
Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa - Great Days

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 29 октября 2017 г. at 12:56:23

Artist: Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa
Title: Great Days
Source: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない
Tags: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable no kimyou na bouken op opening
BPM: 170
Filesize: 26353kb
Play Time: 01:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crazy Diamond (4,62 stars, 284 notes)
  2. Easy (1,77 stars, 99 notes)
  3. Hard (2,93 stars, 197 notes)
  4. Light Insane (3,61 stars, 211 notes)
  5. Normal (2,11 stars, 148 notes)
Download: Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa - Great Days
Download: Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa - Great Days (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Gureito daze
добавь сурс и теги
Crazy Diamond
00:37:276 (1,2) - спейсинг поменьше бы
Light Insane
00:13:982 (3,4,5) - может тут спейсинг сделать такой же как 00:01:276 (3,4,5) - в этом моменте?
01:15:394 (1) - тут вместо слайдера две ноты бы неплохо зашли
01:13:806 (1) - этот слайдер лучше перенести на белый тик, хоть он и стоит на вокале, но все же лучше чтобы он не выбивался из ритма, так как такая резкая смена темпа легко выбивает новичков из колеи
Topic Starter

EijiKuinbii wrote:

добавь сурс и теги Добавил
Crazy Diamond
00:37:276 (1,2) - спейсинг поменьше быда и так норм вроде
Light Insane
00:13:982 (3,4,5) - может тут спейсинг сделать такой же как 00:01:276 (3,4,5) - в этом моменте? ок
01:15:394 (1) - тут вместо слайдера две ноты бы неплохо зашлида это жестко
01:13:806 (1) - этот слайдер лучше перенести на белый тик, хоть он и стоит на вокале, но все же лучше чтобы он не выбивался из ритма, так как такая резкая смена темпа легко выбивает новичков из колеиfixed
яре яре дазе

[Crazy Diamond]
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - не понравилось что ты систематично пропустил сильные звуки на красных тиках (в данном случае это сильная доля, на которой стоило бы ставить нк). Сделай их кликабельными
  2. 00:18:570 (3) - я конечно понял твою задумку с выделением вокала в конце, но может стоит здесь сделать 1/1 паузу, как и на 00:15:747 - 00:17:159 - , поставив ноту вместо слайдера?
  3. 00:19:629 (3,4,5,6) - звуки слишком неочевидные для того чтобы делать целый бёрст. Либо сделай репит, либо два кикслайдера, либо на крайняк очень маленький спейсинг между нотами (~0.4-0.5x)
  4. 00:25:982 - финиш
  5. 00:28:629 (6) - 00:31:453 - наоборот ненужные финиши
  6. 00:33:747 (3,4) - понаделай здесь джампов, а то восемь подряд слайдеров при клепе на каждом первом белом тике - это скучно (если бы был клеп на каждом втором, как на 00:20:335 - 00:25:982 - , то тогда ещё норм, но это не тот случай)
  7. 00:45:747 - финиш
  8. 00:52:982 (2,3,4) - как-то слишком рандомно джампы расставлены, хотя слышно что звуки (гитары, а не барабанов) на выделенных нотах одинаковые, в отличие от первой ноты, поэтому ящитаю можно сделать так
  9. 01:06:041 (2) - сделай вместо белой точки красную в середине слайдера, чтобы красиво смотрелся вместе с 01:05:512 (1) -
  10. 01:10:276 (2,5) - ой не нравится мне этот оверлап, притом что он видимый. Либо сделай его побольше, опустив ноту пониже, либо вообще избавься от оверлапа
  11. 01:12:041 (4,5) - лучше поменять ноту и слайдер на таймлайне, чтобы вокал лучше выделить. Да и на 01:12:218 - никаких звуков нет, чтобы вот так вот делать (если сравнивать даже с этим 01:11:865 - )
  12. 01:12:570 (1,2) - ты бы хотя бы больше одного раза за весь киаи такое сделал, а то так смысл несколько теряется
  13. 01:14:865 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - чё-то джампы как-то рандомно выглядят, лучше так сделай (01:14:865 (4,2) - стакнуты)
  14. 01:15:923 (4,1) - хуёвый оверлап, притом что ноту ты мог засунуть в эту дугу (только саму дугу надо бы ровнее сделать)
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - та же проблема что и в даймонде
  2. 00:14:335 (5,6) - мне кажется что пренебрегать оверлапом после 1/4 ради стака глупо (даже если учесть что во ВСЕХ таких же случаях с 1/4 репитами ты делал оверлапы), так что думаю здесь также стоит сделать оверлап
  3. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - закончи первый и второй спиннеры на больших белых тиках, а второй и третий спиннер начни с синих тиков (последний спиннер закончи на красном, как и было)
  4. 00:21:394 (3,1) - слишком большой спейсинг для лайт инса, опусти голову последнего слайдера
  5. 00:53:512 (4,5,6,7) - тоже слишком уж большой спейсинг, даже на джампах в киае 01:04:453 (2,3,4,5,6) - спейсинг ~1.9-2.0x, а тут прям до тройки. Уменьши ненамного (если после нерфа сложность не устроит, увеличь кс)
  6. 01:16:806 (9) - нк
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - та же проблема что и в даймонде
  2. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - та же проблема что и в лайт инсе
  3. 00:36:218 (2,3,4) - ой не нравится мне это, игрок может не прочитать правильно. Либо уменьши стак лениенси до 3, либо ещё что-нибудь придумай
  4. 00:41:512 (1) - закончи спиннер на красном тике
  5. 00:53:512 (3,4,5,6) - джампы для харда это слишком круто, сделай синглтапы
  1. 00:40:100 (1,1) - слишком маленький промежуток между концом спиннера и слайдером. Полазь в ранкинг критерии и посмотри, какой минимум между спиннером и объектом в нормалах
  2. 00:52:982 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - вот так сделай, чтобы сильного абуза объектов не было
  3. 01:04:100 (1,2,3) - а вот тут можно вот так сделать
Topic Starter

Danii wrote:

