
[resolved] [added] Ignore Montly Beatmapping Contest maps in the frontpage

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +95
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My suggestion here is simple, to ignore (or add a checkbox for) any maps that fall under "Montly Beatmapping Contest". The reason for this is that these maps are constantly on the top and (in my opinion at least) aren't even that good. They're obviously in the top because the game comes packaged with them now, and they obstruct other better maps in that list.

Right now 3/5 of the top played maps are under this category. As we get more of these maps it might very well turn into 5/5, effectively rendering this section obsolete.

Hopefully this is taken into consideration.
Don´t see a reason to count them out to be honest. They are after all the most played maps that day...
We need Gangnam Style to make a comeback.
Ayesha Altugle
It is duplicate of one thread, iirc

EDIT: This one more likely

TheVileOne wrote:

We need Gangnam Style to make a comeback.
support for this
bumping this.

Broccoly wrote:

Yeah. We all know MBC winning maps are gonna get the most playcount since they're bundled with the client.

The 'Most Played Beatmaps (in the last 24 hrs)' section has lost its function as of now, in my honest opinion.

It's only gonna get in the way of featuring newly ranked maps that deserve more attention.

How do you guys think about this?

Irreversible wrote:

I guess I'm not the only one being bored looking at this section on the webpage, so basically my suggestion is to exclude the bundled beatmaps to add some fresh air.

Thanks for reading.
me too, the only time something else comes up is like when a popular tv size gets ranked
I havent followed it that closely but afaik even before there were these contest some maps occupied spots of that list for a year or so. So there has never been a meaning right.
lets make more duplicates to give it the needed support /0/

I'm just kidding. Would definitely be a good idea.
Shohei Ohtani
Or at least make it a "Top 10/15" thing
CDFA, what will happen over 1 year, when even more MBCs are completed?

baraatje123 wrote:

CDFA, what will happen over 1 year, when even more MBCs are completed?
Its simple. We unrank the MBCs
Better have the SnK Opening on Most played.
Or Gangnam Style
Or Bad Apple. Nvm, we're not in 2010 anymore.

The issue is that the most played maps are overplayed due the song, not because it's good in the first point. This anyway needs a overhaul at all. As well the Highest User Rating since approved Maps are often there due the small number of people are able to play them.

But this idea won't fix much at all, wouldn't support.

TheVileOne wrote:

We need Gangnam Style to make a comeback.
Guys i got an idea. How about make some weird algorithm that shows the most played maps but it favors newer maps. As in it would be hard but still possible for a map to occupy a slot in the list for more than a week or so.

I tought maybe include user rating aswell but it would go too far in destroying the idea of "most played" map. They could be called "hot maps" or something
Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware
Remember this song? This was at #1 for quite a long time
Also, Sea_Food, that'd be terrible. Long time ago, maps like Pika Girl, , Anime Tv sizes and Bad Apple were almos alwayst on top. That was hoe it went good
But now, it's terrible imho
- Marco -
oh god Pika girl D=
You get my star. Dont want to see Kuba Oms another 5 Months on top

baraatje123 wrote:

Also, Sea_Food, that'd be terrible. Long time ago, maps like Pika Girl, , Anime Tv sizes and Bad Apple were almos alwayst on top. That was hoe it went good
But now, it's terrible imho
Muh nostalgia. Muh childhood. Muh things used to be broken like they are now but i was used to it.
Yo what was so popular about pika girl anyways?

xxdeathx wrote:

Yo what was so popular about pika girl anyways?
It was the best map of 200x year.
The map is really good, the song is just annoying xD
Sometimes some other maps suddenly get played a lot, but as the mbc maps are still the popularst, you can't see them
Rip pika Girl
Rip Guren no Yumiya
Rip the other Linked Horizon map from Kuria
Rip Bad Apple
Rip Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware (forgot true title xD)
Shohei Ohtani

baraatje123 wrote:

CDFA, what will happen over 1 year, when even more MBCs are completed?
So Basically... Just add a filter that'll have the top played recently ranked maps in the last month, and an overall played one (maybe with another filter to ignore MBC)

Something like this: (yes I puushed a picture in photoshop)


baraatje123 wrote:

The map is really good, the song is just annoying xD
Sometimes some other maps suddenly get played a lot, but as the mbc maps are still the popularst, you can't see them
Rip pika Girl
Rip Guren no Yumiya
Rip the other Linked Horizon map from Kuria
Rip Bad Apple
Rip Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware Maware (forgot true title xD)
s3rl is love
s3rl is life

all hail the great s3rl _O_
Please stay on topic.

