
KOTOKO - One Small Step

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 9:35:04 PM

Artist: KOTOKO
Title: One Small Step
Source: 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム EXTRA1
Tags: aokana sprite ao no kanata four rhythm 川田まみ Kawada Mami 中沢伴行 Nakazawa Tomoyuki Kalibe Asagi
BPM: 160
Filesize: 4530kb
Play Time: 01:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Asagi's Insane (4.32 stars, 373 notes)
  2. Easy (1.39 stars, 123 notes)
  3. Hard (2.99 stars, 277 notes)
  4. Insane (4.17 stars, 350 notes)
  5. Kalibe's Insane (4.3 stars, 421 notes)
  6. Normal (1.99 stars, 193 notes)
Download: KOTOKO - One Small Step
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thanks Enkrypton for the banner!

Higher insane diffs by Kalibe and Asagi
#1 : Nao Tomori
#2 : Pentori


  1. カスタムヒットサウンド0でこのhitsoundはたまげた
  2. どうやら作詞川田まみさんがしてるみたいだから、tagsにkawada mami入れるとより検索に引っかかるかも。どうでもいい提案


  1. 00:01:783 - 緑線いらないかも
  2. 00:18:283 - シンバルすごい嫌なとこあるなぁ。。。このシンバルそんなに大きい音じゃないから、個人的にはやりやすさ重視してこれ無視してメロディーフォローするかな、00:18:845 - を無視してるのもある 01:36:283 - 同じ
  3. 00:42:283 (3) - ちょっとこれ下に下げない?flow的にそのほうがきれいだと思った


  1. 00:01:783 - 緑線いらないかも
  2. 00:55:595 - 拾ってもいいかも?


  1. めっちゃ等間隔やなこのハードwwwwwwwwwww
  2. 01:06:283 (6) - NC入れると見た目は悪くなるがプレイヤー的にはウレシイ


  1. 00:24:095 (5,1) - ハードと同じ音取りのほうが個人的には好きかなぁ、00:24:658 - ここclickableにするとキモチガイイ! 01:42:095 (5,1) - 同じ
  2. 00:58:595 (7) - これサークルで止めたほうが緩急つくからそっちのほうが好き
  3. 01:06:283 (10) - NC入れると見た目悪いけどぷれいy(ry
  4. 01:49:783 (1) - 0k4y 1t'5 r4nk46le s1nce i l0ve c4t f0ever slider tickうるさくね

Topic Starter

joker- wrote:



  1. カスタムヒットサウンド0でこのhitsoundはたまげた sample取るのめんどくさかったのでdefaultでなんとかしました
  2. どうやら作詞川田まみさんがしてるみたいだから、tagsにkawada mami入れるとより検索に引っかかるかも。どうでもいい提案 いいね


  1. 00:01:783 - 緑線いらないかも
  2. 00:18:283 - シンバルすごい嫌なとこあるなぁ。。。このシンバルそんなに大きい音じゃないから、個人的にはやりやすさ重視してこれ無視してメロディーフォローするかな、00:18:845 - を無視してるのもある 01:36:283 - 同じですよね~・・・直しました
  3. 00:42:283 (3) - ちょっとこれ下に下げない?flow的にそのほうがきれいだと思った 下してみた


  1. 00:01:783 - 緑線いらないかも イエス
  2. 00:55:595 - 拾ってもいいかも?ok


  1. めっちゃ等間隔やなこのハードwwwwwwwwwww ハードでどう飛ばすか分からんwwwwww
  2. 01:06:283 (6) - NC入れると見た目は悪くなるがプレイヤー的にはウレシイ この後結構長い時間オブジェクトが無いからセーフだと思います


  1. 00:24:095 (5,1) - ハードと同じ音取りのほうが個人的には好きかなぁ、00:24:658 - ここclickableにするとキモチガイイ! 01:42:095 (5,1) - 同じ 二つとも直しました
  2. 00:58:595 (7) - これサークルで止めたほうが緩急つくからそっちのほうが好き 00:58:220 (4,5) - からの勢いでサークル置きづらくなってしまいました・・・
  3. 01:06:283 (10) - NC入れると見た目悪いけどぷれいy(ry ハードと同じでしゅ
  4. 01:49:783 (1) - 0k4y 1t'5 r4nk46le s1nce i l0ve c4t f0ever slider tickうるさくね y3sZxc I k!nD4 aGr3e aB0uT tH3 sLiDrt!icK sO i d3c1d3d t0 r3dUc3 tH3 v0LuM3 oN sLidErt!icK bUt 20% sH0ulD bE mIniMuM fOr tHeiR RaNKiNg cRiTEriA tH!nqY なんかすまん

A s h e m u
背景がシコい +114514kds

  1. 01:34:783 (1) - 折り返しの方がやりやすそう
    大きく変わっちゃうのでNo changeでもいい…けどなんかこの後の2と3の空白でくぅ~ん…ってなってしまう
    01:40:783 (1,2,3) - こっちの流れと差異を作ったのかな?一緒でも良さそうです!!!!!


  1. 00:04:783 (6) - 白線までの方がやりやすそう

  2. その他の部分ぜんぶふつくしい…見てて逆に勉強させてもらいました thanks Akitoshi


  • どこかに強弱をつけるSnapが欲しいなと思ったけどどこに入れたらええんやろか(池沼)
  1. 00:55:408 (3,4) - ここx2.0あってもいいかも

  2. 01:48:095 (1) - 新婚の姑も見逃さないであろうBlanket

  1. 01:06:095 (8,9,10) - 01:04:783 (1) のとこにあった方が次のサビの流れがより下にあるように見えて良さそう
    見た目的に今の位置にあるのはとてもわかりて きれい!

