
Thread Necromancy

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answer please i am begging you
qo[JCNSAPKCNXPIanzoibhonandneingienfienijfkaosontou weiltakthenigerjdnoisnfmsdokcssakc dslkc klsana
dang some oil splashed onto me and it seems the splash was extra big and made a mark ouch

in other words I'm literally cooked
i cant stay asleep

NicNock wrote:

dang some oil splashed onto me and it seems the splash was extra big and made a mark ouch

in other words I'm literally cooked

about the literally cooked, not the oil injury

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

hehehe tysm!!! and dont worry!! you can take all the time you need <33
also i wanna know what you thought of this hehe,,,

lostsilver wrote:

ps!expunged, chuckling: "i'm surprised ps!bandu ate the salad knowing how chonky ze is."
ps!bandu, giggling: "HEYY!!"

*ps!bandu and ps!expunged laugh with eachother, happily. ps!bandu ruffles ps!expunged's hair playfully and ps!expunged does the same to zem <3*
mm i didnt have very many thoughts at first tbh so... i'll just take on everything i see while i think about it again

idk if there's any necessarily direct reason why salad wouldnt be eaten bc of having some chonk, i think it makes more sense if it didnt feel filling, or if it was like a texture problem or a problem with not tasting that good or something. a lot of various people can eat salads, so it didnt really feel like it was well-explained

salad can be ok :> it really depends on whats in it bc its not automatically energizing and nutritious just from being called "salad", but there are good parts of it like roughage for fiber (although this varies too)

i wonder a lot about what this means to you as the one writing their roles... it's probably fair to enjoy writing them this way, irl i tend to be more interested in being neutral about my body and other peoples' bodies, i want to be allowed to be frustrated with a body that doesnt look the way i would've liked it-- or a part that hurts or doesnt feel right-- without necessarily feeling like i have to stay frustrated in order to satisfy anyone's opinions about it. at the same time, i don't want to feel like i have to put in the genuinely high level of exhausting effort it takes to "love" this body and pretend i don't have problems with it so that i dont look like im complaining too much for other people...

however, everyone can have their own opinions about their own bodies. those bodies are theirs to associate with or dissociate with! and the one i have is simply not a body i want, i really dislike it, but i don't want to feel forced to dislike it or like it just because it doesn't fit a narrative about either being conventionally attractive and beautiful or doesn't fit a narrative about being interesting and unconventional in some groundbreaking way. for someone else, it might be more natural to genuinely like their body for its features, and they might be comfortable taking that time and effort because it genuinely heals them, because maybe they feel good that way...

as for the dynamic between these siblings though, i feel like it's not really something they think about that much. they already seem to each have defined opinions about how they view their bodies, and although i don't know what exactly it means, it looks like theyre ok, so... that seems good enough <3

watching them play together is super sweet...
ps!expunged: "i just honestly wanted to make a joke about zem being so chunky, haha."
ps!bandu, giggling: "i mean hey, i thought it was funny :> we're ready to continue the qna whenever you are!!"
oh,, ok i guess i gave too much thought, fair enough;; i shouldve figured it wasnt actually thoughts that were wanted, maybe just affirmation or a simple reaction suggesting it was cute

maybe i'll get it right next time;;

for ps!bambi: anything you do outside the house or lab with ps!ex that soothes both of you?
for ps!expunged: someplace you've been with mister cresswell with a pretty view?

Achromalia wrote:

oh,, ok i guess i gave too much thought, fair enough;; i shouldve figured it wasnt actually thoughts that were wanted, maybe just affirmation or a simple reaction suggesting it was cute

maybe i'll get it right next time;;

for ps!bambi: anything you do outside the house or lab with ps!ex that soothes both of you?
for ps!expunged: someplace you've been with mister cresswell with a pretty view?
ps!bandu: "it's ok!! dont beat yourself up about it <3"

ps!bambi: "i enjoy takin' sem out to walk/drive around town, and there's this beach like... an hour and a half away from the house that has a really nice view of the sunset. se really loves the sunset and sunrise, so i take sem to the beach so se can see it."
ps!expunged: "that beach he mentioned. <3"

also!! imma be workin on the mesmerizer thing today <3
good luck ^^

for everyone: topic check?

