
F-777 - He's a Pirate

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 20 марта 2012 г. at 9:40:31

Artist: F-777
Title: He's a Pirate
Tags: Newgrounds Hans Zimmer Klaus Badelt Pirates of the Caribbean hackSL HeatKai Jesse Valentine
BPM: 150
Filesize: 5278kb
Play Time: 03:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. 52's Taiko (4,83 stars, 1154 notes)
  2. hackSL's Insane (4,99 stars, 561 notes)
  3. Hard (4,83 stars, 490 notes)
  4. Normal (2,98 stars, 258 notes)
Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Tune by F-777

Hi Hellzero!
Hey Ho x]
my first little mod

Difficult: Yarrr!

maybe change 00:03:950 (10) - 00:04:100 (11) to make the pattern anticlockwise?
00:05:500 (4) - add a circle?
That's it :D

Hope i could help you a bit :]

Good luck with the map
Hey :]

me again ;x

you could make the clap hitsound on

00:14:800 (2)
00:15:600 (4)
00:16:400 (3)
00:17:000 (5)
00:17:200 (6)
00:18:000 (3)
00:18:800 (3)
00:19:600 (2)
00:20:400 (1)

it fits very well to the song in my opinion ;)

Hope you like it too :3

plz don't stop making this map ..
it's going to be so awesome *..*

Hawkii x]
Topic Starter
Thanks for hitsounds and rhythm, I think I'll use them.

Ah yess, wait until I finish mapping, he-he.
Не дурно однако

BG конешно няшный :3 но размер не подходящий нужно либо 800*600 либо 1024*768 < твой мп3. В осу разрешен максимум 192кб. Нужно будет исправить, но не обязательно сейчас (ибо оффсет собьется) < Удалить ненужный осб файл.
Tags на обеих дифах должен совпадать.

03:21:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - увидев этот момент не сразу понял что это антиджампы, ибо нет никаких подсказок даже музыка не меняется. Лучше поменять.
03:22:800 - KIAI закончить тут ( на всех дифах)
Ну и к хитсаундам думаю стоит добавит побольше свистков например:
00:22:200 (8,10) - свисток на слайдеры
00:25:600 (5) - ^
00:28:800 (1,3,5) - свисток на начало слайдеров
00:31:200 (7) - свисток
и т.д. будет веселее играться
и добавь несколько финишей, а то не увидел ни одного О_о
01:00:800 (1) - тут
01:00:800 (1) - тут
и т.д.
Если нужна будет помощь пиши в игру или PM на форум ибо и трек и мапа годные
Topic Starter

Hellzero wrote:

BG конешно няшный :3 но размер не подходящий нужно либо 800*600 либо 1024*768 — ресайзнул до 1024х768. < твой мп3. В осу разрешен максимум 192кб. Нужно будет исправить, но не обязательно сейчас (ибо оффсет собьется) — исправил (странно, и правда сбился. Вроде +30 мс). < Удалить ненужный осб файл — удалил.
Tags на обеих дифах должен совпадать — совпали.

03:21:200 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - увидев этот момент не сразу понял что это антиджампы, ибо нет никаких подсказок даже музыка не меняется. Лучше поменять — поменял.
03:22:800 - KIAI закончить тут ( на всех дифах) — закончил.
Ну и к хитсаундам думаю стоит добавит побольше свистков например:
00:22:200 (8,10) - свисток на слайдеры
00:25:600 (5) - ^
00:28:800 (1,3,5) - свисток на начало слайдеров
00:31:200 (7) - свисток
и т.д. будет веселее играться — подбавил, плюс ещё на своё усмотрение пару прилепил.
и добавь несколько финишей, а то не увидел ни одного О_о
01:00:800 (1) - тут
01:00:800 (1) - тут
и т.д — добавил.
Пожалуй, одна из проблем — остальные дифки. На лёгкую, думаю, фантазии хватит, а вот по поводу остального не уверен.
Зачем делать остальные? Для ранка достаточно минимум 2 дифы одна из которых должна быть меньше 3 звезд. Хард у тебя очень хороший. На крайний случай можно и гост. дифу сделать, но не думаю что это надо.
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Правда? Хм. Ну тогда ладно.

Насчёт трёх звёзд знал, но с нормалом как-то лучше будет смотреться, мне кажется.

Но окей, так даже проще будет.
классная мапка, потом сделаю мод, пока звезда :3
миленько ^_^
fast check

