
Rusty K - Last Of Us

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 16 February 2018 at 12:33:11

Artist: Rusty K
Title: Last Of Us
Tags: dnb neurofunk dark over overtech otm001 drum and bass cool
BPM: 174
Filesize: 11573kb
Play Time: 06:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Survival (4.82 stars, 1432 notes)
Download: Rusty K - Last Of Us
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
What Did You Leave Me With ...

by ailv
by squirrelpascals




00:04:915 (1,2) - perhaps a lower spacing concept such as could work here, the guitar-ish sound here doesn't really stand out as much as the other sounds in the section
00:11:812 (3) - rip no emphasis on this note :( (this counts for all 3s in this section)
00:33:191 (1) - perhaps finish hitsound instead of clap would fit better here instead to signal the ending of the section better
00:52:674 (1) - unrankable issue occured! note seems to be accidentally moved over too much making it overlap with a circle. adviced to move the slider back on the timeline to 00:52:501 -
00:55:260 (1,1) - leaving so many notes unmapped here makes this waiting rly boring when the song was just about to build up a bit, perhaps add a note somewhere inbetween to make it more funsies! (applies for other pattern too)
01:06:294 (1,2) - shouldnt there be some overlapping pattern between these two cause u do it for on the rest of the same sound stuff too so it kinda looks inconsistent now (talking about patterns like 01:11:812 (1,2) - ) also UNRANKABLE offscreen
01:16:553 (2,4) - please mute the tails since they don't exist in the song
01:37:329 (1) - dont rly think waveslider fits well together with the rest of your slider design concept as sound is still harsh so it'd be better to have some sharp corners
01:44:915 (1) - could be done more with, special sound in the music so i think it could deserve some extra emphasis
02:01:467 (1,2) - again should be overlapping Doge
02:39:743 (2,3) - maybe something buildup related can be given here? its a bit bland to stack notes when a pitch is steadily increasing
03:17:846 (1,2,3,4,5) - dunno if these should be clickable i mean the sound is almost not be heard anymore so to decrease density a bit overall i think slider with repeats would work here well again
03:46:294 (1) - maybe dont make this note look like it has to fit in with 03:46:639 (2,3,4,5) - ? sound is very very different
04:07:674 (4) - shouldnt be a reverse slider as later on in the section you don't put those in anymore so this looks like random filler rhythm same for 04:29:743 (4) - btw
04:58:536 (1,2) - oopsie i think you meant to make a double here! move 04:58:536 (1) - to the right blue tick for better rhythms
05:56:467 (1) - this slider actually feels inconsistent as it's the only one with a loop ever so it kinda throws the whole slider concept out of the window
06:13:018 (3) - i find this slider a bit strange cause the tail feels way more impactful than the head, maybe try out making this place a circle and making 06:13:191 - a kickslider so you can follow more wubwubs
00:52:674 (1,2) - jak to jest w tym samym miejscu sliderend z kółkiem

00:52:501 - ja myślę że tu jest spoko miejsce na kółko jak najbardziej, niepotrzebny break i trochę psuje pattern bo 00:51:812 (1,2,1) - wygląda jak jednostajny rytm bez brejka

00:55:260 (1) - jak masz tą melodyjkę w tle to ją dopiero mapujesz na 00:56:294 (1) - a ona się zaczyna właśnie tu gdzie tego kickslidera zrobiłeś, a tam odkąd zacząłeś to mapować to to tak naprawdę zmienia ton tylko, weź na 00:55:260 - daj kółko albo jakiś krótki sliderek a potem powolny slider zacznij od 00:55:432 -

no i to samo tu 01:00:777 (1) -

01:11:812 (1,2) - a czemu taki overlap jak masz zajebiste miejsce na blanket? xD

01:28:881 (2,3,4,5,6) - jak ten burst powinien też lecieć przez niebieski tick o tu 01:29:312 -

01:30:260 (1,2,3,4,5) - tu też, czemu olewasz cały burst i ucinasz ostatnie kółko lol

no i dużo tego jest z tymi burstami jeny ale będzie remap chociaż pewnie i tak to zostawisz xD

02:56:984 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - ale poszalałeś z gimmickami na tych burstach, ja nie wiem jak to jest z playablility takiego czegoś więc nie oceniam

04:14:570 (1) - możesz usunąć ten self-overlap pls?

