
RYO - Shuffle Heaven [Osu|OsuMania|Taiko]

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eh....i dont know why i cant fix that >_>....

thx for mod!!!

i will try again when i back
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and added djpop's hard ~


AngelHoney wrote:


and added djpop's hard ~

Great ~
Still high quality XD
[DJPop's Hard]
00:46:911 ~ 00:47:464 - Move all notes 1 column left, for the pitch relevance
01:51:965 (111965|0) - Add a note at 7th column

ljqandylee wrote:

[DJPop's Hard]
00:46:911 ~ 00:47:464 - Move all notes 1 column left, for the pitch relevance
- Moved
01:51:965 (111965|0) - Add a note at 7th column
- All diffs have only 1 note here.
Fine. Re-piano'd.
wait... tis mania mapset all Insane icon loolol

Red - Must Fix
Blue - Consider

[DJPop's Normal]
HP+1 or 2( lowest rate in o!m is 6 )
OD-1 ( bit cruel when normal od is 8)

my guess on this problem to make your Normal diff turn to IN ( most insane icon use for HD+ MX+, im not sure about that. )
- somepart 1/4 triplet
- 2 note press simultaneously with 1/2.

[DJPop's Hard]
HP and OD 7

your insane close enough with my shd ( just i too much use sliders/LNs )

ExPew wrote:

wait... tis mania mapset all Insane icon loolol

Red - Must Fix
Blue - Consider

[DJPop's Normal]
HP+1 or 2( lowest rate in o!m is 6 )
- Fixed, didn't know that
OD-1 ( bit cruel when normal od is 8)
- I usually set same OD for every diffs in a map set, fair play

my guess on this problem to make your Normal diff turn to IN ( most insane icon use for HD+ MX+, im not sure about that. )
- somepart 1/4 triplet
- 2 note press simultaneously with 1/2.
- Can't be helped, the song is obviously supposed to be hard :<

[DJPop's Hard]
HP and OD 7
- They said OD7 is too easy :<

your insane close enough with my shd ( just i too much use sliders/LNs )
- Well, I didn't notice there's another mapset :P
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updated~ thank you :3
I can make a GD in CTB? .-.
Seriously, you know how old my Taiko map in this mapset lololol
understand how long it has been this mapset, I just do to help , anyway, creating two diffs in CTB XD
[DJPop's Normal]
OD6 is too low, even this is a Normal diff.

I think OD7 is more proper XD

DJPop wrote:

ExPew wrote:

wait... tis mania mapset all Insane icon loolol

Red - Must Fix
Blue - Consider

[DJPop's Normal]
HP+1 or 2( lowest rate in o!m is 6 )
- Fixed, didn't know that -you forgot add hp lol
Just a kindly reminder:
00:52:595 (1) - to 01:02:543 (8) - 在CTB里面是杀人串-,- 如果可以的话能否控制一下横向间距呢?谢谢
Star ~
no CTB?
;w; graveyard again.....
Revive this x_x
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most of bats are afraid of touch this beatmap (:

or "busy"

This map approves in few months and have less diffs and less variety D: ...compared to this mapset having decent diffs for each mode and it takes years without being approved.

also ... I've been busy working here and I have not finished on time GD's I've proposed D:
Working farm mechanic and until now it has begun high season
Pretty Rhythm

AngelHoney wrote:

most of bats are afraid of touch this beatmap (:

or "busy"
because this map has too much stream and jumps, too far distance in the streams :o

AngelHoney wrote:

most of bats are afraid of touch this beatmap (:

or "busy"
Most of them are sleeping. If I were a BAT I'd help you :/
Topic Starter

Lolicore_Komari wrote:

AngelHoney wrote:

most of bats are afraid of touch this beatmap (:

or "busy"
because this map has too much stream and jumps, too far distance in the streams :o
but now , it is 2014
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

AngelHoney wrote:

most of bats are afraid of touch this beatmap (:

or "busy"
Most of them are sleeping. If I were a BAT I'd help you :/
yep XD thank you ww
next gigantic o.t.n wow

how many star can i shoot? \:D/
這圖又墳了 ?
I'm really sorry your map got graved again before I got here orz.

