
Groove Coverage - Holy Virgin (Nightcore Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 3 октября 2012 г. at 11:10:35

Artist: Groove Coverage
Title: Holy Virgin (Nightcore Mix)
Tags: katty pie trance remix
BPM: 162
Filesize: 9072kb
Play Time: 03:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4,86 stars, 439 notes)
  2. Easy (1,97 stars, 169 notes)
  3. Hard (4,61 stars, 335 notes)
  4. Pie's Extra (4,99 stars, 538 notes)
  5. Pie's Normal (4,19 stars, 278 notes)
Download: Groove Coverage - Holy Virgin (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Pie's Extra - by Katty Pie - Done
Collab - by Me with Katty - Done >w<
Hard - by me - Done
Pie's Normal - by Katty Pie - Done
Easy - by me - Done
Big thanks to Katty nyaaa~~
Added SB ~ Please reDL :3
Changed SB 12\07 >3<
Added Nightcore Skin, reDL please ;3
Last full-submit 3\10

это все выдал мне аибат на инсейн
алсо диффы кэтти были помоддены через IRC, но лога нет из-за проблем интернета
no kd /me runs
Да да моё промодено и апдейтнуто :P :P :P :oops: :oops: :oops:
16:54 <Pagliaccio> : опять мапаешь
16:54 <Pagliaccio> : маньячка
16:54 <KersiTyan> : моды ищу
16:56 <KersiTyan> : вот правлю
16:59 <Pagliaccio> : *suggestion*
16:59 <Pagliaccio> :
16:59 <KersiTyan> : что
17:00 <Pagliaccio> : сделай во всех диффах секундную задержку перед началом
17:00 <Pagliaccio> : слишком быстро начинается музыка
17:00 <KersiTyan> : где это сделать лол
17:00 <KersiTyan> : а
17:00 <KersiTyan> : понял
17:00 <Pagliaccio> : сонг сетап - аудио
17:01 <KersiTyan> : да нашла уже
17:02 <Pagliaccio> : 00:15:926 (1) -
17:02 <KersiTyan> : ПОГОДИ ПРОШУ...
17:02 <Pagliaccio> : ладно
17:03 <KersiTyan> : где ты
17:03 <KersiTyan> : блин
17:03 <Pagliaccio> : уже у себя
17:03 <Pagliaccio> : xD
17:03 <KersiTyan> : пф
17:03 <Pagliaccio> : надо будет - скажешь
17:04 <KersiTyan> : всё
17:04 <KersiTyan> : говори что у тебя там
17:04 <KersiTyan> : мне мод посты надо
17:04 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:05 <Pagliaccio> : так вот
17:05 <Pagliaccio> : 00:15:926 (1) -
17:05 <KersiTyan> : ага
17:05 <KersiTyan> : что тут?
17:05 <Pagliaccio> : это же изи, держи постоянный спейсинг. а то новичков это собьёт.
17:05 <KersiTyan> : ой
17:05 <KersiTyan> : случайно
17:05 <Pagliaccio> : у тебя 0,8 - вот и делай эти слайдеры на 0,8
17:06 <Pagliaccio> : от предыдущего бита 2
17:06 <Pagliaccio> : ну ты поняла
17:06 <KersiTyan> : да, я поняла
17:06 <KersiTyan> : я тупанула ^^
17:07 <Pagliaccio> : 00:22:593 -
17:07 <KersiTyan> : хм?
17:07 <Pagliaccio> : nazi
17:07 <Pagliaccio> :
17:07 <Pagliaccio> : grid 3
17:08 <KersiTyan> : я думала так поставить
17:08 <Pagliaccio> : а лучше ещё чуть дальше сместить, чтобы бит 4 был центром по оси
17:08 <KersiTyan> : но пидр снап не дал
17:08 <Pagliaccio> : грид меняй
17:08 <KersiTyan> : исправила ~
17:12 <Pagliaccio> : 00:30:002 (3) -
17:12 <Pagliaccio> :
17:13 <Pagliaccio> : бит 3 после этого ложиться в то место, где было начало первого слайдера
17:13 <Pagliaccio> : стакни НЕ КРИВО
17:13 <KersiTyan> : сек
17:14 <Pagliaccio> : ну и дальше как-то так
17:14 <Pagliaccio> :
17:15 <Pagliaccio> : 00:34:447 (3) -
17:15 <KersiTyan> : угу, так и получилось :D
17:15 <Pagliaccio> : и этот слайдер дальше тоже поправишь
17:15 <KersiTyan> : ок
17:15 <KersiTyan> : но снап то говорит другое ок да Т__Т
17:16 <Pagliaccio> : нихуя не знаю, 0,8 по 4 сетке всё ок говорит
17:17 <Pagliaccio> :
17:17 <Pagliaccio> : 00:38:892 (1,2) -
17:17 <Pagliaccio> : между 1 и 2 кривой спейсинг
17:17 <Pagliaccio> : юзай 4 сетку вообще
17:17 <KersiTyan> : ты че шутишь
17:17 <KersiTyan> : зачем
17:18 <KersiTyan> : я тут потеряюсь
17:18 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:18 <Pagliaccio> : ты хочешь, чтобы это выглядело нормально, а не как говно мамонта?
17:18 <Pagliaccio> : вот и юзай нормальные инструменты
17:18 <Pagliaccio> : а не хуйню
17:18 <KersiTyan> : .-.
17:18 <KersiTyan> : лаааадно
17:18 <Pagliaccio> : чем точнее спейсинг, тем лучше
17:18 <Pagliaccio> : дальше поправишь сама, потом гляну
17:19 <Pagliaccio> : щя токо чекну до конца на предмет очевидной хуйни
17:19 <KersiTyan> : хэй
17:19 <Pagliaccio> : 00:45:930 (2) -
17:19 <KersiTyan> : это мод или что
17:19 <Pagliaccio> : хуёвое наложение, не делай такого в изяшках. растащи, чтобы не слипались
17:19 <KersiTyan> : ок
17:19 <Pagliaccio> : дальше тоже
17:19 <Pagliaccio> : 00:47:041 (3) -
17:20 <Pagliaccio> : везде такие места поправь, их дохуя ещё
17:20 <KersiTyan> : я переделала
17:20 <KersiTyan> : такие места
17:20 <KersiTyan> : просто про этот забыла
17:20 <Pagliaccio> :
17:20 <Pagliaccio> : :fp:
17:20 <Pagliaccio> : про эти тоже?
17:20 <KersiTyan> : я переделала
17:20 <KersiTyan> : просто не апдейт
17:21 <KersiTyan> : D:
17:21 <KersiTyan> : могу апдейтнуть
17:21 <KersiTyan> : лови
17:21 <KersiTyan> : всё
17:22 <Pagliaccio> : 00:25:557 (1) -
17:22 <Pagliaccio> : а, ты же его не гнула как я
17:22 <Pagliaccio> : вот тебе и говорит хуйню
17:22 <KersiTyan> : ага
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : 00:27:779 (2) -
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : этот будет хп бар задевать
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : анранк
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : 00:45:930 (2) -
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : всё равно хуёво
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : XDD
17:23 <Pagliaccio> : ща покажу
17:24 <KersiTyan> : Т__Т
17:25 <Pagliaccio> :
17:25 <Pagliaccio> : вот так сделай
17:25 <Pagliaccio> : будет збз
17:26 <Pagliaccio> : ну, принцип ты поняла да
17:26 <KersiTyan> : д
17:26 <KersiTyan> : а
17:26 <Pagliaccio> : ща я отойду на 5 минут
17:26 <KersiTyan> : ок
17:38 <Pagliaccio> : 01:13:711 (1,2,3,4) -
17:39 <Pagliaccio> : я тебя буду пиздить ссаными тряпками за такие формации
17:39 <Pagliaccio> :
17:39 <KersiTyan> : ctrl + R?
17:39 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:39 <KersiTyan> : Ok
17:39 <Pagliaccio> : ебастественно, реверс четвёрки и выстраиваешь
17:41 <Pagliaccio> :
17:42 <Pagliaccio> : 01:22:601 (2,3) -
17:42 <Pagliaccio> : вот они, голубчики
17:42 <KersiTyan> : pfff
17:43 <Pagliaccio> : ну это так, предложения идут
17:43 <Pagliaccio> :
17:43 <Pagliaccio> : 01:26:675 (1,2,3) -
17:44 <KersiTyan> : ok
17:44 <Pagliaccio> : 01:39:640 (1,2) -
17:44 <KersiTyan> : сделала
17:44 <Pagliaccio> : тут тоже покрасивше обводку можно сделать
17:45 <KersiTyan> : Я СДЕЛАЛА КАК И ТАМ
17:45 <KersiTyan> : тут копипаста
17:45 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:45 <KersiTyan> : а выше был капс
17:45 <KersiTyan> : D:
17:45 <KersiTyan> : случайно
17:45 <Pagliaccio> : 01:41:863 (3) -
17:45 <KersiTyan> : сделала
17:45 <Pagliaccio> : этот слайдер хуёво ложится
17:45 <Pagliaccio> : не обновляла?
17:45 <KersiTyan> : нет
17:45 <KersiTyan> : только что сделал
17:45 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:46 <Pagliaccio> : 02:04:087 (1,2,3) -
17:46 <Pagliaccio> : вот это всё лучше выше поднимать
17:46 <Pagliaccio> : элементы смещены вниз - выглядит как говно носорога
17:46 <KersiTyan> : переделала
17:47 <Pagliaccio> : 02:09:273 (1,2,3) -
17:47 <Pagliaccio> : KRIVO BLJAD
17:47 <KersiTyan> : переделала
17:47 <KersiTyan> : ты отстаешь чуток от меня :D
17:47 <KersiTyan> : пока ты думаешь
17:47 <KersiTyan> : я уже переделываю
17:47 <Pagliaccio> : я смотрю, как лучше сделать
17:47 <Pagliaccio> : а ты как угодно
17:47 <Pagliaccio> : ^^
17:48 <KersiTyan> : нет
17:48 <KersiTyan> : уже как лучше
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : вот щас обновишь и 100% хуйню найду
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : xDD
17:48 <KersiTyan> : нет
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : 02:25:942 (1) -
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : вот такие слайдеры
17:48 <KersiTyan> : а7
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : выглядят как хуй статуи ильича
17:48 <Pagliaccio> : погни его покрасивше чтоли
17:48 <KersiTyan> : ахаахах
17:49 <KersiTyan> : сделала
17:49 <KersiTyan> : и чуть дальше тоже сделала
17:49 <KersiTyan> : :D
17:50 <KersiTyan> : но ты пиши, пиши
17:50 <Pagliaccio> : там их дохуя прямых торчащих
17:50 <Pagliaccio> : крути блеать
17:50 <KersiTyan> : кручу
17:50 <Pagliaccio> : 02:52:612 (1) -
17:50 <Pagliaccio> : ОХ ЕБАТЬ
17:50 <KersiTyan> : ахаха
17:50 <Pagliaccio> : ВЕЛОСИТИ х1,5?
17:50 <KersiTyan> : нет же
17:51 <Pagliaccio> : вот это уже торчок всем торчкам торчок
17:51 <Pagliaccio> : ну ты поняла, что делать
17:51 <KersiTyan> : я хз как его, мне похер, пусть будет так ^^
17:51 <KersiTyan> : а нет
17:52 <KersiTyan> : переделала во что то
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : 03:01:132 (1,2) -
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : тут спейсинг поправила?*
17:53 <KersiTyan> : ненене
17:53 <KersiTyan> : а
17:53 <KersiTyan> : нет
17:53 <KersiTyan> : я думала их крутить
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : крути
17:53 <KersiTyan> : исправила
17:53 <KersiTyan> : не хочу
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : ваще дыр дохуя получается
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : но для изи сгодится
17:53 <KersiTyan> : да
17:53 <KersiTyan> : я тоже так думаю
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : хотя я бы так не делал
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : мне стыдно
17:53 <Pagliaccio> : xD
17:53 <KersiTyan> : мне на изи похуй:D

