List of contestants:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the staff members. Thank you!
Click to check the winners of the previous Pending Cup: https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Contests#pending-cup
Rules and Regulations
Please read the rules and regulations carefully. Violation of any rules will result in disqualification from the contest.
- Contestant must submit their entries prior to the submission deadline.
- Contestant must not submit incomplete or corrupt entries.
- Contestant must not modify "Timing, Title, Artist, MP3, Source, Tags" within the entry.
- Contestant must not add "Backgrounds, Video, Skins or Storyboards" for the entry.
- Collaboration on entries will not be allowed.
- Before the announcement of the final result, all the entries cannot be spread or publicized in any way. Participant cannot provide judges information that helps recognize the creator.
- Duplicate accounts are not allow to participate in this contest.
- Committee members excluding host, co-hosts and judges are allowed to participate in the contest.
- Ranking Criteria should be obeyed and respected. Violating the Ranking Criteria will influence the final score contingent upon cases.
- Submitting entries is equivalent to participant recognizing, comprehending and accepting all the rules and regulations listed.
- The Pending Cup 2018 Committee reserves the right to make the final decision.
- Registration is not required for this contest, please submit your entry directly following the steps mentioned below.
- Contestants are free to choose 1 - 3 tracks below to participate:
米津玄师 - LOSER
Download: Baidu Cloud-disk, Passcode:d71d / Google Drive / puush
DJ TOTTO - 少女アリスと箱庭幻想コンチェルト
Download: Baidu Cloud-disk, Passcode: 1kh6 / Google Drive / puush
Sota Fujimori - ACCELERATE
Download: Baidu Cloud-disk, Passcode: 21qr / Google Drive / puush
- Contestants should modify "Creators" into their corresponding user name, for example, "Rizia".
- Only one difficulty is required for one track. If multiple difficulties are submitted, only the one with the highest star difficulty will be regarded as valid.
- Custom hit sounds are allowed.
- Custom combo colors are allowed.
- Only standard difficulty names are allowed. (Please refer to the standard subsection of the ranking criteria.)
- Please submit your beatmap with the .osz format. Other formats are not allowed.
- Please submit your beatmap to puush or Google drive.
- Participant should send a forum private message to the committee member who is responsible for the submission:
米津玄师 - LOSER:Rizia
DJ TOTTO - 少女アリスと箱庭幻想コンチェルト:Regraz
Sota Fujimori - ACCELERATE:[Mahua] - There will be a list of successfully submitted entries. However, there will be a delay of its update.
- Maximum 3 times of submissions are allowed for one track. Only the latest submission will be regarded valid.
Submission PM format: (Please indicate if it is the 1st/2nd/3rd time you submitting the entry for us to better keep track of flooding entries we received.)
Use the following template, keep the format provided wrote:
Title: Pending Cup 2018: Map Submission [1st/2nd/3rd Submission]
[Link to the beatmap]
Example wrote:
Title: Pending Cup 2018: Map Submission [2nd Submission]
- Each judge will score individually.
- Submissions will be anonymized for the judge.
- Judges will evaluate the entries based on three categories: consistency, playability and innovation:
Consistency Score (10 points):To what extent are the rhythm choices, placements and hitsounds being consistent within the entry?
Playability Score (10 points):To what extent is the entry appropriate to play and resonant to the music?
Innovation Score (10 points):To what extent is the entry unique or creative?
The sum of the three scores is the raw score of the entry. - The standard score of the entry is the raw score adjusting with standard deviation.
S* = (S - S(avarage))/SD
S* is the standard score, S is the raw score, S(avarage) is the average score of the raw score of the judge. SD is the standard deviation of the judge's evaluation. - The final score is the sum of judges' standard scores, times a constant. The constant serves as a factor controlling the range of the final score.
- After the judging ends, the Committee will make the evaluation table and all submitted entries public.
- For each track, the score will be arranged from the highest to the lowest.
- The prizes have been divided to Normal Prize and Novice Prize, which are individual from each other.
- Normal Prize
For each song,
Champion: Profile badge , 6 months osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values
Runner-up: 4 months osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values
Second Runner-up: 2 months osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values
4th place and 5th place: 1 month osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values - Definition of Novice participants: No ranked / qualified maps prior to the submission deadline.
- Novice Price
For each song,
Champion: 2 months osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values
Runner-up and Second Runner-up: 1 month osu! Supporter tag or prizes with equal values
Pending Cup 2018 Committee (Not finalized)
August 20, 2018 23:59:59 UTC+8