
Misawa Aki - Ohayou no Uta

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年6月9日 at 14:05:16

Artist: Misawa Aki
Title: Ohayou no Uta
Tags: aki no sora stella musica onoken axsword
BPM: 158
Filesize: 6075kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.28 stars, 383 notes)
  2. Insane (3.99 stars, 448 notes)
  3. Normal (1.67 stars, 284 notes)
Download: Misawa Aki - Ohayou no Uta
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
star difficulty
request from my queue

00:33:334 烧了这根草
00:36:467 ^
01:00:581 (1) - 上一格来个三角形
02:04:378 (1) - ^
02:54:884 (2) - 拆成几个小的slider?这么弄应该会被挑
03:18:808 (6) - NC,后面的1去NC

01:48:808 (1,2,3) - 还是弄一样的间距吧
02:16:150 (1,2,3) - 不弄正三角形吗
02:18:428 (6,7) - 前面的话这俩是放中间了,这里也放中间?
03:00:581 (4,1) - 间距还是弄小点吧
03:51:214 (1,2) - stack吧

Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

request from my queue

00:33:334 烧了这根草 这个为啥要烧0.0 不是完全没区别的啊
00:36:467 ^ 已经冻掉了(咦
01:00:581 (1) - 上一格来个三角形 ok
02:04:378 (1) - ^ ^
02:54:884 (2) - 拆成几个小的slider?这么弄应该会被挑 ok
03:18:808 (6) - NC,后面的1去NC ok

01:48:808 (1,2,3) - 还是弄一样的间距吧 也是 这个差别不大了
02:16:150 (1,2,3) - 不弄正三角形吗 如果后面再多一个音的话我当然会做成正三角形 不过这里缺一个 所以把最后两组并成一组用了这个一直在用的5note pattern
02:18:428 (6,7) - 前面的话这俩是放中间了,这里也放中间? 误操作移偏了orz fixed
03:00:581 (4,1) - 间距还是弄小点吧 ok
03:51:214 (1,2) - stack吧 我觉得stack不大好看 挪到比较近和stack距离差不多的距离了

难度我按星数分的我会乱讲 在我想出个好难度名之前先这样吧orz

  • ⑨爷做这么温柔的歌 这不科学
    offset - 22
  • 00:26:688 (1) - 为啥是在1/4开始的,和歌词不合
    01:15:771 (1) ~ 01:24:884 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难
    01:42:922 (2) - New combo?
    01:44:631 (4) - 右移一格
    02:19:568 (1) ~ 02:28:681 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难
    02:59:062 (1) - 加分的声音很大
    03:02:859 (1) ~ 03:11:213 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难
    03:24:884 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:25:644 (7) - 加whistle
    03:30:960 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:31:720 (7) - 加whistle
    03:40:074 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:40:834 (7) - 加whistle
    03:47:841 (1) - 个人不建议把变节奏用在EZ里面,到这就可以停了
  • 难度名改为Hard不错,Normal太简单
    00:26:783 (1,2,3) - 被打出来的300挡住了,看不清
    00:38:176 (4,5) - 为啥间距突然变短
    01:14:631 (6) - New combo?
    01:22:226 (2) - 有点被前面的7挡住了,看不清
    01:41:593 (1) - 加whistle
    01:54:125 (4,5) - 为啥间距突然变短
    01:56:783 (3,4) - Jump略大
    02:02:100 (5,6) - Jump略大
    02:18:428 (6) - New combo?
    02:19:473 - 加个circle?这里有重音
    02:40:929 (1) - 加分的声音很大
    03:00:581 (4) - 后面声音太大
    03:34:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - 总觉得不大好看
神图神音效+KDS STAR
⑨爷是好人再加个KDS STAR
EasyModder 1.3
Program By Weiren
Topic Starter
嗯今天我已经碎叫了虽然我还醒着...因为觉得有想改的所以kd先给了 明天放学回来细看 多谢XD


Weiren wrote:

  • ⑨爷做这么温柔的歌 这不科学 很科学啊D:
    offset - 22 这我觉得目前就挺准的 看后面人怎么说吧
  • 00:26:688 (1) - 为啥是在1/4开始的,和歌词不合 搞正常了
    01:15:771 (1) ~ 01:24:884 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难 参照LKs说法 这里删去了一些note
    01:42:922 (2) - New combo?这样上个combo太短了还是算了
    01:44:631 (4) - 右移一格 k
    02:19:568 (1) ~ 02:28:681 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难 同上次
    02:59:062 (1) - 加分的声音很大 -> 30%
    03:02:859 (1) ~ 03:11:213 (1) - 大脸哭绝对会吐槽这一串……略难同上次
    03:24:884 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:25:644 (7) - 加whistle
    03:30:960 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:31:720 (7) - 加whistle
    03:40:074 (5) - 去掉whistle
    03:40:834 (7) - 加whistle
    all ok here
    03:47:841 (1) - 个人不建议把变节奏用在EZ里面,到这就可以停了 如果真碰到2的 不在一个地方结束也会被吐槽... 总之暂时先这样
  • 难度名改为Hard不错,Normal太简单
    00:26:783 (1,2,3) - 被打出来的300挡住了,看不清 intentional >_>
    00:38:176 (4,5) - 为啥间距突然变短 均匀化了
    01:14:631 (6) - New combo? intentional >_>
    01:22:226 (2) - 有点被前面的7挡住了,看不清 ^
    01:41:593 (1) - 加whistle k
    01:54:125 (4,5) - 为啥间距突然变短 均匀化了
    01:56:783 (3,4) - Jump略大 只是6x而已还好吧...
    02:02:100 (5,6) - Jump略大 只是9x而已还好吧...(你说什么
    02:18:428 (6) - New combo? intentional >_>
    02:19:473 - 加个circle?这里有重音 maybe not...
    02:40:929 (1) - 加分的声音很大 -> 30%
    03:00:581 (4) - 后面声音太大 降了
    03:34:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - 总觉得不大好看 稍微改了改(好像更不好看了!?
神图神音效+KDS STAR
⑨爷是好人再加个KDS STAR
EasyModder 1.3
Program By Weiren
yea, my mod here





