
Ceui - Haruoto*Veil

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 22. September 2017 at 19:34:33

Artist: Ceui
Title: Haruoto*Veil
Source: 春音アリス*グラム
Tags: Haruoto Alice * Gram opening short version spring is just around the corner eroge visual novel NanaWind _83 bor
BPM: 180
Filesize: 5451kb
Play Time: 01:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. _83's Expert (4,81 stars, 367 notes)
  2. Bloom (5,28 stars, 477 notes)
  3. Easy (1,42 stars, 101 notes)
  4. Hard (3,22 stars, 272 notes)
  5. Insane (4,22 stars, 371 notes)
  6. Normal (2,1 stars, 164 notes)
Download: Ceui - Haruoto*Veil
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
expert: _83

probably needs a better mp3
compared with high quality full version and the clipping at the end is intentional...

  1. nerf OD & HP would be nice
  2. 00:01:156 (1) - maybe you don't need to start at the weakest beat for low diffs, it would be great if you start the slider on 00:01:323 - since it's more noticeable than red tick on very start, same thing with normal
  3. 00:28:156 (2) - this can be put as 1/1 slider for vocal rhythm, also it has enough gap with 00:28:989 (3) - so ye
  4. 01:22:823 (2,3) - since you're following drums here maybe it would be simplified with 1/1 + circle or reverse. current placement looks bit hard to adapt the rhythm with every single objects as Easy
  5. 01:27:489 (1) - remove NC i guess, i can't hear anything special lol
  1. 00:21:823 (2) - trim this and adding circle on 00:22:489 - would be great for emphasis on cymbals, im pretty sure it's still safe from 1/2 chains so ye
  2. 00:42:323 (6,1) - is this small spacing intentional lol
  1. those multiple reverses on start reminds me tilting when i was around 200k mMm
  2. 00:23:323 (1,2) - swap NC would make more sense since new section will start at 00:23:989 - aka ur slidertail
  3. 00:48:989 (3,4) - isn't should be odd stacked for high-pitch vocals
  4. 00:56:906 (5) - i guess this can be safely removed as current triple chains kinda sudden
  5. 01:13:656 (2,3) - try something different sliders shape from 01:12:489 (2,3) - or adding some buffs on the spacing to show their intensity difference?
  1. hello old sliders
  2. 00:25:489 (5,6,7) - i wonder why only this odds are boosted uwu I rather boost distance on 00:28:156 (3,4,5) - 00:30:489 (5,6,7,8,9) - for vocal difference
  3. 01:06:323 (6,7,8,9) - this sounds overmapped tbh (and u did this kind of rhythm only once as drums or synth so ye)
  4. 01:07:239 - 01:07:906 - there's a drum sound, might consider to add something here
underscore eighty three
  1. 00:57:156 (4,1) - boost the spacing would be great for movement from 00:56:239 (2,3,4,1,2,3) -
  2. 01:18:656 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - would u mind to polish up this circular flow lolz
  1. 00:11:323 (4,5) - x0.1 DS works here for lower keys w
  2. 00:18:489 (4) - isn't should be x1.2 from 00:18:323 (3) - ? decreasing the spacing here isn't that necessary since drums hit there
  3. 00:23:656 (5,6,7,8,1) - it would be great to be different from 00:23:323 (1,2,3,4) - for those background soundszx
  4. 01:08:489 (1) - 334|234 for symmetry with 01:07:989 (1) -
good lucc uwu

also i replied to ur mod and im ready
could add vn in tags

- 00:15:156 (5) - it'd be nice if you unstack it like that so next pattern of 4 notes are more highlighted and not related to previous, tho i understand your idea here haha
- 00:19:323 (5) - from my sight of view everything in this section follows piano with support of drums, but this slider is not, it kinda confused me lol. so i'd swap them 00:19:156 (4,5) - also if you keep that rhythm you should add drum clap to the head of slider 00:19:323 (5) - to follow that beat you clapped here 00:20:323 (2) - also you prefered piano at the end so yeah
- 00:43:323 (4) - reconsider spacing to that note, it don't think it needs that highlighting and i missed it lol, try something more harsh with spacing on 00:43:156 (3) - and space 00:43:323 (4) - closer or even stack
- 00:45:823 (3) - 00:46:656 (1) - 00:47:156 (3) - this white ticks has crashes so you might wanna hit finish them or find some interesting hihat, also there are more of them further, it'd be nice if you follow them

