23:17 Parachor: [This message has been blocked in your country]
23:17 juankristal: [This icon has been blocked in your country]
23:17 Parachor: Saaaaaaad
23:20 juankristal: i think i will play this before checking
23:20 juankristal: spec pls
23:28 Parachor: Wheeew
23:28 juankristal: could you please
23:28 juankristal: follow the most relevant sounds
23:28 juankristal: in your maps
23:28 juankristal: for the love of urmom
23:28 Parachor: never
23:28 Parachor: para follows eveeeeryyythingggg
23:28 juankristal: thats not always a good idea
23:28 juankristal: seriously
23:34 Parachor: that was an exaggeration
23:34 Parachor: I don't actually follow everything lol
23:34 Parachor: Also most of the mods I get are "you missed a sound here, add a note", so it ends up being more like that.
23:34 juankristal: lul
23:34 juankristal: you are lucky i really like this map
23:34 juankristal: and i like you
23:34 juankristal: :v
23:34 Parachor: I am lucky
23:34 juankristal: first thing i will complain about
23:35 juankristal: 01:16:963 (76963|3,77143|3,77505|3,77686|3,78047|3,78228|3,78589|3,78770|3,79131|3,79312|3,79674|3,79854|3,80216|3,80396|3,80758|3,80969|3) -
23:35 juankristal: you will hate me but
23:36 Parachor: better not be removing the inverses lmao
23:36 juankristal: just making it less shieldy
23:36 Parachor: oh?
23:36 juankristal: 01:19:915 - also
23:36 juankristal: there is probably a kick there
23:36 juankristal: thats kinda confusing
23:37 Parachor: i think that kick really comes in at 01:19:960 (79960|1,79960|0) -
23:37 Parachor: but kinda fades in a little before it
23:37 juankristal: i think its clear on the point i mentioned
23:37 juankristal: but i mean
23:37 juankristal: its fine if its delayed? i guesS?
23:37 Parachor: Me and prot were talking about how weird it was that the kick sample in this song is like very slightly delayed past everything else
23:39 Parachor: But yeah the BOOM of the kick itself is like, 1/32 snap behind what it is now. Shame 1/32 doesn't exist tho.
23:39 juankristal: anyways
23:39 juankristal: my point is not that
23:39 juankristal: my points are the LNs
23:40 juankristal: 01:17:143 (77143|3,77686|3,78228|3,78770|3,79312|3,79854|3,80396|3) - i would make those shorter
23:40 Parachor: Isn't that the gimmick of this whole section though?
23:40 Parachor: The voice thing is always mapped to inverse releases
23:41 juankristal: i wouldnt make them much shorter
23:41 Parachor: Though before it was gradually rising, this time it's on the same pitch, causing the player to try and get into the rhythm.
23:41 juankristal: just 1/6 shorter
23:41 Parachor: Doesn;t that come under inconsistent release times?
23:42 juankristal: why is so?
23:42 juankristal: if you make them all consistent with themselves it should be fine
23:42 juankristal: 01:15:306 (75306|3,75848|3) - also the spacing here is the same as the one i propose
23:42 Parachor: Ah I mean like, everywhere in the first two minutes, they're spaced with 1/6
23:42 juankristal: my reasoning behind it is that it makes it just more intuitive to nail
23:43 juankristal: like, even when I know the gimmick I cant hit your map properly
23:43 juankristal: thats like
23:43 juankristal: the only section I am confident I cant hit
23:43 Parachor: Though the player would be doing the exact same rhythm, but just with more complex releases?
23:43 juankristal: because the releases feel unintuitive and thats because of the spacing
23:43 juankristal: they arent as complex releases imoi
23:43 Parachor: Making this 01:17:143 (77143|3) - shorter means it no longer falls on the kick
23:43 juankristal: because the release would reflect the consistency previously noted in the map
23:44 juankristal: and also the sound slightly more audible feedback
23:44 juankristal: if that makes sense
23:44 Parachor: I'll edit it and give it a play
23:44 Parachor: brb
23:46 Parachor: Okay it's pretty distracting to have to now remember two different release timings
https://puu.sh/y3eRc/0f1f6ea67b.png23:46 Parachor: Especially when the new ones fall on nothing.
23:46 juankristal: but doenst the same argument apply
23:46 juankristal: to whats right now
23:47 Parachor: A single release timing?
23:47 Parachor: Everything is the same, so the player doesn't have to focus on how long to release.
23:48 Parachor: It's also short enough that you can just release and repress immediately to hit it correctly
23:48 Parachor: Thus only having to worry about the repress, and not the release
23:49 Parachor: Gives the player some room to worry about what's happening in the other 3 columns at the same time.
