
Awake - Supernova

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Mittwoch, 11. April 2012 at 02:54:09

Artist: Awake
Title: Supernova
Source: Newgrounds
Tags: audio portal Rawrthaas Kite
BPM: 190
Filesize: 3929kb
Play Time: 02:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. DoKo (5 stars, 675 notes)
  2. Easy (1,44 stars, 94 notes)
  3. Hard (4,53 stars, 214 notes)
  4. Kite's Insane (5 stars, 332 notes)
  5. Normal (3,32 stars, 154 notes)
Download: Awake - Supernova
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Last Full Submit: 1/27/12

For Rank!

Easy - 100%
Normal - 100%
Hard - 100%
Kite's Insane - 100%
DoKo - 100%

Finally it's done!

Special thanks to Gonzvlo for cutting mp3 \:3/

Cropped Mp3 file: Link

Good luck!
Good one.

-20 to offset, sounds very off.

Please fix this


00:25:047 (8) - kjjkfdjkdhubd
02:07:678 (1,2,3,4) - This is a HUGE jump, change it?

Nothing more, i like this diff, good job doko


00:22:205 (4,5) - Spacing?
00:22:836 (6) - New combo
00:27:889 (7) - ^
00:32:942 (6) - ^
00:48:100 (7) - finish this slider in 00:48:573 - and add a note in 00:48:889 -
00:58:205 (4) - I don't like this slider, change it or make something like this
01:36:100 (7) - New combo
01:41:152 (7) - ^
01:46:205 (7) - ^
02:06:415 (5) - ^
02:11:468 (7) - ^


01:39:889 (4) - Spacing?

FIne I guess


01:52:521 (8) - I don't like this slider

Fine x_X

Good luck D:
Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:


-20 to offset, sounds very off. It's not. I asked lolcubes. It's good as it is.

Please fix this Don't know how D:


00:25:047 (8) - kjjkfdjkdhubd ashfoiasofg
02:07:678 (1,2,3,4) - This is a HUGE jump, change it? Huge but kinda easy. There are much harder parts in this map.

Nothing more, i like this diff, good job doko


00:22:205 (4,5) - Spacing? ?!
00:22:836 (6) - New combo done
00:27:889 (7) - ^done
00:32:942 (6) - ^done
00:48:100 (7) - finish this slider in 00:48:573 - and add a note in 00:48:889 -done
00:58:205 (4) - I don't like this slider, change it or make something like this i like it D:
01:36:100 (7) - New combo done
01:41:152 (7) - ^ done
01:46:205 (7) - ^ done
02:06:415 (5) - ^ done
02:11:468 (7) - ^ done


01:39:889 (4) - Spacing? For symmetrical.

FIne I guess


01:52:521 (8) - I don't like this slider

Fine x_X

Good luck D:
Thanks (:

DoKoLP wrote:

Verdisphena wrote:

Please fix this Don't know how D: You can ask to Gonzvlo, maybe he can

DoKoLP wrote:

Verdisphena wrote:

Please fix this Don't know how D: You can ask to Gonzvlo, maybe he can
Hey, sorry I didn't pay attention to the bitrate, fixed: Link
Dann wollen wir mal^^
Aber schlag mich nicht wenn irgendwas falsch sein sollte D:

00:34:205(01) würde ich noch zu der davor gehörigen Combo nehmen :3
00:36:100(02) hier würde die NC passen (:
02:16:205(4,5) Vielleicht durch einen Slider ersetzen? :x
02:21:257(4,5) würde ich auch durch einen Slider ersetzen :x

Bei Easy, Hard und Doko gibt es nix auszusetzen . Gute Arbeit (:
Sorry for the delay.


• Du kannst die mp3 bitrate auf 192 oder 256 machen, man hört kaum einen unterschied, aber die datei ist um einiges kleiner.


• Der beginn ist so langweilig gemappt. Ganze zeit nur 1/1 blahblah.. würde nice sein wenn du den genau so wie den chorus mappen würdest.. etwas "aufregender".
• 00:26:626 (1,2) - Zu hoch vom grid her, die berühren die HP bar.
• 01:44:310 (1) - ^
• 01:52:521 (8) - Mach die slider kurve in der mitte, lieber nach unten außen statt oben außen. Spielt sich etwas komisch wenn man die patterns oben beachtet.

Simple easy diff nicht viel zu sagen.


• 02:10:205 (3) - Könnte ein wenig unsichtbar sein für anfänger. Da der circle beim hitburst (1) leicht verschwindet.
• 02:22:521 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - Durchdenk dir das nochmal, den ich höre hier rein gar nichts in der musik was das aussagen soll.


• 00:50:152 (4,5) - Würde die nicht mit dem slider stacken, den doubles drückt man gerne mal als triples, und dan weißt ja selbst was passiert.
• 00:57:889 - Note adden?
• 02:16:521 (7) - Neuer combo
• 02:21:573 (7) - ^


• Ein wenig ZU overmapped meiner meinung nach.
• OD-1? (7) Gib hidden+hr spieler eine chance D:
• 00:45:257 (7,8) - Der jump ist random hm?
• 00:59:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ich würde den stream nicht mit so einem niedrigen spacing machen, das macht es schwer den richtig zu clearen nach dem ganzen slider gedöns. Warum nicht einfach so was änliches wie bei allen anderen streams?
• 01:20:626 (6) - Random whistle is random

Joa, Insane ist definitiv ein wenig zu overmapped. Konnte es kaum passen, nach dem 12(?)ten versuch erst mit 97% gepassed. Versuch mal mehr auf die anderen diffs zu achten, und nicht immer nur insane perfekt zu machen. Es kommt mir als ob du nur die insane schön & gut machst, und die anderen diffs dan nur so hinklatscht damit du's ranked bekommst.

Dieses mal keinen stern, tut mir leid :(
Hi, from mod4mod

all mods are just suggestions

nice map +1 star


  1. add tags audio portal Rawrthaas

  1. 00:40:521 (1,2) - add finish
  2. 00:43:047 (3,4) - clap at end
  3. 00:45:573 (1) - add finish

  1. 00:31:678 (3) - 1 grid right
  2. 00:59:468 (6) - whistle on the head

  1. 01:07:047 (3) - ctrl+r
  2. 01:42:415 (3) - 1grid down
  3. 01:52:205 (6) - 1grid down, 1grid left
  4. 02:19:836 (4) - 1/2 earlier
  5. 02:20:942 (6) - 12 shorter

  1. 00:17:784 (1,2,3,4) - place whistles on 2 and 4
  2. 00:31:678 (1,2,3) - ctrl+r
  3. 00:32:942 (1) - use 1/8 slider
  4. 00:34:994 (5,6) - ctrl+r
  5. 00:40:442 - add note between 4 and 1
  6. 00:41:547 (2) - add note stack with slider (3)
  7. 00:44:784 (7) - ctrl+r
  8. 00:48:100 (1) - ummmm..////
  9. 00:49:836 (3,5) - add whistles as well
  10. 00:56:152 (3,4,5,6,7) - how about this pattern
  11. 00:58:205 (1) - slow down the sliders ? to use 1.0x spacing, looks better imo
  12. 01:01:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - how about this
  13. 01:23:389 (8,9) - stack with 2 and 1 ?
  14. 02:04:047 (2) - move to (176,168) increase spacing
  15. 02:05:310 (2) - move to (256,360) increase spacing
  16. 02:18:099 (3,7) - move 1 grid up
  17. 02:20:626 (3,7) - move 1 grid up
  18. 02:23:310 (4) - uhh fix it
Good luck~
Topic Starter

-Lennox- wrote:

Sorry for the delay.


• Du kannst die mp3 bitrate auf 192 oder 256 machen, man hört kaum einen unterschied, aber die datei ist um einiges kleiner. Ist schon.


• Der beginn ist so langweilig gemappt. Ganze zeit nur 1/1 blahblah.. würde nice sein wenn du den genau so wie den chorus mappen würdest.. etwas "aufregender". done
• 00:26:626 (1,2) - Zu hoch vom grid her, die berühren die HP bar.
• 01:44:310 (1) - ^ done
• 01:52:521 (8) - Mach die slider kurve in der mitte, lieber nach unten außen statt oben außen. Spielt sich etwas komisch wenn man die patterns oben beachtet. Ehm. Okay.