  2. 01:13:783 (1,2,3,4) - プレイしててかなり退屈な流れだったからなんか変化が欲しいところ…
  3. 01:15:283 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  4. 01:21:283 (1,2,3,4) - ^

  5. 01:49:783 (1) - なにこれくっそ可愛い
Topic Starter

A s h e m u wrote:

背景がシコい +114514kds キタナイ

  1. 01:34:783 (1) - 折り返しの方がやりやすそう
    大きく変わっちゃうのでNo changeでもいい…けどなんかこの後の2と3の空白でくぅ~ん…ってなってしまう 違う風に直しました
    01:40:783 (1,2,3) - こっちの流れと差異を作ったのかな?一緒でも良さそうです!!!!! わかりゅ

    kanpeki inmu

  1. 00:04:783 (6) - 白線までの方がやりやすそう これだけど楽器ちゃんっと鳴ってるからだいじょーぶだいじょーぶ(適当)

  2. その他の部分ぜんぶふつくしい…見てて逆に勉強させてもらいました thanks Akitoshi ンァー!


  • どこかに強弱をつけるSnapが欲しいなと思ったけどどこに入れたらええんやろか(池沼) 俺にも分からない()
  1. 00:55:408 (3,4) - ここx2.0あってもいいかも 1と2を広げました

  2. 01:48:095 (1) - 新婚の姑も見逃さないであろうBlanket w

  1. 01:06:095 (8,9,10) - 01:04:783 (1) のとこにあった方が次のサビの流れがより下にあるように見えて良さそう
    見た目的に今の位置にあるのはとてもわかりて きれい!これだけど01:04:783 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - がピラミッドだから困るw

  2. 01:13:783 (1,2,3,4) - プレイしててかなり退屈な流れだったからなんか変化が欲しいところ… ちょっと広げてみた
  3. 01:15:283 (1,2,3,4) - ^ こっちはそのままでいいかも
  4. 01:21:283 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ちょっと変えた

  5. 01:49:783 (1) - なにこれくっそ可愛い 落書きすみませんでした
見てもらいたい譜面やGD Reqなどあったら教えてください!
Fu Xuan

  1. 00:16:033 (3) - 時計回りに45°回転させてスタック1にする
  2. 00:19:783 (1,2) - 毛布
  3. 00:24:095 (3) - ctrl j? スライダ本体の流れ
  4. 00:40:033 (3) - ^
  5. 00:48:283 (2) - たぶんこれをフローのために1の最後に移動してください
  6. 01:01:783 (1) - ^
  7. 01:36:283 (3) - 私はこれがリズムから外れていると思う?
  8. 01:40:033 (3) - 最初の点と同じ

  1. 00:36:283 (2) - たぶんこれをフローのために1の最後に移動してください
  2. 01:01:783 (1,2) - 多分それらを平行にする
  3. 01:22:033 (6,1) - ^

  1. 00:20:533 (3) - 多分スライドの端をここに積み重ねますか? 00:19:033 (3) -
  2. 00:25:783 (1,2) - 多分それらを平行にする
  3. 00:35:908 (3,1) - 毛布
  4. 00:45:845 (3,4) - 毛布
  5. 00:50:533 (3,1) - 毛布
  6. 00:59:158 (1,1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない
  7. 01:10:033 (3,1) - ^
  8. 01:14:908 (4,1) - 毛布
  9. 01:17:908 (4) - 多分それをここに積み重ねますか? 01:16:408 (4) -
  10. 01:21:283 (1,3) - 正しく積み重ねられていない

  1. 00:25:783 (1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない 00:24:658 (2) -
  2. 00:39:095 (1,2) - 毛布
  3. 00:47:345 (2,1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない
  4. 01:49:783 (1) - すごいい です
Topic Starter

-Aqua wrote:


  1. 00:16:033 (3) - 時計回りに45°回転させてスタック1にする nej
  2. 00:19:783 (1,2) - 毛布 its alr polished w
  3. 00:24:095 (3) - ctrl j? スライダ本体の流れ i luv anti flow
  4. 00:40:033 (3) - ^ d
  5. 00:48:283 (2) - たぶんこれをフローのために1の最後に移動してください rotated a bit
  6. 01:01:783 (1) - ^ nej
  7. 01:36:283 (3) - 私はこれがリズムから外れていると思う? nah there's a vocal
  8. 01:40:033 (3) - 最初の点と同じ nej

  1. 00:36:283 (2) - たぶんこれをフローのために1の最後に移動してください its fine already as there's ez anywya
  2. 01:01:783 (1,2) - 多分それらを平行にする they are
  3. 01:22:033 (6,1) - ^ same, I double-checked the area

  1. 00:20:533 (3) - 多分スライドの端をここに積み重ねますか? 00:19:033 (3) - yes
  2. 00:25:783 (1,2) - 多分それらを平行にする ok
  3. 00:35:908 (3,1) - 毛布
  4. 00:45:845 (3,4) - 毛布
  5. 00:50:533 (3,1) - 毛布 fxd all i guess
  6. 00:59:158 (1,1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない it is
  7. 01:10:033 (3,1) - ^ d
  8. 01:14:908 (4,1) - 毛布
  9. 01:17:908 (4) - 多分それをここに積み重ねますか? 01:16:408 (4) - they have different shape so ye
  10. 01:21:283 (1,3) - 正しく積み重ねられていない blame peppy

  1. 00:25:783 (1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない 00:24:658 (2) - ah
  2. 00:39:095 (1,2) - 毛布 its polished enuf
  3. 00:47:345 (2,1) - 正しく積み重ねられていない d
  4. 01:49:783 (1) - すごいい です luh
arigathanks gozaimuch
m4m (wow fast mod, thanks)
sorry i don't know nihonese

why are the circles so close together aaaa
just bumping the sv to like 0.85 would make it look much better and only increase star rating by ~0.05-0.1
00:42:283 (3) - rotate a bit counterclockwise?
01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - I think it’s better if this were replaced with just 2/1 circles (but keeping (4))
I suck at easies :(

normal mapper lol
00:12:845 (6) - much less confusing if you start this 1/2 beat later
00:32:533 (2,3,4) - imo this rhythm is bad; I think this one is better but I’m not sure if it’s also shit lol

