
Nanahira - Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic*

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年6月30日 at 22:03:51

Artist: Nanahira
Title: Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic*
Tags: C80 poyahchio KayeSara
BPM: 180
Filesize: 5225kb
Play Time: 02:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.5 stars, 138 notes)
  2. Hard (4.98 stars, 460 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 682 notes)
  4. KS's Taiko (4.83 stars, 1003 notes)
  5. Normal (4.11 stars, 223 notes)
Download: Nanahira - Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic*
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
********♥♥♥ Nanahiraaaaa ♥♥♥********
******** Tobidaseeeeee \></ *******

Snowy Dream's ver

Jan.30 changed BG + added custom sound redl plz ~
[Insane] - Done
[Hard] - Done
[Normal] - Done
[Easy] - Done
[Taiko] - Done by HentaiMoeKayeSara~

~Special Thanks~
~♥ h3k1ru ♥~ for mp3+ (and this song \></)
~Sandpig~ for helping me with BG \:D/
~KayeSara~ for Taiko ><!

Thx for Mod~
K o g u r e
Kirino Kousaka
this BG LOL
Topic Starter
bg lolololololol full submit... :D
Nanahira very very fan!! www

very cute wwwwwwwwwwww

and loli voice

Hinacle wrote:

and loli voice
hinacle-tentacle ><
[deleted user]
Yo, some unrankables snappings errors (62 unsnapped T.T)


Red: Unsnapped object (unrankable), i will do the 2nd part when i get home
Topic Starter
--> Megastore
this is still wip, no need to mod it, and if you found some Unsnapped object it means that baka creator forgot to Resnap them.
So next time just write that xxxx should do "Resnap all notes" and thats all, no need to point on each unsnaped object :)
[deleted user]
alright, new requested cut mp3:

also the title: Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic*

also tags: C80

also regarding BG im lazy u know

also ur baka

also \^.^/
Topic Starter

h3k1ru wrote:

alright, new requested cut mp3:

also the title: Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic*

also tags: C80

also regarding BG im lazy u know

also ur baka

also \^.^/
marry me plz >///<
from #request :P


  • your BG not follow 4:3 size
    don't let red line after any object...


  • 00:24:378 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    00:34:378 (1,1) - too hard spacing for easy diff.(for the center)
    00:45:044 (1,1) - ^
    00:55:878 (1,1) - ^
    01:05:044 (1,1) - ^
    01:06:878 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    01:40:878 (1,1) - too hard spacing for easy diff.(for the center)
    01:53:045 (1,1) - ^
    02:03:711 (1,1) - ^
    02:13:045 (1,1) - ^
    02:23:711 (1,1) - still spacing lol


  • 00:34:378 (1,1) - same as easy... spacing too hard for Normal lol
    00:57:045 (1) - a bit too far spacing for normal
    02:14:711 (1) - bug...need add NC for here~


  • unused green line:
    00:34:462 -
    00:35:295 -

    00:12:045 (2) - add clap (start). ((just suggest. because I think add clap better then use Normal hitsound :P
    00:12:711 (7) - add finish?
    00:15:045 (2) - add clap(end). ((just suggest. because 00:15:045 (2)'s slider end and (3) looks like a entirety... yea~ 1 2 XD
    00:24:044 (3) - add clap?
    00:31:544 (4's return) - remove whistle?
    01:32:711 (5) - add finish?
    01:36:878 (4) - same as 00:31:544 - ?
    02:03:711 (1) - right 1 grid (size 4) ((I think you can regular 02:02:294 (7,1) - maybe better then now :P


  • unused green line:
    00:34:462 -
    00:35:295 -

    00:10:378 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    00:12:711 (9) - same as Hard~ add finish?
    00:24:044 (3) - clap?
    00:45:878 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - uneven spacing? fix it~
    00:56:711 (8) - add clap? sound like need add clap because this way have a clap for this song.
    01:01:878 (5) - add clap? ((just suggest. because 01:01:878 (5,6) - looks like a entirety...?
    01:32:711 (8) - same as Hard. add finish?
    02:04:711 (8) - use clap?
    02:17:544 (3,4) - exchange? Uh..I think it's interesting then now :P

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.

ok~that's all
star~and good luck
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

from #request :P


  • your BG not follow 4:3 size
    don't let red line after any object...
Bg change later~


  • 00:24:378 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    00:34:378 (1,1) - too hard spacing for easy diff.(for the center)
    00:45:044 (1,1) - ^
    00:55:878 (1,1) - ^
    01:05:044 (1,1) - ^
    01:06:878 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    01:40:878 (1,1) - too hard spacing for easy diff.(for the center)
    01:53:045 (1,1) - ^
    02:03:711 (1,1) - ^
    02:13:045 (1,1) - ^
    02:23:711 (1,1) - still spacing lol
yep, always forget but NC bug ...orz
i dont see spacing problems...., i removed red tick notes after spinner, but other seems fine for me


  • 00:34:378 (1,1) - same as easy... spacing too hard for Normal lol
    00:57:045 (1) - a bit too far spacing for normal its the same, 1.0 ==*
    02:14:711 (1) - bug...need add NC for here~
same as before, i think spacing is ok for 4+ star diff


