
Osu is not updated for so long >.>

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guys of developer, why there's no update in osu! (not the web) for a long time?
The announcement at the home page is always at new charts, mat promotion, new bat, blablabla.
I want to see announcement like a new feature has arrive, new rule is applied, new version of osu is released or something like that >.>

it seem you guys has just abandonded osu and going no where. I'm bored with this situation :(
At least make a new feature (there are many new feature request at the forum) or maintain the app since the app still have many bugs, so the application looks like still live.

Even the application is still on 2011, not 2012, orz ;_;

you guys are not abandonded osu! right? :(

well, no offense, just saying >.<
Rei Hakurei

Miya wrote:

Even the application is still on 2011, not 2012, orz ;_;
just passing, when i check with ...!test.exe, ( in test build ), it's already 2012..

(i miss my monthly update)
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Rei_Fan49 wrote:

Miya wrote:

Even the application is still on 2011, not 2012, orz ;_;
just passing, when i check with ...!test.exe, ( in test build ), it's already 2012..

(i miss my monthly update)
i don't use osu!test build >.>
aksi unjuk rasa <-- you can translate in google translate lol

ho with screenshot too lol

Miya wrote:

guys of developer, why there's no update in osu! (not the web) for a long time?
The announcement at the home page is always at new charts, mat promotion, new bat, blablabla.
I want to see announcement like a new feature has arrive, new rule is applied, new version of osu is released or something like that >.>

it seem you guys has just abandonded osu and going no where. I'm bored with this situation :(
At least make a new feature (there are many new feature request at the forum) or maintain the app since the app still have many bugs, so the application looks like still live.

Even the application is still on 2011, not 2012, orz ;_;

you guys are not abandonded osu! right? :(

well, no offense, just saying >.<
*poped out from nowhere*

1. the developers, i mean The Team isn't abandoned osu!, they're working for it, since there're soooo many feature request
and they're currently working on it, so... i think we might just wait, and working on a new feature is not as easy as words.

2. if you're bored, why you don't try something new? instead of mapping, i guess. since you're a mapper.

3. "so the application looks like still (a)live.", It's still live, i know (or maybe someone know too..) that this version has many bugs on it, and i know too that The Team is also working to fix this bugs and glitches.

4. they're busy. (well, maybe..)

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unless the developer say they are working on it or they say busy, i'm not believe someone else >.>
Making 1 feature in 1 month can be done imo as long as they stick to the app and will not be so hard.

I just bored with the gameplay of osu, not the mapping.
or around once a month for public releases
more like once a year
We first have to take care of the bugs that happen with the new features on the test version before going public.
Become a supporter and check out the test build >_>
oh lot of new things coming out when they are ready. Would you rather have things running smoothly or buggy stuff?

Weezy wrote:

Become a supporter and check out the test build >_>
oh lot of new things coming out when they are ready. Would you rather have things running smoothly or buggy stuff?
why not let the player find the bug? like Minecraft
I think peppy's waiting for osz2 to finally push an update into the public build. I'm not very pleased about that myself, but what can you do?
I'd rather work on a product that actually is designed to make money, like stream.
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Weezy wrote:

Become a supporter and check out the test build >_>
oh lot of new things coming out when they are ready. Would you rather have things running smoothly or buggy stuff?
what the point to pay for osu supporter to test new feature on osu test build if they are never publiced at normal osu build?

Piotrekol wrote: ;)
I said, the app, not the web >.>

Sakura Hana wrote:

We first have to take care of the bugs that happen with the new features on the test version before going public.
then what's took it so long? like billy said, almost once in a year >.>

ziin wrote:

I'd rather work on a product that actually is designed to make money, like stream.
osu is not money maker then? well, many people pay for osu supporter, is it not money maker?

Miya wrote:

Piotrekol wrote: ;)
I said, the app, not the web >.>
those for example aren't web changes <:
Topic Starter
then why osu is not updating it self? it seems, it just for test build >.>
Then, it must be clear that the copyright should be on 2012 now if they update the app.