01:04:783 (1) - this doesn’t fit lol, do 2 sliders or 4 circles or something

00:54:283 (1,2,3,4) - pls you had a big jump at 00:30:658 (2,3) - and this is just as intense
01:16:783 (1,2,3,4) - looks bad partly because all 4 slidershapes are the same; maybe make two of them straight like this:

00:15:658 (2,3,4) - this is the only time you have a stacked back-and-forth jump like this; I think you should use it more often, particularly 00:21:658 (2,3,4) - since it’s the same
00:34:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - and the other one: is this supposed to be consistent antiflow, because some of them are flowy instead
00:55:408 (1,2) - I know you want stacks but I still think somehow increasing this spacing would be good
00:57:095 (1) - increase spacing too like 01:00:095 (1) -
nothing for kiai except imo bursts look kind of bad (?)

wow nice mapset, especially insane is fun to play on dt
good luck!
Topic Starter

vekt0r wrote:

why are the circles so close together aaaa not really, isn't this the appropriate spacing anyway?
just bumping the sv to like 0.85 would make it look much better and only increase star rating by ~0.05-0.1 I don't have any reason to increase my SR so no thanks
00:42:283 (3) - rotate a bit counterclockwise? did sth else
01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - I think it’s better if this were replaced with just 2/1 circles (but keeping (4)) instruments have some 1/2 rhythm so it's the natural rhythm for this part imo
I suck at easies :( same

normal mapper lol z
00:12:845 (6) - much less confusing if you start this 1/2 beat later tried but i prefer the current rhythm pick
00:32:533 (2,3,4) - imo this rhythm is bad; I think this one is better but I’m not sure if it’s also shit lol uh 00:33:095 (3) - is for held sound from vocals, then I extended to 3/2 cuz it's not intense yet

01:04:783 (1) - this doesn’t fit lol, do 2 sliders or 4 circles or something it does

00:54:283 (1,2,3,4) - pls you had a big jump at 00:30:658 (2,3) - and this is just as intense but i have already larger DS here tho
01:16:783 (1,2,3,4) - looks bad partly because all 4 slidershapes are the same; maybe make two of them straight like this: own objective sense : Having same shape sliders on this and related vocals with same slidershapes

00:15:658 (2,3,4) - this is the only time you have a stacked back-and-forth jump like this; I think you should use it more often, particularly 00:21:658 (2,3,4) - since it’s the same variation for high diff, rhythm and spacing is somewhat consistent anyway so it's safe i guess
00:34:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - and the other one: is this supposed to be consistent antiflow, because some of them are flowy instead vocals are fading so I made it different flow on each sections.
00:55:408 (1,2) - I know you want stacks but I still think somehow increasing this spacing would be good increasing the spacing will ruin the whole structure 00:54:283 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) -
00:57:095 (1) - increase spacing too like 01:00:095 (1) - I have enough spacing there, also I made the 2nd one a bit larger cuz of pitch change
nothing for kiai except imo bursts look kind of bad (?) would you mind explaining what is "look kind of bad" on my kiai?

wow nice mapset, especially insane is fun to play on dt
good luck!
thanks !
noob mod :3


i think you need some better hitsounds, default hitsounds like soft-finish sounds no good

01:28:783 - i think kiai time should end at this place because vocal in chorus is end


ar8.3 a little slow? 8.5 or 9 is good with this bpm

00:06:845 (1) - use 1/2 reverse slider to instead that? guitar's tone has changed at 00:07:033 - , if you think this bent slider's shape can reflect this tone's change nicely, just ignore this advice

00:11:533 - from this place, volume has been louder and louder until 00:13:783 - , use more green line to adjust this part's volume, it can reflect volume's change better

00:58:783 - this place is not nothing like you do, i think it should be a 5 note 1/4 stream or 1/4 reverse slider, maybe this place is lighter than before, but at least it should not be blank

01:06:283 (10) - nc?

01:07:033 - you can add a 1/8 reverse slider


00:42:283 (1,2) - use 1/2 reverse slider? 00:42:470 - 00:43:033 - this two place is not blank, and two 1/1 sliders in this rhythm, in this hard diff is not concentrated enough, 00:54:283 (1,2) - this two is good

01:01:220 (4) - add two circles at 01:01:220 - 01:01:408 - ?

good luck1
Topic Starter

Speechless wrote:

noob mod :3


i think you need some better hitsounds, default hitsounds like soft-finish sounds no good default softfinish is kinda similar with the audio itself so maybe not, gonna hear more opinions though

01:28:783 - i think kiai time should end at this place because vocal in chorus is end but the intense instrument isn't ended yet ;3


ar8.3 a little slow? 8.5 or 9 is good with this bpm 8.5

00:06:845 (1) - use 1/2 reverse slider to instead that? guitar's tone has changed at 00:07:033 - , if you think this bent slider's shape can reflect this tone's change nicely, just ignore this advice yea that's why i used wave slider here w

00:11:533 - from this place, volume has been louder and louder until 00:13:783 - , use more green line to adjust this part's volume, it can reflect volume's change better applied

00:58:783 - this place is not nothing like you do, i think it should be a 5 note 1/4 stream or 1/4 reverse slider, maybe this place is lighter than before, but at least it should not be blank ok

01:06:283 (10) - nc? not necessary at this point as there's short pause till the next object

01:07:033 - you can add a 1/8 reverse slider i prefer to make it simple w


00:42:283 (1,2) - use 1/2 reverse slider? 00:42:470 - 00:43:033 - this two place is not blank, and two 1/1 sliders in this rhythm, in this hard diff is not concentrated enough, 00:54:283 (1,2) - this two is good i intended to extend them as 1/1 cuz of that 00:54:283 (1,2) - so this reverse can highlight more as getting more intense