Ну ты поняла, да

Изяшку починишь, остальное гляну, если не будет лень :crab:
Because my internet getting crapped out so the mod is gone...
Okay, here it is, but it's ss'ed so you don't need to reply on every point I make. Enjoy.
Holy Virgin, LOL.
Can you delete the "K'" on Easy, Normal and Insane, please? Even if the name is Easy, Normal or Insane, we will know that you made it.
Topic Starter
okok xD
Edit: Thanks for mod.
Loli Cjj thx for mod ^^ correct only Normal

P.S Plz stop rape me XD
Was asked to testplay this, and I see that the offset is a little bit early. Try +10 (thus 369 -> 379)

Also, sliders like 02:22:979 (1) in Insane are unrankable. Ones like 00:40:373 (5) are okay, but they look weird...
Topic Starter
Fixed, thank you :)
Hi, requested via game by katty pie o:

Inconsistency in Audio Lead In. Set 1500 in all diffs.
I should add in Katty Pie's guests

00:20:751 (1) - This alone NC is useless lol Use NC here 00:20:381 (3) and remove from 00:20:751 (1) for (1-2) consistency
00:22:603 (2,3) - Blanket plz:
00:51:126 (1) - Too soon after the spinner for the easiest diff
01:15:573 (4) - Improve the blanket.
01:29:278 (6) - New combo
01:34:094 (1) - Too soon after the spinner
01:45:947 (1) - ^
02:12:247 (4) - NC
02:18:173 (3) - ^
02:22:989 (1) - Too soon after the spinner
02:34:842 (1) - ^
02:45:214 (1) - ^
02:46:315 Unsnapped green line
It needs more work

[Pie's Normal]
Oh god. Why this spacing. You should to use DistanceSpacing: 0.8 since this is a Normal..
00:59:635 Unsnapped green line
02:09:273 ^
Nothing to say here. The patterns and rhythm are very good for a Normal. But you must fix the spacing here.

00:38:892 Unsnapped green line
00:50:014 (1) - This spinner is so short :\
01:01:868 (1) - ^
01:12:610 There is a missed sound here. Add a circle plz
01:27:797 (6) - NC?
01:33:723 (1) - Remove NC
01:44:836 (1) - Short spinner..
02:33:731 (1) - ^
02:58:086 (7,1) - 1 grid down
03:04:846 (3) - x:416 y:200
03:05:216 (4) - x:336 y:240
03:05:587 (5,6,7,8,9) - x:256 y:296
Mh. Copy and paste ftw? Why.. mapping is based on creativity.. I really suggest you to use less copy/past here.