_83's Expert
- 00:39:489 (3) - ctrl g seem more comfortable and not that annoying because 00:38:989 (2) - has the same movement
- 01:35:656 (4,5,1) - hey its not 1/4, check lasses diff

- 01:17:323 (6) - haha curve it more so it symmetry with 01:16:989 (5) -

- nothing

- 01:13:156 (6) - it bothers me that you skipped clap sound here, sounds meh. could use a slider

that's it
00:10:823 (1,2,3,4,5) - please move this a bit more to the right, due to unusual rhythm this was a bit uncomfortable to play..
00:15:656 (3,4) - maybe rotate this by 20 degrees, so angle will be the same with this 00:14:823 (4) - slider?
00:18:406 - why did you skip this one? :o
00:42:573 (2) - maybe x=308 y=225 iinstead?
00:42:989 (2,3,4) - tbh this jump doesnt really fit the song, since the part is really calm. 00:43:156 (3,4) - maybe you will reduce spacing at least here?
01:16:489 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - hmm maybe you could use some interesting patterns in this jump part like you did here 00:53:323 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - for example?
01:31:823 (2) - maybe nc here? this 1/6 rhythm is unusual and may be misleading

00:18:406 - why do you as well ignore this really strong sound?
00:19:656 (4) - idkk but maybe replace it with 00:19:323 (3) - this ctrl+g'd slider?
00:22:656 - this is pretty inaudible and the fact that a slider starts on this is really lame, so please start this slider 00:22:656 (1) - at 00:22:823 -
00:34:156 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream shape could be definitely improvd
00:43:656 (3) - why not a 1/1 slider? will work perfectly since you tried to map vocals before
00:48:989 - i feel like here should be a circle, maybe you could put it somewhere on x=48 y=224 to have a broken blanket with 00:48:656 (2) - and also better rhythm for vocals?
01:08:989 (5,5,6,1) - kinda very nazi, but stack
01:31:739 (4) - should b 1/6
01:35:906 (5,1) - should be 1/6 as well

maybe od7.5 for spread, _83 is already od8
00:47:489 (7) - move a bit to the left for better symmetry with 00:46:823 (5) - ?
00:49:489 (5) - should be circles imo, since this 00:48:989 (3) - is a slider as well, but sounds on it are weaker
00:56:906 (6,7) - looks a bit strange lol
01:19:823 (9) - maybe do the same curve as 01:18:823 (4) -? or vice versa

00:23:323 (1,2) - swap ncs? the current nc on 00:23:323 (1) - looks kinda strange, since 00:23:989 - here starts the new part
01:06:489 (6,1) - swap ncs too?

01:04:656 (5) - guess it should be a circle+slider like here 01:05:656 (2,3) -, the current way totally ignores the vocals zz

easy looks fine

good luck! :D

Akitoshi wrote:


underscore eighty three
  1. 00:57:156 (4,1) - boost the spacing would be great for movement from 00:56:239 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - spacing is already boosted for the combo,
    the increase you suggested would break the idea of this map anyways which is smooth movement
  2. 01:18:656 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - would u mind to polish up this circular flow lolz looks polished to me.

