Something like the wubwoofwolf 1.8.1 skin where when you hit the hitcircle it has no effect therefore it is easier to stream. Here is the link to the 1.8.1 skin
Matt2e2 wrote:
Make sure you have Lighting disabled from the Settings or that lighting.png is blank
Matt2e2 wrote:
Did you try turning it off from the Settings? osu! will use the default lighting sprite if there is none in your skin
Matt2e2 wrote:
Ah, my bad. This trick is called Fast Fading Hitcircles and it works by putting the whole hitcircle onto the number sprites.
lokikaos1 wrote:
ahh, doesn't this make it easier to stream or is it just me?
RockRoller wrote:
It isn't just "put everything onto default images". The number images get downscaled by 0.8 or smt like that. You need to upscale your 256px canvas of HC and its overlay to 320 and tint the HC. Then you need to put everythin together and put HitCircleOverlay in the ini to 160. You will be limited to 1 combo colour with this.