라이더 끝이 02:45:308 (1,2) 이것들 사이로 들어가게 슬라이더 끝 점을 오른쪽으로 한칸 이동?

- Presto -

00:08:413 (4) - 슬라이더 끝이 00:08:101 (3,5,6,1) 노트와 삼각형 모양을 맞추기 위해서 오른쪽 아래 한칸 이동
00:15:289 (1,2) - 위와 같은 이유로 위로 한칸
00:35:292 (1) - 00:34:666 (8) 의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹치게...
00:44:668 (3) - 00:44:043 (1,2) 이 슬라이더들의 끝과 삼각형 모양을 맞추기 위해 오른쪽 한칸 위로 한칸
00:53:419 (4) - 마름모 모양을 만들기 위해 오른쪽 두칸 위로 한칸

슬라이더를 이렇게 바꾸면 시작과 끝이 5번노트와 거리가 딱 맞게 되는데 이건 어떤가요?
00:58:107 (2,3) - 00:57:169 (6) 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 6번 슬라이더를 수정...
01:37:331 (5) - 위와 같은 이유로 01:38:737 (4) 슬라이더 끝
01:44:675 (9) - 위와 같은 이유로 01:44:050 (7) 슬라이더 끝
01:54:676 (7) - 4번노트와 5번노트는 스냅 거리가 1.03배인데 이 노트와 6번 노트의 스냅 거리는 0.97배네요. 간격이 눈에 띄는데 오른쪽으로 한칸...
02:11:241 (3) - 02:11:866 (2) - 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 2번 슬라이더를 수정...
02:22:180 (8) - 이 노트는 일부러 7번 서클과 안 맞춘건가요? 딱히 의도가 아니셨다면 1그리드 위로 올리시는게...
02:24:211 (6) - 왜 이 노트만 02:23:586 (4) 얘나 02:25:462 (10) 얘와 다르게 5번 슬라이더 끝과 거리가 다른건가요? 실수하신거라면 맞추시는게...
02:29:368 (2) - 이 슬라이더 시작점과 3번노트의 간격이 3번노트와 4번노트의 다르던데 x:332 y:216 으로 이동하는게 어떤가요?

으으 잡을게 없어여

쪼잔한 모딩이었습니당

Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Gloria Guard wrote:


01:08:733 - 01:06:233 (1,2,3) - 와같이 1번 슬라이더와 2번슬라이더 사이에 노트를 넣는건 어떨가싶네요
=> OK~

01:12:797 - 여기엔 노트 추가하는게 더박자가 좋아보이네요

02:17:804 - ^

02:47:808 - ^
=. these are not added because they are right after spinner.
초보자에겐 너무 어려울지도요?


00:13:726 (4,5) - 다른 노트들은 한쪽으로 잘겹쳐져있는데 이것만 일부러하신건지? 아니시라면
한곳으로 합쳐주세요

00:14:977 (8,9,1) - ^

00:17:789 (1,2) - ^

02:43:120 (2,3) - ^

=> these parts are not totally stacked because of its appearance in gameplay. (you know, stacking changes the shape)
게임안에서 스택된건 모양이 바귀기때문에 일부러 이렇게했어요.


00:22:790 (1,2) - 이런모양으로 하면어떠실지?
-> somehow fixed this part

01:15:609 (2,3) - 이런 갑작스런 점프는 플레이할때 당황스럽네요
5,6번노트랑 같은스페이싱으로 해주시면 좋을거같습니다
-> this map's kiai concept >.>

좋은노래에 좋은맵이네요~! Good Luck!

Thanks for the Modding ^ㅡ^
Topic Starter

Frobe wrote:

from #korean '~'

모딩은 그리드 4레벨 기준입니다 :3

- Moderato -

패스... =ㅇ=

- Allegro -

00:58:419 (3) - 00:57:794 (1,2) 얘내들과 각도가 다르던데 의도하신게 아니라면 슬라 끝점을 왼쪽으로 한칸 옮겨보시는게? 00:58:888 (4,1) 얘내들도 왼쪽으로 한칸씩...
01:09:671 (5) - 이 슬라이더의 끝과 01:08:421 (3,4) 이 슬라이더들의 끝들과 삼각형을 만들기 위해 x:340 y:148 으로 옮기시는건?
01:41:550 (5) - 01:41:237 (3,4) 얘내들과 위치가 x,y좌표 1씩 어긋나는데 완벽하게 맞추시는게...
01:57:177 (3) - 1그리드 위로 올리는게 1.6배 디스턴스 스냅도 맞고 모양도 맞네요.
02:23:117 (2) - 02:22:180 (7) 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 7번 슬라이더를 수정... 2번 슬라이더를 수정하신다면 뒤에있는 6번 슬라이더도 수정하셔야 할듯...
02:45:933 (3) - 슬라이더 끝이 02:45:308 (1,2) 이것들 사이로 들어가게 슬라이더 끝 점을 오른쪽으로 한칸 이동?

- Presto -

00:08:413 (4) - 슬라이더 끝이 00:08:101 (3,5,6,1) 노트와 삼각형 모양을 맞추기 위해서 오른쪽 아래 한칸 이동
00:15:289 (1,2) - 위와 같은 이유로 위로 한칸
00:35:292 (1) - 00:34:666 (8) 의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹치게...
00:44:668 (3) - 00:44:043 (1,2) 이 슬라이더들의 끝과 삼각형 모양을 맞추기 위해 오른쪽 한칸 위로 한칸
00:53:419 (4) - 마름모 모양을 만들기 위해 오른쪽 두칸 위로 한칸

슬라이더를 이렇게 바꾸면 시작과 끝이 5번노트와 거리가 딱 맞게 되는데 이건 어떤가요?
00:58:107 (2,3) - 00:57:169 (6) 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 6번 슬라이더를 수정...
01:37:331 (5) - 위와 같은 이유로 01:38:737 (4) 슬라이더 끝
01:44:675 (9) - 위와 같은 이유로 01:44:050 (7) 슬라이더 끝
01:54:676 (7) - 4번노트와 5번노트는 스냅 거리가 1.03배인데 이 노트와 6번 노트의 스냅 거리는 0.97배네요. 간격이 눈에 띄는데 오른쪽으로 한칸...
02:11:241 (3) - 02:11:866 (2) - 이 슬라이더의 끝과 좀 더 완벽하게 겹쳐지게... 아니면 2번 슬라이더를 수정...
02:22:180 (8) - 이 노트는 일부러 7번 서클과 안 맞춘건가요? 딱히 의도가 아니셨다면 1그리드 위로 올리시는게...
02:24:211 (6) - 왜 이 노트만 02:23:586 (4) 얘나 02:25:462 (10) 얘와 다르게 5번 슬라이더 끝과 거리가 다른건가요? 실수하신거라면 맞추시는게...
02:29:368 (2) - 이 슬라이더 시작점과 3번노트의 간격이 3번노트와 4번노트의 다르던데 x:332 y:216 으로 이동하는게 어떤가요?

