Last night I saw that I were in England and had briefly met a stranger in a train, yet decided to go watch an odd horse race with him. The race was on a short stretch of railway track that was pretty high above the ground. Somehow we ended up sitting on the edges of the track, risking falling to the ground below or trampled by the incoming horses. Turns out it wasn't the actual race but an exhibition of the participants, and the horses were more like ponies in size.
Later on I found a policeman and explained to him all the above and then my acquaintance from earlier arrived on one of those old timey things with a lever you pump up and down to move along the tracks and me and the policeman started yelling at him that he was going the wrong way. The policeman was very sad and we suspected something major had happened, but then I woke up.
Recently I saw that I was with some people exploring a deserted house only snatched by some guys and forced to work in a very long bench, engraving hebrew characters in grains of rice (later in the dream I was supposed to engrave them in crappily glazed and painted ceramic souvenirs from Rome instead). I was thinking of calling my parents and telling them that next time they see a crappy tourist souvenir it may be my work, which made me realise that the kidnappers most likely had taken away my cell phone. Just as I was getting anxious that they'd get mad with worry over not being able to contact me, I woke up and was disoriented for a couple of seconds trying to make sense of why I was lying on a bed.