
Memme - Avalanche

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2018 at 12:45:09

Artist: Memme
Title: Avalanche
Source: Pump It Up Prime
Tags: Classic Melodia Drumstep antonio vivaldi the four seasons winter
BPM: 175
Filesize: 4547kb
Play Time: 01:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy. (1,56 stars, 137 notes)
  2. Extra. (5,26 stars, 752 notes)
  3. Hard. (3,55 stars, 368 notes)
  4. Harmonical Catastrophe. (6,15 stars, 798 notes)
  5. Insane. (4,59 stars, 555 notes)
  6. Normal. (2,28 stars, 246 notes)
Download: Memme - Avalanche
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#3 Symmetry
The Complex Art of Mirrors
_ --|-- _
ꓕɥǝ ꓛoɯdlǝx ꓯɹʇ Wᴉɹɹoɹs
#Ɛ Sʎɯɯǝʇɹʎ
  1. Easy Introduce a 1/2 and 2/1 sliders
  2. Normal Introduce a 1/2 *Much more than easy
  3. Hard Introduce a triplets and 3/4 sliders
  4. Insane Introduce a triplets+1/4 kick sliders, small stream (4-8 notes), 3/4 sliders, 1/8 and SV changes
  5. Extra Introduce a triplets+1/4 kick sliders, small stream (4-16 notes), 3/4 sliders, 1/8 and SV changes and gimmicks patterns, jump stream and 1/12 sliders
  6. Harmonical Catastrophe Introduction to Narcissism and Symmetry, some kind of art
Lets go


Well, I want to leave some special thankies

first to Namki too see some interest and help me with our suggestions, thank you for making my map your first nomination, it's an honor, i really grateful for ya !!
Garden for giving me an opportunity to show my potential and believed in my map xd And help me to push this forward, thank you too!!

my people friends: Ataxaria, Alexsander, Trynna, AlexTroll (xd), Idealism, Net0 and Tarrasky thanks!!

Thanks for Dsco, TheKingHenry and Sinnoh for crucial and stronger feedback! i think i have might problems if I didn't receive the mod of you guys ò_ó
thanks July-san for simple and pratice mod
and Thanks Hanzer and Loreley OwO
thats all
Thanks Guys!!
odiei, mappeia mais
ava meu lanche

kd meu polenguinho
this map is pretty fukken cool, my only suggestion would be to use less symmetry in the future because it can look lazy

also some slider shapes could be made less ugly

01:02:538 (1,1) - do something more interesting here too, thats just lazy :P
Pq n coloca essas 2 notas 00:16:766 (2,1) - no msm lugar q essa 00:16:252 (3) - , é so mudar um poco os jumps q todo mundo Tranz... digo , Que fica shou
00:04:252 (1,2) - Daria pra fz um blanket nessas aki se pa mas ninguem se importa eu acho
Essas 2 00:58:423 (1,2) - n parecem estar em paralelo

Poca coisa , eae vamo fechar?
01:57:052 (1) - olha a batida da musica é diferente desses 2 circle anteriores 01:56:366 (2,3) - que vc deixou ''alinhado'' como o primeiro circle que eu citei (01:57:052 (1) - ) vc poderia angular o msm já que a batida é diferente.
Isso é bem pessoal meu, acho q deveria mudar msm sendo um easy esse tipo de coisa poderia incomodar muita gente rsrs :oops:

Ex de como vc poderia deixar

ou assim

00:21:395 (3,1) - não achei legal esse pequeno overlap msm que não influencie tanto, porém como é um normal acho que deve-se fazer o mais clean possivel como esse que vc fez 00:52:937 (3,1) - :P
memme mania
turn grid snap off :< it makes some spacings off on a small level that makes things just barely noticeably unbalanced (01:48:481 (1,2,3) - or 00:50:881 (2,3,1) - )
NCs should be more normalized to the music (sometimes you NC every 2 beats and sometimes every 8)
00:12:481 (1) - remove NC
00:17:966 (1) - ^
00:20:709 (1) - ^
00:18:995 (2,2) - overlap could be potentially confusing for new players (keep in mind they dont have transparent 300)
00:28:938 (1,2,3,4) - 00:35:795 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm is quite confusing, maybe something like would be more suitable
00:41:281 (3,1) -
01:00:138 (4,1) - avoid this tiny overlap (or overlap more so it looks intentional / less messy)
01:02:881 (4,1) - ^
01:11:452 (1) - swap NC
01:14:881 (3) - NC
01:18:995 (3) - ^
01:23:795 (1) - remove NC
01:22:423 (1,2) - 01:23:795 (1,2) - these are the exact same musically, dont see the reason for rhythm change
00:54:995 (1,1) - 01:36:138 (1) - use same pattern for both. (i think the second, without the circle, is better, since its a longer spinner)
01:48:481 (1,2,3,1,2) - same exact thing musically, i would use same rhythm for both. i think repeat slider + circle would be best imo
01:49:852 (1) - remove NC
01:52:938 (1) - ^
01:55:338 (1) - ^
01:56:709 (3,1) - swap NC

as far as the whole map goes; 00:16:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - dont think this type of perfect stacking belongs in a normal, this is sure to confuse new players. also i think you use too much rhythm variation, it makes the map feel like its trying to have cool patterns rather than follow the music at some moments. look at the intro for example; 00:02:880 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - these are all pretty nearly the same exact sound and the way you map it is changing multiple times
also you could definitely increase the CS to 3 or even like 3.3
00:04:252 (5) - NC
00:05:452 (8,1) - stack
00:51:223 (2,1) - put a circle in between
00:57:738 (1,2,3,4) - 01:00:481 (1,2) - 01:03:223 (1,2,3) - dont see the need for such intense rhythm variation. just choose one and pattern differently each time, it makes the map feel like it has less relation to the music when you do this (also you use only one variation in the final kiai so it makes sense to do so here)
01:08:709 (5) - NC
01:51:223 (1) - remove repeat and add a 1/2 slider on tail? keeps relation to 01:48:481 (1,1) - but still has the 1/2 slider you added 01:52:252 (2) -

diff gap between normal and hard is kinda huge, particularly in terms of spacing, but also in terms of rhythm. big change in SV and lots of 1/4.
00:28:595 (1) - i kinda dont like the 0.75x SV changes for 3/4 sliders in the map, it makes these sliders nearly the exact same length as the 1/2 sliders around them which is very possible to throw off players around this skill level. if you were to add a diff between normal and hard it would be more acceptable
00:06:309 (1) - remove nc
00:06:995 (1,3) - fix stack
00:11:795 (3,4) - this rhyhtm doesnt emphasize what you're following well at all
00:14:538 (1) - 00:15:909 (1) - remove NC
00:17:966 (1,2,3) - use 4 1/2 sliders to keep the repetition of 00:16:595 (1,2,3,4) - since 00:13:852 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - repeated over 2 measures
00:26:881 (1) - remove NC
00:30:652 (2,3) - i think this is the only 1/2 stack in the entire map so it feels out of place and confusing, also SL2 is kinda inappropriate for a hard difficulty.
00:39:223 (3,1) - you could blanket these and it would look much nicer
00:51:909 (1,2) - fix stack
00:55:681 (1,2,3) - reversing the rhythm of this combo would play much nicer imo
00:57:052 (1,2,3,4,1) - cool pattern but i dont think it belongs in a hard
00:59:109 (1,2,3,4) - fix blanket (its not properly blanketed on 4)

NCs feel a little spammed in this diff. *tons* of 1 or 2 object combos which dont need an NC such as (not all) 01:18:823 (1,2) - 01:05:623 (1) - 00:19:338 (1) - )
00:10:423 (4) - NC
00:10:423 (4,5) - should follow same rhythm as 00:09:738 (1,2,3) - since they both have the same sound on blue tick
00:46:766 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - way too much rhythmic variation for what is essentially a repeating rhythm of the song. can't tell what you are following at what parts
00:59:195 (2) - there's no sound on this circle, dont think the stream should start on 00:59:109 (1) - .
01:01:938 (2) - ^
01:02:538 (1,1,2) - messy placement for this pattern
01:22:681 (2,3) - move down and to the right so that the circle stacks on 01:22:252 (2) - and not the slider
01:38:366 (1) - no sound here
01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as last chorus, no sound on these notes.
01:43:681 (1,2,3,4) - a rhythm like: would follow the music better imo
01:48:823 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:50:195 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:52:938 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:54:309 (2,3,4,5,6) - these streams should start on the blue tick before, since thats where the strings start their 1/4 rhythm
01:48:995 (4,5,6) - these 3 objects have botched spacing (0.46x instead of 0.54x like rest of stream) same thing happens but in reverse on 01:48:995 (4,5,6) -