яре яре дазе

[Crazy Diamond]
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - не понравилось что ты систематично пропустил сильные звуки на красных тиках (в данном случае это сильная доля, на которой стоило бы ставить нк). Сделай их кликабельными из-за остального инструментала и вокала не особо выделяется+выглядит как говно если ставить круги
  2. 00:18:570 (3) - я конечно понял твою задумку с выделением вокала в конце, но может стоит здесь сделать 1/1 паузу, как и на 00:15:747 - 00:17:159 - , поставив ноту вместо слайдера? Вокал это важно
  3. 00:19:629 (3,4,5,6) - звуки слишком неочевидные для того чтобы делать целый бёрст. Либо сделай репит, либо два кикслайдера, либо на крайняк очень маленький спейсинг между нотами (~0.4-0.5x) нерфанул спейсинг
  4. 00:25:982 - финиш там клеп стоит, а для финиша я чёто звука не слышу
  5. 00:28:629 (6) - 00:31:453 - наоборот ненужные финиши это на концовку инструмента этого страна который тутутутуууу
  6. 00:33:747 (3,4) - понаделай здесь джампов, а то восемь подряд слайдеров при клепе на каждом первом белом тике - это скучно (если бы был клеп на каждом втором, как на 00:20:335 - 00:25:982 - , то тогда ещё норм, но это не тот случай) не особо хочеца консистенси тут портить, пока подумаю над етим
  7. 00:45:747 - финиш поставил
  8. 00:52:982 (2,3,4) - как-то слишком рандомно джампы расставлены, хотя слышно что звуки (гитары, а не барабанов) на выделенных нотах одинаковые, в отличие от первой ноты, поэтому ящитаю можно сделать такбаффнул спейсуху,
    чтобы было видно, что 1 очень близко к слайдеру а 2 3 4 уже пизда как далеко
  9. 01:06:041 (2) - сделай вместо белой точки красную в середине слайдера, чтобы красиво смотрелся вместе с 01:05:512 (1) - ок
  10. 01:10:276 (2,5) - ой не нравится мне этот оверлап, притом что он видимый. Либо сделай его побольше, опустив ноту пониже, либо вообще избавься от оверлапа а помоему кайфовый оверлап
  11. 01:12:041 (4,5) - лучше поменять ноту и слайдер на таймлайне, чтобы вокал лучше выделить. Да и на 01:12:218 - никаких звуков нет, чтобы вот так вот делать (если сравнивать даже с этим 01:11:865 - ) нота для того чтобы выделить вокал, слайдер после ноты для того чтобы не игнорить жесткий драмчег, вообще по харошему было бы 1/1 поставить слайдер но игнорить этот драм пиздец как не хочеца
  12. 01:12:570 (1,2) - ты бы хотя бы больше одного раза за весь киаи такое сделал, а то так смысл несколько теряется тут смысл в том что теперь там не только драм но и вокал, поэтому надо фолловнуть
  13. 01:14:865 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - чё-то джампы как-то рандомно выглядят, лучше так сделай (01:14:865 (4,2) - стакнуты)сделал угол треугольнику больше проста
  14. 01:15:923 (4,1) - хуёвый оверлап, притом что ноту ты мог засунуть в эту дугу (только саму дугу надо бы ровнее сделать)засунул
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - та же проблема что и в даймонде
  2. 00:14:335 (5,6) - мне кажется что пренебрегать оверлапом после 1/4 ради стака глупо (даже если учесть что во ВСЕХ таких же случаях с 1/4 репитами ты делал оверлапы), так что думаю здесь также стоит сделать оверлап я еблааан
  3. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - закончи первый и второй спиннеры на больших белых тиках, а второй и третий спиннер начни с синих тиков (последний спиннер закончи на красном, как и было) fixed
  4. 00:21:394 (3,1) - слишком большой спейсинг для лайт инса, опусти голову последнего слайдера fixed
  5. 00:53:512 (4,5,6,7) - тоже слишком уж большой спейсинг, даже на джампах в киае 01:04:453 (2,3,4,5,6) - спейсинг ~1.9-2.0x, а тут прям до тройки. Уменьши ненамного (если после нерфа сложность не устроит, увеличь кс) это из-за лоу св
  6. 01:16:806 (9) - нк fixed
  1. 00:03:218 - 00:06:041 - 00:08:865 - 00:11:688 - та же проблема что и в даймонде
  2. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - та же проблема что и в лайт инсе fixed
  3. 00:36:218 (2,3,4) - ой не нравится мне это, игрок может не прочитать правильно. Либо уменьши стак лениенси до 3, либо ещё что-нибудь придумай бля мапаю без стакинга не увидел
  4. 00:41:512 (1) - закончи спиннер на красном тике fixed
  5. 00:53:512 (3,4,5,6) - джампы для харда это слишком круто, сделай синглтапыда нормально, это же не нормал
  1. 00:40:100 (1,1) - слишком маленький промежуток между концом спиннера и слайдером. Полазь в ранкинг критерии и посмотри, какой минимум между спиннером и объектом в нормалах ок
  2. 00:52:982 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - вот так сделай, чтобы сильного абуза объектов не было да чё бы и не поарбузить при том что самый жесткий парт в сонге
  3. 01:04:100 (1,2,3) - а вот тут можно вот так сделать
сделол по екшоновее
бальшое спасбио за мод!!!
00:03:041 (4) - id stack it with the end of 00:02:335 (2) -
00:05:512 (3,4) - thinking
00:06:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - u could do 2 triangles here
00:08:688 (4) - id move this a bit down
00:09:041 (1,2,3) - make equal spacing?
00:10:276 (8) - x=166 y=140 so it will be in the center of 00:09:570 (4,5,6,7) - triangle
00:10:453 (1,2,3,4) - id love to see this rearranged :(
00:12:218 (3,4) - make the same as 00:11:865 (1,2) - ? and then you caould do smth like
ok, all the 8note jumps in the beginning (the ones i pointed and suggested to do some triangles or w/e) lack of s t r u c t u r e, notes look random and they dont seem to be related to each other
00:13:276 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - lower sv? like 00:00:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here
00:17:512 (1,2,3) - spacing is way too much, part is p calm
00:21:394 (5) - blanket it with 00:20:688 (2) - the end of this, would be nicer
00:22:100 (2,3,4,5) -
00:23:512 (2) - move a bit to the right to 00:23:512 (2,3,4) - make spacing equal?
00:24:923 (2,3) -
00:27:041 (4) - x=365 y=361
00:29:159 (2,3,4,1) - tbh this is bad
00:32:335 (3,4) - more pleasing if they are parallel
00:33:041 (1) - ctrl+j
00:35:688 (1) - make it burai or change shape, current one just looks random
00:37:276 (1,2) - wtf is this spacing
00:44:335 (1,2) - ^ literally
00:49:100 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - totally needs a rearrangement as well
00:55:276 (5) - what about x=239 y=374
00:56:688 (4) - ?
00:57:570 (2,3) - tbh stack doesnt work at all since this is kiai and song is pretty dence
00:59:512 (5) - angle is kinda weeird, try
01:01:629 (2,3) - wait wat is this, pls do smth like
01:03:218 (2,3,4,5) - o btw this is nice, you could do the same for 00:59:512 (5) -
01:06:747 (1,2,3) - visual spacing should be +- equal to give the best experience
01:08:865 (2,3) - same thing about stack
01:06:041 (2) - you havent used such curve before, looks random
01:11:688 (3,4,5) -
01:14:335 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - placement just felt so random, jumps dont have structure and spacings are just lol, consider to do a rearragement here
fix your heart
Topic Starter

