14:02 Alphabet: how2find someone that isn't busy lol
14:02 Mir: lmao
14:03 Mir: a lot of mappers are doing the contest thing now
14:03 Mir: so lots are busy
14:03 Alphabet: I know Naxess isn't, I'll wait until he comes on
14:03 Mir: I think -Mo- is also not doing it
14:03 Mir: he's afk now but if you poke him he might twitch and revive
14:16 Alphabet:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/848287014:16 Mir: post the log on the thread i'll read through it then check in again after this
14:18 Alphabet: Sure
14:18 Mir: i didn't even notice you silenced both tick and slide
14:18 Mir: aaaaaa i'll be careful next time
14:19 Alphabet: I didn't even know that was unrankable
![Mad :x](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/icon_mad.gif)
14:19 Alphabet: It's my fault dw
14:19 Mir: well if i had bubbled it then it got popped i'd look pretty stupid xD
14:20 Alphabet: Karen bubbled my other map like 3 times and it delayed being qualified lol
14:21 Mir: yeah i had a map popped 5 times
14:21 Mir: because i kept missing shit
14:21 Mir: not while i was bn
14:21 Mir: my map was popped 5 times xD
14:47 Mir: alright
14:49 Mir: if you're here i can check it for bubble
15:02 Alphabet: Oh sorry
15:02 Alphabet: If you don't have anything to do and you wouldn't mind ^^
15:02 Mir: uwu i kinda started doing something but
15:02 Mir: lemme multitask
15:03 Alphabet: You can take your time
15:03 Alphabet: I think you still have to wait 24 hours between each icon right?
15:03 Mir: nope
15:03 Mir: only bubble to qualifty
15:03 Mir: qualify*
15:03 Alphabet: Oh
15:03 Mir: 00:36:964 (2,1) - this may trigger someone xD
15:03 Mir: on the easy
15:04 Mir: i think 1 could be less sharp
15:04 Mir: maybe like this
http://i.imgur.com/y2cnGzS.png15:04 Mir: would take a bit of repositioning though
15:05 Alphabet: SeemsGood
15:06 Mir: 00:59:735 (1) - the sad fate of a slider
15:06 Mir: man if only it weren't an easy diff lol
15:06 Alphabet: Tbh I think newer players are bubble wrapped /shrug
15:07 Mir: i agree
15:07 Mir: 01:44:192 (1,2) - you could wavey these more
15:07 Mir: maybe orientate them more vertically?
15:07 Mir: they're kinda tilted atm
15:07 Alphabet: lol that looks like a 2010 slider
15:08 Alphabet: I'll change
15:08 Mir: 01:45:638 (2,3,1) - triangle is a bit off
15:09 Alphabet: Fixed
15:09 Mir: for the normal i meant 00:19:614 (5,1) - as an aesthetic quip not really so much for playability
15:09 Mir: 00:19:614 (5,1,2) - cuz if you look at the whole thing it's uneven
15:10 Alphabet: Ah
15:11 Alphabet: Do you have any suggestions?
15:12 Mir: not... really.. wait
15:12 Alphabet: Because with DS i can move it like a pixel to the right unless I change the sliders
15:12 Mir: yeah you kinda mapped yourself into a corner there
15:12 Mir: hmm
15:13 Mir: you might have to adjust 1,2 relative to 5
15:14 Alphabet: owo
15:18 Mir: 00:56:482 (2,2) - dontcha wanna stack this too
15:19 Alphabet: Oh yeah
15:19 Mir: 01:00:819 (2) - i feel like making this similar to 00:58:650 (2,3) - would make 01:01:903 (1) - stand out more
15:21 Alphabet: Definitely feels better, I'm gonna have to re-position some parts after though
15:21 Mir: alright
15:21 Mir: 01:06:241 (1,2,3,4,1,1) - this is amazing though
15:22 Mir: please don't mess with this too hard ;-;
15:22 Alphabet:
![Surprised :o](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/57.gif)
15:23 Mir: 01:23:951 (1,3,4,5) - 3 is relatively close to 1 compared to all of this so moving it a bit away would look nice
15:26 Alphabet: Fixed both things
15:26 Mir: 01:57:204 (3) - i actually liked it straight
![Mad :x](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/icon_mad.gif)
15:27 Mir: cuz violin is a single pitch, no vibrato
15:27 Alphabet: Mo said it was a bit overkill since it wasn't as long as the other anchor sliders
15:28 Mir: mm i think
http://i.imgur.com/eRtSrJZ.png is fine though
15:28 Alphabet: Fair enough
15:30 Alphabet: Done :d
15:30 Mir: \o/
15:30 Mir: 00:57:566 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - for hard these are kinda different for what reason exactly o.o
15:32 Alphabet: It's just a little variation to make it more interesting, it also gives a smooth transition to make the player prepared for the kiai
15:33 Mir: 01:15:638 (3,4,5) - ehe.. spacing?