00:16:766 (2,2) - these are the only 1/4 repeat sliders you use in the intro so they feel out of place
00:29:966 (3) - ctrl+g would be better flow
00:26:881 (1,2) - 00:40:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - same sounds
00:52:252 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - why are these grouped in 2s but 00:53:623 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - grouped in 4s
01:33:395 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 01:34:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:10:595 (1,2,1,2,3) - i think the first two circles should either be a kickslider or mapped differently in some way because this suggests a correlation with the stacked triples pattern 01:10:766 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
01:14:709 (1,2,1) - ^ same idea.
01:18:823 (1,2,1,2,3) - the way you do it here is nice because it makes a contrast
01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as insane, no noise here. you map it the better way here: 00:59:109 (1,2) -
01:43:681 (1,2,1,2) - same as insane (rhythm like: would follow the music better imo)
01:44:366 (1,2,1,2) - why the sudden change to sliders? makes this kiai lose pace / energy
01:48:481 (1,1,2,3,4) - 01:49:852 (1,1,2,3,4) - 01:51:223 (1,1,2,3,4) - same rhythm suggestion as insane, start stream 1/4 earlier
01:54:995 (1) - remove NC for consistency

Harmonical Catastrophe
overall the diff looks nice and flows well but i cant get behind a lot of the rhythmic variations that happen, they dont seem to follow the music well but rather just play nice. the intro, especially.
00:19:338 (1,2,1) - much bigger jump than anywhere else in the section by a large margin
00:37:338 (2,1) - ugly slight overlap
01:01:509 (1) - remove NC
01:18:995 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - the 2s in these combos do not have nearly enough emphasis in the music for such a sharp angle change / pattern.
01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as extra/insane
01:48:823 (1,2,1,2) - 01:50:195 (1,2,1,2) - 01:51:566 (1,2,1,2) - same as extra/insane

good luck! overall i can tell you are pretty good at shaping / aesthetics but i think your rhythms could use some work.
Topic Starter
answer incoming.. after many days editing a lot of things on dsco's mod

other above all fixed^

well lets proceed.

dsco wrote:

turn grid snap off :< it makes some spacings off on a small level that makes things just barely noticeably unbalanced (01:48:481 (1,2,3) - or 00:50:881 (2,3,1) - ) Fixed
NCs should be more normalized to the music (sometimes you NC every 2 beats and sometimes every 8) Fixed
00:12:481 (1) - remove NC Fixed
00:17:966 (1) - ^ Fixed
00:20:709 (1) - ^ Fixed
00:18:995 (2,2) - overlap could be potentially confusing for new players (keep in mind they dont have transparent 300) Fixed
00:28:938 (1,2,3,4) - 00:35:795 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm is quite confusing, maybe something like would be more suitable Fixed
00:41:281 (3,1) - Fixed
01:00:138 (4,1) - avoid this tiny overlap (or overlap more so it looks intentional / less messy) Fixed
01:02:881 (4,1) - ^ Fixed
01:11:452 (1) - swap NC Fixed
01:14:881 (3) - NC Fixed
01:18:995 (3) - ^ Fixed
01:23:795 (1) - remove NC Fixed
01:22:423 (1,2) - 01:23:795 (1,2) - these are the exact same musically, dont see the reason for rhythm change Fixed
00:54:995 (1,1) - 01:36:138 (1) - use same pattern for both. (i think the second, without the circle, is better, since its a longer spinner) Fixed
01:48:481 (1,2,3,1,2) - same exact thing musically, i would use same rhythm for both. i think repeat slider + circle would be best imo Fixed
01:49:852 (1) - remove NC Fixed
01:52:938 (1) - ^ Fixed
01:55:338 (1) - ^ Fixed
01:56:709 (3,1) - swap NC Fixed

as far as the whole map goes; 00:16:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Changed dont think this type of perfect stacking belongs in a normal, this is sure to confuse new players. also i think you use too much rhythm variation, it makes the map feel like its trying to have cool patterns rather than follow the music at some moments. look at the intro for example; 00:02:880 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - fixed these are all pretty nearly the same exact sound and the way you map it is changing multiple times
also you could definitely increase the CS to 3 or even like 3.3 CS3 done!
00:04:252 (5) - NC ok!
00:05:452 (8,1) - stack ya
00:51:223 (2,1) - put a circle in between i did something different, but fixed !
00:57:738 (1,2,3,4) - 01:00:481 (1,2) - 01:03:223 (1,2,3) - dont see the need for such intense rhythm variation. just choose one and pattern differently each time, it makes the map feel like it has less relation to the music when you do this (also you use only one variation in the final kiai so it makes sense to do so here) Yo, fixed!
01:08:709 (5) - NC Done
01:51:223 (1) - remove repeat and add a 1/2 slider on tail? keeps relation to 01:48:481 (1,1) - but still has the 1/2 slider you added 01:52:252 (2) - Fixed

diff gap between normal and hard is kinda huge, particularly in terms of spacing, but also in terms of rhythm. big change in SV and lots of 1/4.
00:28:595 (1) - i kinda dont like the 0.75x SV changes for 3/4 sliders in the map, it makes these sliders nearly the exact same length as the 1/2 sliders around them which is very possible to throw off players around this skill level. if you were to add a diff between normal and hard it would be more acceptable i gonna explain on last line
00:06:309 (1) - remove nc fixed
00:06:995 (1,3) - fix stack fixed
00:11:795 (3,4) - this rhyhtm doesnt emphasize what you're following well at all changed
00:14:538 (1) - 00:15:909 (1) - remove NC fixed
00:17:966 (1,2,3) - use 4 1/2 sliders to keep the repetition of 00:16:595 (1,2,3,4) - since 00:13:852 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - repeated over 2 measures changed
00:26:881 (1) - remove NC done
00:30:652 (2,3) - i think this is the only 1/2 stack in the entire map so it feels out of place and confusing, also SL2 is kinda inappropriate for a hard difficulty. changed
00:39:223 (3,1) - you could blanket these and it would look much nicer fixed, i guess :thinking:
00:51:909 (1,2) - fix stack fixed
00:55:681 (1,2,3) - reversing the rhythm of this combo would play much nicer imo
00:57:052 (1,2,3,4,1) - cool pattern but i dont think it belongs in a hard changed!
00:59:109 (1,2,3,4) - fix blanket (its not properly blanketed on 4) fixed i guess too lel..

NCs feel a little spammed in this diff. *tons* of 1 or 2 object combos which dont need an NC such as (not all) 01:18:823 (1,2) - 01:05:623 (1) - 00:19:338 (1) - ) fixed some
00:10:423 (4) - NC okay
00:10:423 (4,5) - should follow same rhythm as 00:09:738 (1,2,3) - since they both have the same sound on blue tick indeed, fixed
00:46:766 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - way too much rhythmic variation for what is essentially a repeating rhythm of the song. can't tell what you are following at what parts i follow a different, interpretation.. the beats and the present rhythm are the same, I decided to diversify the distribution of notes 2 by 2 for example: 00:46:766 (1,2) - 2 1/4 with reverse slider, 00:47:452 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2 triplets, 200:48:138 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 1/2 slider and etc..
00:59:195 (2) - there's no sound on this circle, dont think the stream should start on 00:59:109 (1) - . changed
01:01:938 (2) - ^ ^
01:02:538 (1,1,2) - messy placement for this pattern I don't think so, because she is right in the middle of the red tick present in the 3/4 to have a symmetrical view
01:22:681 (2,3) - move down and to the right so that the circle stacks on 01:22:252 (2) - and not the slider i got a confusion here
01:38:366 (1) - no sound here I disagree, it's perceptible, please listen again.
01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as last chorus, no sound on these notes. i replaced for 1/4 kick slider because the sound occasioned extends to the blue tick
01:43:681 (1,2,3,4) - a rhythm like: would follow the music better imo my focus here is to facilitate the rhythm when playing, and in this case the best option is to stay constant in the white and redtick, perhaps starting in the blue be confused for the player
01:48:823 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:50:195 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:52:938 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:54:309 (2,3,4,5,6) - these streams should start on the blue tick before, since thats where the strings start their 1/4 rhythm I think the same answer above applies to that case, starting stream on the blue tick still disfavored my view on the pace, and 3/4 can fill that beat pretty well
01:48:995 (4,5,6) - these 3 objects have botched spacing (0.46x instead of 0.54x like rest of stream) same thing happens but in reverse on 01:48:995 (4,5,6) - my bad fixed.

