
Meramipop - The Anonymous

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 2:16:30 PM

Artist: Meramipop
Title: The Anonymous
Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Tags: touhou koumakyou ~ eosd rd-sounds diao ye zong 凋叶棕 求 motome 求 ji anonimasu rumia th6 ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 a soul as red ground cherry
BPM: 146
Filesize: 9461kb
Play Time: 05:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Sounanoka~ (5.72 stars, 1395 notes)
Download: Meramipop - The Anonymous
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

What the hell did I just finish?

Arrangement of A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry.

Diff Name Explanation
Sounanoka~ translates to "Is that so~", which is a line that Rumia says in her conversation with Reimu. This represents the childish nature that is often attributed to Rumia, who is the boss of the stage of this theme. It fits the feeling I got from the song, which is that it was seemingly doing whatever the hell it wanted.

bow down to halfslashed
bit of talking
2017-06-11 00:04 Deramok: i'd have a little bit of time before i need to go off again now if you wanna talk about what i have on your map
2017-06-11 00:04 Halfslashed: ooh alright yeah sure
2017-06-11 00:05 Deramok: alright so. first thing that came to mind was 00:18:294 (1,2) -
2017-06-11 00:05 Deramok: while playing i assumed you'd put slider starts on the guitar
2017-06-11 00:05 Deramok: but there you don't as an example
2017-06-11 00:05 Deramok: and i don't really know where it is
2017-06-11 00:06 Deramok: and then 00:18:294 (1,2) - is even missing one
2017-06-11 00:07 Deramok: while two also has one on the end while the other ones in the same pattern don't
2017-06-11 00:07 Deramok: similar with ones like 00:22:404 (6) -
2017-06-11 00:07 Halfslashed: yep, i do a switch to piano on 00:18:089 (9) - so that i can map 00:18:294 (1) -
2017-06-11 00:09 Deramok: to piano.. don't really see it tbh
2017-06-11 00:13 Halfslashed: bancho please
2017-06-11 00:13 Deramok: the boat has been having a great time the past weeks in general it seems
2017-06-11 00:20 Halfslashed: what is going on
2017-06-11 00:21 Deramok: no idea.. apparently i'm silenced as well.. or that's what my profile tells me
2017-06-11 00:21 Halfslashed: oh
2017-06-11 00:21 Halfslashed: well no longer
2017-06-11 00:22 Halfslashed: you know that happened to me mid tournament match
2017-06-11 00:22 Deramok: for sending all of those two messages i sent him today
2017-06-11 00:22 Deramok: they must have multiplied while being held back
2017-06-11 00:22 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-11 00:23 Halfslashed: that tends to happen when bancho is screwning up
2017-06-11 00:23 Halfslashed: screwing up*
2017-06-11 00:23 Deramok: oh well
2017-06-11 00:25 Deramok: anyway, where were we
2017-06-11 00:25 Halfslashed: guitar piano stuff i think
2017-06-11 00:26 Deramok: right, slider heads
2017-06-11 00:26 Deramok: and some transition to piano mapping that i don't see happening
2017-06-11 00:27 Halfslashed: yeah, i switch for a short period of time because
2017-06-11 00:27 Halfslashed: mostly the guitar and piano line up
2017-06-11 00:27 Halfslashed: with that exception
2017-06-11 00:29 Deramok: i still don't really see what the piano does to justify 00:18:500 (2) - 00:18:294 (1,2) -
2017-06-11 00:30 Halfslashed: the piano in this section is doing the same thing it did in the intro, it's just more in the background
2017-06-11 00:30 Halfslashed: because the guitar came in
2017-06-11 00:30 Halfslashed: 00:18:294 (1) - sounds like a pretty strong piano beat to me
2017-06-11 00:31 Halfslashed: 00:04:938 (6,1,2) - this is what the piano does earlier
2017-06-11 00:33 Deramok: yeah, that's true
2017-06-11 00:33 Deramok: i guess that justifies the gap then?
2017-06-11 00:33 Deramok: but what about 2 being a slider like the other ones
2017-06-11 00:34 Halfslashed: wait, but it is a slider
2017-06-11 00:34 Deramok: what i'm getting at
2017-06-11 00:35 Deramok: is that the transition 00:18:294 (1,2,3,4) - doesn't seem very coherent
2017-06-11 00:35 Deramok: especially with 2 being the same as 4 while they're clearly different
2017-06-11 00:35 Deramok: i assume it got to do with a note being skipped so you couldn't map it like the other occurances
2017-06-11 00:36 Halfslashed: oh, so more consistent with 00:23:431 (2) - is what you mean
2017-06-11 00:36 Deramok: the issue with the object choise is the same as 00:22:404 (6) - just with a piano transition on top
2017-06-11 00:37 Deramok: like you used repeat sliders to make up for those things most of the time
2017-06-11 00:39 Halfslashed: oh
2017-06-11 00:39 Halfslashed: now i see what you're getting at
2017-06-11 00:39 Halfslashed: hang on, lemme try that out
2017-06-11 00:42 Halfslashed: yeah it doesn't really work out as a repeat there, something else i could try is ctrl+g on that rhythm
2017-06-11 00:43 Deramok: well, if you get what i mean and do decide to change things, those things happen a few times in the section
2017-06-11 00:44 Halfslashed: hmm, i'll think about it
2017-06-11 00:45 Halfslashed: i love it when the editor
2017-06-11 00:45 Halfslashed: crashes
2017-06-11 00:45 Deramok: that actually rarely ever happens to me
2017-06-11 00:45 Deramok: 00:35:143 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - you tend to mush things together like this every now and then. it gets unclear which object is supposed to follow what. like 4 and 5 follow completely different things but they play like of the same kind
2017-06-11 00:46 Deramok: following the pattern of putting long sliders on those piano notes, it might work with a rhythm like this using different slider shapes for both of them and using spacing/angle emphasis on the last three notes
2017-06-11 00:46 Deramok: as an example for that specific point
2017-06-11 00:47 Deramok: or well, the sliders don't even need to be different in shape actually
2017-06-11 00:47 Halfslashed: for that one though, i'm switching to drums with the slider head of 3
2017-06-11 00:47 Halfslashed: but yeah i sometimes get put in a position where i have to put some stronger beats on slider tails
2017-06-11 00:48 Halfslashed: 00:35:349 (3,4,5,6) - clicks all follow drums here though
2017-06-11 00:49 Deramok: 00:35:862 (5) - lead me to assume you'd still cover the piano since there is no drum on that one except if you mean the hi-hat
2017-06-11 00:50 Halfslashed: yeah, you're right about that actually
2017-06-11 00:50 Halfslashed: it's more like, i'd skip it or map it to a slider tail but
2017-06-11 00:50 Halfslashed: it doesn't fit the intensity to have a 3/4 gap
2017-06-11 00:51 Halfslashed: so i just made it a circle
2017-06-11 00:51 Deramok: which is why the variation could work, it really still covers the kicks with clicks as well
2017-06-11 00:51 Deramok: doesn't even put them on tails since they line up nicely
2017-06-11 00:51 Halfslashed: but not the snares sadly, which is what i wanted to prioritize here
2017-06-11 00:51 Deramok: ah
2017-06-11 00:53 Deramok: yeah.. it's sure hard to tell what's being prioritized, guess that's to blame on the song though
2017-06-11 00:53 Halfslashed: yeah, so many things going on
2017-06-11 00:53 Halfslashed: it was hard as hell to map
2017-06-11 00:53 Halfslashed: better for mania
2017-06-11 00:53 Deramok: i have no idea how mania works~
2017-06-11 00:54 Deramok: 00:49:013 (6) - is there a certain point to this one too that i'm missing?
2017-06-11 00:54 Halfslashed: goes on the same principle - i had a 3/4 gap there but it just didn't fit
2017-06-11 00:54 Deramok: you had no issues having 00:48:191 (2,3) -
2017-06-11 00:54 Deramok: and larger gaps
2017-06-11 00:55 Deramok: which makes sense
2017-06-11 00:55 Deramok: since the piano goes to the background even more
2017-06-11 00:55 Deramok: and you skip it often
2017-06-11 00:55 Halfslashed: kinda true, but since the drums kinda spike in intensity, the 3/4 gap doesn't work too well
2017-06-11 00:55 Deramok: tbh i think it would fit especially because of that
2017-06-11 00:56 Deramok: makes it more distinct
2017-06-11 00:56 Deramok: breaks after a note can work so well as a means of emphasis
2017-06-11 00:57 Deramok: probably why you skipped that dominant vocal on 00:55:486 (3,4) - as well
2017-06-11 00:57 Halfslashed: correct
2017-06-11 00:58 Halfslashed: though, removing 00:49:013 (6) - takes away from 00:48:191 (2,3) -
2017-06-11 00:58 Deramok: you don't need to remove that, do you?
2017-06-11 00:59 Deramok: oh wait
2017-06-11 00:59 Halfslashed: xD
2017-06-11 00:59 Deramok: i had it deleted locally so it linked me the next note
2017-06-11 00:59 Deramok: why would it take away from the other one
2017-06-11 01:01 Halfslashed: because i only use those 3/4 gaps to draw attention to the vocals
2017-06-11 01:01 Halfslashed: in that section, anyways
2017-06-11 01:03 Deramok: wouldn't be able to tell since it's really the only occasion it happens.. so can't really say section since it's just that one occurance
2017-06-11 01:03 Deramok: except you're referring to the extended slider business
2017-06-11 01:04 Deramok: in which case 00:45:725 (4) -
2017-06-11 01:04 Deramok: there's those
2017-06-11 01:05 Halfslashed: true, there's more 3/4 gaps in the next section that's similar
2017-06-11 01:05 Deramok: anyway, i'll leave you to it, do as you see fit. need to move on
2017-06-11 01:05 Halfslashed: the principle is the same
2017-06-11 01:05 Deramok: short on time
2017-06-11 01:05 Halfslashed: gotcha
2017-06-11 01:06 Deramok: 00:59:389 (1) -ah, why do people use these. i never got the point. probably not wrong by any means, i just never managed to get behind those
2017-06-11 01:06 Halfslashed: piano note on the yellow tick
2017-06-11 01:06 Halfslashed: called a grace note
2017-06-11 01:06 Halfslashed: apparentlky
2017-06-11 01:07 Deramok: grace note, never heard of it. will look it up later
2017-06-11 01:07 Halfslashed:
2017-06-11 01:07 Deramok: guess it's different from those that are just on distinct single notes then
2017-06-11 01:07 Halfslashed: yep
2017-06-11 01:07 Deramok: because those i don't get at all
2017-06-11 01:07 Halfslashed: uhh
2017-06-11 01:08 Halfslashed: either to represent a strong piano chord
2017-06-11 01:08 Halfslashed: (which i don't do)
2017-06-11 01:08 Halfslashed: or represent a sound that cuts off rapidly
2017-06-11 01:09 Halfslashed: reminds me of itoushiki
2017-06-11 01:09 Halfslashed: i used some of those there
2017-06-11 01:10 Deramok: ..sound like any regular strong note that might as well be a normal note that doesn't need to be hit too early because the game can't handle them
2017-06-11 01:10 Deramok: ah, i guess it's a modern means of emphasis i simply can't agree with then even if i get the point of them
2017-06-11 01:12 Halfslashed: yeah, it usually works better than say
2017-06-11 01:12 Halfslashed: a ridiculously fast slider
2017-06-11 01:12 Halfslashed: sometimes
2017-06-11 01:12 Deramok: well that's another thing entirely. might as well say it works better than a tripple
2017-06-11 01:13 Deramok: ..which some use too actually, which is even less comprehensible
2017-06-11 01:13 Halfslashed: bleh
2017-06-11 01:13 Halfslashed: hate that
2017-06-11 01:13 Deramok: so i guess it does make sense as a statement
2017-06-11 01:13 Deramok: anyway
2017-06-11 01:14 Deramok: 01:12:540 (1,2,3) - another occasion of i don't get what follows what. slider heads seem on vocals, but then you skip the u in the middle of three and skip the piano after 4, which also in turn takes away from the following stream as it comes more unpreparedly
2017-06-11 01:15 Halfslashed: i didn't hear the "u" in the middle of that slider, actually
2017-06-11 01:15 Halfslashed: wow
2017-06-11 01:16 Deramok: ah
2017-06-11 01:16 Deramok: guess that can happen too
2017-06-11 01:16 Halfslashed: now it will be a reverse
2017-06-11 01:16 Deramok: 01:20:246 (8,1) - 01:26:204 (4,5) - 01:26:924 (7,1) - 01:22:404 (1) - why no note between/during those
2017-06-11 01:19 Halfslashed: not really mapping the guitar there
2017-06-11 01:19 Halfslashed: more focusing on the piano
2017-06-11 01:19 Deramok: how come these are a thing then 01:18:191 (5) -
2017-06-11 01:21 Halfslashed: it's a noticeably more intense piano section than the intro, so i take advantage of those
2017-06-11 01:21 Halfslashed: since what ends up happening with the way i set them up is that the piano sounds are the second notes of the stacks
2017-06-11 01:21 Halfslashed: so they're more emphasized than the guitar sounds
2017-06-11 01:21 Halfslashed: the increased clicking shows the increased intensity
2017-06-11 01:22 Halfslashed: 01:20:246 (8,1) - breaks in clicking here kinda show off the stronger piano sound as well
2017-06-11 01:22 Deramok: what it also does is implying you're following the guitar with the way you only use note doubles
2017-06-11 01:22 Deramok: whith which we're back to choice of object
2017-06-11 01:23 Deramok: and that 8 i'd just enlong anyway btw, for the vocal's sake as well
2017-06-11 01:24 Deramok: like if you used 1/2 sliders on second notes of the stacks each it would be clear you're prioritizing the piano
2017-06-11 01:24 Deramok: but with note stacks.. not so much
2017-06-11 01:24 Deramok: especially since the movement goes towards the guitar sounds and the piano is on the bottom of a stack
2017-06-11 01:25 Halfslashed: eh, with how i did the guitar in the intro, dunno if teh sliders would work
2017-06-11 01:26 Deramok: well coming from that angle you handled the piano differently as well, didn't even compare the parts aside of things like 01:25:485 (7,1,2) -
2017-06-11 01:26 Deramok: they're completely different in concept in general whatever instrument you take
2017-06-11 01:26 Deramok: or do i miss something there
2017-06-11 01:27 Halfslashed: what you just linked is something i did all throughout the intro
2017-06-11 01:27 Deramok: yeah as said
2017-06-11 01:27 Halfslashed: 00:04:938 (6,1,2) - an example
2017-06-11 01:27 Deramok: that's the exceptional parts
2017-06-11 01:27 Deramok: all of the rest is what's different
2017-06-11 01:27 Halfslashed: 01:18:910 (10,1,2) - it's here too
2017-06-11 01:28 Deramok: no complaints on those three ntoes
2017-06-11 01:28 Deramok: notes*
2017-06-11 01:28 Deramok: you explained them earlier already anyway
2017-06-11 01:29 Halfslashed: right
2017-06-11 01:29 Halfslashed: 01:20:246 (8,1) - 01:26:204 (4,5) - might mess around here and try to add notes in between here
2017-06-11 01:30 Halfslashed: 01:26:924 (7,1) - no longer following piano/guitar here, so i won't try that
2017-06-11 01:30 Halfslashed: 01:22:404 (1) - lowering note density here, so it makes sense to skip that sound
2017-06-11 01:32 Deramok: 01:44:081 (2) - a big thing that i didn't really like about the kiai sections. reason being that all the emphasis goes towards those intensity filler notes while the actually important one keeps little of it aside of the angle
2017-06-11 01:33 Deramok: i'd assume such notes just exist to bridge things between rhythms and patterns
2017-06-11 01:33 Halfslashed: pretty much, yeah
2017-06-11 01:33 Deramok: but initiating something with them..
2017-06-11 01:33 Halfslashed: took a leaf from elvis on that one
2017-06-11 01:33 Halfslashed: i also tried them stacked before and it was worse
2017-06-11 01:34 Halfslashed: and with larger spacing
2017-06-11 01:34 Deramok: stacked in what way
2017-06-11 01:34 Halfslashed: like, i'd stack 01:44:081 (2,3) -
2017-06-11 01:34 Deramok: well yeah that doesn't help either
2017-06-11 01:34 Halfslashed: because stacking 01:43:773 (1,2) - would be really jarring
2017-06-11 01:34 Halfslashed: with this SV
2017-06-11 01:35 Deramok: jarring.. tbh i think that might actually work. seems like something i would do in one of my maps anyway
