
Loved Captain's Pick (osu!mania)

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Please choose up to four (4) maps that you'd like to see enter the Loved listing.

Chroma - sink to the deep sea world by LeiN (
Camellia - dreamless wanderer by Fullerene (
xi - FREEDOM DiVE by razlteh (
ikaruga_next - Mirage by inteliser (
ETIA. - Firestorm by PiraTom (
Renard - Banned Forever by ExUsagi (
Camellia - Backbeat Maniac by Evening (
Camellia - crystallized by Evening (
Lifeformed - Chloroplast Skin by Halogen- (
Total votes: 1063
Polling ended
Topic Starter
Chosen from the personal picks of some of the best players from each gamemode, the Captain's Pick selection for Loved is a brief return to the old community voting style which introduced the category in its earliest days.

The selection of maps for this vote was compiled by Halogen-.

Please choose up to four (4) maps from this selection that you'd like to see become Loved.

All maps above a certain threshold (6-10% of total voting) will be added to the category at the conclusion of the vote.
yay we're having votings back
I wish it will go a bit faster this time too, to hopefully fill up the loved section with good charts because we have a lot of them waiting for it
This is pretty dope, props to Halogen for the solid selection.
Chloroplast Skin or bust.
there's actually ONE non-4k map on the list.

The news wrote:

the latest Loved voting covers pretty much all bases of the upper echelons of play

good job
i actually forgot who compiled the list
now I know osumania is only for 4key game.
Cra Dow
"Please choose up to four (4) maps from this selection that you'd like to see become Loved."
Not sure what is wrong on my part but it only allows me to do one selection which I can't change... :?
Update: Nevermind, on the new website I can vote all 4 maps and can modify votes so its working properly...
Maybe next voting will be mostly about 7K. Because 10 maps isnt enough to have every keymode wiith every mapping style in it.
Since I was the one who made the picks, I would like to address one of the main concerns that a few people seem to have:

Yes, you guys are right: there is not a huge presence in other keymodes here. When I made the selection, I made it with the intention of being 4-key only. When the idea was brought to my attention, I stuck with what I knew best — I absolutely had intention to branch out into other keymodes as well. The problem is that, I myself am not as proficient at other keymodes as I am 4-key and 6-key.

With that being said:

(After saying this, I thought to myself that a better ratio would be 50/30/20, to keep it 50% 4k/50% other keymodes, given that 4k is statistically the more popular mode).

... I do want you guys to at least know that I did think about you guys that are advocates of other keymodes. If this continues to work well and logistics are handled nicely, I'd definitely look into consulting at least one other person for this. Know that your concerns are valid, and that I definitely hear you all. :)
Cra Dow

Halogen- wrote:

With that being said:

(After saying this, I thought to myself that a better ratio would be 50/30/20, to keep it 50% 4k/50% other keymodes, given that 4k is statistically the more popular mode).

... I do want you guys to at least know that I did think about you guys that are advocates of other keymodes. If this continues to work well and logistics are handled nicely, I'd definitely look into consulting at least one other person for this. Know that your concerns are valid, and that I definitely hear you all. :)
Happy with your mindset 8-) , well I hope at least once this map ( will get its chance... ;)
backbeat maniac is love
nice 4k-VIBROSU map selection GJ

RIP !=4k
RIP osu!mania
3K counts as antimeta?
how do I place all 4 votes on backbeat maniac?
Cra Dow

tatatat wrote:

3K counts as antimeta?

I think yes...
good choice

ReTLoM wrote:

nice 4k-VIBROSU map selection GJ

RIP !=4k
RIP osu!mania
Read the post I made above w/ regards to to other keymodes.

Also: you're very clearly misjudging the list without any real principle, considering I took the time to pick three normal maps, three LN maps, and three SV-oriented maps, so I don't know where you're getting this "vibrosu" sarcasm from, lmfao.

Even though I kept the picks to 4K in this particular selection (which will be the only selection that's like this, assuming the Loved Captain's Pick concept continues on), I made sure to at least have some variation in the picks as a whole. Anyone who recognizes all of the maps in a given three-song grouping will realize that even within the three subsets of map-styles, there's differentiation in them as well. I won't go delving into all of those explanations unless I really have to.

tatatat wrote:

3K counts as antimeta?
Theoretically, yes - so does 1k/2k; however, I'm mainly talking about 5k/6k/8k/9k; basically, anything that falls within the constraint of rankability guidelines with regards to keymode.
backbeat maniac~~ <3
oh wow

edit : clickable stuff because lole

  1. Chroma - sink to the deep sea world by LeiN (
  2. Camellia - dreamless wanderer by Fullerene (
  3. xi - FREEDOM DiVE by razlteh (
  4. ikaruga_next - Mirage by inteliser (
  5. ETIA. - Firestorm by PiraTom (
  6. Renard - Banned Forever by ExUsagi (
  7. Camellia - Backbeat Maniac by Evening (
  8. Camellia - crystallized by Evening (
  9. Lifeformed - Chloroplast Skin by Halogen- (
@halogen i read it before i post my pile of Sh** and can understand that you only vote for 4k maps! but i still think this is just A** and we need more than 1 Player searching for maps or just split the damn Mods in to separated Mods already 4k and 7k is just to different of a gameplay, philosophy and style!

