
How to become an HDHR main (Guide)

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A Simple Handy Guide by AngeLTobisawA

If you want to be like Bikko or Cookiezi and you are dreaming on being an HDHR Pro, here's a bit of a tutorial how to be one of the HDHR main players.

I will not guarantee that this will work everytime because it takes time, patience, skill, and determination for this next-level of farming maps.

EDIT: To be more comfortable and easier for gameplay with these mods, here's a skin you will find handy:

HDHR Skin from Shigetora
HR Skin from Shigetora Link removed by moderators

First Step: Pick your preference on play style.
Mouse or tablet, no matter what, everything is gonna work out. Oh, and make sure you get that type of keyboard you prefer, Mechanical or Membrane, it's all gonna be your choice.

Second Step: Go with HR first.
Get used with the following things if you want to be an HR pro:

  1. You must be used on reading maps with low CS because HR increases CS by 1.3 (for example, from CS 4 to CS 5.2, or CS 4 x 1.3 = 5.2.)
  2. You should also be used on High AR reading stuff, mainly Hard maps (difficulty named Hard) plus HR will certainly give you AR 9.8/10, depending on the map's AR (in math terms AR 8 x 1.3 = AR10 / AR 7 x 1.3 = AR 9.1.)
  3. And lastly, get used to high OD stuff. When you add HR with a map that is OD 6 for example, it will probably give you OD 8.4 (or in math terms: OD 6 x 1.4 = OD 8.4.) Higher OD equals more 100s. You should try being kinda accurate to be sure on not getting lots of 100s and messing up your accuracy. And if you are accurate enough like Bikko, you will have a chance of getting low UR.
Keep practicing, and you can advance in the next step.

Third Step:
Now you are used in these type of stuff like High AR Reading and Low CS Reading, try putting HD with HR. If you are used to HD and apply the three stuffs I mentioned in getting used to HR, then probably you need maps to farm now.

HDHR Farm Maps Vol. 1: Three Star Maps
Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper ~ World's End [Hard]
HDHR 95%: 81pp | 98%: 103pp | 99%: 118pp | 100%: 141pp | 3:25 ★ 4.14 ♫ 178 AR9.8 OD8.4

Sex Whales & Fraxo - Dead To Me (Instrumental) [Nao's Hard]
HDHR 95%: 43pp | 98%: 60pp | 99%: 76pp | 100%: 105pp | 1:33 ★ 3.42 ♫ 148 AR10 OD9.1

[url= Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? [nao's hard?][/url]
HDHR 95%: 43pp | 98%: 58pp | 99%: 73pp | 100%: 100pp | 1:26 ★ 3.47 ♫ 185 AR10 OD8.82

Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? [zzz's hard?]
HDHR 95%: 47pp | 98%: 73pp | 99%: 96pp | 100%: 138pp | 1:28 ★ 3.56 ♫ 185 AR10 OD9.8

Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? [collab hard?]
HDHR 95%: 53pp | 98%: 73pp | 99%: 95pp | 100%: 140pp | 3:46 ★ 3.58 ♫ 185 AR10 OD9.1

9mm Parabellum Bullet - Inferno [Traumatized Hard]
HDHR 95%: 50pp | 98%: 62pp | 99%: 78pp | 100%: 113pp | 1:29 ★ 3.65 ♫ 195 AR10 OD9.1

BABYMETAL - Gimme chocolate!! [HARD!!]
HDHR 95%: 63pp | 98%: 76pp | 99%: 91pp | 100%: 122pp | 3:48 ★ 3.89 ♫ 220 AR10 OD8.4

[url=] DJ Ozawa - Tokyo (Innovaderz Remix) [6006's Hard]
HDHR 95%: 63pp | 98%: 78pp | 99%: 97pp | 100%: 134pp | 2:35 ★ 3.9 ♫ 175 AR10 OD9.1

dj TAKA - quaver [Joey's Hyper]
HDHR 95%: 54pp | 98%: 70pp | 99%: 87pp | 100%: 119pp | 3:25 ★ 3.7 ♫ 182 AR10 OD8.4