01:01:220 (4) - add two circles at 01:01:220 - 01:01:408 - ? 1/4 reverse suits better here for short pause

good luck1
Sakurauchi Riko
hi, me mod

00:04:220 (4,1) - not sure if a triplet itself justifies a DS increase, 00:04:595 (1) - alone sounds the same as 00:04:220 - in the music, so imo there shouldnt be ds increase. 00:10:220 (4,1) - this has a bit less DS, either make it with your default DS or increase it for both with same amount, imo these should be consistent in the intro
00:05:158 (4) - and 00:02:158 (2) - represent the exact same sound, but you use different DS here. 00:08:158 (2) - this is also same as these two, so i'd just make 00:05:158 (4) - same DS like the others to be consistent
00:19:408 (4,1) - distance between those should be higher than the distance right before at 00:18:845 (2,3) - since the downbeat is much stronger sound than 00:19:033 (3) -
01:14:908 (4) - looks a bit out of place because visual spacing between objects are a bit off there, should be a bit more downward to fix the pattern (nazi)
01:13:783 (1,1) - stack this eventually for better structure
01:36:470 - you skip a sound here, that only happens here at that 1/1 slider if im not mistaken, reverse 1/2 slider would fix it eventually
no spinner sucks, but i would keep the slider at the end whatsoever, so... xD

01:36:470 - same as in insane, im not a fan of skipping this sound as it marks "a fundamental change" in the music and you notice it 100%
so clean, really good hard nothing to complain here

00:34:783 (1,1) - stack maybe for more structure
01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - this rather reminds me of an Easy difficulty, I know you want to avoid long train of 1/2 snaps but at the same time it feels really missplaced ignoring all the strong sound. Imo the stronger sound should be mapped to be really straigthforward - so i would map the sounds on the red ticks and skip some white ticks as they are not as strong as the red tick sounds - something like would fit great imo

nothing to complain here, right as i expected. Just 01:24:283 (3) - this slidershape really feels apart, this is literally the only straight-curved combination in the whole diff, so it feels pretty unneccessary imo

neat work, hope you could find something useful :)
Best of Luck!
Topic Starter

Sakurauchi Riko wrote:

hi, me mod

00:04:220 (4,1) - not sure if a triplet itself justifies a DS increase, 00:04:595 (1) - alone sounds the same as 00:04:220 - in the music, so imo there shouldnt be ds increase. 00:10:220 (4,1) - this has a bit less DS, either make it with your default DS or increase it for both with same amount, imo these should be consistent in the intro o yeah
00:05:158 (4) - and 00:02:158 (2) - represent the exact same sound, but you use different DS here. 00:08:158 (2) - this is also same as these two, so i'd just make 00:05:158 (4) - same DS like the others to be consistent ds is different but playability itself isn't made almost any difference as 00:04:783 (3) - is slider
00:19:408 (4,1) - distance between those should be higher than the distance right before at 00:18:845 (2,3) - since the downbeat is much stronger sound than 00:19:033 (3) - yes
01:14:908 (4) - looks a bit out of place because visual spacing between objects are a bit off there, should be a bit more downward to fix the pattern (nazi) tried
01:13:783 (1,1) - stack this eventually for better structure yes
01:36:470 - you skip a sound here, that only happens here at that 1/1 slider if im not mistaken, reverse 1/2 slider would fix it eventually prioritizing the impact of finish sound, same as 00:18:283 (1) -
no spinner sucks, but i would keep the slider at the end whatsoever, so... xD top 50 scores will be full HDDT SS with same score would be nice w

01:36:470 - same as in insane, im not a fan of skipping this sound as it marks "a fundamental change" in the music and you notice it 100% yehaj i skipping sound but i want to somewhat consistent in term of smoothness with other similar parts around there
so clean, really good hard nothing to complain here

00:34:783 (1,1) - stack maybe for more structure oh crap
01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - this rather reminds me of an Easy difficulty, I know you want to avoid long train of 1/2 snaps but at the same time it feels really missplaced ignoring all the strong sound. Imo the stronger sound should be mapped to be really straigthforward - so i would map the sounds on the red ticks and skip some white ticks as they are not as strong as the red tick sounds - something like would fit great imo that might be great but using reverses on this part might be harder to read the rhythm tbh, gonna hear more opinions thoough

nothing to complain here, right as i expected. Just 01:24:283 (3) - this slidershape really feels apart, this is literally the only straight-curved combination in the whole diff, so it feels pretty unneccessary imo removed any curves and now it's straight w

neat work, hope you could find something useful :)
Best of Luck!
thank you!
i hope you'll return on mapping world someday too
try ko lang

tagalog nalang ako
japanese ka naman eh

00:10:783 (1) - dalawang circle na naka stack? bakit? di ko din alam
00:52:783 (1) - ilayo mo sa (4)? para mas masarap tamaan?
01:23:533 (4) - 01:23:908 (5) - gawin mong dalawang circle na naka stack para parehas dito ? 01:20:533 (3,4) - 01:20:908 (5,6) - tapos gawin mo itong 1/2 slider 01:23:158 (2,3) - ???????????
01:30:845 (4,5,6,7,1) - gawin mong ganito? para may unting talon papunta rito 01:31:783 (1) - ?

00:30:751 - note dito?
01:31:408 (3) - gawin mong 7/8 slider?
01:48:751 - note din dito

gusto ko lang naman gumaling sa pag mod eh :(
good luck sayo kaibigan

this is my kat
From #modreqs

  1. 00:18:283 (1,2) - ちょい違和感。00:18:658 - の音って他では全てクリックできる配置にしてるのに、ここだけslider-endにしてる為と思われる。単純だけど1/2slider×2でも良い気がする。変更ならここも 01:36:283 (1,2) -
  2. 00:25:033 (3) - 他で拾ってるシンセ音がここは無いからトリプルでもokだと思う
  3. 00:25:783 (1) - insaneだし1/2のサークル×3が良いと思います 00:28:783 (1) - 01:43:783 (1) - 01:46:783 (1) - 同じ
  4. 00:27:845 (3) - ここもなんかぬるい気が、、こんなんどう? 01:45:845 (3) - 同じ
  5. 01:05:532 (5) - stack絡んでるしncあってもいいかな
  6. 01:07:220 (1) - これ 01:07:033 - こっからじゃない?