  • unused green line:
    00:34:462 -
    00:35:295 -

    00:12:045 (2) - add clap (start). ((just suggest. because I think add clap better then use Normal hitsound :P nah, i dont hear any claps
    00:12:711 (7) - add finish? no, i dont hear fiinish sound, its more like clap, and its very loud, so i dont see any reason adding custom clap with similar sound
    00:15:045 (2) - add clap(end). ((just suggest. because 00:15:045 (2)'s slider end and (3) looks like a entirety... yea~ 1 2 XD no wwww
    00:24:044 (3) - add clap? nope
    00:31:544 (4's return) - remove whistle? yep
    01:32:711 (5) - add finish? no
    01:36:878 (4) - same as 00:31:544 - ? yep
    02:03:711 (1) - right 1 grid (size 4) ((I think you can regular 02:02:294 (7,1) - maybe better then now :P i think its ok


  • unused green line:
    00:34:462 -
    00:35:295 -

    00:10:378 (1) - bug~ you need add NC for this way
    00:12:711 (9) - same as Hard~ add finish?
    00:24:044 (3) - clap?
    00:45:878 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - uneven spacing? fix it~ yep~
    00:56:711 (8) - add clap? sound like need add clap because this way have a clap for this song. ok~
    01:01:878 (5) - add clap? ((just suggest. because 01:01:878 (5,6) - looks like a entirety...? dont like the way it sounds on stream notes
    01:32:711 (8) - same as Hard. add finish?
    02:04:711 (8) - use clap?
    02:17:544 (3,4) - exchange? Uh..I think it's interesting then now :P yeah xD

    other hitsounds same as [Hard] so.... xD

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.

ok~that's all
star~and good luck
Thx for mod and star spboxer3 :)
Thanks for req~

Tick Rate 2 looks weird. How about use 1?
Adjust the Audio Lead-In to 2000 manually through the file .osu of all diffs.
The size of BG is unsuitable. Please resize to 800*600

01:40:878 (1) - Start of spinner at 01:41:044

Star Rating 4.34... It is too high for Normal diff. Please to 3~3.5
00:12:045 (1) - After Spinner, it is too early. Please place time more.
00:25:044 (1) - ^
00:35:711 (1) - ^
00:57:045 (1) - ^
01:54:711 (1) - ^
02:05:044 (1) - ^
02:26:711 (1) - ^

HP -1
AR -1 or -2
00:12:378 (3) - 1 grid up

00:08:878 (1) - Start of spinner at 00:09:044
01:17:211 (6) - Remove note and 01:17:378 - add note

I like your mapping style.
Good luck!! ;)
Topic Starter

Chocopikel wrote:

Thanks for req~

Tick Rate 2 looks weird. How about use 1? Not sure about tick rate, mb change them later ~
Adjust the Audio Lead-In to 2000 manually through the file .osu of all diffs. done
The size of BG is unsuitable. Please resize to 800*600 im still searching for bg, cause this counts as NSFW ==

AR-1 3 is fine~
01:40:878 (1) - Start of spinner at 01:41:044 ok~

Star Rating 4.34... It is too high for Normal diff. Please to 3~3.5 its 4.16 now xD, should be ok though~
AR-1 ------> nah, 4 is too low especially for 4+star diff xD
00:12:045 (1) - After Spinner, it is too early. Please place time more. yep changed all of them
00:25:044 (1) - ^
00:35:711 (1) - ^
00:57:045 (1) - ^
01:54:711 (1) - ^
02:05:044 (1) - ^
02:26:711 (1) - ^

HP -1
AR -1 or -2 ----> changed to 6/7/6
00:12:378 (3) - 1 grid up yep, osu distance spacing failed again ==

00:08:878 (1) - Start of spinner at 00:09:044 ok~
01:17:211 (6) - Remove note and 01:17:378 - add note nah i folowed the beat here

I like your mapping style. thx wwwww
Good luck!! ;)
Thx for mod :)
You may want to remove the unused .osb while full submitting (others might state it too)

Offset: 1 027 (-18ms)

Kiai (unless you're against them)
00:57:026 - 01:18:360
02:05:026 - 02:26:360

Make the audio lead in 2000ms
00:11:711 (1) - Finish
00:12:711 (9) - I suggest that you use a custom clap here like this one
00:24:711 (9) - ^
00:34:211 (6) - finish
01:29:294 - feels empty here, make a triple here?
01:29:961 - ^
01:32:711 (8) - custom clap
01:42:211 (5) - finish
02:26:044 (3) - custom clap

00:11:711 (1) - finish
00:12:711 (7) - custom clap
00:24:711 (5) - ^
01:14:878 (2,3) - reverse this?
01:18:045 (5) - custom clap

00:12:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)
00:34:189 - remove break?
01:32:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)

00:09:044 (1) - finish
00:12:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)
00:34:378 (1) - finish
00:54:378 (1) - last slider point 1 grid up
01:29:045 (1) - finish
01:32:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)

Topic Starter

Saten-san wrote:

You may want to remove the unused .osb while full submitting (others might state it too)

Offset: 1 027 (-18ms) always fail offset xD, will ask h3k1 someone for help ==!