으으 잡을게 없어여

쪼잔한 모딩이었습니당

Good Luck :)

말씀드렸다시피 모딩 코멘트를 하나하나 다 달고 있었는데 갑자기 다운되는 바람에 의욕상실.
죄송합니다 이해해주세요

Like i told in on IRC, my computer went down while i was commenting every each mod.. sorry that I'm way too lazy to do it again and please understand this :(

Finally Fixed the BPM to 96.00 with much later offset, Sorry for those who suggested right BPM and got rejected ;__;

Thanks for the modding!!
예전에 스타 맵만들때 접하고 완전 반한 노래였는데 하하님이 직접 만드시니... ㅋㅋ Star~ :)

pass... = =

제가 인센 밑으로는 장님이거든요....

hp5 or 6 아마 4는 하드에서 너무 낮아요..
인센 ar8쓰실꺼면 하드 ar6쓰시는걸 추천
이지부터 ar순서대로 4-7-8로 되어있으니, ar배분이 좀 높은쪽으로 쏠린거같아요...

00:13:743 (4,5) - ............... 저로서는 말리고 싶어요.. 차라리 간격을 좀더 벌리시는게 뒤에것두 같음 or stack
01:20:774 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 양손유저에겐 문제없는데
한손유저인경우 이거 치기 꽤나 껄끄러워요 인센보다더.......... 192의 단타가 어려운건 아니지만
저런식으로 길어지게 되면 매우x3 부담이 가거든요..저두 포함해서
대부분의 유저가 양손유저면 문제없는데.. 그 반대거든요..
한손유저가 양손으로 하는방법도 있긴하지만 정확도가 잘 나오리라는 보장은 못하죠 :3

02:09:056 (1,2,3,4) - 이거 좀 하드에서 쌘거같은데..


pm에서도 썼었지만 175넘으면 ar9를 고려해봐야할거같아요..
요즘은 거의 ar9라서 그러는것두 있지만 192에 8은 좀.... 그렇거든요
hp7 이유는 단지 인센 hp7이 많이 보편화된것도 그렇고 인센에서 6은 너무 쉬워요
덤으로 뉴콤도 많은 편은데 6하면 하드 hp같아요..

hp7 ar9

combo4 색이 조금 어둡네요.. 이것도 문제없는데 눈이 안좋은 유저들은 잘 안보일수도..
좀만더 하얗게..

00:14:056 (5,6) - looks so a little bad ....
if you fix it, you can get setting same distance snap at this part
00:46:556 (1) - touch the time clock.. 00:47:181 (3) - x436 y328
01:12:493 (1,2,1) - x460 y344
01:35:618 (3) - un.. x2.94? slightly hard.. fix it?
01:45:306 (1) - move 1 grid to right is more good :3
01:49:368 (5,6,7) - 이것들 안겹치는게 보기 좋을거같기도
02:22:806 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 이부분 좀 플레이하기에...... dry..?
02:40:306 (1,2,3) - 1번슬라랑 2,3번 노트랑 일직선이 아니에요.......... 어긋남의 미학?
02:51:399 (5,3) - 별건 아닌데 이거 디폴트로하면 좀 안이뻐요... 좀 떨어뜨리시는게
02:58:312 (3,4) - x3.27.......ㅠㅠ
03:03:937 (5) - 이거 좀만 더 둥글게둥글게~
03:06:593 (6) - 요거.... 어긋남의 미학이면 상관없는건데 제눈에서 모딩해달라는 강렬한 빛이
제가 어중간하게 어긋난걸 안좋아해서 그런거지만 일단 쓸게요
그리드 스냅 풀고 맞추시는게..
03:07:218 (8) - ^
03:19:250 (1,2,3,4) - ^ 고치면서 03:20:187 (4,3) - 어중간한 이것도 같이..
00:33:431 (4) - 이거 중간에 직선슬라가 껴서 약간 위화감이..
01:25:306 (1) - 볼륨 100퍼...... 안고쳐도 상관은 없지만 나중에 모딩 들어올꺼에요 아마.. 93퍼짜리도 같이요..
01:18:431 (1,2,3,4) - 간격 좀 벌리시는게..
02:28:587 (4,5) - ctrl + R
02:31:556 (1) - x400 y312 단지 붙어있는건 보기 안좋은거같아서..
03:01:437 (3,4,5,6,7) - ctrl+h,j 한다음 567있던곳에 stack
조금이라도 스택되는걸 줄여서 hp바에 덜닿게 해보는것도 있고 제 개인적취향은 이쪽
03:09:250 (1,2) - 얘네들도 조금 어긋나보여요 안고쳐도 상관은 없는데 약간 제 눈에 띄는..

Star Stream
빨간선 다 지우시고
1. Offset: 2,790ms BPM: 96.00
2. Offset: 177,990ms BPM: 96.00
Topic Starter

intoon wrote:


pass... = =

제가 인센 밑으로는 장님이거든요....

hp5 or 6 아마 4는 하드에서 너무 낮아요.. 5/6 생각보다 엄청 높아요 ㅠ.ㅠ
인센 ar8쓰실꺼면 하드 ar6쓰시는걸 추천 넹
이지부터 ar순서대로 4-7-8로 되어있으니, ar배분이 좀 높은쪽으로 쏠린거같아요...

