
Halp. How to jump better. :c

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KWELL. I have this problem of making my jumps too "smooth" although I can still get them on time, but when they're in like a line or something (circle pattern, I don't know what these are called. >< ), I tend to just smooth through the whole thing and miss a few, lol. So I was wondering if it was better if I were to use "sharper" jumps, and how would I help that D: .
Just move your mouse cursor/tablet cursor runabout and it will be making good jumps.
Seriously, I do this.
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Runabout? What do you mean?
try playing higher ar?
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Well... I could try that, any maps that come to mind?
I don't mean runabout the vehicle but runabout - wild. Let your mouse cursor/tablet cursor run wild on the song's hit circles. Randomly clicking. There! You passed. But, your already pro... >:o
It's hard to explain, but concentrating visually ONLY in the hit you gotta hit next helps A LOT on jumps. It's quite hard to do that since you need fast reflexes so you can "jump" your focused vision from that hit to the next one FAST, but if you get to do it naturally it'll help a lot. That's how I get good jumps, still got problems doing that since I always end up looking at the whole pattern and therefore missing.
It's as Wishy said a good idea to focus on each individual circle you're trying to hit. If you're able to still focus at the pattern as a whole at the same time, then all the better. This is why some jump patterns are way easier with higher AR; you don't get to see the whole pattern. If you're able to move your cursor in a very controlled and smooth manner, then sure, do that, but it's probably easier to just snap to each note.
Actually, if you want to get better at patterned jumps at lower ar, go play masterpiece. It's probably going to improve your general cursor control as well.
don't forget airman, it also has crazy jumps to practice

emonite wrote:

Thank you for providing this maps. :)
You're welcome! ^^

CXu wrote:

Actually, if you want to get better at patterned jumps at lower ar, go play masterpiece. It's probably going to improve your general cursor control as well.
This!: Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece [Insane]

makkura wrote:

don't forget airman, it also has crazy jumps to practice
That's not for beginners if you mean this:

Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman [Holy Shit! It's Airman!!]
Most important thing to try first is turn off enhance pointer precision in mouse settings in control panel, has helped a lot of people and I recommended it unless you do better with it on.(common sense yes but deserves mentioning)

According to your profile you seem to be doing very well especially with streams so just play what they recommended and be patient :D

CXu wrote:

Actually, if you want to get better at patterned jumps at lower ar, go play masterpiece. It's probably going to improve your general cursor control as well.
Why is it that I still can't fc masterpiece???? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
No,39 and With a Dance Number are not jumpy maps.

those wrote:

No,39 and With a Dance Number are not jumpy maps.
Well in some parts they are XD and the overall speed makes the whole map seem jumpy for less experienced players like me orz
If you are using mouse:

Step 1: turn the "enable precision off"

step 2: lower the sensitivity
Step 3: Get used to it
Step 4: Grind shinxyn maps
Bend your knees as much as you can and then JUMP!

This may help too.

PD: Just practice as much as you can, try insane maps with hard jumps. You can start with low bpm maps and then proceed to faster ones.

those wrote:

No,39 and With a Dance Number are not jumpy maps.
have you read this sentance properly?

higurush wrote:

Some very good map that helps with your accuracy, mostly jump maps:
.. maps that help with your accuracy , mostly jump maps.

-A t H e N a- wrote:

Well in some parts they are XD and the overall speed makes the whole map seem jumpy for less experienced players like me orz
The whole map is a contious jump system :D

Fabi wrote:

Bend your knees as much as you can and then JUMP! PD: Just practice as much as you can, try insane maps with hard jumps. You can start with low bpm maps and then proceed to faster ones.
play lemon tree!

higurush wrote:

those wrote:

No,39 and With a Dance Number are not jumpy maps.
have you read this sentance properly?

higurush wrote:

Some very good map that helps with your accuracy, mostly jump maps:
.. maps that help with your accuracy , mostly jump maps.
That doesn't take away the truth from my statement.

those wrote:

That doesn't take away the truth from my statement.
Lol are you even on a highschool level of English or just an elementary school lvl? O.O

I am saying that those maps are helping with your accuracy. The most of the maps are jump maps. But there are other maps on the list which are not. Ftw. Why do I have explain things in such a long sentance if I could use shorters.

Yayy! International forums. I <3 them! \o/
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Wishy22 wrote:

It's hard to explain, but concentrating visually ONLY in the hit you gotta hit next helps A LOT on jumps. It's quite hard to do that since you need fast reflexes so you can "jump" your focused vision from that hit to the next one FAST, but if you get to do it naturally it'll help a lot. That's how I get good jumps, still got problems doing that since I always end up looking at the whole pattern and therefore missing.
Yeah, I know what you mean, I also tend to use my peripheral vision on most of the jumps, I'm trying to focus better on each individual note, but I'm way too use to using my peripheral vision. ><

higurush wrote:

Some very good map that helps with your accuracy, mostly jump maps
Thanks for those, (: . Even though I have most of them haha, I'm just not sure which ones are good.