Simple easy diff nicht viel zu sagen.


• 02:10:205 (3) - Könnte ein wenig unsichtbar sein für anfänger. Da der circle beim hitburst (1) leicht verschwindet. fixed
• 02:22:521 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - Durchdenk dir das nochmal, den ich höre hier rein gar nichts in der musik was das aussagen soll. Es lässt sich gut spielen, es passt zum Rhythmus und ich find es ist ein gutes Ende, von daher werd ich's lassen D:


• 00:50:152 (4,5) - Würde die nicht mit dem slider stacken, den doubles drückt man gerne mal als triples, und dan weißt ja selbst was passiert. Hast recht. Hab 'nen kleinen Jump eingebaut.
• 00:57:889 - Note adden?
• 02:16:521 (7) - Neuer combo done
• 02:21:573 (7) - ^ done


• Ein wenig ZU overmapped meiner meinung nach. Hör dir ruhig den Song an. Jede Note hat eigentlich auch seinen Beat.
• OD-1? (7) Gib hidden+hr spieler eine chance D: Nagut D:
• 00:45:257 (7,8) - Der jump ist random hm? Indeed, sir
• 00:59:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ich würde den stream nicht mit so einem niedrigen spacing machen, das macht es schwer den richtig zu clearen nach dem ganzen slider gedöns. Warum nicht einfach so was änliches wie bei allen anderen streams? Ich find es eigentlich sogar einfacher. o,o'
• 01:20:626 (6) - Random whistle is random Dachte es würde wenigstens ein bisschen passen. Aber okay > Removed

Joa, Insane ist definitiv ein wenig zu overmapped. Konnte es kaum passen, nach dem 12(?)ten versuch erst mit 97% gepassed. Versuch mal mehr auf die anderen diffs zu achten, und nicht immer nur insane perfekt zu machen. Es kommt mir als ob du nur die insane schön & gut machst, und die anderen diffs dan nur so hinklatscht damit du's ranked bekommst.

Dieses mal keinen stern, tut mir leid :(
Danke dir trotzdem :>

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from mod4mod

all mods are just suggestions

nice map +1 star


  1. add tags audio portal Rawrthaas


  1. 00:40:521 (1,2) - add finish is already
  2. 00:43:047 (3,4) - clap at end no
  3. 00:45:573 (1) - add finish is already

  1. 00:31:678 (3) - 1 grid right done
  2. 00:59:468 (6) - whistle on the head done

  1. 01:07:047 (3) - ctrl+r done
  2. 01:42:415 (3) - 1grid down no
  3. 01:52:205 (6) - 1grid down, 1grid left done
  4. 02:19:836 (4) - 1/2 earlier no
  5. 02:20:942 (6) - 12 shorter no

  1. 00:17:784 (1,2,3,4) - place whistles on 2 and 4 No
  2. 00:31:678 (1,2,3) - ctrl+r No
  3. 00:32:942 (1) - use 1/8 slider Wouldn't fit to the music
  4. 00:34:994 (5,6) - ctrl+r done
  5. 00:40:442 - add note between 4 and 1 No
  6. 00:41:547 (2) - add note stack with slider (3) No
  7. 00:44:784 (7) - ctrl+r No
  8. 00:48:100 (1) - ummmm..//// ?
  9. 00:49:836 (3,5) - add whistles as well No
  10. 00:56:152 (3,4,5,6,7) - how about this pattern accepted :3
  11. 00:58:205 (1) - slow down the sliders ? to use 1.0x spacing, looks better imo no
  12. 01:01:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - how about this No
  13. 01:23:389 (8,9) - stack with 2 and 1 ? No
  14. 02:04:047 (2) - move to (176,168) increase spacing done
  15. 02:05:310 (2) - move to (256,360) increase spacing done
  16. 02:18:099 (3,7) - move 1 grid up No
  17. 02:20:626 (3,7) - move 1 grid up No
  18. 02:23:310 (4) - uhh fix it ?!?
Good luck~
Thanks :3
Hi! I'm looking for a Mod4Mod,so, here I go :P

- Your mp3 doesn't have a pretty nice name, so, I suggest to change to Awake- Supernova and after that do full submit
- The same with your Background, change to Awake- SupernovaBG or something else and do full submit
- Unnecesary .osb file, delete it please and full submit
- Slider Multiplier: [Easy]: 0.599999999999999, you must change to 0,6; [Normal]: 0.999999999999999, you must change to 1.0
- Break: Drag the break to 01:23:784 (White Tick)
- Combo Colours: I don't like how to play the Combo Colour 2 (197,197,157), maybe you can change it.

00:23:152 (3,4): It's not a good idea Stack notes in Easy diff. since it's quite difficult to read to new players, in this case I suggest to Unstack the notes
00:26:310 (2,3): (^)
01:18:415 (Spin): Add a Hitfinish in Spinner, it's more consistent with other difficulties
01:37:994 (2): Maybe flow better if you rotate this Slider to this form:
01:45:257 (2,3): Unstack the notes here too.
01:47:468 (5): I think that looks better if you make a symetric Slider
01:52:205 (7): The Combos in Easy diff. would be shorter than this, so I suggest a New Combo here
02:21:573 (3): Maybe you can add a Whistle

00:56:942 (4): You need a New Combo here, since the music change in this Slider
00:59:468 (3,4): Are you sure that those Sliders fit well with song?? I think that you have to change the pattern. In this case I suggest to add a circle in 00:59:468, after that a Slider that starts in 00:59:784 and finish in 00:59:942 (Red Tick) and finally add another Slider that Starts in 01:00:257 (Red Tick) and finish in 01:00:415. In general something like that:
01:13:363 (6): Since the rhythm change, you have to add a New Combo here
01:41:152 (6): (^)

00:42:100 (3): I suggest to replace that note, since is touching the HP Bar
00:43:047 (7): Add a New Combo in this place
00:48:100 (7): The rhythm change so, New Combo
02:03:100 (x): Add a Note here

Hmm... Maybe you can rename to Insane for consistency with other difficulties
Overall Difficulty: -1
Slider Tick Rate: 1 for consistency with other difficulties
00:47:152 (x): Add a Note, fit better with music
01:02:310 (3,4,5): This jump between (3,4) is unpredictable, I suggest to put (4) in the same place of (5) and (5) where was (4)

Hard & Doko: The difference of difficult is to big between those difficulties. I think that you have to fix that making Easier the Doko diff or Harder the Hard. Or maybe add other difficulty between each difficulties.

Well, That's all. I'm wating for your mod
Good Luck with your map ;)
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Hi! I'm looking for a Mod4Mod,so, here I go :P

- Your mp3 doesn't have a pretty nice name, so, I suggest to change to Awake- Supernova and after that do full submit This is totally unnnecessary
- The same with your Background, change to Awake- SupernovaBG or something else and do full submit ^
- Unnecesary .osb file, delete it please and full submit done
- Slider Multiplier: [Easy]: 0.599999999999999, you must change to 0,6; [Normal]: 0.999999999999999, you must change to 1.0 ?
- Break: Drag the break to 01:23:784 (White Tick) I don't see any reason for it, since the music stops directly after 01:23:468
- Combo Colours: I don't like how to play the Combo Colour 2 (197,197,157), maybe you can change it. Grey makes no problem while playing.

00:23:152 (3,4): It's not a good idea Stack notes in Easy diff. since it's quite difficult to read to new players, in this case I suggest to Unstack the notes Almost every Easy diff got stacked notes.
00:26:310 (2,3): (^) ^
01:18:415 (Spin): Add a Hitfinish in Spinner, it's more consistent with other difficulties done
01:37:994 (2): Maybe flow better if you rotate this Slider to this form:
01:45:257 (2,3): Unstack the notes here too. No
01:47:468 (5): I think that looks better if you make a symetric Slider No
01:52:205 (7): The Combos in Easy diff. would be shorter than this, so I suggest a New Combo here No. It doesn't make sense to place a NC bere.
02:21:573 (3): Maybe you can add a Whistle No

00:56:942 (4): You need a New Combo here, since the music change in this Slider done
00:59:468 (3,4): Are you sure that those Sliders fit well with song?? I think that you have to change the pattern. In this case I suggest to add a circle in 00:59:468, after that a Slider that starts in 00:59:784 and finish in 00:59:942 (Red Tick) and finally add another Slider that Starts in 01:00:257 (Red Tick) and finish in 01:00:415. In general something like that:
Doesn't sound good to me.
01:13:363 (6): Since the rhythm change, you have to add a New Combo here done
01:41:152 (6): (^) done

00:42:100 (3): I suggest to replace that note, since is touching the HP Bar done
00:43:047 (7): Add a New Combo in this place done
00:48:100 (7): The rhythm change so, New Combo No
02:03:100 (x): Add a Note here ?!