06:09:398 (2,3) - jak dla mnie to jump>stack w tym miejscu jak najbardziej

06:26:036 (2) - czego ten ostatni dźwięk to jest sliderend a nie clickable object??? :vvvvvvvv

super wub mapa gościu ez rank
mom gay

00:14:570 (3,4,6) - make these into a triangle to make it more consistent with 00:12:846 (6) - spacing wise

00:40:777 (3) - 00:42:501 (4) - 00:43:536 (3) - could be sliders like 00:39:743 (4) - for more interesting rhythm

00:46:294 (2) - could be a 1/2 slider too for consistency on this kind of sound

01:11:812 (1) - blanket it with 1 instead of overlapping, these overlaps don't really fit imo

01:14:915 (2) - same as above, you could put it somewhere like x:120 y:153

01:55:950 (1,2) - ^ u do it a few more times later but yeah

02:29:398 (2,1) - stacks like this are throughout the map but they are either completely overlapped or just barely stacked, you could change them all to either one of those for the map to look way cleaner
Topic Starter

Hakura wrote:


00:04:915 (1,2) - perhaps a lower spacing concept such as could work here, the guitar-ish sound here doesn't really stand out as much as the other sounds in the section I disagree with you saying it doesn't stand out as much as the other sounds here, the guitar is something really audible in this section that hasn't came up before, hence why i wanted to space it so much
00:11:812 (3) - rip no emphasis on this note :( (this counts for all 3s in this section) following the other sounds a
00:33:191 (1) - perhaps finish hitsound instead of clap would fit better here instead to signal the ending of the section better Because of the strong bass ending the section I'd rather have a strong hitsound going with it
00:52:674 (1) - unrankable issue occured! note seems to be accidentally moved over too much making it overlap with a circle. adviced to move the slider back on the timeline to 00:52:501 - OImg!, nice catch i didn't see that. I wonder how that might have happened Ow~o
00:55:260 (1,1) - leaving so many notes unmapped here makes this waiting rly boring when the song was just about to build up a bit, perhaps add a note somewhere inbetween to make it more funsies! (applies for other pattern too) Reason why I don't want to add a note is the fact that the held sound from 00:55:260 (1) - is something so strong that I wanted to underline how strong it is by leaving a gap between it and the next object. After the blue tick the initial held sound gets softer but thats the effect that i wanted to underline, strong effect gets hit rest is a sort of break, hence why sv lol!
01:06:294 (1,2) - shouldnt there be some overlapping pattern between these two cause u do it for on the rest of the same sound stuff too so it kinda looks inconsistent now (talking about patterns like 01:11:812 (1,2) - ) also UNRANKABLE offscreen Meh overlaps really add little to no effect imo about consistency, the part that matters most is that spacing and flow is kept to the standards also omg! nice catch on the offscrenn man :OOO fixed straight away
01:16:553 (2,4) - please mute the tails since they don't exist in the song n-word
01:37:329 (1) - dont rly think waveslider fits well together with the rest of your slider design concept as sound is still harsh so it'd be better to have some sharp corners i use quite a lot of waves and less sharpish angles : o, i think its fine. Mostly due to how it flows
01:44:915 (1) - could be done more with, special sound in the music so i think it could deserve some extra emphasis
02:01:467 (1,2) - again should be overlapping Doge Doge cOin
02:39:743 (2,3) - maybe something buildup related can be given here? its a bit bland to stack notes when a pitch is steadily increasing yah done
03:17:846 (1,2,3,4,5) - dunno if these should be clickable i mean the sound is almost not be heard anymore so to decrease density a bit overall i think slider with repeats would work here well again Wanted to keep a steady pattern going alongside the rest of the similar ones 03:13:708 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - plus there are sounds there to which it would feel weird to just randomly break a steady pattern for, i decreased the spacing which in my eyes is sufficient enough for it to work
03:46:294 (1) - maybe dont make this note look like it has to fit in with 03:46:639 (2,3,4,5) - ? sound is very very different ya ok fair
04:07:674 (4) - shouldnt be a reverse slider as later on in the section you don't put those in anymore so this looks like random filler rhythm same for 04:29:743 (4) - btw They're put in at the section beginnings to add a bit more a intro to the rhythm because of the large gap. In doing a repeat slider I'm showing the player the gap with the similar sounds that appear later, not doing so will result in possible missreads because of the spacing. Treat it as sort of an introduction to the gaps that i've created with the similar sounds
04:58:536 (1,2) - oopsie i think you meant to make a double here! move 04:58:536 (1) - to the right blue tick for better rhythms o o o o o o o Oo o, how did that happen, im foning microphone to fix my pc!
05:56:467 (1) - this slider actually feels inconsistent as it's the only one with a loop ever so it kinda throws the whole slider concept out of the window 01:20:605 (1) - 02:04:743 (1) - HE Lo
06:13:018 (3) - i find this slider a bit strange cause the tail feels way more impactful than the head, maybe try out making this place a circle and making 06:13:191 - a kickslider so you can follow more wubwubs the slider head follows the deep bases to which all these are mapped to 06:12:501 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - heh