2017-06-11 01:36 Halfslashed: well it's because i feel like it'd put more emphasis on the stacked note due to the generally high amount of cursor motion
2017-06-11 01:36 Deramok: but well, just using a lower spacing to the end of the rrevious slider than to the next slider seems more appropriate in concept. or equal alla notch hell
2017-06-11 01:36 Deramok: like a drop off is also an option
2017-06-11 01:36 Deramok: or in that case in particular if you could bear to skip the drum extending the slider would also work out
2017-06-11 01:37 Halfslashed: not so much about the drum, rather
2017-06-11 01:37 Halfslashed: keeping the cursor pacing intact
2017-06-11 01:37 Halfslashed: or rather
2017-06-11 01:37 Halfslashed: overall pacing
2017-06-11 01:38 Halfslashed: since it's double bpm, extending the slider would feel like
2017-06-11 01:38 Halfslashed: a 3/2 slider
2017-06-11 01:38 Halfslashed: on normal bpm
2017-06-11 01:38 Halfslashed: something i personally despise
2017-06-11 01:38 Deramok: i don't know, that initial vocal would support it imo and it's still high pace
2017-06-11 01:39 Deramok: since it's quite clearly the strongest of the meassure
2017-06-11 01:39 Deramok: but i don't get the 3/2 comparison tbh
2017-06-11 01:41 Halfslashed: basically, too long imo to go without clicking
2017-06-11 01:43 Deramok: well, i guess that's a simple disagreement then, can't do anything on that. but i still encourage a different positioning of those filler notes
2017-06-11 01:43 Halfslashed: yeah, i'll mess around
2017-06-11 01:44 Deramok: 01:53:122 (7) - vocals are on clickables in the chorus, here it isn't. it plays the same as the parts that have a vocal on the start but a piano or whatever on the reverse while it's a different sound structure. two notes and a normal 1/4 slider would fix that. now i see how you're going after that drum thing, but imo it's not as dominant as to tinker with the overall concept here. though if you disagree on that i suppose there is no real issue
2017-06-11 01:44 Halfslashed: oh, basically i wanted to show off the piano here with clicking, so instead
2017-06-11 01:45 Halfslashed: i used a movement that forces you to pull back to hit the reverse, putting some emphasis on it
2017-06-11 01:45 Deramok: ah yeah, pianop, not drum
2017-06-11 01:45 Halfslashed: as opposed to just letting the reverse change direction
2017-06-11 01:45 Deramok: -p
2017-06-11 01:46 Halfslashed: actually, i use that idea a lot, just here was my way of showing off the piano and vocal
2017-06-11 01:46 Halfslashed: where there's a conflict of interest
2017-06-11 01:46 Halfslashed: i only do this because the piano is so strong here
2017-06-11 01:46 Deramok: so you feel it's more important than keeping up the clickable vocals there?
2017-06-11 01:47 Halfslashed: at that particular place, yeah - i think the harsh movement is enough to show off the clickable vocal
2017-06-11 01:47 Deramok: alright, no complaint being had there then
2017-06-11 01:48 Deramok: 01:55:999 (4,1) - with 01:56:513 (1,2,3,4) - mapped on the drums there really should be another note between those notes
2017-06-11 01:48 Halfslashed: show off the vocal*
2017-06-11 01:51 Halfslashed: it'd take away from the piano on the tail though
2017-06-11 01:51 Deramok: well so does the rest of the stream of the other piano notes
2017-06-11 01:52 Deramok: which are of the same piano.. beat? accord? dunno what it's called
2017-06-11 01:52 Halfslashed: 01:56:513 (1) - the stream starts here, on the strong piano
2017-06-11 01:52 Deramok: i mean you have a turn on them
2017-06-11 01:52 Halfslashed: 01:56:719 (3) - a direction change here
2017-06-11 01:52 Halfslashed: i agree it's kinda weird to represent this in 3 differen ways
2017-06-11 01:53 Deramok: but you could do a similar thing for the first one too
2017-06-11 01:53 Deramok: weird, it does work as intended at least
2017-06-11 01:54 Halfslashed: this is probably what i would do
2017-06-11 01:54 Deramok: but the thing is on those you involve the drums while you just have a gap for the first one
2017-06-11 01:54 Halfslashed: if i added a note there
2017-06-11 01:54 Deramok: there are various ways to do it if you concider also moving 01:55:999 (4) -
2017-06-11 01:55 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-11 01:55 Deramok: 02:21:581 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - tbh i have no idea what you're doing with these exactly except having some event happening on everything, it's a case of things mushing together. so i'd appreciate a clear up
2017-06-11 01:56 Halfslashed: oh
2017-06-11 01:56 Halfslashed: 02:21:375 (6,7,1) - as you'd expect, a triple leading into the next measure
2017-06-11 01:57 Halfslashed: i use that to switch to the piano with 02:21:581 (1) -
2017-06-11 01:57 Halfslashed: 02:21:992 (5,6,7) - these are mapped as 1/4 sliders to take away emphasis from the blue tick notes
2017-06-11 01:58 Halfslashed: so that the bass line piano notes stand out more
2017-06-11 01:58 Deramok: for the low pitch notes?
2017-06-11 01:58 Deramok: ah
2017-06-11 01:58 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-11 01:58 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8) - starting the stream again on a low pitched note
2017-06-11 01:58 Halfslashed: not using a 1/4 slider here because
2017-06-11 01:58 Halfslashed: 02:22:814 (1) - both on a low pitched note and snare
2017-06-11 01:59 Halfslashed: so a direction change mid stream shows that off better
2017-06-11 01:59 Halfslashed: than a 1/4 slider would
2017-06-11 02:00 Halfslashed: i'm also reducing motion around the playfield after the 1/4 sliders at 02:21:992 (5,6,7) -
2017-06-11 02:00 Halfslashed: to transition into the calmer section
2017-06-11 02:01 Deramok: i'd rather reason that with the decreasing pitch of the piano stream since the calm section starts on a hit rather than coming up fluently
2017-06-11 02:01 Deramok: but that's a detail
2017-06-11 02:02 Halfslashed: yeah, that happens as well
2017-06-11 02:02 Deramok: a detail which i now assume is what justifies 02:23:020 (3) -
2017-06-11 02:02 Deramok: being a slider agian
2017-06-11 02:02 Halfslashed: yep
2017-06-11 02:02 Deramok: ah, i'm sad over those breaks, i really like those bits 02:39:663 (1,2,3,4,5) - wouldn't have minded having them instead of random breaks as well. by which i'd shorten 5 in that making it a short of extended slider for the guitar, having all of it's notes clickable while having the vocal on the end
2017-06-11 02:04 Halfslashed: i'd make it clickable if it wasn't supposed to be a super calm section
2017-06-11 02:04 Halfslashed: also the reason why i didn't map the first two occurances and used a break is
2017-06-11 02:04 Halfslashed: there's a difference in intensity between the two sections
2017-06-11 02:04 Deramok: isn't the heavy slider usage and low spacing enough to signify low intensity already
2017-06-11 02:05 Deramok: i mean activity density is noticably low already
2017-06-11 02:05 Deramok: i don't think that one note would change that
2017-06-11 02:06 Halfslashed: well also realize that it transition from a break
2017-06-11 02:06 Halfslashed: so the difference is already relatively large
2017-06-11 02:06 Deramok: transition from a break?
2017-06-11 02:07 Halfslashed: yeah, because i mapped those "whispering" sections with breaks before
2017-06-11 02:07 Halfslashed: the only reason i can even justify the note density i have right now is because
2017-06-11 02:07 Halfslashed: the guitar comes in
2017-06-11 02:08 Deramok: ah.. well, personally i'd probably just skip more in the part withthe break and add instruments on the latter. but i guess it works.. even if it makes me sad to not be able to play those whispers
2017-06-11 02:08 Deramok: i kinda count those as highlights of the song even personally.. guess that's just me then
2017-06-11 02:08 Halfslashed: it's also kinda like
2017-06-11 02:08 Halfslashed: i needed to put in breaks somewhere
2017-06-11 02:09 Deramok: i'd disagree on that, but that's also by own philosophy
2017-06-11 02:09 Halfslashed: it's for the mouse players that aren't as good as you
2017-06-11 02:09 Halfslashed: XD
2017-06-11 02:10 Deramok: pah, mouse players that aren't even as good as i with this very specific kind of map won't even play it
2017-06-11 02:10 Deramok: at least in my current state that is, no offense implied
2017-06-11 02:11 Halfslashed: yeah it's more of a design thing
2017-06-11 02:11 Deramok: well the part that picks up again is mainly just things we've already talked about
2017-06-11 02:12 Deramok: 03:15:057 could have had a fancy 1/8 double here ~o~
2017-06-11 02:12 Deramok: 03:15:057
2017-06-11 02:12 Deramok: ..
2017-06-11 02:12 Deramok: 03:15:057 -
2017-06-11 02:12 Deramok: interesting.. so timestamps need dashes to be recognised as links
2017-06-11 02:12 Halfslashed: yeah it's weird how that works
2017-06-11 02:13 Halfslashed: honestly i don't like that i need to skip that
2017-06-11 02:13 Halfslashed: but i have to in order to keep focus on the vocals
2017-06-11 02:13 Halfslashed: sorry, drums
2017-06-11 02:14 Deramok: can't be helped
2017-06-11 02:14 Deramok: 03:15:828 (1,2,3,4) -
2017-06-11 02:14 Deramok:
2017-06-11 02:14 Deramok: ?
2017-06-11 02:15 Halfslashed: uhhh wait, what's the 1/2 slider showing off?
2017-06-11 02:17 Deramok: it has a piano note on the beginning
2017-06-11 02:17 Deramok: a weaker one than i have on 2
2017-06-11 02:17 Deramok: but what it shows is that there is none on white
2017-06-11 02:17 Deramok: and it builds a bridge to 4
2017-06-11 02:18 Halfslashed: i can't hear it
2017-06-11 02:18 Halfslashed: at all
2017-06-11 02:19 Deramok: oh, might not exist after all, wonder what i heard there
2017-06-11 02:19 Deramok: guess it doesn't work like that then
2017-06-11 02:19 Deramok: either way
2017-06-11 02:20 Deramok: i addressed it because the current pattern eluded me as well
2017-06-11 02:20 Halfslashed: oh, i'm just following drums
2017-06-11 02:20 Halfslashed: until the piano comes in
2017-06-11 02:20 Halfslashed: then i follow that
2017-06-11 02:21 Halfslashed: tbh, the piano and guitar solo suck here
2017-06-11 02:22 Deramok: oh now i see
2017-06-11 02:22 Deramok: the spacing between 03:16:033 (2,3,4) - threw me off as well as them all being the same kind of object and movement
2017-06-11 02:23 Deramok: 3 is displayed as stronger than 4
2017-06-11 02:24 Halfslashed: agree,
2017-06-11 02:24 Deramok: 03:28:259 (6,7,8) - i don't think this is 1/8. is it simplified on purpose or is one of us misheraing things
2017-06-11 02:26 Halfslashed: simplified on purpose, i guess - it sounded like all 1/8 to me before
2017-06-11 02:26 Halfslashed: now i only hear the yellow tick on 03:28:413 -
2017-06-11 02:27 Halfslashed: but it'd be more awkward to play it with only that one being a 1/8 slider
2017-06-11 02:27 Halfslashed: 03:28:568 (1,2,3,4) - definitely simplified though
2017-06-11 02:27 Deramok: what i hear is as fancy as even. but yeah, simplification works
2017-06-11 02:28 Deramok: 03:41:153 (5,6) - that one baffles me
2017-06-11 02:28 Halfslashed: oh yeah
2017-06-11 02:29 Halfslashed: i got opinions on that, guitar is on the yellow tick, rather than a purple tick
2017-06-11 02:29 Halfslashed: but it's also really sudden, so i mapped the blue tick after
2017-06-11 02:30 Deramok: my opinnion would oppose that other one then i guess. i hear it on purple
2017-06-11 02:31 Halfslashed: i did at first too, but if it was purple i would've skipped that due to how sudden it is
2017-06-11 02:31 Deramok: but the 1/8 isn't sudden?
2017-06-11 02:31 Halfslashed: it's still an even rhythm snap, so i can just overlap it like it is
2017-06-11 02:32 Halfslashed: more predictable than 1/3
2017-06-11 02:32 Deramok: but it adds an extra note which imo is more of a hassle than having the slider slightly later
2017-06-11 02:33 Halfslashed: i actually had it where it was a 1/8 slider
2017-06-11 02:33 Halfslashed: something like this
2017-06-11 02:34 Deramok: i'd probably go since you don't use the piano on the end anyway
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: omg...
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: i didn't even hear that piano sound
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: dammit
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: i have to map that
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: because i mapped every other one
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: that's gonna be fun
2017-06-11 02:36 Deramok: good luck
2017-06-11 02:36 Halfslashed: i still hear it start on the yellow tick
2017-06-11 02:37 Halfslashed: thanks, i'll need it
2017-06-11 02:37 Deramok: going by me it's way late for the yellow. oh well, can't be helped
2017-06-11 02:37 Deramok: moving on
2017-06-11 02:37 Deramok: 20minutes to go
2017-06-11 02:38 Deramok: 04:14:903 (9,1,2) -
2017-06-11 02:38 Deramok: i don't know if the vocals and cymbals are captured properly in context i'd rather have 2 repeated
2017-06-11 02:39 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-11 02:39 Deramok: by which i'd go with a spacing emphasis approach if i mapped it
2017-06-11 02:39 Halfslashed: i fixed that
2017-06-11 02:41 Deramok: hmm 04:25:691 (5) - i'd probably go with note plus slider but then you did explain the forced direction of the repeat on the example of a piano occurance earlier
2017-06-11 02:41 Deramok: by which here it doesnt' have that extra note adding to it
2017-06-11 02:42 Halfslashed: yeah, i don't think that "vocal" is strong enough for a click
2017-06-11 02:42 Halfslashed: but i still wanted to represent it
2017-06-11 02:43 Deramok: not strong enough.. i perceive that completely different, but that's subjective then
2017-06-11 02:44 Deramok: hah 04:49:320 (3,1) - this looks like something i would do
2017-06-11 02:45 Halfslashed: xD
2017-06-11 02:45 Halfslashed: it fit
2017-06-11 02:47 Deramok: 04:54:458 (1) - not sure what you prioritise, if it's the guitar in the foreground, which i'd assume from 04:55:383 (6,7) - might be something to concider
2017-06-11 02:51 Halfslashed: but that slider is prioritizing guitar
2017-06-11 02:51 Halfslashed: it starts on guitar
2017-06-11 02:51 Deramok: exactly
2017-06-11 02:52 Deramok: which is why i assumed you prioritise that instrument
2017-06-11 02:52 Halfslashed: yep
2017-06-11 02:52 Halfslashed: 04:54:663 (2) - this starts on a drum because otherwise it would start on some weird purple tick or something
2017-06-11 02:53 Deramok: not really, it starts on blue, just a more fluent transition i think
2017-06-11 02:53 Deramok: i think to hear the most distinct sound it has to offer there on the blue at least
2017-06-11 02:54 Deramok: though there is a quick one after it actually
2017-06-11 02:54 Deramok: didn't catch that one
2017-06-11 02:56 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-11 02:56 Halfslashed: it's a weird spot because in terms of clicks
2017-06-11 02:56 Halfslashed: more of it should be clickable
2017-06-11 02:56 Halfslashed: but i think the reversing fits how the guitar is working there
2017-06-11 02:58 Deramok: dangerous with that piano tripple but is an option too
2017-06-11 02:58 Deramok: the other two who are bothering are 04:55:485 (9,10) - in that meassure
2017-06-11 02:59 Deramok: i'd have the repeat on the other one of th pair
2017-06-11 02:59 Deramok: though i can imagine you have it this way because the piano doesn't hit on the white
2017-06-11 03:00 Deramok: or well, it does, but you know
2017-06-11 03:00 Deramok: nvm, it's the same as the others, so i can't imagine why it is as it is after all
2017-06-11 03:00 Halfslashed: lol
2017-06-11 03:00 Halfslashed: guitar stuff is pretty wonky
2017-06-11 03:01 Deramok: ah, time
2017-06-11 03:01 Deramok: i need to be off
Hi My Name Is HalfSlashed And I Make Maps To Bully Players Like HighTec LmOa
we talked about some stuff