Miya wrote:

Weezy wrote:

Become a supporter and check out the test build >_>
oh lot of new things coming out when they are ready. Would you rather have things running smoothly or buggy stuff?
what the point to pay for osu supporter to test new feature on osu test build if they are never publiced at normal osu build?
It will be out soon be patient, its called a test build for a reason!!

Miya wrote:

ziin wrote:

I'd rather work on a product that actually is designed to make money, like stream.
osu is not money maker then? well, many people pay for osu supporter, is it not money maker?
All money goes towards improving osu, its a donation to help the game out

Miya wrote:

Sakura Hana wrote:

We first have to take care of the bugs that happen with the new features on the test version before going public.
then what's took it so long? like billy said, almost once in a year >.>
The longer it takes, the bigger the update is, and also the bigger the problems that may result from it, which is why we want to give you guys a working update rather than a broken one.
what about smaller update? (smaller problem)
peppy has acknowledged the fact that the public build is over a year old and just hive him some time -w- I'm sure the next update will happen around the same time as osz2
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agree with billy here. Instead of bigger update, why not making a smaller update each month?

And why there are no announcement about update is comming soon? >.>

Miya wrote:

agree with billy here. Instead of bigger update, why not making a smaller update each month?

And why there are no announcement about update is comming soon? >.>
Now about that i have no idea xD but if you check Test Build you'll notice there's osz2 there (and a lot of other bug fixes/new stuff added)
osz2 is too big of an update to be split into "smaller" public builds, and unfortunately since it's already partially rolled out, we can't just drop it. :p

jjrocks wrote:

peppy has acknowledged the fact that the public build is over a year old and just hive him some time -w- I'm sure the next update will happen around the same time as osz2
Yuuuup, that's about right.

osz2 is still in a rather buggy state though, so it'll probably be a while. At least, it is in the public test build. I don't know how much is fixed in the most current build that our dearly beloved developers have.
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so tiring, everyone just talk to me to use test build. Hey, my supporter tag is gone guys, i can't use test build :(

It's just too long, update for a game in once a year is just too long >.>
At least make an announcement in osu home page there will be an update soon, so it's like osu is not abandonded by the developer :(
At the announcement, list the feature of upcoming release, so player can known and prepare for the next release

Weezy wrote:

All money goes towards improving osu, its a donation to help the game out
Then, i guess all the money from osu is just for paying the server cost? Why the game itself is not improving for a long time? >.>
One big update is more exciting than smaller ones. Remember the update when the background changed from pink to blue? It felt like it was rewritten.
Firstly, I am obviously not happy about the lack of public updates, and apologise for this. The fact of the matter is, pushing changes out now without bringing osz2 into play will take more time than it is worth, as we are close to being ready to have that implemented too. Let me address your concerns, though:

"Smaller updates are better than larger ones"
I agree with this, and will aim to make this happen again once we are over this hump.

"I paid to support osu! development"
You donated with no strings attached. I already spend a hell of a lot of time just keeping the game running. You really don't understand how much goes into keeping a game of this size operational, let alone improving and adding new stuff. My time is already saturated. Also please don't suggest I hire or recruit help in response to this; that is another completely separate issue which I'm not going to discuss here.

"Why is there no announcement?"
What is the point of announcing something before it is finalised? The changelog shows you what is going on, so you are free to read that in the meantime.

"The copyright date hasn't changed"
This doesn't really change anything. It's more there for show. Copyrights don't just "invalidate" because they have a year next to them.

"One a month for public releases? More like a year."
This kind of comment hurts me. Obviously you were not around when updates were more regular, but if you would prefer, please take an opportunity to try out the test build. It gets frequent updates.

Keep a watch on the changelog, please. There are far more changes than just "web" ones, and although they may not mean much due to the technical level of them, stuff is going on. There are also a lot of changes which are hidden from the changelog due to the nature of the content (changes and fixes that best not be made public).