hackSL's Insane
03:22:930 (8,9) - имхо эти сирклы лишнии
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Мне тоже так показалось. Подчистил.
Some IRC
13:38 <TicClick> : Доброе утро, у меня тут по битмапу есть пара вопросов.
13:39 <Hellzero> : ?
13:39 <TicClick> : Да по нескольким элементам
13:39 <TicClick> : Открыл ща свою дифку, там в начале есть синие слайдеры, которые из одного места растут
13:40 <TicClick> : Мне кажется, или их надо двинуть на 1/8 вперед? 00:04:430 (1,2,3) -
13:41 <Hellzero> : хм... по звучанию действитесльно лучше сдвинуть
13:41 <Hellzero> : но по идеи так не должно быть
13:42 <Hellzero> : ща минутку
13:43 <TicClick> : Ну в том-то и дело, что да, не должно
13:44 <TicClick> : Но такая же штука с 00:03:530 (7,8,9,10) - , я поэтому слайдер вместо двух последних и налепил.
13:45 <TicClick> : Даже до сдвига оффсета так звучало, я уж через альт хотел подгонять, но, слава Богу, не начал.
13:45 <TicClick> : То есть через шифт, конечно же.
13:46 <Hellzero> : возможно тут что то с оффсетом\бпм
13:46 <Hellzero> : хотя не уверен
13:46 <Hellzero> : ибо прога ясно видит 150 бпм :\
13:46 <TicClick> : Да не, всё остальное же на бпм четко ложится
13:47 <Hellzero> : viewtopic.php?f=60&t=13795
13:47 <Hellzero> : ну на всякий случай сюда отписатся ^
13:47 <TicClick> : Угу-у.
13:48 <TicClick> : 02:48:830 (8) - < может, его стереть?
13:50 <Hellzero> : зачем?
13:50 <Hellzero> : как вариант укоротить
13:50 <TicClick> : Как-то он странно выглядит
13:53 <Hellzero> : 00:01:230 (1) - ну тут даже первая нота не попадает под музыку
13:53 <Hellzero> : так что проблема с оффсетом скорее всего
13:54 <Hellzero> : или попадает
13:54 <TicClick> : Нет, спешит.
13:54 <Hellzero> : если честно в тайминге я нуп так что лучше подождать поста
13:54 <TicClick> : Но блин, ведь все остальное попадает.
13:54 <Hellzero> : ну да
13:54 <Hellzero> : такое бывает
13:55 <Hellzero> : несколько оффсетов :\
13:55 <Hellzero> : это жжуть
13:55 <TicClick> : Может, просто ноты сдвинуты, это же электронка
13:58 <TicClick> : Да, прикольно. В начале повторяющийся слайдер сдвинул на 50 мс назад
13:58 <Hellzero> : 00:01:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - по хорошему эта часть должна быть в 1/3
13:59 <TicClick> : Красные все равно не звучат.
14:00 <TicClick> : Хмммм.
14:00 <TicClick> : Слушай, а может быть такое, что часть в 1/4, а часть в 1/3?
14:00 <Hellzero> : попробуй на 1/3
14:00 <Hellzero> : да
14:00 <TicClick> : Ох щи.
14:00 <TicClick> : Так, пробую-с.
14:00 <Hellzero> : ток если маипш в 1/3 и 1/4 то не делай реснап
14:01 <TicClick> : То есть как был с 1/4, так пусть и живет? Ок
14:02 <TicClick> : Хм.
14:02 <Hellzero> : ну я про то что реснап сделает ноты под выбраный дивизор (1/3 или 1/4) и собьет другой
14:02 <Hellzero> : ну первая часть мапы точно 1/3
14:02 <TicClick> : С 1/3 начало вроде как ок, только 00:01:496 (2) - и другие такие же не звучат по длине
14:03 <Hellzero> : они у тебя точно на тиках?
14:03 <TicClick> : Да, я их даже по размеру подогнал
14:03 <TicClick> : Тут-то они звучать и перестали, лол
14:04 <TicClick> : Во, блин, это правда 1/3.
14:04 <TicClick> : 00:06:696 (5) - < вот эта штука прямо как родная теперь звучит
14:05 <Hellzero> : ну чтоб идеально звучали нужен оффсет хороший
14:05 <Hellzero> : кста
14:05 <Hellzero> : 00:03:915 (10) - добавить возврат?
14:05 <TicClick> : Неплохо.
14:06 <TicClick> : Та, вроде понятно. 90% в 1/4, а такие, как начало, в 1/3
14:06 <TicClick> : Где-то я ещё такую часть слышал, ближе к середине. Там тоже 5 нот выбивались.
14:06 <Hellzero> : ну насколько я помню оригинальный сонг весь на 1/3 был
14:07 <Hellzero> : а тут ремика
14:07 <Hellzero> : ремикс*
14:07 <TicClick> : Ы, типа он оставил оригинальное в 1/3?
14:07 <Hellzero> : ну видимо так
14:08 <TicClick> : 01:15:480 (4,5,6,7,8) - <пофиксил в 1/3.
14:09 <TicClick> : Может, тогда 01:16:030 (8) - поменять на две ноты?
14:09 <Hellzero> : по желанию
14:09 <Hellzero> : 01:17:096 (2,3,4,5) - и т.д. тоже 1/3
14:10 <Hellzero> : 02:09:930 (5,6,7,8) - вот еще
14:10 <Hellzero> : остальное 1/4
14:11 <TicClick> : Шикарно, спасибо.
14:11 <TicClick> : Мне эта часть мозг и выкручивала, никак не мог понять, что со звучанием, приходилось извращаться.
14:12 <Hellzero> : ок~ :3
14:12 <Hellzero> : надеюсь не забросиш
14:12 <Hellzero> : и ранкнеш ибо лав этот сонг
14:12 <TicClick> : Не заброшу, ранкну.
14:13 <TicClick> : Я сам его полюбил, как-то слушал, подумал, что ну просто обязан его мапнуть
14:21 <TicClick> : Да, отпости там в тему, я тебе кудосу дам.
14:21 <Hellzero> : ок

For the difficulty 'Yarrr!', Please do not use 1/8 snap divisor. it screws up the note placement. ;~; Put the notes on the ticks after you change it back to 1.4
Do not start the preview point at the beginning of the map. I suggest you start it at 00:14:430 or at the beginning of one of the kiais. Sooner or later someone else is gonna rage about it if you keep it as it is atm.
Make audio lead-in the same as Easy and Yarrr! :3
Each map should have the same Kiai time and almost all the same breaks. Fix this.
I also know this is WIP, but don't forget to add a normal mode.

00:08:030 (Break) - Make it start here.
00:23:630 (x) - Add note here.
01:13:630 (Break) - Make it start here.

For the first break, move the break start point to 00:08:030. It'd make it look cooler. :D
00:26:430 (Break) - Map Over This. Too short of a break.
00:34:630 (x) - Add Note Here?
00:27:230 (Break) - Make it start here.
01:14:430 - Change this slider shape.
Too lazy for the rest, hope this helped though.

It's OK. I'm not a fan of modding insanes, so yeah. I'll just leave it off with it's OK. It still needs a lot of mods though<3

G.J, You, sir, deserve a star.
Topic Starter

Elly-chan wrote:

For the difficulty 'Yarrr!', Please do not use 1/8 snap divisor. it screws up the note placement. ;~; Put the notes on the ticks after you change it back to 1/4 — done.
Do not start the preview point at the beginning of the map. I suggest you start it at 00:14:430 or at the beginning of one of the kiais. Sooner or later someone else is gonna rage about it if you keep it as it is atm. — done.
Make audio lead-in the same as Easy and Yarrr! :3 — what for? There is «built-in» lead-in in my diffs.
Each map should have the same Kiai time and almost all the same breaks. Fix this. — fixed kiai, breaks are fine.
I also know this is WIP, but don't forget to add a normal mode. — maybe.. later. I think Easy is enough.

00:08:030 (Break) - Make it start here. — done.
00:23:630 (x) - Add note here. — done
01:13:630 (Break) - Make it start here. — done.

For the first break, move the break start point to 00:08:030. It'd make it look cooler. — done.
00:26:430 (Break) - Map Over This. Too short of a break. — mapped.
00:34:630 (x) - Add Note Here? — no.
00:27:230 (Break) - Make it start here. — done.
01:14:430 - Change this slider shape. — changed.
Too lazy for the rest, hope this helped though.

G.J, You, sir, deserve a star. — Thanks, where is my star T_T (joke, hah).

TicClick wrote:

Elly-chan wrote:

G.J, You, sir, deserve a star. — Thanks, where is my star T_T (joke, hah).
OMG I FORGOT. Edited and gave a star. XD
EDIT ONCE MORE: You need a normal for this to get ranked due to the new guidelines. You can't skip a diff in the spread.
Старший брат :3
Hi there!

  1. Why is "He is a Pirate" on the tags? The song is already named that way - you have to remove that from the tags.
  2. Everything else looks nice and tidy~
  1. 00:02:830 (2) - Why is this soo close to (1)? You see, it isn't easy for a new player to "understand" that they have to wait two beats there to hit. They will most likely rush on it. So it won't help them understand the way in which spacing works if you start the song like this xD
    Here, try this:

    And here is the code, in case you want to add it directly by editing the .osu file:
  2. 00:51:630 (2) - Nice slider art! I would have liked to see a complete pirate hat, instead of just half of it :P
  3. 01:13:630 - 01:28:030 - This break is too long in my opinion... And also, you have quiet a lot of breaks in this map, so I'd recommend you to map this part. At least, it won't be so blank :D
  4. 02:20:830 - This kiai doesn't create a good effect, imo. I mean... There is nothing that indicates to use a kiai there. I wasn't even expecting it when suddenly, boom! Kiai :P Please remove it~
  5. 02:29:430 (7) - And this here, well, seems random at this point xD. Perhaps it's better to remove this and keep the 1/1 pattern.
  6. 02:30:430 (1) - As in the very best point of the mod (of this diff), this is too close to the previous object. Please, place it somewhere further.
  7. 02:46:430 (1,1,1) - No, please. Don't use hold sliders like this in the easiest difficulty. Please. At least make this 1/2 long, the effect won't change much.
    But I still think that this isn't a good idea. If you can map this in any other way that you like, not using those hold sliders... It will be much better, trust me.
  8. 03:21:830 (2) - Perhaps you could remove this. This is because that kind of mini-stream can give some newbies problems, and since they had two 3-circles-long streams before, it will be a little easier to play this one!
  1. Having this difficulty as the only one with a real custom name is pretty random xD Could you please just call it [Hard]?
  2. The jump in difficulty from the Easy to this here is... Way too big. Please, consider mapping an intermediate difficulty (aka, a Normal).
  3. 00:53:830 (5,6,7) - Can you move these so that they aren't overlapped by (3)'s hitburst?
  4. 01:19:130 (9,10) - Remove the finish from (9), and the clap from (10). It doesn't sound good as you have it :C
  5. Ok, a couple of things I want to mention in general:
    1. Many of your combos go up to like 13, 14, or even 15. Try to avoid that. Always try to make your combos not exageratedly long, being 9 or 10 objects long as a maximum.
    2. Try not to make so much overlapping. Your objects (sliders, circles) should be easily visible. It's best for the player and looks much better most of the time :)
[hackSl's Insane]
  1. 01:13:230 - About the break that starts here, I should say: guys! please decide! xD I mean, it's used in Easy and here, but not in that "Yarrr!" difficulty! Please, be consistent about this :T
  2. Can't really say much, but it looks WAY too overmapped. And I'm not a big fan of overmapping, but oh well...
It's ok, I guess
Edit: Well, we discussed the mod on irc for a while, and I guess you know well what to do now :D
Topic Starter
Fixed all of it and even more after IRC conversation. Thank you, man, that was really helpful!
  1. Разобраться с перерывами
01:32:430 (6) - add new combo seems right to me
01:38:430 (5) - ^
01:43:630 (6) - ^

Looks good :O

hackSL's Insane
00:02:430 (1) - remove new combo?
00:23:030 (8) - add new combo
00:50:830 (4) - add new combo
01:01:230 (6) - ^
01:52:030 (6) - ^
hmmm, that's about it :)

pirates of the caribbean <3 and nice map :)
edit: I think the timing might be a little off, but for now, since some notes are 1/4, u have to manually snap all the notes that are suppose to be on 1/3, like the beginning
00:20:030 (7) - Delete whistle
00:23:630 (5) - More symetric with (4)
00:24:030 (1) - End this spin in 00:27:230 and delete whistle
00:34:430 (4) - Delete whistle
01:29:630 (4) - Maybe new combo?
01:31:230 (3) - ^

I Check tomorrow,sorry but i tired

Star for now
Topic Starter

EEeee wrote:

01:32:430 (6) - add new combo seems right to me — added.
01:38:430 (5) - ^ — ^
01:43:630 (6) - ^ — ^

Looks good :O

hackSL's Insane
00:02:430 (1) - remove new combo? — removed.
00:23:030 (8) - add new combo — added.
00:50:830 (4) - add new combo — added.
01:01:230 (6) - ^ — ^
01:52:030 (6) - ^ — ^
hmmm, that's about it :)

MoodyRPG wrote:

00:20:030 (7) - Delete whistle — no, I think it sounds better.
00:23:630 (5) - More symetric with (4) — don't know what you're talking about, but moved that.
00:24:030 (1) - End this spin in 00:27:230 and delete whistle — fixed.
00:34:430 (4) - Delete whistle — no, I think it sounds better.
01:29:630 (4) - Maybe new combo? — later, after waves.
01:31:230 (3) - ^ — ^
Thank you, guys.
General :

Offset should be equal in every difficulty
Add Pirates of the Caribbean on the source (as it's the soundtrack) and add "Hans Zimmer" and "Klaus Badelt" to the tags (they are the original creators of the song)

Normal :
+1 Drain Rate HP ?
00:08:030 (1) - 00:13:630 - I think a spinner will be nice here
00:22:029 (7) - You can improve the art of the slider, maybe like this ( )
00:28:829 (1) - Hitsound Finish at the start of the slider
00:27:230 - Remove this break, the arrows are above the spin
03:01:230 (4,5,6) - this is confusing, snap the (5) in 1/4 ( )
03:10:830 (3,4,5) - same ^
03:21:830 (2,3,4,5,6) - same ^ ( )

Hard :
Why did you mapped it all in 1/3, only this part should be in 1/3 " 00:01:276 - / 00:07:276 " , from here 00:14:430 (1) - the Beat Snap Divisor should be setted to 1/4, let's fix and snap them in 1/4, (02:07:629 (1) - here 1/3 starts again and it finish here 02:14:429) so it's okay there the 1/3, until the finish it should be mapped to 1/4 again

hackSL's Insane
as I said in the Hard the first map "00:00:030 / 00:08:030" here should be mapped in 1/3, giving you some example to how fix the first part :
00:02:830 (1) - Finish this at 00:03:096
00:03:430 (2) - move this here -> 00:03:230
00:03:630 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these in 1/3 starting from 00:03:496 (3,4,5,6,7,8) -
here a screenshot of the timeline that may can help you to understand

let's finish others like this, following the 1/3

02:07:630 (1) / 02:20:830 (11) - - here again, like the first part

+star, nice map and moe background >//<
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

General :

Offset should be equal in every difficulty — we haven't decided yet what to do with insane diff. Workin' on that.
Add Pirates of the Caribbean on the source (as it's the soundtrack) and add "Hans Zimmer" and "Klaus Badelt" to the tags (they are the original creators of the song) — this is techno remix of the song so there is no source

Normal :
+1 Drain Rate HP ? — Don't know if this is really needed.
00:08:030 (1) - 00:13:630 - I think a spinner will be nice here — no.
00:22:029 (7) - You can improve the art of the slider, maybe like this — Thanks. Not this, but I fixed it anyway.
00:28:829 (1) - Hitsound Finish at the start of the slider — no, thanks.
00:27:230 - Remove this break, the arrows are above the spin — I added slider to fill it.
03:01:230 (4,5,6) - this is confusing, snap the (5) in 1/4 ( ) — what the hell?! I bet I didn't use 1/3 here. Fixed, thank you.
03:10:830 (3,4,5) - same ^ — fixed.
03:21:830 (2,3,4,5,6) - same ^ ( ) — fixed.

Hard :
Why did you mapped it all in 1/3, only this part should be in 1/3 " 00:01:276 - / 00:07:276 " , from here 00:14:430 (1) - the Beat Snap Divisor should be setted to 1/4, let's fix and snap them in 1/4, (02:07:629 (1) - here 1/3 starts again and it finish here 02:14:429) so it's okay there the 1/3, until the finish it should be mapped to 1/4 again — holy shit. Looks like I accidently selected RESNAP ALL NOTES. Thank you again; fixed that.