deadpon3 wrote:

00:52:674 (1,2) - jak to jest w tym samym miejscu sliderend z kółkiem naprawione :OO

00:52:501 - ja myślę że tu jest spoko miejsce na kółko jak najbardziej, niepotrzebny break i trochę psuje pattern bo 00:51:812 (1,2,1) - wygląda jak jednostajny rytm bez brejka mapuje do tej gitarki na ktorej nie ma dzwieku takiego na ktorym chcialbym cos zmapowac xd

00:55:260 (1) - jak masz tą melodyjkę w tle to ją dopiero mapujesz na 00:56:294 (1) - a ona się zaczyna właśnie tu gdzie tego kickslidera zrobiłeś, a tam odkąd zacząłeś to mapować to to tak naprawdę zmienia ton tylko, weź na 00:55:260 - daj kółko albo jakiś krótki sliderek a potem powolny slider zacznij od 00:55:432 -

no i to samo tu 01:00:777 (1) - tak samo jak powiedzialem hakurze chce podkreslic jak mocny jest ten dzwiek na 00:55:260 (1) - po niebieskim ticku staje sie on mniej mocny wiec taka dluga przerwa dziala perfekcyjnie jako podkreslenie

01:11:812 (1,2) - a czemu taki overlap jak masz zajebiste miejsce na blanket? xD za duzy spacing :p czasami sa overlapy czasami blankety, najbardziej mi zalezalo o emphasis na nutkach

01:28:881 (2,3,4,5,6) - jak ten burst powinien też lecieć przez niebieski tick o tu 01:29:312 - tak to prawda, pominalem to specjalnie. Moze to zabrzmiec dziwnie ale chcialem to ominac z tego powodu ze mapa sama w sobie nie jest ciezka, tylko robiac ten stream section zmapowany w calosci sprawia ze wuby (ktore chcialem podkreslic najbardziej) nie wystawaly by tak bardzo jak wystaja teraz, ta roznica kolka jest dosc duza w stosunku do intensity. Plus bass jest na kazdej koncowce przed nastepnym objektem, plus pozwala mi to dac o wiele bardziej mocny emphasis na objecktach jak 01:29:398 (1,2) -

01:30:260 (1,2,3,4,5) - tu też, czemu olewasz cały burst i ucinasz ostatnie kółko lol

no i dużo tego jest z tymi burstami jeny ale będzie remap chociaż pewnie i tak to zostawisz xD phat dab

02:56:984 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - ale poszalałeś z gimmickami na tych burstach, ja nie wiem jak to jest z playablility takiego czegoś więc nie oceniam z tego co widzialem dobrze to pokazalem i dlatego ze 02:57:846 (1) - jest repeatem sprawia ze jest duzo miejsca na przyzwyczajenie sie do patternow w tej sekcji