Achromalia wrote:

good luck ^^

for everyone: topic check?
dave: "give me something glasses related about expunged."
bambi: "hm... this may be a weird request, but could ya give me something about bandu bein' chonky? thanks."
expunged: "give me something relaxing/soothing about mr. haywood please tysm"
bandu: "gimme something instrument related abt bambi!!"

ps!dave: "cresswell and i are done answering questions for right now."
ps!bambi: "yeah, we'll tell ya when we're ready again."
ps!expunged: "uhm... this may be a strange request, but could you give me something about ps!bandu's little drooling thing? thank you."
ps!bandu: "give me something lab related about ps!expunged!! tysm ily <3"

i also plan on drawing dave and bambi in teto and miku's outfits, hehe,,,
i thinkk... im gonna nap...

lostsilver wrote:

i also plan on drawing dave and bambi in teto and miku's outfits, hehe,,,
oh?? whats the mesmer greenscreen for? but those outfits could be fun,, enojyyyy

Achromalia wrote:

i thinkk... im gonna nap...

lostsilver wrote:

i also plan on drawing dave and bambi in teto and miku's outfits, hehe,,,
oh?? whats the mesmer greenscreen for? but those outfits could be fun,, enojyyyy
it's for a frame in the og where miku and teto are on a green screen <3
also have a nice nap!!!
no post for 3 hours that's crazy :o

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

i thinkk... im gonna nap...

lostsilver wrote:

i also plan on drawing dave and bambi in teto and miku's outfits, hehe,,,
oh?? whats the mesmer greenscreen for? but those outfits could be fun,, enojyyyy
it's for a frame in the og where miku and teto are on a green screen <3
also have a nice nap!!!
ohhh ok i sorta remember now :O

nap over, i woke up once in the middle of it but was too comfy to fully stay awake and get online... it was a really good dream too, if only i could remember it

now that im reading the qna queue prompts...
...i would probably answer that those arent particularly strange requests to me! but i understand if they think they could be seen that way-- if its the thing with body positivity/neutrality i went on about then it was less a weirdness thing (and ultimately i felt more weird for being too invested in answering when it wasnt so serious for children having fun with whats just a joke for them to bond with) and its more that i wonder why things are written the way they are... to me, understanding the underlying perspectives and philosophies of people is one of the more interesting forms of love for people or fiction

i started rambling,,,, nothing is really that serious is it;;

additionally the more i say anything it probably would accidentally place pressure on things that didnt have to be talked about at all, so, that might be unfortunate too

for everyone: how was lunch? ^^ sip a lil bit of something for now if its been a while!!

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

i thinkk... im gonna nap...

lostsilver wrote:

i also plan on drawing dave and bambi in teto and miku's outfits, hehe,,,
oh?? whats the mesmer greenscreen for? but those outfits could be fun,, enojyyyy
it's for a frame in the og where miku and teto are on a green screen <3
also have a nice nap!!!
ohhh ok i sorta remember now :O

nap over, i woke up once in the middle of it but was too comfy to fully stay awake and get online... it was a really good dream too, if only i could remember it

now that im reading the qna queue prompts...
...i would probably answer that those arent particularly strange requests to me! but i understand if they think they could be seen that way-- if its the thing with body positivity/neutrality i went on about then it was less a weirdness thing (and ultimately i felt more weird for being too invested in answering when it wasnt so serious for children having fun with whats just a joke for them to bond with) and its more that i wonder why things are written the way they are... to me, understanding the underlying perspectives and philosophies of people is one of the more interesting forms of love for people or fiction

i started rambling,,,, nothing is really that serious is it;;

additionally the more i say anything it probably would accidentally place pressure on things that didnt have to be talked about at all, so, that might be unfortunate too

for everyone: how was lunch? ^^ sip a lil bit of something for now if its been a while!!
i see!! ty for your thoughts on it <33

dave: "it was good! we had tacos for lunch. <3"
bambi: "bendu made 'em. they were good, lol."
expunged: "yummy,,, hehe,,"
bandu: "dave and bambi had tea, me and ex had soda!!"

ps!dave: "we went out for lunch."
ps!bambi: "yum, lol."
ps!expunged: "we all had soda."
ps!bandu: "hehe,,,"
for dave: oh!! um ok is ex near-sighted or far-sighted? how much have glasses helped, or have they not used any yet?
for expunged: have there been any specific places that soothe you during outings with dave? do you have any thoughts or feelings about that lake the other time, like... maybe sometimes you see yourself floating in it, or swimming, or maybe if it was more shallow then walking in it?

qna queue:
bambi: "hm... this may be a weird request, but could ya give me something about bandu bein' chonky? thanks."
bandu: "gimme something instrument related abt bambi!!"

