
12 Girls Band - Miracle

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年2月17日 at 15:59:21

Artist: 12 Girls Band
Title: Miracle
Tags: classical traditional Alace
BPM: 120
Filesize: 7434kb
Play Time: 02:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (4.75 stars, 367 notes)
  2. Beginner (3.21 stars, 192 notes)
  3. Challenge (4.99 stars, 473 notes)
  4. Pangko (4.94 stars, 763 notes)
Download: 12 Girls Band - Miracle
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

17th map, traditional Chinese music :D
The background picture was draw by 德珍 (De Zhen)

[pangko] made by pangpangAlace
Thanks to Lks and Crimmi for timing help
Timing Help Requested:

Most of the Timing sections might be correct, So i'm just gonna try to give you some accurate sections:

Timing Section 1: BPM: 119.900
Offset: 145

Timing Section 2: BPM: 120.000
Offset: 12,125

Timing Section 3: BPM: 120.050
Offset: 16,175

Timing Section 4: BPM: 119.990
Offset: 48,165

Timing Section 5: BPM: 119.990
Offset: 148,155

Hope it works.
star for Chinese music
Megurine Luka

LKs wrote:

star for Chinese music

微风我来接节操 req from 华语节操群


Beatmap design/suggestion
02:28:407 (X) - 考虑加个note在这?

00:15:625 (7) - 哎去这个太震了…………音量太高 吓到我了
00:46:157 (1) - 这个音量也似乎略高了 听起来过于突出。 其实我觉得00:47:407 (3) - 这个才是应该加大音量突出的重点……我个人感觉加到75都不高. 1倒是觉得35就可以了.
02:20:157 (1) - 这里感觉音量小了 我听的感觉是建议45起步递增

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:31:157 (1,2,3) - nazi:这种spacing 真的弄成间距一样好看点 23都往右1grid好看不少
00:36:157 (1) - ……这种shape的话 对称感觉更好
01:04:907 (4,5,6,7,8) - …………这绝对不是整齐的五边形 打的时候就能感觉到
01:17:157 (5) - 这slidershape……咋快趴下了…………
02:20:657 (4) - 太往里了有点 拉出来一格?跟那些减小间距的连打一样就行
02:21:657 (7) - ^
02:22:657 (2) - 这个spacing就可以
02:23:657 (5) - 又缩回去了
02:40:407 (2) - 再拉大点间距?

00:15:625 (4) - 同beginner.. 不再提了 难道是我耳机太爆了么
00:46:157 (3,4) - 这俩还是高 囧 又跟beginner一样了 这次真不再提了 后面2分20秒还是同beginner
01:16:157 (3) - 我始终觉得MP3这里的鼓声早了 造成跟自己加的hitsound没融合起来 很别扭

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:48:157 (1) - 一串到这间距突然变小了?1.04转0.78 是故意的么
别的都还好 有几个地方有点坑 快睡着了 就先写这么多吧

Nymph wrote:

Nymph(70660701) 1:38:34
Nymph(70660701) 1:38:38
BG is H

00:09:657 (2,3) - 和背景的强鼓冲突不和谐
00:11:657 (5,6) - ^
01:32:657 (3) - 不如跟1和2重叠
01:35:407 (3) - 红线节奏微妙
02:02:407 add note
02:28:407 add note
02:40:157 (9) - 拆成两个NOTE?

00:05:157 (4) - 强音效here
00:25:157 (2) - ugly(nazi),来回ctrl+R测试对不对称
00:36:157 (1) - ^
00:46:782 (5,6,7) - 距离大胶布?
00:49:782 (6,7,8,1,2) - 这边按我感觉是678间距拉大,然后1和2stack,当然现在这样也fine。下面几个同样的地方也一样
01:06:157 (9) - lol感觉这孩子说不上来的很可怜
01:12:657 (4) - 1/6 here ,到01:13:407,音效渐强到渐弱
01:17:157 (5) - CTRL +R
01:17:907 (6) - 跟改过以后的5的尾巴水平对称
01:18:157 (7) - CTRL +R
01:28:657 (8) - 长了
02:19:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - nice节奏here
02:39:157 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 目前distance:0.97/1.22/1.18/1.4/1.42/1.36。建议1.0/1.0/1.2/1.2/1.4/1.4,然后排列改成比较明显的加速间距比如