04:14:570 (1) - możesz usunąć ten self-overlap pls? fajniej wyglada moim zdaniem :DDD

06:09:398 (2,3) - jak dla mnie to jump>stack w tym miejscu jak najbardziej troche taki MEGA jump zrobilem :D

06:26:036 (2) - czego ten ostatni dźwięk to jest sliderend a nie clickable object??? :vvvvvvvv nie jest tak mocny jak 02:56:639 (1) - na przyklad heh

super wub mapa gościu ez rank dzinks ^^

xChorse wrote:

mom gay v2

00:14:570 (3,4,6) - make these into a triangle to make it more consistent with 00:12:846 (6) - spacing wise I would rather prefer keeping the overlap i have with 00:14:570 (3,4,5) - mostly because it's a repetition for the remainder of the patterns

00:40:777 (3) - 00:42:501 (4) - 00:43:536 (3) - could be sliders like 00:39:743 (4) - for more interesting rhythm I really don't want to overcomplicate the rhythm here, i think it's fine how it is right now, mostyl because its on a calm section

00:46:294 (2) - could be a 1/2 slider too for consistency on this kind of sound there's no guitar on it :((( so I wanted to keep a gap instead

01:11:812 (1) - blanket it with 1 instead of overlapping, these overlaps don't really fit imo Again i don't want to overlap since it'll create a huge difference compared to the other patterns in terms of emphasis, sometimes its overlaps sometimes its blankets just depends on how strong the note ends up being

01:14:915 (2) - same as above, you could put it somewhere like x:120 y:153 01:14:312 (3) - that then overlaps with tih sew

01:55:950 (1,2) - ^ u do it a few more times later but yeah ye

02:29:398 (2,1) - stacks like this are throughout the map but they are either completely overlapped or just barely stacked, you could change them all to either one of those for the map to look way cleaner oh they should have been all stacked i see the barely overlapped thing doe ill fix all of those!
Thanks for mods!