00:16:766 (2,2) - these are the only 1/4 repeat sliders you use in the intro so they feel out of place changed, i guess..
00:29:966 (3) - ctrl+g would be better flow fixed.
00:26:881 (1,2) - 00:40:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - same sounds fixed.
00:52:252 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - why are these grouped in 2s but 00:53:623 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - grouped in 4s subjective choice, applied the same idea I mentioned in the insane about 2 by 2
only in this case it's 4 by 4

01:33:395 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 01:34:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
01:10:595 (1,2,1,2,3) - i think the first two circles should either be a kickslider or mapped differently in some way because this suggests a correlation with the stacked triples pattern 01:10:766 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - fixed i did like 01:18:823 (1,2,1,2,3) -
01:14:709 (1,2,1) - ^ same idea. ^
01:18:823 (1,2,1,2,3) - the way you do it here is nice because it makes a contrast thanks :3
01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as insane, no noise here. you map it the better way here: 00:59:109 (1,2) - sure
01:43:681 (1,2,1,2) - same as insane (rhythm like: would follow the music better imo) same answer on insane
01:44:366 (1,2,1,2) - why the sudden change to sliders? makes this kiai lose pace / energy changed
01:48:481 (1,1,2,3,4) - 01:49:852 (1,1,2,3,4) - 01:51:223 (1,1,2,3,4) - same rhythm suggestion as insane, start stream 1/4 earlier same answer
01:54:995 (1) - remove NC for consistency okay

Harmonical Catastrophe
overall the diff looks nice and flows well but i cant get behind a lot of the rhythmic variations that happen, they dont seem to follow the music well but rather just play nice. the intro, especially. modified a lot ooooo, thanks
00:19:338 (1,2,1) - much bigger jump than anywhere else in the section by a large margin oh..well, as the last diff, I wanted to apply something of high difficulty, but that isn't so complex to do, I already saw some maps apply this type of pattern in a slightly different context, but similar, I believe that there is no problem when applying due to low / regular bpm
00:37:338 (2,1) - ugly slight overlap fixed
01:01:509 (1) - remove NC okay
01:18:995 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - the 2s in these combos do not have nearly enough emphasis in the music for such a sharp angle change / pattern. Well, I do not know if you see the same way I do.
but this way:
if you pick up 2-in-2 notes you realize that you make a moviment, that move is similar to the movement a violin player makes, and well wanted to apply a different aesthetic besides streams and curved kick jumps.

01:40:338 (2) - 01:43:081 (2) - same as extra/insane ^
01:48:823 (1,2,1,2) - 01:50:195 (1,2,1,2) - 01:51:566 (1,2,1,2) - same as extra/insane ^

about 3/4 in hard
well, I'm following the same idea of my first mapset
showing players new rhythms at each difficulty so that they can experience each other and improve their interpretation techniques so that they don't always stay in the monotomic rhythm, considering that my first hard ranked 3/4 and 185 bpm that's 175 and it's only in certain parts that I use, there's nothing to fear

good luck! overall i can tell you are pretty good at shaping / aesthetics but i think your rhythms could use some work.
Thanks <3 and thanks for some conclusions, i changed a lot it of things lol
Hello mod from my queue~
  1. Add some tags? Stuff like genre, album and whatnot if there are such to be used for this. And most importantly add something like "antonio vivaldi the four seasons winter" since that's the piece this is based on.
  1. 01:00:138 (4,1) - considering there's none of them so far, I'd just get rid of this overlap
  2. 01:52:252 (3,1) - important sound under sliderend of 01:52:252 (3) - instead of being clicked. It's also the sound that should be NC instead of 01:52:938 (1) -
  3. 01:56:709 (3,1) - similarly to above, 01:56:709 (3) - is the one that should be NC instead, even if 01:57:052 (1) - is the final note in the map (since it's only "bonus"). That being said in this case I think the current one is kinda fine too if you really want.
  1. 00:23:452 (1,1) - I don't think 1 beat break from spinner to next object is sufficient in Normal. I think it was recommended for 2 beats min. (see here) and considering the bpm in this song is fairly standard it would be recommendable to abide to the guidelines.
  2. 00:42:652 - why is there break here but not in Easy
  3. 00:51:909 (1) - unnecessary NC, just do it the same way you've done before or just after this 00:52:252 (1,2,3,4) - (even though the rhythm slightly differs)
  4. 00:56:538 (1) - that spinner thingy. Recovery time being "too short" aside, here it's on already fairly dense place, so the shortness of the break gets emphasised. Seems like there's more similar spinners later on, see them too
  5. 01:56:709 (5,1) - seems like a consistent way of doing it so I'll let it pass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  1. Why different kiai times? (or more like why difference in the same kiai times?)
  2. 00:29:452 (3,4,5,1) - this could flow better. See how with 00:29:452 (3,4,5) - (and couple objects before them too) it leads to circular flow, but with 00:29:966 (5,1) - it not only changes direction, it also has lower spacing, and the object after it forces direction change again, with sliderbody too. Tl;dr it's not like it's terrible but it feels unnatural compared to what could be done
  3. 00:41:109 (4,1) - seems like a good place for blanket? Actually the whole pattern could be blanketed (which you haven't seemed to have done too much with slider things like these)
  4. 01:04:252 (4,1) - blanket?
  5. 01:48:138 (1) - unnecessary NC
  6. 01:56:709 (1,1) - why not use the same logic as before? I mean, either use that or then only NC 01:56:709 (1) - but NCing both seems like just spam for this, considering they can't really structure for anything after them anymore due the song ending.
  1. Seems like this version of the kiai times will be used from Hard onwards? Why not use the same on the lower diffs too then? Is there smth that would go wrong with doing it that way?
  2. 01:16:253 (2,1) - these should prob be stacked right? Fix
  3. 01:22:252 (2,2,3) - stack it so that 01:22:252 (2,2) - are stacked instead of 01:22:252 (2,3) - ; looks way better. (automatic stack is what fucks it up atm, just tune it manually)
  4. 01:56:709 (1,1) - what I said earlier. Though with pattern like this it makes more sense than last time
  1. 00:13:852 - why this change in hitsounding? Not used in any of the diffs before I believe
  2. 01:14:709 (1,2,1,2,3) - looks very messy, probably not what you'd want. In comparison, 01:18:823 (1,2,1,2,3) - looks fine. It's due 01:14:881 (1,2,3) - being lower spacing and partly to the same direction 01:14:709 (1,2) - automatical stack is leaning to.
  3. 01:38:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - while the idea ain't bad, it doesn't make sense to introduce completely new idea in the last kiai of the map when there has been different idea used for the section before. Especially as the ideas are almost opposite each other, (see how both have kinda similar object placements but first one is moving everytime with back-and-forth and the latter one has every other stacked on top)
Harmonical Catastrophe.
  1. 00:13:852 - again with hitsounds change (but this time even different from the last one lul) Well as in, partly it will change due rhythms changing slightly while going up, but just beginning to use additional set of hitsounds in the couple last diffs is kinda, not consistent hitsounding mapset-wise.
  2. 00:15:909 (1,1) - fix stack
  3. 00:26:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the pattern from last diff would make more sense in top diff, especially considering you don't use anything similar in here. I mean, I see this is having slightly different approach, but it's still interpreting this particular sequence as clearly less intense (or atleast less gimmicky) than in diff supposed to be clearly easier than this. You could just apply the same type stuff for this stream in here, combined with the jumps between groups of 8 that this already has. Looking at 00:33:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - though seems like you just forgot to do stuff for the first time.
  4. 00:52:252 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - playability aside, this looks really cool
  5. 01:10:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - not sure about rankability and whatnot, but I don't think stream getting completely overlapped by itself like 01:11:023 (4,2) - is good idea, even as a gimmick. It's kinda stepping towards stuff like completely stacked streams (which I think is unrankable).
  6. 00:48:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - compare to 01:12:823 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - doesn't it feel like some of the solo part streams are lacking in stuff? Or alternatively not so important place has too intense streams. That being said I'd do smth more for violin solo streams like this considering you have been using multiple gimmicky stuff already
  7. 01:18:995 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - visuals aside, how do you think this expresses the music? Is this good way to emphasis what the music does? Not saying it doesn't. Not saying it does either. But do you have basis for it? I kinda got the vibes of doing it for the visuals with this one
  8. 01:28:595 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - similarly to what I said above, this is fairly strong jumpstreams for section that isn't too intense in comparison to many sections in this song.
  9. Lots of pretty cool ideas tbh, but like how I said it on that one pattern above, sometimes it felt like gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks, instead of being gimmicks for the sake of what the music holds. Not really completely off -level, but not everything felt perfectly fitting.
Good luck!
00:52:252 (1) - 00:53:623 (1) - 00:54:995 (1) - lots of finishes missing, same for other sections like it