  1. DJPop's mania-diffs have a bpm change at 00:35:386, BPM of 23.750. BPM should be the same throughout all diffs, since, well, same song.
  2. AIBat tells me there's inconsistency in tags as well:
    From what I see, - [DJPop's Insane] & [DJPop's Normal] does not have "spro" as tag.
  3. Remove Audio lead-in from [Verdi's Hell Taiko], as osu! automatically adds lead-in now.
  4. Consider writing a list of the difficulty progression in the description, since generally Hyper = Hard and Another = Insane, and you have both in this set, where at least Hyper is definitely harder than Hard, so a list could be useful :P
  5. Also, your spread is fine for the most part, but there is a bit of a gap between Normal and Hard, mostly because of how many 1/2's you have in hard, whereas there is almost none in Normal. If possible, try to make the spread here a little bit better.
  6. For all diffs except Another: add a spinner at 01:52:911 - ? I think it fits fairly well, and currently it just kinda feels like the map ends pretty abruptly.
  7. And to me, I'd almost like to say OD8 for ExtrA, OD7 for Another, and OD6 for Insane. Gives a bit more progression in the OD there, but that's more up to you. I can see why you'd want to keep it at OD7 as well :P
  8. A huge chunk of this mod are personal opinion and preference. Feel free to disagree with me.
  1. Hp -1. Even though HP7 is low, due to the high amount of streams the drain is still really unforgiving, and you barely get any HP increase on the 1/2 parts of the song. HP6 is at least a little better.
  2. 00:14:938 (13) - New combo for this (and similar ones for this section), to be consistent with 01:04:911 (1) -
  3. 00:23:622 (4,5) - I think a slight spacing-change here, similar to 00:26:149 (4,5) - and 00:28:675 (4,5) - would fit fairly well with the high-pitch of the song.
  4. 00:31:044 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Same as above, for (4,5) and 00:31:833 (2,3) -
  5. 00:36:096 - Lower the volume for this part to 5~10%.
  6. 00:39:332 (8,9) - Instead of this kinda randomlooking disconnect, make a sharp angle between (7,8), for the pitch-change?
  7. 00:51:885 (8,9) - Same as above, a slight disconnect/angle in the stream, as well as a new combo on (9) (consistent with 00:50:701 (1) - ) would make it easier to break the stream up a bit.
  8. 00:52:595 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Man I wish you did something like , though that might be a bit hard to read/play =3=.
  9. 00:56:385 (1,2) - Moving them a little: might slightly help the flow a bit here (currently feels slightly cramped).
  10. 01:02:701 (1,28) - Long combo is long. Add a new combo at (17). Same for the other long combos.
  11. 01:44:227 (12,1) - tbh, a motion to 01:44:543 (2) - feels more natural than to (1) here, mostly because of the fairly horizontal motion before this part, so the (1) feels a bit... forced movement I guess.
  12. 01:45:648 (1) - ctrl+g? Feels like a more natural cursor movement to curve in rather than going up-down-up :P
  13. 01:48:648 (4,5) - Again the flow isn't that good here imo. Every slider changes direction, except these two, that go in a straight line.
  14. 01:49:832 (2) - Move up 2 gridlvl4.
  1. 00:07:675 (1,2,3) - 00:08:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try stacking (3) with (1) instead of (2), (and (4) with (6)) and see if you like that. Imo, it works with the repeat 00:08:149 (4) - , as well as giving the pattern a jump at the.. idk what to call it melodic parts.
  2. 00:12:412 (10) - Add a drum-whistle?
  3. 00:22:991 - 00:31:675 - I think adding some soft-whistles could be pretty nice, since just hearing the constant hitnormal is a bit boring :P
  4. 00:24:096 (1,2) - 00:26:623 (1,2) - Imo, adding a slight jump here feels more natural due to the pitch-change, as well as being consistent with the spacing change at 00:29:149 (1,2,3,4,1) - .
  5. 00:35:543 - You should turn the kiai off here. That blinking is seriously weird when there's no music going.
  6. 00:48:174 (1,2) - What about a rhythm like It feels like you have to drag your cursor a bit when you're playing the 3/4's you have currently.
  7. 00:51:490 (3,4) - Might want to space this out a bit, just to make the fast slider feel too abrupt.
  8. 00:58:911 (1,2) - I understand the speedup, but the change is pretty big compared to the sliders before it, making them seem and feel disconnected from the rest of the map.
  9. 01:06:332 (5) - While there's nothing wrong with it, it just plays weird to me. Doing the same as 01:08:859 (8,9,1) - just feels better overall imo.
  10. 01:07:753 (1,2,3) - Try reversing the order: Starting the triple on the white tick feels off.
  11. 01:13:280 - Same as earlier, some soft-whistles would be great here.
  12. 01:13:911 (4) - Stack with 01:13:438 (2) - end? Following the change in pitch.
  13. 01:21:806 (1,2) - Move them closer so it's easier to read, and end (1) on 1/8 at 01:22:240 - .
  14. 01:25:280 (14) - Sounds like 1/8 to me, and not 1/6.
  15. 01:27:806 (14) - Same as above^
  16. 01:33:964 (2,1) - Thaaaaaaat's a huge 1/4 jump. These sliderjumps are okay for the most part because of sliderleniency, but since this is a slider->note jump, you should reduce this a bit. Changing the order of 01:33:648 (1,2) - might do the trick.
  17. 01:34:280 - I don't think I understand your whistles for this part, as you sometime don't use them for a while, before using them again.
