
MARiA - Aka Hitoha

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AoiX wrote:

  1. 01:53:821 (2,3,4) - 这几个点要么都叠在一起要么就都分看,现在这样看着不伦不类啊 呼應上combo, 暫時保留
  2. 很好的排列但是1/2甚至1/4beat太多了 啊哈哈這個無法否認, 越往後就自然塞越多了
that is normal???i don`t feel i was playing normal...i feel i was playing hard-_-
Topic Starter

AoiX wrote:

Request from Queue

ψ(´ڡ`❤)Aoi's Mod

  1. 视频略大而且效果不好。如果你有高清的源可以让我来试试
  1. S:C1的clap音效音量弄得太大了,可以降低30% s-c1的clap就是原本的hitnormal+了一个 突出重音效果的
  2. 00:14:886 (3) - 和曲子不协调了。改成两个circle+一个1/2beat的滑条试试 我一直觉得这段挺好的啊 保留意见看下几个modder意见
  3. 00:22:873 (9) - 滑条结尾的clap加的并不合适 替换过一次hitsound忘记修改了 fix
  4. 连打和堆在一起的点有点恶心,其他都还不错
啊哈哈 97的1/8确实比较蛋疼就是了
Modding from #MR, all suggestions


Lower SV? you can use "scaling" to resize sliders
02:39:140 (2) - -1 reverse
03:46:800 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing

00:20:950 (5,6,1) - this? 00:27:173 (2) - add note
00:38:184 (3,1) - this? scrn16.png (I lowered AR to make it clear) 00:39:939 (4) - add note
01:21:587 (1,2,3,4,5) - make a star formation?
01:58:289 (4) - this? 02:38:502 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - change to a note stream / a slider stream? mixing doesn't play good
03:47:757 (4) - this?
Megurine Luka
/me from my Queue




add Vocaloid and Vocaloid2 in tag

set preview time

目前的kiai time似乎不统一,统一kiai time

按理来说原曲是Luka所以可以删掉Hatsune Miku..不过这个随意了

letterbox in breaks可以关



00:21:269 (1) - 一般来说建议不叠,后面也是,不过管他呢╮(╯▽╰)╭
01:25:417 (x) - add circle
03:35:151 (1) - 蓝线对Easy来说实在是有点难了O.o, 这里压红线也挺好的,后面也是。




00:30:843 (6) - NC
00:54:779 (3) - 折返?
00:59:885 (3) - ^
01:33:715 (5) - NC
02:27:013 (6) - ^
02:28:928 (x) - add circle
02:45:523 (5) - NC


01:03:715 (1) - 这里开始的clap+fin音略显响了,建议集体下调
03:07:545 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - hmmm. 比较猎奇的建议..可以渐低音量来做反差._.
03:24:459 (x) - add circle
03:25:736 (x) - ^
03:27:013 (x) - ^
03:28:608 (x) - ^

Harro ><
I see this from your mod queue, and I think I'll post. I hope my mod helps ><

1) um.. when I browse it in youtube and other sources, the title is supposed to be Aka Hitoha. not aka hinoha ><;; but since the last ranked map use the title aka hinoha-- i'm not sure about this T_T;;

2) source : Kuro Usa P

3) why don't add the enligsh translation (A Red Leaf) and the album (Kimi no Iru Keshiki) to the tag?