超3星了一点 虽然nazi但为了减少麻烦还是删一两个note来让他变2.X
0.5tick rate 我觉得还是加红一下

关于hitsounds 现有的都不错 但我觉得如果有一种回音比较长的 敲木制品的声音 或者轻微的clap会比较好

00:26:688 (1) - 虽然这是设计 但这种设计在Easy还是不提倡吧

第三个kiai里 难度明显刚开始比后面难 刚开始可以削


00:32:859 (1,2,3,4) - 好吧我几乎看不出来这是设计 这种慢歌适合遮挡少点其实 这样反而
00:37:796 (3,4,5) - 复制后面的123就好
01:53:745 (3,4,5) - 这个间距




有时间检查下绿线 如图 但不一定准确

Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

yea, my mod here





超3星了一点 虽然nazi但为了减少麻烦还是删一两个note来让他变2.X k 参照前面mod说比较难的地方减了星
0.5tick rate 我觉得还是加红一下 ok 都1了 虽然也感觉不是太合适 实在不喜欢tick音这东西

关于hitsounds 现有的都不错 但我觉得如果有一种回音比较长的 敲木制品的声音 或者轻微的clap会比较好 会考虑的 不过现在还没看到加哪里和什么样的音色合适

00:26:688 (1) - 虽然这是设计 但这种设计在Easy还是不提倡吧 搞正常了

第三个kiai里 难度明显刚开始比后面难 刚开始可以削 k


00:32:859 (1,2,3,4) - 好吧我几乎看不出来这是设计 这种慢歌适合遮挡少点其实 这样反而 和后面类似的那个一样均匀化了
00:37:796 (3,4,5) - 复制后面的123就好
01:53:745 (3,4,5) - 这个间距




有时间检查下绿线 如图 但不一定准确

这是什么程序....不过这个应该是按HitObject为单位判断绿线是否有用的 也就是说repeat和end没有考虑在内 按照我看到的截图都是在说slider中间那些没用 如果是你自己的程序的话记得改一下吧>_>

Cirno wrote:

这是什么程序....不过这个应该是按HitObject为单位判断绿线是否有用的 也就是说repeat和end没有考虑在内 按照我看到的截图都是在说slider中间那些没用 如果是你自己的程序的话记得改一下吧>_>
maybe 别人给的 我文科苦13不会编程 你高玩其实可以有时间弄个出来..

检查绿线用 不准比较正常 权当参考
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

Cirno wrote:

这是什么程序....不过这个应该是按HitObject为单位判断绿线是否有用的 也就是说repeat和end没有考虑在内 按照我看到的截图都是在说slider中间那些没用 如果是你自己的程序的话记得改一下吧>_>
maybe 别人给的 我文科苦13不会编程 你高玩其实可以有时间弄个出来..

检查绿线用 不准比较正常 权当参考
同文科 不过简单的程序还是可以写点的... 这类程序好像现在挺多的 AIBat 什么的 总之大概是不会有用上我的地方啦XD
really good map but easy's AR -1 maybe?
Easy change name to normal
normal - change name to Hard
because you use too many"1/4"in easy.
Topic Starter


really good map but easy's AR -1 maybe?
Easy change name to normal
normal - change name to Hard
because you use too many"1/4"in easy.
AR5 works pretty fine for me actually... Fixed wording in OP.
I'm not sure if this worths kd though.... Thanks anyway
Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

offset是小数了……其实我觉得也没啥问题 就是不知道以后会不会被吐槽 所以我先提一下好了


03:02:859 (1) - nc bug, 加个newcombo

OD和掉血是不是太低了 哦草而且打到后面我才知道为啥是AR8 开头那怎么看都是AR7更适合 结果到后面就发现我错了

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:53:935 (4,5,6) - 这连的有点突然我一时间没反应过来。。。因为音乐给我感觉在这是很缓的 结果完全没料到有jump
02:53:935 (4,5) - 其实我总觉得跟这琴声很不顺 不过又说不出来为什么。。当我没说好了= =

03:00:581 (4) - 我觉得这玩意到后面声音有点高了 到40停我觉得对我来说是正好的

就这 完毕
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

offset是小数了……其实我觉得也没啥问题 就是不知道以后会不会被吐槽 所以我先提一下好了 fixed

我去hard比normal的sv低么.. 真用0.4之类的又不能跳会挤得不能看的吧...

03:02:859 (1) - nc bug, 加个newcombo fixed

OD和掉血是不是太低了 哦草而且打到后面我才知道为啥是AR8 开头那怎么看都是AR7更适合 结果到后面就发现我错了
好坑爹啊好坑爹 因为这首歌在展开中有渐进的特点 所以图本身也相应地搞了一下 >_0 od我觉得这od差不多 歌慢而且打击乐弱 相对容易缺参照而点歪 我很善良 & i love rating

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:53:935 (4,5,6) - 这连的有点突然我一时间没反应过来。。。因为音乐给我感觉在这是很缓的 结果完全没料到有jump 钢琴1/2和vocal速度上构成反差 -> jump
02:53:935 (4,5) - 其实我总觉得跟这琴声很不顺 不过又说不出来为什么。。当我没说好了= = = = 我是觉得这琴声太响不跟不行

03:00:581 (4) - 我觉得这玩意到后面声音有点高了 到40停我觉得对我来说是正好的 调整到了46停,我觉得这样更合适点

就这 完毕
thanks for modding

(我不喜欢起床- -,也许 Sunshine 会温暖一点)、
00:23:936 - 这个绿线
01:00:960 (4) - 好多stack因为间距比较大就重叠在一起了,stack leniency 8
01:30:771 (1) - 前面都是四方跳,我点到01:29:441 (1)的折返点去了- -也许可以把nc设在这里提醒一下
02:50:328 (3) - 我觉得可以在这里跟钢琴

00:52:986 (3) - 左一格会正一点
01:56:783 (3) - 这次是右一格
(其他的看不出来- -)
以后大家会教导新人:四星难度参考早安之歌- -(slap
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:


(我不喜欢起床- -,也许 Sunshine 会温暖一点)、唔我再想想...
00:23:936 - 这个绿线 删掉了
01:00:960 (4) - 好多stack因为间距比较大就重叠在一起了,stack leniency 8 我觉得这没什么不好..sorry
01:30:771 (1) - 前面都是四方跳,我点到01:29:441 (1)的折返点去了- -也许可以把nc设在这里提醒一下 这是要多反直觉你才会点到那里orz...
02:50:328 (3) - 我觉得可以在这里跟钢琴 (3)没改但是02:50:898 - 加了个circle

00:52:986 (3) - 左一格会正一点
01:56:783 (3) - 这次是右一格
all fixed
(其他的看不出来- -)
以后大家会教导新人:四星难度参考早安之歌- -(slap orz
thanks for modding & star~

00:57:543 (3) - 我怎么都感觉这个应该是尾巴向左而不是向右,至于你要问我为什么...我只能说感觉
01:30:391 (2,3,4) -这逆时针不错但是位置不大顺手, 相对来说你后面那个就比这个好读
01:59:821 (3) - Ctrl+R?我还是感觉这里应该尾巴向上,直觉
03:13:492 (1,2,3,4) - 既然前面那个是逆时针了这里不妨换成顺时针?
03:20:328 (1) - 换下面移一点让它看起来在3的尾部和4的中间位置?
03:51:281 (2) - 我觉得这个应该用圆滑的形状而不是这么尖锐的...


Topic Starter

goodbye wrote:


00:57:543 (3) - 我怎么都感觉这个应该是尾巴向左而不是向右,至于你要问我为什么...我只能说感觉 我觉得向左略别扭...orz只能说感觉不一样 我是觉得..
01:30:391 (2,3,4) -这逆时针不错但是位置不大顺手, 相对来说你后面那个就比这个好读 调整了下 感觉顺手了点但是还是挺难看的好像...
01:59:821 (3) - Ctrl+R?我还是感觉这里应该尾巴向上,直觉
03:13:492 (1,2,3,4) - 既然前面那个是逆时针了这里不妨换成顺时针? 和后面接得更顺,ok
03:20:328 (1) - 换下面移一点让它看起来在3的尾部和4的中间位置?
03:51:281 (2) - 我觉得这个应该用圆滑的形状而不是这么尖锐的...重画了下不过好像还是很丑orz

AR高了点 我觉得还好..

03:54:709 - 我覺得這個音要麼不要 要麼就跟著03:56:852 - 一起上

00:29:252 (4,5,1) - 看完(1,2,3)的間隔我覺得會被這裡誤導... ._.
02:01:910 (4,5) - 向左放會不會好點 ._. 02:06:277 (2,3,4) - 跟之前一樣漸大spacing
02:28:682 (2,1,2) - 感覺這跳不太適合
02:53:935 (4) - NC, 可考慮後面(1) remove NC
03:49:450 (1,2,3) - spacing : <


好歌 ><
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

03:54:709 - 我覺得這個音要麼不要 要麼就跟著03:56:852 - 一起上

00:29:252 (4,5,1) - 看完(1,2,3)的間隔我覺得會被這裡誤導... ._. 弄小了点
02:01:910 (4,5) - 向左放會不會好點 ._.
02:06:277 (2,3,4) - 跟之前一樣漸大spacing
02:28:682 (2,1,2) - 感覺這跳不太適合 我觉得flow不别扭啊..而且这里节奏有变, 没必要也没办法保持一致
02:53:935 (4) - NC, 可考慮後面(1) remove NC 前面那些隔2/1的跟钢琴也没nc 我觉得这没啥问题
03:49:450 (1,2,3) - spacing : < fixed


好歌 ><
... Wow, after a (really) huge delay of 3 weeks (I have to apologize that, I was damn it busy D:) I wanted to mod this map 'cause of req. in my Modding Queue.
But after... yeah 30 minutes or so I decided to say that I can't find anything :(
Yeah, this post is useless, I know but I wanted to say you that so... Err I don't now... Go and ask a MAT! >.<

*Note the only thing I would mention, is to delete the .osb file... xP (I know, it's ridiculous ;D)
hi! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
As requested

sorry for nazi mod >_>
00:26:783 (1,2) - spacing
00:38:935 (1,2) - ^
01:14:252 - why 5% here? not suitable imo

01:14:252 - same as Dawn diff
03:00:581 (4) - i really like this kickslider :3 so i'd suggest do that 03:22:606 - as well. it would be better i think.
03:15:011 (3) - kinda hard to see reverse arrow >< try change formation althouth i think its ok
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

hi! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
As requested

sorry for nazi mod >_>
00:26:783 (1,2) - spacing fixed
00:38:935 (1,2) - ^ ^
01:14:252 - why 5% here? not suitable imo I wanted to follow the piano, but no percussion effect suits here, so I left it 5%

01:14:252 - same as Dawn diff as explained above
03:00:581 (4) - i really like this kickslider :3 so i'd suggest do that 03:22:606 - as well. it would be better i think. good
03:15:011 (3) - kinda hard to see reverse arrow >< try change formation althouth i think its ok I think it's ok because the slider is very slow and the arrow is clearly visible when it's about to be hit

* You need reversearrow.png for complete set of hitbursts skin

01:37:036 (4) - New combo?
02:51:087 (4) - Move 2nd sliderpoint to 2 grid right for better combo blanket (Nazi)
03:04:188 (3) - Remove this notes for better rhythm? I guess?

03:00:581 (4) - Make a warning SB for hold slider? lol
03:22:986 (1) - ^

My poor mod..... sorry orz
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


* You need reversearrow.png for complete set of hitbursts skin 0.0 B-but I don't have a hitbursts skin, and AIBat didn't say anything was missing..