Mirash wrote:

_83's Expert
- 00:39:489 (3) - ctrl g seem more comfortable and not that annoying because 00:38:989 (2) - has the same movement its comfortable for me
- 01:35:656 (4,5,1) - hey its not 1/4, check lasses diff ok

Komore wrote:

00:18:406 - why do you as well ignore this really strong sound? I didn't hear it so it's not a strong sound
00:19:656 (4) - idkk but maybe replace it with 00:19:323 (3) - this ctrl+g'd slider? that would be bad for smooth movement.
00:22:656 - this is pretty inaudible and the fact that a slider starts on this is really lame, so please start this slider 00:22:656 (1) - at 00:22:823 - its audible enough, and volume is represented via spacing
00:34:156 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream shape could be definitely improvd no it can't
00:43:656 (3) - why not a 1/1 slider? will work perfectly since you tried to map vocals before reason is to stop the movement, and lower rhythm density, the sound is still mapped.
00:48:989 - i feel like here should be a circle, maybe you could put it somewhere on x=48 y=224 to have a broken blanket with 00:48:656 (2) - and also better rhythm for vocals? the purpose of this is to lower rhythm density for the section
01:08:989 (5,5,6,1) - kinda very nazi, but stack no thanks
01:31:739 (4) - should b 1/6 its 1/4 I checked
01:35:906 (5,1) - should be 1/6 as well ok
Topic Starter

Akitoshi wrote:


  1. nerf OD & HP would be nice think current is easy enough
  2. 00:01:156 (1) - maybe you don't need to start at the weakest beat for low diffs, it would be great if you start the slider on 00:01:323 - since it's more noticeable than red tick on very start, same thing with normal but it belongs to the same melody so starting later would suck
  3. 00:28:156 (2) - this can be put as 1/1 slider for vocal rhythm, also it has enough gap with 00:28:989 (3) - so ye too much density for this part
  4. 01:22:823 (2,3) - since you're following drums here maybe it would be simplified with 1/1 + circle or reverse. current placement looks bit hard to adapt the rhythm with every single objects as Easy seems fine to me and fits the song well
  5. 01:27:489 (1) - remove NC i guess, i can't hear anything special lol yes
  1. 00:21:823 (2) - trim this and adding circle on 00:22:489 - would be great for emphasis on cymbals, im pretty sure it's still safe from 1/2 chains so ye
    like the sliderend - break effect though, makes it stand out a lot
  2. 00:42:323 (6,1) - is this small spacing intentional lol fixed
  1. those multiple reverses on start reminds me tilting when i was around 200k mMm
  2. 00:23:323 (1,2) - swap NC would make more sense since new section will start at 00:23:989 - aka ur slidertail yea considered already,
  3. 00:48:989 (3,4) - isn't should be odd stacked for high-pitch vocals don't really get this
  4. 00:56:906 (5) - i guess this can be safely removed as current triple chains kinda sudden tapping is still simple
  5. 01:13:656 (2,3) - try something different sliders shape from 01:12:489 (2,3) - or adding some buffs on the spacing to show their intensity difference? don't think that is necessary for a simple hard
  1. hello old sliders
  2. 00:25:489 (5,6,7) - i wonder why only this odds are boosted uwu I rather boost distance on 00:28:156 (3,4,5) - 00:30:489 (5,6,7,8,9) - for vocal difference tried something
  3. 01:06:323 (6,7,8,9) - this sounds overmapped tbh (and u did this kind of rhythm only once as drums or synth so ye) it's overmapped (even though there is this quiet hihat stuff in the chorus) but it fits quite well
  4. 01:07:239 - 01:07:906 - there's a drum sound, might consider to add something here peferer to focus on the vocals anyways

  1. 00:11:323 (4,5) - x0.1 DS works here for lower keys w just starts looking weird
  2. 00:18:489 (4) - isn't should be x1.2 from 00:18:323 (3) - ? decreasing the spacing here isn't that necessary since drums hit there no,
    based on piano
  3. 00:23:656 (5,6,7,8,1) - it would be great to be different from 00:23:323 (1,2,3,4) - for those background soundszx the whole thing is following the same sound so it's one consistent shape
  4. 01:08:489 (1) - 334|234 for symmetry with 01:07:989 (1) - looks bad here
good lucc uwu

also i replied to ur mod and im ready


Mirash wrote:

could add vn in tags

- 00:15:156 (5) - it'd be nice if you unstack it like that so next pattern of 4 notes are more highlighted and not related to previous, tho i understand your idea here haha current works better to transition to 00:15:323 (1,2,3,4) -
- 00:19:323 (5) - from my sight of view everything in this section follows piano with support of drums, but this slider is not, it kinda confused me lol. so i'd swap them 00:19:156 (4,5) - also if you keep that rhythm you should add drum clap to the head of slider 00:19:323 (5) - to follow that beat you clapped here 00:20:323 (2) - also you prefered piano at the end so yeah there is a lower pitch/more quiet piano here so it seems fitting to me
- 00:43:323 (4) - reconsider spacing to that note, it don't think it needs that highlighting and i missed it lol, try something more harsh with spacing on 00:43:156 (3) - and space 00:43:323 (4) - closer or even stack changed this a bit
- 00:45:823 (3) - 00:46:656 (1) - 00:47:156 (3) - this white ticks has crashes so you might wanna hit finish them or find some interesting hihat, also there are more of them further, it'd be nice if you follow them seems a bit too much to me, even if they are in the song

- 01:17:323 (6) - haha curve it more so it symmetry with 01:16:989 (5) - tried, grid3 is hard : (

- nothing

- 01:13:156 (6) - it bothers me that you skipped clap sound here, sounds meh. could use a slider yea but I really prefer clickable vocal here :/

that's it


Komore wrote:

00:10:823 (1,2,3,4,5) - please move this a bit more to the right, due to unusual rhythm this was a bit uncomfortable to play.. idk how that would change anything and it's only 1/1 rhythm??
00:15:656 (3,4) - maybe rotate this by 20 degrees, so angle will be the same with this 00:14:823 (4) - slider? 00:14:823 (4,5,1,2,3,4) -
is one rotational pattern

00:18:406 - why did you skip this one? :o doesn't stand out much and current rhythm is nicer on piano
00:42:573 (2) - maybe x=308 y=225 iinstead? current looks nicer to me
00:42:989 (2,3,4) - tbh this jump doesnt really fit the song, since the part is really calm. 00:43:156 (3,4) - maybe you will reduce spacing at least here? did lower ds on second jump, cymbal jump is fine for contrast
01:16:489 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - hmm maybe you could use some interesting patterns in this jump part like you did here 00:53:323 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - for example? they are both in different parts of the song
01:31:823 (2) - maybe nc here? this 1/6 rhythm is unusual and may be misleading clicking is still 1/2

maybe od7.5 for spread, _83 is already od8 8 is fine
00:47:489 (7) - move a bit to the left for better symmetry with 00:46:823 (5) - ? grid3
00:49:489 (5) - should be circles imo, since this 00:48:989 (3) - is a slider as well, but sounds on it are weaker vocal emphasis
00:56:906 (6,7) - looks a bit strange lol so does the whole map tbh
01:19:823 (9) - maybe do the same curve as 01:18:823 (4) -? or vice versa grid3+ different rotation

00:23:323 (1,2) - swap ncs? the current nc on 00:23:323 (1) - looks kinda strange, since 00:23:989 - here starts the new part
01:06:489 (6,1) - swap ncs too?
both fixed

01:04:656 (5) - guess it should be a circle+slider like here 01:05:656 (2,3) -, the current way totally ignores the vocals zz repeat on vocal is cute

easy looks fine

good luck! :D

Nao Tomori
i like how the bg is like the same theme as secret liqueur with the cat in between the boobs x d

00:18:489 (4,5,1) - completely unsnapped what . has to be fixed

00:06:656 (4) - tbh thing u should nc here cuz its a new piano phrase cuz of the left hand chord yea

00:14:823 (4,5) - 01:28:489 (5) - i think this puts undue attention on the slider end tbh, a normal spacing for 5 to show that its a new note seems better

00:30:489 (1,2) - i kno theres like a thing on 2 but a slider seems to work better despite it

00:41:156 (3) - dude this looks so terrible lmfao

00:43:323 (4) - as a slider end is better imo. not much comparable to 00:42:656 (1,2,3) - on it so seems to dilute their importance

00:46:156 (4,1) - seems rly weird with what the vocals r doing

01:05:323 (1) - the red points seem kinda dissonant considering the map uses smooth stuff a lot >.>

01:35:823 (1,1,1,1) - theres 4 piano notes but 3 clicks .