4) I think preview time is either 208927 or 99141


00:15:524- (2) I think it sounds better if you move this 1/2 beat forward.
00:36:907- (4) why don't make this slider symetrical?
00:40:737- (2) remove whistle and change it to finish? (to match with previous finish)
01:30:523- (5) remove nc?
01:37:226- (1) move it 1/2 beat backward?
01:48:076- (1,2) I personally think that this pattern is too hard for easy (although the bpm is small). I suggest you change (1) to 1/2 beat slider, not 3/4 ><
01:56:374- (2) remove whistle and change it to finish? (to match with previous finish)
02:52:225- (2) use finish instead?
03:27:013- (2,3) I personally thinks that this looks tidier at 388,140.
03:27:70- (4,1) follows after ^
03:35:151- (1) I'm not sure with the idea 1/4 beat in easy ... ><;; but this match-- so idk ><

good diff ><!

uh.. this looks more like a hard to me ._.;;

00:24:141- (1) use this slider instead?
00:57:970- (4) use grid level 4, move 2 grid to make it linear with the beat before ><
02:20:949- (4) what does this slider follow?
02:28:608- (9) move this 1/2 beat backward to follow lyric.
02:29:247- (10) what does this follow? ><;;
03:16:161- (1) move 1/4 beat earlier?

another good diff ><

00:59:087- (2) (nazi) tidy this slider a bit?
01:36:587- (4) add finish in the end of slider to balance with the finish earlier?
01:58:928- (1) move spinner 1/2 beat backward and add a note (finish) here? there's still the drum playing.
03:23:821- (4) I think it sounds better with a single beat?

another great diff T_T;;

star ^^
I hope this help~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Modding from #MR, all suggestions

00:20:950 (5,6,1) - this? not mean to under the slider yeah..
00:27:173 (2) - add note k
00:38:184 (3,1) - this? scrn16.png (I lowered AR to make it clear) nya
00:39:939 (4) - add note nya
01:21:587 (1,2,3,4,5) - make a star formation? nya
01:58:289 (4) - this? nya
02:38:502 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - change to a note stream / a slider stream? mixing doesn't play good just follow the feeling
03:47:757 (4) - this?

Megurine Luka wrote:

/me from my Queue




add Vocaloid and Vocaloid2 in tag yep

set preview time 记得了!

目前的kiai time似乎不统一,统一kiai time

按理来说原曲是Luka所以可以删掉Hatsune Miku..不过这个随意了

letterbox in breaks可以关



01:03:715 (1) - 这里开始的clap+fin音略显响了,建议集体下调 感觉是现在最好啊 看看后面人怎么说
03:07:545 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - hmmm. 比较猎奇的建议..可以渐低音量来做反差._. 这个做起来太猎奇难度各种(其实是我懒了XD
03:24:459 (x) - add circle 这个算了 下面修正了
03:25:736 (x) - ^
03:27:013 (x) - ^
03:28:608 (x) - ^


Maya-kira wrote:

Harro ><
I see this from your mod queue, and I think I'll post. I hope my mod helps ><

1) um.. when I browse it in youtube and other sources, the title is supposed to be Aka Hitoha. not aka hinoha ><;; but since the last ranked map use the title aka hinoha-- i'm not sure about this T_T;; yeah waiting for other suggestion.

2) source : Kuro Usa P k

3) why don't add the enligsh translation (A Red Leaf) and the album (Kimi no Iru Keshiki) to the tag? k

4) I think preview time is either 208927 or 99141

00:59:087- (2) (nazi) tidy this slider a bit? k
01:36:587- (4) add finish in the end of slider to balance with the finish earlier? k
01:58:928- (1) move spinner 1/2 beat backward and add a note (finish) here? there's still the drum playing. nya.spinner begin with the vocal
03:23:821- (4) I think it sounds better with a single beat? already fixed

another great diff T_T;;

star ^^
I hope this help~
Thank you all guys mod it .....>w<

BG.jpg 為800x599

red line部分:
00:03:716 - BPM of 94.000
00:43:290 - BPM of 94.000
01:24:141 - BPM of 94.000
01:39:779 - BPM of 94.000
01:58:928 - BPM of 94.000
02:39:779 - BPM of 94.000
02:55:098 - BPM of 94.000
03:01:481 - BPM of 94.000
03:05:311 - BPM of 94.000
03:09:779 - BPM of 94.000

但是[LKs' Normal] 還有 [Pokie's Easy] 都有少 需要修改!!