(also i miss other than 4 and 7 Key mods because they are only about 20% total of all maps)

i was curios and searched all maps for each key mod :)
5.467 != 7k and 4k maps 12,16% (most are 5k with 2.867maps)
8.894 = 7k maps 19,79%
30.589 = 4k maps !!! 68,05%
These picks are actually good this time, you're nice tiger :P

Let me correct this one:

"since 4k is so diverse"

You're not only not correcting anything, but also showing that you're willing to intentionally take something into an incorrect context to try and prove an uninformed opinion.

The concept of diversity in mania is not confined to map style, but also keymode. I acknowledged that this round of loved was 4k-centric, but in that very screenshot that you decided to take entirely incorrectly was a point that indicated a desire to include other modes. Don't try to spin it to favor your incorrectly placed point.
backbeat maniac is love
chloroplast skin is life

Cra Dow wrote:

I hope at least once this map ( will get its chance... ;)
I second this.


Cra Dow wrote:

Happy with your mindset 8-) , well I hope at least once this map ( will get its chance... ;)

Please make this happen
also halogen pls there's 1 unfinished diff on Banned Forever
(lemme finish the set, even it might won't get loved xP)

edit : Set complete.. phew
I feel like going for 4k this time around is quite logical. Especially with Halogen explaining this decision, there's no need to fret. Non-4k modes aren't dead, stop making assumptions. I feel like people just want something to complain about rather than listen to reason.
in regards to the Picks idk and idc if they are diverse 4k maps or not! I dont play 4k EVER! except about 1 year back i played a bit while my thumb was broke and about 6 month ago i played 2 days in multi with a friend.
also i dont really care it is ok if he picks only 4k maps since he only know about 4k. but it would be good if they make two polls for <=5k and >=6k but srsly who cares most 7k+ player(including my self) play other games anyways even if you play osu you play 70%+ of the time converts ?_? there is just so much wrong in this game only reason i play it is Multi this is a major Plus. But over the last year i feel more and more abandoned by it as a non 4k player you got maybe 2 4*+ maps in the past 6+ month ranked starrating still sucks balls even when tons of good ideas where posted to fix it but not even once a staff member answered it just feels like this statement is true (old screen)

personal i think it just a Problem in general since there is only 1 Osu!mania and 2 maybe 3 fundamental different core elements inside of it
5/4k feels very similar
6/7/8 feels also similar
9k+ idk i feel very uncomfortable with.
they really should split it up it would be good for the game! and maybe some official statements from time to time would be good for mania. for example not like "here we do something about ScoreV2" than 1+ year people discuss in it and not a single official answer after Page 4/31 this is dumb i mean mania is at least the second most played game mod! it needs a bit love.

Sorry for that post i just dont understand why they dont try to approach obviously Problems that exist for years already.

#vibrosu is a meme since DT had nothing to do with your selection Halogen-
Just because you don't play 4-key maps ever, doesn't mean that others don't. As mentioned before, it is statistically more popular. Regardless of any sort of extenuating circumstances that you have had that stopped you from being able to play, there is a large demographic of players that do.

The consideration of you playing other games makes most of your argument irrelevant as well, because you're already implicating that osu! isn't your main game of choice. To that, I would normally say that it's nobody's problem but your own — however, I do understand the issue with >4k maps not being as prevalent, and it's something that is being addressed.

Think about this a bit more rationally with more accurate figures here: these are the number of beatmaps that are currently ranked, according to osu!search, for each particular keymode.

4k - 658
7k - 364
anti - 5k: 69 / 6k: 38 / 8k: 46 / 9k: 14
total: 1189

The problem is not nearly as apparent as people make it out to be in terms of content. Yes, 4 key does have a substantial lead at ~55% of ranked maps, 7 key has ~31% of ranked maps, so the content is out there. It's clearly not as prevalent. Beyond that, it is up to the players to make content for the game modes that they want if they're not seeing what they would like to play. Content creators go out of their way to make content for given modes, but if you feel like you're not seeing enough of that mode, then learn how to create and curate content by yourself and/or with other people.