Hmm... Maybe you can rename to Insane for consistency with other difficulties No
Overall Difficulty: -1 No
Slider Tick Rate: 1 for consistency with other difficulties done
00:47:152 (x): Add a Note, fit better with music No way D:
01:02:310 (3,4,5): This jump between (3,4) is unpredictable, I suggest to put (4) in the same place of (5) and (5) where was (4) It's pretty well readable.

Hard & Doko: The difference of difficult is to big between those difficulties. I think that you have to fix that making Easier the Doko diff or Harder the Hard. Or maybe add other difficulty between each difficulties. ... 0,5 Star rate is big?

Well, That's all. I'm wating for your mod
Good Luck with your map ;)
Thanks ;3
[Mod Infos]

You should fix this.


  • Remove "newgrounds" form the Source and add it to the Tags.


  • Approach Rate: 4


  • 00:50:626 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing here is so inconsistent :S If you don't want to change it, add a New Combo on (4) and (6).
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

[Mod Infos]

You should fix this.


  • Remove "newgrounds" form the Source and add it to the Tags.


  • Approach Rate: 4


  • 00:50:626 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing here is so inconsistent :S If you don't want to change it, add a New Combo on (4) and (6).
Thanks, but i won't change anything.
Offset 122

Nix was ich finden konnte, allerdings ist es komisch weil du nie zu den song claps gemapt hast

00:21:257 (2) ; 00:22:521 (5) ... etc
Nice diff

Wiedermal hitsounds am Anfang bis hin zur Kiai fehlen bei den claps
01:56:310 (1,2,3) - IMO random jump und passt nicht zum rest der map
01:58:836 (1,2,3) - ^
02:03:889 (1,2,3) - ^

Übler difficulty jump von Hard zu Insane, könntest Hard etwas schwerer gestalten
00:40:363 (4) - Wäre besser zu entfernen und repeat bei 00:40:205 (3) - zu machen
01:02:784 (6,1) - Flow hier ist extrem seltsam, du hast zickzack pattern und dann beim new combo geht es in der selben richtung weiter wie beim letzten object, 1 sollte irgendwo dort anfangen :
01:03:810 (7) - remove
Jumps in der Kiai sind zu krass, patterns schauen zwar cool aus aber meiner meinung nach ein wenig übertrieben mit der entfernung

Mappe eine diff zwischen Insane und Hard, nenne jetzigen Insane zu Extra um und nenn die neue diff stattdessen Insane.
Du brauchst wirklich da ne ausbalancierte diff zwischen den beiden imo.
Hard - 2,1m SV 1.1
Insane - 17m SV 2.1
Viel erfolg noch
Ich orientier mich an Kite um nix doppelt zu machen:

OD+1 (nicht unbedingt aber würde ich persönlich machen)
AR+2 (wichtig, wenn die AR zu low ist passt das gesamtbild von SV und AR nicht mehr zusammen...was dann total beschissen aussieht und sich auch komisch spielt)
00:43:994 (X) & 00:45:257 (X) - evtl je ein circle reinpacken wenn du willst, spielt sich angenehmer wenn der upbeat nicht ausgelassen wird (anfänger spielen sowieso nur nach dem was sie hören)
01:03:257 (2,3) - slider von 01:03:257 - 01:04:205 passt besser und spielt sich angenehmer
01:11:152 (2) - auch wenn du es vorher schon oft gemacht hast, an der stelle nicht auf dem downbeat enden lassen...mach den slider 1/1 kürzer und pack nen 2. slider auf 01:12:100 und mach ihn 1/1 lang:
01:12:731 (3) - ^wegen vorhergehendem 1/1 später
01:15:889 (1,2) - deutlich besser würde hier ein slider von 01:15:889 - 01:16:836 passen
01:49:047 (X) - circle adden? spielt sich intuitiver imo

Wegen den hitsounds: die claps in der ersten KIAI hälfte sind nicht gut. Die claps müssten auf 2/1 oder 4/1 kommen aber niemals auf 3/1 (also vor und nach jedem großen weißen tick - downbeat - kannst du claps reinpacken...aber in die mitte nicht. Hört man ja auch wenn man auf die claps im lied selbst achtet).

00:34:205 (1) - komplett falsches timing: verkürz den slider, dass er in der timeline so aussieht: und dann auf den downbeat nen circle oder whatever
00:40:836 (2) - ending point ist nicht gut gewählt: klingt und spielt sich deutlich besser wenn du den slider 1/2 länger machst
00:42:100 (4) - ^same
00:43:363 (6) - ^ähnlich aber slider sollte 1/1 länger sein:
00:44:310 (1) - wieder falsches timing: slider verkürzen, so dass er 1/1 vor dem downbeat endet: und natürlich auf den downbeat nen circle packen
00:45:889 (2,4) - die beiden slider wieder je 1/1 länger machen:
00:48:100 (5) - für den slider eine repeat einfügen aber vorher verkürzen...der sollte genauso liegen wie im bild:
00:50:626 (3,4) - beide slider verlängern, so das der repeat auf dem nächsten roten tick liegt:
00:54:889 (2) - timing ist hier geschmackssache aber es ist definitiv besser den circle 1/2 zurück zu schieben und auf 00:55:363 noch einen einzufügen:
02:04:205 (2) - wieder slider um 1/2 verlängern (ende auf den folgenden roten tick)
02:05:468 (4) - ^same
02:06:731 (6) - verlängern um 1/1

Alles mehr oder weniger timing fehler die für anfänger/normal spieler die map kaputt machen würden. Es ist immer besser bei den einfachen maps genau das zu mappen was der spieler hört und was ihm dann das gefühlt vermittelt das lied "nachzuspielen". Die slider hier sind allerdings wieder ziemlich geil geworden :D

00:29:152 (4) - timing fehler und downbeat-crime: so verkürzen, dass der slider 1/1 eher aufhört, auf dem downbeat nen circle einfügen:
00:39:257 (1,1,2) - das ist auch wieder verbrechen am rhythmus: spinner 1/1 eher aufhören lassen und die 2 slider 1/1 zurück, auf dem freien downbeat was einfügen:
00:55:678 (1) - auch wieder nicht besonders gut zu spielen die stelle wenn man auf den beat achtet aber an der stelle kann man das denke ich so fällt nicht so stark auf wie die vielen timing unfälle in [Normal]
00:58:205 (5) - ...das dagegen fällt wieder sehr auf: wieder verkürzen und den repeat auf den roten tick packen, den downbeat dann richtig mappen mit nem circle:
01:15:889 (1,2,3,4) - kann man so lassen (auch wenns nicht optimal ist imo), aber versuch mal ob sich das hier besser spielt und vor allem besser klingt:
01:52:836 (7,8) - bitte niemals sowas machen...der downbeat auf dem slider (8) endet ist eine komplett neue zeile...da MUSS irgendwas hin was der spieler "drücken" muss sonst haut das einen komplett vom beat runter...das ist sonst wie ein 1/1 shift und der ist einfach nicht existent in dem lied an der stelle. Lösch (8) und mach nen repeat an (7)...dann circle oder irgendwas auf dem downbeat anfangen lassen (da beginnt auch die neue combo):
02:01:836 (2) - evtl stacken unter dem slider ende
02:11:152 (6) - ^


srsly schon wieder so eine <2min map mit lockeren 18m punkten auf hidden. Ich hab prinzipiell nix gegen sowas aber bissl übertrieben für eine ranked map find ich es schon - approval dagegen wäre für sowas eher aber nur meine meinung. Kann sonst nich viel dazu sagen...mein mouse-only skills verhindern ein effektives spielen der diff und deshalb maße ich mir nicht an darüber zu urteilen, da alles was ich dazu sagen könnte wäre, wie du die map für mich persönlich spielbarer machen könntest (was sicher nicht dein ziel sein sollte 8-) )

Ich schließe mich Kite an: du solltest noch ein zwischending aus der hard und der insane machen. Spielbar aber anspruchsvoll.