kiai部分 (不一定要修改)kiai不同 希望能夠讓他們都相同

需要all note resnap一次 因為有些的note不在正確的位置上
Shouldn't the title be Aka HiTOHA and not HiNOHA?
Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

Pokie's Easy:
01:26:055(2,3) - delete the circle and replace it for a slider and end it till 01:26:375 for (2) and delete the repeat and move the slider at 01:26:694. it should be like This if u dont understand.
01:30:523(1) - end it till 01:31:162, and remove the repeat. it should end till 01:30:843
01:48:076(1) - end it till 01:48:396
02:52:225(2) - move it closer to (1). the spacing should be at 2.09 between (1,2)

LKs' Normal:
00:54:779(3) - extend it by 1 tick
00:57:332(3) - ^
00:59:885(3) - ^
01:06:268(5) - NC
01:16:481(6,1) - make (6) a NC and remove the NC for (1)
01:32:438(2) - end it till 01:32:758
01:33:715(5) - NC
01:47:119(4) - stack it on (2) unless this is intentional
01:51:747(6) - delete this note
02:27:013(6) - NC
02:45:523(5) - ^
03:47:438(3,4,5) - spacing

00:22:864(9) - resnap this note and this loop could be nicer
01:17:917(4) - hmm this slider looks like its straight a bit. make it more like a curved slider
01:39:141(6) - make it nicer
03:25:098(5) - NC

this is the best i can do. Star and GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

00:22:864(9) - resnap this note and this loop could be nicer now seems more fit
01:17:917(4) - hmm this slider looks like its straight a bit. make it more like a curved slider k.
01:39:141(6) - make it nicer now seems more fit
03:25:098(5) - NC k.
this is the best i can do. Star and GL :D

Download: MARiA - Aka Hitoha (Mystica) [Pokie's Easy].osu
01:16:003 - 放個note在這裡吧...
01:32:120 (4) - NC?
02:31:322 (5) - 這個這樣搭在02:30:843 (4)後面好像不太好...'
02:55:098 (8) - Finish
02:55:098~03:01:481 加一點whistle吧,就這樣不太好聽
03:07:545 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - 188BPM的stream... :? slider吧
03:24:459 - 加個note?
[LKs' Normal]
我沒看錯吧!?Slider velocity比Hard快,而且spacing也比Hard大...
01:03:715 (1,3) - 不太美觀...
01:42:970 (2) - 1 grid right
01:47:119 (4,1) - 就直接搭在01:46:161 (1,2) 上吧...?
01:50:310 (2) - Delete clap
01:50:310 (2) - 加個Note?
02:53:183 (1) - Finish,Delete NC
[Pokie's Easy]
01:06:907 (3) - NC?
02:33:715 (1) - Delete NC
03:14:885 (3) - NC
03:35:151 (1,2) - 才Easy,最好不要出現這種1/4 note吧...(188BPM的1/2note)
03:37:704 (1,2) - ^
03:40:257 (2,3) - ^
y u c a
yahho 鬼畜Mystica(・∀・)ノ

Pokie's Easy

02:28:928 (1) - remove new combo
02:29:567 (2) - add new combo

LKs' Normal

00:24:141 (1) - add finish
01:39:779 (1) - ^
03:39:460 (2) - remove clap(end of slider) is better sound for me
03:42:013 (2) - ^


00:30:524 (3) - add finish?
01:46:162 (3) - ^
01:48:716 (1) - ^
01:49:354 (4) - ^
01:49:992 (1) - ^
02:57:970 (8) - should use soft hitsound
03:24:459 (x) - add note
03:37:864 (3) - add finish
03:38:502 (5) - ^

Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

AR-1,畢竟圖很慢 AR7不好看
01:16:003 - 放個note在這裡吧... 為了壓clap的音啊 加一個就顯得怪異了
01:32:120 (4) - NC? k.
02:31:322 (5) - 這個這樣搭在02:30:843 (4)後面好像不太好... 如果說樣子的話修正了'
02:55:098 (8) - Finish k
02:55:098~03:01:481 加一點whistle吧,就這樣不太好聽 加了whistle反而有點
03:07:545 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - 188BPM的stream... :? slider吧 slider不好按感覺沒note好 看後面modder說法
03:24:459 - 加個note? 沒加 換了種方式

y u c a wrote:

yahho 鬼畜Mystica 鬼畜ja nai yo.Baca(・∀・)ノ


00:30:524 (3) - add finish? k.
01:46:162 (3) - ^
01:48:716 (1) - ^
01:49:354 (4) - ^
01:49:992 (1) - ^ some fix
02:57:970 (8) - should use soft hitsound um...I think normal fits....wait for other's mod
03:24:459 (x) - add note changed
03:37:864 (3) - add finish
03:38:502 (5) - ^

Thanks for your mod
Hi, M4M.


AIBat wrote:

Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:
Inconsistency in combo colours:
Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

00:15:524 (2) I suggest you to close distance this circle from (1).

00:29:886 (2) In Easy/Normal Diffs, Circles under sliders aren't allowed, they could be confused.
00:36:269 (7) New combo
01:48:077 (2) Same as 00:29:886
01:48:716 (1) ^
01:55:737 (2,3) ^
01:57:013 (2) ^
01:58:290 (2) ^
02:20:950 (4) Is this sliders following something? If It doesn't, please delete it or put something else.
02:28:290 (8) Same as 00:29:886
02:34:035 (4) ^
02:44:886 (3) ^
02:46:641 (7,8) ^
03:25:737 (2) ^
03:27:013 (4) ^


AIBat wrote:

Some unsnapped circles and sliders:
Unsnapped Green Lines:
Some suggestions but nobody cares suggestions.

Good Luck, posting in your Mod Queue.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

Hi, M4M.


AIBat wrote:

Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:
Inconsistency in combo colours:
Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

00:15:524 (2) I suggest you to close distance this circle from (1).

00:29:886 (2) In Easy/Normal Diffs, Circles under sliders aren't allowed, they could be confused.
00:36:269 (7) New combo
01:48:077 (2) Same as 00:29:886
01:48:716 (1) ^
01:55:737 (2,3) ^
01:57:013 (2) ^
01:58:290 (2) ^
02:20:950 (4) Is this sliders following something? If It doesn't, please delete it or put something else.
02:28:290 (8) Same as 00:29:886
02:34:035 (4) ^
02:44:886 (3) ^
02:46:641 (7,8) ^
03:25:737 (2) ^
03:27:013 (4) ^


AIBat wrote:

Some unsnapped circles and sliders:
Unsnapped Green Lines:
Some suggestions but nobody cares suggestions.

Good Luck, posting in your Mod Queue.
Fix some parts.Thanks
Hello Mystica san
not m4m. but I mod yours yay! Mystica san ga suki dakara >n<
all my suggestions~

00:45:843 - add red time line, I think heavy beats changed here.
01:24:140 - red line with 3/4 rhythm
01:39:778 - red line, back to 4/4 rhythm
02:01:480 - red line here
02:39:777 - red line with 3/4 rhythm
03:09:777 - red line, back to 4/4 rhythm
03:28:925 - red line here
Heavy beats have effects on Kiai Time, so I suggest this. (I prefer timing sections fit for song's beats)
if add lines. don't forget to remove green lines that isn't using.