00:05:407 (7) - 这边听着奇怪,要么sliderslide静音要么取消折返用三连note
00:14:125 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - combo建议1234123412341,排列遇1折返比如
00:19:657 (6) - 拆成slider + note建议
00:23:657 (4) - ^
00:40:657 (3) - 虽然背景有东西,但不建议跟
01:44:407 add note here可以拉仇恨
02:12:407 (2) - 哇哦3.13
02:13:907 (11,1) - 不跳一下吗

无星可射 :roll:
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

微风我来接节操 req from 华语节操群


Beatmap design/suggestion
02:28:407 (X) - 考虑加个note在这? :arrow: 加了感觉难了点, 我把slider拉到这儿了

00:15:625 (7) - 哎去这个太震了…………音量太高 吓到我了 :arrow: 降到45%了
00:46:157 (1) - 这个音量也似乎略高了 听起来过于突出。 其实我觉得00:47:407 (3) - 这个才是应该加大音量突出的重点……我个人感觉加到75都不高. 1倒是觉得35就可以了. :arrow: 1降低了, 3提高了
02:20:157 (1) - 这里感觉音量小了 我听的感觉是建议45起步递增 :arrow: 这个我觉得还好

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:31:157 (1,2,3) - nazi:这种spacing 真的弄成间距一样好看点 23都往右1grid好看不少 :arrow: k
00:36:157 (1) - ……这种shape的话 对称感觉更好 :arrow: k
01:04:907 (4,5,6,7,8) - …………这绝对不是整齐的五边形 打的时候就能感觉到 :arrow: :/ 好吧
01:17:157 (5) - 这slidershape……咋快趴下了………… :arrow: 因为slider开头不跟前面01:15:157 (1)重合的话感觉很难看
02:20:657 (4) - 太往里了有点 拉出来一格?跟那些减小间距的连打一样就行
02:21:657 (7) - ^
02:22:657 (2) - 这个spacing就可以
02:23:657 (5) - 又缩回去了 :arrow: 这些都改了
02:40:407 (2) - 再拉大点间距? :arrow: 也行啊

00:15:625 (4) - 同beginner.. 不再提了 难道是我耳机太爆了么
00:46:157 (3,4) - 这俩还是高 囧 又跟beginner一样了 这次真不再提了 后面2分20秒还是同beginner
01:16:157 (3) - 我始终觉得MP3这里的鼓声早了 造成跟自己加的hitsound没融合起来 很别扭 :arrow: 手工弹奏始终是会抽的, 这里加红线又不太现实

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:48:157 (1) - 一串到这间距突然变小了?1.04转0.78 是故意的么 :arrow: 因为前面那段是0.75xBPM
别的都还好 有几个地方有点坑 快睡着了 就先写这么多吧

atk1992 wrote:

Nymph wrote:

Nymph(70660701) 1:38:34
Nymph(70660701) 1:38:38
BG is H
:arrow: lol

hitsound总体感觉鼓声偏小 :arrow: 我是觉得还好, 先暂时这样吧, 如果还有人这么觉得的话我就提高点音量

00:09:657 (2,3) - 和背景的强鼓冲突不和谐
00:11:657 (5,6) - ^ :arrow: :roll: 那该这么改呢
01:32:657 (3) - 不如跟1和2重叠 :arrow: 1,2是两个重音所以感觉重叠比较好
01:35:407 (3) - 红线节奏微妙 :arrow: 微妙的既视感
02:02:407 add note :arrow: 这个可以有
02:28:407 add note :arrow: k
02:40:157 (9) - 拆成两个NOTE? :arrow: k

00:05:157 (4) - 强音效here :arrow: 还是长白线的比较强, 这里提高音量前面的反而不明显了
00:25:157 (2) - ugly(nazi),来回ctrl+R测试对不对称 :arrow: 好吧, 你们这群对称控
00:36:157 (1) - ^
00:46:782 (5,6,7) - 距离大胶布? :arrow: 萌大奶
00:49:782 (6,7,8,1,2) - 这边按我感觉是678间距拉大,然后1和2stack,当然现在这样也fine。下面几个同样的地方也一样 :arrow: 嗯, 我比较喜欢这样, 间距较大的连打对我来说很难HD lol
01:06:157 (9) - lol感觉这孩子说不上来的很可怜 :arrow: 意义不明
01:12:657 (4) - 1/6 here ,到01:13:407,音效渐强到渐弱 :arrow: 确实是1/6, 改了
01:17:157 (5) - CTRL +R :arrow: k
01:17:907 (6) - 跟改过以后的5的尾巴水平对称 :arrow: k
01:18:157 (7) - CTRL +R :arrow: k
01:28:657 (8) - 长了 :arrow: 改了
02:19:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - nice节奏here :arrow: your中english混合也nice
02:39:157 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 目前distance:0.97/1.22/1.18/1.4/1.42/1.36。建议1.0/1.0/1.2/1.2/1.4/1.4,然后排列改成比较明显的加速间距比如 :arrow: 建议很好, 不过我觉得我这样也不错