01:37:036 (4) - New combo? ok
02:51:087 (4) - Move 2nd sliderpoint to 2 grid right for better combo blanket (Nazi) fixed
03:04:188 (3) - Remove this notes for better rhythm? I guess? ok

03:00:581 (4) - Make a warning SB for hold slider? lol
03:22:986 (1) - ^
I think those are not problems, since people can guess out 1/4 sliders, and 1/8 sliders are even easier to figure out. After all this is highest difficulty >_>

My poor mod..... sorry orz
什么有KDS混 先占个位
Mod as request

  1. 00:40:834(4)这个slider还可以修一下的样子o.o
  2. 01:02:336(3)x:99 y:117
  3. 01:48:429(3)感觉这个note可以不要 因为在之前的00:32:480你也没有note
  4. 03:23:366(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)感觉可以调整一下弄个好看点的弧出来
  5. 03:43:113(1)这个nc可以移动到后面一个circle上去
  1. 其实我觉得HP和OD相对于AR是不是太低了一点(dawn里也是
  2. 00:57:543(3,1)这个地方放成这样我觉得这里稍微远了点 .-.
  3. 02:50:898(4)感觉这个note有点多余了
  4. 02:53:936(4)不nc一下么
没什么好挑的了 好歌好图 :3
Topic Starter

Melt wrote:

Mod as request

  1. 00:40:834(4)这个slider还可以修一下的样子o.o ok,下次挑slider的时候可以附上代码的这样方便点啦(
  2. 01:02:336(3)x:99 y:117 ok
  3. 01:48:429(3)感觉这个note可以不要 因为在之前的00:32:480你也没有note ok
  4. 03:23:366(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)感觉可以调整一下弄个好看点的弧出来ok
  5. 03:43:113(1)这个nc可以移动到后面一个circle上去感觉这里出一个结束的判定效果不好……
  1. 其实我觉得HP和OD相对于AR是不是太低了一点(dawn里也是 要超星了好怕怕 易pass好SS喜闻乐见
  2. 00:57:543(3,1)这个地方放成这样我觉得这里稍微远了点 .-. 歌很慢所以我觉得应该没有问题
  3. 02:50:898(4)感觉这个note有点多余了 因为曲子里那一声实在很明显
  4. 02:53:936(4)不nc一下么既然easy里有nc那这里也这样好了
没什么好挑的了 好歌好图 :3
Hello!!! I'm DingGGu from My Modding Queue~

  1. Very Nice MAP! give my STAR~
  2. My mod skill is not good. so I can't find any Problem or Suggestion.
  3. I found unrankable element.
  1. Unsnapped green section
    01:46:052 - snap to 01:46:056
  1. Unsnapped green section
    01:46:052 - snap to 01:46:056
Topic Starter

DingGGu wrote:

Hello!!! I'm DingGGu from My Modding Queue~

  1. Very Nice MAP! give my STAR~
  2. My mod skill is not good. so I can't find any Problem or Suggestion.
  3. I found unrankable element.
  1. Unsnapped green section
    01:46:052 - snap to 01:46:056
  1. Unsnapped green section
    01:46:052 - snap to 01:46:056
All fixed, thank you~
I remember modding this. :3


00:28:302 (1,2,3) - Rather than straightened ones, I'd like to shape the stream like this;
00:32:859 (1,2,3) - This usage of spacing is really confusing considering the level of this difficulty.
00:37:796 (3,4,5) - ^ same here, and it's currrently inconsistent with 00:49:948 (3,4,5) - . Also I think larger spacing will be more fitting with the song. Same for 01:53:745 (3,4,5) - .
00:41:403 (4,5,1) - This is just a matter of preference but how about rearrange this pattern like this?
01:14:631 (6,7) - I still think the volume is way too low.
01:58:302 (1) - Make a perfect rhombus by moving this slider to x:48 y:64

Honestly some patterns such as 01:20:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - are beyond the ostensible difficulty (meaning it's too hard for this difficulty to be "Hard".) And I don't think some speed changes are readable for Hard players.
Indeed they are awesomely mapped and win my heart and mind, but when it comes to bubbling, I think I cannot admit them.

00:27:163 (2) - x:88 y:100?
00:33:239 (2,3) - This rhythm is a bit uneventful to me, even though this difficulty is Normal. How about using some 1/1 rhythm in order to follow vocal better?
00:45:391 (2,3) - ^

Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:


00:28:302 (1,2,3) - Rather than straightened ones, I'd like to shape the stream like this;
00:41:403 (4,5,1) - This is just a matter of preference but how about rearrange this pattern like this?
01:58:302 (1) - Make a perfect rhombus by moving this slider to x:48 y:64
ok for all
01:14:631 (6,7) - I still think the volume is way too low.
I still don't think so :(

00:32:859 (1,2,3) - This usage of spacing is really confusing considering the level of this difficulty.
00:37:796 (3,4,5) - ^ same here, and it's currrently inconsistent with 00:49:948 (3,4,5) - . Also I think larger spacing will be more fitting with the song. Same for 01:53:745 (3,4,5) - .
Honestly some patterns such as 01:20:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - are beyond the ostensible difficulty (meaning it's too hard for this difficulty to be "Hard".) And I don't think some speed changes are readable for Hard players.
Indeed they are awesomely mapped and win my heart and mind, but when it comes to bubbling, I think I cannot admit them.
Oh. Stars. Well, it's stars all the way down! I feel sorry and thanks anyway

00:27:163 (2) - x:88 y:100?
00:33:239 (2,3) - This rhythm is a bit uneventful to me, even though this difficulty is Normal. How about using some 1/1 rhythm in order to follow vocal better?
00:45:391 (2,3) - ^
ok for all

Just back from a trip without PC, sorry for responding late. Hope you don't mind
from my queue

  1. Red: Unrankable Issues
  2. Bold: Highly Recommended
  3. Black: Personal Suggestions

  1. difficulty spread现在是unrankable,如果两个难度必须NH或者EN
  2. 难度名unrankable,必须只有最高难度能自定义名称