Sound Horizon - Raijin no Hidariude [Hard]
HDHR 95%: 50pp | 98%: 83pp | 99%: 109pp | 100%: 152pp | 2:03 ★ 3.46 ♫ 172 AR9.8 OD9.8

BONUS MAP: UNDEAD CORPORATION - Yoru Naku Usagi wa Yume wo Miru [Hard]
HDHR 95%: 76pp | 98%: 94pp | 99%: 110pp | 100%: 139pp | 4:20 ★ 4.03 ♫ 87.5 AR10 OD8.4

HDHR Farm Maps Vol. 2: Four Star Maps
Drop - Granat [Insane]
HDHR 95%: 81pp | 98%: 103pp | 99%: 126pp | 100%: 162pp | 0:43 ★ 4.31 ♫ 180.96 AR10 OD10

Drop - Granat [Antares' Light Insane]
HDHR 95%: 77pp | 98%: 108pp | 99%: 130pp | 100%: 163pp | 0:43 ★ 4.06 ♫ 180.96 AR10 OD10

Brad Breeck - Gravity Falls Main Title Theme [Shadren's Insane]
HDHR 95%: 79pp | 98%: 106pp | 99%: 127pp | 100%: 161pp | 0:39 ★ 4.19 ♫ 165.8 AR10 OD10

Brad Breeck - Gravity Falls Theme Song [Mystery]
HDHR 95%: 109pp | 98%: 142pp | 99%: 163pp | 100%: 194pp | 0:39 ★ 4.58 ♫ 165.8 AR10 OD10

Cass2 - Gravity Falls Theme Song- 16 Bit Mix [Alphabet's Insane]
HDHR 95%: 101pp | 98%: 128pp | 99%: 149pp | 100%: 182pp | 0:42 ★ 4.59 ♫ 166 AR10 OD10

Brad Breeck - S2 Trailer Theme [Beware]
HDHR 95%: 97pp | 98%: 128pp | 99%: 151pp | 100%: 185pp | 0:55 ★ 4.36 ♫ 160 AR10 OD9.8

HDHR 95%: 59pp | 98%: 90pp | 99%: 112pp | 100%: 146pp | 1:43 ★ 3.64 ♫ 75 AR10 OD9.8

AKINO from bless4 & CHiCO with HoneyWorks - MIIRO vs. Ai no Scenario [Sharkie's Insane]
HDHR 95%: 72pp | 98%: 92pp | 99%: 115pp | 100%: 160pp | 1:20 ★ 4.12 ♫ 195 AR10 OD9.8

Tachibana Miya - Miya to Tengoku to Jigoku [Sukebe]
HDHR 95%: 87pp | 98%: 117pp | 99%: 145pp | 100%: 188pp | 1:40 ★ 4.31 ♫ 195 AR9.8 OD9.8

MISATO - Necro Fantasia [Lunatic]
HDHR 95%: 123pp | 98%: 173pp | 99%: 204pp | 100%: 250pp | 2:47 ★ 4.56 ♫ 175 AR10 OD10
I hope this guide will get you in handy, especially because Hidden just got nerfed. If this helped you a lot, that's it, you are on your way on becoming with the HDHR pros. And as always, please enjoy game.
HDHR = Support


Really good guide, it helped me a little bit
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ChaosZeroDelta wrote:

HDHR = Support


Really good guide, it helped me a little bit

thanks a lot :)
Play once 5* HDHR before make the guide and call yourself pro pls xD
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ManuelOsuPlayer wrote:

Play once 5* HDHR before make the guide and call yourself pro pls xD

i'm referring to Bikko/Cookiezi not myself lol
Not to be rude, but all this guide boils down to is "Get used to it / Play more".

Here's my tip to all HDHR "mains" below 5k pp: Don't play HDHR / HR ever.
Lower ranked / new players seem to connect something elite with HR, but in truth that mod is just a farm mod, and nothing you should decide to "main".
Deciding to become a HR main is like saying you truly wish to become a hardcore pp farmer and not care about improvement.