00:30:012 (6) - New combo
00:31:493 (1,2) - Huge jump.
00:32:975 (6) - NC
00:38:892 Unsnapped green line
00:46:866 (6) - Overlap with 00:46:125 (4)
01:30:575 (3) - 1 grid left to overlap with 01:31:686 (10) and others.
01:41:687 (6) - Copy past again... ._. Overlap with 01:40:946 (4)'s end
01:47:058 (7) - NC
02:53:733 (5) - ^
So overmapped.

[Pie's Extra Jumps]
02:55:585 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Played and missed here if you remember. This is a very huge jump lol .w. Make it easier.
That's all, I test played it and it was awesome :3

Good luck, it needs more work >w<
Hello from my modding queue

after checking your map, I think your map is quite ok imo. so no errors that I found.

Good luck for rank! Star!
Topic Starter
Thanks for checking and modding :3
M4M here ~~

00:07:046 (1,2,1) - spacing
00:23:344 (3) - nazi , move right about 2 bit will improve this blanket
00:41:124 (3,4,5) - spacing
00:45:940 (2,3) - these two notes touch each other , move (3) out a bit
00:52:978 (2) - move up about 3-4 grid , reason is improving the blanket
01:34:094 (1) - this note come too fast for the easy diff
^ just delete this note and add single note at 01:34:835 (1) - instead
01:45:947 (1) - ^ same
02:09:654 (2,4,5) - these overlap look odd , try to separate them
02:24:100 (2) - same , move down a bit

Pie's Normal
00:25:382 (8) - add note
00:25:567 (9) - change it slider and remove next note cuz it follows exactly to the vocal
00:31:864 (2) - change to 2/1 slider and add note at 00:32:605 (3) - instead
00:57:423 (3) - change to 1 beat slider and remove note at 00:57:793 (4) -
01:15:943 (3) - ^ remove at 01:16:314 (4) -
01:20:203 (5) - add note
01:20:388 (1) - change to 1/2 slider same as 00:25:567
I guess you may ignore some of my mod or all cuz I do follow to vocal , so leave it with idea if you want to change to follow the vocal :oops:

01:12:610 (5) - add note
01:15:388 (5) - add note
01:22:240 (7) - this slider doesn't follow any sound , use normal note instead will be better
02:46:325 (4) - new combo

AR8 may fit better I'd say
the rest is fine

Pie's Extra Jumps
oh jump <3

well , good luck for ranking !

Chewin wrote:

Hi, requested via game by katty pie o: <--- :oops: :oops: :oops:
[Pie's Extra Jumps]
02:55:585 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Played and missed here if you remember. This is a very huge jump lol .w.<--- hm i'm not what change it bcz it unique difficult moment шт map, and i think it's ok :3[/color]
That's all, I test played it and it was awesome :3 <--- yeah thx ^.^

Frostmourne wrote:

Pie's Extra Jumps
oh jump <3
fine~ <--- thank you ^.^
On Normal correct some places ^^ thx for mod :P
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod<3
Melan Blue
nightcore... *cries*

00:21:863 (1) - может этот слайдер как то покрасивее загнуть, вот так?
00:47:792 (1,2) - удали их, начни тут спиннер и закончи его на 00:50:014, а затем на 00:50:755 поставь ноту
02:15:210 (1) - загни его вот так
02:31:693 - подвинь слайдер сюда и продли его до 02:33:731. а на 02:34:472 поставь ноту. я думаю новичкам нужно давать больше времени, что бы возобновиться после спиннера
02:45:214 (1) - может удалить ноту? :с
02:58:549 (2) - сделай слайдер вот таким, что бы он не задевал следующий

[pewdiePie's Normal]
00:42:421 (2) - удали ноту. это как то слишком для новичков, да и под музыку лучше будет
01:37:242 (2) - ^
02:10:024 (1) - убери нк
02:26:137 (2) - удали ноту

Раз это хард, то может HP и OD на один поднять?
00:29:456 (2) - поверни его вертикально, вот так
00:38:717 (7) - начни тут нк, а на слайдере убери
00:42:236 (1) - может лучше сюда поставить?
01:12:980 (7) - лучше не стакать его под слайдером а поставить рядышком
01:37:057 (1) - поставь его как я и показывала
02:13:173 (2) - и с ним то же самое

00:40:383 (5) - некрасиво стакнут т_т убери grid snap и чуток подправь
01:35:205 (5) - ^

[pewdiePie's Extra Jumpscares]
00:54:274 (2,4) - подвинь их на 2 клетки вниз
01:36:687 (1) - с центра сместилось? о.о
01:44:465 - в этой секции сделай 40% громкости
01:45:557 (1) - финиш
02:34:472 (1) - ^
02:46:325 (1) - ^

Удачи :oops:
Topic Starter
Thanks nyan<3~
На экстре исправила всё, на нормале только нк убрала :3 спасибо за мод :oops: :oops: :oops:
  1. At least you have to warn players about mature SB.
    [quote="osu! wiki":980e3]Songs/Maps with mature lyrics/themes must be marked with a label such as "18+" in the map's thread. This game is for all ages, and so a warning is needed for younger audiences. There is currently no way to distinguish this outside of the map's thread, but this may change in the future.
  2. Related forum : t/55177
    'black.png' isn't necessary at all. You can reduce SB load by this code.
    Add a single line of SB code under the "//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)" heading of your .osb
    And make some codes for fading BG.jpg

  3. 02:45:214 -
    02:45:584 -
    02:45:954 -
    02:46:325 -

    02:51:511 -
    02:51:881 -
    02:52:252 -

    Those quadruple and triple kiai fountains really bother me, which mean unrankable.
    [quote="osu! wiki":980e3]Do not overuse kiai time (the general guideline is one toggle per minute of playtime). Kiai is meant to accent chorus sections, so don't use it just for fountains unless you're doing this extremely rarely. You can toggle kiai off and back on halfway through the chorus if it fits, but using it constantly every few beats/measures is just ridiculous and can distract players.

00:49:829 (1) - Start from next white tick
01:01:868 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Why streams? There is no reason in music to make streams, which means overmapping.
01:44:651 (1) - Start from next white tick
02:33:731 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Mentioned above
02:34:657 (2,3) - That stack looks really weird

This diff has too many unnecessary triple circles.

00:33:531 (6,8) - Unrankable. Hitburst can't cover completely reverse arrow. Reverse arrow must be visible.
00:49:829 (1) - Start from next white tick
00:56:497 (4,2) - Similar with 00:33:531 (6,8)
01:01:682 (1) - Start from next white tick
01:44:651 (1) - ^
01:51:318 (4,2) - Similar with 00:33:531 (6,8)
02:17:247 (6,8) - Unrankable
02:33:546 (1) - Start from next white tick
02:35:953 (2) - Why half spaced? It's awkward for me

02:22:989 (1) - Too soon after spinner for beginner.
02:28:545 (1,2) - Stack correctly
02:45:584 (1,2,3) - Refrain from making jumps in Easy diff.
03:06:698 (5) - Stacking under slider's end is hard to read for beginner imo.

