Highest PP song I've done! Absolutely majestical. Added to favourites!
my first 140pp
shittity ass map learn mapping lil jit
i'm proud of my 156pp in this map
cant be real
thanks for the 63pp top play :fire:
what is that ur im unironically cheating
I will always remember this as the first time I've ever choked on the last object of a map
insane in dt is so funny
idk but I never gonna play any maps made by creators in this very map, these guys' creations curse me so hard I choke 389 times in a week-long attempt.
same here
That was so pleasant to play, with hit sounds! wow
Ss choke... 152pp score
отличная карта, как разминка топ
first 150pp as a 6 digit cheers!
As a 6-digit 690k rank player. I full combo on insane
2016 vibe?
Easy 200
ananı avardını sikeiym senin
deme öyle şeyler
kanka aşırı sinirlendim ya
farmable asf
i hate this
osuenjoys 76m score???
I wish you could undo scores :/
dude i only got a C but it provide me 74pp
i hate this map!
suprised how it gives that much pp
I spent 474 attempts on the top diff just to get an HD SS. Worth it...?
Accidentally got a top play by SSing the top diff randomly, not my proudest moment
the hard diff of this map is poorly mapped lol
74pp!!! as 6 digit
this song Litterly echoed in my head for 4 months starte if i here it again id prob punch someone
This is my top play. I hate this map
thx for new top play
farm pp