  1. 00:32:100 (2,3,1,2) - 这里间距会不会有点难读, 建议把00:32:859 (1,2,3) - 整体移动到325|113,这样和后面那个4的间距也正常点
  2. 00:34:758 (5,6) - 如果改的话 这里的间距也改一下
  3. *01:49:188 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  4. 00:53:935 (4,5,6) - 这里节奏并不是很激烈,搞个大跳不太合曲吧
  5. 00:58:112 (1) - 9.23x... 至少stack在后面的2上比较好点
  6. 01:30:960 (1) - 96|248可能好点,和01:33:809 (4,1) - 这个的间距保持差不多
  7. 01:45:201 (4,5,1) - 这里为什么要大跳呢?曲子并没有这么激烈,删掉5可能更好 因为好像这里也没有什么明显的声音
  8. 01:57:733 (4) - 这里的间距很容易被认为是和前面间隔1/1的 建议01:57:733 (4,6) - 对调
  9. 02:49:758 (1,2,3) - 建议节奏这么放
  10. 03:00:581 (4) - 为什么每个都放finish..好像比较吵的,开头放就可以了
  11. 03:15:011 (3) - 折返和03:14:062 (4) - 叠在一起了 虽然间隔挺长但是被认真的话可以算unrankable的,建议改下位置
  12. 03:15:960 (1) - 252|168 更自然点

  1. Check AiMod for unsnapping objects & distance issues
  2. 03:23:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 全是circle比较难吧..考虑隔几个弄个滑条
  3. 整体蛮清爽的 :D

good luck!
lol 2012 mapping
Topic Starter

Crystal wrote:

from my queue

  1. Red: Unrankable Issues
  2. Bold: Highly Recommended
  3. Black: Personal Suggestions

  1. difficulty spread现在是unrankable,如果两个难度必须NH或者EN 必须喜欢Star Rating。一会做个新diff……先WiP
  2. 难度名unrankable,必须只有最高难度能自定义名称 Fixed.

  1. 00:32:100 (2,3,1,2) - 这里间距会不会有点难读, 建议把00:32:859 (1,2,3) - 整体移动到325|113,这样和后面那个4的间距也正常点 重排了
  2. 00:34:758 (5,6) - 如果改的话 这里的间距也改一下 ^
  3. *01:49:188 (3,4,5,6) - ^ ^
  4. 00:53:935 (4,5,6) - 这里节奏并不是很激烈,搞个大跳不太合曲吧 这边跟钢琴的我感觉好像还可以接受……?
  5. 00:58:112 (1) - 9.23x... 至少stack在后面的2上比较好点 模仿后面的类似桥段把12反转,现在只有5.3x了。
  6. 01:30:960 (1) - 96|248可能好点,和01:33:809 (4,1) - 这个的间距保持差不多 重排了01:30:391 (2,3,4) - 使得spacing相对正常
  7. 01:45:201 (4,5,1) - 这里为什么要大跳呢?曲子并没有这么激烈,删掉5可能更好 因为好像这里也没有什么明显的声音 删了5。
  8. 01:57:733 (4) - 这里的间距很容易被认为是和前面间隔1/1的 建议01:57:733 (4,6) - 对调 对调后flow似乎不顺,前面这里也有跳所以暂时先这样。
  9. 02:49:758 (1,2,3) - 建议节奏这么放
  10. 03:00:581 (4) - 为什么每个都放finish..好像比较吵的,开头放就可以了 重新调整了音量
  11. 03:15:011 (3) - 折返和03:14:062 (4) - 叠在一起了 虽然间隔挺长但是被认真的话可以算unrankable的,建议改下位置 仔细看了下折返标志是(4)完全淡出后才出现的,感觉应该没有问题。看BAT如何说了。
  12. 03:15:960 (1) - 252|168 更自然点 -> 267|178

  1. Check AiMod for unsnapping objects & distance issues
  2. 03:23:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 全是circle比较难吧..考虑隔几个弄个滑条
  3. 整体蛮清爽的 :D
All fixed.

good luck!
lol 2012 mapping
hello, from queue
那我直接中文了 XD

01:27:543 (5) - 往右移一格避免覆蓋到01:26:024 (3) - 的尾,然後在調一下距離
02:31:340 (5) - ^
02:58:303 - 加一個circle??
03:13:872 (5) - ˊ如第二點提的

02:11:594 (2,3) - blanket
03:05:898 (2,3,4,5) - 應該可以微調成更圓滑

02:49:948 (2,3) - 感覺(2)圍住(3)應該不錯

mod前玩過一遍發現這種跳梗真是打不膩阿 XDDD

Good Luck!!
Topic Starter

bigfrog wrote:

hello, from queue
那我直接中文了 XD

01:27:543 (5) - 往右移一格避免覆蓋到01:26:024 (3) - 的尾,然後在調一下距離
02:31:340 (5) - ^
02:58:303 - 加一個circle??
03:13:872 (5) - ˊ如第二點提的

02:11:594 (2,3) - blanket
03:05:898 (2,3,4,5) - 應該可以微調成更圓滑

02:49:948 (2,3) - 感覺(2)圍住(3)應該不錯

mod前玩過一遍發現這種跳梗真是打不膩阿 XDDD

Good Luck!!
All fixed. Thanks!
Akiyama Mizuki
Hi, for m4m in your queue.

01:04:758 - How about adding a note here? There is clearly audible vocal
02:08:556 - ^
02:51:087 (4) - The slider can be better. Like this;

01:20:328 (1,2,3,4) - The jump is brutal considering its overall difficulty. Nerf a bit please.
03:06:657 (1,2,3,4) - ^
03:13:493 (1,2,3,4) - ^
03:56:852 (4) - Change to 1/8 slider. It perfectly follows piano's rhythm.

01:00:201 (3) - Looks a bit weird. Smoothen like this; 02:21:277 (1) - Why making spacing inconsistent here? It doesn't really fit
02:22:796 (1) - ^
02:27:353 (1) - ^
03:16:151 (1) - Delete NC
03:39:695 (3) - Move a bit please, stacking doesn't look really good. like near 292 272
03:56:852 (4) - Same as Hard.