+star, nice map and moe background >//<

TicClick wrote:

this is techno remix of the song so there is no source
this is a "remix" as you said, so you need to specify the real artist

anyway *Star*
Topic Starter
Oh, Lunah. Okay, okay, I'll add some tags.
Also I'll try to fix guest diff later since its owner can't do it for some reasons.

some info from author
Absolutely NOTHING was taken from the original file; i re-made the strings myself so if you are wondering about copyright stuffz then don't worry 100% re-created by me.
— So I think I'll leave Artist and Source data as it is
EDIT2: We fixed all 1/3 problems on Insane. Huh.
This is a really sexy map. It's just a shame that you didn't do the Insane. Nevertheless, I'm starring this. I'll probably edit this with a few picky suggestions, but otherwise, I can't complain here.

Very good. I love it. ;)
I tried the first and third difficulty. I guess it could be ranked. Rhythm seems to be right. :)

SPOILER нормал, в самом начале, нажми справа кнопку insert break time
00:20:030 (7) - сделай покрасивее, например
00:51:230 (1,2,3) - выровняй все это по центру
01:06:830 (1) - финиш?
02:06:829 (5) - я бы этот слайдер вообще убрал
01:16:030 (8,9) - два финиша рядом плохо звучат
01:18:696 (6,7,8,9,10) - лучше поставить хлопок на 7 а на 10 финиш
01:40:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - комба совсем не в ритм
Topic Starter
I fixed all these things wowshakhov has found, except of «non-rhythmic combo» (01:40:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ) for Hard diff and all breaks that start after 0:08:030 because there's no HP drain at 00:07:276 ~ 00:08:030.
Can I make a taiko diff ?

Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

Can I make a taiko diff?
Umm... sure, but I don't know anything about Taiko diffs and modding of them so I guess you'll have to do it yourself.
I'm off for few days.
1162 combo.
1 spinner used.
thanks Sander-don for some irc help :3
put my name at tags :D

EDIT: woops double post , sorry !!!

Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate (TicClick) [H's Taiko].osu

Hi ~
Here is my Taiko mod ~
Mod request by HeatKai

As requested, I won't use colors in this mod

Bolded + underlined ~ Critical issues, you must fix this
Bolded ~ I think you should fix this
? ~ Suggestions only

[H's Taiko]

I still discourage the uses of long and frequent 1/6s, esp the 00:41:030 &02:29:830. 1/6s in this song = 1/4s with BPM 225. I think players will generally hate long 1/6s ~

02:49:430 ( 853 ~ 911 ) - This stream is way too long Orz Please shorten it ~

? The accelerated notes in this diff are quite unpredictable at first sight and therefore should be either slowed down a bit or removed...?

? 00:13:730 ( 1 ) - Move the spinner 1/4 backward so that it won't stack the previous note like this ?

? 02:57:430 ( 922 ~ 936 ) - The patterns of this stream are much more difficult than others. Consider simplifying ?

The idea of the map is OK, but needs improvement imo ~

Rating : 6.5/10

Unfortunately, I can't star this because the system removed this function Orz

However, wish you a good luck on the map :)
I keep the 1/6 :)
But about the long stream orz

Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate (TicClick) [H's Taiko].osu
Heya :D Cool remix!

00:27:630 (1) - I don't really think like it is needed, delete it.

Switch the BSD to 1/6.

That's the only one, you're pretty good, and the customers of your guests too :) Good Luck :D
Topic Starter
I removed that repeating slider on Normal and it doesn't confuse me anymore. Thanx.

I also changed hitsounds, some of them didn't sound well (now they do, ha-ha).
00:28:830 - I don't find this kiai time to be really that necessary as this section is just like the one before it so it doesn't stand out. IMO kiai should be used for sections that stand out, so it works for the second kiai time, but not for this one IMO. If you really want the kiai at this point I suggest putting it only at 00:41:630 - as it's completely different from any other part of the song.

00:38:830 (2,4,6) - Looks really fugly because of the way 6 is behind the 2 and 4. That, and for some reason this part kept tripping me up. I suggest you try to unclutter this combo.
01:19:630 (1,1) - Really? This is just lazy mapping to me. I think you should get rid of at least one of these and map the section. It would actually be preferable if both went away, but that's just me.
01:55:230 (1,1) - ^ Same as above. And I think this section might work with some slow sliders, but it's your map, you decide what to do with it.

[hackSL's Insanse]
00:00:076 (1) - I don't really like spinners like these that just start that song. Especially since this one prevents you from the mapping the beginning of the actual song. You can keep if you like, but I really don't think it adds to the map.

Pretty good maps, but there are things that bug me and I'm sure would bug others. But you get a star.

Edit: I messed up with a time in the kiai part of the mod, fixed now.
Topic Starter
Thank you. These spinners were the first what came in my mind and later I didn't change them.
I mapped these parts and left only 01:22:830 (1) - .

Insane is being remapped.
00:04:476 (1,2) - лучше бы были короткие слайдеры+круги
01:34:030 (1) - не звучит. я бы сократил и добавил круг
02:14:430 (5) - брейк дальше на мой взгляд не подходит. можно начать его отсюда например 02:16:830 (X) -
в звуках мне не нравятся только слайдеры со свистком.. если ты хочешь их оставить, то мб поставь на начало этих слайдеров ещё свистки

02:14:430 (5) - тоже самое с брейком =\
самая цельная сложность в мапсете

собственно всё от меня
Topic Starter

CracK wrote:

00:04:476 (1,2) - лучше бы были короткие слайдеры+круги — Исправил. И правда лучше.
01:34:030 (1) - не звучит. я бы сократил и добавил круг — Исправил.

в звуках мне не нравятся только слайдеры со свистком.. если ты хочешь их оставить, то мб поставь на начало этих слайдеров ещё свистки — Я убрал свисток с большинства тел, поставил на начало.

02:14:430 (5) - — Пофиксил брейк, как ты и посоветовал.
Заодно нашёл ещё один неритмичный момент. Спасибо.

00:23:230 (4) - Add whistle?
03:01:230 (4,5,6) - strange triple since it's not in the rest of the map.
03:09:630 (2) - This slider needs to decide if it's straight or curved.
03:19:630 (2) - Center this beetween the sliders better, it's a bit off.
03:21:830 (2,3,4,5) - What I said before...not in the rest of the map except twice? Kinda strange.


00:22:230 (8) - This slider shape could be better.
00:23:030 (10) - ^
00:28:830 (1) - ^
00:32:630 (2) - Move this note to it's in the center of those sliders.
00:40:030 (7) - Ahhh I dislike this slider shape too.
01:26:430 (x) - I'd end the slider here.
01:55:630 (2) - I don't hear any music at this part, kinda strange for a note to be there.

I don't play taiko or insanes so I don't mod them. <3

I love this song, gl on ranking,
Topic Starter

Lizzehb wrote:


00:23:230 (4) - Add whistle? — Not bad.
03:01:230 (4,5,6) - strange triple since it's not in the rest of the map. — No. But I found another mistakes, thank you.
03:09:630 (2) - This slider needs to decide if it's straight or curved. — Okay. It decided to be curved.
03:19:630 (2) - Center this beetween the sliders better, it's a bit off. — Remapped.
03:21:830 (2,3,4,5) - What I said before...not in the rest of the map except twice? Kinda strange. — I like this moment so I think I leave it as it is.