[Pie's Extra Jumps]
00:50:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - There is no reason in music to make streams.
01:44:836 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:33:546 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^
02:57:623 (2) - Add clap to reverse arrow

[Pie's Normal]
01:42:243 (8) - Add clap to head
00:50:755 (1) - Add finish to head
01:45:577 (1) - ^

Sorry, I don't like copypasta. :(
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

00:49:829 (1) - Start from next white tick No
01:01:868 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Why streams? There is no reason in music to make streams, which means overmapping. >.<
01:44:651 (1) - Start from next white tick No
02:33:731 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Mentioned above
02:34:657 (2,3) - That stack looks really weird :d

This diff has too many unnecessary triple circles.

00:33:531 (6,8) - Unrankable. Hitburst can't cover completely reverse arrow. Reverse arrow must be visible.
00:49:829 (1) - Start from next white tick No
00:56:497 (4,2) - Similar with 00:33:531 (6,8) Fixed
01:01:682 (1) - Start from next white tick No
01:44:651 (1) - ^ No
01:51:318 (4,2) - Similar with 00:33:531 (6,8) Fixed
02:17:247 (6,8) - Unrankable Fixed
02:33:546 (1) - Start from next white tick No
02:35:953 (2) - Why half spaced? It's awkward for me Fixed

02:22:989 (1) - Too soon after spinner for beginner. Fixed
02:28:545 (1,2) - Stack correctly Fixed
02:45:584 (1,2,3) - Refrain from making jumps in Easy diff. Fixed
03:06:698 (5) - Stacking under slider's end is hard to read for beginner imo. Fixed

Sorry, I don't like copypasta. :(
Okay..D: Thank you~:3
Edit: Thanks for the star [Te][Amo] ;3

ykcarrot wrote:

[Pie's Extra Jumps]
00:50:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - There is no reason in music to make streams. <--- not think. Stream sound not bad here
01:44:836 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ <--- ^
02:33:546 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ^ <--- ^
02:57:623 (2) - Add clap to reverse arrow <--- fixed

[Pie's Normal]
AR+1 <--- no
01:42:243 (8) - Add clap to head <--- fixed
00:50:755 (1) - Add finish to head <--- fixed
01:45:577 (1) - ^ <--- fixed
I'm not pro in taiko, but...

Good luck, star~
Topic Starter
Thaaanks<3 :)
Hi KersiTyan Nightcore mod ♥!


  1. The file SB/11 fade out really quickly at 03:07:068 (x) it look ugly, here my solution:

    Add this

    at the end of all codes in Foreground

  2. SB/Black Appears in the AudioLeadIn, Start it more late (Maybe in -2584)

  1. 00:36:309 (1) - I think this slider its to short for an Easy diff, maybe extend it until 00:38:161 (x)
  2. 00:40:013 (2) - Move it 3 grids to the right and 2 grids down (to keep consistency in spacing)
  3. 01:32:242 (3) - I think its better to remove that note and begin the next spinner(01:32:612 (x)) there, end it in the same place
  4. 01:35:205 (2) - Inconsistent spacing, too far from 01:34:464 (1)
  5. 02:45:584 (1) - Add NC so the previous spinner ends properly
Pie's Normal

  1. 00:14:084 (1) - Remove NC, i think 00:13:713 (2) its too soon to start a NC
  2. 00:44:828 (1) - I think adding a finish at the begin sounds good, and feels good whit the SB
  3. 00:56:682 (1) - Add Finish, same reason ^
  4. 00:58:904 (6) - While you press shift in this slider move it down, it will get fixed
  5. 01:39:650 (1) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  6. 01:41:132 (5) - Add NC, i think that 01:42:243 (8) its a high combo for a Normal
  7. 01:51:503 (1) - Add finish, it sounds good whit the music and the hitsounds
  8. 02:28:545 (1) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  9. 02:40:398 (1) - Add finish, it sounds good whit the music and the hitsounds
  10. 02:52:252 (6) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  11. 02:58:178 (1) - ^

  1. 01:55:763 (x) - Usseles inherited section ?
  2. 02:58:363 (2) - Remove this note, its a little bit confusing, and sounds without rhythm
  3. 03:06:327 (9) - I think its sounds better without the whistle at the begin, don't know why D:
Love this song, and Hard its very fun to play ♥!

Good Luck ! And Star !

[Te][Amo] wrote:

Pie's Normal

  1. 00:14:084 (1) - Remove NC, i think 00:13:713 (2) its too soon to start a NC
  2. 00:44:828 (1) - I think adding a finish at the begin sounds good, and feels good whit the SB
  3. 00:56:682 (1) - Add Finish, same reason ^
  4. 00:58:904 (6) - While you press shift in this slider move it down, it will get fixed <---nope
  5. 01:39:650 (1) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  6. 01:41:132 (5) - Add NC, i think that 01:42:243 (8) its a high combo for a Normal
  7. 01:51:503 (1) - Add finish, it sounds good whit the music and the hitsounds
  8. 02:28:545 (1) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  9. 02:40:398 (1) - Add finish, it sounds good whit the music and the hitsounds
  10. 02:52:252 (6) - Add a finish at the begin, sounds good whit the music
  11. 02:58:178 (1) - ^
all the rest fixed~~ thx for mod
Topic Starter

[Te][Amo] wrote:

Hi KersiTyan Nightcore mod ♥! Hi~~


  1. 00:36:309 (1) - I think this slider its to short for an Easy diff, maybe extend it until 00:38:161 (x) Ok
  2. 00:40:013 (2) - Move it 3 grids to the right and 2 grids down (to keep consistency in spacing) Ok
  3. 01:32:242 (3) - I think its better to remove that note and begin the next spinner(01:32:612 (x)) there, end it in the same place Nope
  4. 01:35:205 (2) - Inconsistent spacing, too far from 01:34:464 (1) Ok
  5. 02:45:584 (1) - Add NC so the previous spinner ends properly


  1. 01:55:763 (x) - Usseles inherited section ? Yea :o deleted :3
  2. 02:58:363 (2) - Remove this note, its a little bit confusing, and sounds without rhythm Ok
  3. 03:06:327 (9) - I think its sounds better without the whistle at the begin, don't know why D:

Love this song, and Hard its very fun to play ♥! Thanks~

Good Luck ! And Star !
Thank youuu~<3


  1. 00:14:084 (x) - Add a Note, to follow the vocals of the girl
  2. 00:19:640 (3) - Change the shape of that slider for something like this to add some creative shapes and symmetrical sliders
  3. 00:31:123 (5) - Move this slider 1 grid up, like that it looks better
  4. 00:57:423 (4) - While you press shift (whit distance snap activated) move it a little bit down
  5. 01:03:349 (x) - I think that this break looks better in 01:02:608 (x)
  6. 01:14:091 (4,5,6) - Select all these 3 notes and while you press shift move them to the left
  7. 01:15:388 (2) - Move it 1 grid to the left if you do this ^
  8. 01:52:245 (4) - While you press shift move it a little bit up
  9. 02:14:839 (5) - Move it 1 grid down, to be symmetricals whit 02:14:469 (3)
Pie's Extra Jumps