15:33 Mir: nazi
15:33 Mir: like
15:33 Mir: a couple pixels up for 4
15:33 Alphabet: I changed that yesterday :thinking:
15:33 Alphabet: I probably undid it by accident
15:34 Alphabet: Done xd
15:35 Mir: 01:48:349 (4,1) -
15:35 Mir: no stack?
15:37 Alphabet: Because the key kinda changes at 1 and also introduces the unstacked part right after
15:37 Mir: okay, fair enough
15:37 Mir: 01:49:795 (5,1) - this *might* be too high spacing
15:37 Mir: 3.26x is kinda wew
15:38 Alphabet: Yeah, I agree
15:39 Mir: 01:57:927 (3) - this too, might be a bit high
15:39 Alphabet: I already decreased the spacing of that
15:40 Mir: did you?
15:40 Mir: hmm
15:40 Alphabet: Like a couple of minutes ago xd
15:40 Mir: oh
15:40 Mir: LOL
15:40 Mir: alright i still don't really get what Mell means
15:40 Mir: you might be able to find something a bit more fitting like hmm
15:41 Alphabet: Idk I like it because Mili also has an album called Mag Mell
15:41 Alphabet: I can change it if you want though
15:41 Mir: i'm not against it but what would you change it too
15:42 Alphabet: I don't really know lol
15:42 Mir: fuck it, i don't know what else to change it to either
15:42 Mir: anything i can think up is too edgy for a violin song
15:42 Alphabet: Yeah, Mell rolls off the tongue
15:43 Mir: 00:06:241 (5,1) - i really wanna say
15:43 Mir: can you emphasize the 5 somehow more
15:43 Mir: it's really high pitched compared to the rest of the star pattern
15:44 Mir: hmm
15:44 Alphabet: On the last diff?
15:44 Mir: nvm
15:44 Mir: forget it
15:44 Mir: yes last diff but forget it
15:44 Alphabet: Oh okay lol
15:44 Mir: instead of sliders here 00:12:385 (3,4) -
15:45 Mir: 00:11:662 (5,6) - why not slider this
15:45 Mir: i think it's justifed to have a lot of circles here
15:45 Mir: the bpm is fairly low too, so stamina will last a lot longer
15:46 Alphabet: I can change them into a slider, but I might also keep 00:12:385 (3,4) - too
15:46 Mir: how come
15:47 Alphabet: Changing these into circles feels like too much spam on the other end
15:47 Alphabet: And like you said, it helps with stamina
15:48 Mir: 00:10:217 (3,4,5,6) - wouldn't these be sliders then?