2017-06-29 21:36 Halfslashed: ACTION is listening to [ Meramipop - The Anonymous]
2017-06-29 21:38 Celektus: I have it open btw just in case you wanna go ahead
2017-06-29 21:39 Halfslashed: alright
2017-06-29 21:39 Celektus: are those the same distance? 00:02:985 (5,1) - 00:04:938 (6,1) -
2017-06-29 21:40 Halfslashed: roughly yeah
2017-06-29 21:40 Celektus: different rhythms same sounds
2017-06-29 21:40 Celektus: same Distance
2017-06-29 21:41 Halfslashed: it ends up being readable due to note density in this section
2017-06-29 21:41 Halfslashed: you know how spacing for gaps larger than 1/1 are easily readable in most cases
2017-06-29 21:41 Celektus: well sure if not just make the 2nd 0ne like smaller
2017-06-29 21:42 Halfslashed: you can also tell things apart by the quadrants
2017-06-29 21:43 Halfslashed: entire intro section is quadrant based
2017-06-29 21:43 Celektus: yea that part is problably perfect with mayyyybe the spacing being nerfable for that once jump
2017-06-29 21:44 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-29 21:44 Celektus: shouldn't the be bigger? 00:16:341 (9,1) - since it also the same sound as before but now 1/4
2017-06-29 21:44 Halfslashed: wanted to use an antijump because
2017-06-29 21:44 Halfslashed: higher spacing wouldn't actually emphasize the minor chord
2017-06-29 21:45 Halfslashed: since there's already a generally high amount of motion in this section
2017-06-29 21:45 Halfslashed: so i used a spacing decrease instead
2017-06-29 21:45 Celektus: well would overlapping them even more be worse?
2017-06-29 21:45 Celektus: might make it stand out more as and anti jump
2017-06-29 21:45 Halfslashed: in terms of emphasis?
2017-06-29 21:45 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-29 21:45 Halfslashed: that's kinda the point
2017-06-29 21:46 Celektus: I mean... even more overlapping
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: 00:16:445 (1) - is special so i made sure emphasis to it was delivered
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: oh, i tried that
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: any more overlapping and it plays more like a stack
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: which is really underwhelming
2017-06-29 21:46 Celektus: mhm ok I'll look for other stuff
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: it's kinda funny how that works - you'd think a total stop in motion would provide good emphasis
2017-06-29 21:46 Halfslashed: but it doesn't
2017-06-29 21:47 Celektus: yea
2017-06-29 21:48 Celektus: isn't this one a bit too spaced? 00:17:985 (8,9) - since the once from before kinda have more accelaration from the sliders
2017-06-29 21:48 Celektus: might be negligable because the sliders are 1/4 but I though I'd point that out
2017-06-29 21:49 Halfslashed: it's some conditioning for motion later on in the map
2017-06-29 21:49 Halfslashed: this is an easier version of it due to it almost being distance snapped
2017-06-29 21:49 Halfslashed: 00:17:780 (7,8,9) - compare DS with these
2017-06-29 21:50 Halfslashed: 9 isn't particularly strong but gets more spacing to actually have less contrast and prevent 00:18:088 (9,1) - from being overkill
2017-06-29 21:50 Celektus: actually you could add drum-whistles one the off beats in that section to map the hat
2017-06-29 21:51 Halfslashed: oh i've just been using drum-hitnormals for that
2017-06-29 21:51 Celektus: no you used softs
2017-06-29 21:52 Halfslashed: 00:20:554 - you're talking about these right?
2017-06-29 21:53 Celektus: no I assumed the hat was on offbeats my bad
2017-06-29 21:53 Celektus: it's like ever 3/4 ticks?
2017-06-29 21:53 Celektus: you can hear the hat right?
2017-06-29 21:54 Halfslashed: nah
2017-06-29 21:54 Halfslashed: other than the
2017-06-29 21:54 Halfslashed: red tick stuff
2017-06-29 21:54 Celektus: 00:15:211 (2) - 00:15:211 (2) - 00:15:828 (6) -
2017-06-29 21:54 Celektus: here are hats
2017-06-29 21:56 Halfslashed: yeah... drum-hitnormal
2017-06-29 21:56 Halfslashed: lol
2017-06-29 21:56 Celektus: also here is a Crash cymbal but you mapped it with a drum clap 00:28:054 (4) -
2017-06-29 21:56 Celektus: ok Drum hitnormal is for those ok
2017-06-29 21:56 Halfslashed: i don't know what a crash cymbal is..
2017-06-29 21:56 Halfslashed: lol
2017-06-29 21:57 Celektus: like the standard Finish
2017-06-29 21:57 Celektus: the big Cymbals drummers have
2017-06-29 21:58 Celektus: well you could add a Drum-whistle here 00:32:985 - cause it's a different strong hat sound
2017-06-29 21:58 Halfslashed: oh
2017-06-29 21:59 Celektus: also here's a Snare but you didn't add a clap 00:33:910 (4) -
2017-06-29 21:59 Celektus: well here already 00:30:622 (4) -
2017-06-29 21:59 Halfslashed: nope
2017-06-29 21:59 Halfslashed: normal-hitnormal for snares in this part
2017-06-29 22:00 Halfslashed: also, normal-hitfinish sounds way better than drum clap
2017-06-29 22:00 Celektus: well the hitnormal sounds isn't really Snare resembling so you might wanna get a custom for that
2017-06-29 22:00 Celektus: I don't mean drum clap
2017-06-29 22:00 Celektus: I mean soft clap
2017-06-29 22:01 Halfslashed: 00:28:157 - was referring to these
2017-06-29 22:01 Halfslashed: there are quite a few of these so i'm gonna fix those
2017-06-29 22:01 Halfslashed: but i disagree - normal-hitnormal sounds more like a snare to me
2017-06-29 22:01 Halfslashed: claps are also in general too disturbing for this part
2017-06-29 22:01 Halfslashed: rather than later on
2017-06-29 22:01 Celektus: well I use it for Kicks I guess that's fine just use a custom maybe
2017-06-29 22:02 Celektus: like I assume your skin has a hitnormal that sounds like that
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: nah
2017-06-29 22:02 Celektus: cause i never heard someone use a hitnormal for Snares
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: default skin
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: really?
2017-06-29 22:02 Celektus: ye
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: LC does it all the time
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: La Cataline
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: oko does that too..
2017-06-29 22:02 Halfslashed: basically russian hitsounders
2017-06-29 22:02 Celektus: well it's not like I can't imagine that tbh
2017-06-29 22:03 Celektus: I just use them for Kicks
2017-06-29 22:04 Celektus: why is this one spaced out more? 00:41:719 (2,3) -
2017-06-29 22:06 Celektus: this 00:45:725 (4,5) - is bigger than this 00:46:856 (2,3) - I'd say the 2nd one in into a stronger Snare sound
2017-06-29 22:06 Celektus: and the first one is into a stack
2017-06-29 22:07 Halfslashed: 00:41:719 (2,3) - guitar is stronger on the red tick
2017-06-29 22:08 Halfslashed: 00:45:725 (4,5,6,1) - more emphasis on the downbeat vocal
2017-06-29 22:08 Halfslashed: emphasis kinda gets transferred due to how triples works
2017-06-29 22:08 Halfslashed: work
2017-06-29 22:08 Halfslashed: 00:46:856 (2,3) - still feels like a relatively big increase, but i didn't want to to be too overbearing since i want the player to focus more on the vocals here
2017-06-29 22:09 Celektus: 3 sounds a bit muffeled or weaker than usual in other words 00:55:280 (2,3) -
2017-06-29 22:10 Halfslashed: still basically almost all of what's going on
2017-06-29 22:10 Celektus: very subjective suggestion, but might still be interesting to decrease spacing slightly
2017-06-29 22:11 Halfslashed: tried it but i don't really like it
2017-06-29 22:11 Celektus: sure
2017-06-29 22:11 Halfslashed: because the snare actually feels stronger in that section
2017-06-29 22:12 Halfslashed: because of how barely anything else is going on
2017-06-29 22:12 Celektus: mhm
2017-06-29 22:12 Celektus: 10 kinda stands out more than the rest have you tried to emphasize it more in some way? 01:18:910 (10) -
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: i have - what i tried before was stacking uh
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: 01:18:500 (7,8,9,10) - all of these
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: it didn't really work out well
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: so i'm just gonna have to rely on the continuous pressure from tapping here
2017-06-29 22:13 Celektus: the section seems to not focus one Vocals that much I guesss
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: since i don't think spacing it out more really fits
2017-06-29 22:13 Halfslashed: correct
2017-06-29 22:14 Halfslashed: section goes back to piano/guitar based emphasis
2017-06-29 22:14 Halfslashed: also notice the return of quadrant based stuff
2017-06-29 22:14 Celektus: y
2017-06-29 22:14 Celektus: yea
2017-06-29 22:14 Celektus: not why*
2017-06-29 22:15 Celektus: why did you space out 4? 01:24:561 (3,4) -
2017-06-29 22:16 Celektus: there is a Kick but it seems as spaced as this one into a Vocal at 1/2 01:25:177 (6,7) -
2017-06-29 22:17 Halfslashed: because if you notice
2017-06-29 22:17 Halfslashed: so it still plays kinda similarly to the rest of the spacing there
2017-06-29 22:17 Halfslashed: 01:24:458 (2,3,4) -
2017-06-29 22:18 Halfslashed: the slider tail feels really weak since the player is encouraged to go from the reverse straight to 4
2017-06-29 22:18 Halfslashed: so there's overall not that much movement
2017-06-29 22:18 Halfslashed: 01:25:177 (6,7) - spaced similarly but the difference is
2017-06-29 22:19 Halfslashed: wait. nope you're right
2017-06-29 22:19 Halfslashed: ctrl+g 3
2017-06-29 22:19 Celektus: reverse blocked
2017-06-29 22:19 Celektus: ;)
2017-06-29 22:19 Halfslashed: ofc that means moving 2
2017-06-29 22:20 Celektus: also not sure if you're still prioritizing something over the vocals but you have some of them not clicked
2017-06-29 22:20 Celektus: like the reverse 01:24:663 - or this slider end 01:25:280 -
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: ah yes
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: 01:22:403 -
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: at this section
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: vocals are misaligned with piano
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: but they're definitely more prominent than before
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: so what i did was introduced more sliders to "fake" the vocal
2017-06-29 22:21 Halfslashed: but the clicks are all still basically on the piano
2017-06-29 22:21 Celektus: here too? 01:23:636 -
2017-06-29 22:22 Halfslashed: entire half of that bookmarked section
2017-06-29 22:22 Celektus: you could do a double there
2017-06-29 22:22 Celektus: if I'm not mistake
2017-06-29 22:22 Celektus: n
2017-06-29 22:23 Halfslashed: yeah but i'd rather keep it similar to the piano rhythm before
2017-06-29 22:23 Celektus: you did it here 01:22:815 (2,3) -
2017-06-29 22:23 Halfslashed: 01:16:239 (3,4) -
2017-06-29 22:24 Halfslashed: similar to the piano rhythm
2017-06-29 22:24 Halfslashed: again the idea is to fake the vocal
2017-06-29 22:24 Celektus: ok I'll just move to the next section
2017-06-29 22:27 Celektus: more of a visual suggestion. you could try and make this slider 01:38:328 (6) - be like a more distant blanket with this one 01:38:841 (1) -
2017-06-29 22:27 Halfslashed: do me a favor
2017-06-29 22:27 Halfslashed: if you see any blankets
2017-06-29 22:27 Halfslashed: point them out
2017-06-29 22:27 Halfslashed: i don't want a single one in this map
2017-06-29 22:27 Celektus: ok
2017-06-29 22:28 Celektus: well you mean like perfect ones right
2017-06-29 22:28 Celektus: not like head and end are the same distane but body doesn't give a f*uck
2017-06-29 22:29 Halfslashed: well blankets don't really
2017-06-29 22:29 Halfslashed: fall into my visual concepts
2017-06-29 22:29 Halfslashed: for this map
2017-06-29 22:29 Celektus: noob already found one 01:35:040 (7,1) -
2017-06-29 22:29 Celektus: smh
2017-06-29 22:30 Celektus: like this is what I mean with "implied" blankets 01:36:273 (4,6) -
2017-06-29 22:30 Halfslashed: fixed
2017-06-29 22:30 Halfslashed: thanks
2017-06-29 22:30 Celektus: it's not real one
2017-06-29 22:30 Celektus: cause the approach circle would be way bigger
2017-06-29 22:31 Celektus: why is this so big? 01:40:896 (3,4) -
2017-06-29 22:34 Halfslashed: piano
2017-06-29 22:34 Celektus: the size of this also seems like too much for a 1/4 jump that's not really obviously to a Snare or Vocal 01:43:773 (1,2) -
2017-06-29 22:35 Celektus: it's like the same as into this one 01:44:081 (2,3) -
2017-06-29 22:35 Halfslashed: it's also from a slider end
2017-06-29 22:35 Halfslashed: so it's weaker
2017-06-29 22:35 Celektus: still a bit much