Joa viele bunte bildchen diesmal im mod. Ich empfehle dir sehr die timing geschichten und die downbeats in den griff zu kriegen weil der rest ist ziemlich gut und vor allem deine slider sind wieder sehr geil. Sternchen dafür.
Topic Starter

Kite wrote:

Offset 122 Timing passt imo D:

Nix was ich finden konnte, allerdings ist es komisch weil du nie zu den song claps gemapt hast

00:21:257 (2) ; 00:22:521 (5) ... etc Hitsounds sind exakt genau wie in den anderen diffs auch.
Nice diff

Wiedermal hitsounds am Anfang bis hin zur Kiai fehlen bei den claps
01:56:310 (1,2,3) - IMO random jump und passt nicht zum rest der map
01:58:836 (1,2,3) - ^
02:03:889 (1,2,3) - ^

Random jumps fixed

Übler difficulty jump von Hard zu Insane, könntest Hard etwas schwerer gestalten
00:40:363 (4) - Wäre besser zu entfernen und repeat bei 00:40:205 (3) - zu machen Näh. Mir gefällt's so :3
01:02:784 (6,1) - Flow hier ist extrem seltsam, du hast zickzack pattern und dann beim new combo geht es in der selben richtung weiter wie beim letzten object, 1 sollte irgendwo dort anfangen : done
01:03:810 (7) - remove Näh.
Jumps in der Kiai sind zu krass, patterns schauen zwar cool aus aber meiner meinung nach ein wenig übertrieben mit der entfernung

Mappe eine diff zwischen Insane und Hard, nenne jetzigen Insane zu Extra um und nenn die neue diff stattdessen Insane.
Du brauchst wirklich da ne ausbalancierte diff zwischen den beiden imo.
Hard - 2,1m SV 1.1
Insane - 17m SV 2.1
Viel erfolg noch
Danke dir (:

p3n wrote:

Ich orientier mich an Kite um nix doppelt zu machen:

OD+1 (nicht unbedingt aber würde ich persönlich machen) done
AR+2 (wichtig, wenn die AR zu low ist passt das gesamtbild von SV und AR nicht mehr zusammen...was dann total beschissen aussieht und sich auch komisch spielt)done
00:43:994 (X) & 00:45:257 (X) - evtl je ein circle reinpacken wenn du willst, spielt sich angenehmer wenn der upbeat nicht ausgelassen wird (anfänger spielen sowieso nur nach dem was sie hören)done
01:03:257 (2,3) - slider von 01:03:257 - 01:04:205 passt besser und spielt sich angenehmerdone
01:11:152 (2) - auch wenn du es vorher schon oft gemacht hast, an der stelle nicht auf dem downbeat enden lassen...mach den slider 1/1 kürzer und pack nen 2. slider auf 01:12:100 und mach ihn 1/1 lang:
01:12:731 (3) - ^wegen vorhergehendem 1/1 späterdone
01:15:889 (1,2) - deutlich besser würde hier ein slider von 01:15:889 - 01:16:836 passendone
01:49:047 (X) - circle adden? spielt sich intuitiver imodone

Wegen den hitsounds: die claps in der ersten KIAI hälfte sind nicht gut. Die claps müssten auf 2/1 oder 4/1 kommen aber niemals auf 3/1 (also vor und nach jedem großen weißen tick - downbeat - kannst du claps reinpacken...aber in die mitte nicht. Hört man ja auch wenn man auf die claps im lied selbst achtet).Claps entfernt

00:34:205 (1) - komplett falsches timing: verkürz den slider, dass er in der timeline so aussieht: und dann auf den downbeat nen circle oder whatever
00:40:836 (2) - ending point ist nicht gut gewählt: klingt und spielt sich deutlich besser wenn du den slider 1/2 länger machst done
00:42:100 (4) - ^samedone
00:43:363 (6) - ^ähnlich aber slider sollte 1/1 länger sein:
00:44:310 (1) - wieder falsches timing: slider verkürzen, so dass er 1/1 vor dem downbeat endet: und natürlich auf den downbeat nen circle packendone
00:45:889 (2,4) - die beiden slider wieder je 1/1 länger machen: done
00:48:100 (5) - für den slider eine repeat einfügen aber vorher verkürzen...der sollte genauso liegen wie im bild: done
00:50:626 (3,4) - beide slider verlängern, so das der repeat auf dem nächsten roten tick liegt: done
00:54:889 (2) - timing ist hier geschmackssache aber es ist definitiv besser den circle 1/2 zurück zu schieben und auf 00:55:363 noch einen einzufügen:
02:04:205 (2) - wieder slider um 1/2 verlängern (ende auf den folgenden roten tick)done
02:05:468 (4) - ^samedone
02:06:731 (6) - verlängern um 1/1done

Alles mehr oder weniger timing fehler die für anfänger/normal spieler die map kaputt machen würden. Es ist immer besser bei den einfachen maps genau das zu mappen was der spieler hört und was ihm dann das gefühlt vermittelt das lied "nachzuspielen". Die slider hier sind allerdings wieder ziemlich geil geworden :D Danke ;D

00:29:152 (4) - timing fehler und downbeat-crime: so verkürzen, dass der slider 1/1 eher aufhört, auf dem downbeat nen circle einfügen: done
00:39:257 (1,1,2) - das ist auch wieder verbrechen am rhythmus: spinner 1/1 eher aufhören lassen und die 2 slider 1/1 zurück, auf dem freien downbeat was einfügen: done
00:55:678 (1) - auch wieder nicht besonders gut zu spielen die stelle wenn man auf den beat achtet aber an der stelle kann man das denke ich so fällt nicht so stark auf wie die vielen timing unfälle in [Normal]
00:58:205 (5) - ...das dagegen fällt wieder sehr auf: wieder verkürzen und den repeat auf den roten tick packen, den downbeat dann richtig mappen mit nem circle: done
01:15:889 (1,2,3,4) - kann man so lassen (auch wenns nicht optimal ist imo), aber versuch mal ob sich das hier besser spielt und vor allem besser klingt: fixed
01:52:836 (7,8) - bitte niemals sowas machen...der downbeat auf dem slider (8) endet ist eine komplett neue zeile...da MUSS irgendwas hin was der spieler "drücken" muss sonst haut das einen komplett vom beat runter...das ist sonst wie ein 1/1 shift und der ist einfach nicht existent in dem lied an der stelle. Lösch (8) und mach nen repeat an (7)...dann circle oder irgendwas auf dem downbeat anfangen lassen (da beginnt auch die neue combo): done
02:01:836 (2) - evtl stacken unter dem slider ende Näh. Sowas verwirrt nur.
02:11:152 (6) - ^ ^


srsly schon wieder so eine <2min map mit lockeren 18m punkten auf hidden. Ich hab prinzipiell nix gegen sowas aber bissl übertrieben für eine ranked map find ich es schon - approval dagegen wäre für sowas eher aber nur meine meinung. Kann sonst nich viel dazu sagen...mein mouse-only skills verhindern ein effektives spielen der diff und deshalb maße ich mir nicht an darüber zu urteilen, da alles was ich dazu sagen könnte wäre, wie du die map für mich persönlich spielbarer machen könntest (was sicher nicht dein ziel sein sollte 8-) )

Ich schließe mich Kite an: du solltest noch ein zwischending aus der hard und der insane machen. Spielbar aber anspruchsvoll.

Joa viele bunte bildchen diesmal im mod. Ich empfehle dir sehr die timing geschichten und die downbeats in den griff zu kriegen weil der rest ist ziemlich gut und vor allem deine slider sind wieder sehr geil. Sternchen dafür.
Weißt du eigenltich wie sehr ich deine Mods liebe?! Die sind so unnormal hilfreich. Ich würd dir 10k kudos geben wenn ich könnte.
Only complaint I have is that it lacks a difficulty between Insane and Hard. The jump between hard and insane is too big, I mean, to start, the jump from 1.1 SV to 2.1 SV is huge, as well as mapping in a 1/1 normally spaced rhythm with the occasional 1/2 notes to mapping in a 1/2 huge spacing rhythm with the occasional streams is huge too.