20:07 C00L: Hey squirrel :oo
20:08 squirrelpascals: hi
20:09 squirrelpascals: how have things been in an i m e wu b s
20:10 C00L: I was just gonna ask if you'd happen to be interested helping me rank that rusty k map i sent you months ago :o, i did see your profile so i understand if you wont want to :/ /
20:10 C00L: and good :oo ive been more active there lately after a long break hehe
20:10 C00L: ive been using n word except of NiggE* more often
20:10 C00L: so im a good mod :p
20:10 squirrelpascals: xD
20:11 squirrelpascals: i'll mod krusty k
20:11 squirrelpascals: i remember i liked the map and some maps i was going to mod got ranked
20:11 C00L: :oooo
20:11 C00L: im glad u liked it :D
20:12 C00L: also i guess thats ok idk
20:12 C00L: kinda frees up time :o
20:12 squirrelpascals: it was the one with the snow dude for the bg right?
20:12 C00L: happened to me once on a good song and i was actually quite sad xdd
20:12 C00L: yah, want me to link? ;o
20:14 squirrelpascals: sure sure
20:15 *C00L is listening to [ Rusty K - Last Of Us]
20:17 squirrelpascals: okay i guess ill irc
20:17 squirrelpascals: i need to get into a productive mood lol
20:18 C00L: oh oka :o
20:18 C00L: eat a snickers :3
20:21 C00L: i make that joke so often now its not even funny
20:24 C00L: looong
20:24 squirrelpascals: b o i
20:24 C00L: long af bho i
20:24 squirrelpascals: im bad player
20:24 C00L: better than me :D
20:24 squirrelpascals: hm
20:24 squirrelpascals: if i say anything dumb its cuz i havent modded in 18498320984921 years
20:25 C00L: UnedRStnaDVLE
20:25 squirrelpascals: 00:00:088 (1) -
20:25 squirrelpascals: remap
20:25 C00L: dude ok
20:26 C00L: .. ,. ,. , ., .
20:26 squirrelpascals: theres no actual sound here but the sound starts fading in instead
20:26 squirrelpascals: remove or put a slider here?
20:26 C00L: hm
20:27 squirrelpascals: 00:26:984 (5) - nc here becuz 00:24:225 (1) -
20:27 C00L: i dont think slider fits ooo
20:27 C00L: fuck
20:27 squirrelpascals: 00:32:501 (5) - ^
20:27 C00L: ill add slider
20:27 squirrelpascals: okay
20:27 C00L: a hold on.jpg
20:27 squirrelpascals: alright just tell me when
20:29 C00L: oka done first one
20:29 C00L: don Nc
20:29 C00L: oka gogogogogogogo
20:29 squirrelpascals: okay ok
20:30 C00L: okay
20:31 squirrelpascals: 01:17:674 (2,1) - space a tiny bit more?
20:31 squirrelpascals: just to differentiate from 1/2 jump
20:31 squirrelpascals: like 1.6 would be okay
20:32 C00L: dun
20:33 C00L: actually
20:33 C00L: hm
20:33 C00L: 01:06:898 (1,2) -
20:33 C00L: this is smaller spacing i tihnk actually making it bigger is a big bad imo
20:34 C00L: plus similar style of pattern should be ok rhythmically and readability wise :o
20:35 squirrelpascals: 01:06:639 (2,1) - looks like similar spacing to 01:07:329 (3,4) -
20:35 squirrelpascals: thats my concern
20:36 squirrelpascals: it doesnt have to be increased by an insane amount as long as you can tell a difference
20:36 C00L: I mean the nc already kinda shows something different is there
20:37 squirrelpascals: ok fair enough
20:37 C00L: hence why (3) and (4) are same numbers and from the other jump there is a nc difference
20:37 squirrelpascals: 01:49:570 (1) -
20:38 squirrelpascals: i dont think a repeat fits here
20:38 squirrelpascals: 01:49:915 (2) -neither does this
20:38 squirrelpascals: 01:52:329 (3) - nc
20:39 squirrelpascals: 01:57:329 (1) - delet nc
20:39 C00L: i kinda wanted to make that repeat follow that sort of synth behind it whilst keeping a sort of stop motion movement for the effect, idk what else could fit there cuz a slider would juts make 01:50:088 (3) - look meh
20:40 C00L: don nc's
20:40 squirrelpascals: but the synth is more of a hold sound so it doesnt feel right
20:41 squirrelpascals:
20:41 squirrelpascals: my suggestion
20:43 squirrelpascals: 02:37:156 (2) - kickslider here?
20:43 squirrelpascals: cuz sound on blue tick and i think you do this earlier too
20:44 squirrelpascals: brb
20:45 C00L: regarding ur suggestion ive tried it and idk i still prefer mapping to the kinda synth behind it cuz i want to make 01:50:088 (3) - stand out more, the repeat's blue tick has a sound on it from that synth so it fits technically
20:46 C00L: also wanted to keep 02:36:984 (1,2) - seperate from 02:35:605 (1,2) -
20:46 C00L: making that a kickslider too would make 2:35 pattern kinda not unique anymore when they follow those hums
20:53 squirrelpascals: im back sry
20:53 C00L: nah np :o
20:54 squirrelpascals: okay im not as concerned about the repeat slider, just remove 01:49:915 (2) -
20:54 squirrelpascals: its better that way imo because it adds dramatic effect
20:55 C00L: ye agreed
20:55 C00L: done
20:55 squirrelpascals: 02:39:743 (2,3) - can you make this more readable as a 1/2
20:55 squirrelpascals: i thoubght those were 1/4 until just now
20:55 C00L: hmm
20:55 C00L: i had them as stacks earlier
20:56 squirrelpascals: 02:43:536 - also maaaan why isnt this clickable this is way louder than the slider head
20:56 squirrelpascals: okie
20:56 C00L: i guess it makes sense