  1. 00:35:753 (x) - Add a note, to follows the vocals
  2. 00:44:828 (8) - Add finish, it sounds good here
  3. 00:50:385 (5) - Add clap, to keep the consistency at hitsounds, also sound whit rhythm
  4. 00:56:311 (7) - Add finish at the end, sounds good whit the music
  5. 01:07:794 (1,2,3,4) - IMO this jump will play better like this (hope you get the idea)
  6. 01:09:461 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  7. 01:24:463 (5) - Move this note 2 grids up to stack it whit 01:22:981 (5)
  8. 01:30:019 (3) - Why don't you make something like this ?, code if you wan't it:
  9. 01:39:650 (7) - Add Finish, it flows whit the music
  10. 01:45:206 (5) - Add clap, to keep the consistency at hitsounds and sounds good
  11. 01:51:503 (1) - Add Finish at the begin, flows whit the music there
  12. 02:20:859 (1) - Move this spinner to 02:21:137 (x) it really plays better because its following the vocals (end it in the same place)
  13. 02:21:859 (1) - Add Finish, adds some rhythm to the song
  14. 02:28:545 (1) - ^
  15. 02:34:101 (11) - Add clap, to keep the consistency at hitsounds and sounds good
  16. 02:40:398 (1) - Add finish, it sounds good whit the song
  17. 02:45:214 (1,2,3) - These 3 sliders sounds really better whit the claps at the begin
  18. 02:48:177 (3) - Add clap at the begin, if you listen to the song claps start over there
  19. 02:48:918 (2) - Add clap, same reason as above and only if you do this ^
  20. 02:52:252 (4) - Add finish at the begin, it sounds good there
  21. 02:58:178 (1) - Add finish, Same reason as above
Sorry for didn't add this 2 diffs to the mod :V, no kd btw

Good Luck !
Topic Starter

[Te][Amo] wrote:



  1. 00:14:084 (x) - Add a Note, to follow the vocals of the girl Ok
  2. 00:19:640 (3) - Change the shape of that slider for something like this to add some creative shapes and symmetrical slidersSure~
  3. 00:31:123 (5) - Move this slider 1 grid up, like that it looks better Ok
  4. 00:57:423 (4) - While you press shift (whit distance snap activated) move it a little bit down Oh, i forgot this moment :c
  5. 01:03:349 (x) - I think that this break looks better in 01:02:608 (x) Nope :3
  6. 01:14:091 (4,5,6) - Select all these 3 notes and while you press shift move them to the left Nope
  7. 01:15:388 (2) - Move it 1 grid to the left if you do this ^ ^
  8. 01:52:245 (4) - While you press shift move it a little bit up Ok
  9. 02:14:839 (5) - Move it 1 grid down, to be symmetricals whit 02:14:469 (3)
Good Luck !
Nyaaan, i love you ♥ \> o </ Thanks~
A g u s s d g
mod here :B

Pie's Normal:
I don't like this distance snap, it's so hard :/
you should use "double" slider not triple circle, its more funny :P

01:12:795 (6,7) - why not try this? :P

00:34:086 (2,3,5,6) - i dont like this
00:44:828 (1) - remove this new combo
02:38:546 (3) - renive this slider or
02:38:361 (2) - this circle

Topic Starter
No change for my diffs, but thanks for checking~ :)
o.O hi there
StoryBoard=finish at the last note (easy) but its ok
AR5 so fast for newbie maybe -1?
the kiai time not same with pie's diff @.@
just that
Topic Starter

frans_niko wrote:

o.O hi there
StoryBoard=finish at the last note (easy) but its ok
AR5 so fast for newbie maybe -1? Ok~
the kiai time not same with pie's diff @.@
just that
Thank you~
I will update soon..
одинаковый ар в двух сложностях (изя нормал)
скорость в экстре ниже чем в инсе (который якобы легче)
рандомные оверлаповатые паттены
unrankable stuff. если снижать ар (а это необходимо, то будет полный анранк)
изя это не 1/2 а 1/1 (и то не полностью) + 2/1 ноты
Topic Starter
Go M4M now.
inb4 map nuked

Edit: offset +4 , imo

00:17:232 - 00:17:603 - slider 1 repeat
00:44:828 - 00:45:384 - slider
00:45:569 - 00:45:940 - ^
00:56:682 - 00:57:237 - ^
00:57:451 - 00:57:793 - ^
01:15:388 - circle
01:15:758 - 01:16:129 - slider 1 repeat
01:20:884 - nc
01:20:388 - no nc
01:22:426 - 01:22:796 - slider 1 repeat
02:01:318 - circle

Insane +1, Katty Pie's moe diff +1.

good luck nyashaaaa :3/
Topic Starter
Thanks nyaa ~<3
А вот и я, с моим бесполезным модом! :D

03:06:698 (5) - может лучше поставить её под слайдер?

00:01:860 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Всё из серединки, как-то скучновато...
00:17:603 - определённо нехватает ноты
00:23:530 - ^
01:15:388 - ^
02:01:319 - ^
02:07:246 - ^
02:51:603 (2,3,4,5,6) - два трипла подряд? для харда это сложновато. можешь заменить один коротким слайдером, с одним возвратом
02:57:808 (5,6,7,1) - это уже инсейн какойто... можно оставить тот же ритм, но сделать это легче для игрока.

00:23:530 - определённо нехватает ноты
01:55:948 (1) - я бы поставил новое комбо тут
01:56:318 (1) - а тут бы убрал. и вообще может быть стоит тут расставить новые комбо по большим белым тикам? =)
02:06:876 (4) - кажется есть смысл нажать ctrl+R тут. :D а чтобы не возникло проблем со спейсингом, 02:06:505 (3) - эту ноту можно опустить пониже
02:36:879 (3) - добавь возврат :)
02:47:066 (1) - опусти на пару клеток вниз

Это всё. Надеюсь было, хоть что-нибудь полезное. =) Удачи.
Topic Starter

FoxShift wrote:

А вот и я, с моим бесполезным модом! :D

03:06:698 (5) - может лучше поставить её под слайдер? Нет, говорят не читаемо будет т.т

00:01:860 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Всё из серединки, как-то скучновато... Фантазия кончилась :С
00:17:603 - определённо нехватает ноты Ок
00:23:530 - ^ Ок
01:15:388 - ^ Нет
02:01:319 - ^ Ок
02:07:246 - ^ Ок
02:51:603 (2,3,4,5,6) - два трипла подряд? для харда это сложновато. можешь заменить один коротким слайдером, с одним возвратом Поставила :)
02:57:808 (5,6,7,1) - это уже инсейн какойто... можно оставить тот же ритм, но сделать это легче для игрока. Ок D:

00:23:530 - определённо нехватает ноты Ок
01:55:948 (1) - я бы поставил новое комбо тут Ок
01:56:318 (1) - а тут бы убрал. и вообще может быть стоит тут расставить новые комбо по большим белым тикам? =) Это же все переделывать надо Т__Т я попробую чуть позже)
02:06:876 (4) - кажется есть смысл нажать ctrl+R тут. :D а чтобы не возникло проблем со спейсингом, 02:06:505 (3) - эту ноту можно опустить пониже Ок
02:36:879 (3) - добавь возврат :) Ок)
02:47:066 (1) - опусти на пару клеток вниз Ой, забыла, оке