15:48 Alphabet: Yeah
15:49 Mir: if so we can compromise on that
15:49 Mir: rip pp tho
15:49 Alphabet: >:D
15:50 Mir: 00:16:361 (1) - this can be way curvier xd
15:50 Mir: maybe
http://i.imgur.com/e6dM7it.png to the extreme
15:50 Mir: it's really minor
15:51 Alphabet:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/8483528 What do you think about this
15:52 Alphabet: Funky slider, I like it
15:53 Mir: mmm when you update i'll look at the other part
15:53 Mir: 00:21:783 (1) - can do also this one
15:53 Mir: a bit curvier
15:54 Mir: atm the bottom part looks like there's a stone in it
15:54 Alphabet: It didn't decrease SR that much so I guess pp is still alive
15:54 Mir: it's all about the jumps my friend
15:54 *Alphabet shrug
15:55 Mir: 00:31:542 (1) - why not extend this to the red tick?
15:55 Alphabet: Made it more curvy
15:55 Mir: 00:33:711 (1) - you did it here so
15:55 Mir: random slider i made xD
http://i.imgur.com/yhedbcs.png15:56 Alphabet: The higher the SV is the shorter the slider is
15:56 Alphabet: Idk it's just a little thing i came up with??
15:56 Mir: ehm
15:57 Mir: for that section only?
15:57 Alphabet: Also for the same part at 00:57:566 -
15:57 Alphabet: It just varies the intensity of the map according to the pitch of the violin
15:58 Mir: hmm for the first part i really feel that you can drag out the violin a lot more by extending the slider to the red
15:58 Mir: i think having a gimmick/idea like that which can affect gameplay/song representation is a bit counterproductive
15:59 Alphabet: Hmm, fair enough
15:59 Mir: funny how im making way better points than my mod in irc
16:00 Mir: i should just stop doing forum mods tbh
16:00 Alphabet: That's a good thing :p
16:00 Mir: more like i should be more thorough in my forum mods lol
16:01 Mir: i just value back-and-forth discussion way more than me throwing things at you
16:02 Mir: okay i've been thinking about your stacking here
16:02 Mir: 00:41:301 -
16:02 Alphabet: I guess you get a proper chance to hear the mapper's intentions and adjust accordingly?
16:02 Mir: yeah precisely
16:03 Mir: there's 00:41:662 (2,3) - this stack on the ding ding things
16:03 Mir: 00:43:831 (2,3) - there's the boom boom stack
16:03 Mir: 00:48:168 (2,3) - there's the boom boom stack but it has a violin so it's a slider
16:04 Mir: don't you think that maybe you can differentiate between the ding ding stacks and the boom boom stacks by using a custom stack for one of them?
16:04 Alphabet: I could use some anti jumps?
16:04 Mir: you could yeah
16:04 Alphabet: It's a tad more emphasizing
16:05 Mir: alright give it a shot~
16:06 Alphabet: I think it's better, I'll upload in a second
16:11 Mir: ill wait for the upload
16:12 Alphabet: Alright sorry, just finding some extra metadata
16:12 Mir: np~
16:12 Alphabet: Updated
16:13 Mir: 00:10:217 (3) - this tilt is a bit tilting
16:13 Mir: 00:10:036 (2,3,4) - this flow also is really linear idk if that's intended
16:13 Alphabet: Lol I'll make it more upright
16:14 Mir: brb
16:15 Alphabet: Yeah I meant for it to be linear since 00:12:385 (3,4,1) - is too
16:15 Alphabet: Alright
16:15 Mir: okay
16:15 Mir: 00:12:385 (3,4,1) - this isn't linear
16:15 Mir: it's circular o.o
16:23 Alphabet: Oh right xd
16:23 Alphabet: Having it linear doesn't really affect the gameplay imo
16:24 Mir: i'd prefer all circular tbh cuz idk like.. violins just make me think of smooth and circle stuff
16:24 Mir: but then again
16:24 Mir: subjective
16:24 Mir: xD
16:24 Alphabet: Well, almost anything is subjective for it's own reasons
16:24 Mir: true
16:24 Alphabet: But if somebody has a seizure over it I'll change
16:25 Mir: LOL