Kiai (unless you're against them)
00:57:026 - 01:18:360
02:05:026 - 02:26:360

Make the audio lead in 2000ms
00:11:711 (1) - Finish
00:12:711 (9) - I suggest that you use a custom clap here like this one
00:24:711 (9) - ^
00:34:211 (6) - finish
01:29:294 - feels empty here, make a triple here?
01:29:961 - ^
01:32:711 (8) - custom clap
01:42:211 (5) - finish
02:26:044 (3) - custom clap

00:11:711 (1) - finish
00:12:711 (7) - custom clap
00:24:711 (5) - ^
01:14:878 (2,3) - reverse this?
01:18:045 (5) - custom clap

00:12:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)
00:34:189 - remove break?
01:32:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)

00:09:044 (1) - finish
00:12:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)
00:34:378 (1) - finish
00:54:378 (1) - last slider point 1 grid up
01:29:045 (1) - finish
01:32:378 (1) - custom clap (end slider)

All fixed ><!!! exept osb file www, have some internet problems now, full submit ***pain ><, last time asked few MAT/BAT, they said its ok to keep .osb even without SB
btw was lazy to add this clap xD

loli YES ><!!!!+++++
Thx for mod Saten-san~ :)
Hi there :D
From my queue:

Lol, loli BG
Still, background images dimensions in osu must be 800x600 or 1024x768. So use this one for your gaming pleasure:
Change it in all diffs and full submit.

00:04:360 (6) - Add whistle at the repeat
00:41:860 (1) - No NC
00:42:193 (4) - NC
00:42:526 (1) - No NC
00:45:860 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - This stream should be more curved, like the others
00:56:026 (3) - Add clap?
01:03:360 (1) - No NC
01:03:526 (6) - NC
01:04:693 (1) - No NC
01:04:860 (1) - NC
01:58:027 (1) - No NC
01:58:360 (2) - NC
01:59:360 (1) - No NC
01:59:527 (2) - NC
02:04:027 (3) - Add clap?
02:46:693 (3) - ^

00:03:526 (1) - Whistle at the tail instead of the head
00:03:860 (2) - ^
00:04:193 (3) - Whistle at the repeat and the tail and not on the head
00:04:693 (4) - Whistle at the tail instead of the head
00:56:027 (3) - Add clap?
02:04:026 (3) - ^
02:46:693 (3) - ^

Slider velocity is 1,22, shouldn't it be 1,20?
Open .osu file and find this line:
Change it to 1,20
A bit hard for a normal.


Good mapset and the song is funny
Good Luck~
Topic Starter

K o g u r e wrote:

Hi there :D hihi ></
From my queue:

Lol, loli BG
Still, background images dimensions in osu must be 800x600 or 1024x768. So use this one for your gaming pleasure:
Change it in all diffs and full submit.
This is temporally bg, didnt changed it to normal size cause its NSFW and it can be used in ranked maps :o
but thx for bg ></
00:04:360 (6) - Add whistle at the repeat no ><
00:41:860 (1) - No NC
00:42:193 (4) - NC
00:42:526 (1) - No NC
00:45:860 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - This stream should be more curved, like the others ok~
00:56:026 (3) - Add clap? no
01:03:360 (1) - No NC
01:03:526 (6) - NC
01:04:693 (1) - No NC
01:04:860 (1) - NC
01:58:027 (1) - No NC
01:58:360 (2) - NC
01:59:360 (1) - No NC
01:59:527 (2) - NC
02:04:027 (3) - Add clap? no
02:46:693 (3) - ^
My NC didnt fit the vocal perfectly but for some reason i dont want to change them sry >< oh no changed few of them xD
00:03:526 (1) - Whistle at the tail instead of the head
00:03:860 (2) - ^
00:04:193 (3) - Whistle at the repeat and the tail and not on the head
00:04:693 (4) - Whistle at the tail instead of the head
00:56:027 (3) - Add clap?
02:04:026 (3) - ^
02:46:693 (3) - ^
Changed all exept claps :)
Slider velocity is 1,22, shouldn't it be 1,20?
Open .osu file and find this line:
Change it to 1,20
A bit hard for a normal.
Nope i chose 1.22 manually :o

Good mapset and the song is funny
Good Luck~
Thx mod !!!
thx req~

little things...


0.23.026(5) - try this

cute song <3

I think that BG does not suit music.
Title in (Short ver.)?
I think full ver is more long...=w=
00:19:693 (2) - 1grid right
00:41:693 (2) - spacing
00:51:693 (1) - 1grid up
00:54:360 (1) - spacing
01:03:693 (2) - 1grid left
01:49:026 (1) - 1grid up

sorry nazi mod ;;
01:17:360 - add note?


00:40:526 (4) - move x104y252 is better?
02:38:027 (2,3) - spacing

00:45:860 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - try this?