00:05:407 (7) - 这边听着奇怪,要么sliderslide静音要么取消折返用三连note :arrow: 我觉得还好啊
00:14:125 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - combo建议1234123412341,排列遇1折返比如 :arrow: 改了
00:19:657 (6) - 拆成slider + note建议 :arrow: k
00:23:657 (4) - ^ :arrow: 这里我就不改了
00:40:657 (3) - 虽然背景有东西,但不建议跟 :arrow: 先暂时不改, 看看其他人这么说
01:44:407 add note here可以拉仇恨 :arrow: 我不是MT扛不住
02:12:407 (2) - 哇哦3.13 :arrow: 改小了点
02:13:907 (11,1) - 不跳一下吗 :arrow: 不跳都够坑了

无星可射 :roll:
BG微H 我沒意見可是有被噴的風險?
tag chinese instrumental 之類的?
Break periods可以弄成一樣
前面還是off了點?第2段拿00:15:625出現早了~5-10 ms
試試(162, BPM120), (13637, BPM122)

00:07:532 (8) - 音樂中(8)比(7)大聲 可以考慮這個note大聲一點
00:48:907 (3) - 右一格
00:54:157 (1,2) - 加finish?前面2次不加 然後後面2次加finish這樣
01:35:157 (5) - 左一格
02:16:407 (1,2) - 把(2) stack在上一個(3)上面 然後ctrl+H找對稱地方放(1)?

00:07:532 (5) - 同[Insane], 大聲一點
00:11:907 (1) - 左一格吧 就這個spacing不同
00:54:127 (1,2) - finish?
02:28:157 (1) - 上一格


就這樣 加油
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

BG微H 我沒意見可是有被噴的風險? :arrow: 又没露点又没胖次的:S
tag chinese instrumental 之類的? :arrow:
Break periods可以弄成一樣
:arrow: 应该是一样的吧

前面還是off了點?第2段拿00:15:625出現早了~5-10 ms
試試(162, BPM120), (13637, BPM122)
如果行的話也套用去後面 :arrow: 这个timing目前我觉得算比较合适了, 只有几个单独地方off, 那个应该是人工弹奏的问题lol

00:07:532 (8) - 音樂中(8)比(7)大聲 可以考慮這個note大聲一點 :arrow: k
00:48:907 (3) - 右一格 :arrow: k
00:54:157 (1,2) - 加finish?前面2次不加 然後後面2次加finish這樣 :arrow: 我觉得这里不加好点
01:35:157 (5) - 左一格 :arrow: k
02:16:407 (1,2) - 把(2) stack在上一個(3)上面 然後ctrl+H找對稱地方放(1)? :arrow: 嗯...那样我觉得很难排列

00:07:532 (5) - 同[Insane], 大聲一點 :arrow: k
00:11:907 (1) - 左一格吧 就這個spacing不同 :arrow: k
00:54:127 (1,2) - finish? :arrow: 这个我是觉得音乐里没有那么强的finish音的感觉
02:28:157 (1) - 上一格 :arrow: k


就這樣 加油
Topic Starter
Star Stream
from my queue

02:26:157 ~ 02:28:157 - spinner?
02:38:157 (5) - NC?

00:46:157 (3) - NC?
00:46:782 (5,6,7) - > 00:46:657 ?
01:28:157 (7) - NC?
02:27:157 (8) - add a return arrow and delete the circle(02:27:907 ) ?

00:18:157 (3) - NC?

that's all.. ovo
Topic Starter

Star Stream wrote:

from my queue

02:26:157 ~ 02:28:157 - spinner? :arrow: why here spinner?
02:38:157 (5) - NC? :arrow: k

00:46:157 (3) - NC? :arrow: nah
00:46:782 (5,6,7) - > 00:46:657 ? :arrow: It follows music here
01:28:157 (7) - NC? :arrow: nah
02:27:157 (8) - add a return arrow and delete the circle(02:27:907 ) ? :arrow: Keep that note for symmetry

00:18:157 (3) - NC? :arrow: nah

that's all.. ovo
Hi Cheeze

* Uhh, NSFW BG?