If you really want to get used to HR so you can play it later, just play nomod or DT lower star maps. DT is the actual less detrimental mod to play since it keeps note density the same, so you still have to read a map (even though still detrimental because you'll read lower ranked maps than you should actually play / less hard patterns).

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

If you really want to be like Cookiezi / Wubwoofwolf or whatever, do what they did and not what they're doing now. Cookiezi was a nomod player for the longest time, just like Wubwoofwolf, so it makes no sense to try and go right where they are now by just copying the things they're doing in the present.
Also, even if they do play it, they don't have it active 24/7. HR and DT shouldn't be considered a thing you can "main" (I hate that word btw. This is not League or OW), it's mods you can use to grind out some pp.

Don't play HR only, and don't play it at all if you can only use it on 3*-low4* or 1/2 spam maps. If anything, use DT for getting used to higher ARs and spend the rest of your time playing nomod.
Source: Myself. I barely play HR at all and am still passively improving at it. You don't need to play HR at all, some day you'll wake up and it will just be readable. Don't try to force stuff.
It's funny how people who can't play HDHR (no SSing a 40 second map in a billion tries doesn't count) love to run their mouths and make guides about how to learn to play HDHR
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Deva wrote:

It's funny how people who can't play HDHR (no SSing a 40 second map in a billion tries doesn't count) love to run their mouths and make guides about how to learn to play HDHR

- e - v - b-
not gonna lie, HDHR is really worth learning until you get to like 5*+

Rayne wrote:

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

also, for the most part the difficulty in HR comes from the OD/CS/Slider velocity increase (atleast in my experience) so practicing HR is more useful in the long term (assuming you want to be able to set good scores and not just farm scores)
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Rayne wrote:

Not to be rude, but all this guide boils down to is "Get used to it / Play more".

Here's my tip to all HDHR "mains" below 5k pp: Don't play HDHR / HR ever.
Lower ranked / new players seem to connect something elite with HR, but in truth that mod is just a farm mod, and nothing you should decide to "main".
Deciding to become a HR main is like saying you truly wish to become a hardcore pp farmer and not care about improvement.

If you really want to get used to HR so you can play it later, just play nomod or DT lower star maps. DT is the actual less detrimental mod to play since it keeps note density the same, so you still have to read a map (even though still detrimental because you'll read lower ranked maps than you should actually play / less hard patterns).

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

If you really want to be like Cookiezi / Wubwoofwolf or whatever, do what they did and not what they're doing now. Cookiezi was a nomod player for the longest time, just like Wubwoofwolf, so it makes no sense to try and go right where they are now by just copying the things they're doing in the present.
Also, even if they do play it, they don't have it active 24/7. HR and DT shouldn't be considered a thing you can "main" (I hate that word btw. This is not League or OW), it's mods you can use to grind out some pp.

Don't play HR only, and don't play it at all if you can only use it on 3*-low4* or 1/2 spam maps. If anything, use DT for getting used to higher ARs and spend the rest of your time playing nomod.
Source: Myself. I barely play HR at all and am still passively improving at it. You don't need to play HR at all, some day you'll wake up and it will just be readable. Don't try to force stuff.

i respect your opinion dude
You're kindof crippling any sort of gameplay improvement playing HDHR at such a low level. Because you're not really getting used to recognizing high object density, which is an important skill to have in order to correctly read high speed complicated patterns in the long run.
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TheUnexpected6 wrote:

You're kindof crippling any sort of gameplay improvement playing HDHR at such a low level. Because you're not really getting used to recognizing high object density, which is an important skill to have in order to correctly read high speed complicated patterns in the long run.

but lots of practice makes you perfect. #nevergiveup

Rayne wrote:

Not to be rude, but all this guide boils down to is "Get used to it / Play more".

Here's my tip to all HDHR "mains" below 5k pp: Don't play HDHR / HR ever.
Lower ranked / new players seem to connect something elite with HR, but in truth that mod is just a farm mod, and nothing you should decide to "main".
Deciding to become a HR main is like saying you truly wish to become a hardcore pp farmer and not care about improvement.

