
Storyboarding the fail sequence

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +72
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As it stands, when you fail a song, failsound plays immediately after the HP reaches zero, the game speed winds down, and the hit objects go off in various directions, all before the fail image and Retry/Quit options appear. Now, it's possible to skin the fail image and the failsound, but they occur at different times. You could add some silence to the failsound, but it's a workaround that I suspect may not work the same on all systems.

In EBA, there are actually two failsounds: one immediately as the song fails (the record winding down, akin to what osu! does natively) and one when the "Regroup?" menu pops up (the one currently used as the failsound in the EliteBeatOsu skin). In addition, an entire scene occurs, relevant to the story at hand, before the generalized failure message.

So, here's what I propose: a way to storyboard the failing sequence, probably with a separate file from the main file. The failsound still plays where it does now, and when the main screen fades out, the storyboard plays. After the storyboard runs, the Retry/Quit options appear. Just as now, if the mouse is clicked at any time, it skips straight to the end, jumping over everything else in the storyboard.

I know this seems like a minor issue, but it's always been something that's bugged me - the rest of osu! seems perfect for emulating the stories of the DS games, save the failure sequences. Even for really simple things, like the garage door in EliteBeatOsu coming down from above instead of just fading in.
Extra storyboard opportunity's?
I'm in!
Sounds pretty cool, and I definitely want this.

I can't imagine yet, how to do this in the SBE, though, maybe clicking on an extra button "Storyboard Fail Sequence"...

Anyways, that'd be cool. And if this is going to be implemented, I want m980 to add the Fail Sequence in YTI, because that's such a sad Fail </3

m980 Edit

I would've done this, but then there's the problem with people who don't like the fail scene (Sinistro). And they would kill me. Also Full Submit = Kill Scores?
It would be cool to skin this in skins as well, for when a storyboarded failure is not present.
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Yes plz
I would definitely love to see this feature implemented, yes.
I didn't show my support here? Well I do now.
support +?
As long as you can skip storyboarded fails I don't mind.
And I was just thinking about this too.

I'd like this to be implemented~
Support. orz.
Sleep Powder
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If this gets used in more than once out of every a hundred maps, I'll eat my hat.
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If you're leaning towards a denial, can I at least reach a compromise of having a sample explicitly for when the Retry screen appears, along with the current failsound?

Echo wrote:

If this gets used in more than once out of every a hundred maps, I'll eat my hat.
Are you talking 100 maps overall, 100 completed maps, or 100 above average maps? I wouldn't want to discourage anyone who puts more than minimal effort into the presentation aspect of beatmapping.

@K2J NO COMPROMISING! Without the visual component it's all for naught!
I would personally try to do it for my maps XP

I mean, look at storyboarding: Not a whole lot of maps have one, but there's still the option. I can see a number of people using this if implemented :/

Echo wrote:

If this gets used in more than once out of every a hundred maps, I'll eat my hat.

Are you talking 1 out of every 100 maps total, or one out of every 100 maps made after the feature is implemented? If it's the former, that's a bit unfair. If it's the latter, keep in mind that currently, more than 1 out of every 100 maps (so far) is made by LuigiHann.
1 out of every 100 ranked maps starting from when this is implemented.
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Bumping this again, and I am willing to pay for any hats consumed by Echo which may result from this getting implemented.

Upon song failure, stuff falls apart, map fades out, and SB kicks in if present. I reckon the syntax being similar to an intro but on a unique layer

_event, easing, starttime, endtime, [params]

where "layer" = GameOver,
starttime = offset in milliseconds from beginning of GameOver sequence (must be 0 or positive)
endtime = offset in milliseconds from beginning of GameOver sequence (must be 0 or positive)

Note that, unlike other SB code blocks, there is only one layer. Because there's no interaction involved, the pass/fail layers are not required, and Foreground/Background differentiation is already handled by the order in which commands are scripted.
I'll pay for any brims these hats may have.

Yes, I still want this. Thank you.
This would be awesome imo
I would like to see this.
I like awp's implementation idea. Sounds very straightforward.
I would love this. I'd be able to finally pull off my dream of having my umineko maps have a gunshot/STAKE'D-fail SB.
I agree this sounds like a nice idea
This would be really cool. Even on non iNiSy SBs it could make some nice effects :P
Although I need to learn some more storyboarding has my full support~
If this happens, I'll have to try failing every map just in case. Support!
Gomo Psivarh
SUPPORT +65535 :)

We need more sb elements!
Sleep Powder
This was used in the DS games so I guess it'll work out...right?

At first, I was thinking it would be cool to add effects of how the notes fall ( or whatever they do) when you fail.
Like instead a wave washes them all out lol or maybe they all explode like bombs.

Now, would the storyboard take up the entire screen or would the HP bar still show? (and those other things)
I imagine it would work like an intro/outro.
Similar to trigger loops I guess.
Bump. Requesting this be implemented prior to the Storyboarding Contest deadline.
oh aside from making osu more perfect this would be epic
I expect to see this when fail sequences are implemented.
If not, I will be very disappointed.
If only I had votes to show support.
- Sugoi Sugoi -
necrobump ftw
ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ

- Sugoi Sugoi - wrote:

necrobump ftw
ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ
Great spoiler

Also, doesn't this already exist?
"Fail" and "Pass" are used for breaks, not the failing of the song itself.
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