
Guide: How to adjust my skin.ini?

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How to adjust my skin.ini?

Q: But what is a skin.ini?
A: Each skin needs a skin.ini because a skin couldn't work without it. It's just a text file where you can adjust some things (eg. combo colors, etc.).

Okay, let's do the basic (or/also the important) things for it. Create a text file, name it "skin.ini" and paste the text below in there. All you need to do is to complete.

Name: The skin name.
Author: Your username, so that everyone knows who created this skin.
Version: Would be automatically 1.0 if you don't type in here. But you should, there are some newer versions, click here for more!
AllowSliderBallTint: If you want that the slider ball has the same color as your combo colour, type 1 in here! If you don't want this, type 0.
CursorRotate: If you want that your cursor rotates, type 1 in here! If you don't want this, type 0.
CursorExpand: If you want that your cursor gets bigger when you click, type 1 in here! If you don't want this, type 0.


Combo1: Type a value (RGB) for the last combo colour in here.
Combo2: Type a value (RGB) for the first combo colour in here.
Combo3: Type a value (RGB) for the second combo colour in here.
Combo4: Type a value (RGB) for the third combo colour in here.
SliderBorder: Type a value (RGB) for the slider border in here.
SliderTrackOverride: Type a value (RGB) for the slider track in here.


HitCirclePrefix: Because it's for the default numbers, you type default in here.
HitCircleOverlap: It decides how many pixels the two-digit numbers are far away from each other.
ScorePrefix: Because it's for the score numbers, you type score in here.
ScoreOverlap: It decides how many pixels the multi-digit numbers are far away from each other.
ComboPrefix: Because it's for the combo numbers, you can type score in here. If you have elements for the combo (eg. combo-7.png), use combo then.
ComboOverlap: It decides how many pixels the multi-digit numbers are far away from each other.
  1. 0 as value means no and 1 means yes in the most cases.
  2. These words in brackets are actually really important, don't forget them.
  3. Please always use a spacebar after the double point in the line. It won't work if you don't use it.
  4. Make sure you wrote things correctly.
  5. If you changed something in the skin.ini and it didn't change in your client, you may forgot to refresh your skin by pressing the keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+shift+s in the client.

If you want to learn more about the skin.ini and how to use it, take a look on this page!
- Spacebar after the command isn't needed
- There can be up to 8 combo colors
- in fonts, HitCircle/Score/ComboPrefix can have custom directories... fonts/aller/score is seen in Aestetic
- for AllowSliderBallTint to properly work, there's a setting that you need to enable in options
- If you don't provide SliderTrackOverride, slider track will be colored the combo color
Don't get triggered by the basic stuff this thread has.
The link at the end should explain further that that.
Good stuff

This may be a totally stupid problem, but I have my version written as 2.1. But osu! never seems to register that, and behaves as default. It works on another skin of mine, but not this one.
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Areggo wrote:

This may be a totally stupid problem, but I have my version written as 2.1. But osu! never seems to register that, and behaves as default. It works on another skin of mine, but not this one.

Make sure [General] is written above the version line. If that doesn't work please leave a download link to your skin here so that I can check

Lyawi wrote:

Areggo wrote:

This may be a totally stupid problem, but I have my version written as 2.1. But osu! never seems to register that, and behaves as default. It works on another skin of mine, but not this one.

Make sure [General] is written above the version line. If that doesn't work please leave a download link to your skin here so that I can check

Hi, thanks for replying. General is up there, so I guess here's the link:!DmYwHBYQ!89WbzWtNaVLv8vl84Ys--FLGwI3ofAoyO05Mzo-xJLU

(I just started working on this skin, so sorry that it's pretty bare-boned)
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Hmm, it behaves like 2.1 in my case.

Areggo wrote:

But osu! never seems to register that, and behaves as default

How did you detect this?

Lyawi wrote:

Hmm, it behaves like 2.1 in my case.

Areggo wrote:

But osu! never seems to register that, and behaves as default

How did you detect this?

By looking at song select. I've read that 2.1 doesn't support thumbnails, and the stars progress sideways rather than with individual size. (If that makes any sense)

Lyawi wrote:

Hmm, it behaves like 2.1 in my case.

Then you're the only one. It doesn't work like 2.1 in my case aswell. In theory with V2.1 the star on the song carussel should be partially filled and and thumbnails should be disabled. But for some reason it isn't the case in this skin.

After a bit of testing I found the problem.

As you can see, it works with my skin but not with yours. I dropped my star.png in and nothing changed.

I also dropped my menu-button-background in and now it works, looks like it only behaves like V2.1 when you have a menu-button-background in the skin folder.

RockRoller wrote:

Lyawi wrote:

I also dropped my menu-button-background in and now it works, looks like it only behaves like V2.1 when you have a menu-button-background in the skin folder.
Thanks, man. You're a life saver
When I change something in the skin.ini it doesn't change in the client
- Virtu -

GabbyGRIM wrote:

When I change something in the skin.ini it doesn't change in the client
Hi, have you reloaded the skin (Ctrl Shift Alt S) before saving the skin.ini file?
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