  1. 00:03:658 (3) - こっちのほうが自然じゃない?
  2. 00:19:783 (1,2) - シンセ音は 00:19:970 - から始まってるからctrl+Gでもよくないかい?まーこれはどっちでも。変更したらこっちも 01:37:783 (1,2) -

  1. 00:11:908 (3,4,5,6) - 今までは00:08:158 (2,3,4) - のような赤線リズムで取ってるのに、まだ同じ音鳴ってるこの場面で白線サークルは困惑。また、00:12:845 (6) - のendは赤線より白線のほうが音目立ってると思うんやけど?try this
  2. 00:41:908 (3) - 1/2sliderでvocal followは楽しい
  3. 00:46:033 (4) - 上と同じ理由で1/2伸ばしてから00:45:845 - に移動
  4. 01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - kiaiの最後だし多少むずくてもいいとおも try this
Topic Starter

Shishou wrote:

try ko lang

tagalog nalang ako
japanese ka naman eh

00:10:783 (1) - dalawang circle na naka stack? bakit? di ko din alam awkward play after 00:10:595 (5) -
00:52:783 (1) - ilayo mo sa (4)? para mas masarap tamaan? yes
01:23:533 (4) - 01:23:908 (5) - gawin mong dalawang circle na naka stack para parehas dito ? 01:20:533 (3,4) - 01:20:908 (5,6) - tapos gawin mo itong 1/2 slider 01:23:158 (2,3) - ??????????? changed only 4 as im following vocal rhythm
01:30:845 (4,5,6,7,1) - gawin mong ganito? para may unting talon papunta rito 01:31:783 (1) - ? no thx w

00:30:751 - note dito? kk
01:31:408 (3) - gawin mong 7/8 slider? no
01:48:751 - note din dito kk

gusto ko lang naman gumaling sa pag mod eh :(
good luck sayo kaibigan
salamat bby

kunka wrote:

From #modreqs

  1. 00:18:283 (1,2) - ちょい違和感。00:18:658 - の音って他では全てクリックできる配置にしてるのに、ここだけslider-endにしてる為と思われる。単純だけど1/2slider×2でも良い気がする。変更ならここも 01:36:283 (1,2) - おっけー
  2. 00:25:033 (3) - 他で拾ってるシンセ音がここは無いからトリプルでもokだと思う やってみました
  3. 00:25:783 (1) - insaneだし1/2のサークル×3が良いと思います 00:28:783 (1) - 01:43:783 (1) - 01:46:783 (1) - 同じ スムーズさを見せたかったけどおっけー
  4. 00:27:845 (3) - ここもなんかぬるい気が、、こんなんどう? 01:45:845 (3) - 同じ そのすぐ先に連打あるのでこのままにしておきます
  5. 01:05:532 (5) - stack絡んでるしncあってもいいかな 違うかんじでNC入れてみた
  6. 01:07:220 (1) - これ 01:07:033 - こっからじゃない?フルボリュームでスローモーまで入れて聞いてみたけどここからだと微妙だったからまた突っ込まれたら変えてみます

  1. 00:03:658 (3) - こっちのほうが自然じゃない? はい
  2. 00:19:783 (1,2) - シンセ音は 00:19:970 - から始まってるからctrl+Gでもよくないかい?まーこれはどっちでも。変更したらこっちも 01:37:783 (1,2) - 今の方がもっと自然に叩けるので今の所はkeep

  1. 00:11:908 (3,4,5,6) - 今までは00:08:158 (2,3,4) - のような赤線リズムで取ってるのに、まだ同じ音鳴ってるこの場面で白線サークルは困惑。また、00:12:845 (6) - のendは赤線より白線のほうが音目立ってると思うんやけど?try this ここからちゃんとドラムが鳴ってるからリズム変えしてもいいと思うな~
  2. 00:41:908 (3) - 1/2sliderでvocal followは楽しい なる
  3. 00:46:033 (4) - 上と同じ理由で1/2伸ばしてから00:45:845 - に移動 あい
  4. 01:28:783 (1,2,3,4) - kiaiの最後だし多少むずくてもいいとおも try thisそこまで激しくないけどサークルちょこちょこ入れました
gdなど見てもらいたい譜面などあったら気軽に声かけてください :D

Did a quick look through in the editor:

  1. 00:07:408 (2,3,1) - Even though it says all of them are 1.5x DS because of the SV change, it doesn't look too good when the triangle shape looks scewed like that. Consider moving 00:07:595 (3) - to around 238;130.
  2. 00:45:095 (1) - Make this look nicer? xd Try moving the 2nd anchor point to 359;218.
  3. 01:07:220 (1) - The sound this thing is following actually begins at 01:07:033 - . Makes timing it easier as well since you get a full 2/1 beat instead of it being on a red tick as well.
  4. 01:12:283 (1,2,3,8) - You should first make the hexagon shape with (8), and then stack (1,2,3) on top of (8), so that the bottom part of the stack and (8) line up properly with the hexagon, rather than the top portion of the stack.
  5. 01:13:783 (1,2,3,4) - Rotate this by 8 degrees, then re-stack the end of 01:14:158 (2) - with 01:12:658 (4) - , so the start of (2) ends up in the middle of 01:12:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
  6. 01:43:408 (4,5,6,7,1) - Fix this curve a bit. The first 3 notes are fairly straight compared to the curve for the last 3 notes.
  7. 01:49:783 (1) - yes. Also add a whistle on the sliderstart?
Okay I'm too lazy to look at the other diffs, gl xd.
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:


Did a quick look through in the editor:

  1. 00:07:408 (2,3,1) - Even though it says all of them are 1.5x DS because of the SV change, it doesn't look too good when the triangle shape looks scewed like that. Consider moving 00:07:595 (3) - to around 238;130. fixed
  2. 00:45:095 (1) - Make this look nicer? xd Try moving the 2nd anchor point to 359;218. i did other style of wave then lul
  3. 01:07:220 (1) - The sound this thing is following actually begins at 01:07:033 - . Makes timing it easier as well since you get a full 2/1 beat instead of it being on a red tick as well. since kunka pointed this as well so ye fixed now
  4. 01:12:283 (1,2,3,8) - You should first make the hexagon shape with (8), and then stack (1,2,3) on top of (8), so that the bottom part of the stack and (8) line up properly with the hexagon, rather than the top portion of the stack. ok
  5. 01:13:783 (1,2,3,4) - Rotate this by 8 degrees, then re-stack the end of 01:14:158 (2) - with 01:12:658 (4) - , so the start of (2) ends up in the middle of 01:12:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i hope i did it right
  6. 01:43:408 (4,5,6,7,1) - Fix this curve a bit. The first 3 notes are fairly straight compared to the curve for the last 3 notes. i have bad sight w
  7. 01:49:783 (1) - yes. Also add a whistle on the sliderstart? sure
Okay I'm too lazy to look at the other diffs, gl xd.
thank you! :D
Hello from #modreqs :33

00:54:658 (3,1) - A bit excesive for an insane diff.
00:55:220 (3,1) - Same ^
00:05:158 (4) - Suggestion: You could add a red point to the slider to make it similar to the other ones with the same concept:
00:02:158 (2) - , 00:08:158 (2) - , 00:11:158 (4) -
01:07:033 (1) - I can't hear any sound to map this, unless I delete that slider. Maybe it's because the hitsound volume :thinking:
01:20:533 (3,4,5,6) - Nothing to enphasize. Consider reducing the spacing.
01:49:783 (1) - AWW CUTE >w< XD

Nice map! :D Good luck on it throught the Ranking Criteria :3

Edit: I messed up with the Font size xd
where are the lolis
Topic Starter

CutEddie wrote:

Hello from #modreqs :33

00:54:658 (3,1) - A bit excesive for an insane diff. bpm is low-average so it should be fine w
00:55:220 (3,1) - Same ^ ^
00:05:158 (4) - Suggestion: You could add a red point to the slider to make it similar to the other ones with the same concept:
00:02:158 (2) - , 00:08:158 (2) - , 00:11:158 (4) - oh yeah nice
01:07:033 (1) - I can't hear any sound to map this, unless I delete that slider. Maybe it's because the hitsound volume :thinking: actually the sound exists if your volume is max (rip ear if u didn't pause on kiai tho lul)
01:20:533 (3,4,5,6) - Nothing to enphasize. Consider reducing the spacing. reduced 5,6 a bit
01:49:783 (1) - AWW CUTE >w< XD [/color]

Nice map! :D Good luck on it throught the Ranking Criteria :3

Edit: I messed up with the Font size xd
thank you! :)

Kyuukai wrote:

where are the lolis
in my d storage
I think the CS might be a little too low for the Hard and Normal. Increasing them both by 0.2 would be reasonable. I think the offset is a little off. It should probably be 1802.
You may want to consider using a blue with more green in it for combo color 3, its kinda ugly being a pure (0,0,255) RGB blue.
I think the spinner at the end should end at around 01:55:792 (time isn't exact since offset is off) it should be about half a beat later?
Cute map. c:
Overall for combo colors using more vibrant colors would really liven the map up since its not supposed to be a very bleak map. Use a pink combo color, a lighter yellow, and maybe just replace the depressing green-brown entirely.
Topic Starter

tatatat wrote:

I think the CS might be a little too low for the Hard and Normal. Increasing them both by 0.2 would be reasonable. I think the offset is a little off. It should probably be 1802. CS will be fine as it's on a range of 3~4. Also about the offset, I tried with 1802 but they seems really late ;3
You may want to consider using a blue with more green in it for combo color 3, its kinda ugly being a pure (0,0,255) RGB blue. ye changed
I think the spinner at the end should end at around 01:55:792 (time isn't exact since offset is off) it should be about half a beat later? actual guitar ends at red tick, that 1/2 is a quick fade-out sound
Cute map. c:
Overall for combo colors using more vibrant colors would really liven the map up since its not supposed to be a very bleak map. Use a pink combo color, a lighter yellow, and maybe just replace the depressing green-brown entirely. light yellow, green-brown and pink isn't fitting with the character at all.
Blues are for the sky, brown for her hair color and yellow is for the theme itself of the light novel since it's happens in summer (yes it's sunflower that doesn't even exist on the background but her pencil case and necktie might at least makes sense lu)

  1. 01:25:408 (3,1) - if you want to use 1.7 to emphasis that finish, you should set 1.7 01:13:595 (7,1) - here too.
  1. 00:31:783 (1,2,3,4) - how about change beat like 00:43:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - here? I think second is more fit with song
  2. 00:27:095 (3,4) - 01:07:783 (1,2) - 01:09:283 (4,5) - 01:10:783 (1,2) - 01:22:783 (1,2) - 01:28:783 (1,2) - 01:30:283 (4,5) - distance error? why you used 1.1 and 0.9?
Topic Starter

UnLock- wrote:


  1. 01:25:408 (3,1) - if you want to use 1.7 to emphasis that finish, you should set 1.7 01:13:595 (7,1) - here too.
  1. 00:31:783 (1,2,3,4) - how about change beat like 00:43:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - here? I think second is more fit with song
  2. 00:27:095 (3,4) - 01:07:783 (1,2) - 01:09:283 (4,5) - 01:10:783 (1,2) - 01:22:783 (1,2) - 01:28:783 (1,2) - 01:30:283 (4,5) - distance error? why you used 1.1 and 0.9? changing DS for stackings
no reply = fixed, thank you!
hi .. thanks for the mod btw :)