Это всё. Надеюсь было, хоть что-нибудь полезное. =) Удачи. Спасибки \^^/
hi there :3 M4M requested by Katty Pie~

OD+1 it's better imo

01:59:652 (1,3) - switch NC

[Pie's Normal]

00:43:347 (1) - remove NC
01:38:168 (1) - ^
01:41:132 (1) - ^ as in 00:46:310 (4)
01:52:985 (1) - ^
02:54:104 (1) - ^


00:04:823 (3) - add NC
00:10:750 (3) - ^
01:26:685 (4) - hidden arrowpoints (unrankable).
02:40:769 (2) - ^


00:16:492 (3) - put at x:168 y:160, in this way the blanket are good for each slider
00:27:234 (5) - add NC?
00:42:791 (3) - hidden arrowpoints (unrankable). ↓ like this?
01:37:612 (3) - ^

[Pie's Extra Jumps]

00:53:718 (5,1) - switch NC?
00:57:423 (3,1) - ↓ like this?
02:32:620 (3) - add NC?

wow, clazy jumps map :D
good luck~
Topic Starter

kusano wrote:

hi there :3 M4M requested by Katty Pie~

OD+1 it's better imo Oh..ok

01:59:652 (1,3) - switch NC Ok

OD+1 Оk

00:04:823 (3) - add NC Оk
00:10:750 (3) - ^ Оk
01:26:685 (4) - hidden arrowpoints (unrankable). >< fixed
02:40:769 (2) - ^ >.<


00:16:492 (3) - put at x:168 y:160, in this way the blanket are good for each slider Wops D: Fixed
00:27:234 (5) - add NC? Оk
00:42:791 (3) - hidden arrowpoints (unrankable). ↓ like this? Fixed
01:37:612 (3) - ^ Fixed

good luck~ Thaanks ~ :3
Hello! Little check... Please delete SB it's 18+ and 18- pleople have the same entitlement to play it... Byee!

Xavier18488 wrote:

Hello! Little check... Please delete SB it's 18+ and 18- pleople have the same entitlement to play it... Byee!
Just change the pictures, that will be enough.
привет :3
вот пожалуй мой мод

Pie's Normal

00:25:941 (3,4) - мне кажется это не очень подходит, я бы сделала на этом месте один слайдер
с 01:13:725 (1) - до 01:20:022 (4) - нужно добавить немного сауднов, whistle например
01:52:989 (1) - думаю лучше убрать новое комбо
02:18:177 (1) - и тут тоже, ну или сделать его на одну ноту раньше

00:24:830 (1) - мб новое комбо?
00:25:571 (1) - а тут удалить нк
00:27:052 (1) - а тут нк сделать, и вот как-то симпотично получается :з
00:38:721 (1,2) - я думаю это лишнее
00:55:204 (2) - может лучше сделать закруглённый слайдер?
01:01:686 (1) - перетащи спиннер на белый тик
01:10:762 (1,2) - сделай что-нибудь другое
01:19:281 (7) - новое комбо
01:33:542 (1,2) - снова лишнее
01:50:026 (2) - другой слайдер
02:01:138 (1) - нк
02:08:546 (8) - удали нк
02:10:954 (6) - я бы сделала нк
02:43:366 (1) - удали нк
02:52:626 (1,2,3) - это как-то не круто =/ нужно что-нибудь другое
03:05:591 (1) - сделай новое комбо

~ничего страшного, что так не по порядку?:DD

00:32:238 (2,3) - такие слайдеры не смотрятся тут красиво и эпично =(
00:36:313 (1) - для изи лучше сделать спиннер подлинней, хотя бы на один тик
00:47:796 (1) - удали нк
01:01:501 (1) - опять же, немного подлинней
02:00:397 (1) - удали нк
02:04:472 (2) - сделай слайдер двойным, а следующим подставь ближе к этому. ещё можно на один тик его подвинуть
02:18:918 (2) - сделай его тоже двойным, а следующий удали. мне кажется это будет лучше для бигиннера

вот всё собственно
надеюсь помогла
инсайны не могу моддить, извиняюсь)
удачи с мапкой, она хорошая, ритм гуд)
Topic Starter
Привет :3
Some fixed, thank~
Those drum sounds in this song could be represented with a custom finish sound. You shouldn't largely ignore hitsounding because the song provides a suitable alternative. I recommend this because the maps would play so much better in taiko if you used proper hitsounding. I will try to find a fitting custom for you tomorrow.


Those spinners are pushing it. Also hitsounds were lacking outside of the choruses. The whole song should have hitsounds of some form. Other than that, slider design is decent, although there's still some spacings that need to be cleaned up. Most of the song felt like a Normal more than a Easy. Having no 1/2ths does not always mean it's now an Easy. It played well though so I don't recommend any drastic changes.

00:18:162 (4,1,2) - Why is this spacing not 0.8? Does 1,2 have to be so different from 00:12:977 (1,2) - in both design in spacing?
00:21:867 (1,2,3) - Sliders don't have a perfect blanket. Make it like this.
00:23:348 (3,4,5) - (Nazi) Not a perfect right angle.
00:40:017 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - (Nazi) Turn grid snap off and make all exactly 0.8.
00:44:832 (1,2) - Blanket could be better
00:47:055 (3,1) - Spacing is different than the same part later in the song. Make sure they follow similar snaps and appear roughly similar if you're going to use similar shapes and imply that you're mapping them similarly.
00:52:982 (3,4) - Spacing is not 0.8. I suggest you go through with grid snap off to make everything perfect.
01:00:946 (2) - This feels so out of place after that long gap. It also looks randomly placed. I think it would be more fitting if you had this slider more to the left of the screen and have it move straight down.
01:01:501 - I don't like how silent this spinner is. I don't think it needs to be completely silent, it should start losing volume here 01:03:353 - . (You could get away with 15-30% volume before silencing ) also I think it sounds nicer if you started it on the beat here 01:01:872 - . end it on the long tick here 01:04:094 - or perhaps here 01:03:724 - to make it more fitting to the vocals but still long enough to be a proper spinner for an Easy.
01:13:725 (1,2) - Not completely straight?
01:55:767 (2) - Similar thought about this slider. Maybe it would be better straight down.
01:56:323 (1) - This spinner doesn't give you a lot of time and it appears suddenly. I'm sure most beginners are going to screw up on this spinner the first time they play the song.
01:57:804 - I think this area lacks hitsounds. Soft whistles would go really good through here.
02:01:879 (5) - Kind of doesn't match slider 3. You should try to find a shape that better fits that slider.
02:05:583 - Use 30% hitsounds? I think it fits the music better.
02:17:066 (5) - Slider end sounds too loud, use 30 percent on the end?
02:18:918 (2) - Soft whistle sounds better than finish.
02:24:104 (2,3,4,1) - Spacing should be 0.8
02:25:956 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern. Also spacing isn't entirely 0.8. I don't think the pattern go up, down, and then up again. The beat doesn't reflect that movement.It's hard to explain exactly why though. I highly recommend you have a more straight or slightly curved pattern here. The flow should be smooth.
02:30:771 (3) - Make this blanket better?
02:43:736 (1) - This spinner just doesn't play well. It just feels like I'm spinning to emptiness and the end of the spinner comes up so very fast. I think it would be awkward for beginners if this wasn't extended into those vocal notes. I think replacing it with a slider would be the best course of action. (or leaving nothing there, would be good too because Normal doesn't have anything mapped there)
02:45:958 - Missing a kiai point?
02:48:551 (2) - Kind of close to 1 don't you think?
03:04:479 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is very tricky to hit. Please don't do this in an Easy. If you're going to stack do it when there is a strong beat on one or both of the notes. spacing them out is a much preferred and easier to read way to hit these.