  18. 01:36:648 (9,1) - Rearraging the pattern before or after so you can stack these two notes would be nice, for consistency with the stacking at 01:35:385 (14,1) - , and just the general feeling of stopping before starting again.
  19. 01:38:543 (4,1) - Yeah, huge jump is huge. If possible, you should reduce this a bit. Also, ctrl+g on 01:38:227 (2,4) - ? for circular motion.
  1. 00:14:938 (10) - New combo on these sliders, to be consistent with ExtrA (that is, if you did change that in ExtrA).
  2. 00:22:043 (6,7) - (6) 1 gridlvl4 to the right, (7) 1 to the left.
  3. 00:28:044 (2) - Finish.
  4. 00:57:964 (2,3,4,5) - Try a rhythm like this: Currently 00:58:122 (3) - just skips over 00:58:280 - .
  5. 01:05:227 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't see a reason for this part having irregular spacing. Might as well form a complete pentagon with 01:04:753 (8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
  6. 01:04:911 (10) - New combo. Same reason as first. Do this for the rest as well.
  7. 01:11:069 (10,11,1) - Smooth this curve out a bit?
  8. 01:49:438 (1,2,3,4) - As before, I think a rhythm like works better.
  1. For the king for the land for the mountains.
  2. 00:07:675 (1,2,3) - Spacing I have no clue why I keep pointing out these random nazi things.
  3. 00:57:648 (1,2) - Deleting (2) and making (1) a 1/1 slider, similar to Insane and ExtrA works better imo, instead of that awkward stack kinda killing your cursor flow :p
  4. 00:58:911 (1,2,1,2) - Probably just me, but that overlap where they don't stack just ticks me off. Stack the 00:59:543 (2,1) - ends properly/make symmetrical?
  5. 01:30:490 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The general movement you have to make with the cursor for these sliders are fairly awkward to play. This is mostly due to the 90 degree turns back and forth. I like how they look, but a different pattern might play better for this part.
  6. 01:45:964 (2) - ctrl+g? Follows the path of 01:45:648 (1) -
  1. As I was saying in General, I think some of the 1/2 "streams" might be a bit too long in this. If you compare Hyper at 00:37:438 - with Hard, you can see that you use a mix of sliders and circles in Hyper as well. Imo, you should do something similar for the 1/2s at 00:32:938 - 00:42:332 - as well, as hitting constant 1/2 ad 190bpm like this is fairly tiring, and a pretty huge jump compared to Normal, which only features 1/1.
  2. Try AR7 as well. The jump from AR5 to AR8 is quite big between N->H after all.
  3. 00:11:465 (1) - Make symmetrical? :P
  4. 00:23:149 (1) - End at 00:27:570 - , add two notes at 00:27:886 - and 00:28:044 - , then start the 00:28:044 (1) - spinner at 00:28:201 -
  5. 01:04:595 (3,4) - Quite a big jump there, considering you don't even use a jump for the other parts 01:07:122 (3,4) - . Consider rearranging it a bit and getting rid of that jump, to be more consistent.
  6. 01:13:122 (1) - Same as previous spinner.
  7. 01:22:911 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - While this section in general is a bit better, I still think a going double-slider-double-slider might be better than straight up sliders. (or slider-double-slider-double ofc). Same with the other similar patterns.
  8. 01:51:964 - Add a note here with finish and NC, to be consistent with the other diffs.
  1. OD and HP +1 or +2. It's currently the same as Easy, which doesn't really make sense.
  2. Also, the map consists only of 1/1. Since it is a normal, you might want to mix it up slightly by adding some 1/2's, though it's up to you. The most important thing is probably to make Hard slightly easier to make the gap less of a gap.
  3. 00:35:780 - Add in the break here.
  4. 00:57:016 (5,6,1) - You should move the (5,6) from (1), too keep your stacks as doubles.
  5. 01:22:911 (1) - Make symmetrical? Just kinda bothers me :P
  6. 01:43:753 (4) - Move to 240;104, just to make the 4 sliders in this combo look evenly spaced.
  1. 00:02:623 - 00:12:412 - The spacing here is pretty big. It's not too smooth to play due to the low SV compared to the spacing, and how relaxed the music is. You should space these with 1.0x imo.
  2. 00:23:149 (1) - Such a long spinner can be pretty tiring for a complete beginner, and tbh it's also quite boring to a complete beginner :P Imo, using long sliders or similar to map this part would be a better idea. Also, I don't quite get the lowered volume at 00:27:728 -.
  3. 00:57:648 (1,2) - Swap the order of these two, so the slider comes before the circle.
  4. 01:04:911 (5,1,2) - You should probably keep the stacks to being double's only, so there is less confusion. If possible, I'd like if you usntacked the 2/1 at 00:16:517 (3,4,1) - as well, so you only have 1/1 double stacks, just to make reading simpler, but since those where close together, it's fairly easy to tell the difference in time. Still, if possible, you should unstack those 2/1, as well as 1 of the notes in thes triples imo.
  5. 01:13:122 (1) - Same as the previous spinner.
  6. 01:34:280 - 01:44:069 - Spacing is getting really big here. Fast cursor movement is still something that's hard for a beginner, especially if he/she needs to speed up and slow down his movements. You should reduce the spacing here at least a little bit imo.
  7. 01:51:964 - Add note with finish and NC, to keep consistency with all the other diffs.
Aaaaand that's all. Poke me when you're done I guess, and good luck!