00:41:657 (5) - New combo?
01:37:157 (3) - Add 1 repeating slider for following instruments?
02:26:407 (6) - You using too many repeating slider with short slider. This issue can makes beginners confusing about when the slider is end


00:46:157 (3) - New combo for new stanza? Like others?
01:28:657 (8) - If you following the strings (I don't the instrument, lol) for this slider, the end slider should 01:29:157
02:19:407 (7,8,9) - Move 1 grid up for make parallel (Nazi)



* AR -1?

00:54:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I think the stream without slider is might be good, instead of stream with slider


Really, Breeze's avatar must have a mustache
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi Cheeze

* Uhh, NSFW BG? :arrow: This is art, serious

00:41:657 (5) - New combo? :arrow: k
01:37:157 (3) - Add 1 repeating slider for following instruments? :arrow: Hmm, then idk how to put later notes lol
02:26:407 (6) - You using too many repeating slider with short slider. This issue can makes beginners confusing about when the slider is end :arrow: 大丈夫だ、問題ない!


00:46:157 (3) - New combo for new stanza? Like others? :arrow: k
01:28:657 (8) - If you following the strings (I don't the instrument, lol) for this slider, the end slider should 01:29:157 :arrow: Ends 01:29:407 makes 9 more easy to read, anywat I lowered volume here
02:19:407 (7,8,9) - Move 1 grid up for make parallel (Nazi) :arrow: nah



* AR -1? :arrow: 8 is fine

00:54:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I think the stream without slider is might be good, instead of stream with slider :arrow: There are some 1/8 sliders, 1/8 notes are bad imo


Really, Breeze's avatar must have a mustache
Thanks for the mod
Hey, practicing my mod :D (saw this in modreq)


00:00: 657 small spacing problem between [1] and [2]
00:46:907 more space? to avoid confusion in rythmn
02:01:657 extend this slider to 02:01:907
02:28:157 try to Add finish
02:28:407 Add finish

00:45:907 Add note
01:15:157 Delete NC
01:16:157 Add NC
01:19:157 Delete NC
01:20:157 Add NC
02:39:157 [3,4,5,6] Continue with slider pattern?

02:26:407 zig-zag it? the linear pattern doesn't suit this song

Pretty pictures :D
I like the song and the map is really good xD Good luck Breeze!
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

Hey, practicing my mod :D (saw this in modreq)


00:00: 657 small spacing problem between [1] and [2] :arrow: fixed
00:46:907 more space? to avoid confusion in rythmn :arrow: it's usual spacing here
02:01:657 extend this slider to 02:01:907 :arrow: Hmm, I feel that would make it hard
02:28:157 try to Add finish :arrow: yes it has finish
02:28:407 Add finish :arrow: k

00:45:907 Add note :arrow: k
01:15:157 Delete NC
01:16:157 Add NC:arrow: I feel it works well now
01:19:157 Delete NC
01:20:157 Add NC :arrow: ^
02:39:157 [3,4,5,6] Continue with slider pattern? :arrow: nice idea, changed

02:26:407 zig-zag it? the linear pattern doesn't suit this song :arrow: Hmm, I feel straight line better

Pretty pictures :D
I like the song and the map is really good xD Good luck Breeze!
Thanks for mod
你好,那繪師的圖好像遊戲人物呢 ;o

00:14:125 (4) – maybe NC here? Cuz the pattern changes
00:54:157 (1,2,3) – this doesn’t fit imo, try this?
01:28:157 (1) – 這個在調一下應該會更好看,用Grid Level4把第四個waypoint移到x:196 y:16

01:57:907 (1,2) – add finish


以上 :)
Topic Starter

GiNa wrote:

你好,那繪師的圖好像遊戲人物呢 ;o

00:14:125 (4) – maybe NC here? Cuz the pattern changes :arrow: k
00:54:157 (1,2,3) – this doesn’t fit imo, try this? :arrow: Hmm, I feel it's fine now
01:28:157 (1) – 這個在調一下應該會更好看,用Grid Level4把第四個waypoint移到x:196 y:16 :arrow: k

01:57:907 (1,2) – add finish :arrow: 嗯, 我是感觉这里没有finish的感觉


以上 :)
Kirino Kousaka
Hello~ Here's my mod :D

00:46:657 - Add a hitcircle here?
00:47:157 - ^
(It would look better like this imo, though I'm not so sure about this one:)

00:47:657 - ^

00:55:657 (6) - Remove this hitcircle. [Based on the music this sounds better for me]

00:29:157 - Add NC
00:30:157 - Remove NC
00:54:657 - Add NC
01:31:157 - Move this [pointed by the arrow in the pic] 2 grids upward.