00:22:230 (8) - This slider shape could be better. — No; that's exactly what I want.
00:23:030 (10) - ^ — The same.
00:28:830 (1) - ^ — Okay, fixed.
00:32:630 (2) - Move this note to it's in the center of those sliders. — Done.
00:40:030 (7) - Ahhh I dislike this slider shape too. — Me too; I deleted it and used notes here.
01:26:430 (x) - I'd end the spinner here. — No, I think it sounds better when it ends at 01:25:630.
01:55:630 (2) - I don't hear any music at this part, kinda strange for a note to be there. — I made slider instead of two notes
Thanx for the help.
[hackSL's Insane]
00:00:076 (1) - лучше бы поставил что-нибудь начиная с 00:01:276
00:02:342 (X) - круг
00:03:076 (1,2,3) - не подходит. потому что здесь не 1/4 и нет такого в самой музыке
переделай под 1/3. и следующий слайдер тоже
00:06:342 (X) - круг
я бы и здесь ещё добавил правда 00:06:209 (X)
01:03:730 (X) - круг
01:10:130 (4) - перенеси на 01:10:330
01:29:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - что-то неладное со спейсингом здесь. если хочешь - можешь не менять, но хотя бы отодвинь всё подальше от следующего слайдера
02:00:696 (8) - плохо. потому как должна быть кнопочка на 02:00:830, иначе странно звучит
02:07:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - переделай в 1/3. такие слайдеры с возвратами очень не ок
02:14:230 (9) - тоже
02:16:230 (2) - ^
02:18:530 (6,7) - ^

CracK wrote:

[hackSL's Insane]
00:00:076 (1) - лучше бы поставил что-нибудь начиная с 00:01:276
00:02:342 (X) - круг
00:03:076 (1,2,3) - не подходит. потому что здесь не 1/4 и нет такого в самой музыке
переделай под 1/3. и следующий слайдер тоже
00:06:342 (X) - круг
я бы и здесь ещё добавил правда 00:06:209 (X)
01:03:730 (X) - круг
01:10:130 (4) - перенеси на 01:10:330
01:29:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - что-то неладное со спейсингом здесь. если хочешь - можешь не менять, но хотя бы отодвинь всё подальше от следующего слайдера
02:00:696 (8) - плохо. потому как должна быть кнопочка на 02:00:830, иначе странно звучит
02:07:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - переделай в 1/3. такие слайдеры с возвратами очень не ок
02:14:230 (9) - тоже
02:16:230 (2) - ^
02:18:530 (6,7) - ^
K i R a
Et Tic :D here is my mod ;), good luck with your song and remember, this is only suggestion :D

Offset and BPM ok ;)

I think you need a kiai more: 01:28:030 to 01:40:830 ;), like the others.


03:22:830 (6) - That I think sounds better in soft, I think.
00:06:076 (2) - That finish in the white line.
00:20:830 (1) - Try whistle
00:40:830 (4,5) - Try soft :D


00:42:830 (1) - Remove new combo to make 00:43:230 (2) here the new combo.
00:52:830 (1,2) - Move it to stack "2".
01:16:030 (8) - Finish in taiko in middle of a stream is imposible I think.
01:19:096 (9) - ^
01:29:430 (7) - Stack
01:36:030 (7) - New combo
02:14:430 (3) - ^
02:16:030 (3) - ^
02:30:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put new combo in 02:30:430 (3)
02:49:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Hmm, correct the spacing of the circles.
03:01:630 (9,1) - Very near I think.
03:18:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put new combo in 03:18:430 (3)


00:29:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put in 00:28:830 (13)
00:35:230 (7) - New combo and remove new combo here: 00:35:630 (1) -
00:38:430 (4) - New combo
00:44:830 (5) - ^
00:45:430 (1) - Remove new combo
00:46:430 (9) - New combo
00:46:830 (1) - Remove new combo
00:48:030 (7) - New combo
00:48:430 (1) - Remove new combo
00:51:230 (4) - New combo
00:52:030 (1) - Remove new combo
00:52:830 (7) - New combo
01:34:030 (1) - Remove New combo
01:34:430 (2) - New combo...
01:37:630 (8) - ^
01:38:430 (1) - Remove
01:39:230 (6) - New
02:14:430 (9) - New combo
02:17:630 (5) - ^
02:36:830 (8) - ^
02:37:830 (1) - Remove
02:38:430 (6) - New
02:41:630 (6) - ^
02:42:830 (1) - Remove
02:44:830 (7) - New
02:45:030 (1) - Remove
02:46:230 (1) - ^
02:46:430 (9) - New
02:48:030 (3) - ^
02:58:430 (1) - Remove
02:59:230 (15) - New
03:01:630 (1) - Remove
03:02:430 (13) - Neeew
03:03:230 (1) - Remove...
03:04:030 (7) - New
03:05:630 (6) - ^
03:06:030 (1) - Remove
03:06:830 (1) - Remove
03:07:230 (10) - New
03:08:030 (1) - Remove
03:08:830 (4) - New
03:09:830 (1) - Remove
03:10:430 (7) - New
03:12:030 (7) - ^
03:12:430 (1) - Remove
03:13:630 (6) - New
03:14:430 (1) - Remove
03:15:230 (9) - New
03:16:230 (1) - Remove
03:17:430 (1) - Remove
03:18:430 (17) - New

So much combo correctiosn for a map... I think you need to learn about combo and a little bit of music theory: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=58959

Good map ;) I hope you rank it :D

;) Bye
Topic Starter

K i R a wrote:


03:22:830 (6) - That I think sounds better in soft, I think. — Yea!
00:06:076 (2) - That finish in the white line. — No.
00:20:830 (1) - Try whistle — No.
00:40:830 (4,5) - Try soft :D — No.


00:42:830 (1) - Remove new combo to make 00:43:230 (2) here the new combo. — Nope. I want all 4 sliders with the same colour
00:52:830 (1,2) - Move it to stack "2". — Done
01:16:030 (8) - Finish in taiko in middle of a stream is imposible I think. — I have Taiko diff for taiko, hah. Also it is 1/3, not 1/4.
01:19:096 (9) - ^ — The saem thing.
01:29:430 (7) - Stack — Done.
01:36:030 (7) - New combo — Done
02:14:430 (3) - ^ — No.
02:16:030 (3) - ^ — Fixed.
02:30:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put new combo in 02:30:430 (3) — Fixed.
02:49:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Hmm, correct the spacing of the circles. — Fixed
03:01:630 (9,1) - Very near I think. — Yea.
03:18:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put new combo in 03:18:430 (3) — Yea.