The set is near-perfect. gl
Topic Starter

bbj0920 wrote:

Hi, for m4m in your queue.

01:04:758 - How about adding a note here? There is clearly audible vocal ok
02:08:556 - ^ ^
02:51:087 (4) - The slider can be better. Converted it to a shiny arc slider instead.

01:20:328 (1,2,3,4) - The jump is brutal considering its overall difficulty. Nerf a bit please. Yeah
03:06:657 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
03:13:493 (1,2,3,4) - ^ I think <3.0x is ok since all the above jumps are >3.0x
03:56:852 (4) - Change to 1/8 slider. It perfectly follows piano's rhythm. It will, but will look quite ugly and trick some players into missing, so not changed.

01:00:201 (3) - Looks a bit weird. Smoothen like this; I think it's ok as it matches the shape of 01:01:341 (1)
02:21:277 (1) - Why making spacing inconsistent here? It doesn't really fit I'm mapping these slider jumps since the music feels jumpy here. The speed changes conveys this well imo.
02:22:796 (1) - ^ ^
02:27:353 (1) - ^ ^
03:16:151 (1) - Delete NC Sure
03:39:695 (3) - Move a bit please, stacking doesn't look really good. like near 292 272 If I remember it correctly, 03:39:505 (2,3,4) is a slice out of the triangular spiral jumps you see at the beginning and end of this map. It's not stacked and I think it looks good as it is.
03:56:852 (4) - Same as Hard. Same reasons.

The set is near-perfect. gl
Thanks! M4M accepted. Yeah finally some mods... :(
Hi from modding queue~ ( ・ω ・)

  1. 00:58:113 - Could add a note here
  2. 00:58:872 - ^
  3. 02:01:910 - ^
  4. 02:02:670 - ^
  5. 01:09:315 (4,5) - These notes sound very forced, they're not really mapped to anything besides the beat. Since you mainly map to the vocals in this part I feel that it would be much better if you remove them
  6. 02:13:113 (4,5) - Same as above
  7. 01:14:632 (6) - Should NC here since you did it at 02:18:429 (1)

  • Use CS 4.3~? the OD and HP are already pretty low for a 4 star map, plus hard has CS 4 already
  1. 01:09:315 (4,5) - Same thing mentioned as in hard
  2. 02:13:113 (4,5) - ^
  3. 01:57:923 (5) - Blanket
  4. 01:42:733 (3) - NC here? Most of the NC's seemed to be applied according to the vocals and 01:42:733 (3) is right when the singer starts again
  5. 01:14:632 (6) - Also sort of the same reason, vocal line ends on 01:13:872 (5) and 01:14:632 (6) is mapped to a piano note so 01:14:632 (6) should have NC
  6. 02:18:429 (6) - Same as above
  7. 03:38:556 (1,2,3,4) - Rearrange to square?
Overall pretty good map =3=/
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

Hi from modding queue~ ( ・ω ・)

  1. 00:58:113 - Could add a note here yeah
  2. 00:58:872 - ^ ^
  3. 02:01:910 - ^ ^
  4. 02:02:670 - ^ ^
  5. 01:09:315 (4,5) - These notes sound very forced, they're not really mapped to anything besides the beat. Since you mainly map to the vocals in this part I feel that it would be much better if you remove them This is mapped according to Sane. Read below to see why I kept them.
  6. 02:13:113 (4,5) - Same as above ^
  7. 01:14:632 (6) - Should NC here since you did it at 02:18:429 (1) yeah

  • Use CS 4.3~? the OD and HP are already pretty low for a 4 star map, plus hard has CS 4 already Isn't editing osu file manually unrankable? idk, maybe I'm just out of date. Anyway there are a lot of maps that have multiple diffs with same CS, and personally CS4 is just perfect for me, so I don't see a problem here. I do increase HP by 2 though.
  1. 01:09:315 (4,5) - Same thing mentioned as in hard (5) is mapped to the piano. (4) is indeed introduced as a filler, but it has a reason. The chord at (5) calls for uncertainty and suspension, and I'm urged to map a speed change. This is the only reasonable way to do this imo. Keeping it atm.
  2. 02:13:113 (4,5) - ^ ^
  3. 01:57:923 (5) - Blanket you mean 01:58:303 (1). fixed
  4. 01:42:733 (3) - NC here? Most of the NC's seemed to be applied according to the vocals and 01:42:733 (3) is right when the singer starts again I feel the triangle pattern would look less appealing if I do this and separate it in two combos. Removed NC in Hard instead.
  5. 01:14:632 (6) - Also sort of the same reason, vocal line ends on 01:13:872 (5) and 01:14:632 (6) is mapped to a piano note so 01:14:632 (6) should have NC Ok as in Hard
  6. 02:18:429 (6) - Same as above ^
  7. 03:38:556 (1,2,3,4) - Rearrange to square? This one looks fine as it is to me, but I do find an ugly one: 03:34:758 (3,4,5,6). Rearranged that instead.
Overall pretty good map =3=/
Thanks! :)
No kd.


  1. 如果用皮肤的话,皮肤是要一套的...你的皮肤中缺少了这个文件↓


  1. 03:00:581 (4) - 我觉得略吵,不如这样?↓(Hard也一样)
    03:01:341 - 前面的绿线2%音量逐渐增加,03:01:341 - 后面的绿线3%音量逐渐增加.


  1. 03:13:493 (1,2,3,4) - 对于hard来说可能有点难,这个梗比较有风险。


  1. Fine.


  • Call me back.
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

No kd. Well if you are fine with it...