That's all~
Nice map~ :D
Topic Starter

Kirino Kousaka wrote:

Hello~ Here's my mod :D

00:46:657 - Add a hitcircle here? :arrow: Hmm, I feel that makes here kinda hard
00:47:157 - ^ :arrow: ^
(It would look better like this imo, though I'm not so sure about this one:)
00:47:657 - ^
00:55:657 (6) - Remove this hitcircle. [Based on the music this sounds better for me] :arrow: Hmm, seems odd if just here remove one beat

00:29:157 - Add NC
00:30:157 - Remove NC :arrow: k
00:54:657 - Add NC :arrow: Add NC to 00:56:032 then
01:31:157 - Move this [pointed by the arrow in the pic] 2 grids upward. :arrow: k

That's all~
Nice map~ :D
S h i o n
  1. 00:54:907 (2,3) - 突然来俩后半拍..? 在00:54:657开始 , 00:55:657结束 来个折返slider 如何
  2. 01:19:157 (7,1) - 换下NC
  3. 01:56:157 (1,2,3) - 排一直线有一点分不清slider尾和note..
  1. 00:08:157 (7,1,2) - 像这种3个一起的 设置成一种颜色会不会清晰一点.. 后面几个也是这样
  1. 02:18:907 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 由于之前的(4) 会形成一种o o o的节奏, 而且这里音乐也没有明显的3连音, 会显得比较奇怪。把(5)之后的换成1/2节奏 或者索性全部换成连打..?
  2. diff名改成Challenging ? 搜到别的图用形容词形式的比较多.. 不过你之前的图也用的名词形式吧 ~
good luck ~
Topic Starter

S h i o n wrote:

  1. 00:54:907 (2,3) - 突然来俩后半拍..? 在00:54:657开始 , 00:55:657结束 来个折返slider 如何 :arrow: 嗯, 其实这里是跟背景的鼓声...我先留着, 再有人说的话我就改吧
  2. 01:19:157 (7,1) - 换下NC :arrow: 貌似没太差别
  3. 01:56:157 (1,2,3) - 排一直线有一点分不清slider尾和note.. :arrow: 咦, 会吗, 其他人貌似还没这么说过的, 先留着看看
  1. 00:08:157 (7,1,2) - 像这种3个一起的 设置成一种颜色会不会清晰一点.. 后面几个也是这样 :arrow: k
  1. 02:18:907 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 由于之前的(4) 会形成一种o o o的节奏, 而且这里音乐也没有明显的3连音, 会显得比较奇怪。把(5)之后的换成1/2节奏 或者索性全部换成连打..? :arrow: 换了个1/2拍的
  2. diff名改成Challenging ? 搜到别的图用形容词形式的比较多.. 不过你之前的图也用的名词形式吧 ~ :arrow: 这个无所谓吧XD

@Kiiwa ...pic mod hard to catch the exact time lol
Change color to brown then, thanks
And fixed NC issue and some other suggestions
good luck ~
从mod queue飘来的~

- [Beginner]和[Advance]有很多没用到的绿线,主要都是Challenge用的。没什么大碍,但能的话,清理一下?
- 那slider slide音效。。。hmm。
- 还是想说一下,[Beginner]的bg真的大丈夫?我本身是觉得没问题,但那感觉不像是100% SFW吧。
- Tag 不放 chinese?毕竟是华乐。

- 00:46:157 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这段。。hmm。 建议在 00:46:532 加一拍, 排列如以下建议?
- 01:28:657 (8) - 感觉是白线停比较好?与 01:12:657 (4) 类似。

- 01:29:282 (10,11) - 参考[Advance] - 01:28:657 (8)的建议?

Topic Starter

Soul-less wrote:

从mod queue飘来的~

- [Beginner]和[Advance]有很多没用到的绿线,主要都是Challenge用的。没什么大碍,但能的话,清理一下?
- 那slider slide音效。。。hmm。
- 还是想说一下,[Beginner]的bg真的大丈夫?我本身是觉得没问题,但那感觉不像是100% SFW吧。 :arrow: 好吧, 既然很多人说了我就换个好了...

- 00:46:157 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这段。。hmm。 建议在 00:46:532 加一拍, 排列如以下建议? :arrow: 加了note了
- 01:28:657 (8) - 感觉是白线停比较好?与 01:12:657 (4) 类似。 :arrow: k

- 01:29:282 (10,11) - 参考[Advance] - 01:28:657 (8)的建议? :arrow: k

Hi o/


hitcircle: I'm not a huge fan of coloured hitcircles. But in this case, with those combo colors, it works fine.