Komore wrote:

00:03:041 (4) - id stack it with the end of 00:02:335 (2) - but 00:02:335 (2,1)
00:05:512 (3,4) - thinking ok
00:06:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - u could do 2 triangles here ok
00:08:688 (4) - id move this a bit down it stacked with (1)
00:09:041 (1,2,3) - make equal spacing? ok
00:10:276 (8) - x=166 y=140 so it will be in the center of 00:09:570 (4,5,6,7) - triangle ok
00:10:453 (1,2,3,4) - id love to see this rearranged :( ok
00:12:218 (3,4) - make the same as 00:11:865 (1,2) - ? and then you caould do smth like
ok, all the 8note jumps in the beginning (the ones i pointed and suggested to do some triangles or w/e) lack of s t r u c t u r e, notes look random and they dont seem to be related to each other ok
00:13:276 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - lower sv? like 00:00:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here ok
00:17:512 (1,2,3) - spacing is way too much, part is p calm ok
00:21:394 (5) - blanket it with 00:20:688 (2) - the end of this, would be nicer ok
00:22:100 (2,3,4,5) - ok
00:23:512 (2) - move a bit to the right to 00:23:512 (2,3,4) - make spacing equal? ok
00:24:923 (2,3) - don't like
00:27:041 (4) - x=365 y=361 ok
00:29:159 (2,3,4,1) - tbh this is bad ok
00:32:335 (3,4) - more pleasing if they are parallel ok
00:33:041 (1) - ctrl+j ok
00:35:688 (1) - make it burai or change shape, current one just looks random ok
00:37:276 (1,2) - wtf is this spacing changed
00:44:335 (1,2) - ^ literally changed
00:49:100 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - totally needs a rearrangement as well ok
00:55:276 (5) - what about x=239 y=374 00:55:276 (5,1) - spacing will be to big
00:56:688 (4) - ? changed+blanketing with note and next 1/1 slider
00:57:570 (2,3) - tbh stack doesnt work at all since this is kiai and song is pretty dence ok
00:59:512 (5) - angle is kinda weeird, try changed
01:01:629 (2,3) - wait wat is this, pls do smth like changed but not your suggestion
01:03:218 (2,3,4,5) - o btw this is nice, you could do the same for 00:59:512 (5) - ok
01:06:747 (1,2,3) - visual spacing should be +- equal to give the best experience fixed
01:08:865 (2,3) - same thing about stack ok
01:06:041 (2) - you havent used such curve before, looks random now I used
01:11:688 (3,4,5) - It will break structure between 01:11:688 (3,5,1) -
01:14:335 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - placement just felt so random, jumps dont have structure and spacings are just lol, consider to do a rearragement here rearragement
fix your heart
Здаров жожо из моей очереди

хмм есть бг в больше качестве, думаю лучше использовать его

  • 00:15:041 (1) - Ты уверен что не хочешь начать спиннер тут? 00:14:688 -
    00:20:335 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - что за спам нк, по моему лучше сделать его через каждые 4
    00:20:335 (1) - 00:21:747 (1) - как я понимаю ты тут делаешь по вокалу, поэтому сгибы стоит сделать на красных тиках тут 00:20:865 - и тут 00:22:276 -
    00:25:982 (1,2) - хмм эти два слайдеры индентичны , почему бы здесь 00:26:689 (2,4,5) - сделать не так же? ну я в плане ноты поставить на начале и конце слайдера
    00:29:512 (2,4,5) - ^
    00:34:453 (1,2) - если ты решил сделать тут так, то тогда продли слайдера 1 до сюда 00:35:335 - , чтобы не было такой паузы, просто есть сильные звуки на белом тике, и по ошибке можно раньше нажать
    00:48:570 (1) - хмм по моему на оборот сгиб должен быть тут 00:48:923 - , если следовать вокалу
    00:55:629 (1) - смысла в этом нк нету
    01:02:688 (1) - Чуть чуть поднять конец слайдера чтобы он смотрел на начало нового?
    01:06:923 (1) - также нк
    01:12:570 (1) - Вообще не знаю почему нк
  • 00:17:512 (1,1) - Восстановление после слайдера в нормале должен быть 2 белых тика
    00:30:218 (1) - хмм спам нк
    00:35:159 (2,3,4) - эти ноты должны быть на белых тиках, там стоит сильный звук
    00:46:276 (2,3) - эта часть играется как-то не естественно, вам нужно пересмотреть тут ритм, может быть этот?
    00:53:865 (4,5,1) - это трудно прочитать новичкам
  • 00:09:041 (1,2) - хмм может сделать их прямыми? тогда это все будет лучше смотреться 00:08:335 (3,4,1,2) -
    00:17:600 (1,1) - Восстановление должно быть в 1 белый тик
    00:41:512 (1,1) - ^
    00:35:335 (4,3,4) - Сделать стак с началом или концом слайдера?
    00:47:159 (1) - тут лучше сделать 2 ноты, есть 2 сильных звука
[Crazy Diamond]
  • 00:03:041 (4,1) - этот ритм лучше здесь, Так же посмотрите все подобные моменты
    00:53:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - имхо, не знаю почему но такое расположение нот, мне больше нравиться, да и флоу получше
    00:58:100 (4) - Стоит поднять повыше, а то флоу не удобное
    Хорошая дифа
Лады удачи с картой
As you requested.