That's all
I like this song
and nice mapping
Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:

cute song <3 YESSSSS \></

I think that BG does not suit music. rule #1 loli always fit the music dunno, i like it ><
Title in (Short ver.)?
I think full ver is more long...=w= short ver, or cut dunno, will add later~
00:19:693 (2) - 1grid right symetric
00:41:693 (2) - spacing +-4 fine for me
00:51:693 (1) - 1grid up symetric
00:54:360 (1) - spacing me baka, it should be ctrl+r (/ω\)
01:03:693 (2) - 1grid left failed symetric xD, fixed ==!
01:49:026 (1) - 1grid up symetric xD

sorry nazi mod ;;
01:17:360 - add note? ok~


00:40:526 (4) - move x104y252 is better?
02:38:027 (2,3) - spacing fine for me

00:45:860 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - try this? changed ><!

That's all
I like this song
and nice mapping
-->frost-b-spec added tag thx~

Thx for mod and star ></
oh double star, thx Laurier \:D/
From my queue

00:18:360 (1) - Add Finish in head?
00:19:693 (2) - ^
00:34:360 (1) - Add Finish
00:51:693 (1) - Spacing error a little.I think lt`s better put in x:92 y:248
00:54:360 (1) - 1 grid right(grid level:Tiny)
01:21:026-Add Circle?

AR -1?
01:08:360 (2) - Spacing error a little.I think lt`s better put in x:344 y:252
01:21:026-Add Circle?
01:49:026 (1) - Add Finish in head
02:01:693 (4) - Add Finish the end?

01:56:693 (3) - This circle touch the slider.Put elsewhere plz

sorry,can`t find be wrong

Good map!
As your request from my queue

NC = Add New Combo.
RNC = Remove New Combo.


  1. osb.file is not necessary for you


  1. 01:20:693 (x) - why?
    Insane :
    Hard,Normal,Easy :
  2. 02:02:360 (5) - Add finish
  3. 02:45:026 (8) - ^


  1. HP or OD -1?
  2. 00:35:693 (5) - NC
  3. 00:44:693 (1) - RNC
  4. 01:42:026 (4) - NC
  5. 01:52:693 (4) - ^


  1. 00:04:360 (x) - When you added Note here, I think that I match a sound more
  2. 01:29:026 (1) - Add finish
  3. 02:26:360 (x) - When you added Note and finish here, I think that I match a sound more


  1. fine >w<

Good map

Kawaii song >w<

Topic Starter

[Ranger] wrote:

Hi~ Hi ></
From my queue

00:18:360 (1) - Add Finish in head? yep, i missed that ..orz
00:19:693 (2) - ^ ^
00:34:360 (1) - Add Finish ok~
00:51:693 (1) - Spacing error a little.I think lt`s better put in x:92 y:248 made better symetric
00:54:360 (1) - 1 grid right(grid level:Tiny) hmm...i think its fine
01:21:026-Add Circle? yep, added this circle to every diff ><!

AR -1? i think AR-5 is ok
01:08:360 (2) - Spacing error a little.I think lt`s better put in x:344 y:252 +-5 fine for me, but changed xD
01:21:026-Add Circle?
01:49:026 (1) - Add Finish in head ok~
02:01:693 (4) - Add Finish the end? ok~

01:56:693 (3) - This circle touch the slider.Put elsewhere plz changed~

sorry,can`t find be wrong

Good map!


phonic wrote:

As your request from my queue

NC = Add New Combo.
RNC = Remove New Combo.


  1. osb.file is not necessary for you will delete on next full submit~


  1. 01:20:693 (x) - why? yyy, changed that ><
  2. 02:02:360 (5) - Add finish done
  3. 02:45:026 (8) - ^ ^


  1. HP or OD -1? nah...6/6 is ok imo
  2. 00:35:693 (5) - NC you right, but i dont like when stack notes and slider have diferent combo color, so thats why i will keep it wihout changes sry ><
  3. 00:44:693 (1) - RNC
  4. 01:42:026 (4) - NC yep~
  5. 01:52:693 (4) - ^ ^


  1. 00:04:360 (x) - When you added Note here, I think that I match a sound more changed
  2. 01:29:026 (1) - Add finish yep
  3. 02:26:360 (x) - When you added Note and finish here, I think that I match a sound more done


  1. fine >w<

Good map

Kawaii song >w< YESSSS \></

Thanks for very usefull mods [Ranger] & phonic :)
and stars \:D/
Kirino Kousaka
Hello!~ Here's my mod~ Sorry for being a bit late :( (a request from my queue)

No Kiai? DDD: aww man Add Kiai for fun! OwO Add Kiai on "00:57:026" and end it at "01:21:026". 2nd Kiai on "02:05:026" and end it at "02:25:026".

00:18:360 (1,2) - Remove the "whistle" on the reverse arrows of these sliders.