CXu wrote:

  1. 00:07:675 (1,2,3) - 00:08:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try stacking (3) with (1) instead of (2), (and (4) with (6)) and see if you like that. Imo, it works with the repeat 00:08:149 (4) - , as well as giving the pattern a jump at the.. idk what to call it melodic
  2. 00:12:412 (10) - Add a drum-whistle? ok
  3. 00:22:991 - 00:31:675 - I think adding some soft-whistles could be pretty nice, since just hearing the constant hitnormal is a bit boring :P i totally have no idea about how to deal with the hitsounds here :o anyway i tried my best
  4. 00:24:096 (1,2) - 00:26:623 (1,2) - Imo, adding a slight jump here feels more natural due to the pitch-change, as well as being consistent with the spacing change at 00:29:149 (1,2,3,4,1) - .ok
  5. 00:35:543 - You should turn the kiai off here. That blinking is seriously weird when there's no music going.ok
  6. 00:48:174 (1,2) - What about a rhythm like It feels like you have to drag your cursor a bit when you're playing the 3/4's you have currently.ok
  7. 00:51:490 (3,4) - Might want to space this out a bit, just to make the fast slider feel too abrupt.ok
  8. 00:58:911 (1,2) - I understand the speedup, but the change is pretty big compared to the sliders before it, making them seem and feel disconnected from the rest of the map.ok
  9. 01:06:332 (5) - While there's nothing wrong with it, it just plays weird to me. Doing the same as 01:08:859 (8,9,1) - just feels better overall imo.ok
  10. 01:07:753 (1,2,3) - Try reversing the order: Starting the triple on the white tick feels off.ok
  11. 01:13:280 - Same as earlier, some soft-whistles would be great here.same as above
  12. 01:13:911 (4) - Stack with 01:13:438 (2) - end? Following the change in pitch.ok
  13. 01:21:806 (1,2) - Move them closer so it's easier to read, and end (1) on 1/8 at 01:22:240 - .ok
  14. 01:25:280 (14) - Sounds like 1/8 to me, and not 1/6.fixed
  15. 01:27:806 (14) - Same as above^fixed
  16. 01:33:964 (2,1) - Thaaaaaaat's a huge 1/4 jump. These sliderjumps are okay for the most part because of sliderleniency, but since this is a slider->note jump, you should reduce this a bit. Changing the order of 01:33:648 (1,2) - might do the trick.changed to a slider->slider jump
  17. 01:34:280 - I don't think I understand your whistles for this part, as you sometime don't use them for a while, before using them again.fixed
  18. 01:36:648 (9,1) - Rearraging the pattern before or after so you can stack these two notes would be nice, for consistency with the stacking at 01:35:385 (14,1) - , and just the general feeling of stopping before starting again.ok
  19. 01:38:543 (4,1) - Yeah, huge jump is huge. If possible, you should reduce this a bit. Also, ctrl+g on 01:38:227 (2,4) - ? for circular motion.ok for reduce
人老了 mod都看不懂了 ai
Topic Starter
really thank you ! CXu!!

