
Improved "most played beatmap" listing

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +392
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On the main page we can find a list with the most played beatmaps over the last 24 hours. In my eyes the time interval is senseless, since there are nearly only the last ranked beatmaps in this list. So you cannot really see, which beatmap is popular - and seeing which one is popular is the primary goal of the list I guess.
Therefor I suggest to rework the list from "most played beatmaps over the last 24 hours" to "most played beatmaps over the last 10 days" (or another similar time interval). With this change you should get a better image of what beatmaps are popular, and not what got ranked lately.
A good idea in theory, but that'd make the most played beatmaps hardly change at all. Bad Apple gets on there every day as is, I think it'd top the charts every time if it was a last 10 days thing!
You can check it manually.
This actually makes a lot of sense, since it's true that most played beatmaps = popular anime of the moment op/ed or some very popular touhou song that just got ranked. Making a "most played map in the last week" would be a lot better tbh, since you'll get to see what maps are really liked instead of seeing what maps are being farmed... since you know most people playing latest ranked maps just want to get ranked score.
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Cheer-no wrote:

A good idea in theory, but that'd make the most played beatmaps hardly change at all. Bad Apple gets on there every day as is, I think it'd top the charts every time if it was a last 10 days thing!
But this is exactly what I want! At the moment only the latest ranked beatmaps appear on the list plus Bad Apple by ouranhshc. I want to see the recently most played beatmaps even if this are only 5 different versions of Bad Apple.
what about add a link (make "Most Played Beatmaps" clickable?) to top 20 or 30 most played maps?
they can't be all newly ranked maps (the play counts starts to decrease after a week or so) so if anyone want to check...

or just make it "Most Played Beatmaps in a week", but how to solve bad apple things.
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Come on, please don't drop this suggestion. It shouldn't take longer than 1 minute to change it and would improve the listing a lot. The only thing you got to do is to replace the time value 24 h with 240 h, right?
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Well this request isn't really valid anymore because of the beatmaps bundled with the client. These are now most played maps regardless of whether the time interval is 24 hours or 240 hours.

xXavocadoXx wrote:

(Most played beatmap of all time!)
You can see this here ... &o=&r=0&q= .
Need to do something about t/210189 first.
udh ada kak ;)
Zelzatter Zero
The "Most Played Beatmaps" has been changed to "Popular Beatmaps" with different mechanic.

suichikecil wrote:

gw butuh fiturnya anj-
The feature you want is now removed, due to how manipulative it is. You can see it again here: with a note that all of them are there for more than 2 years, with one being 5 years.
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