You also mention this concept of "fundamental core elements" and mention that 4k and 5k feel similar, and how 6k/7k/8k feel similar, and I'm able to tell you both from personal experience, and from others around me, that most players who are trying to get into different keymodes after playing previous ones struggle with odd number keymodes more than even number ones because of the disbalance required to be successful.

Even in that regard, you're still wrong because there are multiple core elements in any VSRG, and osu!mania goes a bit beyond that by combining elements from multiple games. Timing is stricter here than most games. Release timing isn't very prevalent in other games. In addition to that, you've got varieties of map styles - speed maps, stamina maps, technical maps that test multiple elements, long note maps, maps that play with SVs, there's a ton of content in there, and such content exists in both 4k and 7k (and if you're denying that, you're not looking hard enough, plain and simple).

This selection, as mentioned before, will expand to multiple keymodes. With 30-40% of the selections being intended as 7 key alone, more content should be filtered into the game that people might want to play. And if for any reason it doesn't, and I'm still heading up the creation of these lists, I'll adjust them accordingly to bring more attention to that mode, because I would agree that it is in more dire straits as a main mode.

While irrelevant, score v2 has been worked on between and throughout tournaments, and the effects have been clearly noticeable, again, if you're paying attention. The weighting of scoring that was a problem in the 2016 MWC was addressed, rainbow judgments actually have meaning, combo has a better definition, scoring is overall improved and more accurate.

Long story short, you're mentioning that things aren't being approached, but the very existence of this ability to pick through maps within a list again is in itself an approach to a problem with the loved system that users were seeing. Take things one step at a time and solutions will eventually arrive.
For all this people who is complaining about this new loved thing let me remind you that loved was dead before this. So instead of complaining (as you always love to do because hey, we are mania, we are good at that) be happy that the section is back.

If there is only one map that is not 4K vote it up to get it loved to show that you really want more diverse stuff.

And instead of keep the complains up, help Halogen- with maps that are worth the spot and are not 4K. Next wave should have more of this content you are asking for but keeping the complains up will do absolutely nothing at this point other than make us look like we dont even deserve a loved section at all.

Thaat being said yes, expect next loved wave to have more keymodes featured (even though, as much as it might hurt to say it, 4K will likely win those votes anyways)
i can see the next round with piles of anti-meta stuff ayy

Arzenvald wrote:

also halogen pls there's 1 unfinished diff on Banned Forever
(lemme finish the set, even it might won't get loved xP)

edit : Set complete.. phew

ahahahaha, sorry <3 - thanks Arch~

Halogen- wrote:

You also mention this concept of "fundamental core elements" and mention that 4k and 5k feel similar, and how 6k/7k/8k feel similar, and I'm able to tell you both from personal experience, and from others around me, that most players who are trying to get into different keymodes after playing previous ones struggle with odd number keymodes more than even number ones because of the disbalance required to be successful.

i have to disagree here people only struggle because they are bad with Thump
in a view of patterns 4,5k // 6-8k is very similar example when you switch from 7k to 8k you struggle as well but only because your pinky is weak reading is not a problem there are the same patterns as in 7k but if you switch from 7k to 4k in the same "skill" range you have suddenly patterns you almost never have in 7k like jump streams, trills and jacks because it is fundamental different!

juankristal wrote:

Thaat being said yes, expect next loved wave to have more keymodes featured (even though, as much as it might hurt to say it, 4K will likely win those votes anyways)

true most people play 4k in osu thats a fact but thats why i say it should be a separated poll or split the mod already :)

ReTLoM wrote:

Halogen- wrote:

You also mention this concept of "fundamental core elements" and mention that 4k and 5k feel similar, and how 6k/7k/8k feel similar, and I'm able to tell you both from personal experience, and from others around me, that most players who are trying to get into different keymodes after playing previous ones struggle with odd number keymodes more than even number ones because of the disbalance required to be successful.

i have to disagree here people only struggle because they are bad with Thump
in a view of patterns 4,5k // 6-8k is very similar example when you switch from 7k to 8k you struggle as well but only because your pinky is weak reading is not a problem there are the same patterns as in 7k but if you switch from 7k to 4k in the same "skill" range you have suddenly patterns you almost never have in 7k like jump streams, trills and jacks because it is fundamental different!

juankristal wrote:

Thaat being said yes, expect next loved wave to have more keymodes featured (even though, as much as it might hurt to say it, 4K will likely win those votes anyways)
true most people play 4k in osu thats a fact but thats why i say it should be a separated poll or split the mod already :)