Kalibe's Insane

00:06:470 (1,2,3) - this one move a bit down.. so it will balnket the slider nicely
00:14:533 (4,1) - blanket this? just curve 00:14:533 (4) - this one
00:17:345 (2,3) - that little curve is unnecessary.. just make it straight
00:30:095 (1) - ^
00:33:845 (3) - curve this more .. so it will blanket with the hit circle nicely
00:35:345 (3,4,5) - same as 00:17:345 (2,3) - .. i dont see the point making just very small curve tho
00:45:845 (4) - move this one a little bit back
01:11:720 (2,3,4) - can be better balnket
01:11:720 (2,3,4) - too many slider shape .. look messy.. make this two slider the same ..replace one .. pick between this one 01:14:533 (4) - or 01:14:908 (5) -
01:19:595 (10) - NC
01:19:783 (1) - remove nc
01:20:158 (2) - NC
01:20:158 (2,3) - blanket this


00:01:783 (1,2) - better flow this way
00:07:783 (1,2) - ^ same
00:22:408 (5) - end the slider here 00:22:408 (5) - is enough
00:26:158 (2,3) - blanket this
00:45:658 (2,3) - i think better move this two here
01:10:033 (3,4) - blanket this
01:35:720 (4,1) - ^
01:42:095 (1) - this slider shape is unneccessary cuz there is noting to be balnket down slider .. make it like this 01:47:345 (3) - or anything in your mind

that all, goodluck :)
Topic Starter

YukiZura- wrote:


00:01:783 (1,2) - better flow this way i prefer overlaps w
00:07:783 (1,2) - ^ same ^same as it doesn't rly break the flow on play
00:22:408 (5) - end the slider here 00:22:408 (5) - is enough there's a held sound vocal so ye 3/4 will be fine
00:26:158 (2,3) - blanket this blanket on slight curved slider xDdD
00:45:658 (2,3) - i think better move this two here 2 is normal sample so i don't think that emphasizes right with that placement tbh
01:10:033 (3,4) - blanket this ok
01:35:720 (4,1) - ^ nej
01:42:095 (1) - this slider shape is unneccessary cuz there is noting to be balnket down slider .. make it like this 01:47:345 (3) - or anything in your mind ok

that all, goodluck :)
eroge is erobae
-01:49:783 (1) - maybe add timing points for decreasing volume
-asagi's diff doesnt line up with the ending time with everyone else's
00:13:783 (1) - curve this maybe since in the notes before, u used only straight 1/1 sliders so maybe curve it like 00:16:033 (3) - to show going in to new section of the music and for pattern with 00:16:033 (3) -
00:44:533 (2,1,2) - owo, thought 2 and 1 were just flipped versions of each other since that's what it looked like but they're not. looks really off, just rotate 00:44:533 (2) - in to where u would want it to be. or if u don't wanna do that, u can just have it become patterns with 00:48:283 (2) -
01:13:033 (4) - missing a hit sound, maybe hit sound it like 01:12:283 (3) - since they're relatively the same sound
00:55:408 (3,4) - waaayy to close for me, maybe u were aiming for that antijump thing but doesnt really work imo since u had a greater ds to emphasise points like 00:30:658 (2,3) - 01:48:658 (2,3) -. they're also same sound, but if u wanna keep it in for variation go for it, just doesn't work imo
other than that pretty lit diff : ok_hand:
00:36:283 (1,2) - ooo, same sound as 00:34:783 (1,2) - but different shapes/patterns :(
01:01:408 (6,7) - maybe rotate 7 to the right side of 6 to continue the counterclockwise flow, which then emphasises 01:01:783 (1) - with the anti flow thing on the downbeat
01:04:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - nice t r i a n g l e s
00:26:158 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - why flow change :( doesn't seem any reason in music for it, nothing new.u can just ctrl+g 00:26:720 (5,6) -
01:02:908 (5,6) - u can make this a slider with 01:03:095 (6) - being weaker than 01:02:908 (5) -, which imply's their the same lvl of intensity
01:30:845 (1,2,3) - make this same as 01:29:345 (1,2,3) - 01:30:095 (1,2,3) - , ik its probably for emphasis to 01:31:408 (1) -, but u cant really change up the pattern when the song really hasn't made a notable change. u can always space 01:31:408 (1) - more for the emphasis

i see the kiai in the map :eyes:
00:15:658 (2) - ctrl+g this for better flow imo
nice diff

akitoshi's normal meme is too good for me :c

very nice set, hope the mod helps ! :D
im bad modder
Hello from modrequest channel, from chat :D
M4M Mod


00:04:783 (1) - I would remove this circle, because there isn't any really loud beat at this point, after that ofc new combo here 00:05:158 (2) -
00:10:783 (1) - Same thing here, and new combo here 00:11:158 (2) -
00:11:908 (3) - Remove this circle
00:12:283 (4) - This circle
00:12:658 (5) - And this circle
00:12:095 (4) - But put here a new circle
00:12:470 (4) - And here a new circle

00:33:095 (3) - Make this slider 1/2 beat shorter, so the end is at 00:33:470 (4) -
00:33:845 (4) - Delete this slider and
00:33:658 (4) - Add here a short 1/2 slider
00:34:033 (5) - And here a normal 1 beat slider.
So it should like this at the part:

The rest seems good to me.


Just one thing i would change:
00:58:408 (5) - This slider is kinda strange for me, maybe you should add 1 or 2 more reverse arrows to that or replace it with a short 1/2 beat slider.