00:42:309 (4) - I think these could use slowing down sv if you want, same for extra
01:30:652 (1) - Not sure if these are rankable still, doing this would be 100% safer though
01:38:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Hm, not sure if spacing should be increasing this drastically because not much is changing from each 1,2 to 1,2

00:34:423 (1,2,3) - There's quite a large difference on the first slider, use 1/8 snap or higher sv to emphasise it
01:22:081 (1,2,1) - I think 01:22:423 (1) - is a bit under-emphasised here, moving 2 left would help increase distance emphasis

00:05:623 (1,2) - Spacing shouldn't really be large here, emphasises 2 for no reason. ctrl-g 00:05:452 (4,1) -
00:28:938 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Large spacing variations should be avoided in hards. 00:29:196 (2,3) - Rotate CCW and do some spacing adjustments, I think this works better.
00:35:795 (1,2,3) - 3 isn't properly emphasised here
00:54:995 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The music repeats itself on 1 and 4, but the two have completely different rhythm D: The first one worked better
00:58:766 (4,1) - This jump seems too large, it's also the usage of jumps is inconsistent with second kiai. Just remove it for consistency
01:32:366 (2) - is this a blanket
01:35:452 (3,1) - The parallel lines can be polished

00:11:795 (2,2) - Overlaps like this are highly suggested to be avoided on normal diffs, hard to read for new players.
00:20:366 (4) - Check the RC, some parts need changing in general regarding stacks
00:21:395 (3,4,1) - 00:52:937 (3,4,1) - wayy to many overlaps going on here for me
00:23:452 (1) - Avoid spinners less than 3 beats long, and make sure there is at least 2 beats after a spinner for recovery. (ie a spinner can't fit here)
00:35:795 (1,2) - Avoid switching between 1/2 and 1/1 stacks
01:07:852 (2) - These 1/2 stacks are fine since you swapped completely, but don't start using 1/1 stacks again at 01:25:509 (2,2) - . Fine to use at 01:33:395 (1) - since that's a recognisable pattern from before
01:55:852 (2) - remove stack

00:28:938 (1) - 00:35:795 (1) - Rhythm here needs to change. There are many strong sounds that are ignored, and you have clickable objects on very weak ones. I might use as a solution. It has a 1.5/1, but it's far better at following the music
01:05:966 (1) - Adding a white slider point in the middle of this slider would make the shape a bit easier to read for new players
01:21:052 (1) - Slider shape a bit too weird for an easy
01:52:252 (3) - This has a 1/2 mapped but 01:55:338 (1) - doesn't, use the latter for better rhythm consistency
01:56:709 (1,1) - don't do that nc

Looks nice but this could use a couple more mods. I tend to gloss over minor issues and focus on major issues, so having more people point out the small stuff would help a lot.
Brazilian mapping best mapping
Topic Starter

TheKingHenry wrote:

Hello mod from my queue~ Yo o//
  1. Add some tags? Stuff like genre, album and whatnot if there are such to be used for this. And most importantly add something like "antonio vivaldi the four seasons winter" since that's the piece this is based on. Sure Added ~
  1. 01:00:138 (4,1) - considering there's none of them so far, I'd just get rid of this overlap okay
  2. 01:52:252 (3,1) - important sound under sliderend of 01:52:252 (3) - instead of being clicked. It's also the sound that should be NC instead of 01:52:938 (1) - sure
  3. 01:56:709 (3,1) - similarly to above, 01:56:709 (3) - is the one that should be NC instead, even if 01:57:052 (1) - is the final note in the map (since it's only "bonus"). That being said in this case I think the current one is kinda fine too if you really want. i did, but removed after sinnoh mod :o
  1. 00:23:452 (1,1) - I don't think 1 beat break from spinner to next object is sufficient in Normal. I think it was recommended for 2 beats min. (see here) and considering the bpm in this song is fairly standard it would be recommendable to abide to the guidelines. indeed removed
  2. 00:42:652 - why is there break here but not in Easy my bad, fixed
  3. 00:51:909 (1) - unnecessary NC, just do it the same way you've done before or just after this 00:52:252 (1,2,3,4) - (even though the rhythm slightly differs) okay!
  4. 00:56:538 (1) - that spinner thingy. Recovery time being "too short" aside, here it's on already fairly dense place, so the shortness of the break gets emphasised. Seems like there's more similar spinners later on, see them too removed !
  5. 01:56:709 (5,1) - seems like a consistent way of doing it so I'll let it pass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  1. Why different kiai times? (or more like why difference in the same kiai times?) fixed!
  2. 00:29:452 (3,4,5,1) - this could flow better. See how with 00:29:452 (3,4,5) - (and couple objects before them too) it leads to circular flow, but with 00:29:966 (5,1) - it not only changes direction, it also has lower spacing, and the object after it forces direction change again, with sliderbody too. Tl;dr it's not like it's terrible but it feels unnatural compared to what could be done okay~
  3. 00:41:109 (4,1) - seems like a good place for blanket? Actually the whole pattern could be blanketed (which you haven't seemed to have done too much with slider things like these) yes
  4. 01:04:252 (4,1) - blanket? yup
  5. 01:48:138 (1) - unnecessary NC i due to emphasize 1/1 pause aa
  6. 01:56:709 (1,1) - why not use the same logic as before? I mean, either use that or then only NC 01:56:709 (1) - but NCing both seems like just spam for this, considering they can't really structure for anything after them anymore due the song ending. okay!
  1. Seems like this version of the kiai times will be used from Hard onwards? Why not use the same on the lower diffs too then? Is there smth that would go wrong with doing it that way? i leave like lasts diffs
  2. 01:16:253 (2,1) - these should prob be stacked right? Fix okay
  3. 01:22:252 (2,2,3) - stack it so that 01:22:252 (2,2) - are stacked instead of 01:22:252 (2,3) - ; looks way better. (automatic stack is what fucks it up atm, just tune it manually) oh indeed, fixed
  4. 01:56:709 (1,1) - what I said earlier. Though with pattern like this it makes more sense than last time Up!
  1. 00:13:852 - why this change in hitsounding? Not used in any of the diffs before I believe my bad again aa fixed
  2. 01:14:709 (1,2,1,2,3) - looks very messy, probably not what you'd want. In comparison, 01:18:823 (1,2,1,2,3) - looks fine. It's due 01:14:881 (1,2,3) - being lower spacing and partly to the same direction 01:14:709 (1,2) - automatical stack is leaning to. well, I did like last diff and insane,I have been putting a duplet on each measure and increasing the distance So.. As the stack isn't affected by Distance Snap it stays unchanged.
  3. 01:38:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - while the idea ain't bad, it doesn't make sense to introduce completely new idea in the last kiai of the map when there has been different idea used for the section before. Especially as the ideas are almost opposite each other, (see how both have kinda similar object placements but first one is moving everytime with back-and-forth and the latter one has every other stacked on top)reformulated
Harmonical Catastrophe.
  1. 00:13:852 - again with hitsounds change (but this time even different from the last one lul) Well as in, partly it will change due rhythms changing slightly while going up, but just beginning to use additional set of hitsounds in the couple last diffs is kinda, not consistent hitsounding mapset-wise. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fxied qqq
  2. 00:15:909 (1,1) - fix stack okay
  3. 00:26:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the pattern from last diff would make more sense in top diff, especially considering you don't use anything similar in here. I mean, I see this is having slightly different approach, but it's still interpreting this particular sequence as clearly less intense (or atleast less gimmicky) than in diff supposed to be clearly easier than this. You could just apply the same type stuff for this stream in here, combined with the jumps between groups of 8 that this already has. Looking at 00:33:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - though seems like you just forgot to do stuff for the first time. well i can explain: the song provided here 00:26:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - its similar on this part > 00:25:509 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - but that 00:33:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - isn't because sounds similar on this part 00:40:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - , if repairing the divisions made by the distorted sound its very easy(really xd) to identify and differentiate
  4. 00:52:252 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - playability aside, this looks really cool lol, thanks :P
  5. 01:10:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - not sure about rankability and whatnot, but I don't think stream getting completely overlapped by itself like 01:11:023 (4,2) - is good idea, even as a gimmick. It's kinda stepping towards stuff like completely stacked streams (which I think is unrankable). in certian way partially, i don't know i need get opinions from other mappers on, because I've already seen some maps that use this concept that i applied, so i'm kind of undecided if I should change or not.
  6. 00:48:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - compare to 01:12:823 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - doesn't it feel like some of the solo part streams are lacking in stuff? Or alternatively not so important place has too intense streams. That being said I'd do smth more for violin solo streams like this considering you have been using multiple gimmicky stuff already indeed, changed.
  7. 01:18:995 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - visuals aside, how do you think this expresses the music? Is this good way to emphasis what the music does? Not saying it doesn't. Not saying it does either. But do you have basis for it? I kinda got the vibes of doing it for the visuals with this one changed, thanks
  8. 01:28:595 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - similarly to what I said above, this is fairly strong jumpstreams for section that isn't too intense in comparison to many sections in this song. changed.
  9. Lots of pretty cool ideas tbh, but like how I said it on that one pattern above, sometimes it felt like gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks, instead of being gimmicks for the sake of what the music holds. Not really completely off -level, but not everything felt perfectly fitting.
Good luck!
Thank you for awesome mod, i feel lucky xd

