
Nexus Slate & Nexus Ivory [Standard]

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Thanks to LilyPichu for lending me her voice!

Thank you for over 13,000 downloads of the original Nexus skin!

This is my absolute most popular skin to date—so I'm bringing it a little more up to date after all the changes peppy has made to skinning. The skin is now more compatible with the current build of osu!. No fancy stuff, though; that means no animations or crazy spinner stuff. It's too much work for me to redo the skin from scratch while trying to figure out how to get all the things to work without looking like complete shit. Sorry—I'll do that for my next skin!

Nexus is now available in black (Slate) and white (Ivory); that means you white note add-on aficionados now have a full-white skin to play with. I hope you guys like it; again, thanks for all the support.

Retrieve the skin here (Slate):
Retrieve the skin here (Ivory):

May 5, 2013
What's new in this version:
  1. Nexus is now available in Slate and Ivory
  2. Updated ranking panel to properly align
  3. Re-done mod icons with text on side; now more visible and understandable when multiple mods are stacked in the results screen, or while spectating
  4. Added some missing mod icons (Perfect, Nightcore, 4k-8k, Random) and removed legacy icons (Taiko, NoVideo)
  5. Added main menu backgrounds
  6. Added fail/pause menu backgrounds
July 14, 2011
What's new in this version:
  1. Added score star recolour and small grade recolour add-ons to the add-ons section

July 2, 2011
What's new in this version:
  1. Changed White Note Add-on's reverse arrow to black

Download the White Note Add-on:

Download the Score Star Recolour Add-on:

Download the Small Grade Letter Recolour Add-on:
Changes the small grades from all cyan to S A B C D.

Out of the way, Xi-Style. Your face displeases me.

Originally I was going to re-haul Xi-Style and make it both more functional and pleasing to look at; after all, those combo numbers and score stars were the size of the bloody sun. I was going to name it Xi-Style G2, but after playing with it for a bit I had no idea what kind of aesthetic I was going for. I'm sure there was some sort of idea in there. Three years later however, I'm not too fond of the execution of it. I scrapped the G2 concept and started anew. I wanted something just as modern as Xi-Style but more minimal and more functional overall.

Enter Nexus. No, this isn't a TRON Legacy skin. I wanted a dark theme. Happy Sky and Osuka were really lightly coloured, FF7 was bursting with vivid shades and Xi-Style was very neutral with grey. I ended up using black and cyan to really give any colour within the skin a strong punch. Nowhere is this more evident than in the hitcircles where the colour stands out quite nicely. Getting a concept that worked for the actual gameplay was the hardest part, probably. Combined with small score stars, bright slider tracks and a lively ki bar, this may be my most functional skin yet.

The aesthetic is minimal with a strong focus on typography. It might not appeal to many people but for those who are looking for something new, this might be it. I digress. I type far too much for a skin release.

Welcome to Nexus. Enjoy your stay.
Fuuuu, as always, excellent.

Firo Prochainezo
Wow, simply GORGEOUS.
Aswome ! :3 :)
Ugh. More beauty.

Too much fabulousness.
(O_O) Awesome skin i just <3 it
This skin made me fall in love with osu! Standard all over again.

Oh my god, it's perfect.

So perfect that now I'm demanding to know why isn't this in the osu! updater extras panel yet.
As usual, you make yet another fantastic skin.

Keep up the good work ;p
Whoa that's awesome :D!
Too bad that for wide-screen resolutions the "Score" tab is too far :<

I've also changed the slider to my personal tastes tho :P :

It's indeed a masterpiece <3
Another Great skin. *downloads*
The best part is obviously the voice.
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Thank you for the comments.

Dragvon wrote:

Whoa that's awesome :D!
Too bad that for wide-screen resolutions the "Score" tab is too far :<
Well, shit. I only tested on 4:3 (I play tablet so other ratios are inconvenient); this totally slipped my mind. :(

Lilyko wrote:

The best part is obviously the voice.
Love you ♥
Naicu skin
definitely the most functional theme I've ever played on. actually got better scores on maps I sucked at before
Your skins are godlike
Great work on the skin! :)
Another godlike skin by Xiaon <3
Awesome work out here.
holy crap this is awesome.

I haven't changed my cursor for over 1.5 year. Nexus made me do it now.
Another awesome skin :oops:
I swear, this is the sort of skin that all skinners strive to make. Very sleek, very colorful, very stylish.
This skin is incredible.

Awesome job.
Awesome skin! Just awesome!

Here is a little suggestion for the White Note Add-On: because a white reverse arrow isn't very visible in a white circle, you should fill it with black. Like this:

Hi, I came.
oh wow so good
I like it a lot, really well done.
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XPJ38 wrote:

Awesome skin! Just awesome!

Here is a little suggestion for the White Note Add-On: because a white reverse arrow isn't very visible in a white circle, you should fill it with black.

Will add to the main post.
Don't forget the skin.ini in the new package.
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I forgot to bundle the score bar as well.
this skin is good.
How did you encode these sounds? I wanted to amplify menuclick.wav, but audacity can't recognize it. (when i f2, there's not enough clicking sounds for my tastes :P)
One suggestion: make the 100s and 50s different colors from 300. Right now it's really difficult to tell how well I'm hitting because I usually rely on different colors to tell when I'm not getting 300s; it's too hard to read the 100 at a glance while playing.