General: Off wildscreen support in Easy Normal Hard and Light Ins diffs.

Crazy Diamond:

00:12:923 (7) - better place notes on drum tick of sliderend. The whole jump part will be looks more consistence. But should be with less space cuz dynamic of music goes low.
00:16:100 (1) - can ber more even. (for exmple
00:47:865 (6,7,8) - stack it mby? i dont understand that way with off stacking in wrong angle. that way will more neat
01:09:394 (4,5,1) - same about stacking. + here angle of slider 4 goes wrong. let me show oyu some examples with manual stacking (but it's just example, choose ur own way :D
01:16:806 (1) - ohh fix dat offscreen. unrankbl

Sorry for most nazi stuff at this diff. it's looks ok.

Light Insane:

00:14:776 (1,1,1) - uhh, dont think it's good way. Cuz 3 spinners contract can be confusing. Try use sliderarts like u do in top diff
00:37:365 (1) - strange spinner again
00:48:394 - missed drum sampleset


00:14:776 (1,1,1) - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
00:37:365 (1,1,1) - ^
00:02:335 (2,3,4) - DS


00:14:688 (1,1,1) - since this diff its unrankble
00:24:041 (4) - not needed to be clickable. u following nothing with this
00:37:276 (1,1) - yaaa
00:53:865 (4,5,1,2,3) - should rly confused players. try hm, do it some easier. but it's not important tbh


00:37:276 (1,1) - not sure
01:16:806 - put spinner here.

Topic Starter

makisokk wrote:

Здаров жожо из моей очереди

хмм есть бг в больше качестве, думаю лучше использовать его

  • 00:15:041 (1) - Ты уверен что не хочешь начать спиннер тут? 00:14:688 - хочу оставить это кликабельным
    00:20:335 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - что за спам нк, по моему лучше сделать его через каждые 4 окей
    00:20:335 (1) - 00:21:747 (1) - как я понимаю ты тут делаешь по вокалу, поэтому сгибы стоит сделать на красных тиках тут 00:20:865 - и тут 00:22:276 - слишком дебильные получатся шейпы для изика имо
    00:25:982 (1,2) - хмм эти два слайдеры индентичны , почему бы здесь 00:26:689 (2,4,5) - сделать не так же? ну я в плане ноты поставить на начале и конце слайдера они так и стоят
    00:29:512 (2,4,5) - ^
    00:34:453 (1,2) - если ты решил сделать тут так, то тогда продли слайдера 1 до сюда 00:35:335 - , чтобы не было такой паузы, просто есть сильные звуки на белом тике, и по ошибке можно раньше нажать сделал
    00:48:570 (1) - хмм по моему на оборот сгиб должен быть тут 00:48:923 - , если следовать вокалу
    00:55:629 (1) - смысла в этом нк нету fixed
    01:02:688 (1) - Чуть чуть поднять конец слайдера чтобы он смотрел на начало нового?а он куда смотрит?
    01:06:923 (1) - также нк fixed
    01:12:570 (1) - Вообще не знаю почему нк fixed
  • 00:17:512 (1,1) - Восстановление после слайдера в нормале должен быть 2 белых тика fixed
    00:30:218 (1) - хмм спам нк экшон происходит так что чебы и нет
    00:35:159 (2,3,4) - эти ноты должны быть на белых тиках, там стоит сильный звук имо вокал тут важнее
    00:46:276 (2,3) - эта часть играется как-то не естественно, вам нужно пересмотреть тут ритм, может быть этот fixed?
    00:53:865 (4,5,1) - это трудно прочитать новичкам в осу надо превозмогать и ебашить
  • 00:09:041 (1,2) - хмм может сделать их прямыми? тогда это все будет лучше смотреться 00:08:335 (3,4,1,2) - и так смотрится заебок
    00:17:600 (1,1) - Восстановление должно быть в 1 белый тик fixed
    00:41:512 (1,1) - ^ fixed
    00:35:335 (4,3,4) - Сделать стак с началом или концом слайдера? окей
    00:47:159 (1) - тут лучше сделать 2 ноты, есть 2 сильных звуканорм
[Crazy Diamond]
  • 00:03:041 (4,1) - этот ритм лучше здесь, Так же посмотрите все подобные моменты не, сейчас всё норм хоть и говно игнорица но оно не супер важное/color]
    00:53:512 (1,2,3,4,5) - имхо, не знаю почему но такое расположение нот, мне больше нравиться, да и флоу получше
    00:58:100 (4) - Стоит поднять повыше, а то флоу не удобное ок
    Хорошая дифа
Лады удачи с картой

NeilPerry wrote:

As you requested.

General: Off wildscreen support in Easy Normal Hard and Light Ins diffs.

Crazy Diamond:

00:12:923 (7) - better place notes on drum tick of sliderend. The whole jump part will be looks more consistence. But should be with less space cuz dynamic of music goes low. it is for emphazise 00:12:747 (6) - wooh sound but w/o ignoring clap
00:16:100 (1) - can ber more even. (for exmple fixed
00:47:865 (6,7,8) - stack it mby? i dont understand that way with off stacking in wrong angle. that way will more neat fixed
01:09:394 (4,5,1) - same about stacking. + here angle of slider 4 goes wrong. let me show oyu some examples with manual stacking (but it's just example, choose ur own way :D fixed
01:16:806 (1) - ohh fix dat offscreen. unrankbl fixed

Sorry for most nazi stuff at this diff. it's looks ok.