Personally I don't see a need to filter out MBC maps from that tiny panel, it's for the last 24 hrs and have space for 5 maps only. What'll be nice is to have a separate page listing more detailed map play stats with filter options. Raw numbers have little meaning to me, I'd prefer seeing info like "Top 10 most played for x months" :D

If it's absolutely necessary to distinguish MBC maps from the rest in that tiny panel, maybe show an MBC icon next to the artist/title.

Lanturn wrote:

So Basically... Just add a filter that'll have the top played recently ranked maps in the last month, and an overall played one (maybe with another filter to ignore MBC)

Something like this: (yes I puushed a picture in photoshop)

That's a wonderful idea B)
- Marco -

Lanturn wrote:

So Basically... Just add a filter that'll have the top played recently ranked maps in the last month, and an overall played one (maybe with another filter to ignore MBC)

Something like this: (yes I puushed a picture in photoshop)


Oinari-sama wrote:

If it's absolutely necessary to distinguish MBC maps from the rest in that tiny panel, maybe show an MBC icon next to the artist/title.
What use would that be if in the future all of them will be MBC maps?
/me runs
this have my support.

btw, thinking about a list in the home page... in past, i used it for play "good maps" or maps from "popular mappers" (when I did not know anything about the game), so, imo, a list about "Most Played Beatmaps" is not a good approach... instead some like "most popular in last week" or something, will works better.

You could take the derivative of plays/hour for a week, to know which map has grown in popularity... is just a idea which could favor new maps over the old... may be...
Adding a support.

Within the current ranking system, players are devided into two groups.
-- Players risking the DQ and playing maps in the "Qualified" section.
-- Players willing to play only the maps in the "Ranked" section without risking DQ.

This devision makes both newly qualified and ranked maps gathering high playcount in the last 24 hours harder than the past, and will never surpass the bundled mapsets unless the song that has got qualified or ranked is super-duper popular, or new users to osu! decrease.
is interesting why not
Cerulean Veyron
I agree with this, take my star ☆
Green Platinum
I don't even know the point of having a most played beatmap section at all. Since its just a positive feedback loop because of more people having the map leads to more people picking it in multiplayer leading to even more people having it and so on. I'd much prefer a top maps with high favourites to plays ratio, as it's apparent to me especially in lower level lobbies picking a variety of maps is almost frowned upon because of waiting for downloads and I think it's this culture that ultimately results in the 10 or so song rotation we see.
can i bump this one
Tanomoshii Nekojou

Decon082 wrote:

TheVileOne wrote:

We need Gangnam Style to make a comeback.
support for this
No please. :o :o
Oh by the way, I don't see any wrong with this request. Its just annoying to see same maps are mostly being played~... At the same time, that feature (I think) was created to make everyone informed of the trend. :D :D
This is the first and only feature request i've given a star to, please make it happen!

Except for [insert popular anime of the season]'s opening or [insert ridiculously hard qualified map], it's always these 5 on the chart, every day.

Yes, I believe it isn't hard to make the maps rotate daily based on popularity this week, because now it's only the same 5 maps, and honestly, they are not even that good...
Ayesha Altugle
Bumping this because it seems that all the MBC Maps filled in the whole Most Played Beatmaps.

And the list didn't even changed.
Nakano Itsuki
I gave one of my stars to this bumped topic, why not.

Tbh, the MBC/Bundled maps have the tag MBC with them, so I think it'd be better to really filter those out.
This panel is to introduce new beatmaps to people, instead it is now spammed with plays from (probably) new players on bundled maps. (And old players for dt /me runs) It doesn't serve its purpose at ALL.

This needs to be changed.
Also, Ignore them on the "Best Beatmap of the Year."
The days when Black Bullet was actually most played...ahh good times.
Anyways I agree with this. I hate seeing the same maps over and over again on top.
Pokity Pokity

Made a dupe thread of this and got told to poke this one, imo it's needed if a lot of new people to the game want to have variety and see different maps instead of the bundled ones that always pop up on the list and give no room for others

xxdeathx wrote:


Back to the real most plays
- Marco -
Yes! \:D/
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