ps!expunged: "uhm... this may be a strange request, but could you give me something about ps!bandu's little drooling thing? thank you."
ps!bandu: "give me something lab related about ps!expunged!! tysm ily <3"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: oh!! um ok is ex near-sighted or far-sighted? how much have glasses helped, or have they not used any yet?
for expunged: have there been any specific places that soothe you during outings with dave? do you have any thoughts or feelings about that lake the other time, like... maybe sometimes you see yourself floating in it, or swimming, or maybe if it was more shallow then walking in it?

qna queue:
bambi: "hm... this may be a weird request, but could ya give me something about bandu bein' chonky? thanks."
bandu: "gimme something instrument related abt bambi!!"

ps!expunged: "uhm... this may be a strange request, but could you give me something about ps!bandu's little drooling thing? thank you."
ps!bandu: "give me something lab related about ps!expunged!! tysm ily <3"
dave: "ex is near-sighted. they have trouble reading or seeing things that are far away. glasses have helped them a ton! they're glad they have them. <3"
expunged: "yeah actually!! uhm,,, so there's this like one spot in town where people can stargaze and/or watch the sunset, and he takes me there alot! it's so cozy and soothing for me and him,, both physically and mentally!! and with the lake, i always feel like i'm floating in it... it's just so beautiful, and the gently breeze blowing through my hair makes it so much better, hehe,,, <33"
Topic Starter
The test bot looks good and running. Try to find where it's running >:)
unrelated to qna and doodles, i found some goofy audio to make an animatic with, hehe,,,
expect that soon!!

lostsilver wrote:

unrelated to qna and doodles, i found some goofy audio to make an animatic with, hehe,,,
expect that soon!!
always fun to find more for characters to play with ^^

for bambi: a few fun things you and bandu enjoy about his chonkiness?
for bandu: what was the first thing he showed you about the guitar?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "uhm... this may be a strange request, but could you give me something about ps!bandu's little drooling thing? thank you."
ps!bandu: "give me something lab related about ps!expunged!! tysm ily <3"

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

unrelated to qna and doodles, i found some goofy audio to make an animatic with, hehe,,,
expect that soon!!
always fun to find more for characters to play with ^^

for bambi: a few fun things you and bandu enjoy about his chonkiness?
for bandu: what was the first thing he showed you about the guitar?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "uhm... this may be a strange request, but could you give me something about ps!bandu's little drooling thing? thank you."
ps!bandu: "give me something lab related about ps!expunged!! tysm ily <3"
bambi: "alright, so, one of my personal favorites about it is that he's a very round boi. like, lil man is PLUMP. i love it. it also made him a bit more ticklish, so bandu and i enjoy havin' little tickle fights sometimes."
bandu: "well, since he's teaching me how to play it, he showed me how to start with the basic chords + tuning! learning it's proving to be a bit difficult for me, but it's okay!! i'm sure i'll get it someday ^^"

lostsilver wrote:

bambi: "alright, so, one of my personal favorites about it is that he's a very round boi. like, lil man is PLUMP. i love it. it also made him a bit more ticklish, so bandu and i enjoy havin' little tickle fights sometimes."
bandu: "well, since he's teaching me how to play it, he showed me how to start with the basic chords + tuning! learning it's proving to be a bit difficult for me, but it's okay!! i'm sure i'll get it someday ^^"
for everyone: had your food n water before bed?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

bambi: "alright, so, one of my personal favorites about it is that he's a very round boi. like, lil man is PLUMP. i love it. it also made him a bit more ticklish, so bandu and i enjoy havin' little tickle fights sometimes."
bandu: "well, since he's teaching me how to play it, he showed me how to start with the basic chords + tuning! learning it's proving to be a bit difficult for me, but it's okay!! i'm sure i'll get it someday ^^"
for everyone: had your food n water before bed?
dave: "yep!"
bambi: "we had meatloaf for dinner."
expunged: "hehe,,, mr. haywood and mr. cornwall had soda, bandu and i had lemonade!! <3"
bandu: "yummers,,, <33"

ps!expunged: "mr. ambrose and mr. cresswell are already asleep. but we had homemade pizza tonight. mr. ambrose and mr. cresswell had tea, ps!bandu and i had soda."
ps!bandu: "yummy,,,, mm,, i'm still kinda thirsty tho... maybe i should get another drink? idk,,"

also, gonna be goin to bed soon
you can still ask the questions tho!!

trying to draw, maybe something will happen this time...
"but, if its forever, its even better!"

that one line in birds of a feather

yup! another change = bad classic!

drawing didnt work

ideally i wont spiral into another mess, itll likely be ok
i want to make a thread where i record myself taking quizzes requested by the people of OT, w idea or no

sametdze wrote:

i want to make a thread where i record myself taking quizzes requested by the people of OT, w idea or no
I don't see why not
wonder where i am on ze leaderboard

sametdze wrote:

i want to make a thread where i record myself taking quizzes requested by the people of OT, w idea or no
w idea i think, if im not too distracted i might look for quizzes to send