Good difficulty. The beat was nice and varied, and there was nice symmetry and spacing. Spinners were in the proper places. It was mostly smooth except for one part that I really think you should fix. that one thing is the only thing I think you must fix, the rest are opinions.

00:22:607 (3,4,5,6) - It's really weird to go from a 1/1 stack into a 1/2th stream. It also doesn't help that there's no hitsounds creating any form of beat so it's difficult what to expect ahead of time. also it's fairly unfitting considering that you're primarily following vocals and those repeaters are largely following the beat. This isn't a good thing because people will be playing this listening for the vocals and these sliders will sound like they aren't mapped to anything.

How to correct?

Well 00:22:607 (3) - sounds like it should be the slider and instead of a repeat slider, just make it 1/1 long. it sounds a lot better. Also please move this half a beat back to also line up with the vocals. This is highly recommended.
00:34:461 (3,4,5) - Why is this part formless when you gave the very same part here 01:29:282 (3,4,5) - a form?
00:48:166 (1) - you should silence this spinner end.
01:42:988 (1) - ^
02:10:028 (3,4) - Line up curves better?
02:21:141 - Gap is unfitting IMO. Eh I would prefer there wasn't one. Extending the spinner some would fix it.
02:37:809 (1,4) - A little strange having both repeaters facing the same direction. I guess it's fine though.
02:50:774 (3) - Slider isn't symmetrical


Very well made. I like the sliders for the most part. There are some parts that have questionable flow. I would check them because there are some flow errors in this difficulty.

00:17:977 (8) - I would just replace with a hitcircle on the long white tick. Switching to a beat like that is kind of awkward, and not mapping to that beat will maintain the vocal pattern. and you can do this
00:42:425 (2,3) - These sound offbeat. Please don't start sliders on an offbeat like that. Please start the first slider here 00:42:610 - and the next one a accordingly. It plays a lot better.
00:47:796 (1,2) - This is kind of sudden. Maybe it would be best to map this a little more thoroughly. It is a Hard, this could be better.
01:09:650 (2,3) - Normal hitsounds sound strange here. End normal hitsounds with a 1/8th green line so that the slider slide doesn't have normal hitsounds.
01:10:206 - 30% soft goes better here IMO.
01:11:688 - ^
01:12:799 (6,7) - These double normal hitsound sections just sound weird. They don't really fit or suit as a proper hitsound alternative. Perhaps lower the volume of all these sections.
01:15:762 (6,7) - ^ (too loud IMO)
01:15:207 (4,5,6,7) - I don't think this plays the best. The beat does not match the vocal pattern very well and I don't recommend you map it here. I highly recommend you add a note here 01:15:392 - and delete 01:15:762 (6) - . It plays much more intuitively and on beat.
01:37:246 (2,3) - Same comment about starting on an offbeat
01:56:693 - Same comment about soft whistles for this section.
02:01:694 (4) - Same comment as 17 seconds
02:31:512 - Now that you cleared up the end part of this, I would recommend you start the spinner here.
02:50:033 (4) - I would prefer this to be a tad more symmetrical.
02:51:144 (1) - ^
03:01:146 (1,2,3,4) - (nazi) Make all the sliders end in exactly the same place.

Extra Jumps

I don't think AR 9 is needed for this difficulty. AR 8 is good enough. AR 9 feels too intense for the song. Some of the jumps in this seem to be mapped only for the sake of having jumps regardless if it makes sense beat-wise. This difficulty is well beyond my skill level and the high storyboard load makes it unplayable anyways, I can't really give this a proper mod. Kiai seems really unfitting though.
00:31:681 Unsnapped green line
00:34:461 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These jumps feel forced to me. Don't pick the part that sounds the least like a jump and have super high jumps there. Jumps also don't form a very nice looking pattern and end abruptly IMO.
01:33:723 - Unsnapped green line
01:56:693 - This section would sound nice with soft whistles, please add some. There's not enough hitsounds.
02:00:027 (3,4) - Going back here is awkward.
02:00:953 (1,2,3,4) - too loud, use 30% also feels like it should be hitsounded properly.
02:05:583 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Unfitting jumps, play nothing like the beat.
02:25:215 (8,9) - fast,fast, fast, stop. >.<
02:30:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Unfitting and feels random considering you mapped the first half of the sentence to vocals and then randomly switched to beat for the other half of the sentence. I highly recommend you pick one or the other within a sentence.
02:45:218 - It was already perfectly difficult. There is absolutely no reason to make the sliders faster and the jumps larger. This is unfitting.
02:55:589 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - So awkward to hit antis like that and reverse back. If you want to keep this, please find a time for me to spectate you playing this difficulty and I'll watch you play this difficulty.
02:58:182 (1,2,3) - Too far.


01:09:465 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - Random spacing usage. Please be more consistent.
01:30:764 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - All of a sudden notes all over the screen. The transiton here 01:31:134 (6,1,2,3) - is awkward and random IMO. I don't feel a straight stream is fitting. This part should look nicer in general IMO.
01:35:209 (5) - I'm not sure I like this slider. I don't know if it fits.
01:36:691 (1) - Repeat hidden by hitburst- unrankable.
01:55:026 (2,3) - Eh I'm just going to say i wouldn't have put a triple on these sections. Don't have to change I just think it would be nicer without.
01:58:730 (5) - I don't like this going straight up with that spacing. spacing it here would be better IMO.
02:46:329 (1,2,3) - Awkward and unexpected jump.
02:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - How am I supposed to read this spacing?


Although I don't like the harder difficulties, other people probably will. So I guess I will star after I see how my mod is taken.
you're awesome as always. yea. good mod.
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

you're awesome as always. yea. good mod.
Да свали ты с этого треда уже.
TheVileOne Thx for mod, but for me not change. (behind an exception green lines)
Not this again, Katty Pie. I'm pointing out flaws in your beatmap and you're ignoring them without reason.

Please learn how to properly map before being overly stubborn about your mapping style. Find a time and I will watch you play Extra Jumps, and I will know how well you can play your own difficulty.