00:29:030 (1) - Remove new combo to put in 00:28:830 (13)
00:35:230 (7) - New combo and remove new combo here: 00:35:630 (1) -
00:38:430 (4) - New combo
00:44:830 (5) - ^
00:45:430 (1) - Remove new combo
00:46:430 (9) - New combo
00:46:830 (1) - Remove new combo
00:48:030 (7) - New combo
00:48:430 (1) - Remove new combo
00:51:230 (4) - New combo
00:52:030 (1) - Remove new combo
00:52:830 (7) - New combo
01:34:030 (1) - Remove New combo
01:34:430 (2) - New combo...
01:37:630 (8) - ^
01:38:430 (1) - Remove
01:39:230 (6) - New
02:14:430 (9) - New combo
02:17:630 (5) - ^
02:36:830 (8) - ^
02:37:830 (1) - Remove
02:38:430 (6) - New
02:41:630 (6) - ^
02:42:830 (1) - Remove
02:44:830 (7) - New
02:45:030 (1) - Remove
02:46:230 (1) - ^
02:46:430 (9) - New
02:48:030 (3) - ^
02:58:430 (1) - Remove
02:59:230 (15) - New
03:01:630 (1) - Remove
03:02:430 (13) - Neeew
03:03:230 (1) - Remove...
03:04:030 (7) - New
03:05:630 (6) - ^
03:06:030 (1) - Remove
03:06:830 (1) - Remove
03:07:230 (10) - New
03:08:030 (1) - Remove
03:08:830 (4) - New
03:09:830 (1) - Remove
03:10:430 (7) - New
03:12:030 (7) - ^
03:12:430 (1) - Remove
03:13:630 (6) - New
03:14:430 (1) - Remove
03:15:230 (9) - New
03:16:230 (1) - Remove
03:17:430 (1) - Remove
03:18:430 (17) - New
Thanx. I'll fix the rest of your mod tomorrow.
Ну, сам попросил.

Source : Newgrounds
да ладно? во-первых:
во-вторых : сайт, откуда ты это сдул, нельзя считать полноценным источником. Не писать же всем источники iTunes или какой-нибудь , Источник - это если данный трек играл в каком-то аниме, фильме, игре и тп.
исходя из вышесказанного, удали источник вообще. Т.к. замиксованный он вообще не играл нигде, как я полагаю.
Дальше больше.

Artist: F-777
Некто F-777 известен как Jesse Valentine. Не веришь - на :
По-моему вполне ясно, что исполнитель именно Jesse Valentine, а F-777 пора спульнуть в тэги. <= просто ссылка на песню, но там исполнитель чотко виден. яснее, чем на его странице.
Если будешь менять артиста, то ознакомься : viewtopic.php?f=56&t=24443&start=0

Title: He's a Pirate
Кстати о его странице.
Я был бы рад, если бы ты мне показал данный трек в аудиозаписях этого исполнителя. ибо его там элементарно нет. Следовательно я и в титле не очень уверен.
it was my bad

Tags: Hans Zimmer Pirates of the Carribean hackSL
Окей, Hans Zimmer - автор оригинала
Pirates of the Carribean - тоже все понятно, но вот тебе линки : ... 0&g=0&la=0 ... 0&g=0&la=0
Что он показывает? он показывает, что осу!поисковик мап работает минимум от 4х букв в слове. предлоги типа of или the не работают, а with с 4мя буквами - работает,поэтому в нем бы смысл был, но он тут неуместен :). Поэтому по идее of the как бы и не нужны. Никто их удалять не заставляет, читабельность, все дела. просто инфа на будущее, мб пригодится.
hackSL - у него тут инсейн
HeatKai - упс, тэги неодинаковые. в hackSL's Insane не хватает этого словечка.

Taiko BG
Можешь говорить, что я придираюсь, но тут уж назвался груздем, как гриццо...
Твой титл : He's a Pirate
На бг написано : He's A Pirate
Да-да, letter "a" was capitalized without any reason. По идее, если бы это несовпадение произошло в титле, то это важно - нужен фуллсабмит, все дела. Тут вроде как нет, но лучше поправить.
ох уж мне эти тохопикчи из ниоткуда с привязкой в никуда...
А по делу : Combo-burst has wrong resolution : 578x600.
Official Ranking Submission Criteria says :

Темплэйт комбобёрст : 383х767
Примечание от МАТа :

Gonzvlo wrote:

Just a side-note: "500px" is the max width for the Combo-Burst file, I guess the current file it's alright.
Надеюсь, ты понял, что с ним делать. Всегда можно удалить на крайняк.

hackSL's Insane
HP 5 , OD 8 => выстави семерки оба
Не вижу причин для тикрейта 2, когда везде 1. Поставь тикрейт 1 в этой диффе.
00:27:230 (7) - новое комбо сюда
02:14:430 (1) - добавь финиш
02:19:230 (2) - а сюда бы нормал-финиш
02:20:830 (5) - здесь бы тоже нормал финиш вместо софта
02:44:830 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - весь вот этот стрим-червяк просит себе софт вистлов везде.и рассавь комбо как на картинке :
02:58:230 (8) - нк сюда
03:01:430 (8) - ^
03:02:030 (13,14) - 1 грид вправо, чтобы держать спейсинг в стриме постоянным

наличие нормал свистков радует. но стоят слишком просто, ими же можно такой ритм накрутить... ну ладно, нестрашно.
Вообще, по стримам... эта диффа сложнее.
00:59:830 (3) - 1 грид вправо
00:59:830 (3) - такие слайдеры лучше выглядит по центру, ну ок
01:46:430 (6) - не ок, смотри, 1/6 в конце :
02:52:830 (9) - лучше финиш вместо свстка
03:22:830 (1) - убери нк

H's Taiko
00:34:163 (145,146,147) - 1/3 sounds off

03:22:030 (3,4) - дистанс снэп х)
в целом, без ошибок
Topic Starter
Some changes:

— Removed comboburst
— Changed tick rate to 1 for Insane
— Changed metadata a little
— Added some new combos for Insane and also removed some
— Edited taiko BG ("A" letter is not capitalized now, ha-ha)
Requested Taiko Mod:

Initial Overveiw: Fun map, creative patterns although the flow isn't so good.

First off, change the Slider Velocity to 1.4, 1.6 is unnecessary at this BPM.

Change the HP Drain to 6
Change the Overall Difficulty to 6

Delete all those 1.3 speed up points, the speed up is not needed at all and unrankable.

00:41:030 - Try changing this 1/6 pattern to kkkd, it plays a lot smoother.
00:59:630 - add d
01:28:030 - change to d
01:30:530 - add k
01:30:730 - ^
01:30:830 - remove finish
01:46:630 - unnecessary 1/6 roll, try a different pattern.
01:53:630 - change to d
03:11:230 - unnecessary 1/6 roll, try a different pattern.

MMzz wrote:

Requested Taiko Mod:

Initial Overveiw: Fun map, creative patterns although the flow isn't so good.

First off, change the Slider Velocity to 1.4, 1.6 is unnecessary at this BPM.

Change the HP Drain to 6
Change the Overall Difficulty to 6

Delete all those 1.3 speed up points, the speed up is not needed at all and unrankable.

00:41:030 - Try changing this 1/6 pattern to kkkd, it plays a lot smoother.
00:59:630 - add d
01:28:030 - change to d
01:30:530 - add k
01:30:730 - ^
01:30:830 - remove finish
01:46:630 - unnecessary 1/6 roll, try a different pattern.
01:53:630 - change to d
03:11:230 - unnecessary 1/6 roll, try a different pattern.
THANKS , some of them I didn't fix , i think :3

Thanks again , mapper 666 combo :3

Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate (TicClick) [H's Taiko].osu



OD-1? I know this is a normal, but is the easier difficulty in the mapset.
00:54:430 (3) This is the only stacked note in this difficulty, this is not recommended for the easier difficulty, please move it.
03:21:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Put something like this at the end of the difficulty is not good, the player becomes accustomed to a pattern, this may be something unexpected.