Anyways, no kds
Finally gotten to it, I didn't find not many things and even these are not really required. Here you go:

couldn't find anything really

Possibly, change this slider at 00:43:047 to look more in tune with other sliders. Currently, how to say, the visual harmony is not that stellar.
Suggestion that you do't have to follow:

01:02:942 - turn these two notes into slider, otherwise its somewhat awkward to play

01:48:731 - remove new combo
01:49:678 - new combo
01:49:678 - move all 123 123 123 combos, earlier 1/2 note to start from 01:49:363
02:06:415 - remove note. move the slider that follows earlier to start here
02:07:363 - add note

ar +1
01:50:310 - remove note
01:51:573 - remove note, makes more sense then those "triplets" for easy diff.
Topic Starter

knjiga wrote:

Finally gotten to it, I didn't find not many things and even these are not really required. Here you go:

couldn't find anything really

Possibly, change this slider at 00:43:047 to look more in tune with other sliders. Currently, how to say, the visual harmony is not that stellar.
Suggestion that you do't have to follow:

01:02:942 - turn these two notes into slider, otherwise its somewhat awkward to play changed

01:48:731 - remove new combo
01:49:678 - new combo
01:49:678 - move all 123 123 123 combos, earlier 1/2 note to start from 01:49:363
02:06:415 - remove note. move the slider that follows earlier to start here changed
02:07:363 - add note

ar +1
01:50:310 - remove note
01:51:573 - remove note, makes more sense then those "triplets" for easy diff.
Thanks (:

YGOkid8 wrote:

and it's a rule that the album name DOESN'T go in the source. if you put it in tags, people can still search it up.
i dont know who created this shit awesome rule...

however, i knew newground isnt the album, but it may have to put in tags.
like i never put mp3skull/piratebay as my source 囧

General: like i said in pm im not good at instrumental, but i will try my best...
all suggestion , you know, feel free to reject
(why dont you find custom hitsound...? map would become nicer..infact, the drum & bass style, youve got the bass finish sound, but no drum)
and kiai, suggest unkiai just before 153,784 and kiai back at 153,784, to create a fountain effect.. would be more interesting for a long kiai..

slider tick + 1, would sound nicer
OD-1? hp drain is low enough...OD -1 would be balance a bit more..?in fact higher accuracy is healthy for the rating imo
general: map itself is nice enough, but maybe lack of hit sounds...i think instrumental does need to do a hard work on finding some hitsounds?
and in taiko mod the map is hahaha all red ( it is good to see that you have a taiko diff )

00:27:100 (3,4,5,6,7) - curve more to make a better flow
00:29:942 (1,2) - may be the rhythm comes like note first then slider?
00:33:415 (3,4,5,6,7) - not sure why you did this shape imo
01:52:600 (2) - some how make it stack with 01:51:968 (2) - would look nicer the curve?
01:55:994 (7,8) - a slider?

hp -1 ? it is weird to have same setting with insane.. or you may wanna increase insane's hp? up to you
map it self has no, absolutely no problem...(at least i cant find..)
but hitsounds i suggest front part should add some more clap etc
although you didnt exactly follow the drum itself but it plays surprisingly well in taiko mod ha

00:25:047 (4,5) - a slider? feel like a slider would do better and easier for newbie( as this diff isnt hard at all)
00:49:363 (1) - the whistle just doesnt sound well
00:55:363 (3,1,2,3) - wow it is just extremely hard reading stuff for newbie
01:32:310 (1) - a long and curved (maybe 270 degree) slider feels! like this one 01:55:047 (3) -
02:17:468 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - i think that the stack doesnt works well, and really some slider would make it easier for newbie
02:22:521 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - same

first and second sliders has awful curve .. sorry to say that
i was about to say that this diff has awful slider is good at behind O.o? but first and second slider is just...awful
01:45:573 (3) - this kind of stack could be very easy to miss, as it has been a long way no stack..consider unstack it?

sorry for my bad mod with so many comments besides mapping (Well! i did it my~ way~) ...hope that it helps ha

well, the mod 4 mod is for this song
i actually wondering why hasnt you posted in my fact you are the one who requested mod 4 mod...
nvm, take your time
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

YGOkid8 wrote:

and it's a rule that the album name DOESN'T go in the source. if you put it in tags, people can still search it up.
i dont know who created this shit awesome rule...

however, i knew newground isnt the album, but it may have to put in tags.
like i never put mp3skull/piratebay as my source 囧

General: like i said in pm im not good at instrumental, but i will try my best...
all suggestion , you know, feel free to reject
(why dont you find custom hitsound...? map would become nicer..infact, the drum & bass style, youve got the bass finish sound, but no drum)
and kiai, suggest unkiai just before 153,784 and kiai back at 153,784, to create a fountain effect.. would be more interesting for a long kiai..

slider tick + 1, would sound nicer
OD-1? hp drain is low enough...OD -1 would be balance a bit more..?in fact higher accuracy is healthy for the rating imo
general: map itself is nice enough, but maybe lack of hit sounds...i think instrumental does need to do a hard work on finding some hitsounds?
and in taiko mod the map is hahaha all red ( it is good to see that you have a taiko diff )

00:27:100 (3,4,5,6,7) - curve more to make a better flow
00:29:942 (1,2) - may be the rhythm comes like note first then slider?
00:33:415 (3,4,5,6,7) - not sure why you did this shape imo
01:52:600 (2) - some how make it stack with 01:51:968 (2) - would look nicer the curve?
01:55:994 (7,8) - a slider?

hp -1 ? it is weird to have same setting with insane.. or you may wanna increase insane's hp? up to you
map it self has no, absolutely no problem...(at least i cant find..)
but hitsounds i suggest front part should add some more clap etc
although you didnt exactly follow the drum itself but it plays surprisingly well in taiko mod ha

00:25:047 (4,5) - a slider? feel like a slider would do better and easier for newbie( as this diff isnt hard at all)
00:49:363 (1) - the whistle just doesnt sound well
00:55:363 (3,1,2,3) - wow it is just extremely hard reading stuff for newbie
01:32:310 (1) - a long and curved (maybe 270 degree) slider feels! like this one 01:55:047 (3) -
02:17:468 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - i think that the stack doesnt works well, and really some slider would make it easier for newbie
02:22:521 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - same

first and second sliders has awful curve .. sorry to say that
i was about to say that this diff has awful slider is good at behind O.o? but first and second slider is just...awful
01:45:573 (3) - this kind of stack could be very easy to miss, as it has been a long way no stack..consider unstack it?

sorry for my bad mod with so many comments besides mapping (Well! i did it my~ way~) ...hope that it helps ha

well, the mod 4 mod is for this song
i actually wondering why hasnt you posted in my fact you are the one who requested mod 4 mod...
nvm, take your time
Thanks :] ~too lazy to write what i changed and what not~

Add " ishidamitsunari " on tag of Normal diff

Add same Timing Points on Kite's Insane .osu file



HP Drain +1?

01:03:257 (2) - move this here , distance snap 1.2x
01:13:363 (5) - new combo?
01:50:942 (4) - ^
02:08:310 (4) - ^
02:08:942 (1) - remove new combo
02:22:836 (4) - delete repeat and do this


00:33:573 (6) - curve this better, points: x:368 y:192 , x:368 y:136 , x:336 y:96 (first point )
00:36:731 (5) - new combo?
01:37:047 (6) - ^


Approach Rate +1?

00:19:047 (1) - remove one repeat
00:39:257 (1) - i think this spinner is too short
00:49:363 (1) - remove new combo and add here 00:49:678 (2) -
01:23:784 - start this break from here 01:24:415 -
01:54:731 (4) - move here x:296 y:216 and fix 01:55:047 (5) - spacing or just hold it there, its 0.9x distance snap
01:55:994 (6) - fix spacing with 0.9x distance snap if you do previous suggestion

Kite's Insane

Approach Rate +1? (just suggestion, im not real fan of AR 8 on maps with 170+ bpm , its 190 so looks better)

01:20:648 (5,6,7) - unstack and make something like that?
01:23:253 (4,5) - distance snap 0.6x and make this? then fix spacing of 01:23:490 (6) -
01:23:727 - start this break at 01:24:122 -
01:52:543 (1) - remove new combo


00:22:047 (5) - delete repeat and do this (follow better the music)
01:54:257 (4,5,6,7,8) - unstack this ministream, looks weird
02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - ^

Nice mapset, good luck :v
Topic Starter

giO- wrote:


Add " ishidamitsunari " on tag of Normal diff done

Add same Timing Points on Kite's Insane .osu file Since it's his diff, he's supposed to place his own timing points.