Sinnoh wrote:

00:52:252 (1) - 00:53:623 (1) - 00:54:995 (1) - lots of finishes missing, same for other sections like it fixed.

00:42:309 (4) - I think these could use slowing down sv if you want, same for extra its break combo concept
01:30:652 (1) - Not sure if these are rankable still, doing this would be 100% safer though Fixed
01:38:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Hm, not sure if spacing should be increasing this drastically because not much is changing from each 1,2 to 1,2 Nerf.

00:34:423 (1,2,3) - There's quite a large difference on the first slider, use 1/8 snap or higher sv to emphasise it fixed.
01:22:081 (1,2,1) - I think 01:22:423 (1) - is a bit under-emphasised here, moving 2 left would help increase distance emphasis okay

00:05:623 (1,2) - Spacing shouldn't really be large here, emphasises 2 for no reason. ctrl-g 00:05:452 (4,1) - okay
00:28:938 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Large spacing variations should be avoided in hards. 00:29:196 (2,3) - Rotate CCW and do some spacing adjustments, I think this works better. same^
00:35:795 (1,2,3) - 3 isn't properly emphasised here I don't understand, what did you want me to do? aaa
00:54:995 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The music repeats itself on 1 and 4, but the two have completely different rhythm D: The first one worked better fixed, rip symmetry
00:58:766 (4,1) - This jump seems too large, it's also the usage of jumps is inconsistent with second kiai. Just remove it for consistency done
01:32:366 (2) - is this a blanket sure
01:35:452 (3,1) - The parallel lines can be polished okay

00:11:795 (2,2) - Overlaps like this are highly suggested to be avoided on normal diffs, hard to read for new players.
00:20:366 (4) - Check the RC, some parts need changing in general regarding stacks
00:21:395 (3,4,1) - 00:52:937 (3,4,1) - wayy to many overlaps going on here for me
00:23:452 (1) - Avoid spinners less than 3 beats long, and make sure there is at least 2 beats after a spinner for recovery. (ie a spinner can't fit here)
00:35:795 (1,2) - Avoid switching between 1/2 and 1/1 stacks
01:07:852 (2) - These 1/2 stacks are fine since you swapped completely, but don't start using 1/1 stacks again at 01:25:509 (2,2) - . Fine to use at 01:33:395 (1) - since that's a recognisable pattern from before
01:55:852 (2) - remove stack
All fixed, removed all 1/1 stacks(2 exceptions) and leave all 1/2 stack, remapped
00:28:938 (1) - 00:35:795 (1) - Rhythm here needs to change. There are many strong sounds that are ignored, and you have clickable objects on very weak ones. I might use as a solution. It has a 1.5/1, but it's far better at following the music done.
01:05:966 (1) - Adding a white slider point in the middle of this slider would make the shape a bit easier to read for new players sho, sure
01:21:052 (1) - Slider shape a bit too weird for an easy aaa, okay
01:52:252 (3) - This has a 1/2 mapped but 01:55:338 (1) - doesn't, use the latter for better rhythm consistency true
01:56:709 (1,1) - don't do that nc okay

Looks nice but this could use a couple more mods. I tend to gloss over minor issues and focus on major issues, so having more people point out the small stuff would help a lot.
Okay :D/ also thanks for the mod

Loreley wrote:

Brazilian mapping best mapping
U are the best Belarus Mapper <3
12 just for you <3
July - San
From mod req :D

Okay let'ss see hereeeeee---


00:11:109 (1,2) - (Change this, They are very short and would be complicated for beginners) (Change it to one like this 00:13:852 (1) - )

the rest of the diff is good :D



mmmm-- ;-;

Lower the stars.


(Only New Combo)

00:25:852 (5) - (NC Here)

00:32:709 (5) - (NC Here)

00:39:566 (5) - (NC)

01:29:966 (7) - (NC)

01:43:338 (5) - (NC)

The rest it's really good..

To my taste, I do not like much the streams or the changes of speed, but on the other hand, your map looks good, I enjoy it, I give you a kudo star, and sorry for the short mod, luck

Good luck
Hi, i'm a new mapper hope this helps ^^


00:11:109 (1,2) - faz isso ser 1/2, pra esse tipo de Easy reverseslider desse tamanho é confuso pra krl
mover 00:31:338 (4) - um pouco mais pra baixo acho q melhora um pouco o fluxo daki 00:30:138 (3,4,1) -
00:38:195 (4) - isso era pra ser aki n? 00:38:023 -
01:02:881 (4) - Overmap, só deleta
01:14:881 (1) - N é pra ter CLap Finish no final desse slider?
01:57:052 (1) - aki começar um spin parece bem mais saudável


Ta, isso aki 00:05:452 (4,1,2,3,4) - ta bem feio e mau posicionado, se for fazer assim aleatório pelo menos faça com uma DS regular, como por exemplo coloque isso 00:05:795 (2) - com a msma distância entre 00:05:623 (1,3) -


01:00:481 (1,2,3,4,1) - Talvez um polígono perfeito pareça uma boa idéia
01:02:195 (4) - Isso parece ficar bonito pro lado de cima
01:54:995 (8,1) - Blanket perfeito?

The other diffs is too hard for me x.x hope this helps ^^
aaaah saudades desse forum puta merda


  1. 01:22:766 (2) - O angulo que você esta trazendo aqui ta ao contrario da nota seguinte, é bem bobo, o cara que manja ele vai ver em volta e acerta de boas, ainda mais em easy. Porem, esse cara ai não vai ser qualquer um, se fosse uma normal, tudo bem, porem... easy ? pensa nos novato dos novatos, o cara que nunca jogou... é fácil arruma, apenas inverta o angulo, deixe Desse jeito.
  1. 00:11:795 (2) - Se possivel, tente stacka a bunda dele com o (3), pois uma estetica polida em low diff traz bons sentimentos para o jogador (bem gay isso mas é exatamente isso que importa)
  2. 00:12:481 (1,2) - Nada demais aqui, mas é so uma "comparação" que aqui ficou bem aceitavel esse tipo de flow comparado ao mencionado na easy, por mais q termine com o cu pra lua, um player em normal ja nao vai sofrer ai pq ele ja ta mANJando muito da parada.
  3. 00:31:681 (1) - amo essa patten de bengala
  4. 01:57:052 (1) - talvez você quis representar algo aqui, dar enfase, vou supor q seja a "ultima-nota" mas stack é algo bem complexo para causar certa enfase, sendo que você fez um mapa com flow normal(entenda, flow simples linear bla bla bla vc ja sabe o resto) então, porque nao deixa linear também ? xD