Light Insane:

00:14:776 (1,1,1) - uhh, dont think it's good way. Cuz 3 spinners contract can be confusing. Try use sliderarts like u do in top diff imo its ok here
00:37:365 (1) - strange spinner again fixed
00:48:394 - missed drum sampleset fixed


00:14:776 (1,1,1) - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
00:37:365 (1,1,1) - ^ its ok for hard I think, but tbh idk
00:02:335 (2,3,4) - DS


00:14:688 (1,1,1) - since this diff its unrankble now its 1 spinner
00:24:041 (4) - not needed to be clickable. u following nothing with this vocal + guitar isnt enough?
00:37:276 (1,1) - yaaa now its 1 spinner
00:53:865 (4,5,1,2,3) - should rly confused players. try hm, do it some easier. but it's not important tbh It is the strongest part of the song they should confused


00:37:276 (1,1) - not sure me too
01:16:806 - put spinner here. ok

hi from my Q

optional to change | unrankable | suggested to change

  1. Add "(TV Size)" to title?
  2. I'd suggest changing the color for combo 1 and 3 cus it doesn't match with the colors in the bg here i changed it for u
    Combo1 : 255,0,128
    Combo3 : 244,250,37
  3. the whistles on the sliderbodies are really annoying tbh maybe remove them
Crazy Diamond
  1. 00:01:276 (3,4,5) - i wish u made the spacing equal here
  2. 00:06:570 (3,4,6,7) - ^
  3. 00:24:041 (4,5) - spacing here is quite overspaced make it a triangle instead for 00:23:865 (3) -
  4. 00:28:100 (3) - why not place this on the middle of the triange instead to emphasize the new beat ^)
  5. 00:31:276 (6) - the finish should be here not on (7) switch them?
  6. 00:42:041 (3) - add a clap to this sliderend
  7. 00:42:747 (6) - add clap here too
  8. 00:47:688 (5) - nc here perhaps to keep consistency
  9. 00:47:159 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this part lack hitsounds even tho there are drums in this part
  10. 00:55:100 (4,5,1) - maybe make the spacing equal here since it's a strong sound anyway
  11. 01:03:218 (2) - maybe lower this down more to make a 01:02:688 (1,2,5) - triangle here looks way better imo
  12. 01:15:923 (4) - could get more space align it with 01:15:041 (5,7,4) -
  13. 01:16:453 (2) - idk im not sure of this movement i'd palce this on top of 01:15:570 (2,4) - and make a triangle
  14. 01:16:806 (1) - remove the clap on the sliderend it sounds better without any hs to emphasize the guitar sound imo

That's all~ really really great map i love the visualls u put in the aesthetics and all very pleasing to mod i enjoyed it
i hope my mod helped somehow tho~ good map good song goodluck!
Topic Starter

AJamez wrote:

hi from my Q

optional to change | unrankable | suggested to change

  1. Add "(TV Size)" to title? meh
  2. I'd suggest changing the color for combo 1 and 3 cus it doesn't match with the colors in the bg here i changed it for u
    Combo1 : 255,0,128
    Combo3 : 244,250,37
    I think its fine now
  3. the whistles on the sliderbodies are really annoying tbh maybe remove them removed
Crazy Diamond
  1. 00:01:276 (3,4,5) - i wish u made the spacing equal here fixed
  2. 00:06:570 (3,4,6,7) - ^ no
  3. 00:24:041 (4,5) - spacing here is quite overspaced make it a triangle instead for 00:23:865 (3) - its ok coz of strong beat
  4. 00:28:100 (3) - why not place this on the middle of the triange instead to emphasize the new beat ^) its already
  5. 00:31:276 (6) - the finish should be here not on (7) switch them? (7) it the end of this instrument sound, (6) is normal beat with clap
  6. 00:42:041 (3) - add a clap to this sliderend added whistle
  7. 00:42:747 (6) - add clap here too ???
  8. 00:47:688 (5) - nc here perhaps to keep consistency consistency with what?
  9. 00:47:159 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this part lack hitsounds even tho there are drums in this part and heres drum sampleset and claps
  10. 00:55:100 (4,5,1) - maybe make the spacing equal here since it's a strong sound anyway vocal is really loud
  11. 01:03:218 (2) - maybe lower this down more to make a 01:02:688 (1,2,5) - triangle here looks way better imo
  12. 01:15:923 (4) - could get more space align it with 01:15:041 (5,7,4) - its ok
  13. 01:16:453 (2) - idk im not sure of this movement i'd palce this on top of 01:15:570 (2,4) - and make a triangle changed
  14. 01:16:806 (1) - remove the clap on the sliderend it sounds better without any hs to emphasize the guitar sound imo fixed

That's all~ really really great map i love the visualls u put in the aesthetics and all very pleasing to mod i enjoyed it
i hope my mod helped somehow tho~ good map good song goodluck!
thanks for mod!
[Crazy Diamond]
01:05:688 - I don't think you should skip the vocal here, try 1/2 slider?

[Light Insane]
00:14:688 - I'm not sure if these spinners fit tbh lol I'd prefer slow sliders

00:52:806 (1,2,3,4,5) - the map is spinning in circle in a very obvious way which makes your map look bland imo. You should try to have a bit more of a sharp angle

00:04:453 (4,1,2) - try to avoid patterns like this, they don't look so good. Yeah if possible try to avoid multiple 1/2 sliders in a row

Good luck!
Topic Starter

timemon wrote:

[Crazy Diamond]
01:05:688 - I don't think you should skip the vocal here, try 1/2 slider? okay

[Light Insane]
00:14:688 - I'm not sure if these spinners fit tbh lol I'd prefer slow sliders its ok I think

00:52:806 (1,2,3,4,5) - the map is spinning in circle in a very obvious way which makes your map look bland imo. You should try to have a bit more of a sharp angle ok

00:04:453 (4,1,2) - try to avoid patterns like this, they don't look so good. Yeah if possible try to avoid multiple 1/2 sliders in a row Its emphasize downbeat

Good luck!
sorry for slow af

Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa - Great Days


  1. 00:37:276 (1,1) - These spinners feel really unnecessary, they kinda take away from the song and feel out of place. Some 2/1 sliders would be a nicer replacement. It kinda overrides what the song offers here and simplifies it too much imo
  2. 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4) - 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4) - Since the vocals fall on the red ticks a lot it's hard to emphasize them, though I think you should where you can. Areas like 00:56:335 - should be clickable as a slider or something so the vocals can fit in as well. Furthermore, I think you should ctrl+g 00:54:218 (1,2) - . The vocals feel kinda split across the "Let" and "the voice of love" and I think this'd be a better way to distinguish them. (same on repeats of this)
  3. 01:13:806 - even though the rhythm falls on the 1/2 so you can't emphasize it as well, making this big white tick clickable could help with that.
  4. Some of the aesthetic choices in the kiai could be improved imo, consecutive circles feel fairly randomly placed and very linear, adding a little variation in how you make them flow could be nice. Things like perhaps, so on.