HP Drain +1? done

01:03:257 (2) - move this here , distance snap 1.2x no
01:13:363 (5) - new combo? done
01:50:942 (4) - ^ no
02:08:310 (4) - ^ no
02:08:942 (1) - remove new combo no
02:22:836 (4) - delete repeat and do this no


00:33:573 (6) - curve this better, points: x:368 y:192 , x:368 y:136 , x:336 y:96 (first point ) done
00:36:731 (5) - new combo? done
01:37:047 (6) - ^ no


Approach Rate +1?done

00:19:047 (1) - remove one repeat no
00:39:257 (1) - i think this spinner is too short Auto can get 3000 points, so it's not too short :3
00:49:363 (1) - remove new combo and add here 00:49:678 (2) no
01:23:784 - start this break from here 01:24:415 no
01:54:731 (4) - move here x:296 y:216 and fix 01:55:047 (5) - spacing or just hold it there, its 0.9x distance snap done
01:55:994 (6) - fix spacing with 0.9x distance snap if you do previous suggestion done


00:22:047 (5) - delete repeat and do this (follow better the music) done
01:54:257 (4,5,6,7,8) - unstack this ministream, looks weird done
02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - ^ Nope

Nice mapset, good luck :v
Thank you :]
00:49:205 (10) - remove this note. I hear only 2 drums here. The 4 circle and the following is fine.
01:01:994 (3) - (first slider of that part, to find it) remove the circles between, pull them together and add a new slider.. and make it maybe more beautiful than me :3 A example how I did..

00:56:626 (4) - add note
01:49:047 (2) - add a slider here, because there are drums. *fits in to the music and leads to the triples*

Found nothing in the other diffs... maybe Im just not good enough for that. Especialy doko... can't tell if its playable...

But well, I did my best. Good luck!

Hopefuly it helps!
Topic Starter

Kyomaku wrote:

00:49:205 (10) - remove this note. I hear only 2 drums here. The 4 circle and the following is fine. Fixed
01:01:994 (3) - (first slider of that part, to find it) remove the circles between, pull them together and add a new slider.. and make it maybe more beautiful than me :3 A example how I did.. Nope

00:56:626 (4) - add note Nope. Would destroy the symmetry
01:49:047 (2) - add a slider here, because there are drums. *fits in to the music and leads to the triples* Nope :3

Found nothing in the other diffs... maybe Im just not good enough for that. Especialy doko... can't tell if its playable...

But well, I did my best. Good luck!

Hopefuly it helps!
Thanks for mod :]
Here's my mod, I'm not sure how much it will be useful though.
02:17:784 (3) - this slider is too short, and the (1) after it sounds weird
00:43:994 (4) - hard to see, maybe you could put it more to the right

00:34:205 (1) - this sounds weird, because of the slider tick
00:40:836 (2) - this slider should end at 00:41:468
00:42:100 (4) - this slider should end at 00:42:731
00:49:047 - add hit circle
02:04:205 (2) - this slider should end at 02:04:836
02:05:468 (4) - this slider should end at 02:06:100
02:11:468 (1) - this slider should end at 02:12:100
02:12:415 - add hit circle
02:12:573 - add hti circle

I think this difficulty is too easy for a Hard.
I think you should make it just as you did here 00:47:310 (5) 00:47:784 (6).
00:48:100 (7) - end slider at 00:48:415
00:48:573 (9) - add hit circle
00:55:678 (1) - thsi slider is too long, make it shorter and add hit circles or other sliders
01:03:257 (1) - end the slider at 01:03:573
01:03:889 - add hit circle
01:04:047 - add hit circle
01:04:521 (3) - do the same as above ^
01:08:310 (1) - why a slider instead of editing it? remove the slider and edit that part properly
01:12:100 (1) - long slider
01:13:363 (3) - long slider
01:17:152 (3) - end this slider at 01:17:468
01:17:626 (4) - add hit circle
01:17:942 (5) - add hit circle or add slider that ends at 01:18:100
01:33:573 (1) - starting here the map is too slow until about 02:01:047 (4)
02:03:889 (1) - the same as above until about 02:07:363 (6)
02:22:836 (5) - the shape of the slider is a bit strange, it might be just me though

Overall Easy and Normal is fine, there aren't too many things to say about them. Nice work.
Topic Starter

MystykAMV wrote:

Here's my mod, I'm not sure how much it will be useful though.
02:17:784 (3) - this slider is too short, and the (1) after it sounds weird Sounds good to me D:
00:43:994 (4) - hard to see, maybe you could put it more to the right almost 3/4 of this circle is visible, so moving it isn't necessary

00:34:205 (1) - this sounds weird, because of the slider tick There's no other way i can do it.
00:40:836 (2) - this slider should end at 00:41:468 Nope
00:42:100 (4) - this slider should end at 00:42:731 Nope
00:49:047 - add hit circle done
02:04:205 (2) - this slider should end at 02:04:836Nope
02:05:468 (4) - this slider should end at 02:06:100Nope
02:11:468 (1) - this slider should end at 02:12:100Nope
02:12:415 - add hit circle ...
02:12:573 - add hti circle Nope

I think this difficulty is too easy for a Hard. That's why someone made an Insane Guestdiff.
I think you should make it just as you did here 00:47:310 (5) 00:47:784 (6).
00:48:100 (7) - end slider at 00:48:415 Listen carefully! The beat ends on 1/2
00:48:573 (9) - add hit circle Nope
00:55:678 (1) - thsi slider is too long, make it shorter and add hit circles or other sliders Nope
01:03:257 (1) - end the slider at 01:03:573 Nope
01:03:889 - add hit circleNope
01:04:047 - add hit circleNope
01:04:521 (3) - do the same as above ^Nope
01:08:310 (1) - why a slider instead of editing it? remove the slider and edit that part properly Nope. Spinner fits well here.
01:12:100 (1) - long slider So...?
01:13:363 (3) - long slider ^
01:17:152 (3) - end this slider at 01:17:468 Nope
01:17:626 (4) - add hit circle Nope
01:17:942 (5) - add hit circle or add slider that ends at 01:18:100 Nope
01:33:573 (1) - starting here the map is too slow until about 02:01:047 (4)
02:03:889 (1) - the same as above until about 02:07:363 (6)
02:22:836 (5) - the shape of the slider is a bit strange, it might be just me though

Overall Easy and Normal is fine, there aren't too many things to say about them. Nice work.
Thanks for mod.
S h i a
M4M >_<//


01:03:257 (2) - add finish to the slider head? (I thought you might miss a Finish here.
01:15:889 (1) - add finish to the slider head?
That all~ great easy

00:25:994 (1) - a bit touched HP bar, suggest move down a bit? also adjust rest sliders a litte.
00:34:205 (1) - remove finish at slider end? add finish at 00:35:468 (2)?
00:44:310 (1) - remove finish at slider end? add finish at 00:45:573 (2)?
00:46:836 (4) - add finish at slider head
01:00:731 (T) - useless inherited points?

00:40:521 (1) - add finish at slider head?
00:41:784 (3) - so add finish would be cool.
01:11:468 (2) - remove finish at slider head and add finish to slider middle. sounds better to me
01:57:573 (1) - remove new combo?
02:02:310 (4) - add a finish here?
02:10:363 (4) - add a finish here?

[Kite's Insane]
Why not adding some NC1 finish? it sounds very cool.
01:07:521 (2) - 01:06:731 (3) this damn 300 coverd that repeat arrow
yeah. cool
00:58:521 (3) - add finish at slider head?
00:59:152 (7) - add finish at slider head?
man. really cool. It's worth to break my pen to play this.

Topic Starter

S h i a wrote:

M4M >_<//


01:03:257 (2) - add finish to the slider head? (I thought you might miss a Finish here.
01:15:889 (1) - add finish to the slider head?
That all~ great easy

00:25:994 (1) - a bit touched HP bar, suggest move down a bit? also adjust rest sliders a litte.
00:34:205 (1) - remove finish at slider end? add finish at 00:35:468 (2)?
00:44:310 (1) - remove finish at slider end? add finish at 00:45:573 (2)?
00:46:836 (4) - add finish at slider head
01:00:731 (T) - useless inherited points?

