I am going to mod one by one, I won't accept new request until I done previous request. So, if you post your map before my last post, then you get automatically rejected.
How posting should be like:
1) %request%
2) eyes: request done!/rejected
3) %request%
4) eyes: request done!/rejected
How posting should not be like:
1) %request%
2) %request%
3) %request%
Your map should be enough self-modded, if your map is full of inconsistency things, like very inaccurately snap, a lot of chording inconsistencies, then your map will be rejected as well, because I'm too lazy to mention out all mistakes.
Your map should be hitsounded.
Your map shouldn't be another one 4k anime TV size map, I don't want to see such maps to be in ranked, there are enough of 4k anime already.
Artist - Title:
Keymod: K