  1. 00:17:109 (2,3,4) - Considerando sua ideia toda de usar 1/1's e com patten de tecnica simetrica, porque você fez esses 1/2 ? alem de tu quebrar sua consistencia considerada que voce tinha feito (e que ainda ficou PICA) voce meio que broxou até mesmo eu q tava animado com a patten com esses 1/2, mas o motivo é a consistencia, vc mudo ai mesmo, mas volto a ideia aqui, olha 00:17:966 (1,2,3) - entao tipo... o que você quer fazer desde o começo ? se for fazer esses 1/2 agora, ao menos deixe 1/2 mais enfatizado aqui 00:17:966 (1,2,3) - também

tira esses pontinho caralho

  1. 00:16:595 (1,2,3,4) - qual e o ponto exatamente de dar cover em certas beats fracas e em outras nao? ex 00:16:938 - vs 00:17:623 (2) -. Voce tambem deu cover em todas na secao anterior 00:13:852 -.
  2. 00:20:709 (1) - esse nc destroi o teu padrao, eu diria o mesmo pra 00:23:452 (1) -
  3. 00:38:195 (4) - tu e problematico ou o que, tava seguindo red tick ate agora e ignora 00:38:023 - pra por no white, jumento
  4. 00:39:909 (2) - ta relando no hp
  5. 01:02:881 (4) - nao tem som pra circulo aqui caralho e que normal whistle e esse
  6. 01:48:481 - eu realmente nao gostei da forma que daqui pra frente tu mudou a sua pattern de NC do nada, bem asdadaASAsdASDAdsD
  7. 01:50:538 (2) - eu recomendaria mudar pra dois circles como tu fez aqui 01:49:166 (2,3) - porque os sons diferem bastante de 01:49:852 (1,1) - , poderia representar bem essa mudanca e etc
  8. 01:52:595 - caraio pra que que tu deixou isso no fim de um slider loco
  1. eu não gostei da maneira que tu elaborou tua intro, ficou bem estranha, 00:02:880 - até 00:06:995 - você deu cover em redtick e depois parou do nada. O mesmo acontece em 00:13:852 - pra parar depois em 00:16:595 - do nada. Parece muito que você ta forçando pra ter variação e esquecendo de seguir o que você mesmo elaborou
  2. 00:10:423 (3,2) - overlap bem desnecessário imo
  3. 00:24:823 (1,2) - eu não sei se simplificar tanto assim fica legal, 00:25:166 - aqui fica um som forte do violino se comparado a 00:25:338 -, ignorar ele é bem sadboys
  4. 01:05:966 (3) - vs 01:03:223 (1) -, creio que NC aqui faria mais sentido por esse motivo
  5. 01:12:138 (3,4) - por que caralhos tu parou de seguir da mesma forma que 01:10:766 (3,4,1,2) -? faria muito mais sentido deixar uma pausa em 01:12:652 -
  6. 01:23:623 - você não vai ignorar depois de fazer isso 01:22:081 (3) - ne
  7. 01:44:023 (3,1) - não só por ser esteticamente um abacate de tao bosTA, é muito fácil noob tiltar nisso aqui

    also eu recomendo muito fortemente aumentar teu od pra 4, atualmente teu easy usa 2.5 e teu normal ta com 3, pulando diretamente pra 6 no hard, o que é bem aleatório
  1. 00:05:795 (2,3,4,5) - o que é esse spacing? não tem um real motivo pra fazer tudo isso quando a música nem mudou tanto assim. Also, já que tamo falando de spacing, 00:08:366 (1,2,3,4) - é retardamente gigante e exige uma habilidade muito mais ampla que pra acertar 00:06:995 (1,2,3,4) - por exemplo, e considerando que isso é MUITO mais difícil que a próxima seção que tem drums mais fortes e presentes (o que eu também estranhei pra cacete), só cria uma transição mais aleatória
  2. 00:30:481 - não faz sentido algum deixar esse som no fim de um slider, principalmente pelo fato de que segundos atrás você fez isso 00:29:795 (4) -
  3. 00:36:652 (4,5) - qual é a do spacing grandasso do nada
  4. 01:21:738 (1,1) - estética ralmente tilting, você pode optar por fazer um blanket na slidertail ou algo do tipo pra evitar isso, mas por favor tenta evitar fazer o body ficar tão próximo da tail
  5. 01:25:166 (1) - vs 01:25:852 - -_ mesma coisa pra 01:26:538 - (eu não acredito que tu fez isso tbh)
  6. 01:52:252 (5,1) - aaaaaaa um objeto ta coladasso no outro
  7. 01:55:852 (3,4,5) - não está simétrico.

    a dificuldade não está ruim, mas sério, considera a parada que eu falei sobre a primeira seção estar ridiculamente mais difícil que a segunda sendo que a segunda que tem os drums e as parada toda
  1. 00:13:681 - sei lá, eu realmente acho que fazer esse som clicável seria muito mais fitting considerando que o drum é fortinho e 00:13:509 - tem som de nada xD
  2. eu recomendo mover 01:00:052 (9,1) - um pouco pra direita, assim tu pode fazer a estrela 01:00:481 (1,2,3,4) - direito, porque claramente 01:00:823 (3,4) - ta com um spacing menor e ta meio estranho
  3. 01:22:938 (4,1) - o spacing aqui ficou bem estranho, não da muito a impressão que você tentou, considerando que 01:22:766 (3,4) - é bem grandinho e 01:22:938 (4,1) - deixa a desejar. Enquanto isso tu fez uma parada bem legal em 01:24:138 (3,4,1) -
  4. Also, bem minor, mas 01:23:452 (2) - liga o grid snap e da um ctrl+^ que a simetria ta errada
  5. 01:41:452 (2,2,1,2,1,1) - mantenha teus overlaps padronizados
  6. 01:51:566 (3) - ignorar a stream tão sudden não faz muito sentido lol
  7. 01:56:538 - clicável seria mt mais pika, os drums que 01:56:366 (3) - da cover se diferem bastante e fica difícil de dizer qual é mais forte, mas creio que ambos fiquem legais se você apertar o botaozinho magico do teclado

    mas que caralho de novo tu fez um gap de 0.5 de od pra diff anterior loco, muda isso pra 7.2 no mínimo
vou dar uma parada por aqui que eu sou um merda com extra
Topic Starter

July - San wrote:

Hi-Hi! Hello ~
From mod req :D

Okay let'ss see hereeeeee---


00:11:109 (1,2) - (Change this, They are very short and would be complicated for beginners) (Change it to one like this 00:13:852 (1) - )

the rest of the diff is good :D



mmmm-- ;-;

Lower the stars.


(Only New Combo)

00:25:852 (5) - (NC Here)

00:32:709 (5) - (NC Here)

00:39:566 (5) - (NC)

01:29:966 (7) - (NC)

01:43:338 (5) - (NC)

The rest it's really good..

To my taste, I do not like much the streams or the changes of speed, but on the other hand, your map looks good, I enjoy it, I give you a kudo star, and sorry for the short mod, luck

Good luck
All Fixed!! thanks for ncing mod

Tarrasky wrote:

Hi, i'm a new mapper hope this helps ^^ Buhhh >.<


00:11:109 (1,2) - faz isso ser 1/2, pra esse tipo de Easy reverseslider desse tamanho é confuso pra krl
mover 00:31:338 (4) - um pouco mais pra baixo acho q melhora um pouco o fluxo daki 00:30:138 (3,4,1) -
00:38:195 (4) - isso era pra ser aki n? 00:38:023 -
01:02:881 (4) - Overmap, só deleta
01:14:881 (1) - N é pra ter CLap Finish no final desse slider?
01:57:052 (1) - aki começar um spin parece bem mais saudável


Ta, isso aki 00:05:452 (4,1,2,3,4) - ta bem feio e mau posicionado, se for fazer assim aleatório pelo menos faça com uma DS regular, como por exemplo coloque isso 00:05:795 (2) - com a msma distância entre 00:05:623 (1,3) -


01:00:481 (1,2,3,4,1) - Talvez um polígono perfeito pareça uma boa idéia
01:02:195 (4) - Isso parece ficar bonito pro lado de cima
01:54:995 (8,1) - Blanket perfeito?

The other diffs is too hard for me x.x hope this helps ^^
Fixed all too!!!