Star rate: 3.09: You know the easiest diff in the mapset has to be below 3 stars...

02:26:407 (6) - Too many repetitions... End them in the 1st beat of the music (02:28:157), not the second one. If you've made that change, you should add a note at 02:28:407.


Looks good~


00:54:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - This pattern is kinda confusing the way it is. Try something like this:
But anyway, as Leorda said in a previous post, it'll be better if there aren't sliders in that stream... However, if you want to keep that 1/8 sliders, at least exchange (5,6) for a 1/4 slider (5). (8,9) too.


Looks fine, but I'd change some big notes for normal notes:

00:54:657 (30) - D --> d.
01:40:907 (3) - K --> k.
01:44:907 (18) - K --> k.
01:48:907 (32) - K --> k.
01:52:907 (47) - K --> k.

That's all!
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:

Hi o/


hitcircle: I'm not a huge fan of coloured hitcircles. But in this case, with those combo colors, it works fine.


Star rate: 3.09: You know the easiest diff in the mapset has to be below 3 stars... :arrow: Yup, I know, this diff is easy enough imo

02:26:407 (6) - Too many repetitions... End them in the 1st beat of the music (02:28:157), not the second one. If you've made that change, you should add a note at 02:28:407. :arrow: Done some changes then


Looks good~


00:54:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - This pattern is kinda confusing the way it is. Try something like this:
But anyway, as Leorda said in a previous post, it'll be better if there aren't sliders in that stream... However, if you want to keep that 1/8 sliders, at least exchange (5,6) for a 1/4 slider (5). (8,9) too. :arrow: okay, change to sliders

That's all!
00:07:719 (24) - should be a kat here
00:15:750 (60,61) - 2 dons in the end maybe?
00:17:157 (5) - Big note
00:19:157 (12) - ^
00:21:157 (21) - ^
00:23:157 (28) - ^
00:25:157 (5) - ^
00:27:157 (12) - ^
00:29:157 (21) - ^
00:31:157 (30) - ^
00:33:157 (6) - ^
00:35:157 (14) - ^
00:37:157 (23) - ^
Umm there are too many of them, please change them to big notes, since the music is very slow even a beginner in taiko will be able to hit here a big note.
02:51:907 (66) - Big don + put a new timing section with slider velocity x2
02:52:032 (67) - Big don
02:52:157 (68) - Big kat
02:52:282 (69) - Big don,there is a useless timing section, maybe remove it?
I think it sounds and looks much nicer with these small changes, try it out. I had fun playing it~

Taiko_[69] wrote:

00:07:719 (24) - should be a kat here
00:15:750 (60,61) - 2 dons in the end maybe?
00:17:157 (5) - Big note
00:19:157 (12) - ^
00:21:157 (21) - ^
00:23:157 (28) - ^
00:25:157 (5) - ^
00:27:157 (12) - ^
00:29:157 (21) - ^
00:31:157 (30) - ^
00:33:157 (6) - ^
00:35:157 (14) - ^
00:37:157 (23) - ^
Umm there are too many of them, please change them to big notes, since the music is very slow even a beginner in taiko will be able to hit here a big note.
02:51:907 (66) - Big don + put a new timing section with slider velocity x2
02:52:032 (67) - Big don
02:52:157 (68) - Big kat
02:52:282 (69) - Big don,there is a useless timing section, maybe remove it?
I think it sounds and looks much nicer with these small changes, try it out. I had fun playing it~
I won't add all of these because if i add all of them, there are a bit too much to me.i may think about adding some of them

The last timing section is kiai ending
thx for modding

Download: 12 Girls Band - Miracle (Breeze) [Pangko].osu
Topic Starter
Uploaded, with some new skin element ヾ(๑╹ω╹๑)ノ
IRC Modding.