2017-06-29 22:35 Celektus: it's also oposing to the sliders direction
2017-06-29 22:36 Halfslashed: yeah, basically the idea is
2017-06-29 22:36 Halfslashed: with that length, you want to follow the slider
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: player follows about
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: 2/3 of that slider
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: so at about 01:43:910 - they will pull off
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: to hit 2
2017-06-29 22:37 Celektus: hmm
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: since they were following the slider in the first place
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: it acknowledges the snare
2017-06-29 22:37 Halfslashed: because they had to move out of their way
2017-06-29 22:38 Celektus: shouldn't then this one be bigger? 01:44:595 (5,6) -
2017-06-29 22:38 Celektus: as it's also on a Vocal
2017-06-29 22:39 Halfslashed: 01:44:903 (7) - i feel like this is stronger
2017-06-29 22:39 Halfslashed: also 6 isn't terribly intense
2017-06-29 22:39 Celektus: well if you move 6 both 6 and 7 become more space
2017-06-29 22:39 Celektus: d
2017-06-29 22:40 Celektus: also is it more intense than this? 01:44:081 (2) -
2017-06-29 22:40 Celektus: kinda but not that much
2017-06-29 22:41 Halfslashed: they have about the same effective spacing i think
2017-06-29 22:41 Halfslashed: but that entire half of the measure is more intense
2017-06-29 22:41 Halfslashed: than the second half
2017-06-29 22:41 Celektus: well you could say the jump into 6 is way sharper....
2017-06-29 22:41 Celektus: x)
2017-06-29 22:41 Celektus: kinda makes a diference at this speed
2017-06-29 22:41 Halfslashed: indeed! it's to add stress to
2017-06-29 22:41 Halfslashed: 01:44:800 (6,7) -
2017-06-29 22:42 Celektus: ok next one 01:45:211 (8) - this is now not spaced at all and It doesn't seem like some kinda of anti jump
2017-06-29 22:42 Celektus: it's into a Snare
2017-06-29 22:42 Celektus: and slightly less intense Vocal
2017-06-29 22:43 Halfslashed: yep, which allows more emphasis to the next vocal
2017-06-29 22:43 Celektus: but why?
2017-06-29 22:44 Celektus: it's not really less intense then the following on
2017-06-29 22:44 Halfslashed: because the next vocal is stronger?
2017-06-29 22:44 Halfslashed: it is and it feels that way due to how the song is structured
2017-06-29 22:45 Celektus: I guess you have like a really linear transition going on, but it still kinda seems a bit much since that is like half as much spacing as before
2017-06-29 22:45 Celektus: I think you can make that one a bit more spaced
2017-06-29 22:46 Celektus: maybe in like a curve with these 01:44:492 (4,6) -
2017-06-29 22:47 Celektus: I'll send 2 picture of ideas
2017-06-29 22:48 Halfslashed: alright
2017-06-29 22:49 Celektus:
2017-06-29 22:49 Celektus:
2017-06-29 22:49 Celektus: even if they don't really fit you get the idea
2017-06-29 22:49 Celektus: not really any point to further go into this
2017-06-29 22:51 Celektus: you started the section and it's strong sound on a slider end 01:49:526 - I think you should make that section start clicked in some way
2017-06-29 22:52 Celektus: you also get this kinda worng I assume blue tick emphasis that way
2017-06-29 22:52 Celektus: wait it sounds like they are all off by 1/8 or something
2017-06-29 22:53 Celektus: at 25%
2017-06-29 22:53 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-29 22:54 Celektus: ís that just time streaching
2017-06-29 22:54 Celektus: sound streaching whatever
2017-06-29 22:54 Halfslashed: no, they're just not snapped
2017-06-29 22:54 Halfslashed: lmfao
2017-06-29 22:54 Celektus: xD
2017-06-29 22:55 Halfslashed: i don't know what the violins are doing
2017-06-29 22:55 Celektus: oh yea
2017-06-29 22:55 Celektus: chech AImod xD
2017-06-29 22:55 Celektus: check
2017-06-29 22:55 Halfslashed: what about it
2017-06-29 22:55 Celektus: lots of unsnapped stuff
2017-06-29 22:55 Halfslashed: uhh... no?
2017-06-29 22:56 Halfslashed:
2017-06-29 22:56 Celektus:
2017-06-29 22:56 Halfslashed: anyways, i might toy around with making 01:49:424 (4) - two circles
2017-06-29 22:56 Celektus: and my version is the latest
2017-06-29 22:57 Celektus: well should be fixed once you upload it
2017-06-29 22:57 Halfslashed: uhhh yeah
2017-06-29 22:57 Halfslashed: that's not unsnapped stuff
2017-06-29 22:57 Halfslashed: those are kiai flashes
2017-06-29 22:57 Halfslashed: you said unsnapped stuff...
2017-06-29 22:57 Celektus: oh I'm just assuming thenb
2017-06-29 22:59 Celektus: how much can you actually block a reverse? 02:04:321 (5,7) -
2017-06-29 23:00 Halfslashed: cannot be completely obscured
2017-06-29 23:00 Halfslashed: it's fine.
2017-06-29 23:01 Celektus: that patterns seems like the climax of that section so more spacing would seem appropriate to me 02:07:506 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
2017-06-29 23:01 Celektus: you skip a hi hat flam or however it's called here 02:09:561 (3) - essentially a stream
2017-06-29 23:02 Celektus: not too important
2017-06-29 23:03 Halfslashed: brass is more important
2017-06-29 23:03 Halfslashed: but uh
2017-06-29 23:03 Halfslashed: for that climax, i think it's plenty intense with all of the repetitive motion
2017-06-29 23:03 Celektus: ok
2017-06-29 23:03 Halfslashed: and it does have a massive spacing increase to the last vocal
2017-06-29 23:03 Celektus: well you had bigger spacing befoere
2017-06-29 23:04 Celektus: like 01:44:184 (3,4) -
2017-06-29 23:04 Celektus: that one is from a slider end tho you could push it a bit
2017-06-29 23:04 Halfslashed: yeah but it's not just the spacing here
2017-06-29 23:04 Halfslashed: it's the reptetitive back and forth motions with direction changes
2017-06-29 23:05 Celektus: fine moving on
2017-06-29 23:06 Celektus: the Vocal is on a blue tick 02:25:074 (4) - why did you map the red tick?
2017-06-29 23:06 Celektus: that repeat
2017-06-29 23:06 Celektus: s
2017-06-29 23:06 Celektus: god I'm bad a wrting
2017-06-29 23:07 Celektus: you mapped it to the Vocal here 02:38:020 (4,5) -
2017-06-29 23:07 Halfslashed: fuck
2017-06-29 23:07 Halfslashed: you're right
2017-06-29 23:07 Halfslashed: it is on a blue tick
2017-06-29 23:08 Halfslashed: gonna have to rework that section now
2017-06-29 23:08 Halfslashed: dammit
2017-06-29 23:08 Celektus: wait
2017-06-29 23:08 Celektus: you can just resize the slider
2017-06-29 23:08 Halfslashed: need to change spacing too...
2017-06-29 23:08 Halfslashed: lol
2017-06-29 23:08 Celektus: not really if you resize from the head and move it
2017-06-29 23:09 Halfslashed: 02:25:074 (4,5) - see this overlap?
2017-06-29 23:09 Halfslashed: that means
2017-06-29 23:09 Halfslashed: 3/4
2017-06-29 23:09 Halfslashed: i need to use that
2017-06-29 23:09 Celektus: oh
2017-06-29 23:09 Celektus: well sec
2017-06-29 23:10 Celektus: I have kinda a idea
2017-06-29 23:10 Halfslashed: actually
2017-06-29 23:10 Halfslashed: nah dw
2017-06-29 23:10 Halfslashed: i know what i'm gonna do there
2017-06-29 23:10 Celektus: I'll still show you
2017-06-29 23:10 Halfslashed: sure
2017-06-29 23:11 Celektus:
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: cool but not there
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: LOL
2017-06-29 23:11 Celektus: well maybe ctrl + G
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: i do something similar later
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: as you'll see
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: no
2017-06-29 23:11 Halfslashed: i like your idea it's just not suitable for this section
2017-06-29 23:11 Celektus: sure
2017-06-29 23:12 Celektus: or you can go from that head to the same point again
2017-06-29 23:12 Halfslashed: just because sliders that curved
2017-06-29 23:12 Halfslashed: have a different meaning
2017-06-29 23:12 Halfslashed: in this map
2017-06-29 23:12 Halfslashed: as you've noticed
2017-06-29 23:14 Celektus: seems a bit small when you take the velocity from 1 into account 03:09:252 (1,2) -
2017-06-29 23:15 Halfslashed: it's because the vocal on 2 is really slurred
2017-06-29 23:15 Halfslashed: and feels really unintense
2017-06-29 23:16 Celektus: you have this linear rise of spacing again there but that seems less spaced then the one I pointed out in the kiaia
2017-06-29 23:16 Celektus: since that ones had more obscure movment
2017-06-29 23:17 Celektus: this is just very straight into the next slider so I think that's less straining
2017-06-29 23:17 Halfslashed: mhm - i think that fits the intensity of 2 very well
2017-06-29 23:18 Celektus: I though about something like this
2017-06-29 23:18 Celektus: maybe not the right angle
2017-06-29 23:19 Celektus: it would be a bit more like this one 03:10:074 (5,6) -
2017-06-29 23:19 Halfslashed: 03:06:376 (3,4) - way to similiar to this imo
2017-06-29 23:19 Halfslashed: and yeah they have different feelings to me
2017-06-29 23:20 Celektus: ok then
2017-06-29 23:21 Celektus: I kinda hear a hat there 03:14:184 - not sure how important that is to you so why not point it out
2017-06-29 23:21 Celektus: I like it how it is
2017-06-29 23:21 Halfslashed: yeah
2017-06-29 23:21 Celektus: Vocal on slider end 03:14:800 -
2017-06-29 23:22 Halfslashed: this is gonna be a bit tricky to explain but uh
2017-06-29 23:22 Halfslashed: basically i'm doing some instrument switching here
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: 03:13:978 (1) - starts on vocal, switches to drum
2017-06-29 23:23 Celektus: just make it a spaced double duh... nah jk
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: 03:14:595 (2,3,4) - drums
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: still acknowledge the vocal with that large ass spacing
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: between 3 and 4
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: that also force you to try to follow 3
2017-06-29 23:23 Halfslashed: because of the speed of the slider
2017-06-29 23:24 Halfslashed: 03:15:211 (5) - back to vocal
2017-06-29 23:25 Celektus: that sound starts on the yellow tick I think and not on a blue one 03:19:424 (2) - I think that's ok because how else would you do that but uhh you might've not noticed and know a solution
2017-06-29 23:25 Halfslashed: if you notice
2017-06-29 23:25 Halfslashed: i do a lot of overmapping
2017-06-29 23:25 Halfslashed: this isn't an exception
2017-06-29 23:25 Halfslashed: but yeah the yellow tick piano sounds are called grace notes
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: and i acknowledge them with slider ends
2017-06-29 23:26 Celektus: well I have to go now so I'll just post this chatlog in a box on your thread
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: aight
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: i'll KD
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: now i have to rework that slow section
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: fuck
2017-06-29 23:26 Halfslashed: thanks for pointing that out
2017-06-29 23:27 Celektus: np
2017-06-29 23:27 Celektus: ;_;
00:01:444 (2,3) - ctrl g pls LO, also would add more emphasis on 00:01:650 (3,1,2) - this movement cause it switches directions
01:01:855 (3) - normal whistle would be cool here to emphasize the high tone
01:14:081 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - i think these should have a little less spacing than 01:15:212 (1,2,3,4) -
00:44:081 (4) - 00:50:657 (4) - 01:08:328 (5) - 01:11:204 (2) - 01:12:952 (2,3) - 01:21:171 (3,5) - 01:23:533 (5) - 03:00:520 (6) - 03:01:444 (2) - to go with ur slider idea shouldnt all of these be curved?
01:41:307 (5,6) - shouldnt these be going the same direction and then switching direction on 01:41:718 (7) - because of vocal emphasis?
01:45:417 (1) - 01:58:567 (1) - 03:45:417 (1) - 03:58:773 (2) - i think it would be cool if this was ctrl g to get that like extra build up to match the vocals by having like a staccato feel in these first two notes and then in the other 2 die down by leading into eachother
01:51:992 (1) - having a ctrl g here would be to not have flow from this slider to the next but have the next 4 sliders have good flow like they are now as they flow into eachother from top down while the first note is much lower than that
03:51:992 (1,2,3,4) - yea mentioned before the idea of ctrl g on 4 so that in the vocals the first two are like building up and then the last 2 are dying down and leading into eachother. also it would have those last 03:52:403 (3,4,5) - 3 sliders have good flow which matches the top down vocals
04:05:143 (1) - you could ctrl g this one as well though it would also need you to 04:04:937 (8,9) - move these notes over