I'll probably just edit the colors myself if you decide not to do it :)
I actually already did edit it. Ended up leaving 300 alone, 100 is yellow, 50 is red, Miss is purple.

Red looked the worst, and i see 50 the least, so yeah.

Also, xiao, you realize the taiko mod icon isn't used anymore right?
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Huh. I exported it using Audacity, but I can't seem to open the menuclick file either.

I can recolour it for you. I originally planned to recolour it just as all other skins do (because when you're playing, colour identification is the fastest way to know what you hit). The only reason I went against it was for aesthetic purposes. I'll recolour it in a few moments; perhaps I'll use Cyclone's colouring system.

Also yeah, I noticed. I just skin it because it's in the folder.

edit: here

I decided to use the normal colours because I'm used to them lol
Here if anyone wants the typical colours. :)

i like your idea of using the overlay as part of the hitcircle
Quick suggestion. You should probably edit any "invisible" elements down to 1 by 1. Sorry for the small, nearly pointless request.

Oh yeah, I forgot. The blue slider border looks kind of odd with the combo colors. Maybe you could color the track blue to match? Or at least make the border black to match with the hitcircles.
excellent skin ! nice work !
OMG!! It's absolutely AMAZING!! Xiaounlimited, thanks for your work =)
Nice skin, plays well. Personally like the UI more than anything else. Looks like hticircles drew inspiration from Contease skin
Spinner is a bit wobbly..could probably fix that
My new Main Skin :)
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theMikeAG wrote:

Quick suggestion. You should probably edit any "invisible" elements down to 1 by 1. Sorry for the small, nearly pointless request.

Oh yeah, I forgot. The blue slider border looks kind of odd with the combo colors. Maybe you could color the track blue to match? Or at least make the border black to match with the hitcircles.
I do realize I should have edited them to a 1x1 file but the space saved is so minimal there's virtually no point in me going back to fix it. As for the track colours, everything is editable to a player's preference in the .ini file. I liked the tracks cyan; if you like them black, by all means change it. I thought it made it look very flat so I didn't go with black.

Xact wrote:

Nice skin, plays well. Personally like the UI more than anything else. Looks like hticircles drew inspiration from Contease skin
Spinner is a bit wobbly..could probably fix that
The spinner is 1px off centre. Others and myself ended up finding it quite psychadelic so I left it as is. I also don't know what the skin you mention is but I'll be sure to look it up.

Again, thank you for all the comments.
07 Ghost
This skin looks amazing! Although I still might prefer XI for the simplicity of it (not as many colors).
Nice skin <3 I'm using it.
I know this will be my skin for aLONG time.

Good job on it!
Another suggestions to perfect your skin.

1/ I find the reversearrows odd. The colours used to fill them are too... sharp with the rest of the skin during a play (a perfect white and perfect black).
What I would suggest is to use the same gradation used for your default numbers, i.e. 48-48-48 on the top and 0-0-0 on the bottom of the circle.
So instead of having the first reversearrow, you would have the second one, softer for the eye:

Of course this is only valid for the white note add-on. For the default skin with the white reverse arrow, you would use the same logic, with inverted colours: 255-255-255 and 207-207-207.

2/ Why not put some colours to your ranks? Like you did with your score star recolour add-on and with the red letter D, the ranks X, S, A, B, C would be far more easily recognizable if there was some colour to highlight them (AFAIAC I first check the colour to know my rank, not the letter). X and S in gold, A in green, B in dark blue and C in purple? For SH and XH, I don't know.

These are only suggestions of course.
Ahhh, heaven for the eyes.

This is amazing work, sir/miss
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XPJ38 wrote:

1/ I find the reversearrows odd... etc
I originally did that, but I wanted the arrows to purposely look odd. I personally have a grudge against reverse arrows (I break on them far too often), so to combat that I made it as jarring as possible. The gradient is a non-issue, IMO.

2/ Why not put some colours to your ranks? Like you did with your score star recolour add-on and with the red letter D, the ranks X, S, A, B, C would be far more easily recognizable if there was some colour to highlight them (AFAIAC I first check the colour to know my rank, not the letter). X and S in gold, A in green, B in dark blue and C in purple? For SH and XH, I don't know.
I just used traditional osu! colours:


SH and XH are both white

Xiaounlimited wrote:

XPJ38 wrote:

1/ I find the reversearrows odd... etc
I originally did that, but I wanted the arrows to purposely look odd. I personally have a grudge against reverse arrows (I break on them far too often), so to combat that I made it as jarring as possible. The gradient is a non-issue, IMO.
Ok np.

Xiaounlimited wrote:

2/ Why not put some colours to your ranks? Like you did with your score star recolour add-on and with the red letter D, the ranks X, S, A, B, C would be far more easily recognizable if there was some colour to highlight them (AFAIAC I first check the colour to know my rank, not the letter). X and S in gold, A in green, B in dark blue and C in purple? For SH and XH, I don't know.
I just used traditional osu! colours:


SH and XH are both white
Nice :)
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