16:25 Mir: looking back on it i'll mention this after all 00:21:783 (1,2) - this flow is kinda weird
16:25 Mir: i'd recommend just flipping 1 around so it ends closer to 2
16:26 Alphabet: That's better
16:27 Mir: 01:15:759 (3) - ds xD
16:28 Mir: 01:24:494 - this gap is hit-or-miss for me when i play this map, i think it would would better filled up by the slider end of 01:23:951 (1) -
16:28 Alphabet: Heh
16:29 Mir: also it's the only 1/1 gap in the whole section
16:29 Alphabet: Makes more sense with the violin
16:29 Mir: idk about you but big semi-circle sliders look ugly so if you wanna make a cool shape out of it you can do that too
16:31 Alphabet: I guess I made it look cooler xd
16:31 Mir: xd
16:31 Mir: 01:42:656 - isn't there violin here
16:33 Alphabet: The violin starts at 01:42:566 -
16:33 Alphabet: And it drags on for 1/4 so i guess there is
16:33 Mir: i think you skipped it in Hard too
16:33 Mir: so apply both if you decide to
16:35 Alphabet: Applied
16:35 Mir: alright i can't find anything else in the topdiff
16:35 Mir: we're getting close
16:35 Mir: lemme check the changes in the lower diffs
16:37 Alphabet: oo hype
16:37 Alphabet: Before you bubble I might need to get someone to double check metadata
16:37 Mir: double-check your tags
16:37 Mir: mell diff has unique tags
16:38 Alphabet: It was a bit of a stretch since Mili's website says literally nothing
16:38 Alphabet: Oh the bottom 3 diffs have an extra space lmao
16:38 Mir: xD
16:40 Mir: alright seems good, update so i can check topdiff changes o;
16:41 Alphabet: BSS is so slow
16:42 Mir: i can confirm your metadata
16:42 Mir:
http://i.imgur.com/1BQY92v.png from
http://projectmili.com/miracle-milk16:42 Alphabet: From the tags: Miracle milk is the album name
16:43 Mir: yep
16:43 Mir: yeah metadata checks out
16:43 Mir: okay lets see here
16:43 Alphabet: Okay cool
16:43 Mir: 01:23:951 (1) - hm
16:43 Mir: looks out of place
16:43 Alphabet: I don't want kwan to kill me xd
16:44 Alphabet: in terms with 01:23:048 (4) - or just doesn't look right?
16:44 Mir: just doesn't fit the whole map's aesthetic imo
16:45 Alphabet: Tbf the violin kinda sounds off
16:45 Alphabet: But I'll change it to something that fits
16:49 Alphabet:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/8483944 does this look better?
16:49 Mir: at this point it's all subjective so take what i say with a grain of salt but that tilt looks
![Sad :(](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/56.gif)
16:50 Mir: could do a similar slider to 00:59:735 (1) - or something
16:50 Alphabet: xddd
16:53 Alphabet:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/848397616:53 Mir: that's fine
16:53 Mir: cool
16:55 Mir: ah on the hard difficulty
16:55 Mir: 01:16:722 (1,2,3) - spacing between these three could be a bit more equal
16:56 Alphabet: Made it more equal
16:56 Mir: alright
16:57 Mir: okay oonneee more update
16:58 Alphabet: We're getting there :d
16:58 Mir: soonTM
16:58 Mir: i like to be thorough so sorry this is taking a while lol
16:58 Alphabet: Nah that's better tbh
16:58 Mir: bubble pops and stuff are an inconvenience for us both, so better not rush a bubble xD
16:59 Alphabet: 01:26:481 (4,5,1) - I might change this
16:59 Mir: in which diff
16:59 Mir: hard?
16:59 Alphabet: Yeah
17:00 Mir: moving 5 to the other side of 3?
17:01 Alphabet: i don't like how 1 overlaps 3
17:02 Mir: oh
17:02 Mir: alright if you say so
17:02 Alphabet: Yeah changed, it just looked messy before
17:03 Alphabet: And 3 was still visible when you had to click 1 x)
17:05 Mir: tell me when ready xd
17:08 Alphabet: We should be ready to go
![Grin :D](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/242.gif)
17:09 Mir: alrighty
17:10 Mir: good luck!