  1. 如果用皮肤的话,皮肤是要一套的...你的皮肤中缺少了这个文件↓
    reversearrow.png Added


  1. 03:00:581 (4) - 我觉得略吵,不如这样?↓(Hard也一样)
    03:01:341 - 前面的绿线2%音量逐渐增加,03:01:341 - 后面的绿线3%音量逐渐增加. Ok


  1. 03:13:493 (1,2,3,4) - 对于hard来说可能有点难,这个梗比较有风险。 弄小了一截不知道这样是否安全一点


  1. Fine.


  • Call me back.
Woah BAT out from nowhere!? Hey, thanks. A lot. :)

Sorry, i'm going to have to pop this,

  1. BPM is wrong, it should be 79
  2. Hard - Insane gap is too big compared to Normal - Hard
    For your insane diff, once you get to the kiai you have enormous jumps, while compared to hard diff, you still have these kinds of small spacing 01:15:391 (1,2) -
  3. soft-hitfinish has a delay over 5 ms
    i'm not too sure about the soft-hitwhistle, don't know if that counts as delay but it might be safer to cut the beginning a bit either way.
  4. 03:44:631 - some of the piano notes sound somewhat late like 03:46:236 - 03:47:841 -
    might also need another timing point after 03:54:709 - since for 03:56:852 - i believe the white tick should hit the loudest note which atm is somewhere around 03:56:935 -
  5. your preview time is unsnapped by 1ms, (idk it needs to be snapped now or something)
  1. I'm not doubting this, but i just want to know what relevance is this diff name to the song?
  2. 00:37:796 (3,4,5) - maybe give these a bit more spacing, at least make it somewhat different compared to 00:38:936 (1,2,3) -
  3. 01:09:695 (5,1) - swap NC
    02:13:493 (5,1) - ^
  4. 03:30:581 (2,3) - most people would expect that the vocals would be mapped like before. 03:30:581 (2,3) -
  1. 01:13:872 (5,1) - spacing is quite misleading.
    02:17:670 (5,1) - ^
  2. 03:00:581 (4) - i don't think 1/8 is necessary for a hard diff, reduce to 1/4 please, or at least shorten the end by 1 repeat so that the gap will be 1/4, easier to play
    03:22:986 (1) - ^
  3. 03:13:113 (3,2) - this overlap is a pain to read.
  4. 03:51:214 (1) - maybe just remove this note for reasons similar as before.
  1. 01:16:530 (2) - these sliders are way too short to catch the double repeat, change them to something else please.
    01:18:049 (3) - ^
    01:22:606 (2) - ^
    i won't mention anymore.
  2. 01:23:935 (2) - pointless note imo
    01:17:859 (2) - ^
    03:10:264 (2) - ^
  3. Don't forget to recopy/paste
  4. 03:44:631 (3) - i would space this one out, it will make reading the double stack easier, also nc maybe
I know this map is old but i hope you can compromise these newer requirements in order to push this forward.
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

Sorry, i'm going to have to pop this,

  1. BPM is wrong, it should be 79 No. This song has got 1/2s all over the place, halving the BPM makes no sense.
  2. Hard - Insane gap is too big compared to Normal - Hard
    For your insane diff, once you get to the kiai you have enormous jumps, while compared to hard diff, you still have these kinds of small spacing 01:15:391 (1,2) - 1.x, 2.x, 3.x is no extraordinary spread. Just to name a few recent ones that have similar spread:, (first three), (first three).
  3. soft-hitfinish has a delay over 5 ms
    i'm not too sure about the soft-hitwhistle, don't know if that counts as delay but it might be safer to cut the beginning a bit either way. ok
  4. 03:44:631 - some of the piano notes sound somewhat late like 03:46:236 - 03:47:841 -
    might also need another timing point after 03:54:709 - since for 03:56:852 - They sound ok to me under 25%. i believe the white tick should hit the loudest note which atm is somewhere around 03:56:935 - 03:56:852 - 03:56:897 - 03:56:941 - is just a bunch of 1/16 notes I didn't map, no need for another section. We shall not judge whether the musician placed his notes at the right place.
  5. your preview time is unsnapped by 1ms, (idk it needs to be snapped now or something) fixed
  1. I'm not doubting this, but i just want to know what relevance is this diff name to the song? Because I don't think it qualifies as an Insane, but oh well. Renamed.
  2. 00:37:796 (3,4,5) - maybe give these a bit more spacing, at least make it somewhat different compared to 00:38:936 (1,2,3) - It's not like maps aren't full of speed changes today, people should expect lots of them in a 4-star diff. Maybe the approach circles count as "somewhat different"?
  3. 01:09:695 (5,1) - swap NC 01:08:176 (3,4,5) - form a complete pattern, and 01:10:075 (1) - is where the speed change occurs. Also objects after 01:10:075 (1) - are mapped to vocal while 01:09:695 (5) - is mapped to the piano. The swap will make many things seem awkward.
    02:13:493 (5,1) - ^ ^
  4. 03:30:581 (2,3) - most people would expect that the vocals would be mapped like before. 03:30:581 (2,3) - You are referring to the same group of objects. I don't see what you mean. I'm mapping to the synth for this part, it makes no sense reverting to vocal suddenly for a "lalala" and then back to synth again.
  1. 01:13:872 (5,1) - spacing is quite misleading. This anti-jump has reasons. The music halts and calls for this. Also when I see it in test mode, the approach circle was like REAL large at 02:18:050, so large that anyone not totally absent-minded won't hit it. I don't think a change is necessary.
    02:17:670 (5,1) - ^ ^
  2. 03:00:581 (4) - i don't think 1/8 is necessary for a hard diff, reduce to 1/4 please, or at least shorten the end by 1 repeat so that the gap will be 1/4, easier to play The 1/8 is necessary for the hitsound, and without the last repeat it would sound much less well. As for the easier to hit thing, if one use both buttons (which is typical of Hard level players) there's basically no difference between a 1/4 or a 1/8 gap, so I don't think it's a problem. I'm a rather bad player but I can manage it stably with a single button as well.
    03:22:986 (1) - ^ ^
  3. 03:13:113 (3,2) - this overlap is a pain to read. Replaced it with an easier to read (and hit) pattern.
  4. 03:51:214 (1) - maybe just remove this note for reasons similar as before. ok
  1. 01:16:530 (2) - these sliders are way too short to catch the double repeat, change them to something else please. Removed one repeat.
    01:18:049 (3) - ^ ^
    01:22:606 (2) - ^ ^
    i won't mention anymore. ^
  2. 01:23:935 (2) - pointless note imo That's for a synth note in the background, just a little quieter. Doesn't count as pointless to me.
    01:17:859 (2) - ^ ^
    03:10:264 (2) - ^ removed
  3. Don't forget to recopy/paste
  4. 03:44:631 (3) - i would space this one out, it will make reading the double stack easier, also nc maybe The stack catches the character of the vocal better, as the first "la" is a long one, implying a hold, and the consequent two are of the same pitch. Placed an NC.
I know this map is old but i hope you can compromise these newer requirements in order to push this forward.