02:42:860 - Put a hitcircle here?
02:44:193 - ^

Approach Rate: +1 (I feel better when I play it like this)
00:51:360 (1) - Remove NC
00:51:693 (5) - Add NC
00:52:860 (1) - Remove NC
00:53:027 (3) - Add NC

01:31:360 (6) - Add NC
01:43:027 (4) - ^

That's All!~ >w<
Loli Voice and BG... /me dies
Star for Loli map~ OwO
Topic Starter

Kirino Kousaka wrote:

Hello!~ Here's my mod~ Sorry for being a bit late :( (a request from my queue) Hi ></

No Kiai? DDD: aww man Add Kiai for fun! OwO Add Kiai on "00:57:026" and end it at "01:21:026". 2nd Kiai on "02:05:026" and end it at "02:25:026". not using kiai sry ><

00:18:360 (1,2) - Remove the "whistle" on the reverse arrows of these sliders. ok~

02:42:860 - Put a hitcircle here? changed that part
02:44:193 - ^ ^

Approach Rate: +1 (I feel better when I play it like this) hard diff with AR-8....dunno...orz
00:51:360 (1) - Remove NC dont like when stream connected with slider have diferent combo color
00:51:693 (5) - Add NC
00:52:860 (1) - Remove NC same
00:53:027 (3) - Add NC ^

01:31:360 (6) - Add NC ok~
01:43:027 (4) - ^ no...orz

That's All!~ >w<
Loli Voice and BG... /me dies
/me *cast resurection, target=Kirino Kousaka wwww
Star for Loli map~ OwO YAY \></
Thx for mod and star !! :)
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:


/me eat KayeSara~
Thx \:D/

-我怎麼下載下來沒有Taiko BG呢 … ? 記得full submit

01:20:693 (3) – 這個聽起來off了,我建議這樣


00:12:360 (3,4,5,6,7) – 我覺得可以換成slider或什麼的,畢竟你insane也是這樣一串的下來,沒什麼新鮮感
00:24:360 (1,2,3,4,5) – ^

02:46:360 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – 排的不是很好看

Topic Starter

GiNa wrote:

你好 Hi~

-我怎麼下載下來沒有Taiko BG呢 … ? 記得full submit ok, i will recheck it

01:20:693 (3) – 這個聽起來off了,我建議這樣 nah...dont like it sry...


00:12:360 (3,4,5,6,7) – 我覺得可以換成slider或什麼的,畢竟你insane也是這樣一串的下來,沒什麼新鮮感 i like 5 note streams
00:24:360 (1,2,3,4,5) – ^

02:46:360 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – 排的不是很好看 fine for me...

Thx for mod~ :)
Shall we dance~


• Well, it seems as though you are missing the BG for the Taiko difficulty.
• Kiai would fit rather well from:
  • 00:57:026 to 01:18:360
    02:05:026 to 02:25:026

Next time, I suggest you don't use as much spinners in an Easy difficulty because it's really hard on the beginner players.

• 00:12:360 (1) - A spinner to a short 1/2 slider like this may be a rather rough transition for Easy players. I suggest either changing it to a 1/1 slider or two notes. Same goes for 00:24:360 and other parts.
• 00:50:360 (2) - Please change this slider so that it does not overlap it's own slider track.
• 00:55:860 (1) - This spinner seems to be too short for this difficulty level. I suggest mapping through it.
• 02:02:360 (3) - New combo on this note to match the change in music, please.
• 02:45:027 (3) - Make this more symmetrical please. It's fairly noticeable and rather un-flattering.


• 00:00:527 (1,2) - I don't think this is a very good way to start off a normal difficulty. The pattern feel strange and awkward to me. I would do something simple like this.
• 00:12:360 (2) - Combo bug on this note. Add a new combo on this.
• 00:15:693 (1) - This slider would flow better into (2) and the mouse movement would feel more natural if the slider was like this instead.
• 01:13:027 (1) - This slider does not flow very well into the next note and it feels fairly unnatural. Perhaps you can change it into a slanted arch like this.
• 01:45:526 (4) - Again, this slider's start overlaps with part of the slider track. Please, don't do that.
• 02:15:193 (1) - Combo bug on this note as well. Add a new combo to fix please.


Seems fine to me!


• 00:23:026 (5,6,7) - You should really un-stack (6) and (7). It's almost like stacking in a stream.
• 00:27:193 (1) - Remove the new combo on this note to match 00:29:860 (4), 00:37:860 (4), and 00:40:527 (4).
• 00:32:526 (1) - ^
• 02:02:193 (6,7,8,1,1) - This anti-jump is way too crazy for this Hard difficulty. Change this pattern up please.
• 02:24:860 (1) - This note comes fairly soon after the spinner. It does not give the player time to re-adjust their arms. Remove the note, it would work just as well and it would be a lot less frustrating to hit.


Oh my. Please. AR 8 is PERFECT for this map.

• 01:17:360 - Because there is no note here, the flow really comes to a strange stop. In other words, fix up the flow by adding a note.
• 01:58:527 (3,4,5) - The mouse movement seems rather unnatural. It would flow much better if the stream was moving downward,like this.

Nothing more to poke out here. I kinda like this difficulty.