If you really want to get used to HR so you can play it later, just play nomod or DT lower star maps. DT is the actual less detrimental mod to play since it keeps note density the same, so you still have to read a map (even though still detrimental because you'll read lower ranked maps than you should actually play / less hard patterns).

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

If you really want to be like Cookiezi / Wubwoofwolf or whatever, do what they did and not what they're doing now. Cookiezi was a nomod player for the longest time, just like Wubwoofwolf, so it makes no sense to try and go right where they are now by just copying the things they're doing in the present.
Also, even if they do play it, they don't have it active 24/7. HR and DT shouldn't be considered a thing you can "main" (I hate that word btw. This is not League or OW), it's mods you can use to grind out some pp.

Don't play HR only, and don't play it at all if you can only use it on 3*-low4* or 1/2 spam maps. If anything, use DT for getting used to higher ARs and spend the rest of your time playing nomod.
Source: Myself. I barely play HR at all and am still passively improving at it. You don't need to play HR at all, some day you'll wake up and it will just be readable. Don't try to force stuff.

You should make a post with this answer to be into sticky threads.
Best advice possible about HR learning. Just to add, if you want to really "main" HR, you should play EZHR instead. So you don't destroy your reading due to being used to read really few circles in screen. Also DT as a preview it's a really good idea, since you ger closer to the AR and Speed what you need reading. Also hidden by itself it's other good way to get into it, since you're more forced to actually read.
Play each map style, because if you play only farm maps, you probably going to play by rhythm, flow, etc, without care or need reading at all, what will make you unable to play anything what you are not used to, or you already know.

ItsTrevor911 wrote:

but lots of practice makes you perfect. #nevergiveup
Nah man, you FCed a 40 seconds map with HDHR, you can't get any better than that
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ManuelOsuPlayer wrote:

Rayne wrote:

Not to be rude, but all this guide boils down to is "Get used to it / Play more".

Here's my tip to all HDHR "mains" below 5k pp: Don't play HDHR / HR ever.
Lower ranked / new players seem to connect something elite with HR, but in truth that mod is just a farm mod, and nothing you should decide to "main".
Deciding to become a HR main is like saying you truly wish to become a hardcore pp farmer and not care about improvement.

If you really want to get used to HR so you can play it later, just play nomod or DT lower star maps. DT is the actual less detrimental mod to play since it keeps note density the same, so you still have to read a map (even though still detrimental because you'll read lower ranked maps than you should actually play / less hard patterns).

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

If you really want to be like Cookiezi / Wubwoofwolf or whatever, do what they did and not what they're doing now. Cookiezi was a nomod player for the longest time, just like Wubwoofwolf, so it makes no sense to try and go right where they are now by just copying the things they're doing in the present.
Also, even if they do play it, they don't have it active 24/7. HR and DT shouldn't be considered a thing you can "main" (I hate that word btw. This is not League or OW), it's mods you can use to grind out some pp.

Don't play HR only, and don't play it at all if you can only use it on 3*-low4* or 1/2 spam maps. If anything, use DT for getting used to higher ARs and spend the rest of your time playing nomod.
Source: Myself. I barely play HR at all and am still passively improving at it. You don't need to play HR at all, some day you'll wake up and it will just be readable. Don't try to force stuff.

You should make a post with this answer to be into sticky threads.
Best advice possible about HR learning. Just to add, if you want to really "main" HR, you should play EZHR instead. So you don't destroy your reading due to being used to read really few circles in screen. Also DT as a preview it's a really good idea, since you ger closer to the AR and Speed what you need reading. Also hidden by itself it's other good way to get into it, since you're more forced to actually read.
Play each map style, because if you play only farm maps, you probably going to play by rhythm, flow, etc, without care or need reading at all, what will make you unable to play anything what you are not used to, or you already know.