almost done i think :3

waiting for you back ovo

CXu wrote:

[list][*]DJPop's mania-diffs have a bpm change at 00:35:386, BPM of 23.750. BPM should be the same throughout all diffs, since, well, same song.
It was intended to make a pause technique, no changes.
I'll check the map again sometime during the weekend. Anyway:!mania_Ranki ... ria#Timing

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention, but it's also in the general ranking criteria, and it's not so much that the slowdown is bad or anything (I don't play o!m, so I can't tell), but yeah.

CXu wrote:

I'll check the map again sometime during the weekend. Anyway:!mania_Ranki ... ria#Timing
BPM change is not much an issue here, and is actually a great idea. I don't know what's up with this rule, there is absolutely no valid reason in not allowing a different BPM for a short part of the song if it works. I do agree that it is stupid to use BPM changes to change the scrolling speed progressively though. (Not hating on anyone, after reading myself again I found myself rather blunt :o )

What bothers me here though is that weird x8.0 SV multiplier during the 23,75 BPM part, it just doesn't feel right. I know what you wanted to do and it really makes a cool effect, but readability-wise it's really so-so. I suggest you add another BPM change (back to the original 190 BPM) to have a visual feedback (this adds a white line when the BPM changes) and predict the moment when the song starts again, and remove that weird SV multiplier. As it stands now, you literally have to know this part by heart (read : know the exact timing) to be able to play it without missing. Screenshot of what I want to say just below.

00:35:386 - It is lacking notes for the last sounds (listen to this part with 25% speed).

Try doing this. It plays better this way. I've also added 3 random notes (selected) to show you where you forgot to put them. If you the scrolling to starts again before the next notes hit the judgement line you can add a 190 BPM change earlier and keep the current 190 BPM change. This way, you still have a visual feedback as to when the scrolling speed changes and the white ticks in the rest of the songs follow the beat correctly.

What I just wrote may sounds very confusing, so just ask (here or PM) if you don't understand (whether it is DJPop, BATs, or other people), I'll try my best to make it clearer. >.<

00:41:859 (41859|5) - No sound ? I understand it's for symmetry though.

Anyways, great quality map, good luck and get this ranked guys !

CXu wrote:

I'll check the map again sometime during the weekend. Anyway:!mania_Ranki ... ria#Timing

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention, but it's also in the general ranking criteria, and it's not so much that the slowdown is bad or anything (I don't play o!m, so I can't tell), but yeah.
- That stupid rule again >___>
It has the same effect as x0.01 without red timing and was presented in original version of this song

PyaKura wrote:

What bothers me here though is that weird x8.0 SV multiplier during the 23,75 BPM part, it just doesn't feel right. I know what you wanted to do and it really makes a cool effect, but readability-wise it's really so-so. I suggest you add another BPM change (back to the original 190 BPM) to have a visual feedback (this adds a white line when the BPM changes) and predict the moment when the song starts again, and remove that weird SV multiplier. As it stands now, you literally have to know this part by heart (read : know the exact timing) to be able to play it without missing. Screenshot of what I want to say just below.
- 23.75 = 190 / 8, same effect as using x0.01 without red timing.

00:35:386 - It is lacking notes for the last sounds (listen to this part with 25% speed).