[Pokie's Easy]
00:24:141 - start Kiai Time (do you have a reason not to use kiai time?)
00:43:290 - and end here
00:42:013 (1) - I suggest spinner's start at 00:43:290, then add any note to 00:42:013 and 00:42:652.
01:57:652 (1) - ^ , and Kiaitime end 01:58:928

[LKs's Normal]
00:24:141 - start Kiai Time here. (do you have a reason not to use kiai time?)
00:43:290 - finish Kiai Time here
01:58:928 - ^
03:48:074 - ^

00:43:290 - toggle off Kiai Time here
01:58:928 - ^
03:48:077 - ^

that's all, good mapset~
good luck :3
Download: MARiA - Aka Hitoha (Mystica) [LKs' Normal].osu

About sliders cover circles: My Normal is not the easiest diff in the whole mapset, it's more tend to be a hard Normal, so the cover(Actually is stack) will not matter.

About Kiai-times, I don't mind change them when necessary

  1. Size of the BG 800x599, it shoud be 800x600, change it please
  2. If I were on your place, i would though about diff's names, easy = normal, normal = hard and etc
Pokie's Easy
  1. 00:15:524 (2) - woud be better for the rythm, if you move it to 00:15:205 -
  2. 00:40:737 (2) - spacing
  3. 00:45:843 - so long break D:
  4. 01:03:715 (1,2,1) - you can not change it, but woud be better that will be more easy rythm, mey be 1/1
  5. 01:42:333 - whistle there
  6. 01:48:076 (1,2) - hard place in easy, change it
  7. 01:56:374 (2) - spacing
  8. 02:19:672 (2) - remove 02:21:268 (3) , and replace this slider to 02:19:992 -
  9. 02:22:225 (2,3) - ^
  10. 02:28:289 (3,4) - hard
  11. 02:52:225 (2) - spacing D:
  12. 03:35:151 (1,2) - wha... that is Easy, it's confusing, i think there is no problem to use 1/1 or 1/2
  13. 03:37:704 (1,2) - ^
  14. 03:40:257 (2,3) - ^
  15. 03:42:810 (2,3) - ^
  16. 03:44:247 (1,2,1,2) - naaah
LKs' Normal
Oh god, kinda hard for normal D:
  1. AR = 3 and may be circle size = 3
  2. 01:55:098 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - meeh, it's Normal, yea
  1. AR = 7
Others is good, but think about the difficulty
Good luck
Topic Starter

Vass_Bass wrote:


  1. Size of the BG 800x599, it shoud be 800x600, change it please ok.changed
  2. If I were on your place, i would though about diff's names, easy = normal, normal = hard and etc

cause I don't think Hard is really fit the Insane..Most parts are easy to play yeh?So no change..sorry
  1. AR = 7
AR7 a little late for this and also make the map crowded..So no change...sorry

Others is good, but think about the difficulty
Good luck
Thanks for your mod >w<

Vass_Bass wrote:

Pokie's Easy
  1. 00:15:524 (2) - woud be better for the rythm, if you move it to 00:15:205 -
  2. 00:40:737 (2) - spacing
  3. 00:45:843 - so long break D:
  4. 01:03:715 (1,2,1) - you can not change it, but woud be better that will be more easy rythm, mey be 1/1
  5. 01:42:333 - whistle there
  6. 01:48:076 (1,2) - hard place in easy, change it
  7. 01:56:374 (2) - spacing
  8. 02:19:672 (2) - remove 02:21:268 (3) , and replace this slider to 02:19:992 -
  9. 02:22:225 (2,3) - ^
  10. 02:28:289 (3,4) - hard
  11. 02:52:225 (2) - spacing D:
  12. 03:35:151 (1,2) - wha... that is Easy, it's confusing, i think there is no problem to use 1/1 or 1/2
  13. 03:37:704 (1,2) - ^
  14. 03:40:257 (2,3) - ^
  15. 03:42:810 (2,3) - ^
  16. 03:44:247 (1,2,1,2) - naaah

Lemme fix for you:

The idea of having easier difficulties is that complete beginners are able to complete them. If I were to give that map to someone who had never so much as seen osu! before, I should think he/she would have an awful lot of trouble in trying to complete it.