*thonk* ok i'll get with that
worst fl player
My Angel Jeremy
never knew that you need to practice HDHR to play HDHR lul wtf
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Opinions are all open (just no bully)
k thx
My Angel Jeremy
no point anymore since HD is nerfed

My Angel Jeremy wrote:

no point anymore since HD is nerfed
HR only players unite
I'm impressed that you're actually capable of playing HDHR to the degree you're presenting it.
What I would like to see is more input on
You should also be used on High AR reading stuff, mainly Hard maps (difficulty named Hard) plus HR will certainly give you AR 9.8/10, depending on the map's AR (in math terms AR 8 x 1.3 = AR10 / AR 7 x 1.3 = AR 9.1.)
I'm a more seasoned player and although I found myself practicing some HR maps for tournaments and occasionally doing HR sessions with the hope to get used to higher AR, I did not find myself improving at high AR reading.

I mean it makes sense that I'm capable of playing (HD)HR if I can aim CS5.2, acc OD10 and read AR10 but you don't provide a way of achieving all of that.
Except "Play more HR" which didn't do too much for me personally.

Endaris wrote:

I'm impressed that you're actually capable of playing HDHR to the degree you're presenting it.
What I would like to see is more input on
You should also be used on High AR reading stuff, mainly Hard maps (difficulty named Hard) plus HR will certainly give you AR 9.8/10, depending on the map's AR (in math terms AR 8 x 1.3 = AR10 / AR 7 x 1.3 = AR 9.1.)
I'm a more seasoned player and although I found myself practicing some HR maps for tournaments and occasionally doing HR sessions with the hope to get used to higher AR, I did not find myself improving at high AR reading.

I mean it makes sense that I'm capable of playing (HD)HR if I can aim CS5.2, acc OD10 and read AR10 but you don't provide a way of achieving all of that.
Except "Play more HR" which didn't do too much for me personally.
As someone who spamed HR like an animal for a long time, you will improve at first, but your improvment will stop soon. So at the end it's useless play HR to improve HR unless you already can compensate the bad things play HR have.
It's hard to explain but to reduce the explanation, play hd fast maps, nomod long maps and dt fast stuff make you able to play HR in a faster easier and more consistent way than play HR itself. So if you want be able to play HR, first improve your reading, your speed and consistence.

Rayne wrote:

Not to be rude, but all this guide boils down to is "Get used to it / Play more".

Here's my tip to all HDHR "mains" below 5k pp: Don't play HDHR / HR ever.
Lower ranked / new players seem to connect something elite with HR, but in truth that mod is just a farm mod, and nothing you should decide to "main".
Deciding to become a HR main is like saying you truly wish to become a hardcore pp farmer and not care about improvement.

If you really want to get used to HR so you can play it later, just play nomod or DT lower star maps. DT is the actual less detrimental mod to play since it keeps note density the same, so you still have to read a map (even though still detrimental because you'll read lower ranked maps than you should actually play / less hard patterns).

Either way, DT is the best mod to get used to HR. Playing HR to practice HR seems logical, but is just a giant noobtrap.

If you really want to be like Cookiezi / Wubwoofwolf or whatever, do what they did and not what they're doing now. Cookiezi was a nomod player for the longest time, just like Wubwoofwolf, so it makes no sense to try and go right where they are now by just copying the things they're doing in the present.
Also, even if they do play it, they don't have it active 24/7. HR and DT shouldn't be considered a thing you can "main" (I hate that word btw. This is not League or OW), it's mods you can use to grind out some pp.

Don't play HR only, and don't play it at all if you can only use it on 3*-low4* or 1/2 spam maps. If anything, use DT for getting used to higher ARs and spend the rest of your time playing nomod.
Source: Myself. I barely play HR at all and am still passively improving at it. You don't need to play HR at all, some day you'll wake up and it will just be readable. Don't try to force stuff.

Thanks, this helped me arguably more than the post itself.
Combined i know have more knowledge. :D
Molly Sandera
Wish i could be a HR accuracy player... I still can't read ar 10..... and DT is idk.... Not the same? I'm not fast. No mod reading training it is.....
Yeah, when you have smol pp you don't do HR. Best to play no mod
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