00:13:743 (4,5) - ............... 저로서는 말리고 싶어요.. 차라리 간격을 좀더 벌리시는게 뒤에것두 같음 or stack
=> 스택하거나 어찌하거나 게임안에서 모양이 일그러져서 일부러 이렇게 배치했어요
01:20:774 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 양손유저에겐 문제없는데
한손유저인경우 이거 치기 꽤나 껄끄러워요 인센보다더.......... 192의 단타가 어려운건 아니지만
저런식으로 길어지게 되면 매우x3 부담이 가거든요..저두 포함해서
대부분의 유저가 양손유저면 문제없는데.. 그 반대거든요..
한손유저가 양손으로 하는방법도 있긴하지만 정확도가 잘 나오리라는 보장은 못하죠 :3

=> OK. 중간에 반복슬라 하나 배치..는 제 친구 12만위도 여긴 문제없이 치는데..
02:09:056 (1,2,3,4) - 이거 좀 하드에서 쌘거같은데..
=> 낮은 BPM의 힘을 믿어보아요


pm에서도 썼었지만 175넘으면 ar9를 고려해봐야할거같아요..
요즘은 거의 ar9라서 그러는것두 있지만 192에 8은 좀.... 그렇거든요
hp7 이유는 단지 인센 hp7이 많이 보편화된것도 그렇고 인센에서 6은 너무 쉬워요
덤으로 뉴콤도 많은 편은데 6하면 하드 hp같아요..

hp7 ar9
=> hp ar8, IRC에서 말씀드렸다시피 AR9의견이 더 많이 들어오면 생각해볼게요.. 제 생각엔 AR8이라서..

combo4 색이 조금 어둡네요.. 이것도 문제없는데 눈이 안좋은 유저들은 잘 안보일수도..
=> OK 'ㅅ'//
좀만더 하얗게..

00:14:056 (5,6) - looks so a little bad ....
if you fix it, you can get setting same distance snap at this part
00:46:556 (1) - touch the time clock..
약간의 닿음이라 괜찮을것같아요 중요한건 저기말고 딴데 놓을데가 없어서..있으면 옮기겠는데..

00:47:181 (3) - x436 y328
=> 이전의 (1)(2)를 통해 만들고 싶은 모양이 있어서 유지할게요
01:12:493 (1,2,1) - x460 y344
01:35:618 (3) - un.. x2.94? slightly hard.. fix it?
01:45:306 (1) - move 1 grid to right is more good :3
01:49:368 (5,6,7) - 이것들 안겹치는게 보기 좋을거같기도
괜찮은것같은데 ㅠ.ㅠ
02:22:806 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 이부분 좀 플레이하기에...... dry..?
replaced with new beats ~ thanks :D
02:40:306 (1,2,3) - 1번슬라랑 2,3번 노트랑 일직선이 아니에요.......... 어긋남의 미학?
02:51:399 (5,3) - 별건 아닌데 이거 디폴트로하면 좀 안이뻐요... 좀 떨어뜨리시는게
02:58:312 (3,4) - x3.27.......ㅠㅠ
03:03:937 (5) - 이거 좀만 더 둥글게둥글게~
03:06:593 (6) - 요거.... 어긋남의 미학이면 상관없는건데 제눈에서 모딩해달라는 강렬한 빛이
제가 어중간하게 어긋난걸 안좋아해서 그런거지만 일단 쓸게요
그리드 스냅 풀고 맞추시는게..
03:07:218 (8) - ^
03:19:250 (1,2,3,4) - ^ 고치면서 03:20:187 (4,3) - 어중간한 이것도 같이..
=모딩을 못알아듣겠어요 ㅠㅠ
00:33:431 (4) - 이거 중간에 직선슬라가 껴서 약간 위화감이..
=> 의도된 모양이에여 'ㅁ'
01:25:306 (1) - 볼륨 100퍼...... 안고쳐도 상관은 없지만 나중에 모딩 들어올꺼에요 아마.. 93퍼짜리도 같이요..
=> 파워 볼륨 증가!!!는 에픽을 강조할때 쓰는건데 일단 놔두고싶어요 나중에 정말 문제될때까지..
01:18:431 (1,2,3,4) - 간격 좀 벌리시는게..
=> ok
02:28:587 (4,5) - ctrl + R
=> somehow done
02:31:556 (1) - x400 y312 단지 붙어있는건 보기 안좋은거같아서..
=> ok
03:01:437 (3,4,5,6,7) - ctrl+h,j 한다음 567있던곳에 stack
조금이라도 스택되는걸 줄여서 hp바에 덜닿게 해보는것도 있고 제 개인적취향은 이쪽
03:09:250 (1,2) - 얘네들도 조금 어긋나보여요 안고쳐도 상관은 없는데 약간 제 눈에 띄는..

Thanks for the modding ^ㅡ^//

@Star Stream

빨간선을 지우..긴 커녕 어긋나는부분마다 놓다보니 오히려 엄청난 빨간선이 더 생기네요..

어떤 오프셋에 맞춰도 (스트림님이 2790 제시하셨는데 제가 기존에 2787?정도 썼었습니다) 특정 부분에선 반드시 어긋나더군요
중간에 레드라인들을 마구 넣지 않으면 10ms 이상 어긋나는 부분들이 반드시 나오네요. 몇몇 부분들은 음악이 끌리는 느낌이니 허용해준다 쳐도 한 오프셋으로는 도저히 통일되지 않네요..
피아노곡이라 그럴까요? ㅠㅠ

노픽스이기때문에 아쉽지만 쿠도스 수여가 불가능합니다 나중에 본모딩 해주시거나 쿠도스가 필요하시면 암거나 나치하나 대충 찝어주세용 ㅜㅜ


아싸!!! Thanks very much~ ^-^
Wanna Taiko?
맵 업로드는 불가능하지만 채보는 올릴 수 있습니다 'ㅅ'
(Diff명 CrescenTaiko)
Topic Starter

Shino wrote:

Wanna Taiko?
맵 업로드는 불가능하지만 채보는 올릴 수 있습니다 'ㅅ'
(Diff명 CrescenTaiko)
나중에 업로드해주실 여력 되시면 천천히 만들어주셔도 늦지 않을것같은 느낌이 'ㅁ'!!

제가 귀차니즘때문에 orz
Thanks your request ></
All suggestion

remove the osb file in folder?