ReTLoM wrote:

i have to disagree here people only struggle because they are bad with Thump
in a view of patterns 4,5k // 6-8k is very similar example when you switch from 7k to 8k you struggle as well but only because your pinky is weak reading is not a problem there are the same patterns as in 7k but if you switch from 7k to 4k in the same "skill" range you have suddenly patterns you almost never have in 7k like jump streams, trills and jacks because it is fundamental different!
there are jacks in 7k what are you on about

ReTLoM wrote:

Halogen- wrote:

You also mention this concept of "fundamental core elements" and mention that 4k and 5k feel similar, and how 6k/7k/8k feel similar, and I'm able to tell you both from personal experience, and from others around me, that most players who are trying to get into different keymodes after playing previous ones struggle with odd number keymodes more than even number ones because of the disbalance required to be successful.

i have to disagree here people only struggle because they are bad with Thump
And I have to disagree with this part, because it is definitely based on personal experience (note that what I am about to write is personal experience as well).

As someone who is comfortable playing with thumb, I can definitely say that 5k, to me, is not nearly as simple as 6k. Yet I don't struggle nearly as much with 7k. I know for sure that I'm no longer bad with my thumb, yet I'm still having issues playing 5k. Are those issues really because of my thumb, or could it be closer to what Halogen told you? I definitely believe it's the second.

This, as I mentioned, is personal experience. However, I don't think you should generalize people's difficulty with odd number keymodes as having to play with thumb.
Is the keycount issue really worth discussing yet?
Players who are used to follow a guide in the middle key (i.e. o2jam) may have a bit of trouble with even keycounts and vice versa.
Having on consideration the way you are educated to read the notes you have to re-educate yourself in order to read other keycounts, it's not really like it depends on anything physical, and it's a brain process everyone has to undergo.
Taking that on consideration, you can say that 5k is more alike to 7k than 4k. 6k is more like 4k than 7k. Because the brain process swaps from total symmetry to partial symmetry between these.

So the main "issue" with 4k players is not they are unskilled or anything, but they won't take the time to learn other keycounts because they don't need to. They decided to master the metagame, they are competitive players and there's nothing wrong with that.

But, now that we are talking about metagame, it would be great if the LOVED section actually worked for stuff that won't probably ever get ranked such as (and mainly) 3=-K and less and 10=+K collections. Don't you think?
Cra Dow

juankristal wrote:

If there is only one map that is not 4K vote it up to get it loved to show that you really want more diverse stuff.

And instead of keep the complains up, help Halogen- with maps that are worth the spot and are not 4K.

I agree, well then I have 3 sugestions:

#1 (179 favorites)(Keycounts: 4, 5, 7 and 10)
Collection - Piano Beatmap Set (Creator: CircusGalop)

#2 (119 favorites) (Keycount: 7)
xi - Blue Zenith (Creator: Jinjin)

#3 (1 favorite thou this map is a masterpiece) (Keycount: 5)
Nivrad00 - Speedcore is the Eighth Deadly Sin (Creator: Nivrad00)

Honorable mentions(Well I am not sure about these ones because I think the project creators have the intention of ranking the sets):

(54 favorites) (Keycounts: 4, 5, 5k1s(6), 6, 7, 7k1s(8), 8 and 9) (It also has Taiko, osu! and osu!catch difficulties)
BlackY vs. Yooh - HAVOX (Creator: MEGAtive; many gds also)

(29 favorites) (Keycounts: 5, 6, 7k1s(8), 9) (It also has Taiko difficulties)
siromaru - Absurd Gaff (Creator: -Kamikaze-; many gds also)
stupud man
still waiting 4 gengaozo dab .. . .

Cra Dow wrote:

(54 favorites) (Keycounts: 4, 5, 5k1s(6), 6, 7, 7k1s(8), 8 and 9) (It also has Taiko, osu! and osu!catch difficulties)
BlackY vs. Yooh - HAVOX (Creator: MEGAtive; many gds also)
I don't agree with this one. It isn't solid at all
Cra Dow
What do you mean by not being solid?
Almost none of the diff of the map are actually at least decently made
Cra Dow
You must know this better than me, if you feel up to the task you can always mod to help the set getting good enough to satisfy your standards, nevertheless I love that set (from what I see a lot of work has been put into it).
I too, like Camellia! Hey while we are at it, let's have a whole new category and name it "Camellia" (or Evening)! And maybe I can release a Camellia themed pack!

Only one of these statements is a joke.
Cra Dow
We were talking about the set itself and the song authors are Yooh and BlackY not Camellia. :)
(I get your joke thou)
Caput Mortuum
pls give clickable links lol
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