  1. I just want to say, this difficulty doesn't even feel like it's mapped by the same person. A lot of your other difficulties have clean structure with variation to keep it interesting enough, and this difficulty has neither imo. Not sure what this is a result of but I feel like you could do better before I push this forward.
  2. 00:12:218 (2) - Slider here maybe?
  3. 00:14:688 (1) - Since this is the normal I feel like you could do a little more here. The spinner just feels a bit underwhelming, could you map it out?
  4. 00:23:512 (2,3,4,5) - This is really dense, stacking so many circles for this part of the song feels unnecessary.
  5. 00:37:276 (1,1) - Same from easy diff.
  6. 00:53:865 (4,5,1,2,3) - Big diffspike, too many clickables for a normal imo
  7. 00:57:747 (5,6) - Slider instead for the trumpet? Same on repeats.
  8. 01:16:453 (8) - 1/2 slider? Drums on 01:16:629 -
  9. 01:16:806 (1) - Not sure what this is supposed to be but it just looks fairly awkward all around, lol if it's something related though let me know.


  1. 00:01:629 (4,1) - Little bit of a weird way to do 1/4 sliders for a hard, it'd be preferred to make it more clear since the final repeat puts it on the end of the slider, maybe like this:, same for other times like 00:14:335 (4,1) - .
  2. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - Same thing about spinners for here and the Insane. Your top diff does a nice job of making this section feel interesting and yet not overdone. Spinning is something that takes quite a bit of motion, and since this part of the song is relatively calmer, making the player spin 3 consecutive spinners just feels excessive.
  3. 00:37:365 (1,1,1) - ^
  4. 00:53:512 (3,4,5,6) - Honestly if you're gonna make such a difficult pattern I think your difficulty should be scaled up with it, most of it feels like an advanced with really difficult areas like this afterwards. Include more dense circle rhythms in the kiai maybe if you can, since it's mostly sliders, or maybe more jump patterns like 01:04:806 (3,4,5) -
  5. Why does normal end on sliderart but hard have a spinner?

Light Insane

  1. spinners again
  2. 00:53:512 (4,5,6,7,1) - Intended star pattern? Why not use geometric tool
  3. 00:31:629 (1,2,3) - This is really forgiving compared to other patterns here, maybe ctrl+g 2 and 3 for more movement
  4. 01:00:218 (2,3,4,1) - Improve visual spacing, feels a bit cluttered.
  5. No other complaints, looks good

Crazy Diamond

  1. Great diff, not much to say.
  2. HP 6? Feels like you could do 4 --> 5 --> 6 from the hard, LI, and top diff tbh
  3. 00:37:276 (1) - vs 00:40:100 (1,2) - , the former kinda downplays the echoing rhythm, and I think mapping this out more would be more fitting, though it's up to you.

was initially judging off of your top diff and i really liked it but i think the normal could use some work before this is pushed forward, even if it's mostly aesthetics it feels rushed/poorly done compared to the rest, but yeh call me b
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

sorry for slow af

Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa - Great Days


  1. 00:37:276 (1,1) - These spinners feel really unnecessary, they kinda take away from the song and feel out of place. Some 2/1 sliders would be a nicer replacement. It kinda overrides what the song offers here and simplifies it too much imo fixed
  2. 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4) - 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4) - Since the vocals fall on the red ticks a lot it's hard to emphasize them, though I think you should where you can. Areas like 00:56:335 - should be clickable as a slider or something so the vocals can fit in as well. Furthermore, I think you should ctrl+g 00:54:218 (1,2) - .okay The vocals feel kinda split across the "Let" and "the voice of love" and I think this'd be a better way to distinguish them. (same on repeats of this) fixed but not here 01:04:100 - because of
    00:56:335 (4) -
  3. 01:13:806 - even though the rhythm falls on the 1/2 so you can't emphasize it as well, making this big white tick clickable could help with that. fixed
  4. Some of the aesthetic choices in the kiai could be improved imo, consecutive circles feel fairly randomly placed and very linear, adding a little variation in how you make them flow could be nice. Things like perhaps, so on. okay, I tried


  1. I just want to say, this difficulty doesn't even feel like it's mapped by the same person. A lot of your other difficulties have clean structure with variation to keep it interesting enough, and this difficulty has neither imo. Not sure what this is a result of but I feel like you could do better before I push this forward.
  2. 00:12:218 (2) - Slider here maybe?
  3. 00:14:688 (1) - Since this is the normal I feel like you could do a little more here. The spinner just feels a bit underwhelming, could you map it out?
  4. 00:23:512 (2,3,4,5) - This is really dense, stacking so many circles for this part of the song feels unnecessary.
  5. 00:37:276 (1,1) - Same from easy diff.
  6. 00:53:865 (4,5,1,2,3) - Big diffspike, too many clickables for a normal imo
  7. 00:57:747 (5,6) - Slider instead for the trumpet? Same on repeats.
  8. 01:16:453 (8) - 1/2 slider? Drums on 01:16:629 -
  9. 01:16:806 (1) - Not sure what this is supposed to be but it just looks fairly awkward all around, lol if it's something related though let me know.
    fixed everything, last slider deleted now its spinner like at easy. Also worked on structure and rhythm