Try doing this. It plays better this way. I've also added 3 random notes (selected) to show you where you forgot to put them. If you the scrolling to starts again before the next notes hit the judgement line you can add a 190 BPM change earlier and keep the current 190 BPM change. This way, you still have a visual feedback as to when the scrolling speed changes and the white ticks in the rest of the songs follow the beat correctly.
- Assuming cymbal sound is the sign of suddenly stop. This technique is from the original O2Jam version (official).
Also there's no space to add them if the rooms are intended to be consistent.

What I just wrote may sounds very confusing, so just ask (here or PM) if you don't understand (whether it is DJPop, BATs, or other people), I'll try my best to make it clearer. >.<

00:41:859 (41859|5) - No sound ? I understand it's for symmetry though.
-Just default hitsounds like the pattern around.

Anyways, great quality map, good luck and get this ranked guys !
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
@DJPop : yes I see what you mean. This doesn't prevent the scrl spd change to be unreable unless you know the timing by heart. What about replacing your x8 multiplier during the 23,75 BPM part by 190 BPM (because as you said, 23,75*8 = 190) directly for visual feedback and readability (keep the next 190 BPM so that the white ticks follow the beat correctly)? Doing so doesn't change the way the song is played, it's just less of a gamble when you don't know the song. The white line helps you predict a scrl spd change. Can't test this right now, will do so in a bit. :>

Edit : Okay try this then. It doesn't change anything speed wise (keeping your slowdown effect) but adds readability.

About the three notes I've added, it just feels weird to not having to play them, because they are there and exist :v.

PyaKura wrote:

@DJPop : yes I see what you mean. This doesn't prevent the scrl spd change to be unreable unless you know the timing by heart. What about replacing your x8 multiplier during the 23,75 BPM part by 190 BPM (because as you said, 23,75*8 = 190) directly for visual feedback and readability (keep the next 190 BPM so that the white ticks follow the beat correctly)? Doing so doesn't change the way the song is played, it's just less of a gamble when you don't know the song. The white line helps you predict a scrl spd change. Can't test this right now, will do so in a bit. :>

Edit : Okay try this then. It doesn't change anything speed wise (keeping your slowdown effect) but adds readability.

About the three notes I've added, it just feels weird to not having to play them, because they are there and exist :v.

- Looks ugly for me D:
I understand your point about readability, but it's intended and easy to notice. Players can pass them finely by just playing it on 2nd time.
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
P o M u T a

Lokovodo wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
orz... I really hope I have the time to look at this again this weekend. Sorry ;w;
Topic Starter
Come on ;__;
AngelHoney I really don't know how you can be so patient with this mapset lol... no giving up !
Topic Starter

PyaKura wrote:

AngelHoney I really don't know how you can be so patient with this mapset lol... no giving up !
because you dont know how many bats i asked and be rejected ;p
A month tardy recheck orz. No kds.
Btw, can you quote this post and tell me what you change, and why you decide to keep what you have? Makes my life easier when rechecking.

  1. While I understand the reason for the low bpm in mania, it's still not rankable, unfortunately. The bpm can't change between difficulties, as the song doesn't change between difficulties. And yes, even doubling/halving bpm is considered a change. @DJPop: "It has the same effect as x0.01 without red timing and was presented in original version of this song" is this the actually bpm change, or are you only talking about the "freeze"? If it's the former, and it is indeed the official bpm, then all other difficulties must be changed to that. If it's the latter, you'll probably have to replicate it without the use of red timing lines.
  1. 00:14:938 (13) - New combo. It's the same as 01:04:911 (1) - , so it doesn't really make sense to do this only at 01:04:911 (1) - , and not here.
  2. Same for 00:17:465 (13) - 00:19:991 (9) - 00:21:254 (13) - 00:22:517 (13) -
  1. 00:49:438 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move this closer to 00:49:122 (5) - , and further away from 00:50:069 (1) - , since the spacing right now is opposite of the timing.
  1. 00:14:938 (1) - Sure you don't want to do this ? It's consistent with 01:04:911 (1,2) -
  2. Same for 00:17:465 (10) - 00:19:991 (10) - 00:21:254 (9) - 00:22:517 (9) -
  1. 01:13:595 (1) - Remove NC.
  2. 01:47:227 (2,3) - Change this so slider first, then note? I just like the feel of two sliders after each other, like 01:44:385 (1,2) - and 01:48:174 (1,2) - .
  3. 01:53:069 - Spinner like other diffs.
  1. Still a bit concerned about those doubles in 1/2. They really are pretty tiring compared to Hyper, where you use more sliders. I really think you should change them to or similar.
  1. 00:23:307 (1) - Now only normal have these long spinners. I do think it'd be more fun for players to play something, instead of just spinning, so consider mapping this section in this diff as well.
  2. 01:13:280 (1) - ^
  1. 00:58:595 (2) - Move to 00:58:280 - ?
Okay, so the only two things really is the timing and the 1/2 in Hard because of difficulty spread. Other than that, I'm fine with this mapset.
Poke me again when you're finished, and sorry for the looooooooong delay orz.