Currently not interested in bubbling this map, so no star symbol for you (no re-check). I personally think this map could really use a few
more mods. The map set itself though is spread out fairly well and is greatly balanced.
Topic Starter

Kiddo-Kun wrote:

Shall we dance~


• Well, it seems as though you are missing the BG for the Taiko difficulty.
• Kiai would fit rather well from: Not using Kiai sry ;_;
  • 00:57:026 to 01:18:360
    02:05:026 to 02:25:026

Next time, I suggest you don't use as much spinners in an Easy difficulty because it's really hard on the beginner players.

• 00:12:360 (1) - A spinner to a short 1/2 slider like this may be a rather rough transition for Easy players. I suggest either changing it to a 1/1 slider or two notes. Same goes for 00:24:360 and other parts.
• 00:50:360 (2) - Please change this slider so that it does not overlap it's own slider track.
• 00:55:860 (1) - This spinner seems to be too short for this difficulty level. I suggest mapping through it.
• 02:02:360 (3) - New combo on this note to match the change in music, please.
• 02:45:027 (3) - Make this more symmetrical please. It's fairly noticeable and rather un-flattering.


• 00:00:527 (1,2) - I don't think this is a very good way to start off a normal difficulty. The pattern feel strange and awkward to me. I would do something simple like this.
• 00:12:360 (2) - Combo bug on this note. Add a new combo on this.
• 00:15:693 (1) - This slider would flow better into (2) and the mouse movement would feel more natural if the slider was like this instead.
• 01:13:027 (1) - This slider does not flow very well into the next note and it feels fairly unnatural. Perhaps you can change it into a slanted arch like this.
• 01:45:526 (4) - Again, this slider's start overlaps with part of the slider track. Please, don't do that.
• 02:15:193 (1) - Combo bug on this note as well. Add a new combo to fix please.


Seems fine to me!


• 00:23:026 (5,6,7) - You should really un-stack (6) and (7). It's almost like stacking in a stream.
• 00:27:193 (1) - Remove the new combo on this note to match 00:29:860 (4), 00:37:860 (4), and 00:40:527 (4).
• 00:32:526 (1) - ^
• 02:02:193 (6,7,8,1,1) - This anti-jump is way too crazy for this Hard difficulty. Change this pattern up please.
• 02:24:860 (1) - This note comes fairly soon after the spinner. It does not give the player time to re-adjust their arms. Remove the note, it would work just as well and it would be a lot less frustrating to hit.


Oh my. Please. AR 8 is PERFECT for this map. I want to keep AR-9 ;_;

• 01:17:360 - Because there is no note here, the flow really comes to a strange stop. In other words, fix up the flow by adding a note. dont want to add note, changed position little bit
• 01:58:527 (3,4,5) - The mouse movement seems rather unnatural. It would flow much better if the stream was moving downward changed to stack

Nothing more to poke out here. I kinda like this difficulty.


Currently not interested in bubbling this map, so no star symbol for you (no re-check). I personally think this map could really use a few
more mods. The map set itself though is spread out fairly well and is greatly balanced.
All fixed, thx for mod~
Here comes my mod.
why do not add kiai time..It seems add kiai fits more

00:22:360 (3,4) - add whistle at beginning and end of the slider
00:34:026 (2,1) - add some notes/sliders
01:41:693 (3,1) -^
02:31:693 add a note seems great

no background?

01:13:027 (3,4) - I don't know if you hid the end of sliders are rankable...You'd better fix it.
00:46:360 (1) - may change the slider velocity to 0.7x?This and next part.It feels good to make speed changes

good job(sorry for no noticing that you do not know Chinese XD.Here comes changes)
hello wwwwwwww ↑ xD


  1. 00:04:860 (1,2,3) - maybe keep the same spacing for this combo? dont know that slider looks nice <:
  2. 00:12:526 (7) - I'd like if you delete this note, listen to 25%, you may listen that have no sound on the song, if you delete it you will have 2 nice duplets, and make a nice jump with them
  3. 00:15:193 (1) - whistle to accompany the ok!
  4. 00:25:026 - god pro vocals xD
  5. 00:45:526 (2,3) - maybe unstack (2) and make a triangle with previous (1), I cant get this at all even on editor, or start the tream on (3), you may listen a sound next to (3) if you play at 25%
  6. 00:56:360 (5) - hmm there is must be a 5 notes stream after this object
  7. 00:59:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe?, dont know where you are supporting that streams >.<
  8. 01:19:943 (3) - >: overmap definitely
  9. 01:37:860 (4,5) - use your custom normal clap 1 and no whistle for the second circle?


  1. 00:10:693 (1,2) - leorda says that gets covered by spinner osu! or something D; see default skin auto-play
  2. 00:12:527 (5) - again this note >v<
  3. 01:37:860 (1,2) - custom clap 1 as [Insane]


dont forget full-submit
  1. 00:01:360 - katsu sounds nice here
  2. 00:01:860 - ↑
  3. 00:02:526 (2) - katsu
  4. 00:27:693 (1) - don? cant listen a high sound here


  1. 01:07:193 (3) - add a repeat and make it closer to next slider, fits to vocals, yes


  1. 00:50:360 (2) - no combo, god whay Im saying xD
    soft for beginners :3
<v< that is all
Fix all of them, thx for your modding :3