Ataraxia wrote:

aaaah saudades desse forum puta merda


  1. 01:22:766 (2) - O angulo que você esta trazendo aqui ta ao contrario da nota seguinte, é bem bobo, o cara que manja ele vai ver em volta e acerta de boas, ainda mais em easy. Porem, esse cara ai não vai ser qualquer um, se fosse uma normal, tudo bem, porem... easy ? pensa nos novato dos novatos, o cara que nunca jogou... é fácil arruma, apenas inverta o angulo, deixe Desse jeito.
  1. 00:11:795 (2) - Se possivel, tente stacka a bunda dele com o (3), pois uma estetica polida em low diff traz bons sentimentos para o jogador (bem gay isso mas é exatamente isso que importa)
  2. 00:12:481 (1,2) - Nada demais aqui, mas é so uma "comparação" que aqui ficou bem aceitavel esse tipo de flow comparado ao mencionado na easy, por mais q termine com o cu pra lua, um player em normal ja nao vai sofrer ai pq ele ja ta mANJando muito da parada.
  3. 00:31:681 (1) - amo essa patten de bengala
  4. 01:57:052 (1) - talvez você quis representar algo aqui, dar enfase, vou supor q seja a "ultima-nota" mas stack é algo bem complexo para causar certa enfase, sendo que você fez um mapa com flow normal(entenda, flow simples linear bla bla bla vc ja sabe o resto) então, porque nao deixa linear também ? xD

  1. 00:17:109 (2,3,4) - Considerando sua ideia toda de usar 1/1's e com patten de tecnica simetrica, porque você fez esses 1/2 ? alem de tu quebrar sua consistencia considerada que voce tinha feito (e que ainda ficou PICA) voce meio que broxou até mesmo eu q tava animado com a patten com esses 1/2, mas o motivo é a consistencia, vc mudo ai mesmo, mas volto a ideia aqui, olha 00:17:966 (1,2,3) - entao tipo... o que você quer fazer desde o começo ? se for fazer esses 1/2 agora, ao menos deixe 1/2 mais enfatizado aqui 00:17:966 (1,2,3) - também

vou completar futuramente, cansei x.x
All Fixed lel

Trynna wrote:

tira esses pontinho caralho Nop

  1. 00:16:595 (1,2,3,4) - qual e o ponto exatamente de dar cover em certas beats fracas e em outras nao? ex 00:16:938 - vs 00:17:623 (2) -. Voce tambem deu cover em todas na secao anterior 00:13:852 -. Fixed
  2. 00:20:709 (1) - esse nc destroi o teu padrao, eu diria o mesmo pra 00:23:452 (1) - fixed
  3. 00:38:195 (4) - tu e problematico ou o que, tava seguindo red tick ate agora e ignora 00:38:023 - pra por no white, jumento fixed
  4. 00:39:909 (2) - ta relando no hp fixed
  5. 01:02:881 (4) - nao tem som pra circulo aqui caralho e que normal whistle e esse i hearing a whistle there ¬_¬
  6. 01:48:481 - eu realmente nao gostei da forma que daqui pra frente tu mudou a sua pattern de NC do nada, bem asdadaASAsdASDAdsD sure
  7. 01:50:538 (2) - eu recomendaria mudar pra dois circles como tu fez aqui 01:49:166 (2,3) - porque os sons diferem bastante de 01:49:852 (1,1) - , poderia representar bem essa mudanca e etc vai quebrar a sequencia anterior que fiz
  8. 01:52:595 - caraio pra que que tu deixou isso no fim de um slider loco é
  1. eu não gostei da maneira que tu elaborou tua intro, ficou bem estranha, 00:02:880 - até 00:06:995 - você deu cover em redtick e depois parou do nada. O mesmo acontece em 00:13:852 - pra parar depois em 00:16:595 - do nada. Parece muito que você ta forçando pra ter variação e esquecendo de seguir o que você mesmo elaborou remapped
  2. 00:10:423 (3,2) - overlap bem desnecessário imo dificil de fixar devido a ds ativa grr
  3. 00:24:823 (1,2) - eu não sei se simplificar tanto assim fica legal, 00:25:166 - aqui fica um som forte do violino se comparado a 00:25:338 -, ignorar ele é bem sadboys estou seguindo outro som particularmente, assim nao fica tão monótomo cheio de 1/2 constante
  4. 01:05:966 (3) - vs 01:03:223 (1) -, creio que NC aqui faria mais sentido por esse motivo sure, why not xD
  5. 01:12:138 (3,4) - por que caralhos tu parou de seguir da mesma forma que 01:10:766 (3,4,1,2) -? faria muito mais sentido deixar uma pausa em 01:12:652 - Remapped
  6. 01:23:623 - você não vai ignorar depois de fazer isso 01:22:081 (3) - ne ok -_-
  7. 01:44:023 (3,1) - não só por ser esteticamente um abacate de tao bosTA, é muito fácil noob tiltar nisso aqui Remapped

    also eu recomendo muito fortemente aumentar teu od pra 4, atualmente teu easy usa 2.5 e teu normal ta com 3, pulando diretamente pra 6 no hard, o que é bem aleatório Sure!
  1. 00:05:795 (2,3,4,5) - o que é esse spacing? não tem um real motivo pra fazer tudo isso quando a música nem mudou tanto assim. Also, já que tamo falando de spacing, 00:08:366 (1,2,3,4) - é retardamente gigante e exige uma habilidade muito mais ampla que pra acertar 00:06:995 (1,2,3,4) - por exemplo, e considerando que isso é MUITO mais difícil que a próxima seção que tem drums mais fortes e presentes (o que eu também estranhei pra cacete), só cria uma transição mais aleatória Both fixed
  2. 00:30:481 - não faz sentido algum deixar esse som no fim de um slider, principalmente pelo fato de que segundos atrás você fez isso 00:29:795 (4) - novamente quebra a sequencia seguinte e anterior que fiz e tira um pouco da monotonia que é 1/2 constante
  3. 00:36:652 (4,5) - qual é a do spacing grandasso do nada subjetivo, mas nerfado um pouco
  4. 01:21:738 (1,1) - estética ralmente tilting, você pode optar por fazer um blanket na slidertail ou algo do tipo pra evitar isso, mas por favor tenta evitar fazer o body ficar tão próximo da tail creio que fixei mudando para uma shape mais coerente sem alterar a anterior
  5. 01:25:166 (1) - vs 01:25:852 - -_ mesma coisa pra 01:26:538 - (eu não acredito que tu fez isso tbh)
  6. 01:52:252 (5,1) - aaaaaaa um objeto ta coladasso no outro my bad fixed
  7. 01:55:852 (3,4,5) - não está simétrico. fixed

    a dificuldade não está ruim, mas sério, considera a parada que eu falei sobre a primeira seção estar ridiculamente mais difícil que a segunda sendo que a segunda que tem os drums e as parada toda
  1. 00:13:681 - sei lá, eu realmente acho que fazer esse som clicável seria muito mais fitting considerando que o drum é fortinho e 00:13:509 - tem som de nada xD
  2. eu recomendo mover 01:00:052 (9,1) - um pouco pra direita, assim tu pode fazer a estrela 01:00:481 (1,2,3,4) - direito, porque claramente 01:00:823 (3,4) - ta com um spacing menor e ta meio estranho
  3. 01:22:938 (4,1) - o spacing aqui ficou bem estranho, não da muito a impressão que você tentou, considerando que 01:22:766 (3,4) - é bem grandinho e 01:22:938 (4,1) - deixa a desejar. Enquanto isso tu fez uma parada bem legal em 01:24:138 (3,4,1) -
  4. Also, bem minor, mas 01:23:452 (2) - liga o grid snap e da um ctrl+^ que a simetria ta errada
  5. 01:41:452 (2,2,1,2,1,1) - mantenha teus overlaps padronizados
  6. 01:51:566 (3) - ignorar a stream tão sudden não faz muito sentido lol
  7. 01:56:538 - clicável seria mt mais pika, os drums que 01:56:366 (3) - da cover se diferem bastante e fica difícil de dizer qual é mais forte, mas creio que ambos fiquem legais se você apertar o botaozinho magico do teclado

    mas que caralho de novo tu fez um gap de 0.5 de od pra diff anterior loco, muda isso pra 7.2 no mínimo
All Fixed!!
vou dar uma parada por aqui que eu sou um merda com extra
Thanks my friends for helping me aaa <3
Topic Starter
:roll: :roll:
Não precisa dar kds(já deu antes)

  1. 00:05:452 (4) - desde do começo você colocou circle pra acompanhamento e para ficar consistente mas aqui acredito que não precise ter um circle, ficaria interessante pra uma mudança no som.
  2. 00:10:423 (3) - Não entendi você mudou o ritmo de um som que estava alto para um que estava baixo? recomendo deixar o reverse já que esse papel foi desse circle 00:10:252 (2) - para uma mudança de ritmo.

  1. 00:15:909 (3) - deixa o Y desse slider com 73 para fazer simetria perfeita com 00:15:223 (1) -
só isso msm
why the dot after diffnames?

