Noire Skin
Heres a skin from a trash player
This skin is mainly used for standard osu!
v1.0 25/11/18(2:00 p.m.)
Intital Release Date
v1.1 25/11/18(9:06 p.m.)
Made tiny changes and added more HD versions of the images
v2.0 31/12/18(12:30a.m.)
Changed the ranking sprites, revamped the selectionscreen, made the mod selection screen neater, and made the hit-bursts smaller.
v2.1 19/04/19(6:58p.m.)
Changed snow, buttons, and fail and pass sprites.
v3.0 7/08/19(6:14p.m.)
Changed Song Slection to have a more purple theme, rpm text, fail and pass sprites(again), hit circles, and Pause and Retry menu. (This will probably be the last time I update the skin)
Click Here


Beatmap Selection Screen
Mod Selection Screen
Ranking Panel
Pause and Game Over Screen
Gameplay (osu!std)
Section Pass and Section Fail
Please send feedback on the skin so i can improve it