00:40:521 (1) - add finish at slider head?
00:41:784 (3) - so add finish would be cool.
01:11:468 (2) - remove finish at slider head and add finish to slider middle. sounds better to me
01:57:573 (1) - remove new combo?
02:02:310 (4) - add a finish here?
02:10:363 (4) - add a finish here?

yeah. cool
00:58:521 (3) - add finish at slider head?
00:59:152 (7) - add finish at slider head?
man. really cool. It's worth to break my pen to play this.

Everything fixed (:
DoKo~ :)
I feel lazy, but meh, time to mod this thing.


I'd prefer that you quote my post and state which changes you make, and which you have not. Thanks~

[Color guide]
  1. Red text means that the issue is unrankable.
  2. Blue text is a strongly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black text is a regular suggestion.
  1. You have different kiai times. This is not that much of a problem, as [Kite's Insane] and [- IshidaTaikonari -] are guest diffs, but you should still consider having the same times.
  2. Only [- IshidaTaikonari -] has audio lead-in time. Consider adding audio lead-in to the other diffs.
  3. [Kite's Insane] needs tags. Add the same tags as the other diffs.
  4. [Kite's Insane] does not have a preview time.
  1. AR -1?
  2. You probably wont feel like it, but spacing :o
  3. 00:20:310 (1) - I would make this line up with the previous slider end
  4. 01:13:047 (4) - Stack this on the next slider head?
  5. 01:44:942 (2,3) - This is placed very high, and is touching the scores top-right. Consider pulling it down a few notches.
Not much to say here, I just feel you should have a bit more spacing in this diff. Easy or not, it'll look less cluttered with a little more spacing.

  1. HP -1?
  2. 00:40:521 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This rhythm feels so weird for me. Try adding a note at 00:41:626 and 00:42:889
  3. 00:50:626 (4) - New combo
  4. 00:54:415 (1,2,3) - Not sure how easy it is to read this part, with different spacing and all.
  5. 00:56:310 (3) - Move this to 00:56:626
  6. 00:59:468 (3) - add whistle on slider end and remove whistle from 01:00:100 (4) for consistency
  7. 01:18:100 (4) - 1 gridlvl3 to the right?
  8. 01:49:678 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Try this: Remove 01:50:310 (4) and 01:51:574 (3), then add a note at 01:53:152
  9. 02:05:152 (3,4) - Try something like this?
  10. 02:18:100 (2,4) - Whistle?
Had a few "weird" rhythms that I don't think feels very intuitive, let alone a normal player. Pretty sliders though~

  1. 00:49:363 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing ;_;
  2. 01:05:784 (1,3) - Sorry, these sliders just looks very weird to me xD Try make some other slider pattern?
  3. 01:11:468 (2) - Remove finish on return.
  4. 01:33:573 - 01:48:731 - Add a note at 01:34:363, 01:35:626, 01:36:889 etc. making triples. Much more fun this way :D
  5. 01:49:047 (1,2) - Make these a liiiittle better.
  6. 01:54:573 - Note?
  7. 02:01:047 (4,1) - overlap :(
  8. 02:04:836 (2) - ^
Nothing much to comment on here xD

[Kite's Insane]
  1. Consider using the normal sampleset for hitsounding, for consistency with the other diffs. I think the normal sampleset fits better anyhow.
  2. 00:58:836 (9) - 1 gridlvl 4 to the left.
  3. 01:07:521 (2) - The repeat here is almost completely invisible with default hitbursts.
  4. 01:20:626 (5,6,7) - This stack is very hard to read underneath a slider. Consider moving it somewhere else.
  5. 01:32:310 (1,2,3,4,5) - Space this out. I actually did trip up here :(
  6. 01:53:152 (1,2,3,4) - Actually, this part is more readable if you use the same spacing as 01:51:889 (1,2,3)
  7. 02:12:336 (3) - This is a bit hard to read (since it's 1/4) Try add a note at 02:12:257 and 02:12:494
  8. 02:13:994 - Consider mapping all the way to the end, like the other diffs.
So many stacks under sliders, HD players will cry~

  1. HP +1 >: D. Also you could consider OD8, but idk how people would like that in general xD.
  2. 00:36:731 (1) - This stream here feels a bit like overmapping :(
  3. 00:43:047 (4,5,6)
  4. 01:03:731 (7,8,9,10,11) - ctrl+r?
  5. 01:46:836 (3) - Touching the scores
  6. 01:48:100 (5) - New combo? I just think the followpoints look ugly xD
  7. 01:56:152 (8) - Slightly touching the HP bar.
  8. 01:56:784 (3,4,5) - Touching the scores.
  9. 02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - Move this stack 2 gridlvl3 down and 2 gridlvl3 right, so the first note in the stack aligns properly with the square.
  10. 02:06:573 (2,4,5,6,7,8) - Do the same as above ^
  11. 02:07:836 (2,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  12. 02:12:257 - Add note here and at 02:12:494?
  13. 02:16:521 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I go X.X at this because it's not evenly spaced xD
  14. 02:19:047 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
This map is VERY streamy :o


Nice mapset!
Good luck~ :)
Long modpost is long
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

DoKo~ :)
I feel lazy, but meh, time to mod this thing.


I'd prefer that you quote my post and state which changes you make, and which you have not. Thanks~

[Color guide]
  1. Red text means that the issue is unrankable.
  2. Blue text is a strongly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black text is a regular suggestion.
  1. You have different kiai times. This is not that much of a problem, as [Kite's Insane] and [- IshidaTaikonari -] are guest diffs, but you should still consider having the same times. As you already said... They are guestdiffs, so in my opinion they can set every Inherited Point wherever they want ;o
  2. Only [- IshidaTaikonari -] has audio lead-in time. Consider adding audio lead-in to the other diffs. It's because his Taikodiff starts at the very beginning. So Lead-in time is needed.
  3. [Kite's Insane] needs tags. Add the same tags as the other diffs. done
  4. [Kite's Insane] does not have a preview time. fixed
  1. AR -1? Nope.
  2. You probably wont feel like it, but spacing :o
  3. 00:20:310 (1) - I would make this line up with the previous slider end done
  4. 01:13:047 (4) - Stack this on the next slider head? Nope.
  5. 01:44:942 (2,3) - This is placed very high, and is touching the scores top-right. Consider pulling it down a few notches. done
Not much to say here, I just feel you should have a bit more spacing in this diff. Easy or not, it'll look less cluttered with a little more spacing.

  1. HP -1? done
  2. 00:40:521 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This rhythm feels so weird for me. Try adding a note at 00:41:626 and 00:42:889 done
  3. 00:50:626 (4) - New combo done
  4. 00:54:415 (1,2,3) - Not sure how easy it is to read this part, with different spacing and all. Changed that part.
  5. 00:56:310 (3) - Move this to 00:56:626 done
  6. 00:59:468 (3) - add whistle on slider end and remove whistle from 01:00:100 (4) for consistency done
  7. 01:18:100 (4) - 1 gridlvl3 to the right? done
  8. 01:49:678 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Try this: Remove 01:50:310 (4) and 01:51:574 (3), then add a note at 01:53:152 Added that note, but i didn't remove those others.
  9. 02:05:152 (3,4) - Try something like this? done
  10. 02:18:100 (2,4) - Whistle?done
Had a few "weird" rhythms that I don't think feels very intuitive, let alone a normal player. Pretty sliders though~

  1. 00:49:363 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing ;_; Jump
  2. 01:05:784 (1,3) - Sorry, these sliders just looks very weird to me xD Try make some other slider pattern? done ):
  3. 01:11:468 (2) - Remove finish on return.
  4. 01:33:573 - 01:48:731 - Add a note at 01:34:363, 01:35:626, 01:36:889 etc. making triples. Much more fun this way :D done
  5. 01:49:047 (1,2) - Make these a liiiittle better. Don't know what you mean.
  6. 01:54:573 - Note? done
  7. 02:01:047 (4,1) - overlap :( fixed
  8. 02:04:836 (2) - ^ fixed
Nothing much to comment on here xD