tldr; i love you and this map
Topic Starter

Aeril wrote:

00:01:444 (2,3) - ctrl g pls LO, also would add more emphasis on 00:01:650 (3,1,2) - this movement cause it switches directions
Oh hell yes.
01:01:855 (3) - normal whistle would be cool here to emphasize the high tone
I agree but I want to reserve normal-hitwhistle for the big brass.
01:14:081 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - i think these should have a little less spacing than 01:15:212 (1,2,3,4) -
Nerfed spacing of 01:14:081 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - while keeping the spacing of the next 3 notes since intensity of those last 3 notes is the same as stuff like 01:12:129 (5,6,7) -.
00:44:081 (4) - 00:50:657 (4) - 01:08:328 (5) - 01:11:204 (2) - 01:12:952 (2,3) - 01:21:171 (3,5) - 01:23:533 (5) - 03:00:520 (6) - 03:01:444 (2) - to go with ur slider idea shouldnt all of these be curved?
Normally, yes - the issue here is that these 1/4 sliders have such low SV that the curve isn't really noticeable, unless i made the curve sharp enough that it's almost circular. I might mess around more with this but for now i'll pass on this.
01:41:307 (5,6) - shouldnt these be going the same direction and then switching direction on 01:41:718 (7) - because of vocal emphasis?
These have the same implied direction (counter clockwise) and hitting 7 changes the direction already though.
01:45:417 (1) - 01:58:567 (1) - 03:45:417 (1) - 03:58:773 (2) - i think it would be cool if this was ctrl g to get that like extra build up to match the vocals by having like a staccato feel in these first two notes and then in the other 2 die down by leading into eachother
Cool idea, changed.
01:51:992 (1) - having a ctrl g here would be to not have flow from this slider to the next but have the next 4 sliders have good flow like they are now as they flow into eachother from top down while the first note is much lower than that
Seems like a cool idea to me.
03:51:992 (1,2,3,4) - yea mentioned before the idea of ctrl g on 4 so that in the vocals the first two are like building up and then the last 2 are dying down and leading into eachother. also it would have those last 03:52:403 (3,4,5) - 3 sliders have good flow which matches the top down vocals
Combined this idea with a rotation on 4 to fit the spacing emphasis ideas better.
04:05:143 (1) - you could ctrl g this one as well though it would also need you to 04:04:937 (8,9) - move these notes over
I want to implement this but I don't really see how I'd do it without messing up the movements to come.
tldr; i love you and this map
Thanks for the mod!
hi we did like 800 irc/voicechat mods, for stuff like the kiai reworks, 1/3 improvements, stream arranges, more intricate rhythms, etc
19:07 Halfslashed: .
19:07 Mir: .
19:08 Halfslashed: are you ready to go through anonymous?
19:08 Mir: give me um, 5 minutes?
19:08 Halfslashed: kk
19:08 Halfslashed: gives me a chance to clean up a stream
19:10 Mir: kk im more or less ready
19:12 Halfslashed: voice or
19:12 Halfslashed: you want it over here
19:12 Halfslashed: also dl update lol
19:12 Mir: :b:oice
19:12 Mir: where at
19:12 Halfslashed: private
19:22 Halfslashed: 00:01:239 (1,2,3,1) -
19:23 Halfslashed: 00:01:856 (1,2) -
19:24 Halfslashed: 00:02:985 (5,1) -
19:25 Halfslashed: 00:03:294 (1,2) -
19:25 Halfslashed: 00:02:061 (2) -
19:25 Halfslashed: 00:03:705 (2) -
19:26 Halfslashed: 00:04:938 (6,1,2) -
19:26 Mir: 00:06:993 (2,3,4) -
19:28 Halfslashed: 00:02:061 (2,3,4,5) - 00:03:705 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:05:349 (2,3,4,5) - 00:06:993 (2,3,4) -
19:28 Halfslashed: 00:07:815 (5,6,7,1) -
19:29 Halfslashed: v
19:29 Halfslashed: 00:07:815 (5) -
19:29 Halfslashed: 00:07:815 (5,6,7,1) -
19:33 Halfslashed: 00:13:568 (2,3,4,5) -
19:33 Halfslashed: 00:06:993 (2,3,4) -
19:34 Halfslashed: 00:14:081 (5,6) -
19:35 Halfslashed: \00:14:287 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) -
19:36 Halfslashed: 00:14:287 (6,7,8) -
19:37 Halfslashed: 00:15:520 (4,5,6) -
19:38 Halfslashed: 00:16:341 (9,1) -
19:39 Halfslashed: 00:16:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
19:39 Halfslashed: 00:17:780 (7,8,9) -
19:40 Halfslashed: 00:18:089 (9,1,2) -
19:40 Halfslashed: 00:18:500 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) -
19:42 Halfslashed: 00:20:760 (5,6,7,8) -
19:42 Halfslashed: 00:16:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
19:44 Halfslashed: 00:20:349 (2,3) -
19:44 Halfslashed: 00:20:657 (4,5) -
19:45 Halfslashed: 00:24:664 (8,1,2) -
19:45 Halfslashed: 00:27:232 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) -
19:45 Mir: 00:27:231 (4,5,6) -
19:46 Halfslashed: 00:20:349 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
19:47 Halfslashed: 00:27:232 (4,5,6) -
19:47 Halfslashed: 00:27:746 (1,2,3,4) -
19:47 Halfslashed: 00:28:363 (1) -
19:49 Halfslashed: 00:28:979 (4,5) -
19:49 Halfslashed: v
19:49 Halfslashed: 00:29:595 (6,7,1) -
19:50 Halfslashed: 00:29:801 (1,2) -
19:51 Halfslashed: 00:30:417 (3,4) -
19:51 Halfslashed: 00:30:622 (4,5) -
19:52 Halfslashed: 00:31:239 (6,7,1) -
19:55 Halfslashed: 00:31:855 (2,3,4) -
19:55 Halfslashed: 00:32:061 -
19:55 Halfslashed: 00:32:061 (3,4) -
19:56 Halfslashed: 00:31:855 (2,3) -
19:56 Halfslashed: 00:32:061 (3,4) -
19:57 Halfslashed: 00:32:883 (6,7,1) -
19:58 Halfslashed: 00:35:143 (2,3) - 00:35:143 (2,3) -
19:58 Halfslashed: 00:35:760 (4,5,6,1) -
19:58 Halfslashed: 00:35:862 (5) -
20:01 Halfslashed: 00:36:068 (6,7,1) -
20:01 Halfslashed: 00:36:273 (7,1) -
20:01 Halfslashed: 00:22:917 (9,1) -
20:01 Halfslashed: 00:41:719 (2,3) -
20:03 Mir: 00:44:390 (5) -
20:04 Halfslashed: 00:42:952 (1,2) -
20:04 Halfslashed: 00:44:081 (4) -
20:05 Halfslashed: 00:46:239 (1,2,3,4,5,1) -
20:05 Halfslashed: 00:46:856 (2,3) -
20:06 Halfslashed: 00:48:191 (2,3) -
20:07 Halfslashed: 00:48:910 (5,6,7,8,1) -
20:08 Halfslashed: 00:51:992 (3,4) -
20:08 Halfslashed: 00:52:300 (4,5) -
20:09 Halfslashed: 00:52:609 (5,6,1) -
20:09 Halfslashed: 00:53:636 (4) -
20:10 Halfslashed: 00:54:458 (1,2,3,4,5,1) -
20:10 Halfslashed: 00:55:897 (4,5,1) -
20:12 Halfslashed: 00:56:513 (2) -
20:12 Halfslashed: 00:56:924 (3) -
20:13 Halfslashed: 00:58:157 (2,3) -
20:13 Mir: 01:01:033 (1) - nice.
20:13 Halfslashed: 00:59:801 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
20:14 Halfslashed: 01:01:650 (2,3,4,5,6) -
20:15 Halfslashed: 01:02:266 (5,6,7,1) -
20:16 Halfslashed: 01:02:061 (4) -
20:16 Halfslashed: 01:02:677 (1,2,3) -
20:17 Halfslashed: 01:03:294 -
20:17 Halfslashed: 01:04:526 (2,3) -
20:18 Halfslashed: 01:05:554 (4,5,6) -
20:19 Mir: 01:06:582 (3,4) -
20:19 Mir: snare gets no emphasis from what i can see?
20:20 Mir: ?
20:21 Halfslashed: 01:08:328 (5,6,1) -
20:21 Halfslashed: 01:08:328 (5,6) -
20:23 Halfslashed: 01:08:636 (6,1) -
20:23 Halfslashed: 01:08:842 (1,2,3,4,1) -
20:26 Halfslashed: 01:09:253 (1,2,3) -
20:28 Halfslashed:
20:30 Halfslashed: 01:10:075 (4,5) -
20:31 Halfslashed: 01:10:691 (6,7,1) -
20:33 Halfslashed: 01:13:157 (3) -
20:33 Halfslashed: 01:14:081 (6,1,2) -
20:33 Halfslashed: 01:13:773 (5,6) -
20:33 Halfslashed: 01:14:081 (6,1,2) -
20:34 Halfslashed: 01:12:129 (5,6,7) -
20:34 Halfslashed: 01:14:800 (1,2,3) -
20:34 Halfslashed: 01:15:212 (1,2,3,4,5,1) -
20:35 Halfslashed: 01:15:212 (1,2,3,4) -
20:35 Halfslashed: 01:15:520 -
20:37 Halfslashed: 01:15:520 (4,5) -
20:37 Halfslashed: 01:15:725 (5,1) -
20:39 Halfslashed: 01:16:033 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:39 Halfslashed: 01:17:163 -
20:40 Halfslashed: 01:21:376 (4,5) -
20:40 Mir: 01:38:841 (1) -
20:41 Halfslashed: 01:21:787 (6,7,8) -
20:42 Mir: 01:28:259 (6,7) -
20:42 Halfslashed: 01:22:403 -
20:45 Halfslashed: 01:27:848 (3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:46 Mir:
20:47 Halfslashed: 01:28:568 (1,2,3,4,1) -
20:48 Halfslashed: 01:30:622 (1,5) -
20:48 Halfslashed: 01:32:266 (1) -
20:50 Halfslashed: 01:33:704 (1) -
20:50 Halfslashed: 01:34:526 (4,5,6,7) -
20:50 Halfslashed: 01:38:328 (6,7,1) -
20:51 Mir:
20:52 Halfslashed: 01:40:177 (6,7) -
20:54 Halfslashed: 01:41:204 (4,5) -
20:55 Halfslashed: 01:41:924 (8,9,1) -
20:55 Halfslashed: 01:42:232 -
20:55 Halfslashed: 01:41:924 (8,9,1) -
20:56 Halfslashed: 01:42:232 - c
20:56 Halfslashed: 01:42:540 (2,3) -
20:57 Halfslashed: 01:42:951 (3,1) -
20:58 Mir: 01:53:020 (6,7) -
20:59 Halfslashed: 01:44:184 (3) -
20:59 Halfslashed: 01:44:800 (6,7) -
21:01 Halfslashed: 01:43:773 (1,2,3) -
21:01 Halfslashed: 01:44:595 (5,6,7) -
21:02 Halfslashed: 01:45:417 (1,2) -
21:02 Halfslashed: 01:45:828 (3,4) -
21:03 Halfslashed: 01:47:369 (2,3,4,5) -
21:03 Halfslashed: 01:48:294 (7,8,9) -
21:04 Halfslashed: 01:49:424 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1) -
21:04 Halfslashed: 01:49:424 (4) -
21:04 Halfslashed: 01:49:629 (5) -
21:05 Halfslashed: 01:52:814 (5,6,7) -
21:06 Halfslashed: 01:53:020 (6) -
21:07 Halfslashed: 01:52:814 (5,6) -
21:09 Halfslashed: 01:53:636 (1,2,3) -
21:09 Halfslashed: 01:54:355 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
21:10 Halfslashed: 01:55:485 (1,2,3) -
21:10 Mir: 01:54:663 (6,7) -
21:10 Halfslashed: 01:54:355 (4,5,6) -
21:10 Halfslashed: 01:54:355 (4,5,6,7) -
21:12 Halfslashed: 01:55:485 (1,2,3) -
21:12 Halfslashed: 01:55:074 (9) -
21:12 Halfslashed: 01:55:794 (3,4) -
21:13 Halfslashed: 01:55:691 (2,3) -
21:13 Halfslashed: 01:55:999 (4,1) -
21:13 Mir: 01:55:691 (2,3) -
21:15 Halfslashed: 02:04:937 (8,9,1) -
21:15 Mir: 02:04:937 (8,9,1) -
21:15 Mir: 02:02:780 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) -
21:16 Halfslashed: 02:02:574 (4) - \
21:18 Halfslashed: 02:08:636 (1) -
21:19 Mir:
21:20 Halfslashed: 02:09:869 (4,5,1) -
21:20 Mir: 02:16:239 (1,2,3,4,5) - wutface
21:20 Mir: :D
21:20 Halfslashed: 02:16:239 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:22 Halfslashed: 02:16:033 (5,1) -
21:22 Halfslashed: 02:16:444 (5,1) -
21:25 Halfslashed: 02:21:375 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,1) -
21:25 Halfslashed: 02:21:375 (6,7,1) -
21:25 Halfslashed: 02:21:581 (1) -
21:25 Halfslashed: 02:21:992 (5,6,7) -
21:25 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8,1,3) - '
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:403 (7,8) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:403 (7) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:21:992 (5,6) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:403 (7) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8,9,1,2,3) -
21:26 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8,1,3) -
21:27 Halfslashed: 00:01:239 (1,2,3) -
21:27 Mir:
21:28 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8,9,1,2,3) -
21:28 Halfslashed: 02:22:609 (8) -
21:29 Halfslashed: 02:23:020 (3) -
21:29 Halfslashed: 02:24:869 (3,4,5) -
21:30 Halfslashed: 02:25:280 (5,6) -
21:31 Halfslashed: 02:35:862 (1,2) -
21:31 Halfslashed: 02:39:663 (1,2,3) -
21:32 Halfslashed: 02:36:376 -
21:32 Halfslashed: 02:39:663 (1,2,3) -
21:33 Halfslashed: 02:48:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1) -
21:34 Halfslashed: 02:50:143 (4,5,6) -
21:35 Halfslashed: 02:53:020 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
21:35 Halfslashed: 02:57:232 (6,1) -
21:35 Halfslashed: 02:55:485 (7,8,9,10) -
21:35 Halfslashed: 02:58:875 (7,8) -
21:36 Halfslashed: 03:02:061 (5,6,7,1) -
21:38 Halfslashed: 03:13:978 -
21:38 Halfslashed: 03:14:595 (2,3,4) -
21:39 Halfslashed: 03:14:903 (4,5) -
21:39 Mir: 03:21:889 (5,2) - nic stack
21:39 Halfslashed: 03:20:759 (1,2,3) -
21:41 Halfslashed: 03:26:615 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) -
21:41 Halfslashed: 03:28:259 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) -
21:43 Halfslashed: 03:40:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - \
21:43 Halfslashed: 03:40:999 (4,5,6) -
21:44 Halfslashed: 03:41:461 -
21:45 Halfslashed: 03:41:410 -
21:46 Halfslashed: 03:42:129 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) -
21:46 Mir: 03:43:670 (4,1) -
21:46 Halfslashed: 03:42:129 (1,2,3,4) -
21:46 Mir: :eyes:
21:47 Halfslashed: 03:42:437 (4,5,6) -
21:47 Halfslashed: 03:42:951 (1,2,3,4,1) -
21:47 Halfslashed: 03:42:849 (8,1,2) -
21:47 Halfslashed: 03:43:259 (4,1,2) -
21:49 Halfslashed: 03:43:670 (4,1,2,3,4) -
21:49 Halfslashed: 03:56:307 (5,6,7,8,9,1) -
21:49 Halfslashed: v
21:49 Halfslashed: 03:56:513 -
21:50 Halfslashed: 01:42:129 (1,2) -
21:50 Mir: 04:05:143 (1,2,3,4) -
21:51 Mir:
21:51 Halfslashed: 04:08:225 (9,1) -
21:52 Mir: 04:33:088 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) -
21:54 Halfslashed: 04:08:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1) -
21:54 Halfslashed: 04:10:074 (1,2,3) -
21:54 Halfslashed: 04:12:540 (4,5,6,1,2,3) -
21:54 Halfslashed: 04:13:773 (2,3,4,5) -
21:55 Mir: 04:14:389 (5) -
21:55 Mir: 04:14:492 -
21:55 Halfslashed: 04:14:492 -
21:57 Halfslashed: 04:14:595 (6,7,8,1) -
21:57 Halfslashed: 04:14:903 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) -
21:57 Halfslashed: 04:15:828 (1) -
21:58 Halfslashed: 04:15:828 (1,2) -
21:58 Halfslashed: 04:23:225 -
21:58 Halfslashed: 04:29:595 (4,5,1) -
21:58 Halfslashed: 04:29:081 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1) -
21:58 Halfslashed: v
21:58 Halfslashed: 04:33:088 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) -
21:59 Halfslashed: 04:34:937 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
21:59 Halfslashed: 04:36:376 (1) -
21:59 Halfslashed: 04:36:376 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:59 Halfslashed: 04:37:506 (6,7,8,1) -
22:00 Halfslashed: 04:47:883 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) -
22:00 Halfslashed: 04:51:170 (1,2,3) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:51:992 (6,7) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:52:814 (1,2,3,4,1) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:54:663 (2,3,4) -
22:01 Mir: 05:05:443 (1) - omg can you silence sliderslide ty
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:55:999 (11,1) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:56:513 (2,3,4) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:57:437 (8,9,10,1) -
22:01 Halfslashed: 04:58:773 (4) -
22:02 Halfslashed: 04:59:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
22:02 Halfslashed: 04:58:773 (4) -
22:02 Halfslashed: 05:00:365 -

Halfy explained a lot of the concepts in the map to me and we discussed things worth changing in voice chat. I'll edit this post later this week/next weekend with a mod.~

Also this map is sick beyond belief lol.
i think the hi hat and drum kick hitsounds are too quiet / dont contrast the music enough, they get lost / overpowered
00:02:061 (2) - 00:03:705 (2) - imo NCing these makes a lot of sense and helps the player comprehend this rhythm / pattern (and continued through intro)
00:07:917 (6) - should be two circles imo, the tail is a very strong sound and you dont use kicksliders anywhere else in intro
00:15:006 (1) - should also be two circles i think, since you are using kicksliders for the high pitched guitar chord 00:15:212 (2,4,6,8) - and circles for the muted strumming 00:15:417 (3,5,7) -
00:16:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is the same guitar rhythm as the previous measure, not sure why it is mapped differently, this feels like artificial rhythm difficulty. 00:17:472 (5,6) - 00:15:828 (6) - compare these two. 00:17:780 (7) - should be a kickslider, too. it seems like you are trying to highlight the piano but you dont use a circle for this elsewhere in these past two measures
00:18:089 (9) - kickslider would make more sense since you use them for the high pitched guitar sound mentioned previously. this one is probably fine for emphasizing the piano change happening but consider changing
00:18:294 (1,2) - should be a note between in some way (see 00:15:006 (1) - )
00:20:965 (6,7) - would change to three circles, also stacking these makes it anti climactic to me but i get the callback to the intro, your choice
00:21:582 (1) - starting here i think it would be cool if you had all kicks clickable, would create more tension like in the music
00:28:054 (4) - tail on an *extremely* loud sound
00:35:348 (3) - should be two circles like 00:31:855 (2,3,4) - 00:33:500 (2,3,4) - (see also 00:41:719 (2,3) - ). compare to 02:13:773 (2,3,4) - as well
00:35:862 (5) - kickslider?
00:43:362 (2) - slider tail is the only non-clickable vocal sound in this section, i think two kicksliders or kickslider circle would be better
00:48:704 (4) - kickslider? the drums are very noticeable between this and 5
00:49:218 (7) - tail on pretty important drum sound
00:56:513 (2) - 00:58:157 (2) - why are these sliders now? and then circles here: 00:59:801 (2,3) - in fact its the opposite of circle / slider choice from last section
00:59:287 (6,1) - i think kickslider should be on 6
01:04:526 (2,3) - 01:10:075 (4,5) - i think this spacing could be problematic as its very small and looks too similar to 1/4 stacks but the AR saves it i suppose
01:22:815 (2,3,4,5) - 01:22:815 (2,3,4,5) - 01:26:102 (3,4,5,6,7) - i think this is far too much rhythmic variation as it bears almost no structural resemblance to 01:16:033 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - (etc). all that has changed in the music is that the drummer is playing the red tick hi hat open/louder.
01:27:540 (2) - red tick has a very loud sound
01:30:622 (1) - this slider is extremely 'crumpled' and you dont use a shape as drastic anywhere else
01:55:485 (1,2,3) - very very difficult to read, i would change this in some way
01:55:999 (4) - drum roll starts on this tail, not on 01:56:513 (1) -
01:57:746 (5) - tail should be clickable since you follow vocals for clicks for most part (you do this here 02:04:937 (8,9,1) - compare to 01:51:787 (8) - )
02:08:636 (1,2,3) - have similar spacing but different rhythm gaps on a new rhythm, makes this confusing
02:16:239 (1,2,3,4) - since you avoid mapping 1/8 clicks elsewhere i think this would be more fitting as two 1/8 sliders
02:16:444 (5) - tail should be clickable, in the intro verse you still mapped this beat after drum fills
02:21:992 (5,6,7,3) - i dont see what these kicksliders are following as opposed to being a stream but if there is a reason its fine
02:22:814 (1) - NC feels random
02:25:999 (6) - 02:32:574 (6) - i think removing these sliders makes more sense with the music
02:47:369 (3) - the vocal is on the red tick not the yellow tick
02:49:424 - should be a circle here, theres a piano note
02:55:485 (7,8,9,10) - this doesnt follow the drums well
03:13:362 (5) - tail should be clickable imo
03:20:965 (2) - all other piano sounds in this piano chord section are clickable so this slider feels out of place
03:21:684 (4,5) - would work better as 4 circles with spacing to emphasize the piano since you typically map the drum fills
03:23:944 (9,1) - this stack feels very anticlimactic for the sound
03:24:355 (3) - kickslider?
03:27:746 (4,5) - important sound in between with nothing mapped to it. mayube just repeat 4
03:42:539 (5) - 03:43:362 (1) - both or neither NCd
03:55:383 (10,1) - you dont stack anywhere else in kiais previously, this feels out of place.
04:01:958 (9,1) - ^
04:04:321 (5) - same suggestion as 01:57:746 (5) -
04:12:232 (3) - tail should be clickable i think, and the gaps before and after this slider should have something mapped to them, as drum roll starts here 04:12:335 -
04:12:540 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - flows poorly
04:14:903 (1,2) - swap NC
04:18:088 (8,9,1) - this type of directly back and forth placement isnt used anywhere, looks out of place
04:21:478 (9) - tail should be clickable i tihnk
04:33:088 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this pattern is super messy and if it were more structured it would look nicer and be easier to hit/understand
04:34:629 (1,1) - rhythm is extremely extremely hard to read especially after such a straining aim pattern + SV change + NCs on blue and red ticks
04:42:643 (8,9,10) - 04:48:704 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - these streams are nearly as big as in the kiais (03:56:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - ) but the section is much more relieved/relaxed
04:52:609 (10) - tail has a guitar note
04:54:818 (3,4) - virtually unreadable given that you stack 1/4. i would just move 2's tail to 04:54:818 (3) -
04:55:074 (5,6) - changing to follow the piano makes this overly confusing imo
04:55:999 (11) - tail has an important guitar note as it starts the next guitar pattern, should be clickable
04:56:307 (1,2,3,4) - should be all circles to follow the guitar better
04:57:746 (1) - ^
04:59:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is the only 1/3 in the map, you should make it more clear in some way

overall the map is well shaped and has good flow/ideas but i think it needs a lot more care into consistency and rhythm. very fun to play! good luck
Hello Im sussie nice to meet you

01:37:198 (1,2,3,4) - I personally would make it like this 02:02:266 (2,3,4) - I would never place this like this but idk what your ideas behind this where.
02:22:609 (8,9,1,2) - why dont you map the low pitched piano there ? I would not map those drums with 1/4 sliders but instead this piano there 02:22:609 - with 1/4 sliders.