23:49 juankristal: i think it completely mind blocks ther est
23:49 juankristal: 01:17:384 (77384|1) - because of that note most likely
23:49 Parachor: I think the problem would be with column 1 instead of 4 in that case
23:49 Parachor: you have two conflicting rhythms
23:50 Parachor: oh that note?
23:50 Parachor: would it make more sense to ctrh+h 01:17:384 (77384|1,77445|2) -
23:50 juankristal: that note is i think the main reason of why i cant hit the whole pattern completely
23:50 Parachor: ctrl*
23:51 Parachor: yeah try it with those two notes flipped
23:51 Parachor: Same with 01:18:830 (78830|2,78890|1) - as well
23:51 juankristal: with the notes flipped I can now hit the pattern
23:51 juankristal: lmao
23:52 Parachor: yeah that's much nicer now
23:52 Parachor: is 01:20:336 (80336|1,80396|2) - still okay?
23:52 Parachor: There's no note in column 1 to anchor it to like the previous two examples
23:52 juankristal: that is fine imo
23:52 juankristal: the one you just linked
23:52 Parachor: alright cool
23:53 juankristal: like this is way easier to just focus on the left hand shenanigans
23:53 Parachor: yeah
23:53 juankristal: my option was to shorten the LNs because the audio feedback was easier to notice with shorter LNs and because the note I linked earlier kills the movement of it
23:53 juankristal: like, having the release to be snapped with that first note
23:53 juankristal: makes it so the rest is more intuitive to play
23:54 juankristal: usually when doing LN patterns the first release is the most important one
23:54 juankristal: as it usually dictates the flow of the following ones
23:54 Parachor: mmhm
23:54 juankristal: thats likely the reason why i sucked at that pattern
23:54 juankristal: anyways
23:54 juankristal: man modding is fun
23:54 Parachor: sarcastically?
23:54 juankristal: no
23:54 juankristal: actually fun
23:54 Parachor: I think it's pretty fun in general
23:54 Parachor: Oh cool lol
23:55 Parachor: The whole bouncing ideas off each other thing is fun
23:55 juankristal: also
23:55 juankristal: call me crazy
23:55 juankristal: but i literally hear your map way earlier than what it plays
23:55 Parachor: hi crazy
23:55 Parachor: Try listen without any hitsounds on as well
23:55 Parachor: might be messing with it
23:56 juankristal: i never use hitsounds
23:56 juankristal: so dw about that
23:56 Parachor: AW
23:56 juankristal: i hear everything 1/12 or 1/6 ñate
23:56 juankristal: {ate
23:56 juankristal: jfc
23:56 juankristal: late
23:56 Parachor: yeah you're crazy then
23:56 juankristal: lemme use headphones
23:56 Parachor: I think Prot would've picked up on that if it was a delay as huge as 1/12 or 1/6 haha
23:57 juankristal: is the mp3 modified
23:57 juankristal: or anything
23:57 juankristal: like
23:57 juankristal: do i have to redownlaod
23:57 juankristal: i have this map since a loooong time
23:57 Parachor: yeah
23:57 Parachor: you do
23:57 Parachor: NO WONDER
23:57 Parachor: we changed the mp3 with another one
23:57 juankristal: that might explain why i suck at that map
23:57 Parachor: so the offset changed
23:57 Parachor: Ahahaha
23:57 juankristal: okey i was not crazy
23:58 juankristal: thank god i am a visual player
23:58 Parachor: ok I believe you now
23:58 Parachor: I won't book you into a psych ward yet
23:58 juankristal: OH SHIT
23:58 juankristal: NOW ITS ACCURATE
23:58 Parachor: OH SHIT
23:58 Parachor: God I can't imagine what it sounded like before lmao
23:58 Parachor: No wonder you thought the kick was off
23:59 Parachor: because it literally was
23:59 juankristal: lmfao
23:59 juankristal: give me a sec
23:59 Parachor: yep
00:14 juankristal: (sorry i am taking long, having some furious conversation about java coding with halogen fuck)
00:14 Parachor: oh lmao
00:15 Parachor: I'm setting up the qualify bingo in the meantime
00:15 juankristal: lul
00:17 juankristal: alright so
00:17 juankristal: lets see
00:17 juankristal: now with proper offset
00:17 Parachor: wew
00:20 juankristal: 01:47:362 (107362|2,107543|3) - arent those same pitch
00:21 juankristal: or those 01:47:113 (107113|1,107362|2) - actually
00:21 juankristal: anyways doesnt matter much tbh
00:21 juankristal: not that it could be better lel
00:21 Parachor: Nah those are different
00:22 Parachor: The main pitch 'problem' in this area is 01:48:085 (108085|2,108265|2) -
00:22 Parachor: Which is only like that because having the second one in column 2 made things messy later
00:22 juankristal: yeah but fuck column 2
00:22 juankristal: because column 1
00:22 Parachor: yeah
00:25 juankristal: i was considering adding notes 02:36:872 (156872|0,157023|3) - here
00:25 juankristal: but idk if they are necesary either
00:25 Parachor: Hmmm I see what you mean.