>Loli cRyo
Background vanished lol

Download: Nanahira - Tobidase! Sweet Sweet Magic (cRyo[iceeicee]) [KS'sTaiko].osu
Topic Starter

ikari_kyon wrote:

hello wwwwwwww ↑ xD


  1. 00:04:860 (1,2,3) - maybe keep the same spacing for this combo? dont know that slider looks nice <: want to keep it cause it looks funny ww
  2. 00:12:526 (7) - I'd like if you delete this note, listen to 25%, you may listen that have no sound on the song, if you delete it you will have 2 nice duplets, and make a nice jump with them hmm, i totally hear 5 note stream here o.o!, also dont like duplets :3
  3. 00:15:193 (1) - whistle to accompany the ok! dont like how 4 whistles sound together ><
  4. 00:25:026 - god pro vocals xD YEAHHHHHHH ><+++++++
  5. 00:45:526 (2,3) - maybe unstack (2) and make a triangle with previous (1), I cant get this at all even on editor, or start the tream on (3), you may listen a sound next to (3) if you play at 25% stream starts at the same time with vocal, i think its easier to catch it like that :3
  6. 00:56:360 (5) - hmm there is must be a 5 notes stream after this object same as before xD, triplet starts with vocal, i just think its easier :3
  7. 00:59:526 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe?, dont know where you are supporting that streams >.< i like triplets \^^/
  8. 01:19:943 (3) - >: overmap definitely yeah, but i like the way it sounds xD
  9. 01:37:860 (4,5) - use your custom normal clap 1 and no whistle for the second circle? its hard to hear this clap, but added!, and this whistle is cute ww


  1. 00:10:693 (1,2) - leorda says that gets covered by spinner osu! or something D; see default skin auto-play moved little bit~
  2. 00:12:527 (5) - again this note >v< duplets hard ><
  3. 01:37:860 (1,2) - custom clap 1 as [Insane] yep~


dont forget full-submit
  1. 00:01:360 - katsu sounds nice here
  2. 00:01:860 - ↑
  3. 00:02:526 (2) - katsu
  4. 00:27:693 (1) - don? cant listen a high sound here


  1. 01:07:193 (3) - add a repeat and make it closer to next slider, fits to vocals, yes ok~


  1. 00:50:360 (2) - no combo, god whay Im saying xD
    soft for beginners :3 added NC o.o!
<v< that is all
Thx for star and mod i_k :3~~~
Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

I think this song really need some kiai..... but if you really hate kiai, maybe consider use some kiai fountains instead?

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:20:693 (3) - shouldn't this slider starts at 01:20:526? I think this is the right way to follow the vocal.

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:09:026 (1,1) - actually I think one spinner is enough and better.....

01:17:027 (1) - new combo bug, add a new combo here.
02:25:026 (1) - ^
nothing else.

yeah I also think AR8 fits this diff more... but it is still up to you.

00:16:526 (5) - I thought the whistle should be on the head of the slider? did you map this whistle on purpose?
01:17:026 (5,6) - finish on these notes to follow those sounds in the music maybe a good idea.
mapset is fine for me on this diff <3

pretty good, so call me back when you have reply~
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

I think this song really need some kiai..... but if you really hate kiai, maybe consider use some kiai fountains instead? kiai hater \==/

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:20:693 (3) - shouldn't this slider starts at 01:20:526? I think this is the right way to follow the vocal.
to follow vocal perfectly it should be smth like this
but i think its little bit hard for E diff, start slider from 01:20:526 and then extend it till 01:21:026 hmm, just dont like how it sounds ==

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:09:026 (1,1) - actually I think one spinner is enough and better..... yeah, dunno why i did 2 spiners ww

01:17:027 (1) - new combo bug, add a new combo here.
02:25:026 (1) - ^
nothing else.
both fixed~

yeah I also think AR8 fits this diff more... but it is still up to you.
i dont like AR8 here, i think its easier to read this map with AR9
www Hitsound
00:16:526 (5) - I thought the whistle should be on the head of the slider? did you map this whistle on purpose? yeah i wanted to use body whistle instead of head o.o!
01:17:026 (5,6) - finish on these notes to follow those sounds in the music maybe a good idea. i think its a bit loud ><
mapset is fine for me on this diff <3

pretty good, so call me back when you have reply~
Thx for mod Nymph~ :3
grats with MAT btw
After we did a little IRC mod, we added a finish on a spinner in normal diff, and that is all.
so Bubbled!
First Bubble (处女泡)
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

After we did a little IRC mod, we added a finish on a spinner in normal diff, and that is all.
so Bubbled!
Yay thanks :3

vlob ==/
01:13:027 (1,2) - can you make the straight sections of these two notes parallel like this?
You should probably put kiai time in here somewhere, I'm sure you can find a good place for it and this is a long enough map to rather demand kiai.

