who is rool and why are they telling me what to do
inb4UndeadCapulet wrote:
these sliders aren't actually that problematic for experienced players when they're integrated well.
you can say this about any rule change ever, so..TheKingHenry wrote:
inb4UndeadCapulet wrote:
these sliders aren't actually that problematic for experienced players when they're integrated well.
"This burai slider isn't intergrated too well, needs some changes for it to work"
"No it's my style"
That was exactly what I meant with my post lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hobbes2 wrote:
you can say this about any rule change ever, so..
If they're only allowed for the higher difficulties, then the fact that you have to look at them for a bit to process them isn't a problem. There are already patterns today that could be intentionally misleading (such as a loop) which just gets removed during the modding process, so players expect that sliders will follow their natural pathing (how else would you read something like notch hell? You could technically make sliders go in all kinds of directions without actually making a burai slider, but we do accept the most logical path. For burai's to be allowed all they have to do is to be unambiguous, which can be achieved in the same way we keep complex sliders unambiguous; to require them to follow whatever is the logical path.Ephemeral wrote:
gut response here is no, followed by no followed again by NO
monstrata's cited examples don't look that bad upon a cursory appraisal of more than a few seconds, but when faced with that kind of pattern or placement in an actual track, it essentially almost forces an automatic drop in a large percentage of people
slider paths need to be clear and not ambiguous because ambiguous ones are absolutely awful to play almost universally. at least from my perspective anyway
i could see some relaxation of this rule with concessions given to readability and concept (also similar to what monstrata expressed), but i'm not sure i trust mappers enough to do this properly at the moment generally speaking
Only the red arrows are unreadable if you follow what would be the logical path of the slider (similarly to how loops are treated)VINXIS wrote:
something that should or shouldnt be rankable shouldnt be dependent on what u personally think is fun
heres a problem that comes from letting literally any burai sliders rankable
let me know how u read this (ur gunna read it wrong and i doubt its readable on osu!lazer either)
https://puu.sh/Akfc1/9459b9fe83.osz slider diff 03:54:021 -
it needs to be more clear as to what burai sliders are actually rankable
A slider should not be ambiguous. The sliderball can not travel across the same path more than 2 times in a row, and no slider head and tail can be on the same place. There can be no closed shapes if a slider has any burai segments or overlapping red points.You can click on the link to read why I think it's appropriate, although it might be too simple in definition and might rule out things that would still be readable.
Strange to see members of the QAT struggling with the current rule and even letting what we do consider burai sliders through the ranking system.Myxomatosis wrote:
This is kind of a loop hole in the RC though that needs to be fixed (the wording of the current rule is ambiguous).
I'm a native English speaker and this doens't make sense to meMonstrata wrote:
There are a few other "loopholes" in the RC, but I think this one makes sense... The RC technically allows burai's as long as they are not "unreadable or ambiguous". The rule lists "burais" as an example of an unrankable issue, but only when they do not have "straightforward slider borders".
(Grammatically, "straightforward slider borders" modifies both "burais" and "hold sliders" so you should read it this way, not "burais (all) and hold sliders (but only when they don't have straightforward slider borders).)
Burai's with predictable slider paths have already seen use in the ranked section, but they are currently being used in very rare instances.
Ranking Criteria wrote:
Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders which overlap themselves in a way that makes any or their individual sections unreadable or ambiguous cannot be used, such as burai sliders and hold sliders without straightforward slider borders.
Amended Rule wrote:
Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders which overlap themselves in a way that makes any or their individual sections unreadable or ambiguous cannot be used.
Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders that overlap themselves without straightforward slider borders and sliders whose individual sections are unreadable cannot be used. A slider's end position must be clear under the assumption that a player has a fully transparent `sliderendpoint.png` skin element.
Left wrote:
Some burai examples ppl addressed here looks reasonable, but i can sure mappers will try to rank more and more unreadable one.. and that would be a problem
UC wrote:
when people make massive game changes like that they're doing so with the understanding it may have unintended consequences
Yusomi wrote:
this thread also raises the question why sliders must be sightreadable. low AR overlapping patterns aren't expected to be sightread, it's expected that the player learn these maps through multiple plays