00:30:285 - Spinner end add N:2 with clap sounds better
01:12:806 (x) - Feel its blank, add a note with finish is fit in music imo
02:17:806 (x) - ^ with clap and whistle?
02:47:806 (x) - note with finish~
03:19:875 (4) - Try this
03:27:531 - I think spinner should be end at 03:29:875 - like other diff..

00:30:285 - Spinner end add N:2 with clap sounds better
01:06:399 (x) - maybe add a note here with whistle?
01:15:618 (2) - clap and whistle? Feel strange if lost hitsound when test..
02:08:118 (2) - whistle
02:50:618 (2) - ^

00:31:543 (6,1,2,3) - Try this? And change the 00:31:699 - to N:2 then add whistle at (6) slider end, (1) , (2) , (3)
00:50:774 (x) - add note here with a whistle sounds better
01:20:931 (3) - NC?
01:22:181 (4) - ^
02:03:899 (x) - add note here with a whistle sounds better~
03:20:031 (x) - add note? clearly here that beat from music..

That's all~
very Nice map +_+
ranked go go!!
Topic Starter

Fionana wrote:

Thanks your request ></
All suggestion

remove the osb file in folder?

00:30:285 - Spinner end add N:2 with clap sounds better
01:12:806 (x) - Feel its blank, add a note with finish is fit in music imo
02:17:806 (x) - ^ with clap and whistle?
02:47:806 (x) - note with finish~
03:19:875 (4) - Try this
03:27:531 - I think spinner should be end at 03:29:875 - like other diff..
=> all done but 03:19:875 one, because i don't want 1/4 to be in normal <.<

00:30:285 - Spinner end add N:2 with clap sounds better
=> done~
01:06:399 (x) - maybe add a note here with whistle?
=> it's hard to adjust patterns on that part if i do this, sorry >.>
01:15:618 (2) - clap and whistle? Feel strange if lost hitsound when test..
02:08:118 (2) - whistle
02:50:618 (2) - ^
=> I like it better without whistles on that part TAT

00:31:543 (6,1,2,3) - Try this? And change the 00:31:699 - to N:2 then add whistle at (6) slider end, (1) , (2) , (3)
=> ok~
00:50:774 (x) - add note here with a whistle sounds better
01:20:931 (3) - NC?
ok ^ㅡ^
01:22:181 (4) - ^
02:03:899 (x) - add note here with a whistle sounds better~
03:20:031 (x) - add note? clearly here that beat from music..
no, because I'm following different instrument on this part ~

That's all~
very Nice map +_+
ranked go go!!

Thanks for the modding, and the star~ :D
Just. Awesome.


— Overall
Also, for the future mapping: please place slider's END POINT right in the center of their ENDS so slider's shapes will look neater.

— Mapping
  1. 00:22:777 (1,2) - Make them encircle each other better: (I've moved 3rd point of a long slider a bit to the top, moved middle point of the short slider too)
  2. 00:25:618 (3,6) - This is barely unnoticeable, but try to move (6) so (3) will encircle it's end. And (7)'s start will be right on the (3)'s body. Also you can try to stack (7)'s start with (3)'s end.
  3. 00:27:181 (8) - Too curvy, please make it smoother (moving the middle point down a bit)
  4. 00:27:806 (1,2,3) - Try to reshape (3) so it will make a solid curve with previous two circles. Like here:
  5. 00:28:743 (4,7) - Please do not overlap them. Even if it's a square there, just move (4)'s start somewhere.
  6. 00:32:168 (1) - Confused me :s Move it somewhere please.
  7. 00:37:181 (7) - I think it could be better to curve it another direction, moving the middle point under the slider.
  8. 00:44:993 (4) - Too curvy, replace it with a copy of 00:44:368 (2), rotated a bit (use Ctrl+Shift+R)
  9. 00:50:618 (2,3,4) - Move them a bit farther. Player can think it's a jump or something, because before this you used a lot of jumps.
  10. 00:51:868 (2) - Lol, I suggest you to place it at ~464;194, will be better imo :D
  11. 00:53:431 (4,5) - Nope! Please use 1.0x:
  12. 00:55:931 (3,5,6) - Three sliders, oriented the same way. Looks sooo boooring, make it more creative please.
  13. 01:00:306 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ooups, the distance is not equal! Move 01:00:306 (1) one grid to the right, will work.
  14. 01:10:306 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1,2) - Love this!
  15. 01:17:806 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You never used such a thing before. Maybe make it like that: 01:07:806 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) ?
  16. 01:24:056 (1,2) - Ctrl+J them and move back to the bottom please (or just reposition them). They're all are oriented at the same direction, doesnt look good.
  17. 01:41:087 (4,5) - Do not touch please.
  18. 01:45:306 (1) - Encircle (2) better please.
  19. 02:22:024 (7,8) - Please place (7) right at the (8) body, it's a bit off now.
  20. 02:25:931 (1,2) - The distance here is almost like at 02:25:306 (1,2,3). Make the spacing bigger here please. But even better solution is to make sliders in 02:25:931 - 02:26:243 and 02:26:556 - 02:26:868. Yes, that would be best.
  21. 02:41:399 - Need a note here to be consistent with 02:38:899 (6).
  22. 03:01:437 (3) - 0.77x, place it at 1.0x please.
  23. 03:26:750 (1) - This rhythm is better: (cursor at 03:26:750)

— Overall
Nothing to say, nice one.

— Mapping
  1. 00:13:899 (5) - Place it on 232;240?
  2. 00:14:993 (8,9,1) - Just stack it, hm?
  3. 00:17:786 (1,2,3) - Stack it please. It's so weird now D:
  4. 00:19:036 (5) - Make the rhythm like here: 00:17:786 (1,2,3)
  5. 00:41:399 (5) - Delete the note, move the slider back by 1/2 (on the position of the deleted note), make it longer so it will end on 00:41:868.
  6. 01:04:056 (1,2,3,4) - lolwat? 1.4x jumps, why?
  7. 01:18:431 (2) - Place this closer to the prev. one so players will see that it's a kickslider
  8. 01:42:806 (1) - Make the spacing 1.0x
  9. 02:07:493 (4) - Maan, 1.6x D: why so fast jumps? Isn't it too hard for a hard diff?
  10. 02:43:118 (2,3,4) - Stack them please.
  11. 02:53:431 (2) - Again, make them all to be closer to each other.