  1. 00:01:629 (4,1) - Little bit of a weird way to do 1/4 sliders for a hard, it'd be preferred to make it more clear since the final repeat puts it on the end of the slider, maybe like this:, same for other times like 00:14:335 (4,1) - .
  2. 00:14:776 (1,1,1) - Same thing about spinners for here and the Insane. Your top diff does a nice job of making this section feel interesting and yet not overdone. Spinning is something that takes quite a bit of motion, and since this part of the song is relatively calmer, making the player spin 3 consecutive spinners just feels excessive.
  3. 00:37:365 (1,1,1) - ^
  4. 00:53:512 (3,4,5,6) - Honestly if you're gonna make such a difficult pattern I think your difficulty should be scaled up with it, most of it feels like an advanced with really difficult areas like this afterwards. Include more dense circle rhythms in the kiai maybe if you can, since it's mostly sliders, or maybe more jump patterns like 01:04:806 (3,4,5) -
  5. Why does normal end on sliderart but hard have a spinner?
    fixed everything

Light Insane

  1. spinners again
  2. 00:53:512 (4,5,6,7,1) - Intended star pattern? Why not use geometric tool
  3. 00:31:629 (1,2,3) - This is really forgiving compared to other patterns here, maybe ctrl+g 2 and 3 for more movement
  4. 01:00:218 (2,3,4,1) - Improve visual spacing, feels a bit cluttered.
  5. No other complaints, looks good
    fixed everything

Crazy Diamond

  1. Great diff, not much to say.
  2. HP 6? Feels like you could do 4 --> 5 --> 6 from the hard, LI, and top diff tbh okay
  3. 00:37:276 (1) - vs 00:40:100 (1,2) - , the former kinda downplays the echoing rhythm, and I think mapping this out more would be more fitting, though it's up to you. I think its ok coz of instrumental and also this Morioh slider (1) looks really cool and related

was initially judging off of your top diff and i really liked it but i think the normal could use some work before this is pushed forward, even if it's mostly aesthetics it feels rushed/poorly done compared to the rest, but yeh call me b
sorry few more things

  1. few parts of the map felt significantly less interesting in terms of design/flow, namely 00:46:453 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - and 01:08:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - there's not much variation in flow/visuals as opposed to the rest of your map and they feel out of place
  1. 00:14:335 (4) - slider here instead perhaps? drum roll feels downplayed
  2. 00:37:276 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm here is a bit odd. you sort of follow the vocals but it could be better - maybe end 00:37:806 (2) - on the white tick, then put (4) end on the white tick like: The vocals repeat - rhythm doing the same would be cool
  3. 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - think ur rhythm at 00:59:865 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - fits better
light insane spinner, hard/diamond have sliderart zzz make consistent pls
should be set after that for bubble so yeh. also, idk if we agreed to m4m but do you think you could give a mod? thanks <3
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

sorry few more things

  1. few parts of the map felt significantly less interesting in terms of design/flow, namely 00:46:453 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - and 01:08:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - there's not much variation in flow/visuals as opposed to the rest of your map and they feel out of place
  1. 00:14:335 (4) - slider here instead perhaps? drum roll feels downplayed
  2. 00:37:276 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm here is a bit odd. you sort of follow the vocals but it could be better - maybe end 00:37:806 (2) - on the white tick, then put (4) end on the white tick like: The vocals repeat - rhythm doing the same would be cool
  3. 00:54:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - think ur rhythm at 00:59:865 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - fits better
light insane spinner, hard/diamond have sliderart zzz make consistent pls
should be set after that for bubble so yeh. also, idk if we agreed to m4m but do you think you could give a mod? thanks <3
Fixed all
will mod your map today/tommorow
is great day
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

is great day
so happy thanks
2 bn when btw gratz
Hi, as requested~

I personally don't agree with the easy difficulty; I believe it lacks of rhythm variation and simplification. Most of it feels like 1/1 spam.

I can agree with the 1/1 spam from 00:00:571 - to 00:14:688 - and from 00:25:982 - to 00:34:100 - because the 1/1 strength in those section is very prevalent in the music; however, here are some things that I suggest to change:

  1. 00:20:335 (1) - Here the song becomes calmer, so it would be nice to start by following the vocals. I suggest making this into a 3/2 slider with a repeat sicne there's a vocal at 00:20:865 - . Then do the same at 00:21:747 (3) - for consistency. It would look like this.
  2. 00:23:159 (1) - Here the song is still the same; you could just do the same thing I suggested with the other two sliders, but then the map would feel very repetitive, and also leaving them just as 1/1 is not a got idea imo because then you're mapping at the same intensity as the following section (00:25:982 - ) which is notably stronger. So my suggestion at 00:23:159 (1) - is a 2/1 slider followed by a circle in 1/1, then do the same with 00:24:570 (3) - for consistency, it would look like this. This way the following section will feel more prioritized in rhythm density, which is a good thing since it is actually stronger in the music.
  3. 00:39:747 (2) - I suggest to remove this circle. While it is not overmapped, I don't think it's important enough to map it in an easy difficulty + this could give beginners a bit more time to rest. Also, it would make more contrast with the Normal diff since currently 00:37:276 (1,2) - is the same rhythm in both diffs.
  4. 00:41:512 (2,3,4) - I suggest to replace these notes with another 3/2 slider since it seems to be part of the same verse as 00:40:100 (1) -. Like this.
  5. 00:45:747 (1) - Another 3/2 slider here since there's a vocal+drum-like sound at 00:46:276 - . Would look like this.
  6. 00:57:041 (1) - In comparison to 00:54:218 - , the vocals seem more relaxed, so I believe you should represent that with something more simplified, so again, I suggest the use of a 3/2 slider (also helps to relief the excess of 1/1 spam). It is also nice since the repeat falls in the vocal at 00:57:570 - . It would look like this. Also applies to 01:02:688 (1) - , 01:08:335 (1) - , and 01:13:982 (1) - .
  7. 01:04:453 (3,4,5,1) - On a side note, this seems to be the only part in which you used 4 1/1 circles in a row, so it may result a bit throwing off imo, please consider reducing this.
I provided many screenshots because I don't want to make any confusion.

I popped the bubble because I believe this difficulty is not ready to go and it would need another check from Plaudible and me if the changes are applied since they're quite notable, plus the pattern rearrangements that this requires are many. If you disagree with my thoughts about your diff and Plaudible still thinks it is ready to go, feel free to get the rebubble from him again; this is not a veto. I just think vetoing a map is an aggressive way to try to make people agree with me. If you apply these suggestions and get a recheck from Plaudible, feel free to call me back.
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ezek wrote:

Hi, as requested~

I personally don't agree with the easy difficulty; I believe it lacks of rhythm variation and simplification. Most of it feels like 1/1 spam.