00:30:026 (5) - this whistle sounds out-of-place
01:17:527 (4) - can you fit this to blanket 2 like so?
02:26:360 (3) - new combo starts here
Again with the kiai time

looks good

02:28:526 (5) - I don't think that this jump is really necessary or particularly fitting here. Jumps are like spices, they work best if you put them in places that work with the rest of the dish and can end up being rather distasteful if you put them in places they don't belong. This isn't a *terrible* place for a jump because it is during a rather exciting general area of the song, but there isn't anything in the song or the patterns of the map to induce a jump here and thus it feels a bit out-of-place. Generally, jumps work well when either 1. they make up an entire phrase of the song that stands out 2. they occur between musical phrases (a sort of phrase-breaker if you will) 3. they are required to form a symmetrical pattern in your map or 4. there is a discernible shift in the music midphrase (a random note much higher or lower than the rest, a key change, etc). Usually, placing jumps in a location that does not fit one of these will be suboptimal for your map.

00:10:193 (1) - placing a note within one beat of the end of a spinner forces the player to stop spinning early in order to hit the note. Unfortunately, this defeats the purpose of ending the spinner where it ends (because the last bit gets cut off anyways).
00:15:860 (2) - could you possibly move either this or the blue 2 to make them not overlap in such an unattractive fashion?
01:33:527 (3) - kind of hard to read under the hitbursts:
01:52:860 (4) - Same issue with jumps as 02:28:526 (5) in [Hard]

If you have any questions about this, you can always talk to me in IRC. Call me when you are ready to be rechecked.
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

01:13:027 (1,2) - can you make the straight sections of these two notes parallel like this? ok~
You should probably put kiai time in here somewhere, I'm sure you can find a good place for it and this is a long enough map to rather demand kiai.
I dont like kiai.....i prefer to play without it TAT
00:30:026 (5) - this whistle sounds out-of-place noooo, its funny ^^
01:17:527 (4) - can you fit this to blanket 2 like so? ok
02:26:360 (3) - new combo starts here hmm, dunno i prefer to start it from the next note because music changes there + changing from N to S hitsounds
Again with the kiai time

looks good

02:28:526 (5) - I don't think that this jump is really necessary or particularly fitting here. Jumps are like spices, they work best if you put them in places that work with the rest of the dish and can end up being rather distasteful if you put them in places they don't belong. This isn't a *terrible* place for a jump because it is during a rather exciting general area of the song, but there isn't anything in the song or the patterns of the map to induce a jump here and thus it feels a bit out-of-place. Generally, jumps work well when either 1. they make up an entire phrase of the song that stands out 2. they occur between musical phrases (a sort of phrase-breaker if you will) 3. they are required to form a symmetrical pattern in your map or 4. there is a discernible shift in the music midphrase (a random note much higher or lower than the rest, a key change, etc). Usually, placing jumps in a location that does not fit one of these will be suboptimal for your map.
changed, but actually i dont think its a *jump*, yes its 2+ spacing between sliders but its 0.75 SV + it has pause between sliders
00:10:193 (1) - placing a note within one beat of the end of a spinner forces the player to stop spinning early in order to hit the note. Unfortunately, this defeats the purpose of ending the spinner where it ends (because the last bit gets cut off anyways). didnt get this, but i think its fine ==, i tried to remove note and extend spinner little bit but didnt liked it...
00:15:860 (2) - could you possibly move either this or the blue 2 to make them not overlap in such an unattractive fashion? changed this~
01:33:527 (3) - kind of hard to read under the hitbursts: yeah my bad....fixed
01:52:860 (4) - Same issue with jumps as 02:28:526 (5) in [Hard] hmm, this time no....i think this jump perfectly fits here, its maybe little bit unpredictable for the first play, but well....its Insnane diff =.=

If you have any questions about this, you can always talk to me in IRC. Call me when you are ready to be rechecked.
Thx for mod Saturos-fangirl (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)。. .。.:*
When i downloaded the map, i can see only the easy diff... :?
looks good

looks good


looks ok, slightly overmapped

00:10:193 (1) - I know I mentioned this before but I suppose its fair warning that I personally won't bubble or rank any map that has this kind of thing in it. I won't block it from being ranked either and you are free to find other BATs.
01:52:860 (4) - ^ All notes should be playable the first time around, so saying that once you memorize it you can read it isn't really a good argument in favor of keeping the note
SFG, I think 01:52:860 (4) is perfectly readable? this is ar9 and just use your reaction to sightread, it's really easy to read if you are better in the game (#100k orz..)

00:10:193 (1) - ok i can't spin use 50% slider plz
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

looks good

looks good


looks ok, slightly overmapped

00:10:193 (1) - I know I mentioned this before but I suppose its fair warning that I personally won't bubble or rank any map that has this kind of thing in it. I won't block it from being ranked either and you are free to find other BATs. made it same with [Hard] diff
01:52:860 (4) - ^ All notes should be playable the first time around, so saying that once you memorize it you can read it isn't really a good argument in favor of keeping the note well yeah this one is perfectly readable at first play, its just 1 note jump at 2.0 spacing, its not hidden by any hitbursts or overlaped with other notes/sliders, i dont remember anyone who had problems with it www
Thx for recheck Saturos-fangirl :)
and Thx [CSGA]Ar3sgice for support \:D/

Did full submit and rechecked, should be fine now~
Thx for checking ^^
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

Thx rebubble :)
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