Why not, hehe. Thank you. Updated.
the ones u linked actually have a linear spread though, while yours doesn't

also as for the bpm, go to the 2nd kiai and listen to it. if the bpm is 79, then you can hear the 2 4 clap pattern. while currently you can't
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

the ones u linked actually have a linear spread though, while yours doesn't

also as for the bpm, go to the 2nd kiai and listen to it. if the bpm is 79, then you can hear the 2 4 clap pattern. while currently you can't
Let's see. has 1.96, 2.98, 4.43, with gaps of 1.02, 1.45. has 1.61, 2.14, 3.27, with gaps of 0.53, 1.13. Mine has gaps of 0.61, 1.71. None of the above is completely linear. Sure, 1.13/0.53 is more linear than 1.71/0.61 in a quantitative sense, but neither is linear qualitatively. The Ranking Criteria specifies difficulty spread by star ratings, and my map fits that perfectly. None of the rules say that maps should have a completely linear spread, and apparently it's not clarified just how linear is linear. Your judgement of linearity seem to be totally arbitrary, and have no rules or criteria or clarifications to back it whatsoever. I don't know where your assertiveness comes from.

The BPM. You should keep in mind that the 2 4 clap pattern is only a simple rule of thumb, meant to help incompetent or lazy mappers do hitsounds (and I don't need that). A lot of songs exhibit alternate drum patterns. It's nothing holy or set in stone. Changing the BPM of a whole 4 mins song, just for fitting this pattern over merely 20 seconds, making the map seem full of 1/4s in the way, is ridiculous. It's common for musicians to half-time drums relative to other musical elements over a portion, or in this case, the entirety of the song. It's natural that the 2 4 clap pattern won't fit half-timed songs, nothing to be surprised about.

i already asked around other bats enough about the bpm and spread. should i get them to post something in here?
it doesn't have to be completely linear but yours isnt even close

normal --> hard 0.61

hard --> insane 1.71
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

i already asked around other bats enough about the bpm and spread. should i get them to post something in here?
it doesn't have to be completely linear but yours isnt even close

normal --> hard 0.61

hard --> insane 1.71
1.13/0.53 = 2.13, 1.71/0.61 = 2.80. So 2.13 is "linear" and 2.80 is "not even close" huh? What a big difference. We need a clarification of the rules. Unless you show some real reasoning instead of mindlessly repeating your arbitrary judgement, I don't think we will make any progress here.

You'd better get some other BAT in here, Kibbleru, because talking with you is bound to be fruitless. Whenever I say something, I say it with reason, but you just skip whatever I wrote and repeat your same thing over and over again. This is not effective conversation and will not take this mapset anywhere but graveyard (which is not necessarily bad anyway). Mind you that I CAN see that Beatmap Management subforum. Seeing nobody reply your thread (EDIT: Sonnyc replied it, but long after your post), I can't help but wonder how much truth is there in your claim of "asking enough", and how much worth is there in your statements in general.

I'm worried about the quality of newBATs though, since even guys with, like, 2 ranked maps get promoted. I'm not asking you guys to all be Andrea or NatsumeRin or wcx or something but at least someone decent please.
nika mika
Hi~ from my modding queue.

这图不用double bpm
另外,artist name写上 三澤秋
00:27:163 –从这里到00:30:201 –的节奏我推荐用00:21:087 (1,2,3,4,5) –这样的
01:14:631 (1,2,3) –这里的2推荐向下挪一点和1,3 做成正三角形,3的方向我觉得应该从右下向左上走比较好
01:17:859 (2) –delete
01:23:935 (2) –delete
01:24:125 (3,4) –合并成类似01:22:606 (2) –的
01:37:036 (1) –用spinner拉2全拍
01:49:188 (1,2) –和00:32:860 (1,2,3,4) –应该做成一样的节奏
01:58:302 (1) –从这里开始照抄A段虽说没什么问题……如果能想到不错的梗重新排列一下是最好啦
02:49:758 (1,2) –1和2的时点合并成一个滑条,02:50:328 –这里单独加一个circle
02:53:935 (1) –推荐换成两个circle
02:54:885 (2,3,4) -2的开头没音,而且旋律上行的话推荐你ctrl + g
03:06:657 (1,2,3,4) –换成4个1/2拍的滑条
00:28:682 (3) –没和4叠好
00:30:961 (2) –试试ctrl+g然后向左挪一点?
00:31:720 (3,4,5) –如果你用了上一条就在这里ctrl+g
00:49:948 (3,4,5) –旋律下行的话这里ctrl+g之后会比较好
01:32:290 –没音
01:42:733 (3) –抄A段详见normal
02:49:758 (1,2) –1和2的时点合并成一个滑条,02:50:328 –这里单独加一个circle
03:00:581 (4) –awesome! 但是最后的一拍太响了,降低15%试试
03:04:948 –add
03:22:986 (1) –这个滑条应该从这里起03:22:796 –
03:28:872 (2) –delete
03:33:999 (1,2,3,4) –换成4个1/2拍滑条
00:57:163 (1,2,3,1) –这里的flow接的不是很顺,如果把123改成向右弯曲的话会好一些
01:03:619 (1) –这边的滑条走向应该向上
01:04:758 (2) –如果只是为了放跳才下的这个circle我觉得没什么必要,开着ds摆在低一点的位置吧
01:09:315 (4) –delete
02:35:518 (4) –ctrl+g
02:54:885 (1) –没音
03:22:986 (1) –从03:22:796 –这里起
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