19:20 <Breeze> : yay, I'm back
19:26 <Faust> : in the middle of checking Easy-Normal
19:26 <Breeze> : ah, okay
19:26 <Faust> : everything is fine so far, just a few grid suggestions here and there
19:26 <Breeze> : /o/
19:29 <Faust> : your skin's pretty good, just my only concern is that certain notes in the middle of rhythm may be hard to read
19:29 <Faust> : on sight.
19:29 <Faust> : Nothing too serious or rule-breaking.
19:30 <Breeze> : I'm think about the spacing issue of [challenge] diff, too
19:30 <Breeze> : Although it looked fine, but actually played not that comfortable
19:31 <Faust> : haha
19:31 <Faust> : 02:00:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Like here, for example
19:31 <Faust> : the streaming is very nimble
19:31 <Faust> : but the SV is relatively high
19:32 <Faust> : I think it's fine, but if you'd like I guess it could be spaced a bit
19:32 <Breeze> : you're right, I'm going to make them consistent
19:33 <Faust> : 02:06:907 (1,2) - actually I have a suggestion for these stacks
19:34 <Faust> : I couldn't identify them as stacks when I first played them, I think it's to do with the arrangement & color of the
19:34 <Faust> : map
19:34 <Faust> : so you can switch them to green combo color and then have the slider at 02:07:157 (1) - back to red
19:35 <Faust> : because the golden hitcircle/slider borders are the overall, it can be tough to anticipate certain changes in
19:35 <Faust> : rhythm
19:36 <Breeze> : hmm, yea
19:37 <Faust> : Lastly, here's just minor grid suggestions on Beginner
19:37 <Faust> : 00:28:157 (1) - 1 grid up.
19:38 <Faust> : 00:30:157 (3) - 1 grid down.
19:38 <Faust> : 00:33:157 (2) - 1 grid right
19:39 <Breeze> : all done these
19:39 <Faust> : actually just a few more such sliders that are easy to identify from here. So if you feel like it, you can just maybe
19:39 <Faust> : use a higher grid setting and make some cosmetical changes.
19:39 <Faust> : that's all :3
19:40 <Faust> : Is this a CNY map?
19:40 <Faust> : lol
19:40 <Faust> : very in-season
19:40 <Breeze> : CNY?
19:40 <Faust> : Chinese New Year
19:40 <Breeze> : oh, actually it's not a new year song
19:40 <Breeze> : just traditional Chinese song
19:40 <Faust> : Yeah.
19:41 <Breeze> : :D Thanks for your mod, I'll gonna redo some spacing in last diff then ;)
19:41 <Faust> : Mm, I was just wondering if you wanted this ranked for the occasion.
19:41 <Faust> : I'm also Chinese, actually.
19:41 <Breeze> : :o
19:41 <Breeze> : Can you speak Chinese?
19:42 <Faust> : very basic. My oral is bad, but I can read and understand most Chinese.
19:42 <Faust> : I can do theory, but my practical sucks.
19:43 <Breeze> : hehe, communicate in Chinese is more convient for me /o/
19:43 <Faust> : lol
19:45 <Breeze> : btw, you should post a reply in the map topic so I can kudos you :3 your suggestions are very useful
19:46 <Faust> : rating for Beginner seems to be 3.21 lool
19:46 <Faust> : silly rating
19:46 <Breeze> : yea 3.21 but it's easy enough right?
19:46 <Faust> : Indeed.
19:47 <Faust> : Let me know when you wrap up the finishing touches then. :)
19:47 <Breeze> : okay
20:54 <Breeze> : I think I've done changes, changed a bit too much streams :P
21:04 <Faust> : Hmm
21:04 <Faust> : On Challenge, you could make 01:07:407 (7) - symmetrical to the previous note
21:04 <Breeze> : sure
21:05 <Breeze> : also 01:09:157 (5) - fixed /o/
21:05 <Breeze> : 01:09:532 (6,7) - too
21:06 <Faust> : 01:34:407 (2) - Could be better stacked on 3 imo
21:08 <Breeze> : hmm, move 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5, then stack 5 with 3
21:09 <Breeze> :
21:09 <Faust> : that's pretty nice
21:09 <Breeze> : :P
21:09 <Faust> : very suited
21:09 <Faust> : so that's it :D
21:10 <Breeze> : k!
21:11 <Faust> : Is it updated?
21:11 <Breeze> : not yet
21:12 <Breeze> : 02:12:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
21:12 <Breeze> : Hmm, I think I would change these partten a bit
21:12 <Breeze> : played not well
21:18 <Breeze> : uploaded
21:18 <Faust> : website seems slow.
21:19 <Breeze> : hmm, fine here
21:19 <Faust> : Haha, fierce jumps
21:20 <Breeze> : lol
21:20 <Breeze> : where?
21:20 <Faust> : 02:14:032 (2,3,4) -
21:20 <Faust> : they're good though
21:21 <Breeze> : maybe like this? :P
21:21 <Breeze> :
21:21 <Faust> : I like the current one better, haha
21:21 <Breeze> : /o/
21:22 <Faust> : A lot of potential for this song.
21:22 <Breeze> : yup, they are 4 downbeat here ;)
21:22 <Faust> : I feel you might want to give the streams more spacing during the pressurizing sections of the song, and keep
21:22 <Faust> : normal distance for the stable parts.
21:23 <Faust> : 02:26:407 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - Have a very time with this ^ ^
21:23 <Faust> : 120 BPM compressed is hard to play.
21:23 <Faust> : I don't disagree with it
21:23 <Faust> : but it's just tough
21:25 <Breeze> : Hmm, change to 4 of 2 reversing sliders?
21:25 <Faust> : Hmm.
21:25 <Faust> : I don't recommend that..
21:25 <Faust> : because the stream would lose it's appeal, I think
21:26 <Faust> : So to keep the highlight, I think you can gradually increase the spacing or something
21:26 <Faust> : so it becomes more comfortable for the player as they advance
21:26 <Faust> : seeing as they are at the finale
21:27 <Breeze> : okay, increase spacing like I used in climax part
21:27 <Faust> : hehe
21:32 <Breeze> : updated
21:34 <Faust> : I guess this is fine :3
21:34 <Faust> : Posting then.