(im definitely distracted and probably will continue to be but i always seem to distract myself out of my distractions so i might just as easily have something to suggest someday soon)
20 minutes later, a new thread was born
a quiz has landed in your nest...
thirty one?
sleepy... so much more to do...
"coconut oil."
hi stomiks!!
good morning everyone!!
im ready to continue the qna whenever you are, achro!! <33
"lemon grass."
progress on the dave and bambi as miku and teto thing is being made!!
here ya'll go <3

and here it is with different expressions too!!

lostsilver wrote:

progress on the dave and bambi as miku and teto thing is being made!!
here ya'll go <3

and here it is with different expressions too!!
its happeningggg ^^

and good morning-ish!! i just woke up

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

progress on the dave and bambi as miku and teto thing is being made!!
here ya'll go <3

and here it is with different expressions too!!
its happeningggg ^^

and good morning-ish!! i just woke up
hi achro!!! i'm also gonna work on silly doodle-comics today, so be on the lookout for those too!! (oh!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos are eeady to continue the qna whenever you are! also, i may do like a little group-chat prompt with the ashwood-cornbluffs so you get to see how they type/write too!!)

oh also!! i'm gonna go out somewhere soon, so yeah :> but you can still ask the questions!! i'll answer them when i get home ^^
i have returned <33

lostsilver wrote:

i have returned <33
waking up again;; welcome backkk o/

for everyone: was lunch ok? hydration is important too ^^

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

i have returned <33
waking up again;; welcome backkk o/

for everyone: was lunch ok? hydration is important too ^^
dave: "mhm! we had pasta for lunch."
bambi: "dave and i had soda, ex and bandu had lemonade."
expunged: "hehe,,, also!! i found a song called 'i wouldn't mind' - he is we, and i've been singing it to bandu alot recently <3"
bandu: "hehe!! i love ex so much,, <33"

ps!dave: "yep! we had pepperoni rolls for lunch."
ps!bambi: "ambrose and i had soda, ps!ex had tea, and ps!bandu had lemonade."
ps!expunged: "mhm. i think ps!bandu might be feeling a little off, though..."
ps!bandu: "yeah... my body kinda spasmed this morning and i've had a lil bit of a headache for a while now... i'm sure i'll be okay tho,,"
mm... :( i hope so ps!bandu, good luck <3

lostsilver wrote:

bambi: "alright, so, one of my personal favorites about it is that he's a very round boi. like, lil man is PLUMP. i love it. it also made him a bit more ticklish, so bandu and i enjoy havin' little tickle fights sometimes."
bandu: "well, since he's teaching me how to play it, he showed me how to start with the basic chords + tuning! learning it's proving to be a bit difficult for me, but it's okay!! i'm sure i'll get it someday ^^"
for ps!expunged: what do you understand about the cause of ps!bandu's drooling? is it chemically different from that of natural chaos-god and/or human saliva?
for ps!bandu: what's the most interesting thing to watch ps!ex do in seir lab? do you feel like you understand some of it? what other tasks would you like to help with?

Achromalia wrote:

mm... :( i hope so ps!bandu, good luck <3
ps!bandu: "i hope so too... thank you... <3"

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!expunged: what do you understand about the cause of ps!bandu's drooling? is it chemically different from that of natural chaos-god and/or human saliva?
for ps!bandu: what's the most interesting thing to watch ps!ex do in seir lab? do you feel like you understand some of it? what other tasks would you like to help with?
ps!expunged: "i understand next to nothing about it other than the parasite was the cause. it doesn't seem chemically different from normal chaos god saliva. though, human saliva and chaos god saliva are different regardless."
ps!bandu: "the most interesting thing? mm,,, watching sem play with liquids!! i like the way they move, hehe,,, i don't really understand any lab related stuff, but it's nice to watch sem do it!! i like helping sem with cleaning up around the lab too, so yeah <3"
for everyone: topic check? :O

Achromalia wrote:

for everyone: topic check? :O
dave: "give me something about expunged's origin form."
bambi: "give me somethin' guitar related about bandu."
expunged: "uhm,,, give me something silly about mr. haywood pls ty"
bandu: "give me something drumming related about bambi!!"

ps!dave: "i don't know, just give me something goofy about cresswell and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me somethin' silly 'bout ambrose and haywood."
ps!expunged: "give me something about ps!bandu."
ps!bandu: "give me something about ps!expunged!!"
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