20:56 squirrelpascals: yeah a perfect stack would work there
20:57 C00L: also that follows the kicks same as 02:42:846 (1,2,3,1,2) - all of these :C
20:57 squirrelpascals: 02:49:743 (2) - same thing with the repeat slider here, this one's different sound tho
20:58 squirrelpascals: if you want to follow the kicks you can try this
20:59 C00L: its that whooshy sound on that 1/4, i feel like it feels better than a slider
20:59 C00L: also seec
20:59 squirrelpascals: k
20:59 C00L: 02:43:363 (3) -
20:59 C00L: for this if i do that a kickslider
20:59 squirrelpascals: what whoosy sound are you talking about
21:00 squirrelpascals: i can hear anything xD
21:00 C00L: then the circle would follow that vocal, doing that would also make 02:43:708 (1,2) - seem a bit bland
21:00 squirrelpascals: t
21:00 C00L: 02:49:743 (2) -
21:00 C00L: this one :o
21:00 C00L: that sort of
21:00 C00L: whizzy whoozy
21:01 squirrelpascals: i mean its not a big deal its just a reverse xp
21:01 squirrelpascals: i was listening on the blue tick
21:01 squirrelpascals: 02:49:829 - here, not the tick before
21:02 C00L: it kinda drags along that slider, idk i felt like a repeat fits really well
21:02 C00L: doing a slider would feel kinda meh
21:02 squirrelpascals: okay
21:02 squirrelpascals: for this 02:43:363 (3) -
21:02 C00L: especially cuz next patterns are ll 1/4
21:02 squirrelpascals: doesnt this 02:43:708 (1) - also follow a vocal though?
21:03 squirrelpascals: 03:01:467 (3,4) - these feel really close together lol
21:03 squirrelpascals: just inch 4 to the left
21:04 C00L: 2:43 follows those kicks that all the other ones follow 02:42:846 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the vocal is just a follow up from 02:43:363 (3) - 's slider end
21:04 squirrelpascals: 03:16:294 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:04 C00L: also moved
21:05 squirrelpascals: okay, since its very highly noticable in the song i just recommend you have something to click there
21:05 squirrelpascals: if not whatever
21:06 squirrelpascals: 03:16:294 (1,2,3,4,5) - dont you usually do something like this 03:13:536 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - here?
21:06 C00L: yah i know that strong vocal is really strong but i feel like doing what i have now fits better especially cuz the section is a bit less intense than the next 1/4 stream sectino
21:08 C00L: ye but the 1/4 pattern is different there cuz the 1/4 starts at the white tick whilst other ones start at red tick 03:10:777 (2,1) - usually a gap is there
21:08 C00L: it kinda fit imo, but i could just extend the stream instead of the repeat
21:08 C00L: but then again would be longer than 5 notes
21:10 squirrelpascals: i mean you do this 03:11:467 (6,1,2,1) - so stream length doesnt feel like it matters, and the sidechaining from the snare makes 03:16:381 (2) - really really quiet anyways so it would feel more in touch with the music that way
21:12 C00L: i guess ye
21:12 C00L: i tihnk this would make more sense then
21:12 squirrelpascals: 05:23:536 - would recommend making clickable becuase theres the pluck + hi hat here
21:13 C00L: hmm
21:14 C00L: 05:23:363 (3,5) - im kinda following these most important plucks
21:14 C00L: rest is kinda filler rhythm that covers most of it at the chance
21:14 squirrelpascals: okay
21:17 squirrelpascals: 05:41:639 (2) - remove for same reasons
21:18 C00L: yap done
21:20 squirrelpascals: 06:09:398 (2,3) -
21:20 squirrelpascals: same
21:20 C00L: yap done
21:20 squirrelpascals: rest is fine
21:20 C00L: i done them at first so that i remembered xdd
21:21 C00L: ayy sweet
21:21 C00L: did i earn myself a cloud by any chance for being a good Boye :ooo
21:21 squirrelpascals: metadata, while were at it?
21:23 squirrelpascals: back
21:24 C00L: did u get meta i sent? :o
21:24 squirrelpascals: no
21:24 C00L: a
21:24 C00L: ... ad/bt039dd
21:24 C00L:
21:25 squirrelpascals: okay
21:25 squirrelpascals: put in thread for later
21:26 squirrelpascals: wait a minute
21:26 squirrelpascals: is that.... microsoft edge i see??
21:26 squirrelpascals: i cant bubble a map by an edge user
21:26 C00L: DUd No i don tuse
21:26 squirrelpascals: i have my I on you
21:27 C00L: IwI
21:27 squirrelpascals: :O
21:28 squirrelpascals: shoot stars at your map
21:28 C00L: oh ye
21:28 C00L: thanks mnodding v2 for giving me 1029371248612301 kduosu
21:29 squirrelpascals: trsgdf
21:29 squirrelpascals: you put your username in the tags?
21:29 squirrelpascals: wait im dumb nevermind
21:29 C00L:
21:29 C00L: its my Non GAY username OMEGALUL
21:29 squirrelpascals: okay i can rank now
21:29 C00L: OIw O
21:29 C00L: im sorry, dI du Mean
21:29 C00L: cLoud My Map
21:29 C00L: ssoryy i dont smoke
21:30 squirrelpascals: are you sure
21:30 squirrelpascals: :thinkign:
00:00:088 (1) - you have conflicting sample volumes here so i'm popping for this, i'll irc or something in a second
i'm noob
It is rankable to have conflicting red and green lines, the green line overrides the red one
05:04:570 (2,3) - this is nc'd but not 05:48:708 (2,1) - , clean up all occurances of this