I can agree with the 1/1 spam from 00:00:571 - to 00:14:688 - and from 00:25:982 - to 00:34:100 - because the 1/1 strength in those section is very prevalent in the music; however, here are some things that I suggest to change:

  1. 00:20:335 (1) - Here the song becomes calmer, so it would be nice to start by following the vocals. I suggest making this into a 3/2 slider with a repeat sicne there's a vocal at 00:20:865 - . Then do the same at 00:21:747 (3) - for consistency. It would look like this.
  2. 00:23:159 (1) - Here the song is still the same; you could just do the same thing I suggested with the other two sliders, but then the map would feel very repetitive, and also leaving them just as 1/1 is not a got idea imo because then you're mapping at the same intensity as the following section (00:25:982 - ) which is notably stronger. So my suggestion at 00:23:159 (1) - is a 2/1 slider followed by a circle in 1/1, then do the same with 00:24:570 (3) - for consistency, it would look like this. This way the following section will feel more prioritized in rhythm density, which is a good thing since it is actually stronger in the music.
  3. 00:39:747 (2) - I suggest to remove this circle. While it is not overmapped, I don't think it's important enough to map it in an easy difficulty + this could give beginners a bit more time to rest. Also, it would make more contrast with the Normal diff since currently 00:37:276 (1,2) - is the same rhythm in both diffs.
  4. 00:41:512 (2,3,4) - I suggest to replace these notes with another 3/2 slider since it seems to be part of the same verse as 00:40:100 (1) -. Like this.
  5. 00:45:747 (1) - Another 3/2 slider here since there's a vocal+drum-like sound at 00:46:276 - . Would look like this.
  6. 00:57:041 (1) - In comparison to 00:54:218 - , the vocals seem more relaxed, so I believe you should represent that with something more simplified, so again, I suggest the use of a 3/2 slider (also helps to relief the excess of 1/1 spam). It is also nice since the repeat falls in the vocal at 00:57:570 - . It would look like this. Also applies to 01:02:688 (1) - , 01:08:335 (1) - , and 01:13:982 (1) - .
  7. 01:04:453 (3,4,5,1) - On a side note, this seems to be the only part in which you used 4 1/1 circles in a row, so it may result a bit throwing off imo, please consider reducing this.
I provided many screenshots because I don't want to make any confusion.

I popped the bubble because I believe this difficulty is not ready to go and it would need another check from Plaudible and me if the changes are applied since they're quite notable, plus the pattern rearrangements that this requires are many. If you disagree with my thoughts about your diff and Plaudible still thinks it is ready to go, feel free to get the rebubble from him again; this is not a veto. I just think vetoing a map is an aggressive way to try to make people agree with me. If you apply these suggestions and get a recheck from Plaudible, feel free to call me back.
All fixed
Nice~ Just get Plaudible to recheck and rebubble the map and call me back~
changes look fine, but your new combos got weird here:
00:20:335 (1) - 4 measures of no new combos, you usually split by 2
00:41:512 (1) - Remove?

looks good then :d
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Plaudible wrote:

changes look fine, but your new combos got weird here:
00:20:335 (1) - 4 measures of no new combos, you usually split by 2
00:41:512 (1) - Remove?

looks good then :d
talked it over with ezek, still some changes we'd like to see done on normal that we'll work on soonTM
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Cool, just a couple more things!
  1. I suggest changing circle size to 2.5 to make the objects easier to aim for beginners, the song is fast enough to consider this change. Don't worry, changing the cs to 2.5 won't cause unwanted overlaps, I've checked the map with that setting.
  2. 01:15:394 (1) - remove nc
So the thing with Normal is that is quite dense to be Normal, feels more like an advanced tbh, good thing is just on some parts and not the whole map. This is what I was talking about with Plaudible and he was also concerned about this. Many rhythms should be simplified so it's not too hard to be a normal diff + the spread would feel better (easy-normal). Too much 1/2 rhythm usage here doesn't feel okay, so let's begin.

  1. 00:01:982 (1,2,3,4) - Here you can use two 1/1 sliders to focus more on the vocals (break down break down ♫), like this. Also applies to 00:04:806 (1,2,3,4) - , 00:07:629 (1,2,3,4) - , and 00:10:453 (1,2,3,4) -
  2. 00:41:512 (3,4) - This is unrelated to my main concern, but here I suggest to use the same rhythm as the previous couple of sliders to follow the vocals that are sung in the same rhythm. Like this.
  3. 00:52:982 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - All this 1/2 cramped here is a definite no no for this diff, this is what I suggest. As you can see in the image, 00:53:688 - is skipped to prioritize 00:53:865 - since the pitch is notably higher, which is a good way to simplify the rhythm while keeping the map understandable; then the pink sliders just follow the vocals.
  4. 00:59:865 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - better to focus on the vocals like this
  5. 01:03:747 (5) - make this a slider that ends at 01:04:100 - so you start the next combo with a circle at 01:04:276 - and be consistent with 00:52:982 (1) - . After this, follow the same rhythm I suggested for 00:52:982 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - since it's the same thing going on in the music. The final product would look like this.
  6. 01:05:512 (1,2,3,4) - Like this?
  7. 01:14:335 (2,3,4) - I suggest this instead to follow the trumpets better~
I'm okay with the higher diffs, so don't worry because I won't be mentioning things on those. Call Plaudible back after this~
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~Yare yare daze~

Much better, here's your bubble back~ I don't think there will be much of a change after Plaudible's recheck, so he should be able to qualify.

JoJo is love~
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ezek wrote:

~Yare yare daze~

Much better, here's your bubble back~ I don't think there will be much of a change after Plaudible's recheck, so he should be able to qualify.

JoJo is love~
JoJo is life<3
oh wow I just noticed your bg image is almost 2mb x.x
use this one to save some space
dw, quality is still cool~

do it after Plaudible's recheck
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uploaded new bg
bg updated, few tweaks. let the voice of love take you higher \:D/
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Plaudible wrote:

bg updated, few tweaks. let the voice of love take you higher \:D/
Грац :-)

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