It looks rly good and you will probably deny everything but at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Topic Starter

dsco wrote:

i think the hi hat and drum kick hitsounds are too quiet / dont contrast the music enough, they get lost / overpowered
I could use some more opinions on this, since they sound fine to me - especially the hihat.
00:02:061 (2) - 00:03:705 (2) - imo NCing these makes a lot of sense and helps the player comprehend this rhythm / pattern (and continued through intro)
It does make sense, but I'm trying to stick to as close to a "1 NC/measure" scheme for the map as I can, so NCing this would go against that.
00:07:917 (6) - should be two circles imo, the tail is a very strong sound and you dont use kicksliders anywhere else in intro
It was a conscious choice to make this a slider, since if I made this two circles, i'd lose emphasis from the 3/4 piano here in favor of the 1/2 bass piano here. Additionally, this establishes the concept i use for when I have stronger beats on slider tails, in that the tail points away from the next beat and movement causes a direction change.
00:15:006 (1) - should also be two circles i think, since you are using kicksliders for the high pitched guitar chord 00:15:212 (2,4,6,8) - and circles for the muted strumming 00:15:417 (3,5,7) -
While that is true, if I changed these to circles I'd take away emphasis from the strong piano here and place too much on 00:15:212 (2) -.
00:16:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is the same guitar rhythm as the previous measure, not sure why it is mapped differently, this feels like artificial rhythm
difficulty. 00:17:472 (5,6) - 00:15:828 (6) - compare these two. 00:17:780 (7) - should be a kickslider, too. it seems like you are trying to highlight the piano but you dont use a circle for this elsewhere in these past two measures
I might be hearing things, but at 100% 00:17:574 (6) - sounds more pronounced and on the same intensity level as the guitar chord, rather than being muted. As a result of that and 00:17:472 (5) - being pronounced, I used the current rhythm to represent this. Additionally, 7 has a more staccato feel to me than the typical guitar chord, so I found a circle to be more appropriate than a slider to represent that.
00:18:089 (9) - kickslider would make more sense since you use them for the high pitched guitar sound mentioned previously. this one is probably fine for emphasizing the piano change happening but consider changing
I tried both, but I think the piano change stands out more than the chord here, so I would prefer the circle over the 1/4 slider.
00:18:294 (1,2) - should be a note between in some way (see 00:15:006 (1) - )
Similar to the above, i'm focusing on the piano more than the guitar here. The muted guitar isn't present on the downbeat either, so I really can't justify using a 1/4 slider here (nor a circle for movement purposes).
00:20:965 (6,7) - would change to three circles, also stacking these makes it anti climactic to me but i get the callback to the intro, your choice
Will be keeping my callback to the intro for cohesion purposes.
00:21:582 (1) - starting here i think it would be cool if you had all kicks clickable, would create more tension like in the music
I mean, I see where you're coming from on this, but these are probably the weakest kicks i've ever heard, to the point where I had to listen to this section many times to properly hear them. Having them clickable also disturbs my mix of piano/guitar in this section, and I'd rather focus on those than mixing together tons of instrumental layers.
00:28:054 (4) - tail on an *extremely* loud sound
Yeah, I do this for all crash cymbals throughout the entire map. A slider tail on them with large motion + direction change after it.
00:35:348 (3) - should be two circles like 00:31:855 (2,3,4) - 00:33:500 (2,3,4) - (see also 00:41:719 (2,3) - ). compare to 02:13:773 (2,3,4) - as well
If I was sticking to the piano/drum mix, I agree, but here the guitar comes in so I wanted to show that off. Additionally, this change in rhythm lets the player know that things are about to change, which they do quite drastically.
00:35:862 (5) - kickslider?
Don't really understand why since this maps a staccato sound. There's some faint 1/4 here, but I don't think mapping it is a good idea given the overall feeling of this section.
00:43:362 (2) - slider tail is the only non-clickable vocal sound in this section, i think two kicksliders or kickslider circle would be better
I tried both but I honestly didn't find either of them appropriate. Two 1/4 sliders would've been too dense for the section and a 1/4 slider into a circle would as well, as well as being awkward due to the low SV. I might mess around more with it though.
00:48:704 (4) - kickslider? the drums are very noticeable between this and 5
Not really - sounds just like most of the hihats in this section that I don't usually map.
00:49:218 (7) - tail on pretty important drum sound
Prioritizing snares here and also still using my direction change concept introduced before.
00:56:513 (2) - 00:58:157 (2) - why are these sliders now? and then circles here: 00:59:801 (2,3) - in fact its the opposite of circle / slider choice from last section
First two measures have decreased intensity on the percussion from the previous instance of this rhythm, while the third measure intensity finally returns to previous levels, so I use the previous rhythm.
00:59:287 (6,1) - i think kickslider should be on 6
Not sure why, since it just sounds like another hihat roll to me, though maybe with a bit of spacing.
01:04:526 (2,3) - 01:10:075 (4,5) - i think this spacing could be problematic as its very small and looks too similar to 1/4 stacks but the AR saves it i suppose
The small spacing was intentional. Similar to how stacking forces a player to use the approach circle to determine when to tap, this spacing is very close to it, which allows the player to get used to the 3/4 spacing concept.
01:22:815 (2,3,4,5) - 01:22:815 (2,3,4,5) - 01:26:102 (3,4,5,6,7) - i think this is far too much rhythmic variation as it bears almost no structural resemblance to 01:16:033 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - (etc). all that has changed in the music is that the drummer is playing the red tick hi hat open/louder.
Well I'm still following the piano, but I introduced more sliders and overall reduced the rhythm density in order to reflect the change in the vocals, since they are building up here, and this leads to a nice effect when the next musical section starts.
01:27:540 (2) - red tick has a very loud sound
I cannot understand what you mean here. I assume you're talking about the white tick herel, in which I am again using my direction change after slider tail concept.
01:30:622 (1) - this slider is extremely 'crumpled' and you dont use a shape as drastic anywhere else
I do actually, they're just longer in length. Here this slider is representing the brass, since it makes its way into this section. I also use this as a progression every 2/1, unwinding the sliders that start there as the brass increases in pitch to allow for more motion.
01:55:485 (1,2,3) - very very difficult to read, i would change this in some way
I agree this could use some work, but I would like an alternative here. I think it's readable due to the differences in spacing and how close the objects are overall, but my playtests have shown that several people struggle here.
01:55:999 (4) - drum roll starts on this tail, not on 01:56:513 (1) -
The blue tick after this is close to inaudible, and mapping it in any way would ruin the movement concept that emphasizes the audible snare on the tail of this has.
01:57:746 (5) - tail should be clickable since you follow vocals for clicks for most part (you do this here 02:04:937 (8,9,1) - compare to 01:51:787 (8) - )
Quite a large intensity between the two and I just don't hear a vocal on that tail - it sounds like part of the vocal on the head of this.
02:08:636 (1,2,3) - have similar spacing but different rhythm gaps on a new rhythm, makes this confusing
It's fine since I introduced the idea of 1/4 spacing being represented by a tail overlap all the way back at 00:28:979 (4,5) -. As far as the 1/2 spacing, I get where you're coming from but at this difficulty level, a player should have plenty of time to interpret the 1/2 gap during the course of the slider before it and when they snap to the note and realize the approach circle hasn't closed in.
02:16:239 (1,2,3,4) - since you avoid mapping 1/8 clicks elsewhere i think this would be more fitting as two 1/8 sliders
If this wasn't a 1/8 snare roll as opposed to the 1/8 piano that was usually present I would, but since these are 1/8 snares, I cannot justify mapping them as anything other than circles. It's already placed in the most intuitive way possible to attempt to compensate for some of the difficulty.
02:16:444 (5) - tail should be clickable, in the intro verse you still mapped this beat after drum fills
Since I'm not taking the above suggestion, making this tail clickable would put way more emphasis than necessary on this tail - especially considering it already gets some emphasis from the long timeline gap after it. Would prefer to leave this as a slider tail to allow a proper rest period from the 1/8 stack.
02:21:992 (5,6,7,3) - i dont see what these kicksliders are following as opposed to being a stream but if there is a reason its fine
5,6,7 and 8,1,3 are musically grouped, the latter group being the same as the anacrusis. 5,6,7 represent the bass piano sounds while 8,1,3 do the same but in different ways, as a way of leading into the next section (stream start, stream turn, 1/4 slider).
02:22:814 (1) - NC feels random
I agree especially with the logic I gave you above. Changed to 02:22:609 (1) - instead.
02:25:999 (6) - 02:32:574 (6) - i think removing these sliders makes more sense with the music
I disagree since the measures in this section are paired, so starting the break here would feel very weird considering the musical structure. As a result I mapped the kick here and had the tail end on the vocal for a nice lifting effect on the break start.
02:47:369 (3) - the vocal is on the red tick not the yellow tick
I'd like some more opinions on this - I definitely hear it as starting on the yellow tick though.
02:49:424 - should be a circle here, theres a piano note
True, but I'm prioritizing drums here rather than following the faint piano roll.
02:55:485 (7,8,9,10) - this doesnt follow the drums well
I agree, that's why I'm following the piano instead. I added 1/4 sliders to show that drums are coming in but using my clicks to follow the piano rhythm.
03:13:362 (5) - tail should be clickable imo
I'm still prioritizing vocals here so I don't understand why I should make this clickable.
03:20:965 (2) - all other piano sounds in this piano chord section are clickable so this slider feels out of place
These are also way more pronounced, so I use a combination of relatively harsh movement + undermapping to emphasize this.
03:21:684 (4,5) - would work better as 4 circles with spacing to emphasize the piano since you typically map the drum fills
I could see that working, but I don't use spacing concepts like the ones you're describing (i think you're talking about hanzer streams) at all in this map, so I would feel that to be out of place.
03:23:944 (9,1) - this stack feels very anticlimactic for the sound
I definitely agree, this also helped me see a different distance error.
03:24:355 (3) - kickslider?
Piano drops in pacing here so I wanted to show that with a 1/2 rhythm gap.
03:27:746 (4,5) - important sound in between with nothing mapped to it. mayube just repeat 4
There is a weak snare there, but I feel like mapping that wouldn't fit the staccato feeling of the drums here and same with the piano. This section also stands out so much due to how undermapped this is compared to the previous section.
03:42:539 (5) - 03:43:362 (1) - both or neither NCd
Both it is.
03:55:383 (10,1) - you dont stack anywhere else in kiais previously, this feels out of place.
True, but none of the other kiais have sharp pacing drops that are best emphasized by a stack.
04:01:958 (9,1) - ^
04:04:321 (5) - same suggestion as 01:57:746 (5) -
Same situation.
04:12:232 (3) - tail should be clickable i think, and the gaps before and after this slider should have something mapped to them, as drum roll starts here 04:12:335 -
The purpose of the gaps are to hard-focus the snares here, since this part of the kiai has a completely different feeling from the rest of it. Mapping the kicks here would detract from that effect.
04:12:540 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - flows poorly
It emphasizes the transition from vocals to drums quite nicely imo. I've also seen many testplayers hit this on sightread without any issues, since the concepts behind this pattern have been introduced and repeated several times throughout the map.
04:14:903 (1,2) - swap NC
04:18:088 (8,9,1) - this type of directly back and forth placement isnt used anywhere, looks out of place
This is similar movement wise to 02:04:937 (8,9,1) - and all other patterns and even organized similarly in terms of visuals.
04:21:478 (9) - tail should be clickable i tihnk
No for the reasons explained before.
04:33:088 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this pattern is super messy and if it were more structured it would look nicer and be easier to hit/understand
It's organized as follows: first and third groupings use deaccelerating spacing which requires more precise aim to hit and fits the descending pitch of the vocals, second and fourth groupings use constant spacing to reduce the amount of precise aim required, and there are uniform stream bends between each grouping. Fifth grouping uses larger uniform spacing as a lead in to the climactic vocal here. In terms of visuals, I'd say that it fits with all concepts established beforehand, though I can see why it'd be a little messy.
04:34:629 (1,1) - rhythm is extremely extremely hard to read especially after such a straining aim pattern + SV change + NCs on blue and red ticks
By this point in the map, the player should already know what the circular slider represents, and the NCs for this section are just continuing off of the previous 3/4 based NCs. Given this and the fact that the intensity of the section really hasn't dropped, I don't really see why any player capable of playing this map would misread this - actually, none of my testplays have shown that either.
04:42:643 (8,9,10) - 04:48:704 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - these streams are nearly as big as in the kiais (03:56:307 (5,6,7,8,9) - ) but the section is much more relieved/relaxed
They are, but they're also placed much more intuitively in terms of rhythmic lead-in (they don't start on blue ticks) and have less spacing going into them. The final one is also fine since it is the climax of the section and it fits the buildup well.
04:52:609 (10) - tail has a guitar note
I find that prioritizing the stronger guitar sound for the held effect fits the feeling better than all circles would.
04:54:818 (3,4) - virtually unreadable given that you stack 1/4. i would just move 2's tail to 04:54:818 (3) -
Already introduced this and the important difference is that the tail is stacked as well, which I don't do in any of these sections aside from when there is 1/8. Not just that, but a player can discern any rhythm that is stacked due to the approach circles that they are forced to read.
04:55:074 (5,6) - changing to follow the piano makes this overly confusing imo
Guitar and piano are aligned here, so I don't think this causes an issue in terms of predictability.
04:55:999 (11) - tail has an important guitar note as it starts the next guitar pattern, should be clickable
I prefer to use undermapping + harsh reverse placement to emphasize this, since musically a reverse fitsl.
04:56:307 (1,2,3,4) - should be all circles to follow the guitar better
I would, but then i'd have to do it for all of the guitar sounds in this measure, which would just give me a giant stream that doesn't really fit the intensity here, so I'll prioritize the stronger guitar sound instead.
04:57:746 (1) - ^
Disagree here, the guitar sounds aren't very strong here, so this double reverse fits imo.
04:59:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is the only 1/3 in the map, you should make it more clear in some way
I got this testplayed a decent bit and only one player missed here on a sightread. This works because the object before is a 1/2 reverse with a 1/2 gap, which is more than enough time for a player to prepare to hit the upcoming rhythm. The NCing and angle change to the white tick should also show that it's subdivided weirdly, and it uses much different spacing than everything else in the map. I think that's enough to make it clear that it is different, and I think it is definitely sightreadable by the target audience of this map. For the record, I tried other alternatives like using a repeat to lead into it or using stacking to introduce them, but none fit the song nor were as intuitive as the current pattern.
overall the map is well shaped and has good flow/ideas but i think it needs a lot more care into consistency and rhythm. very fun to play! good luck

Suissie wrote:

Hello Im sussie nice to meet you o/

01:37:198 (1,2,3,4) - I personally would make it like this
I tried.
02:02:266 (2,3,4) - I would never place this like this but idk what your ideas behind this where.
My visual concept for this map involves overlapping a tail/circle with another tail/circle without much regard to anything else. Personally i'm a fan of having circles/slidertails either along a slider curve or directly disobeying that, which is what 3 does here.
02:22:609 (8,9,1,2) - why dont you map the low pitched piano there ? I would not map those drums with 1/4 sliders but instead this piano there 02:22:609 - with 1/4 sliders.
I wanted more of a build up effect here, so I started with a less intense form of emphasizing the bass piano here and built it up, similarly to the anacrusis.
It looks rly good and you will probably deny everything but at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for the mods guys!
hi there!

so i was stalking a discord i'm in and saw your comments from long time ago (1: and 2: that I never returned you a m4m, in that time school was killing me so hard that didn't spent much time in osu! so as an apologize for the huge wait, i'm modding this map.
also would be thankful if you weren't pretty rude shaming me next time or even comparing me with "canadian baka", otherwise chances from mod are 0 :p

add future gd'ers for future extra in tags?

00:07:815 (5,6) - this touches hp bar in 4:3 screens
00:32:985 (7) - convert it to a single circle instead, because the rest of similar rhythms are 1/8 and skipping the consistency here lacks of emphasis
00:59:389 (1) - ^
01:22:917 (3,4) - most likely an opinion, but stacking tails would look better here
01:28:568 (1,2) - any reason for why 1/8?
01:42:951 (3) - maybe 2 sliders instead to keep good flow
01:50:759 (3,4) - mind reducing the jump? it's a bit high
02:16:239 (1,2,3,4) - those 1/8 circles are so sudden, intentional?
02:47:369 (3) - ctrl+j would fit here imo, so flow and design look good here
03:51:067 (4) - same as 01:50:759 (3,4) -
04:57:746 (1) - 2 sliders instead maybe?

i'll just say this map is fine as it is, needs some polish but flow isn't too bad

good luck~
Topic Starter

Underforest wrote:

hi there!

so i was stalking a discord i'm in and saw your comments from long time ago (1: and 2: that I never returned you a m4m, in that time school was killing me so hard that didn't spent much time in osu! so as an apologize for the huge wait, i'm modding this map.
also would be thankful if you weren't pretty rude shaming me next time or even comparing me with "canadian baka", otherwise chances from mod are 0 :p
Well I was under the impression that my chances of getting a mod back from you were 0 in the first place. Now that you returned your part of the deal in some way, I have no real reason to hold a grudge, so I don't think you should expect any such potentially rude comments.

add future gd'ers for future extra in tags?
Will do when it comes.