— Overall
I'd suggest you to use 1.1x in the whole map because at 1.0x objects are slightly touching each other, which looks bad imo.
The solution can be Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+Shift+S and use 1.1x scale. Also open the .osu and fix the Slider Velocity (just increase it 1.1 times, as you fixed the scale of all objects. If you use 1.1, the SV must be 1.65). This will barely not touch gameplay, but some circles will not overlap anymore! But if you do that, some sliders will became 1/4 longer or shorter, because you don't place slider endpoint on it's end accurately. But you'd better do that all and just fix the broken sliders afterwards.

— Mapping
  1. 01:16:543 (3) - You'd better place TWO points on the slider body if the slider is so curvy and long − it will make it smoother.
  2. 02:51:556 (3) - The same.
  3. 03:14:250 (3,1) - Do not overlap please.
Ok bye.
Topic Starter

I'll Mention only those that I haven't fixed :

— Overall
Also, for the future mapping: please place slider's END POINT right in the center of their ENDS so slider's shapes will look neater.
ok thanks 'o'//

— Mapping

•00:25:618 (3,6) - Also you can try to stack (7)'s start with (3)'s end. -> I like how (7) passes through previous (3), I'm keeping it :3
•00:37:181 (7) - I think it could be better to curve it another direction, moving the middle point under the slider.
=> i think i know what you mean by this, but I like how cursor kinda "curves twice" toward the same direction :3
•00:53:431 (4,5) - Nope! Please use 1.0x:
=> I had to do this in order to make this a nice blanket : i know x1.25 might look like little surprise but I think this is fine because the previous one is slider (which players won't even follow them al the way, and easier to do jump afterward)
•01:10:306 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1,2) - Love this!
Thanks <3
•01:24:056 (1,2) - Ctrl+J them and move back to the bottom please (or just reposition them). They're all are oriented at the same direction, doesnt look good.
=> I tried it but it didnt play good (although i admit it looked a bit better TAT)
•03:26:750 (1) - This rhythm is better: (cursor at 03:26:750)
=> fixed rhythm here but did somehow different from yours

— Overall
Nothing to say, nice one.

— Mapping

•00:14:993 (8,9,1) - Just stack it, hm?
•00:17:786 (1,2,3) - Stack it please. It's so weird now D:
=> => you now circles split in gameplay. This is what makes it's shape best in my opinion.
•01:04:056 (1,2,3,4) - lolwat? 1.4x jumps, why?
•02:07:493 (4) - Maan, 1.6x D: why so fast jumps? Isn't it too hard for a hard diff?
=> they should be fine because *1.5 *1.6s are used all over map (and I think It's not that hard with 96BPM song with hard difficulty..
•02:43:118 (2,3,4) - Stack them please.
=> same as above, in gameplay it looks very weird if i stack them
•02:53:431 (2) - Again, make them all to be closer to each other.


— Overall
I'd suggest you to use 1.1x in the whole map because at 1.0x objects are slightly touching each other, which looks bad imo.
The solution can be Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+Shift+S and use 1.1x scale. Also open the .osu and fix the Slider Velocity (just increase it 1.1 times, as you fixed the scape of all objects. If you use 1.1, the SV must be 1.65). This will barely not touch gameplay, but some circles will not overlap anymore! But if you do that, some sliders will became 1/4 longer or shorter, because you don't place slider endpoint on it's end accurately. But you'd better do that all and just fix the broken sliders afterwards.
=> sorry, didnt do this because it didnt look much more different after it (also, i think touching objects a LITTLE in lower difficulty gives players kinda "comfortableness", so i'll keep it

— Mapping

Ok bye.

Thanks for the modding! :D
hi~ random mod :3

grumd is too pro ;_;

about red lines: they're fine for piano-music. but anyway, find someoe to check timing? :3
imo, would be nice to add piano in tags.
and please, explain modders/players how to mod your map. for example: Moderato - Normal (something like this should be in Creator's Word)

Combo1 : 60,138,13
Combo2 : 189,215,242
Combo3 : 63,56,137

just thinking.. ^ fits with bg better, imo

00:21:840 (6) - eh. imo, it would be better if you put nc here. offset changes, so it probably should be here to avoid hard-to-read offset changes.
00:30:606 (3) - ^ same thing here. just think about it.
01:25:306 (1) - i think finish + clap fits here better. end of this part + this note sounds loud! so, clap sounds good here.
03:19:250 (1,3) - hm.. how about making 1/4 sliders instead of two notes. screenshot

00:14:055 (6,7) - this spacing change is looks random. i think it's better to make consistent spacing here.
01:37:337 - 1/2 slider (start it here) fits with song pretty good. try to put it here :3

00:32:806 (1) - eh.. beginners are slow and it's hard for them to find new objects. maybe put it closer to the playfield center? if you won't do it beginners probably will miss here because of jump from screen center to this slider :/
01:12:806 (1) - reason the same as above. but this time this circle is overlapped with spinner's hitburst.
02:12:806 (1,1) - two spinners in a row. fir easiest diff in mapset it's a bit confusing.


P.S.:do not ruin this map with overmod.i love it <3
Topic Starter
I'll mention those that I haven't changed~

about red lines: they're fine for piano-music. but anyway, find someoe to check timing? :3
=> I'm trying ti TAT
+ didnt add piano to tag, since "the PIANO player" (source) will make work as Piano in tag.

Combo1 : 60,138,13
Combo2 : 189,215,242
Combo3 : 63,56,137

just thinking.. ^ fits with bg better, imo

=> Changed Combo color to something else!

btw yours fit bg very well so i wanted to use it, but the thing is... dark circles are hard to read for someone (including me) so i decided to use kinda bright combo colors ;__;

00:21:840 (6) - eh. imo, it would be better if you put nc here. offset changes, so it probably should be here to avoid hard-to-read offset changes.
00:30:606 (3) - ^ same thing here. just think about it.
=> but i think it'd be little weird since it's about 10ms'ish offset change.. TAT

01:25:306 (1) - i think finish + clap fits here better. end of this part + this note sounds loud! so, clap sounds good here.
=> sudden 2 claps in a row (i mean, the one in previous (1) sounded too loud here ;__;
03:19:250 (1,3) - hm.. how about making 1/4 sliders instead of two notes. screenshot
=> that part's concept is jump, so i'm keeping mine 'o'/

All fixed!