00:10:823 (1,2,3) - tbh reducing sv could b cute

00:16:489 - i dont suppose theres any chance of a circle here

00:21:823 (4) - nc?

00:38:156 (2,3) - slooder?

00:47:323 (7,8) - i think circle + 1/1 slider works a lot better, can't tell what 8 is following at all

00:55:989 (1,2,3,4) - thi s is gonna tilt ppl if they didnt get tilted by the pentagons

01:05:656 (2,3) - meh the vocal on the red tick feels rly ignored

00:21:989 (4,5) - not being a slider seems weird considering 00:21:323 (1,2,3,4,5) - is the same thing repeated twice in the song

00:30:489 (5,6) - slider?

00:33:989 (9,10) - shouldnt u separate these from the pattern cuz not vocal

00:42:989 (2,3) - wat ctrl g plz..

01:14:490 (7,8,9) - 1/1 works better imo

dude these multirepeats lmfao
isnt there a guideline against them

01:32:823 (4) - circles fits better with what the piano is doing

ur normal is like 2 density degrees below the hard, there is very little clickable 1/2 but the hard has stuff like which is mapped like in the normal. lol

yea fix that normal hard spread. normal is basically just an easy so.. add more 1/2 in the intense parts and it'll be better.

also ending spinners are hella long for the lowest diffs, recmmend shortening it a bit.

Naotoshi wrote:

00:10:823 (1,2,3) - tbh reducing sv could b cute reduce sv is like, no movement and i want to force a little movement. The whole premise of the intro up until here sets this up to be most optimal emphasis for this sound.

00:16:489 - i dont suppose theres any chance of a circle here ok friendly neighbor :D

00:21:823 (4) - nc? measure based nc except for that one stream to bring clarity

00:38:156 (2,3) - slooder? slooder too easy imo, want to make this harder part and circles !!

00:47:323 (7,8) - i think circle + 1/1 slider works a lot better, can't tell what 8 is following at all they follow drums, movement is kind of faster to contrast from the 1/1 vocals pacing

00:55:989 (1,2,3,4) - thi s is gonna tilt ppl if they didnt get tilted by the pentagons mAn idK How thoUGh

01:05:656 (2,3) - meh the vocal on the red tick feels rly ignored idk why you think this, I have plenty of vocals on slider ends, to me this map is more about the patterns collective m80
these are same link
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

i like how the bg is like the same theme as secret liqueur with the cat in between the boobs x d

00:18:489 (4,5,1) - completely unsnapped what . has to be fixed drum on 00:18:573 (5) - might be on the 1/6 earlier, but simplifying to 1/4 works way better and is probably the intended thing anyways. piano is on 00:18:489 - red tick but drums are just ????? so lol

00:06:656 (4) - tbh thing u should nc here cuz its a new piano phrase cuz of the left hand chord yea yea, also changed pattern a bit to break movement on that

00:14:823 (4,5) - 01:28:489 (5) - i think this puts undue attention on the slider end tbh, a normal spacing for 5 to show that its a new note seems better think this is fine since that way movement here repeats on 00:15:323 (1,2,3,4) - , just "faster" basically like the piano lol

00:30:489 (1,2) - i kno theres like a thing on 2 but a slider seems to work better despite it pretty sure there's a new syllable here too and they all get clicks :/

00:41:156 (3) - dude this looks so terrible lmfao really wanted the perfect slider overlap but yes, change to something cuter

00:43:323 (4) - as a slider end is better imo. not much comparable to 00:42:656 (1,2,3) - on it so seems to dilute their importance really indifferent on this tbh, but I'll give it a try

00:46:156 (4,1) - seems rly weird with what the vocals r doing get what you mean but the rhythm overall just feels so fitting here to me and shows the change in pace and drum rhythm