CXu wrote:

Actually, if you want to get better at patterned jumps at lower ar, go play masterpiece. It's probably going to improve your general cursor control as well.
Oh! That was the map I was looking for, I saw it in the jump compilation, and I keep forgetting to look at the song title, and I just happened to forget about the compilation, haha.

- Pizzicato - wrote:

If you are using mouse:

Step 1: turn the "enable precision off"
step 2: lower the sensitivity
Step 3: Get used to it
Step 4: Grind shinxyn maps
Already have it off since I play fps a lot, mouse precision kinda kills me.
You gotta jump jump!

higurush wrote:

those wrote:

That doesn't take away the truth from my statement.
Lol are you even on a highschool level of English or just an elementary school lvl? O.O

I am saying that those maps are helping with your accuracy. The most of the maps are jump maps. But there are other maps on the list which are not. Ftw. Why do I have explain things in such a long sentance if I could use shorters.

Yayy! International forums. I <3 them! \o/
If you have something to say to nullify the validity of my post, then bring it on. Otherwise, don't try to prove my post wrong without any proof.

Let me give you an example.
I'm saying, "1+1=2." Then you say, "But the sky is blue."
The sky being blue doesn't make 1+1=2 any less true.

those wrote:

If you have something to say to nullify the validity of my post, then bring it on. Otherwise, don't try to prove my post wrong without any proof.

Let me give you an example.
I'm saying, "1+1=2." Then you say, "But the sky is blue."
The sky being blue doesn't make 1+1=2 any less true.
Seriously? Is it really worth it to argue over stupid things like this? Someone was asking in the thread for help and you have to derail it with stupid posts trying to start an argument with someone. Get out of here.

To the OP: It's all about practicing. Like other people have said try focusing on the next circle instead of the pattern itself.

Another thing to note is taking the shortest distance in the shortest amount of time. Some people have this idea that they have to hit the circle right when they hit the key but I find my jumps end up better when I hit the note early cause then you have time to really focus on the next part of the jump (If there is one).
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those wrote:

If you have something to say to nullify the validity of my post, then bring it on. Otherwise, don't try to prove my post wrong without any proof.

Let me give you an example.
I'm saying, "1+1=2." Then you say, "But the sky is blue."
The sky being blue doesn't make 1+1=2 any less true.
Seriously? Is it really worth it to argue over stupid things like this? Someone was asking in the thread for help and you have to derail it with stupid posts trying to start an argument with someone. Get out of here.

To the OP: It's all about practicing. Like other people have said try focusing on the next circle instead of the pattern itself.

Another thing to note is taking the shortest distance in the shortest amount of time. Some people have this idea that they have to hit the circle right when they hit the key but I find my jumps end up better when I hit the note early cause then you have time to really focus on the next part of the jump (If there is one).
Thanks (: . I was actually gonna say something, but I didn't wanna add anything more to the problem, haha.

And yeah, I'm trying to focus on the individual notes better. ><

Joof wrote:

Thanks (: . I was actually gonna say something, but I didn't wanna add anything more to the problem, haha.

And yeah, I'm trying to focus on the individual notes better. ><
Just give it time buddy. I had the worst time with jumps even after I had improved a lot but as long as you just practice practice and don't get mad about it or give up they will feel so easy and so much more fun very quickly.


Seriously? Is it really worth it to argue over stupid things like this? Someone was asking in the thread for help and you have to derail it with stupid posts trying to start an argument with someone. Get out of here.
I didn't start the argument. My posts are not stupid.
no rage plzz

those wrote:


Seriously? Is it really worth it to argue over stupid things like this? Someone was asking in the thread for help and you have to derail it with stupid posts trying to start an argument with someone. Get out of here.
I didn't start the argument. My posts are not stupid.
They may have said something but did you have to respond? Not really... It's really easier to just ignore the person and make him realize you don't care about anything they have to say then start an argument. I'm not stating anything else let the thread move on and quit the arguments.


They may have said something but did you have to respond?
Yeah, it's really silly to argue about maps not being jump maps here... reading the original post, it seems to me that the maps to practice on for it aren't really jumpy maps, but swoopy maps. Jumps aren't even required, what is required is a lot of high velocity swoop patterns to practice point to point snapping on. Sure, you can practice point to point snapping on any pattern, but the goal as presented is to break swooping as a habit (fun as it may be, it requires more co-ordination to do well), and end up treating smooth patterns like they were kinky ones. Many "real" jump maps are simply going to be sub-optimal for that.