All fixed!

Thanks very much ~ :)
Hi ^^


00:08:731(5,6) - better put this notes in down, it will be more playable.
02:22:024(7,8) - i think better correct this place bcz it very confused for many players
03:12:531(4,6) - better remove this notes, without sounds better
03:17:375- remove clap

not bad~~


AR +1
OD +1
HD +1

01:17:793(1,2) - better replace on 4 sliders 1\4 it's better follow for music
02:20:618(3,5) - stack better


01:15:306 - you kidding??? end slisder on red tick :<
02:05:931 - ^
01:22:806(1,2) - make this slider identical will be looks better

Good luck~~ soryyyyy i'm soooo lazzzy
Topic Starter
replying to those I haven't fixed~


02:22:024(7,8) - i think better correct this place bcz it very confused for many players
=> testplayers had no problem and i think it's fine here 'o'..
03:12:531(4,6) - better remove this notes, without sounds better
=> there's definitly something going on ;o;
03:17:375- remove clap
=> this follows my clapping rhythm (small white ticks)

not bad~~


AR +1
OD +1
HD +1
=> no because the Presto difficulty is not THAT hard, so Allegro needs to be little easy for difficulty gap..

01:17:793(1,2) - better replace on 4 sliders 1\4 it's better follow for music
=> I like kicking better >.>


01:15:306 - you kidding??? end slisder on red tick :<
02:05:931 - ^
=> my kiais are always slightly harder (actually, has some kind of variety) then other parts, so I want to keep this :<

thanks for the mod~ :)
Hi ~ From my queue ~



  • 02:12:493 (2) - 1 grid right~
    02:24:681 (1,2,3) - ctrl + R?

  • 00:52:806 - add finish?
    01:02:806 - ^
    01:15:618 (2) - whistle?
    01:39:368 - ^
    02:05:306 - finish
    02:15:306 - ^
    02:17:806 (1) - ^
    02:27:806 - ^
    02:37:806 - ^
    02:38:587 - remove clap
    02:39:993 (4) - clap
    02:58:000 (1) - finish
    03:03:781 (4) - clap

Really nice! o.o~ nothing to say~



  • 00:14:680 - whistle
    01:12:806 (1) - finish
    02:27:806 - ^
    03:18:000 - ^
Love this music really so much >< thank you!~ GL~
Topic Starter
mentioning those i havent fixed 'o'//



02:24:681 (1,2,3) - ctrl + R?
=> didnt do it to keep the cursor movement 'o'/ (i like the idea of cursor going <- and ->


01:15:618 (2) - whistle?
=> whistle also makes sence but i like current feelings when i play there o'/
02:38:587 - remove clap
=> why? ;o; this follows my claping order(?, eh my english sucks TAT)
02:39:993 (4) - clap
03:03:781 (4) - clap
=> same reason to above, clap doesnt follow my rhythm 'o'/


Really nice! o.o~ nothing to say~
thanks <3



00:14:680 - whistle
=> same reason to above~

thanks very much ^~^//
hi :3

don't give kd since I already got one from that timing post >.>


  1. 00:25:306 (1) - a little curve like the others,
  2. 00:39:056 (7) - slider point 3 grids inside?
  3. 00:48:431 (1) - make the curve smoother here
  4. 01:03:743 (4) - put here? I think better to play
  5. 02:17:806 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think first combo and third combo larger spacing, 2nd and 4th smaller spacing is better o.o
  6. 02:28:587 (4) - here?
  7. 02:30:306 (1) - I think better with the feeling,
  8. 02:52:493 (4) - put here? form a "Z" pattern
  9. really a good map, especially speed up sliders and slider + note jump patterns ^^

  1. 00:17:786 (1,2) - try to make a line..
  2. 01:15:306 (1,2) - I think 1/2 slider is better here._.
  3. 01:17:806 (1,2) - ..?
  4. 01:20:306 (1) - x:148 y:296
  5. 02:54:681 (4) - www