I think a question is settled. Thx for mod
Hi :D


There's an unsnapped inherited point at 01:33:723 in Pie's Extra Jumps,snap it to 01:33:727 to fix


  1. 00:18:903 (1) - You could put this at x:196 y:220 to make the whole pattern symmetric? If you do this,put 00:19:644 (2) - at x:256 y:168 :D
  2. 00:47:055 (3,1) - What do you think on making a blanket here? It would pretty much fit in this zone! Here's an example of a blanket you could do
  3. 00:56:686 (1,3) - Move these 1 grid down to fix the blanket with 00:57:056 (2,4) -
  4. 01:10:762 (3) - You should add a new combo here to keep the consistency.
  5. 01:26:689 (1) - 1 grid down to allign this with 01:24:837 (3) - ?
  6. 01:41:877 (3,1) - See 00:47:055 (3,1) -
  7. 02:07:065 (2) - Add a New combo again for the consistency with 02:04:101 (1,2,1) -
  8. 02:08:546 (4) - Hmm... Not too sure of this note's placement. It is located in the repeat of 02:09:658 (2) -,and this could cause some reading errors,since the hitburst covers partially the repeat of this slider (it's still visible,but I think the beginners would have some trouble here). If you want,you could simply change the note's position!
  9. 02:13:362 (3,1) - Imho,after a normal flow with normal spacing,this would be really surprising and difficult for the beginners. I suggest you to lower this "jump".
  10. 02:46:329 (3) - Move this 1 grid left and up and move 02:46:699 (1) - 2 grids up,so that 02:45:588 (1,2,3,1) - becomes a completely symmetric pattern
  11. 02:57:441 (1) - Move the new combo to 02:58:553 (2) -,it follows the singer's voice better
[Pie's Normal]

  1. 00:27:793 (2) - Whoops, this is not alligned with 00:27:052 (1) - ! Move it at y:318 to allign them
  2. 01:22:615 (2) - Again not alligned with 01:21:874 (1) -
  3. 02:13:732 (3) - Move this at x:124 y:100? It will look better with 02:13:362 (2,4) - and it will make too a linear flow with 02:14:473 (4,1) - !
  4. 02:49:663 (1) - Guess what? Move this 1 grid up to allign this with 02:48:922 (4,5) -

  1. 00:17:422 (5) - Add a new combo for consistency (you're using this at 01:59:286 (4,1,2,3,4) - )
  2. 00:22:237 (3) - What do you think on putting this at x:40 y:121? It would be alligned with 00:22:422 (4) -, too ^^
  3. 00:29:831 (3,4) - Why this change of spacing? I suggest you to fix this spacing by putting these at x:120 y:112.
  4. 01:00:946 (2) - New combo here?
  5. 01:15:207 (4,5,6,7,8) - I know you want to make this pattern a "complementar" of 01:14:836 (3) - ,but 01:15:947 (8) - 's position looks pretty much random. What do wou think of making instead a diamond pattern by moving 01:15:577 (6) - at x:328 y:152 and 01:15:947 (8) - at x:184 y:152? Here's an example of how it will look
  6. 01:21:874 (5) - New combo here to keep the consistency with the new combo pattern of the initial part
  7. 01:55:767 (2) - Same as 01:00:946 (2) -
  8. 02:05:954 (3) - See 00:22:237 (3) -
  9. 02:13:547 (3,4) - See 00:29:831 (3,4) -

  1. 00:15:014 (5) - Put this at x:192 y:248? It makes too a nice symmetric pattern with 00:14:644 (3,4) - :D
  2. 00:27:978 (6) - Put this 1 grid down and right and put 00:28:164 (7) - at x:120 y:296?
  3. 00:33:720 (1) - It doesen't have much sense to put a New combo here,actually. What do you think of moving this New combo to 00:32:794 (4) - ? By doing so you will follow the drums,too!
  4. 01:00:205 (2) - 1 grid right,just to allign this with 00:59:834 (1) - ?
  5. 01:28:912 (5) - Move this 1 grid right,for pretty much the same reason
  6. 01:58:730 (5) - Move this at x:320 y:136,just like 00:15:014 (5) -
  7. 02:11:695 (2,3) - Pretty much the same as 00:27:978 (6) -
  8. 02:16:510 (4) - Again,New combo here and remove the one at 02:17:436 (1) -
Sorry,but now I can't mod it all. Tomorrow I'll finish this ;D
Finished,although I haven't modded Pie's Extra diff because the song is really long >_< (but anyway,I gave a look at his diff,and it seemed pretty much fine for me,so my mod wouldn't have been really useful for him ^^)
Talking about the map,that's not bad at all! You just need some tweaking with the patterns/New Combos but for the rest you have done a good job! Good luck for your map! :D
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:

Hi :D Hi~

  1. 00:18:903 (1) - You could put this at x:196 y:220 to make the whole pattern symmetric? If you do this,put 00:19:644 (2) - at x:256 y:168 :D
  2. 00:47:055 (3,1) - What do you think on making a blanket here? It would pretty much fit in this zone! Here's an example of a blanket you could do
  3. 00:56:686 (1,3) - Move these 1 grid down to fix the blanket with 00:57:056 (2,4) -
  4. 01:10:762 (3) - You should add a new combo here to keep the consistency.
  5. 01:26:689 (1) - 1 grid down to allign this with 01:24:837 (3) - ?
  6. 01:41:877 (3,1) - See 00:47:055 (3,1) -
  7. 02:07:065 (2) - Add a New combo again for the consistency with 02:04:101 (1,2,1) -
  8. 02:08:546 (4) - Hmm... Not too sure of this note's placement. It is located in the repeat of 02:09:658 (2) -,and this could cause some reading errors,since the hitburst covers partially the repeat of this slider (it's still visible,but I think the beginners would have some trouble here). If you want,you could simply change the note's position!
  9. 02:13:362 (3,1) - Imho,after a normal flow with normal spacing,this would be really surprising and difficult for the beginners. I suggest you to lower this "jump".
  10. 02:46:329 (3) - Move this 1 grid left and up and move 02:46:699 (1) - 2 grids up,so that 02:45:588 (1,2,3,1) - becomes a completely symmetric pattern
  11. 02:57:441 (1) - Move the new combo to 02:58:553 (2) -,it follows the singer's voice better
All fixed >.<
Sorry,but now I can't mod it all. Tomorrow I'll finish this ;D Thank~~:3
Custom Finish Sound

What do you think?

BTW Katty I want you to play it. Insert pro here can play it perfectly is irrelevant. They can play it even if it were flawed and bad. I'm not saying your diff is bad, it has parts that don't fit the song very well. Maybe my modding opinion is from a by-gone era. If this were 2010 they would pick your difficulty apart for being unfitting. At least it's roughly equal in difficulty, which is a good thing.

-kevincela- wrote:

[Pie's Normal]

  1. 00:27:793 (2) - Whoops, this is not alligned with 00:27:052 (1) - ! Move it at y:318 to allign them <--- fixed
  2. 01:22:615 (2) - Again not alligned with 01:21:874 (1) - <--- fixed
  3. 02:13:732 (3) - Move this at x:124 y:100? It will look better with 02:13:362 (2,4) - and it will make too a linear flow with 02:14:473 (4,1) - ! <--- fixed
  4. 02:49:663 (1) - Guess what? Move this 1 grid up to allign this with 02:48:922 (4,5) -
<--- fixed
Thx for mod ^.^ :oops:
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Ok,finished modding. I'm sorry for skipping Pie's Extra Jumps,though D:
Topic Starter
Thank you very much~!! -kevincela-
Fixed almost all ;3
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