01:05:323 (1) - the red points seem kinda dissonant considering the map uses smooth stuff a lot >.>didn't like this much either way, just didn't have a nice idea when mapping it, changed this and the following ones

01:35:823 (1,1,1,1) - theres 4 piano notes but 3 clicks . yea did something, though it sounds a bit off it's probably the best solution without having mp3 edited
basically this
it's easy to change anyways cause last objects of the map

00:21:989 (4,5) - not being a slider seems weird considering 00:21:323 (1,2,3,4,5) - is the same thing repeated twice in the song circles fit better but didn't want circle spam for this diff so I did slider first since piano is building up a bit

00:30:489 (5,6) - slider? same as top duff

00:33:989 (9,10) - shouldnt u separate these from the pattern cuz not vocal 00:33:989 - has vocal and there isn't really a decent alternative for second while keeping grid + similar spacing and it being a repeat is already "different"

00:42:989 (2,3) - wat ctrl g plz.. yea wanted to follow vocal but since top diff is changed i made it cymbal here too, same for hard

01:14:490 (7,8,9) - 1/1 works better imo 1/1 felt so weird there to me tbh, I think the triple into slider accentuates vocal nicely

dude these multirepeats lmfao
isnt there a guideline against them not for hards lol

01:32:823 (4) - circles fits better with what the piano is doing

ur normal is like 2 density degrees below the hard, there is very little clickable 1/2 but the hard has stuff like which is mapped like in the normal. lol

yea fix that normal hard spread. normal is basically just an easy so.. add more 1/2 in the intense parts and it'll be better.

fixed that one spot on normal, besides that it seems alright to me there are things like 01:22:156 (2,3,4,5,6) - which are definitely not something you'd see on an easy diff. I looked over the rhythm in intense parts, but in most spots adding more 1/2 would just throw people off cause it makes it seem like I'm following a different layer but can't fully commit to that or it will be way too hard. hard also uses lots of stacks and low spacing so it's easier than a lot of hards even if density is higher.

If you have specific spots that would work without making rhythm/layering less clear and without ending up in some long 1/2 gap chains, feel free to point them out.

density gap might be a bit big in some specific spots, but overall it should be fine tbh. keep in mind hard doesn't really utilize active 1/2 patterns longer than like 3 or 4 most of the time and the 1/4 patterns usually end in sliders and most of the time also start after sliders

also ending spinners are hella long for the lowest diffs, recmmend shortening it a bit.
fuck that spinner actually, shortened it on all diffs
also shortened the 00:11:656 - spinner on hard to have 1/1 of recovery instead 1/2
+ adjusted settings of top diff slightly (+ar, -od)


updated everything
Nao Tomori
normal still seems comparatively very simple in density. your base time gap is 1/1 or 3/2 in most cases. the kiai looks a bit better, but parts like 00:21:323 (1,2) - or 00:33:156 (2,3,4) - are still weirdly easy. 01:26:656 (1,2) -
01:31:989 (1,2,3) -
like these are fairly intense parts with lots of drums and piano, but it's just 3/2 sliders. plz buff
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

normal still seems comparatively very simple in density. your base time gap is 1/1 or 3/2 in most cases. the kiai looks a bit better, but parts like 00:21:323 (1,2) - did some buildup stuff or 00:33:156 (2,3,4) - are still weirdly easy. this one is same tapping rhythm as hard already though 01:26:656 (1,2) -
01:31:989 (1,2,3) -
like these are fairly intense parts with lots of drums and piano, but it's just 3/2 sliders. plz buff made these slightly harder while still following piano. not too much though since hard doesn't utilize many active 1/2 there + it's basically the intro repeated with more intensity so I don't want it to be too different
made 00:35:323 - into a 1/1 slider too to add some density (even though long slider rhythms are tilt)
should also note that the 3/2 sliders still apply a decent amount of strain to newer players since have to hold and aim the whole thing so it should be fine now I think

also fixed missing whistle on 00:35:323 - 00:35:656 - for all diffs

metadata is in the description of the op on the official channel of the publisher
Nao Tomori
Discussed some stuff on discord.
D s s o d.
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