00:25 juankristal: kinda like the background and crash
00:25 juankristal: or whatever that is
00:25 Parachor: I hear like that crunch sound
00:25 juankristal: nom
00:26 Parachor: at 02:36:993 -
00:26 Parachor: I'm pretty sure
00:26 Parachor: I can add a note there if you'd like
00:26 juankristal: that would be pain to play
00:26 Parachor: Maybe col1
00:26 juankristal: prob
00:26 Parachor: True
00:26 Parachor: in the middle of a tiny LN lmao
00:26 juankristal: actually not that bad
00:26 juankristal: if column 1
00:26 Parachor: yeah
00:26 Parachor: was about to say, works quite okay
00:27 Parachor: Yeah I like it
00:27 juankristal: then I have my doubts about 02:48:830 (168830|0) - that not being a jack on either 2 or 4
00:27 juankristal: but again, i dont mint it
00:28 Parachor: Ooo
00:28 Parachor: I did that jack earlier too didn't I
00:28 juankristal: yes you did
00:28 Parachor: 02:25:427 (145427|2,145698|2,145788|2,146059|2) -
00:28 Parachor: yeah I did
00:28 Parachor: Column 2 work for you?
00:29 juankristal: if you 02:48:559 (168559|2,168559|3) - ctrl+h that sure
00:29 juankristal: actually
00:29 juankristal: that would probably make it worse
00:29 juankristal: but it would be similar to the previous time
00:29 juankristal: i think just column 2 is alright on its own
00:30 Parachor: yeah it might
00:30 Parachor: Alrighty cool
00:32 juankristal: that shouldnt be double 04:46:390 (286390|3,286390|0,286390|2) - ?
00:33 juankristal: or one of this 04:47:475 (287475|0,287475|1,287836|1,287836|0) - triples
00:33 juankristal: idk
00:33 juankristal: probably this a triple though 04:47:475 -
00:34 Parachor: Wait what even is my layering for the kick LOL
00:34 Parachor: Lemme figure this out
00:34 juankristal: yeah
00:34 Parachor: Should I just change all triples to doubles?
00:34 juankristal: i mean
00:34 juankristal: thats the easy fix
00:34 juankristal: i think it would work
00:34 Parachor: Yeah hmm
00:35 Parachor: Okay I think I got it
00:35 juankristal: 04:22:535 (262535|1,262535|0) - vs 04:31:149 (271149|3,271149|1,271149|2) -
00:35 Parachor: the kick is a double, unless it's on the mini-LN piano note, which in that case is just a single
00:35 Parachor: Which means I need to change things like 04:50:366 (290366|1,290366|2,290366|3) -
00:36 Parachor: to be a double
00:36 juankristal: with that reasoning yep
00:36 Parachor: Though this is fine I think 04:43:499 (283499|1,283499|0,283499|2) -
00:36 Parachor: nbecause start of the section and all
00:36 Parachor: do you think?
00:36 juankristal: ye
00:36 juankristal: thats fine
00:36 juankristal: good delimitator
00:37 juankristal: 04:44:583 (284583|1) -
00:37 juankristal: thats alright right?
00:37 juankristal: with your reasoning at least
00:37 Parachor: yeah because the long LN isn't apart of it
00:37 juankristal: ye
00:38 Parachor: But damn, 04:46:390 (286390|3,286390|0,286390|2) - works so well
00:38 Parachor: but technically breaks it
00:38 Parachor: I've noticed that in this section, the kick is always on 12 or 34
00:38 Parachor: So maybe it still stays a double even if there's a piano note
00:39 Parachor: Unless something complex is happening like a long Ln taking up a column
00:39 Parachor: which explains 04:44:945 (284945|0,284945|2) -
00:39 Parachor: Still means 04:50:366 (290366|1,290366|2,290366|3) - should be a double
00:39 juankristal: 04:47:836 (287836|0,287836|1) - how you explain this
00:39 juankristal: :p
00:39 Parachor: Same thing
00:39 juankristal: that shouldnt be triple with that logic?
00:40 Parachor: It is a triple?
00:40 Parachor: I EDITED THAT
00:40 Parachor: OH WAIT
00:40 Parachor: Yeah it's a triple now hahaha
00:40 juankristal: win win
00:40 juankristal: so basically
00:40 Parachor: Forgot I turned a whole bunch of them into triples before when we were talking
00:40 juankristal: its a triple if it has a mini ln
00:40 juankristal: and not a big ln
00:40 juankristal: otherwise is a double
00:40 Parachor: yes
00:40 juankristal: simple logic
00:40 juankristal: so this is a triple 04:52:174 -
00:40 juankristal: 04:53:619 -
00:41 juankristal: 04:55:065 - this is a double
00:41 Parachor: How do you feel about 04:55:065 (295065|1,295065|3,295065|2) - ?