  1. fine :3
star :D

Good luck~

10:20 Netsukawa: : Let's IRC mod
10:20 haha5957: : =W=
10:20 haha5957: : :O
10:20 haha5957: : ok
10:20 Netsukawa: : Im lazy to post orz
10:20 haha5957: : :O
10:20 haha5957: : ynot
10:20 haha5957: : you want your kudosu to shoot star for yourself
10:20 Netsukawa: : ww
10:20 Netsukawa: : Ya
10:20 haha5957: : xD
10:21 Netsukawa: : It's your mod req QAQ
10:21 Netsukawa: : Moderato is easy, right ?
10:21 haha5957: : normal it seems
10:21 Netsukawa: : orz
10:21 haha5957: : because it should be normal-hard-insane
10:21 haha5957: : xD
10:22 Netsukawa: : then
10:22 Netsukawa: : HP+1 ?
10:22 Netsukawa: : 00:43:118 (2) - move this stack next note ?
10:23 haha5957: : ok for both 'o'
10:23 haha5957: : aww HP+1 gives me 700k more score ww
10:23 Netsukawa: : ww
10:23 Netsukawa: : 01:13:431 (2) - make like this instead ?
10:24 haha5957: : ok 'o'/
10:25 Netsukawa: : 02:17:806 (1) - seems you forgot to add finish here
10:25 haha5957: : right(ashamed)
10:26 Netsukawa: : don't worry xD
10:26 haha5957: : xDDD
10:26 Netsukawa: : 02:31:556 (3) - Ctr + J and move it ?
10:26 Netsukawa: : It will make a better flow
10:26 haha5957: : ok
10:27 Netsukawa: : 02:37:806 (1) - forgot finish
10:27 Netsukawa: : xDDD
10:27 haha5957: : tat
10:27 haha5957: : TAT
10:27 Netsukawa: : 02:42:806 (1) - Add finish ?
10:27 haha5957: : hmm....
10:27 haha5957: : do we hear any crash there?
10:28 Netsukawa: : 02:55:306 (1) - forgot finish
10:28 Netsukawa: : Hmmm
10:28 haha5957: : ..
10:28 Netsukawa: : I tought I heard it xD
10:28 haha5957: : keep forgets to finish(depressed)
10:28 Netsukawa: : awww
10:28 *Netsukawa pats haha5957
10:28 haha5957: : lol xDDD
10:28 Netsukawa: : 03:00:500 (2) - NC here ?
10:29 haha5957: : hmm....
10:29 haha5957: : ok xD
10:29 Netsukawa: : oh
10:29 Netsukawa: : 03:27:531 (1) - sound so weird
10:30 haha5957: : hmm...
10:30 Netsukawa: : use default soft hit sound ?
10:30 Netsukawa: : That's all on Normal Diff
10:30 haha5957: : ok :O
10:31 Netsukawa: : Awww
10:31 Netsukawa: : 00:13:743 (4,5) -
10:31 Netsukawa: : This hard to read and play for me TwT
10:31 haha5957: : TWT
10:32 haha5957: : this map is full of things like that..
10:32 Netsukawa: : use 0.5 or 0.6 like this ?
10:32 Netsukawa: : 00:28:743 (4,5) - ^
10:33 haha5957: : umm
10:33 Netsukawa: : 00:40:618 (3) - This slider tail was overlapped by hit-300 of 00:39:993 (6) -
10:33 Netsukawa: : change it ?
10:33 haha5957: : i think it's more kinda confusing on above 2, sorry TAT
10:34 haha5957: : ah
10:34 haha5957: : ok
10:35 Netsukawa: : 01:20:774 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
10:35 Netsukawa: : multiple spacing right ?
10:35 haha5957: : 04 05
10:35 Netsukawa: : plz use just only one spacing TwT
10:35 Netsukawa: : too hard in Hard diff
10:35 haha5957: : ok OwO
10:36 Netsukawa: : 02:05:306 (1) - Oh you forgot FINISH
10:36 Netsukawa: : xDDD
10:36 haha5957: : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:37 haha5957: : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:37 haha5957: : QAQ
10:37 Netsukawa: : lolwut
10:37 Netsukawa: : 02:17:806 (1) - add finish at start ?
10:38 Netsukawa: : 02:27:806 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - HELL YEAH
10:38 haha5957: : OAO
10:38 Netsukawa: : I think it's harder than In sane xD
10:38 Netsukawa: : * Insane
10:38 haha5957: : i made my #120000 friend to try it
10:38 haha5957: : he had problem dealing that part :3
10:38 Netsukawa: : lol
10:38 haha5957: : ..but he had problem dealing with other jumpy parts
10:38 haha5957: : i mean
10:38 haha5957: : he had no problem
10:39 Netsukawa: : wut
10:39 haha5957: : he called that stream part recovering part
10:39 haha5957: : maybe it's because of it's 96BPM and low spacing :3
10:40 Netsukawa: : 03:18:000 (1) - finish
10:40 haha5957: : :O
10:40 Netsukawa: : 03:23:000 (1) -
10:40 Netsukawa: : 03:27:531 (1) - like Normal Diff
10:40 Netsukawa: : That's all in Hard :D
10:40 haha5957: : :D
10:41 Netsukawa: : 00:03:431 (1) - More volume ? I always miss this note T T
10:41 Netsukawa: : 00:04:669 (1) - this too
10:41 haha5957: : ok
10:41 Netsukawa: : or you can change a combo colours
10:43 haha5957: : increased volume :D
10:43 Netsukawa: : 00:36:087 (3) - Ctr + J and move it ?
10:43 Netsukawa: :
10:44 haha5957: : hmm...
10:44 haha5957: : i like current flow on that :O
10:44 Netsukawa: : orz
10:46 Netsukawa: : 01:05:931 (1,2,3) - Like this ? it will make a pritty flow for player =w=b
10:46 haha5957: : 'O'?
10:46 haha5957: : (looks for "this")
10:46 Netsukawa: :
10:46 Netsukawa: : sorry, slow internet
10:46 Netsukawa: : orz
10:47 Netsukawa: : uploading a sreenshot so slow T T
10:47 haha5957: : ahh~~ i see it
10:48 Netsukawa: : 01:18:431 (1,2,3,4) -
10:48 Netsukawa: : owobb
10:49 Netsukawa: : 02:17:806 (1) - finish ?
10:50 Netsukawa: : 02:31:243 (5) - NC here cuz it's multiple spacing and big jump ;w;
10:50 Netsukawa: : 02:32:493 (5) - here too
10:50 Netsukawa: : 02:33:743 (5) - ^
10:50 Netsukawa: : 02:34:993 (5) -
10:51 haha5957: : I think it's fine because that parts is all like that (jump at (5s))..wouldn't it be more confusing with that?
10:51 Netsukawa: : No
10:51 haha5957: : ok I'll NC then
10:51 haha5957: : xD
10:51 Netsukawa: : It will be more playable QAQ
10:51 haha5957: : goodboy5957
10:51 Netsukawa: : great
10:52 Netsukawa: : that's all
10:52 Netsukawa: : 03:27:453 (1) -
10:52 Netsukawa: : like normal
10:52 Netsukawa: : :D
Topic Starter
Only thing i didnt fixed :

•01:17:806 (1,2) - ..?
=> the music definitely goes 1/4 that part, I'll get mine here 'O'/

Thanks very much for the modding ^0^ I want to kudosu you though since they are different kind of modding and been kinda long since then 'o'/
(to MATs/BATs, deny it if you think it's wrong though :3)


>w< Thanks!! xDD
00:53:431 (4,5) - Nope! Please use 1.0x

Hey, I just was thinking that you can encircle (5) with (4), like this (also moved (2,3)):

Code for this section, if you like it (00:52:806 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)):

Oh, and also move this please 00:55:774 (2) - to 432;384. Fit those two sliders better (and does not go out of screen, checked!)
Topic Starter

grumd wrote:

00:53:431 (4,5) - Nope! Please use 1.0x

Hey, I just was thinking that you can encircle (5) with (4), like this (also moved (2,3)):

Code for this section, if you like it (00:52:806 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)):

Oh, and also move this please 00:55:774 (2) - to 432;384. Fit those two sliders better (and does not go out of screen, checked!)

