Only fix 00:09:925 (4) - make a jump here
Thx for your modding and star XD
Only fix 00:09:925 (4) - make a jump here
Thx for your modding and star XD
Beren wrote:
难度跨度有点大 中间加个等级? 是Kaye的錯(被打
00:28:265 (3) - 删除finish Done
00:31:958 (3) - 改成来回折中间放clap X
01:54:573 (X) - 加note,clap Done
02:13:612 (1) - 从02:13:496开始? X
02:17:188 (2) - finish违和 刪掉
02:19:035 (1) - ^ 刪掉
02:20:881 (3) - ^ 刪掉
Kawayi Rika wrote:
[ERT's Normal][/notice]
- AR+1 will be fun with me.
- 00:51:355 (5) - This sounds 1/2 will be better. [/color]
- 02:29:201 (3,4) - ^
謝謝ModL_P wrote:
00:14:894 (4) - 加note Done
00:24:125 (2) - 不clap吗? Done
00:27:817 (2) - ^ Done
00:31:971 (3) - head finish跟前面一样。。 Done
00:38:894 (2) - 个人觉得这种slider最好在大白线start 后面还有不吐槽了 我也很少用Slider帶過長白線,不過我覺得這個情況是適合
01:56:894 (3,4) - 这里节奏怪怪的?考虑换一下 還可以吧(??)
02:18:124 (3) - 随便加个音效吧 Done
02:52:278 (3) - 调大声吧。。。 Done
謝謝 eikkaleydeikkaleyd wrote:
:D 来看看哥哥的图
[ERT's Normal]
00.41.201 (1) 往右一格会更好看 Doen
您這個妹控原來到處收納妹妹++KayeSara wrote:
谢谢妹妹modding XD 都改了XD
謝謝MODNymph wrote:
02:22:740 (1) - 这kiai线有2条重叠了 删一个 這樣都看到++
Beatmap design/suggestion
00:50:432 (3,4) - 这里依然还是跟前面2个一样红线有vocal的 用2个白线note就很奇怪 DONE
02:27:355 (1) - 这newcombo没啥意义吧 DONE
00:15:355 (1) - 这里我觉得并不适合finish 去掉finish可能会更好 MP3里虽然鼓声有一点 但是finish还是会显得突兀 当然这只是建议(其实finish加的位置并没什么不好 但是相比hit的音量的话.. 就建议finish都单独下绿线减一下音量吧 要不反差大了点 DONE
00:19:048 (1) - ^ DONE
00:19:048 (1) - 除了那个finish 我觉得转折的箭头上加clap可能会比whistle好 因为个人感觉clap到whistle音量不同 会有一个过渡的感觉 DONE
00:24:586 (3) - 这里与其空着开头 或者可以考虑加个whistle 不加的话还是觉得空了点 单加3还是加34就是见仁见智了 不加也没什么不可以 DONE
00:51:355 (5) - 如果是我可能会考虑slider头消音 效果感觉还不坏 消音覺得有點怪,X
后面跟前面基本一样 就不重复了 hitsound都是建议 可尽情无视
謝謝MOD[Ranger] wrote:
[ERT's Normal]
00:44:432 (6) - Put in x:360 y:128 GJ
01:17:663-Add Circle? Done
01:45:817 (3) - Put in x:120 y:160 Done
02:22:740 (1) - Put in x:280 y:232 Done
02:48:586 (1) - Put in x:328 y:232 Done
02:52:278 (3) - Put in x:416 y:176 我都習慣弄成三角形:http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/221924
Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osuKanon wrote:
00:25:509 (4) - 开头whistle去掉试试 OK
01:57:817 (4) - 尾部finish 這原本就有了0.0
咦原来是天子的角色歌啊……那既然这样怎么BG不是|||KayeSara wrote:
QAQ这几天K站维修,D站和pixiv都没有好看的……明天等K站修好了我再看看KayeSara wrote:
其餘的之前已經改成40%的音量No_Gu wrote:
request from my queue
00:11:663 (1) - finish略吵
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:21:355 (2) - 开头和折返地方加whistle,结尾5%finish Done
01:14:432 (1) - finish略吵
01:21:817 (1) - ^
01:57:817 (4) - 开头normal的音效略凸,改成soft试试 Done
T.T没帮上什么忙真是抱歉呢,主要是天子的名字和东方那位重了,导致很多TAG不能用……嘛Title如果不改也可以啦w加油吧wKayeSara wrote:
Thank you for your MODKuraiPettan wrote:
ERT's Normal :
- 00:55:971 (4) - You shouldn't stack this circle with the end of the slider because as the rhythm change here it will not be obvious (who is a beginner) to know when he has to click the circle, the spacing will help him for this, that's why you shouldn't stack it. Done
- 02:13:624 (1) - This slider shouldn't start on this blue tick but on the downbeat (the tall white tick)
Start it at 02:13:509 please. Done- Map this diff till the end like the Hard diff ?