Another thing to note is taking the shortest distance in the shortest amount of time. Some people have this idea that they have to hit the circle right when they hit the key but I find my jumps end up better when I hit the note early cause then you have time to really focus on the next part of the jump (If there is one).
Actually, instead of hitting the notes early, use the time you have between moving your cursor between the notes to the fullest. What I mean by this is that your cursor is moved over the hitcircle just as you need to hit it, and you move it away right after you've hit it. This way, you have more time to coordinate your movements between the notes, instead of rushing from one note to another, and at the same time keeping your accuracy.

Also, No,39 and With a Dance Number is probably a good idea if you want to make those smooth swooop motions like bwross said. If you do get better at these swooping motions, then use them when you're doing linear patterns with high distance snap. It's usually much easier and less tiring than snapping to each note, as snapping requires me to stop my movement, then continue the way I just stopped.
Play hr and dt, achieve high cursor control skill
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Waryas wrote:

Play hr and dt, achieve high cursor control skill
zzzz. My hands are going to dieeeeeee.

CXu wrote:

Also, No,39 and With a Dance Number is probably a good idea if you want to make those smooth swooop motions like bwross said. If you do get better at these swooping motions, then use them when you're doing linear patterns with high distance snap. It's usually much easier and less tiring than snapping to each note, as snapping requires me to stop my movement, then continue the way I just stopped.
I really don't understand how to play With a Dance Number, so far, I'm only single tapping it. But when I asked people, they said they double tap it, and I'm not sure which ones easier, but in my opinion, I'm finding single tapping a lot easier for me.

kriers wrote:

CXu wrote:

Actually, if you want to get better at patterned jumps at lower ar, go play masterpiece. It's probably going to improve your general cursor control as well.
Why is it that I still can't fc masterpiece???? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
AR 8 so mean.

Joof wrote:

I really don't understand how to play With a Dance Number, so far, I'm only single tapping it. But when I asked people, they said they double tap it, and I'm not sure which ones easier, but in my opinion, I'm finding single tapping a lot easier for me.
It's called alternating; sequence consists of left mouse button, right mouse button, repeat. In fact, it's probably best if you alternate everything in this game.

CXu wrote:

Actually, instead of hitting the notes early, use the time you have between moving your cursor between the notes to the fullest. What I mean by this is that your cursor is moved over the hitcircle just as you need to hit it, and you move it away right after you've hit it. This way, you have more time to coordinate your movements between the notes, instead of rushing from one note to another, and at the same time keeping your accuracy.
I do agree with you in ways but in the end it depends on the player. I have never had a problem hitting 100% on maps with jumps even with the way I handle jumps and I know that you being a great player have no problem with the way you handle jumps. I just prefer to get there beforehand ;]

Joof wrote:

zzzz. My hands are going to dieeeeeee.

I really don't understand how to play With a Dance Number, so far, I'm only single tapping it. But when I asked people, they said they double tap it, and I'm not sure which ones easier, but in my opinion, I'm finding single tapping a lot easier for me.
To play that map just play it if the whole map were a 100-120 bpm stream :)

Higu's Jump Training:)
Shinxyn maaaaaaps

those wrote:

Joof wrote:

I really don't understand how to play With a Dance Number, so far, I'm only single tapping it. But when I asked people, they said they double tap it, and I'm not sure which ones easier, but in my opinion, I'm finding single tapping a lot easier for me.
It's called alternating; sequence consists of left mouse button, right mouse button, repeat. In fact, it's probably best if you alternate everything in this game.
says the master of single tap XD
You should play some maps from shinxyn, for example "tsuioku no sol", "fire" and "flutter girl", also "Kokoro ni Todoku Uta" by Holoaz and "stick and stones" by bikko, they have nice jumps for you to train. ^^
I can't jump while playing on fast maps,how all those map rankers #1 to #40 jump?Their cursor seems to move 2x faster than mine unless I set my mouse's dpi to 3500.
It's called practice and experience. Just practice and in time you will be just as good, if not better.
The good old saying...

emonite wrote:

I can't jump while playing on fast maps,how all those map rankers #1 to #40 jump?Their cursor seems to move 2x faster than mine unless I set my mouse's dpi to 3500.
Tune your mouse speed down for a couple days. You'll have to move your mouse farther, and so you'll need to learn to move your hand faster. Then return it to your normal level, and your cursor will seem to fly.

Tuning your mouse faster for a couple days is also handy for training control and jumps. When you return back to the normal level, it will feel like the cursor has weights on it to keep it steady.
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