00:01:276 - Increase the distance between these notes, feels tight.
00:22:230 (8) Considering the previous pattern and how has this slider, at the first time that was very confusing, I thought the slider was 1/2 shorter.
00:34:830 (1) I don't feel an Anti jump here, please move this slider, don't fit with the music.
01:13:630 - Change these claps for whistles, don't fit with the music.
01:15:496 - The rhythm of this stream is very hard to read, I miss here, I suggest to change it for a slider, then it would be easier to keep up with the following streams.
02:09:896 - ^ Same problem with this stream, I can't read it, totally unexpected rhythm for me.
02:46:430 - Totally disagree with this pattern, is like an insane difficulty, to be honest, is more hard than the insane difficulty. I suggest to change it for sliders.
02:56:030 - In this moment, the difficulty ceases to be "Hard", becomes in insane for me, I suggest to change these streams, don't fit with the difficulty.


00:26:030 (3,4,5) Inconsistent spacing, looks bad when you're playing.
00:29:030 (1,2,3) Ok, that was strange for me, why not use the same distance in this stream that the previous stream?
01:15:496 - Why you decrease the distance in this stream?, is an 1/3 stream so you must increase the distance between the notes, not decrease.
01:18:696 (8) New combo? that was really confusing, due the hit-burst and the rhythm that you're following before, pressed to half thinking they had notes. Explain:
01:37:630 - Forgot the claps here ~
01:40:830 - Very long stream imo, please start the break here 01:47:230. Work better imo
02:20:830 - Very long break again, but if you reduce the previous break this work fine. Also, to reduce the break you can add a spin here 02:30:430 feels good.
02:57:630 - These streams sounds empty, add some claps?
03:02:030 (6) Clap?
03:06:830 (10) ^


Please down a little the volume, sounds really noisy, 80% work fine.
What is the point to make the BG blurry? is annoying @.@

I love the song, I would like to make a difficulty, double star for you ~
Good luck !
Topic Starter

eldnl wrote:


OD-1? I know this is a normal, but is the easier difficulty in the mapset. — I'll think about it.
00:54:430 (3) This is the only stacked note in this difficulty, this is not recommended for the easier difficulty, please move it. — Done.
03:21:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Put something like this at the end of the difficulty is not good, the player becomes accustomed to a pattern, this may be something unexpected. — 2 is removed.


00:01:276 - Increase the distance between these notes, feels tight. — It's 0.8x and it's fine.
00:22:230 (8) Considering the previous pattern and how has this slider, at the first time that was very confusing, I thought the slider was 1/2 shorter. — Err.. why? It's clear enough to see that it's longer that prev.
00:34:830 (1) I don't feel an Anti jump here, please move this slider, don't fit with the music. — I tried to place it further, but it becomes ugly :|
01:13:630 - Change these claps for whistles, don't fit with the music. — Done.
01:15:496 - The rhythm of this stream is very hard to read, I miss here, I suggest to change it for a slider, then it would be easier to keep up with the following streams. — Okay, I put three sliders instead.
02:09:896 - ^ Same problem with this stream, I can't read it, totally unexpected rhythm for me. — Eh. I love these 1/3s so I won't delete 'em.
02:46:430 - Totally disagree with this pattern, is like an insane difficulty, to be honest, is more hard than the insane difficulty. I suggest to change it for sliders. — No, thanks.
02:56:030 - In this moment, the difficulty ceases to be "Hard", becomes in insane for me, I suggest to change these streams, don't fit with the difficulty. — «No, thanks» again. I think I should keep player awake until the last note.

[Insane] — Let's see what will be fixed.

Please down a little the volume, sounds really noisy, 80% work fine. — 75% now.
What is the point to make the BG blurry? is annoying @.@ — Hm, I just noticed that. Strange thing.

I love the song, I would like to make a difficulty, double star for you ~ — Thanks for the stars. Sorry, but you're a lil' bit late to make diff.
Taiko -
00:06:342 (23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30) - Make this dkddkddk as it plays better in 1/3rd.
00:17:230 (19) - Makee this a Big Don and all similarly place big katsu's should be a don. It doesent make any sense to make them big katsu. plus they sound so nasty...
00:34:296 - - d
00:34:430 - k

Uhh thats all I really see. After that, it got pretty good. Cept your use of 1/6. Consider using less of it.


Still short orz
how many word/alphabet do you need ? orz

Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate (TicClick) [H's Taiko].osu
H's Taiko
- I guess you need to consider more about composition of the music and the map.
- Some of big notes are random to me. Big notes are significant, so it can disrupt the map if it doesn't placed it correctly.
- Some 1/6s are kinda 'risky'.
00:04:176 (X) - Add k?
00:13:830 (1) - Even if you put finish in this, there won't be any sound in 00:14:430 when you really play this map, and there is a downbeat in there. I guess you'd better shorten it and add a note in 00:14:430. (and I think making this to start in 00:13:630 would be better.
00:34:163 (145,146,147) - The music isn't 1/3 here?
00:39:630 (X) - Add something here?
00:45:030 (219) - Can't understand this big note.
00:50:430 (251) - ^
00:55:030 (278,279,280) - d k d?
00:56:030 (281,282,283,284,285) - K d  d K d?
00:57:630 (286,287,288,289,290) - K d  d k d?
01:41:496 (542,543) - The sounds here aren't 1/3.
01:42:296 (545,546) - ^
01:43:330 (X) - Add a note?
01:55:230 ~ 02:19:230 - Big note placement is generally random.
02:21:230 (686) - Remove finish.
02:23:363 (X) - Add a note?
02:29:830 (731,732,733,734,735,736,737,738,739,740) - To me this 1/6s don't make sense.
03:00:230 (948,949) - Finish in 949 instead of 948.
03:11:230 (1020,1021,1022,1023,1024,1025,1026) - To me this 1/6s don't make sense.

Mah, I'm kinda lazy.
General: shouldn't the timing point at 00:08:030 start one beat earlier, where the techno kicks in? You'll want measures to line up though, so place two of them.

Large parts of the map use only white ticks... this gets boring. Maybe move some notes to red/purple ones.
00:38:830 (2) - kinda confusing for Normal.
00:51:630 (2) - nice slider art!
01:55:230 (1) - feels jaggy, line up red anchor points with beats
02:16:030 (3) - the break after this circle is awkwardly placed.
02:20:830 (1,2,3) - move one white tick earlier, then fill up the space after it? (not important)
03:08:830 (1) - i'd end Kiai time here.

00:37:430 (9) - why no whistle on the start point?
01:06:430 (9) - make slider like 01:03:630 (1)
01:46:430 (6,7,8) - make one beat
01:46:830 (9) - end with finish
02:00:430 (5) - align end point with (6)?
02:23:830 (2,3,4,5) - i'd also make these sliders like the following ones. Then again, that might be boring; maybe make the combo spiral out a little
03:04:630 (10) - make three beats

03:22:330 (2,3,4,5,6) - feels a bit overmapped
Couldn't find much wrong except for the final combo, though.
Topic Starter

nooodl wrote:

General: shouldn't the timing point at 00:08:030 start one beat earlier, where the techno kicks in? — Hmm... No?