I will discuss with members
Thanks for your modding <3 , and I have fixed this SourceLizbeth wrote:
I searched and asked some people, and apparently this song isn’t from code geass r2 soundtrack, convince me if I'm wrong, but if not, remove that from source. Also the name of the album is Small Nature, you might wanna add that to tags.
Maybe you want to add a spinner to this diff, to vary the scores.
Everything else is just perfect, really nice map<3
Thanks for your modding!:3KuraiPettan wrote:
General :Fix it as Lizbeth said :3
- As Lizbeth already mentioned, this song isn't from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (Matsumoto Tamaki is just Tianzi's voice). You need to remove the source (and remove everything which is related to Code Geass in the tags).
Hard :Fix all of them, besides the spinner.....I can' find any room for that.
- As Lizbeth already said, you should add a spinner somewhere in the map.
- 01:01:278 (6) - This circle is too close from the previous slider track, the spacing isn't "wrong" however the this circle is sticked with the slider is kinda confusing and ugly. Space them like this :
- 01:02:432 (3) - If you have fixed the previous line (I hope), don't forget to restack this circle correctly ~
- 01:23:663 (9) - This note need a new combo (because of the music and the "tu tudu tudu tum"
- 02:20:894 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous circle. You should keep the same spacing there is between 02:19:971 (3,4). Otherwise it may be confusing for the player.
- 02:31:048 (3) - You have added a new combo on the previous similar patterns, so do it here too.
- 02:31:971 (5) - Same as above.
The map is pretty nice and very fun to play, really. Nonetheless I'm kinda sad that there are only 2 difficulties, you could make more, plus a Taiko difficulty would fit pretty nice this song, You should consider asking someone to make a taiko diff (or maybe make it yourself ?) and making a new diff :/
Sure, I'll try to ask someone to make a Taiko :3 And it seems you are fond of Taiko
That's why I said to decrease the volume, if at the end the sound is the lowest it can be, you would barely hear it anyway.KayeSara wrote:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you can't do that, because the most important thing is I can't find the ending time. Orz
KanaRin wrote:
Irc modded.
Anyway, thanks for your moddingGarven wrote:
Sounds a bit loud. Otherwise fine. It sounds OK for me. But I think reducing all green & red lines by ~ 10% volume is also fine too, if KayeSara wants to ? I'll let her decide :3
黄mikuKayeSara wrote:
OMG.... why you call me H sala....
Thx for your modkanpakyin wrote:
let's check this.
[*]Please change to tick rate 2 in Taiko diff. I wonder if there's a special reason for that. Anyway, fixed ~
- Volume is too loud for me, I prefer 60% here OK~
- 00:14:894 (2,3,4) - Triplet sounds weird here indeed. They don't fit the music well during gameplay, I think simple 1/2 should be enough. Deleted all notes
- 00:15:817 (6,1,1) - k d k here to follow the drum sound? I guess it should be better now ?
- 00:20:432 (4,1) - I would say k d here because the pitch of 00:20:432 (4) - is lower than 00:20:663 - also the drum sound. Why do I think the opposite ? I'll say in 00:20:432, the vocal rises for 2 times ( Once every 1/2 )
- 00:32:432 (1,2) - Please remove the finish here, I can't hear any accent there. But the 1-by-1 emphasis on vocal is significant enough to add finish imo :<
- 00:51:125 (1) - Please move this note to 00:51:355 - because there are no vocal/instrument/drum sound to support it, thus it sounds superfluous. I admit my older diffs are not that good > < Fixed
- 00:52:855 (4,5) - Remove it? It doesn't fit the music that much imo OK~
- 00:53:778 (3,4) - ^ ^
- 01:02:894 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:14:894 Changed to k only
- 01:49:048 (1) - k here? But I don't think the instrument is high-pitched enough . . .
- 01:53:894 (1) - Move this to 01:54:125 - ? OK~
- 02:11:663 (2) - I would change this to big kat to fit the music. Actually I'm trying to express the feeling of fall -> rise ( As seen in dd k d dk kk ). So I think I'll keep this unchanged ~
- 02:47:432 (1) - Remove this note because it doesn't correspond the music. OK~
- 02:49:163 (3,4) - Remove it? OK~
- 02:50:086 (3,4) - ^ ^
- 02:51:355 (1) - Same as 00:52:855 OK~
- 03:02:663 - I would add a note here with a kat for fitting the clap sound from the music. OK~