00:41 juankristal: 04:56:149 - same
00:41 juankristal: 4:55 can stay
00:41 juankristal: imo
00:41 juankristal: because its the same shape as the other we allowed
00:41 juankristal: but 4:56 is probably rip
00:41 Parachor: This should be a triple 04:57:957 (297957|0,297957|2) -
00:41 juankristal: 04:56:511 -
00:41 juankristal: triple
00:41 juankristal: yes
00:42 juankristal: just ctrl
00:42 juankristal: +a
00:42 juankristal: deklte
00:42 Parachor: 05:01:933 (301933|2,301933|3,301933|1) - dis double
00:42 juankristal: yes
00:42 juankristal: after that i am done with patterns
00:42 juankristal: maybe a touch on svs and we cool
00:42 juankristal: but prolly not
00:43 Parachor: okay I'll update what I did to the last section
00:43 Parachor: so we can check if it's all ok
00:43 juankristal: alright
00:43 Parachor: Oh wait that resets the bubble lmao
00:43 juankristal: that doesnt matter
00:43 Parachor: I just get prot to rebubble right?
00:43 juankristal: no
00:43 Parachor: oh
00:43 juankristal: how long since you ranked a map
00:43 Parachor: okay cool
00:43 juankristal: smh
00:44 Parachor: too long
00:44 juankristal: i updated 12 times before blocko qualified FIRST
00:44 juankristal: so i popped it like 12 times
00:44 Parachor: ok updated
00:44 Parachor: let's check muh layering
00:44 Parachor: I forgot to change this 04:50:366 (290366|1,290366|2,290366|0) - to a double
00:45 Parachor: doing that now
00:45 Parachor: keeping this 04:55:065 (295065|3,295065|2) - and removing note in col 2
00:45 Parachor: keeping this 04:56:149 (296149|1,296149|0) - and removing note in col 3
00:45 Parachor: woe I missed a whole bunch lol
00:45 Parachor: Wait wtf I changed most of these. Where did they go
00:46 Parachor: Seriously what
00:46 juankristal: curious about 04:27:234 (267234|0,267234|1,267234|3,267595|1,267595|0) - those too
00:46 juankristal: welcome to oss
00:48 juankristal: i guess you reupdate again
00:48 juankristal: before i do anything
00:48 juankristal: lmao
00:48 Parachor: Double if it has an LN, triple if not
00:48 Parachor: Yeah
00:48 juankristal: 04:30:125 (270125|0,270125|1,270125|3,270487|3,270487|1,270487|0) -
00:48 juankristal: :Thinking:
00:48 juankristal: 04:31:149 (271149|3,271149|1,271149|2) -
00:48 juankristal: 04:33:017 (273017|1,273017|0,273017|3) -
00:48 Parachor: updated
00:49 juankristal: 04:37:716 (277716|1,277716|2,277716|0) -
00:49 Parachor: wow I'm inconsistent
00:49 juankristal: hi inconsistent
00:49 Parachor: hi crazy
00:49 juankristal: nice to meet u
00:49 Parachor: Okay so to fix this
00:49 Parachor: 04:27:595 (267595|1,267595|0) - this to a triple
00:50 juankristal: 05:02:294 (302294|1,302294|0) - thats a triple
00:50 Parachor: I'm avoiding them 04:29:041 (269041|1,269041|0) - because of the piano
00:50 Parachor: 04:40:607 (280607|1,280607|0) - dis a triple
00:50 juankristal: so for the first part, triples when there is no piano
00:50 juankristal: else triple
00:50 juankristal: i mean
00:50 Parachor: okay that clears it up
00:50 juankristal: else double
00:50 Parachor: yeah
00:50 juankristal: alright cool
00:50 juankristal: 05:02:294 (302294|1,302294|0) - remember thats a triple
00:51 Parachor: oh yep
00:53 juankristal: well update again
00:54 Parachor: done
00:55 juankristal: 04:31:149 (271149|1,271149|2,271149|3) - should that be double?
00:55 juankristal: its not a kick so
00:55 juankristal: 04:25:427 (265427|1,265427|2) - comparable
00:56 Parachor: I think the clap always tries to end as a double, but that first one was to avoid a jack
00:57 juankristal: 04:22:535 (262535|1,262535|0) -
00:57 Parachor: This one is weird 04:31:149 (271149|2) - because it's the only one with an LN coming out of it like that
00:57 Parachor: I think
00:57 Parachor: added note in col 3
00:57 juankristal: thats it
00:58 Parachor: coolio
00:58 juankristal: update and pray i get an SS
00:58 juankristal: else i dont rank