00:07:815 (5,6) - this touches hp bar in 4:3 screens
00:32:985 (7) - convert it to a single circle instead, because the rest of similar rhythms are 1/8 and skipping the consistency here lacks of emphasis
I'll keep these as 1/8 because I would like to map the piano "grace notes" that are thrown in. I understand that it's not really easy to predict due to how inconsistently the song uses them, but I think the grace notes are a small detail that shows off the chaos of the song.
00:59:389 (1) - ^
01:22:917 (3,4) - most likely an opinion, but stacking tails would look better here
I disagree for this map, since I use overlap based visuals here.
01:28:568 (1,2) - any reason for why 1/8?
Piano. It's a bit quieter here, but the 1/8 piano is here.
01:42:951 (3) - maybe 2 sliders instead to keep good flow
I think holding down in one place is fine for this, especially since I don't think the brass here is definitive enough to support multiple clicks.
01:50:759 (3,4) - mind reducing the jump? it's a bit high
It's around the same spacing as the jump at 01:44:184 (3,4) - though. I think they're fairly similar in spacing so I don't see why.
02:16:239 (1,2,3,4) - those 1/8 circles are so sudden, intentional?
Definitely intentional. They're as sudden as the 1/8 snares that the arranger decided to throw in.
02:47:369 (3) - ctrl+j would fit here imo, so flow and design look good here
This would go against the idea of trying to limit playfield movement as much as possible during the parts where I map the whispers though. I also don't think there's really a movement issue since the spacing is so low the player can just hold down.
03:51:067 (4) - same as 01:50:759 (3,4) -
04:57:746 (1) - 2 sliders instead maybe?
I don't think it fits the guitar quite as well as the reverse does here, so I'll keep this.

i'll just say this map is fine as it is, needs some polish but flow isn't too bad

good luck~
Thanks for the mod!
19:27 Halfslashed: hey there
19:27 Jounzan: o ye
19:27 Jounzan: hello
19:27 Jounzan: can you give me the link
19:28 Halfslashed: sure
19:28 *Halfslashed is editing [ Meramipop - The Anonymous [Sounanoka~]]
19:30 Jounzan: 00:14:595 (1,2,3,4) - i'd avoid this because it's kinda too tricky, like unreasably tricky
19:31 Jounzan: i'd say you better unstack it
19:32 Halfslashed: so some higher spacing would work better?
19:32 Jounzan: yeah
19:32 Halfslashed: alright
19:34 Jounzan: 00:20:965 (6,7,8) - what about emhasising these 1/2s instead? Like music changes so emphasising this little bridge between the parts can make it kinda fun
19:34 Jounzan: you can go just like this
19:35 Jounzan: also it will be more natural because these are somehow sound stronger
19:35 Jounzan: than what you map to
19:35 Halfslashed: oh there i wanted to have a similar rhythm to what i did with 00:07:815 (5,6,7,1) -
19:35 Halfslashed: because piano is doing something similar
19:36 Jounzan: 00:28:362 (1,4,5) - you can give these way bigger sv tbh
19:37 Jounzan: especially to the first one, it looks kinda slow fo the sound
19:37 Jounzan: also spacings can be larged as well
19:38 Halfslashed: yeah i agree, i'll see what i can do there
19:38 Jounzan: 00:48:191 (2,3) - mind auto stacking these? it looks a bit messy immo
19:39 Halfslashed: oh that's intentional - i wanted that to be one of the ways the player can tell it's 3/4
19:39 Halfslashed: by using that type of overlap
19:39 Jounzan: 01:04:526 (2) - i'd say it needs repeat instead of using a circle here 01:05:143 (3) -
19:39 Jounzan: like you started to emhasise vocals
19:39 Jounzan: so why doing it halfway
19:39 Jounzan: it will feel way better
19:40 Halfslashed: i had it that way actually, but then the issue i run into is that i run into a pacing drop since then there's a 5/2 clicking gap
19:40 Halfslashed: even if i were to put 01:05:554 (4) - all the way in the corner
19:41 Halfslashed: woah redundant
19:42 Jounzan: 01:15:520 (4) - sorta suggestion but why if you emhasise the snare by this kind of thing
19:43 Jounzan: 01:22:198 (8) - i'd use circles since hihats are kinda strong
19:43 Jounzan: 01:28:773 (3,4) - so yeah the same with my very first suggestion
19:44 Halfslashed: 01:15:520 (4) - i'll experiment with this and see which one i like more since i didn't even think of that
19:45 Halfslashed: 01:22:198 (8) - would prefer to prioritize piano though - also a bit hard to keep the quadrant thing going with circles here
19:45 Halfslashed: 01:28:773 (3,4) - fixed
19:46 Jounzan: 01:34:526 (4,5) - the problem about this is while there is obv reasons for putting something jump-ish gameplay whice it's too sudden because of 01:33:396 (6,1) - this gap and the nature of repeat here 01:33:704 (1) -
19:46 Jounzan: so for making it more balanced you need to make it somehow more intense
19:46 Jounzan: lemme think of a way how
19:48 Jounzan: or leaving it as it is and adding 01:33:602 - circle here (i'd prefer first way tbh)
19:48 Jounzan: 01:35:040 (8) - this really better be circles
19:50 Jounzan: 01:40:896 (3) - problem with this repeat is end of it is actually starting point of where intensivity changed, and since it's unclickable it will feel kinda meh
19:52 Halfslashed: took the first option with 01:34:526 (4,5) -
19:53 Jounzan: 01:56:513 (1,2,3,4,1) - just kind of pattern suggestion because i don't like current visuals
19:54 Jounzan: 02:07:506 (4,5,6,7,8) - it really need more sv or more spacings or even both
19:55 Jounzan: 02:21:992 (5,6,7) - i really with that was mapped by circles because piano is so great but well
19:57 Jounzan: 02:49:835 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - people will hate it tbh, because you can't really say that it's this kind of rhythm listening to the song first time
19:57 Jounzan: i'd use some sliders
19:57 Jounzan: in the gaps
19:57 Jounzan: or make stuff spaced more
19:58 Halfslashed: 01:35:040 - will probably do some sort of rhythm change here, but i want to use a repeat for the guitar on 01:35:143 -
19:59 Halfslashed: 01:56:513 - i plan on changing something here but that pattern has a different movement idea than i want here
20:00 Jounzan: 03:08:739 (6) - can be mapped as circles, for more variety and because there is sounds to work with
20:00 Jounzan: like some kind of big spaced stream from the 5 to 8
20:01 Jounzan: 03:18:704 (6,7,8,9) - spacing is kinda too smol fo thiz intesit y
20:03 Halfslashed: 03:18:704 (6,7,8,9) - agree
20:04 Jounzan: 03:28:568 (1,2,3,4) - you can easily start circle stream with big spacings from 03:28:568 - it will fit better because while music changes pattern is near being the same except sv which doesn't seem like a way for me, because it call more for circles
20:06 Jounzan: what about extending 03:30:109 (8) - to the next blue tick? Idk will keep intensity better than this spacing to the (9)
20:06 Jounzan: 03:31:239 (4) - since main thing here is guitar i'd say making it 1/1 slider from the red beat to the next red will give it more emphasise
20:06 Jounzan: 03:34:321 (3) - plzcircl
20:08 Halfslashed: 03:28:568 - yeah here i wanted to catch the 1/8 piano though, could increase spacing more though
20:08 Jounzan: 03:59:698 (7) - idk
20:09 Jounzan: 04:00:622 (3,4,5) - jump is kinda smoller than delis dick please fix
20:09 Jounzan: 04:07:506 (4,5,6,7,8) - already mentoined same thing
20:10 Halfslashed: 03:30:109 (8) - yeah i'll mess around with this
20:11 Halfslashed: 03:34:321 (3) - i still think a repeat fits the guitar better than circles though
20:11 Halfslashed: 03:59:698 (7) - yes
20:12 Jounzan: 04:21:273 (8,9) - so will help with keeping strong beat what matters be clickable
20:12 Halfslashed: 04:00:622 (3) - u rite
20:12 Jounzan: 04:52:814 (1,2,3,4) - it's a no-no
20:13 Jounzan: guitar changes are not that HARD to completely kill intesivity
20:13 Jounzan: i'd say you better add circles to the blue tic
20:14 Halfslashed: 04:21:478 (9) - would prefer to keep this vocal clickable
20:14 Halfslashed: uhhh
20:14 Halfslashed: yeah i'll add bluetick circles
20:14 Jounzan: hope it helped
20:14 Jounzan: i'm so rusty
20:14 Jounzan: tbh
20:15 Jounzan: haven't really moded in two years
20:15 Halfslashed: lmao, it was helpful
20:15 Halfslashed: i really appreciate it
20:15 Halfslashed: lots of things to think about and do now
20:16 Jounzan: well my usual mod was half of page of suggestion
20:16 Jounzan: s
20:16 Jounzan: map is cool anyway
20:16 Jounzan: i really like movements
20:16 Jounzan: it looks pretty different from what people now map
20:16 Jounzan: and have its
20:16 Jounzan: idk
20:16 Jounzan: charm?
ok im here

- 01:08:842 (1,2,3,4,1) - Seems very harsh for such soft piano. I'd move it a bit closer since the flow you're using is already a backwards movement into a stream and that's not very comfortable by default when you have such spacing cuz the slowdown is a lot here.
- 01:45:622 (2,3,4) - Shouldn't these be similar in some way because the vocals sound quite similar so either both should overlap or neither should. :? 01:51:992 (1,2,3,4) - Here makes more sense cuz the vocals are quite different I suppose so you can overlap the ones I pointed out? 01:58:567 (1,2,3,4) - Same idea here, you can probably do something like this if you wanted. Then 03:45:417 (1,2,3,4) - aren't overlapping the same way and so forth.
- 02:05:554 (3,4) - As for these them being the only overlapped ones here is kinda weird to me lol

Overall looks fine, but I still don't understand why some things are overlapped and some not. If you wanna pm me about it feel free to do it in-game or Discord (idk how long of an explanation it needs)

Call me back when you're ready.
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:

ok im here

- 01:08:842 (1,2,3,4,1) - Seems very harsh for such soft piano. I'd move it a bit closer since the flow you're using is already a backwards movement into a stream and that's not very comfortable by default when you have such spacing cuz the slowdown is a lot here.
I lowered the spacing to this a bit, but despite having such a large spacing it shouldn't be too big compared to the previous spacing.
- 01:45:622 (2,3,4) - Shouldn't these be similar in some way because the vocals sound quite similar so either both should overlap or neither should. :? 01:51:992 (1,2,3,4) - Here makes more sense cuz the vocals are quite different I suppose so you can overlap the ones I pointed out? 01:58:567 (1,2,3,4) - Same idea here, you can probably do something like this if you wanted. Then 03:45:417 (1,2,3,4) - aren't overlapping the same way and so forth.
The main idea between these is for the first pair to have less of the slider followed since the vocals are more staccato and the second pair to have more of the slider followed since the vocals are more held. The overlaps in this section are used more for pattern variation and fitting the general theme rather than having very specific gameplay element introduction and my main concern is movement. That said, I did try to go through each instance to make sure the movement idea was properly followed.
- 02:05:554 (3,4) - As for these them being the only overlapped ones here is kinda weird to me lol
Adjusted 02:05:554 (3,4,5,6) - to follow the above logic.

Overall looks fine, but I still don't understand why some things are overlapped and some not. If you wanna pm me about it feel free to do it in-game or Discord (idk how long of an explanation it needs)

Call me back when you're ready.
00:23:225 - 00:24:458 - don't really get why you suddenly skip the kicks here when others are mapped, would be nice as sliderends I think#
01:09:150 (4) - somehow stands out quite a lot with the angle you put on it when doing so for 01:09:253 (1) - seems more fitting, probably something like or maybe even putting most emphasis on 01:08:841 (1,3,1) - ?
01:15:211 (1) - would have soft whistle at least on head or maybe even more cause right now it lacks a bit of hitsounding for such a distinct piano pattern

01:27:540 (2) - rhythm choice seems weird here cause it skips kick and maps vocal on slidernd, to then start on a kick again. how about something like which makes the 1/4 snares still stannd out but follows other things a bit better, or maybe even with some angle/spacing stuff when the snares come in
01:28:568 - could also have soft whistle(s)
01:47:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - is suddenly way easier to play than all other patterns in this part even, don't think that fits well, also suddenly using full ds for these when feels a bit out of place with your other patterns here
02:05:965 (5,6) - since 02:06:170 - is the only time vocals stop, how about to differentiate while still keeping your 1/4 stuff ?

02:08:636 (1) - would look nicer, especially for people playing without sliderends if you moved the last nodes a bit like
02:22:198 (6) - could be 2 circles so you keep the kicksliders exclusive to the lower pitch piano here
03:09:252 (1,2) - feels really out of place visually cause you don't have any other overlaps in this pattern
03:15:211 (5) - ever considered making this a repeat and deleting the next circle? something similar to could work and keep the stack before the cymbal too
03:28:362 - sounds more like 1/6 but not really that noticeable on 100% so keeping current might be alright
04:34:526 (3,1) - high 1/4 spacing after an already pretty hard 1/4 pattern into such uncomfortable movement seems a bit too much here, something like or similar movement on the slider could work

05:02:749 (1,2) - untimed piano sounds during these are tilt but since you didn't map them and there are no ticks or anything it should be fine anyways, though timing and ending sliders on them might be really nice
05:10:375 - even 5% seems too much, can you just add a blank hitnormal for this (same as sliderslide)
could even use the same sample on sliderends starting from 05:01:033 -
05:01:880 - ~40-50% sounds nicer here

cute hitsounding
get your bubble from Mir and I can qualify
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

00:23:225 - 00:24:458 - don't really get why you suddenly skip the kicks here when others are mapped, would be nice as sliderends I think#
I view the kicks as being a very weak layer here, and most of the kicks are mapped by coincidence since my main focus is on the piano + guitar. Mapping them as slider ends in these places would take away from representing the piano with 00:23:020 (1) - 00:24:355 (6) - with circles + rhythm gaps.
01:09:150 (4) - somehow stands out quite a lot with the angle you put on it when doing so for 01:09:253 (1) - seems more fitting, probably something like or maybe even putting most emphasis on 01:08:841 (1,3,1) - ?
My intent was to have emphasis on 01:08:841 (1,3,1) - but I think the entry angle was preventing 01:09:047 (3) - from getting proper emphasis. Should be fixed now.

01:15:211 (1) - would have soft whistle at least on head or maybe even more cause right now it lacks a bit of hitsounding for such a distinct piano pattern
Spiced it up with some more whistles.

01:27:540 (2) - rhythm choice seems weird here cause it skips kick and maps vocal on slidernd, to then start on a kick again. how about something like which makes the 1/4 snares still stannd out but follows other things a bit better, or maybe even with some angle/spacing stuff when the snares come in
Used your second rhythm.

01:28:568 - could also have soft whistle(s)
More spice.
01:47:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - is suddenly way easier to play than all other patterns in this part even, don't think that fits well, also suddenly using full ds for these when feels a bit out of place with your other patterns here
This part of the song is less intense than the measures before so I wanted to represent this with lower overall motion. However, it is currently a bit weak compared to the other similar sections so I did try to buff this part a bit.

02:05:965 (5,6) - since 02:06:170 - is the only time vocals stop, how about to differentiate while still keeping your 1/4 stuff ?
I tried this rhythm and I didn't find it to fit the sharp cutoff of the vocals as well as what I have.

02:08:636 (1) - would look nicer, especially for people playing without sliderends if you moved the last nodes a bit like
I tried.

02:22:198 (6) - could be 2 circles so you keep the kicksliders exclusive to the lower pitch piano here
Its a bit hard to hear but I hear the lower pitch piano here.
03:09:252 (1,2) - feels really out of place visually cause you don't have any other overlaps in this pattern
Mainly I just wanted to have this as a pair that was similar to 03:09:663 (3,4) - with parallelism between 1,3 and 2,4 tying these together. The overlap makes sense because these are also low intensity vocals.
03:15:211 (5) - ever considered making this a repeat and deleting the next circle? something similar to could work and keep the stack before the cymbal too
I can't say I considered this, but I would prefer to keep my focus on the brass here especially given how... unique the sound this maps is.