ah! Thanks for coming again <3 used your code (and moved next 7, 1 little to fit better)

Thanks~ ^0^
From #modreqs cause I really like this song >~<

Disable countdown
When listening to this song at first, I expected the map to be full of soft whistles XD~

You could lower Health Drain by -1 because all this 1/4 makes it really high drain rate~
00:38:587 (4) - Add whistle
01:15:618 (2,3,4) - Lower the spacing?!
01:15:618 (2) - Add whistle
01:24:681 (1,2,3,4,1) - Random placement, try this or this
01:42:181 (1) - Dont use long slider here, need note at 01:42:337 -
02:47:181 (7) - Stack under (6) fits music better

01:04:993 (4,1) - Spacing is strange

Lowest difficulty needs to be 3.0 stars or bellow?
Health Drain - 1 Overall difficulty -1 will fix it.
Topic Starter
mentioning only those i havent fixed! :

01:15:618 (2,3,4) - Lower the spacing?!
=> three kiai parts has harsh jumps on them :O they are my best parts and I think it plays ok with previous kinda "warning" jumps with sliders 'o'/
01:15:618 (2) - Add whistle
=> I don't like the feeling when i added whistle there..
01:42:181 (1) - Dont use long slider here, need note at 01:42:337 -
=> I'm following different rhythm here, should be fine imo 'o'/
02:47:181 (7) - Stack under (6) fits music better
=> i think it would be too confusing then (because of later 1/4)


Lowest difficulty needs to be 3.0 stars or bellow?
=> I heard below 3.24 is fine, 3.0 is just to make sure the map is easy enough.. I'll fix if this comes to real issue :O

thanks very much ~ :)
Maybe add some tags?

00:46:243 (x) - Maybe add a note here? Fits with the song and right now sounds very empty.
01:15:306 (1,2) - I don't think this is really fine D: You used 1/4 only this time in the kiai. Maybe make it 1/2 for this kiai and keep the other kiai times with 1/4.
02:44:056 (2) - Move to 308,356? Looks a bit better.

00:14:993 (8,9,1) - This looks and plays really weird. Why not just stack it?
00:47:181 (6) - Maybe copy (5) to make it like this?
01:00:306 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps seem a bit too hard. Select these notes, press ctrl+shift+S and scale by 0,800, should be better. Don't forget to rearrange (5)'s spacing.

In my opinion, the 'silence' sliderends sound a bit weird and don't fit with the song too much, but it's your choice here.

01:38:118 (3,5) - These two are overlapping in a confusing way. I'd prefer to do this so the style keeps fitting.
02:06:556 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps are really way too hard. Please make them closer.
02:09:056 (1,2,3,4) - Same thing. Remember that this is a hard difficulty.
02:43:118 (2,3,4) - I understand this is to not stack but it looks really weird. Not such a problem though.


Best diff of the mapset. Very nice job.

00:03:743 (3) - Remove whistle? Sounds better with the song.
00:04:981 (3) - ^
01:24:368 (2,1) - This jump is waaaay too harsh and flowbreaking. I'd make the star order like this.
02:12:181 (1) - Remove new combo. There's no need for a newcombo here.
02:29:681 (1) - Move to 232,252 so it stacks with the other note.
02:33:743 (1,2) - Move these together in order that (1) is in 244,56 and (2) is in 280,136 so it stacks with the previous note.
02:34:681 (1,2,1,2) - Move these 4 together in order that 02:34:837 (2) is in 280,136, stacking with the previous notes.
02:38:743 (1) - No need for a newcombo here.
02:40:618 (1) - ^
02:41:556 (1) - ^
02:49:056 (1,2,3,4) - Is this misaligned on purpose? it's lopsided D:
02:58:625 (1) - Remove new combo. You didn't use a new combo in 02:59:875 (4).

Nice ending jumps.

Beatmap looks fine. Seems somewhat oldstyle but still pretty good.
Topic Starter
mentioning only those i havent fixed (or differently) :
Maybe add some tags?
=> I would really love to but I have nothing to add on. really QAQ


01:38:118 (3,5) - These two are overlapping in a confusing way. I'd prefer to do this so the style keeps fitting.
=> Fixed somehow differently 'o'/

lessened silenced slider

Best diff of the mapset. Very nice job.
thanks <3
02:58:625 (1) - Remove new combo. You didn't use a new combo in 02:59:875 (4).
=> Instead I NCed the next (4), because i NCed every 3-hits in this difficulty!

Thanks very much for the modding ^0^ :)
i'm so sorry that i pretented to mod this map but because i mapped this music before, i cannot remove those personal ideas from brain when i tested it.

that is, i can't mod star it and good luck with you ...

sorry >_<
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

i'm so sorry that i pretented to mod this map but because i mapped this music before, i cannot remove those personal ideas from brain when i tested it.

that is, i can't mod star it and good luck with you ...

sorry >_<
ahhh ;___; ok QAQ

anyways, thanks for the star :)
Topic Starter

Maddy wrote:

Thanks :) <3
Hi, I couldn't ignore your map when I saw "piano", so I'll mod, well, I was thinking on mod it, but everything is ok to me, so I'll be happy giving you a star, good luck~ :3
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi, I couldn't ignore your map when I saw "piano", so I'll mod, well, I was thinking on mod it, but everything is ok to me, so I'll be happy giving you a star, good luck~ :3

wow~ thanks~ :)
O_O Star!

별은 많을수록 좋은거니까 그냥 받아요.
거부권따위는 존재하지 않아요!
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

O_O Star!

별은 많을수록 좋은거니까 그냥 받아요.
거부권따위는 존재하지 않아요!
고맙습니다 ~ thanks very much :)
Nice music!

1) About diff name:
Presto sounds too fast for the song. Maybe you can consider Andante - Moderato - Allegro instead of the current set? If you don't want to change the whole diff name set, try to use vivace instead of presto? It brings a "lively" meaning and a good progression after allegro.

2) Do you want a taiko diff :d
Topic Starter
1) Sure

2) Sure

simple sure!

thanks~ xD
If chris makes one, I'll make another one easier.
Upload will be in the middle of September.

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하나 더 추가하면 되지 뭐.
그리고 난이도명은 무난하게 Shino's Taiko로 할게요.
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