06:08:880 (1,2,3) - I really don't like the times you use this it's kind of hard to read, and imo it's not really fitting, since they're not a specifc emphasis or anything.

04:18:708 (4) - There's no gap here either, so it doesn't really make any sense to leave one, the bass is still active.

04:00:088 - Can you drag this break, I don't think you need to keep the blue

00:55:260 (1) - Imo the sound is on the red tick, can you extend and then not mute? i don't think it's needed

A major issue is with the hs here, I can't see any reason why only the kiai's are hitsounded to be reflective of the breaks, and not the entire song the entire dnb break is essentially constant, I'd heavily hevily suggest that you change this, The current hs sounds really weird when all of a sudden break related hs disspears and the kicks are just mapped with soft-hs

02:34:570 - see this section vs 02:12:501 -
Topic Starter

ailv wrote:

05:04:570 (2,3) - this is nc'd but not 05:48:708 (2,1) - , clean up all occurances of this don

06:08:880 (1,2,3) - I really don't like the times you use this it's kind of hard to read, and imo it's not really fitting, since they're not a specifc emphasis or anything. It's really not hard to read, the previous instance where they were a bit spaced was a bit hard to read, when it's stacked it's fine,
also specific emphasis goes onto 06:09:743 (1) - the most because 06:09:398 (2,3) - is a movement killer (to account for this sound here)

04:18:708 (4) - There's no gap here either, so it doesn't really make any sense to leave one, the bass is still active. I wanted to variate the stronger wubby sounds 04:19:053 (1,1) - from that one where it's kinda not noticable because of the strong kicks, doing that again adds emphasis onto the next notes because of that pause

04:00:088 - Can you drag this break, I don't think you need to keep the blue I want to keep the break drag for the effect of the vocals and all music stop

00:55:260 (1) - Imo the sound is on the red tick, can you extend and then not mute? i don't think it's needed I've answered this to hightec as well the strong pitch sound ends at the blue tick and the rest is just a weak continuation of that sound, wanted to emphasise that by keep the slider short like this

A major issue is with the hs here, I can't see any reason why only the kiai's are hitsounded to be reflective of the breaks, and not the entire song the entire dnb break is essentially constant, I'd heavily hevily suggest that you change this, The current hs sounds really weird when all of a sudden break related hs disspears and the kicks are just mapped with soft-hs DUDE YOURE SO CONFUSEING SADIN!!

02:34:570 - see this section vs 02:12:501 - dabs
we're all good now, discussed some more on irc.
sick map
Topic Starter
Thanks ^^
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