Also keep in mind I'm putting a lot of my time into osu!stream as well. I won't abandon osu!, but I also have to spread my time to make sure everything gets a chance. And right now stream needs more support than osu!. osu! is running smoothly and while there are some bugs, there is nothing *major*. The majority of people are enjoying it the way it is and will continue to do so.

Remember that at the end of the day the osu! development team is 1-3 people, depending on the day/week/month.

And at the end of the day, please have some trust that I will make sure osu! gets better going forward. Just need a bit more time to get things rolling again.

Miya wrote:

At least make an announcement in osu home page there will be an update soon, so it's like osu is not abandonded by the developer :( At the announcement, list the feature of upcoming release, so player can known and prepare for the next release
What for if they list all changes (fixes/adds) on Changelog? Just stop to complain, go there and read.

edit: Ninja'd by peppy.
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Meh, the changelog is really hidden and doesn't notify me is something really out. >.>
Also, why the osu is not updating itslef if something new coming up from the changelog? It seems it just for the test build.

Well, glad to see peppy reply this.
Sorry if there's anything hurt you. I just want to talk about my opnion >.<
It is just for the test build. Please read my post again — specifically the part about everything hinging on osz2, which is not yet stable to be released yet.
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so, when you're going to release it to normal build?
Please read my previous post.
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when? you're not mention any date, month or year >.>

peppy wrote:

The fact of the matter is, pushing changes out now without bringing osz2 into play will take more time than it is worth, as we are close to being ready to have that implemented too.

peppy wrote:

"Why is there no announcement?"
What is the point of announcing something before it is finalised? The changelog shows you what is going on, so you are free to read that in the meantime.
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i assume, you don't have any target when it will be released then..
ASAP is a good target.
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ASAP can be random, it can be done tomorow, next month, or can be done next year :|
Just wondering if the changelog in osume is not up-to-date

lol 2011
Please switch to the test build if you want to see up-to-date changes. Please read my post again. Please use the changelog link on the website.
peppy already said what need to be said, so guys, please be patient and don't pressure him to much
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then please make the test build available to the player who don't have a supporter tag :(
It is one of the main benefits of having one though (in my eyes; it is what i'd want the most)? I'd like to leave it that way for now.

Miya wrote:

then please make the test build available to the player who don't have a supporter tag :(
osu! itself is still fine imo what kind of updates do you expect anyway.
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a new feature.

and crash fixes. It's anoying that ocassionaly osu always crashed.

Miya wrote:

a new feature.

and crash fixes. It's anoying that ocassionaly osu always crashed.
crashes can be due to your computer. since i changed my laptop, the osu never crashes and it's almost 6 months already.
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gtrholic wrote:

Miya wrote:

a new feature.

and crash fixes. It's anoying that ocassionaly osu always crashed.
crashes can be due to your computer. since i changed my laptop, the osu never crashes and it's almost 6 months already.
that's called bug, you know :|

Miya wrote:

gtrholic wrote:

crashes can be due to your computer. since i changed my laptop, the osu never crashes and it's almost 6 months already.
that's called bug, you know :|
It's not a bug with the game itself when it's a problem on your end, but let's not go off-topic, when osz2 is ready and bug free there will be osz2 plus every other update that's prepared released at once, and once this is done and only then we have an aim to release more regular updates.

This is pretty much what peppy already explained but in other words in case you understand it this way better.

Miya wrote:

ASAP can be random, it can be done tomorow, next month, or can be done next year :|
Why not chill out and let it happen, then? As peppy's already said, the development team is not ginormous, and they physically can't fix everything in a matter of hours - it takes time. As-is, they put in a LOT of hours for this game that we are not in any way required to pay to play, so we should be grateful for what we get.
He's already stated that there is work being done, and the changelog can refute this, so just hang tight, and updates will come sooner or later.
if the no updates really bothers you. just get a sub and use the test build. problem solved :/
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