Do you think it's needed? It's like a joke.
From my modding queue. Sorry for taking long long time :o

  1. 00:43:290 (T) - Add red line to adjust a metronome.
  2. 01:24:141 (T) - ^ and set time signature 3/4.
  3. 01:39:779 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  4. 01:58:927 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  5. 02:39:778 (T) - ^ time signature 3/4
  6. 03:01:480 (T) - ^ time signature 3/4
  7. 03:09:777 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  8. 03:28:925 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
[Pokie's Easy]
  1. 02:51:268 (1,2) - Sadly, you cannot use a jump like this in the easiest diff. (I want to respect but I cannot permit...)
[LKs' Normal]

  • This is hard-like normal diff, so current difficulty setting seems too low. Set HP/OD4? The difficulty spread will be better too.
  1. 02:53:502 (1) - Consider to add finish(soft-one fits better).
  1. 01:23:662 (T) - This green line is snapped wrongly(snapped at late timing). So resnap it please.
  2. 03:08:582 (14) - Remove this note? Seems to fit the music better.
Sweet map! Call me back after fix :3
fixed all, add 1 on OD and keep the HP
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

From my modding queue. Sorry for taking long long time :o

  1. 00:43:290 (T) - Add red line to adjust a metronome.
  2. 01:24:141 (T) - ^ and set time signature 3/4.
  3. 01:39:779 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  4. 01:58:927 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  5. 02:39:778 (T) - ^ time signature 3/4
  6. 03:01:480 (T) - ^ time signature 3/4
  7. 03:09:777 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
  8. 03:28:925 (T) - ^ time signature 4/4
[Pokie's Easy]
  1. 02:51:268 (1,2) - Sadly, you cannot use a jump like this in the easiest diff. (I want to respect but I cannot permit...)
[LKs' Normal]

  • This is hard-like normal diff, so current difficulty setting seems too low. Set HP/OD4? The difficulty spread will be better too.
  1. 02:53:502 (1) - Consider to add finish(soft-one fits better).
  1. 01:23:662 (T) - This green line is snapped wrongly(snapped at late timing). So resnap it please.
  2. 03:08:582 (14) - Remove this note? Seems to fit the music better.
Sweet map! Call me back after fix :3
All fixed yet..Thanks for modding >w<
Each diff has different offset

Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

Each diff has different offset

fix all XD
All stuff are fine now. Bubbled!
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

All stuff are fine now. Bubbled!
yeah..Thank you Suzully
Make sure you're not planning to use a N:C2 because you used in the diff but there's no N:C2 sound in the song file.

02:55:097 - 5/4 time sig.

01:24:141 - 這段有點糾結 前半段莫名奇妙地比後面(01:30:843 - )多notes 而且中斷/串起的理據也不明顯 建議跟一下鼓聲
01:56:054 (3) - 用1/4 slider? 之前你也是這樣放 也能配合鼓聲
03:05:309 - 有沒有考慮過漸大spacing?
感覺custom hitsound在intro頗為別扭 有回響的clap和清脆的音樂不符

01:45:841 (3) - remove clap?連續clap略怪
轉spacing + 一堆1/4 感覺是Hard多於normal

00:42:652 - 感覺就是欠了notes._.
Since the time sig. is changed I'll rebubble this, good luck!
The source should be Kurousa-P. (Sorry I didn't notice when bubbling before :P)
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

The source should be Kurousa-P. (Sorry I didn't notice when bubbling before :P)
Ok >_>.I will change it when it will get into rank
I can rank this. Go ahead~ :3
(I won't be able to have time for free today, so I'll let you wait a bit until...maybe tomorrow though)
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

I can rank this. Go ahead~ :3
(I won't be able to have time for free today, so I'll let you wait a bit until...maybe tomorrow though)
>_> ok thank you suzuly.I will update soon
Congrats ~ >w<
Snowy Dream
congratz >v<
Topic Starter
thanks all >w<
lmao i remember modding this map...congratz on the rank ;)
lol so quick
i love you myst
Megurine Luka
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