Large parts of the map use only white ticks... this gets boring. Maybe move some notes to red/purple ones.
00:38:830 (2) - kinda confusing for Normal. — Not sure
01:55:230 (1) - feels jaggy, line up red anchor points with beats — I made a circle out of this
02:16:030 (3) - the break after this circle is awkwardly placed. — Done on both diffs
02:20:830 (1,2,3) - move one white tick earlier, then fill up the space after it? (not important)
03:08:830 (1) - i'd end Kiai time here. — No

00:37:430 (9) - why no whistle on the start point? — Because it should be at 00:37:630
01:06:430 (9) - make slider like 01:03:630 (1) — No, because if I do that, I'll have to fill the rest of the break. I'll think about it later.
01:46:430 (6,7,8) - make one beat — Um.. no, don't think so
01:46:830 (9) - end with finish — Ok
02:00:430 (5) - align end point with (6)? — Done with SHIFT
02:23:830 (2,3,4,5) - i'd also make these sliders like the following ones. Then again, that might be boring; maybe make the combo spiral out a little — No, I tried but it doesn't look nice
03:04:630 (10) - make three beats — Good!

03:22:330 (2,3,4,5,6) - feels a bit overmapped — Hah, a bit, yeah. But it's not critical. Let's see what others will say.
Couldn't find much wrong except for the final combo, though.

lepidopodus wrote:

H's Taiko
- I guess you need to consider more about composition of the music and the map.
- Some of big notes are random to me. Big notes are significant, so it can disrupt the map if it doesn't placed it correctly.
- Some 1/6s are kinda 'risky'.
00:04:176 (X) - Add k?
00:13:830 (1) - Even if you put finish in this, there won't be any sound in 00:14:430 when you really play this map, and there is a downbeat in there. I guess you'd better shorten it and add a note in 00:14:430. (and I think making this to start in 00:13:630 would be better.
00:34:163 (145,146,147) - The music isn't 1/3 here?
00:39:630 (X) - Add something here?
00:45:030 (219) - Can't understand this big note.
00:50:430 (251) - ^
00:55:030 (278,279,280) - d k d?
00:56:030 (281,282,283,284,285) - K d  d K d?
00:57:630 (286,287,288,289,290) - K d  d k d?
01:41:496 (542,543) - The sounds here aren't 1/3.
01:42:296 (545,546) - ^
01:43:330 (X) - Add a note?
01:55:230 ~ 02:19:230 - Big note placement is generally random.
02:21:230 (686) - Remove finish.
02:23:363 (X) - Add a note?
02:29:830 (731,732,733,734,735,736,737,738,739,740) - To me this 1/6s don't make sense.
03:00:230 (948,949) - Finish in 949 instead of 948.
03:11:230 (1020,1021,1022,1023,1024,1025,1026) - To me this 1/6s don't make sense.

Mah, I'm kinda lazy.
done most of them :)
Thanks lepid

Download: F-777 - He's a Pirate (TicClick) [H's Taiko].osu
I like the map, errors are few, so mostly suggestions.

00:38:830 (2) - This slider slides over the long white tick. Could you shorten and put a circle there? Helps with the flow of the rhythm a lot if you always hit something on the long white tick. Plus, 2x+ repeating sliders don't play well in general, since you don't know how many repeats there are.
01:10:830 (3) - sliders like these are sort of lazy. If you could at least attempt to make it more symmetrical that would be awesome. You don't have to use grid snap either.

I sorta ran outta time unexpectedly, I'll finish this up in a little while.

okay I'm back

[normal] (oops, I don't always read diff names)
00:51:630 (2) - just want to point out how much WIN this is.
01:59:630 (2) - boo. I am not a fan of overmapping (putting a note where nothing exists in music). This whole section has a bunch. This isn't unrankable, and plenty of people don't care on osu!, but I do.
02:19:630 (5) - ^ only pointing out this one because it's not close to the rest of them.
02:24:030 (1,3) - these would look and play better if the "bounce" were in the middle. If you can make them symmetrical, do it.
02:48:030 (1) - ctrl H+J and you get a symmetrical pattern
03:21:230 (1,2) - reverse these 2

00:22:230 (8,9,10,11) - move 8-10 1/2 later, and put 11 in the new empty space. see below for the rhythm i want.
00:25:630 (5,6,7) - This sounds really good, better than previous.
00:45:830 (4,2,3) - You don't have to fix these, but keep an eye out for these sliders that start on a red tick. If you put too many in a row, it plays awkward. I would say change (2) so it starts on a white tick instead. As long as you are consciously putting in offbeat sliders, it's okay.
01:55:230 (1) - overmapping as in normal. However, sliders are a bit different from circles as their ends aren't that important. I would be fine with making each note a slider, but to make it better, you should just use circles, or silence the end of the slider.
02:11:896 - end slider here?
02:43:230 (1) -

00:03:409 (3) - delete, I don't really hear a clear note here, and even if there is one, it doesn't fit the previous patterns. Or you can do the next one
00:04:209 - move 3-5 back 1/3 to map this note. If you don't, add a note here.
00:04:742 (1,2,3,4,5) - press ctrl R after highlighting this rhythm and use that pattern (circle, repeating slider x4). This puts the repeating sliders ON the beat, rather than on the pickup.
00:07:142 (5) - if you feel the need to put in a slider here, do it anywhere but here or the first note in the stack. Otherwise just make it 2 circles.
00:16:630 (1,2,3) - for these types of compressed streams, it's best not to use the grid at all. If you click on 2, you'll see it's spacing is .71 and .78, which is close enough to be "okay" but clearly looks uneven, and thus looks bad. In general, you should use grid snap on the first and last notes of a compressed stream, but don't bother with the middle. If you do this for all the compressed streams it would look a lot better.
00:20:030 (5,6,7,8,9) - I'm also a bit confused on the stream spacing. Some are compressed, others aren't. It's just a bit inconsistent, that's all. Using only a few spacings would also be good. I see .4x, .56x, .7x, .8x, 1.2x, 1.3x, and the varying jump spacings (which don't really matter). Using .7x for compressed streams and 1.2x for normal spacing would be good.
00:41:230 (7,1) - unless you really like this, I think it's stupid.
00:46:430 (1,2) - ^
00:54:430 - new note here with new combo.
00:54:830 (1) - move back 1/2.
00:55:630 (5) - delete
about the previous 3 parts: you're mapping a tiny little echo that is completely insignificant. If this were taiko or you mapped everything in this section it would be okay, but picking and choosing what to map is akin to making up a new part, which I really hate, because it never fits.
01:00:830 - add circle, new combo or new combo 01:00:430 (5) - here.
01:03:130 (3) - delete, overmapped
01:03:430 (5) - ^
01:09:830 (2) - ^
01:13:930 (3) - not snapped right
01:19:630 (1) - add repeat, move 2 underneath the end
01:55:230 (1) - take whistle off the end of all these. It would be better to silence the ends...
02:01:230 (6) - delete, overmapped
02:02:296 - add a note
02:07:630 (1) - make this a normal slider of same length
02:09:230 (4) - circle
02:17:496 - add a note
02:18:830 (1) - make this a normal slider of same length
02:20:696 - add a note
02:45:630 (9) - new combo
03:08:030 (2) - This would sound better as a 1/2 slider, so that 3 and 4 are alone as a double.

Timing is off. I think it's 10 ms late (so +10ms) but I didn't really check. Normally I'm an early hitter too, so there's something wrong here.
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