03:28:362 - sounds more like 1/6 but not really that noticeable on 100% so keeping current might be alright
If anything I think it sounds more like 1/8 here with sounds on 03:28:413 - 03:28:516 - , which fits better as slider ends for the piano.
04:34:526 (3,1) - high 1/4 spacing after an already pretty hard 1/4 pattern into such uncomfortable movement seems a bit too much here, something like or similar movement on the slider could work
Changed this around to remove the direction change on the sliderhead.

05:02:749 (1,2) - untimed piano sounds during these are tilt but since you didn't map them and there are no ticks or anything it should be fine anyways, though timing and ending sliders on them might be really nice
I would still prefer to keep the focus on the brass here - would seem weird to not have the clicks on the brass.

05:10:375 - even 5% seems too much, can you just add a blank hitnormal for this (same as sliderslide)
could even use the same sample on sliderends starting from 05:01:033 -
Cool idea.

05:01:880 - ~40-50% sounds nicer here
I agree.

cute hitsounding<3
get your bubble from Mir and I can qualify
It's not Ji Anonymasu!!!!!!!!!!

Metadata in the beatmap description!

00:53 Mir: lasee
00:53 Mir: wait
00:53 Mir: you're not fucking lasse
00:53 Mir: halfyy
00:54 Halfslashed:
00:54 Halfslashed: was literally typing to you
00:54 Halfslashed: LOL
00:54 Halfslashed: one
00:54 Halfslashed: thx
00:54 Mir: yw
01:09 Mir: ok
01:09 Mir: lets see
01:11 Mir: 01:15:212 (1) - unsnapped by one ms LOL
01:11 Halfslashed: ffs
01:11 Mir: 01:15:417 - also don't wanna whistle on this one too?
01:12 Halfslashed: nope
01:12 Mir: kk
01:12 Halfslashed: additive hitsound spice
01:12 Mir: ye
01:15 Mir: 03:28:259 (6,7,8) - gonna agree with lasse here
01:15 Mir: 7,8 sound like 1/6
01:15 Mir: 6 doesn't
01:16 Halfslashed: drunk pianist
01:16 Mir: lmfao
01:16 Mir: "spice"
01:16 Mir: :^)
01:17 Halfslashed: lol
01:17 Halfslashed: maybe a bit too spicy in this case
01:17 Mir: probably ?
01:18 Halfslashed: nah mir remember who your'e talking to, this is where the first 1/6 quad of the whole map comes in! !!! 1 11 1one!
01:18 Halfslashed: just kidding
01:18 Halfslashed: alright
01:18 Mir: LOL
01:19 Mir: as much as i would love a 1/6 quad
01:19 Mir: rip polarity
01:19 Halfslashed: social constructs taking over
01:19 Halfslashed: fk
01:19 Halfslashed: lol
01:19 Mir: oh you added a hitsound
01:19 Mir: brb redl
01:20 Mir: 05:05:443 (1) - do you wanna silence sliderslide or no
01:20 Mir: purely preferential cuz i can see how the sliderslide fits the drawn out piano
01:20 Halfslashed: nah
01:20 Mir: kk
01:20 Halfslashed: its muted everywhere else so
01:21 Halfslashed: it'd be really out of place
01:22 Mir: i think that's it
01:22 Mir: metadata where
01:22 Mir: o in desc
01:22 Halfslashed: its in the desc
01:22 Halfslashed: yeah
01:22 Halfslashed: uhh
01:23 Halfslashed: the romanization is how it is btw
01:23 Mir: it's not
01:23 Halfslashed: because "the" and "anonymous" are loan words
01:23 Mir: oh
01:23 Mir: oki
01:23 Mir: it's not uhh
01:23 Mir: Ji Anonymasu then?
01:23 Halfslashed: Ji Anonimasu
01:23 Halfslashed: no
01:23 Mir: oki
01:23 Mir: sounds fine
01:23 Mir: dq is on you then
01:23 Mir: :D
01:23 Halfslashed: pretty much

Oh boy oh boy is this a unique one. Let's give it a shot. Bubbled!
Lasse is like... super rude, not making me approve the stuff of my mentees. What an evil person, pffff

ok, no, some points I wanted to address mostly from testplay, since it looks fine from editor

04:30:828 (6) - in gameplay this jump felt reaaaally too much compared to the song. We had a sort of peak in intensity with 04:28:157 - this, and as you can see, in comparison with that object we have less intensity overall. What about x184 y208?
04:59:389 (1,2,3,1,2) - I was amazed how this was intuitive in gameplay tbh, gj
On the contrary, I testplayed the map like 3 times and I always tripped on 01:55:691 (2,3) - due to spacing suddenly changing really quickly (I mean, you do it everywhere, but idk why this felt so sudden). Wild suggestion

Btw, I am not a scrub with alternate anymore :^)
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

Lasse is like... super rude, not making me approve the stuff of my mentees. What an evil person, pffffxD

ok, no, some points I wanted to address mostly from testplay, since it looks fine from editor

04:30:828 (6) - in gameplay this jump felt reaaaally too much compared to the song. We had a sort of peak in intensity with 04:28:157 - this, and as you can see, in comparison with that object we have less intensity overall. What about x184 y208?
Agree here that it felt a bit too much, so I reduced the distance but kept the overlap on 7 (would post picture but i think some would call it overlap gore).
04:59:389 (1,2,3,1,2) - I was amazed how this was intuitive in gameplay tbh, gj
On the contrary, I testplayed the map like 3 times and I always tripped on 01:55:691 (2,3) - due to spacing suddenly changing really quickly (I mean, you do it everywhere, but idk why this felt so sudden). Wild suggestion
If I did this I wouldn't get the same effect from the jump to 01:55:999 (4) -, since the suggestion has way more overall playfield usage than my current pattern. Prefer the current pattern and its gameplay effects.

Btw, I am not a scrub with alternate anymore :^)
New alternate champion in the making.
Thanks for the quick check!
rumia bg.jpg

did some last minor hs changes on 05:03:902 (1,1) -
soft-sliderslide6 might get shown as unused, but it's for 04:36:376 -
Hello! here I am to share my thoughts on this. this is mostly player-based, though I might mix up opinions from mapper's perspective too. (it got colorized by blue to understand it easier), (proof that I can play it not too bad.) ignore that I played it offline, I didn't want to be online :/

00:32:985 (7) - First thing I was really curious here, why did you use a 1/8 slider only at here but the rest? I assume it's supposed to follow the piano at 00:33:037 - since in this part a plenty of hi-hats are ignored, accordingly I don't understand why this 1/8 slider was placed here. and so, for people a stream is a bit annoying to read it when it's mixed with 1/4 objects, such as the triplet. I'm not complaining all 1/8s though, streams with 1/8s like 00:14:595 (1,2) - / 00:27:746 (1,2) - still can make sense in mapping aspect, but for 00:32:985 (7) - the sound where sliderend is at has much weaker volume which is quite unnoticeable during playing. if this was totally on purpose I really have no idea why you didn't go the consistent way with the rest. 00:59:389 (1) - I was about to point out this as well but as this is the end of a triplet, was not questionable in comparison.

01:51:787 (8) - This could be placed to a position where 01:51:478 (7) - flows, so this will be less awkward flow yet it doesn't break the concept at all. you were doing this in most of times you have this rhythm I suppose, if you consider it 01:51:787 (8) - this can be softer shape to make the flow more natural.

01:58:054 (7) - Mainly I'm writing this post for this kind of flow. flow on the most of part plays fine, and enjoyable hence there will be sometimes flawed sliders which are being against the flows made with the sliders. I mean, certain players will try to follow sliders (like 1/2s or 1/1 which require you to move cursor a bit) to their end otherwise it hits as a 100 thus you should really care of the flows especially when you're putting a slider with a reverse. I should've pointed out a worse one but this is the first slider I noticed that flow can be a bit better so. raise up the sliderend and so the middle of the slider anchors as well to follow up it to keep the slider shape, why I think this should be so is, the flow 01:57:746 (5,6) - won't be a circular flow so the one I provide can play better. if the flow 01:57:746 (5,6) - was intended to be a circular one the slider shape 01:58:054 (7) - here can work nicely, but at this bpm, that's too much unnecessary movement so for most of players that can play this decent, the cursor will feel a bit of uncomfy at 01:58:054 (7) -. this does nice for 01:58:362 (8) - so definitely worth a shot.

02:00:006 (8) - Oh what's the spacing meant here, I didn't feel really wrong while playing so I just wonder.

02:01:752 (9) - Same as 01:58:054 (7) - I don't think it does need any of explains here.

03:59:698 (7) - This is forcing the cursor movement too much compared to others imo, only reversing its shape in x will be slightly nicer to play but well, I honestly prefer 03:57:951 (6,7) - this kind of flow (easier to understand) for sure lol.

04:11:924 (2,3) - The transition of rhythm all of sudden feels really out of place here, in the editor the sliders with these 1/2 blanks emphasized the strong sound well. although in playing they feel really empty due to the important vocals are skipped. I therefore don't think the rhythm can work pretty good as your rhythm is really relying on the vocals. add a repeat on each sliders to fit your mapping while the sounds can be emphasized by the cursor movement players will have, so my suggestion shouldn't be really bad.

04:15:828 (1,2,3) - I thought a pattern that spacing will be closer gradually to have more clearn pattern which is more comfortable to read, quite personal preference though. (also you see if you watched my replay, I broke combo at here xD)

04:21:068 (7) - Don't you think a flipped slider plays a bit nicer? which means CTRL + J it actually will look cuter as well.

The map was fun to play! and that's why the points I've put above made me feeling a bit lame. perhaps the points look minor or nitpick, but I do think these are quite important in game, as a player so hope you will consider them a bit!

btw diff name made me facepalm
Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

Hello! here I am to share my thoughts on this. this is mostly player-based, though I might mix up opinions from mapper's perspective too. (it got colorized by blue to understand it easier), (proof that I can play it not too bad.) ignore that I played it offline, I didn't want to be online :/

00:32:985 (7) - First thing I was really curious here, why did you use a 1/8 slider only at here but the rest? I assume it's supposed to follow the piano at 00:33:037 - since in this part a plenty of hi-hats are ignored, accordingly I don't understand why this 1/8 slider was placed here. and so, for people a stream is a bit annoying to read it when it's mixed with 1/4 objects, such as the triplet. I'm not complaining all 1/8s though, streams with 1/8s like 00:14:595 (1,2) - / 00:27:746 (1,2) - still can make sense in mapping aspect, but for 00:32:985 (7) - the sound where sliderend is at has much weaker volume which is quite unnoticeable during playing. if this was totally on purpose I really have no idea why you didn't go the consistent way with the rest. 00:59:389 (1) - I was about to point out this as well but as this is the end of a triplet, was not questionable in comparison.
You are correct, I used 1/8 sliders to follow the piano grace notes. The composer doesn't use these grace notes consistently, and I don't like to map 1/8 sliders if there are no grace notes.

01:51:787 (8) - This could be placed to a position where 01:51:478 (7) - flows, so this will be less awkward flow yet it doesn't break the concept at all. you were doing this in most of times you have this rhythm I suppose, if you consider it 01:51:787 (8) - this can be softer shape to make the flow more natural.
Such a placement would result in spacing larger than I would prefer to the next note though, and the flow I currently have is fairly standard in this map.

01:58:054 (7) - Mainly I'm writing this post for this kind of flow. flow on the most of part plays fine, and enjoyable hence there will be sometimes flawed sliders which are being against the flows made with the sliders. I mean, certain players will try to follow sliders (like 1/2s or 1/1 which require you to move cursor a bit) to their end otherwise it hits as a 100 thus you should really care of the flows especially when you're putting a slider with a reverse. I should've pointed out a worse one but this is the first slider I noticed that flow can be a bit better so. raise up the sliderend and so the middle of the slider anchors as well to follow up it to keep the slider shape, why I think this should be so is, the flow 01:57:746 (5,6) - won't be a circular flow so the one I provide can play better. if the flow 01:57:746 (5,6) - was intended to be a circular one the slider shape 01:58:054 (7) - here can work nicely, but at this bpm, that's too much unnecessary movement so for most of players that can play this decent, the cursor will feel a bit of uncomfy at 01:58:054 (7) -. this does nice for 01:58:362 (8) - so definitely worth a shot.
I did find this a bit difficult to understand, but based off of what you said for 02:01:752 (9) - I think you're talking about how the reverse placement is outside of the natural cursor path. This was intentional since in this scenario, there's a relatively important piano beat on 01:58:157 - and other reverses like it. My rhythms in this map are mainly vocal based, but in situations where there is a piano/kick, I try to use uncomfortable movement to highlight those sounds. So while you're correct that rotating this slider would make it easier to hit the reverse, this goes against my intended design.

02:00:006 (8) - Oh what's the spacing meant here, I didn't feel really wrong while playing so I just wonder.
Definitely lower spacing than what I usually do here, but its a compromise for the movement between 02:00:006 (8,1) - which is a nice emphasis for the vocal. I tried finding an alternative placement here that would give me higher spacing while staying with the rest of the design, but couldn't really find one.

02:01:752 (9) - Same as 01:58:054 (7) - I don't think it does need any of explains here.
Explained above.

03:59:698 (7) - This is forcing the cursor movement too much compared to others imo, only reversing its shape in x will be slightly nicer to play but well, I honestly prefer 03:57:951 (6,7) - this kind of flow (easier to understand) for sure lol.
This is unintended variety. As I explained before, I want to use an uncomfortable reverse placement but this isn't even the pattern I use for these vocals.

04:11:924 (2,3) - The transition of rhythm all of sudden feels really out of place here, in the editor the sliders with these 1/2 blanks emphasized the strong sound well. although in playing they feel really empty due to the important vocals are skipped. I therefore don't think the rhythm can work pretty good as your rhythm is really relying on the vocals. add a repeat on each sliders to fit your mapping while the sounds can be emphasized by the cursor movement players will have, so my suggestion shouldn't be really bad.
Actually, though most of my rhythm is vocal based, from 04:10:074 to 04:16:650 I choose to switch to the drums due to the strong impact on song pacing that they have. If I used 1/4 repeats here, I would fit the vocal better at the cost of the impact of the cymbal + snare, since both have sharp impacts. My current 1/4 sliders have a long enough hold that they represent the vocal while still keeping the hold short enough to fit the percussion.

04:15:828 (1,2,3) - I thought a pattern that spacing will be closer gradually to have more clearn pattern which is more comfortable to read, quite personal preference though. (also you see if you watched my replay, I broke combo at here xD)
I prefer my current pattern due to the contrast this creates with the start of the next part of the chorus. A gradual decrease would take away the impact that 04:16:650 (1) - has.

04:21:068 (7) - Don't you think a flipped slider plays a bit nicer? which means CTRL + J it actually will look cuter as well.
A ctrl+j'd slider with the same overlap would cause this slider to be followed more than I would like for the sharp and short vocal though. I think it looks alright, as well.

The map was fun to play! and that's why the points I've put above made me feeling a bit lame. perhaps the points look minor or nitpick, but I do think these are quite important in game, as a player so hope you will consider them a bit!

btw diff name made me facepalm :x
Thanks for your concerns and glad you enjoyed the map! I hope my explanations are sufficient for the points we don't agree on, and I'll request a DQ soon to fix that messed up pattern.
Also damn you're a good player.
Welcome, Okorin 9 messages Search Settings
Confirmed pattern was changed. Looks better now actually, good catch Delis!

If the community member(s) requesting disqualification cannot reach an agreement with the mapper and you placed the last bubble or heart on a map, you cannot rebubble or requalify it.

can you fucking make sure that the community member requesting the dq agrees with the reasoning before doing this? ? ? ??
woops i forgot
oh well, I was kinda getting confusing with "emphasis with uncomfortable flow" part but once it's mapping style, I'm okay with that.

had a short discussion with the mapper and he added a 1/8 slider at 00:31:393 - so now you are free to bubble now?? yeah once she updated it
Nao Tomori

Naotoshi wrote:


Naitoshi wrote:

Okay, I apologize for jumping the gun a second time with this map. :/

Delis wrote:

oh well, I was kinda getting confusing with "emphasis with uncomfortable flow" part but once it's mapping style, I'm okay with that.

had a short discussion with the mapper and he added a 1/8 slider at 00:31:393 - so now you are free to bubble now?? yeah once she updated it
Rebubbling now.
hey guys listen I....

you ain't wrong tho.

Mir is a she.

in some cases and moments.
mir is for sure my favourite e-girl
Murr bubbles the best maps

Lasse wrote:

Congratz Halfslashed :)
dq mod

Top Diff NAme-

uhh theres some blanketing didnt blanket the slider to the hp bar, which is in the ranking criteria.

please un quialiify this map. and give me koodosu thanks.
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