  1. HP +1 >: D. Also you could consider OD8, but idk how people would like that in general xD. I don't want to make it impossibru for hr-players :D
  2. 00:36:731 (1) - This stream here feels a bit like overmapping :( It's not. Remove it and listen :3
  3. 00:43:047 (4,5,6) xD
  4. 01:03:731 (7,8,9,10,11) - ctrl+r? done
  5. 01:46:836 (3) - Touching the scores Not at all D:
  6. 01:48:100 (5) - New combo? I just think the followpoints look ugly xD done :3
  7. 01:56:152 (8) - Slightly touching the HP bar. I guess it's okay
  8. 01:56:784 (3,4,5) - Touching the scores. ^
  9. 02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - Move this stack 2 gridlvl3 down and 2 gridlvl3 right, so the first note in the stack aligns properly with the square. Changed that stack.
  10. 02:06:573 (2,4,5,6,7,8) - Do the same as above ^ Changed that stack.
  11. 02:07:836 (2,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ ^
  12. 02:12:257 - Add note here and at 02:12:494? Nope
  13. 02:16:521 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I go X.X at this because it's not evenly spaced xD >=D
  14. 02:19:047 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ >=DD
This map is VERY streamy :o


Nice mapset!
Good luck~ :)
Long modpost is long
Thanks for mod^^


This would look really nice if you put in a sliderborder. I prefer light light blue for this map.


00:43:047 (3,4,5) - Looks clustered and odd. (4) is also somewhat under the slidertrack of (3). Try something like this.
01:52:521 (8) - This slider looks awkward and uneven. Is there a specific reason for this?


00:49:678 (2,3) - Position them like this so that (2) isn't touching (3).
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:



This would look really nice if you put in a sliderborder. I prefer light light blue for this map. Dunno how.


00:43:047 (3,4,5) - Looks clustered and odd. (4) is also somewhat under the slidertrack of (3). Try something like this. fixed
01:52:521 (8) - This slider looks awkward and uneven. Is there a specific reason for this? Fits to the music.


00:49:678 (2,3) - Position them like this so that (2) isn't touching (3).done
Thanks \:3/

*Kite's Insane doesn't end at the same time as the other diffs. Just pointing that out, not that it really matters though (does it?).
*osb file not needed.


02:08:152 (4,5,6,7) this stream feels like it could use a 5th circle at 02:08:468.
01:07:521 (4) - I'd suggest new combo.
00:59:863 (6) - Weird place to put a finish.
01:04:521 (4) - ^ end slider got one too altough it's better without.
Topic Starter

galvenize wrote:


*Kite's Insane doesn't end at the same time as the other diffs. Just pointing that out, not that it really matters though (does it?). I'm gonna tell Kite to map that last bit :3
*osb file not needed. I thought i've deleted it D:


02:08:152 (4,5,6,7) this stream feels like it could use a 5th circle at 02:08:468. You're right.
01:07:521 (4) - I'd suggest new combo. fixed
00:59:863 (6) - Weird place to put a finish. I don't think so.
01:04:521 (4) - ^ end slider got one too altough it's better without. removed.
Thanks \:3/
  1. Newgrounds should be captalized! Change it in the source for all difficulties.
  2. Previewtime is inconsistent! Kite's Insane has a different time than the others.
  3. Not a fan of that dark gray combo color. You could just get rid of it.
  1. 00:43:363 (8,1) - Spacing's too big here.
  2. 02:04:205 (2,3,4,5,1) - This needs reworking. The spacing is confusing and the beat is hard to follow.
  3. 02:06:415 (1,2) - Spacing's too big here.
  1. 00:51:889 (3,4,5) - Move these farther away from eachother. 0.7 is too little.
  2. 00:54:415 (7,8) - These sliders look a little pointy. Might wanna make them look better
  3. 01:01:994 (3,4,5,6,7) - This plays weird and is kinda tough to read. Consider changing it.
Kite's Insane
  1. OD +1
  2. 01:00:731 - Why is there kiai here? It should be like the other difficulties.
  3. 01:07:521 (2) - This is way too hard to see
  4. 02:11:784 (2,3,1) - Spacing's a little weird here.
  1. OD +1
  2. Why not just call this 'Insane'? Or like Another or something.
  3. 00:25:047 (8) - I think this should move a little faster.
  4. 00:56:152 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make this stack clearer, it's hard to tell how many circles are in there.
  5. 01:54:257 (4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above.
  6. 02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above.
  7. 02:04:363 (4,5,6,7,8) - Make this stream curve better.
  8. 02:06:415 (1,2,3,4) - These back and forth objects are very frustrating to play and don't really add to the difficulty. You should either do something different or reduce their spacing.
  9. 02:07:678 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above except these are even worse.
  10. 02:12:100 (1,2,3) - These objects have 3/4 time in between them which makes them very difficult to read. Instead of 3 circles you should just do one repeat slider. This is a very important change.
  11. 02:13:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Make this stack clearer instead of a jumbled mess.

Charles445 wrote:

Kite's Insane
  1. 01:07:521 (2) - This is way too hard to see
  2. 02:11:784 (2,3,1) - Spacing's a little weird here.
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

  1. Newgrounds should be captalized! Change it in the source for all difficulties. fixed
  2. Previewtime is inconsistent! Kite's Insane has a different time than the others. fixed
  3. Not a fan of that dark gray combo color. You could just get rid of it. fixed
  1. 00:43:363 (8,1) - Spacing's too big here. fixed
  2. 02:04:205 (2,3,4,5,1) - This needs reworking. The spacing is confusing and the beat is hard to follow. fixed
  3. 02:06:415 (1,2) - Spacing's too big here. I don't want to change it. It's a small jump and i don't want to ruin the symmetry
  1. 00:51:889 (3,4,5) - Move these farther away from eachother. 0.7 is too little. fixed
  2. 00:54:415 (7,8) - These sliders look a little pointy. Might wanna make them look better fixed
  3. 01:01:994 (3,4,5,6,7) - This plays weird and is kinda tough to read. Consider changing it. I don't see any problems with this to be honest. Spacing is correct and it's just two doubles fitting exactly to the music.
  1. OD +1 fixed
  2. Why not just call this 'Insane'? Or like Another or something. Because there is already an insane diff?! And i'm popular for my 'DoKo'-Diffs.
  3. 00:25:047 (8) - I think this should move a little faster. fixed
  4. 00:56:152 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make this stack clearer, it's hard to tell how many circles are in there. it's kinda obvious that there are 5 circles o0 Everyone with a bit playing experience can read such easy Streams.
  5. 01:54:257 (4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above. ^
  6. 02:01:836 (4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above. ^
  7. 02:04:363 (4,5,6,7,8) - Make this stream curve better. fixed
  8. 02:06:415 (1,2,3,4) - These back and forth objects are very frustrating to play and don't really add to the difficulty. You should either do something different or reduce their spacing. I like them as they are. There are much bigger jumps in this diff, so i don't know why i should change those 4 circles.
  9. 02:07:678 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above except these are even worse. ^
  10. 02:12:100 (1,2,3) - These objects have 3/4 time in between them which makes them very difficult to read. Instead of 3 circles you should just do one repeat slider. This is a very important change. Everyone i gave this map to could read it very well. There is no problem with such a jump, since the AR is 9. Also there are a lot of maps with jumps like this, so i really don't know why my map shouldn't have such 3/4 jumps.
  11. 02:13:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Make this stack clearer instead of a jumbled mess. I like it as it is. I like that messed up ending, so i won't change.
Thanks for mod.
I didn't have a problem with the 3/4 thing - I just have a problem with the disjointed flow going from rabid jumps to really packed streams. Plays like eugh. q:
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I didn't have a problem with the 3/4 thing - I just have a problem with the disjointed flow going from rabid jumps to really packed streams. Plays like eugh. q:
It's a matter of taste, i think. Most people like that map and find it flow well, others probably don't.
But well, that doesn't make my map wrong or something \:3/

Someone rank this please D:

oh hey what does this button do
Topic Starter
Wow. Thank you Shiirn <3
I won't play this \:D/

  • ...well, not now
this is impossible aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hey you make more Techno
Grats on rank!
congratz ><
Gratz. Have loved that map from my first testplay until now! :D
Glückwunsch zur ranked map!
Gratz <3
DoKo you torture me again ._. !

btw, congratz !! it's awesome map :D
hehehe rly nice map!
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