For now:
00:33:658 (2) - Remove this
00:33:845 (3) - Remove this
00:34:408 (4) - And remove this
00:33:658 (2) - Add here a 1/2 beat slider
00:34:033 (3) - Here add a 1 beat slider
00:34:595 (4) - And here add a circle, so it should look like this:

00:58:220 (4) - Remove this
00:58:314 (5) - Remove this
00:58:220 (4) - Add here 1 circle and dont do a stack there, because i think it doesnt fit there.

01:49:783 (1) - I know that this looks pretty cool and i also really like this end, but i would replace it with a spinner because there aren't any on this map.
Topic Starter

-Latias- wrote:

eroge is erobae
-01:49:783 (1) - maybe add timing points for decreasing volume ye gonna decrease a bit more in future
00:13:783 (1) - curve this maybe since in the notes before, u used only straight 1/1 sliders so maybe curve it like 00:16:033 (3) - to show going in to new section of the music and for pattern with 00:16:033 (3) - yes
00:44:533 (2,1,2) - owo, thought 2 and 1 were just flipped versions of each other since that's what it looked like but they're not. looks really off, just rotate 00:44:533 (2) - in to where u would want it to be. or if u don't wanna do that, u can just have it become patterns with 00:48:283 (2) - blankets are suffering
01:13:033 (4) - missing a hit sound, maybe hit sound it like 01:12:283 (3) - since they're relatively the same sound drum sample on head ye
00:55:408 (3,4) - waaayy to close for me, maybe u were aiming for that antijump thing but doesnt really work imo since u had a greater ds to emphasise points like 00:30:658 (2,3) - 01:48:658 (2,3) -. they're also same sound, but if u wanna keep it in for variation go for it, just doesn't work imo ye
other than that pretty lit diff : ok_hand:
00:36:283 (1,2) - ooo, same sound as 00:34:783 (1,2) - but different shapes/patterns :( yes i made it different as it's for main vocals vs echo
01:01:408 (6,7) - maybe rotate 7 to the right side of 6 to continue the counterclockwise flow, which then emphasises 01:01:783 (1) - with the anti flow thing on the downbeat i prefer current one :<
01:04:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - nice t r i a n g l e s i love lolis

akitoshi's normal meme is too good for me :c my life is a meme

very nice set, hope the mod helps ! :D
im bad modder

FreakzBoy wrote:

Hello from modrequest channel, from chat :D
M4M Mod


00:04:783 (1) - I would remove this circle, because there isn't any really loud beat at this point, after that ofc new combo here 00:05:158 (2) - guitar + to feel more natural to play
00:10:783 (1) - Same thing here, and new combo here 00:11:158 (2) - same explanation
00:11:908 (3) - Remove this circle why? There's obviously have a drum sounds
00:12:283 (4) - This circlewhat
00:12:658 (5) - And this circle??
00:12:095 (4) - But put here a new circle uh
00:12:470 (4) - And here a new circle i don't get it

00:33:095 (3) - Make this slider 1/2 beat shorter, so the end is at 00:33:470 (4) - i'll keep as it has vocal's held sound
00:33:845 (4) - Delete this slider and
00:33:658 (4) - Add here a short 1/2 slider nah
00:34:033 (5) - And here a normal 1 beat slider. it sounds worse
So it should like this at the part:

The rest seems good to me.


Just one thing i would change:
00:58:408 (5) - This slider is kinda strange for me, maybe you should add 1 or 2 more reverse arrows to that or replace it with a short 1/2 beat slider. ok


For now:
00:33:658 (2) - Remove this
00:33:845 (3) - Remove this
00:34:408 (4) - And remove this
00:33:658 (2) - Add here a 1/2 beat slider
00:34:033 (3) - Here add a 1 beat slider
00:34:595 (4) - And here add a circle, so it should look like this: I'm emphasizing vocals so no

00:58:220 (4) - Remove this
00:58:314 (5) - Remove this
00:58:220 (4) - Add here 1 circle and dont do a stack there, because i think it doesnt fit there. for playability matter, it always fits as is.

01:49:783 (1) - I know that this looks pretty cool and i also really like this end, but i would replace it with a spinner because there aren't any on this map. no spinner doesn't mean unrankable kappa

thanks boiz

Asagi's Insane

00:14:533 (3,4) - That blanket is a bit wrong. Fix it.
00:37:783 (1) - Rotate 8º
00:39:283 (1,2,4) - Overlap
00:47:345 (2,3) - Blanket it propperly
00:50:533 (3,4,5) - why less spacing between 4 and 5 than between 3 and 4?
00:51:564 - As there is no sound here, it should be muted.
00:52:783 (1,3) - Blanket it propperly
00:55:970 (3) - Why does that note even exist? There is absolutely no sound!
01:03:845 (3,4) - Blanket it propperly
01:07:033 (1) - maybe a sound gradual increasing?
01:35:158 (2,4) - overlap
No reply = Fixed

-Latias- wrote:

i see the kiai in the map :eyes:
00:15:658 (2) - ctrl+g this for better flow imo ~ actually no, the current one is intentional and better
nice diff

Timperjuncio wrote:


Asagi's Insane

00:14:533 (3,4) - That blanket is a bit wrong. Fix it.
00:37:783 (1) - Rotate 8º ~ nop
00:39:283 (1,2,4) - Overlap ~ yes and its not a problem
00:47:345 (2,3) - Blanket it propperly
00:50:533 (3,4,5) - why less spacing between 4 and 5 than between 3 and 4? ~ i dont get your point. thats how it is i guess
00:51:564 - As there is no sound here, it should be muted. ~ changed into something because rhythm
00:52:783 (1,3) - Blanket it propperly
00:55:970 (3) - Why does that note even exist? There is absolutely no sound! ~ because its better to click on the red tick than the bluc tick which is awkward, and the hitsound itself makes a new sound exist
01:03:845 (3,4) - Blanket it propperly
01:07:033 (1) - maybe a sound gradual increasing?
01:35:158 (2,4) - overlap ~ yes and its good

Fixed and improved stuff like hitsound and other stuff etc. etc myself
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