(´−`) ~
The download link is broken, I don't take the taiko diff.
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

The download link is broken, I don't take the taiko diff.
Thanks, re-fullsubmitted
Blowing you a bubble.
Lets get this awesome map ranked!

  1. Skin: You are missing reversearrow.png in your folder, since you have a custom circle and overlay. Just use a default one from the template skin if you don't have a matching one for this set.
  1. 02:26:407 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - I strongly suggest to put a spinner here, or map the melody with jumps or something, because that drumline in the music is unmappable if you don't use additional red sections, which would just make it awkward to play. Players who lower hitsounds so they play with music more, will get many 100s here because the drumline is improvised a little and a flat 1/4 stream doesn't fit into that. I will not hold it against you if you wish to keep this, but please check it yourself and see how ridiculous the drumline here actually is.
  1. I would strongly suggest to use normal hitsounds here (and lower volume) rather than soft, because of the new rules being made which will most likely abolish the use of soft hitsounds in taiko. Not a big deal and you don't have to do this if you really don't want to, but if you ask me it's a good thing to consider changing this to fit that criteria.
  1. 02:28:157 (5) - New combo?
Amazing map I have to say, I sort of expected a really awesome map but really, the hitsounding blew me away, awesome job. Contact me after you make any changes and I will rank this asap.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Lets get this awesome map ranked!

  1. Skin: You are missing reversearrow.png in your folder, since you have a custom circle and overlay. Just use a default one from the template skin if you don't have a matching one for this set. :arrow: added
  1. 02:26:407 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - I strongly suggest to put a spinner here, or map the melody with jumps or something, because that drumline in the music is unmappable if you don't use additional red sections, which would just make it awkward to play. Players who lower hitsounds so they play with music more, will get many 100s here because the drumline is improvised a little and a flat 1/4 stream doesn't fit into that. I will not hold it against you if you wish to keep this, but please check it yourself and see how ridiculous the drumline here actually is. :arrow: you're right, changed to spinner, so does [advanced]
  1. 02:28:157 (5) - New combo? :arrow: k
Amazing map I have to say, I sort of expected a really awesome map but really, the hitsounding blew me away, awesome job. Contact me after you make any changes and I will rank this asap.
Thanks for you mod
Hm it appears that your fullsubmit has gone wrong, because I am not getting the reversearrow.png in my folder. :S

Also I see that you changed them into a spinner, but how about extending that spinner (02:26:407 (1)) in both your diffs all the way to 02:28:157 and removing a note there? I think it sounds better and gives off a better rhythm. Just a thing to consider.

Fix the reversearrow, see if you like my suggestion and I rank. :3
(ノ゚▽゚)ノ go go go go go !
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hm it appears that your fullsubmit has gone wrong, because I am not getting the reversearrow.png in my folder. :S

Also I see that you changed them into a spinner, but how about extending that spinner (02:26:407 (1)) in both your diffs all the way to 02:28:157 and removing a note there? I think it sounds better and gives off a better rhythm. Just a thing to consider. :arrow: Hmm, okay, then

Fix the reversearrow, see if you like my suggestion and I rank. :3
Alright, I can see the reversearrow now.


Awesome job, Breeze. :D

Congratulations !
gratz~ :)
Kawayi Rika
恭喜 微风君 ~ :)
恭喜啦~~!! :D
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