Edit: Man I think this was moved to graveyard while I was modding.
Asagi Mutsuki

CXu wrote:

Edit: Man I think this was moved to graveyard while I was modding.
lol gg
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

A month tardy recheck orz. No kds.
Btw, can you quote this post and tell me what you change, and why you decide to keep what you have? Makes my life easier when rechecking.

  1. While I understand the reason for the low bpm in mania, it's still not rankable, unfortunately. The bpm can't change between difficulties, as the song doesn't change between difficulties. And yes, even doubling/halving bpm is considered a change. @DJPop: "It has the same effect as x0.01 without red timing and was presented in original version of this song" is this the actually bpm change, or are you only talking about the "freeze"? If it's the former, and it is indeed the official bpm, then all other difficulties must be changed to that. If it's the latter, you'll probably have to replicate it without the use of red timing lines.
waiting for djpop's reply

  1. 00:14:938 (13) - New combo. It's the same as 01:04:911 (1) - , so it doesn't really make sense to do this only at 01:04:911 (1) - , and not here.
  2. Same for 00:17:465 (13) - 00:19:991 (9) - 00:21:254 (13) - 00:22:517 (13) -
yes done

  1. 00:49:438 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move this closer to 00:49:122 (5) - , and further away from 00:50:069 (1) - , since the spacing right now is opposite of the timing.

  1. 00:14:938 (1) - Sure you don't want to do this ? It's consistent with 01:04:911 (1,2) -
  2. Same for 00:17:465 (10) - 00:19:991 (10) - 00:21:254 (9) - 00:22:517 (9) -

  1. 01:13:595 (1) - Remove NC.
  2. 01:47:227 (2,3) - Change this so slider first, then note? I just like the feel of two sliders after each other, like 01:44:385 (1,2) - and 01:48:174 (1,2) - .
  3. 01:53:069 - Spinner like other diffs.
all done

  1. Still a bit concerned about those doubles in 1/2. They really are pretty tiring compared to Hyper, where you use more sliders. I really think you should change them to or similar.
i think its fine ... and i tried that on kiai part ..and use something different rhythm ( i did some change

  1. 00:23:307 (1) - Now only normal have these long spinners. I do think it'd be more fun for players to play something, instead of just spinning, so consider mapping this section in this diff as well.
  2. 01:13:280 (1) - ^

  1. 00:58:595 (2) - Move to 00:58:280 - ?

Okay, so the only two things really is the timing and the 1/2 in Hard because of difficulty spread. Other than that, I'm fine with this mapset.
Poke me again when you're finished, and sorry for the looooooooong delay orz.

Edit: Man I think this was moved to graveyard while I was modding.
TuT; thank you again ..

CXu wrote:

  1. While I understand the reason for the low bpm in mania, it's still not rankable, unfortunately. The bpm can't change between difficulties, as the song doesn't change between difficulties. And yes, even doubling/halving bpm is considered a change. @DJPop: "It has the same effect as x0.01 without red timing and was presented in original version of this song" is this the actually bpm change, or are you only talking about the "freeze"? If it's the former, and it is indeed the official bpm, then all other difficulties must be changed to that. If it's the latter, you'll probably have to replicate it without the use of red timing lines.

Took from the official O2Jam notechart. osu! doesn't allow BPM 1 so I use 23.75 as the lowest possible.
Since MP3 file in this mapset is recorded with mistake, what I used aren't exactly like image above, but closed.
Akiyama Mizuki
Why graved? This is a great mapset, you should really rank this! Please AHO
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