  1. 00:08:366 (1,2) - spacing, also 00:09:052 (2,1) - pattern might look a bit out of place, I suggest you avoid the overlap here
  2. 01:48:481 (1,2) - spacing
  1. 00:28:595 (1) - 00:35:452 (1) - etc. nc alone seems not enough to indicate the 1/4 gap, can you nerf the spacing between 00:28:595 (1,1) - ?
  2. 00:38:023 (1,1) - why is this 1/2 gap then? it seems rather inconsistent
  3. 00:47:966 (4,5) - I suggest removing triplets in this section, it's a relatively calm part compared with kiais so I don't think it's nice to force too much pressure on the player of this level. (less density here also highlights the kiai better)
  1. 00:28:252 (1,2) - wrongly snapped to 1/16 somehow
  2. 00:35:109 (1,2) - regarding the intensity of the notes, try this rhythm pattern instead? ->
  3. 01:14:881 (1,2,3) - good geometry patterns but they are too hard to hold combo for 4.5-ish player imo :c
  4. 01:56:366 (3) - missing hs, also why 01:56:366 (3,4) - rhythm is different from 01:55:681 (3,4) - ?
  5. I'm a bit worried about your intensive usage of kicksliders in this difficulty, it creates quite a big diff gap from Hard.
  1. od8 for linear diffspread
  2. 00:26:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - etc. I have to say this pattern is even harder than top difficulty ..
  3. 00:32:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - hey the stream movement here is almost exactly the same as previous one, can you do sth else here for variation or maybe it's your intention?
  4. 01:01:509 (3,4,1) - both spacing and flow make the movement to the stream awkward imo
  5. 01:03:909 (1,2) - spacing here suddenly shrinks>?
  6. 01:10:595 (1,2,1,2) - the nc kinda makes sense with music but looks confusing
  7. 01:14:709 (1,2,1,2) - ^ , also visual seems a bit broken with the stack? can't tell if it's intended to look like this
  8. 01:12:823 (1) - should be auto clap instead
Harmonical Catastrophe
  1. 01:06:823 (2,3,1) - you don't have to force the stack, it makes the flow too harsh :c
  2. 01:18:995 (1,2) - I kinda wonder how ppl would read this, can you get some testplays results/feedbacks from other players?
  3. 01:42:309 (1,2) - 01:42:652 (1,2) - swap their placement so there are more spacing between 01:42:138 (2,1) - 01:42:823 (2,1) - ?
  4. 01:47:795 (1,2) - Why not keep following the melody with triplet? switching to the kick seems too sudden, also you can do another symmetry with 01:48:138 (1,2,3) -
for m4m
Topic Starter

Garden wrote:

why the dot after diffnames?

It's a long explanation, well it's a technical bug It's that's been going on for years. After u update your map a lot of times (incluing change the diffnames a lot of times) there is a possibility that this bug occurs
this bug shows an "update for latest version" without updating the map
after clicking the update button, a totally different background appears and all the information on the map(bpm, slider, circles, hitsounds, storyboard) is completely deleted.
however to keep your progress saved and continue giving an update without fear of this bug appear, just add a dot to each diff name until this bug is solved. otherwise if left without the dot there is a great possibility of the bug to return and erase all the progress made.
there a example of a recent mapset ranked with dots because that bug >>

  1. 00:08:366 (1,2) - spacing, also 00:09:052 (2,1) - pattern might look a bit out of place, I suggest you avoid the overlap here fixed
  2. 01:48:481 (1,2) - spacing fixed
  1. 00:28:595 (1) - 00:35:452 (1) - etc. nc alone seems not enough to indicate the 1/4 gap, can you nerf the spacing between 00:28:595 (1,1) - ? more close, fixed
  2. 00:38:023 (1,1) - why is this 1/2 gap then? it seems rather inconsistent fixed, made equal like 00:33:052 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:47:966 (4,5) - I suggest removing triplets in this section, it's a relatively calm part compared with kiais so I don't think it's nice to force too much pressure on the player of this level. (less density here also highlights the kiai better) all removed, fixed.
  1. 00:28:252 (1,2) - wrongly snapped to 1/16 somehow changed to 1/4 to don't make too painful to do
  2. 00:35:109 (1,2) - regarding the intensity of the notes, try this rhythm pattern instead? -> okay!!
  3. 01:14:881 (1,2,3) - good geometry patterns but they are too hard to hold combo for 4.5-ish player imo :c well, i keeping the patttern but decreased drastically the ds for each
  4. 01:56:366 (3) - missing hs, also why 01:56:366 (3,4) - rhythm is different from 01:55:681 (3,4) - ? my bad fixed!
  5. I'm a bit worried about your intensive usage of kicksliders in this difficulty, it creates quite a big diff gap from Hard.
    it's like a deja'vu of my first map xd, well i can nerf some kick sliders to make some balance to hard diff, just tell me which ones I will not hesitate, and I'll just change oo
  1. od8 for linear diffspread ok!
  2. 00:26:881 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - etc. I have to say this pattern is even harder than top difficulty .. KILL ME AAAA SORRY, NERFED ALL
  3. 00:32:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - hey the stream movement here is almost exactly the same as previous one, can you do sth else here for variation or maybe it's your intention? indeed, fixed!!
  4. 01:01:509 (3,4,1) - both spacing and flow make the movement to the stream awkward imo changed, fixed!
  5. 01:03:909 (1,2) - spacing here suddenly shrinks>? aaaa fixed too
  6. 01:10:595 (1,2,1,2) - the nc kinda makes sense with music but looks confusing Fixed!
  7. 01:14:709 (1,2,1,2) - ^ , also visual seems a bit broken with the stack? can't tell if it's intended to look like this well to don't see too broken, i set up manually on the osu. file , stack leniency >> to 0.1
  8. 01:12:823 (1) - should be auto clap instead oh my bad, fixed
Harmonical Catastrophe
  1. 01:06:823 (2,3,1) - you don't have to force the stack, it makes the flow too harsh :c sorry, fixed :C
  2. 01:18:995 (1,2) - I kinda wonder how ppl would read this, can you get some testplays results/feedbacks from other players? i asked for some brazilian players to make a fast tesplay to see if they can read exactly that pattern and the whole diff, i post later just wait aa, but ocassionaly i made like the extra diff, with a difference of spacing the stream 4 by 4 and start a triplet on the first note
    Edit: Idealism's Play
  3. 01:42:309 (1,2) - 01:42:652 (1,2) - swap their placement so there are more spacing between 01:42:138 (2,1) - 01:42:823 (2,1) - ? fixed,
    all equal and symmetrical
  4. 01:47:795 (1,2) - Why not keep following the melody with triplet? switching to the kick seems too sudden, also you can do another symmetry with 01:48:138 (1,2,3) - changed, too, more clean
for m4m
also @Alexsander all fixed too thanks! :3
Thanks AAA!!!

offset seems something like +12 to me
50% hitsound volume doesn't give enough feedback to player, consider rising it up to 60-65% and 70% up to 80%

[Harmonical Catostrophe]
  1. 00:41:966 (3) - would like to see this emphasized more. Too way prominent sound. I suggest you to just increase spacing.
  2. 00:33:052 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it sound less intensier than 00:32:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - but the spacing among circles is equal.
  3. 00:34:595 (2,3) - optional. Try kickslider instead as this double is pretty inaudible
  4. 00:56:195 (8,9) - idk if this works well. I think it's still better to have a slider, instead.
  5. 01:41:452 (4,1) - ye, I recommend to increase spacing, current looks too low.
  1. 00:41:109 (1,2,1) - maybe move that slider a bit away to avoid tiny overlap? Just looks better with this stream 00:40:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - .
  2. 00:41:966 - pretty the same as for the highest diff.
  3. 01:14:709 (3,4,1,2,3) - this pattern is misleading. While playing it would've mistaken with just a triple. I highly recommend you to stack them or space properly.
  4. 01:53:966 (1) - unsure about this slider. Like, path is kind of obvious so I think it's fine.
  1. 00:39:909 (1,2,3,4) - according to the pattern I can say that music doesn't change so having this unemphasized is reasonable. BUT music does change here 00:40:595 - so consider emphasizing it by bigger spacing or something else you find appropriate.
  2. 01:33:909 (2,1) - consider rising spacing as well as here 01:34:423 (2,1) - . They're kinda prominent.
  1. RC wrote:

    If stacks are used, Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/2 hit objects to stack. Directly overlapping hit objects cause reading problems for players of this level.
    Set SL higher.
  2. 00:22:081 (1,2,3,4) - smaller spacing make little sense because part is about to come to the peak and intensity rises as well as pattern's intensity should. Consider rising spacing.
  3. 00:28:595 (1,1) - nazi. Maybe make it 1.7x to avoid that tiny "overlap"?
  4. 01:08:538 (4,1) - blanket is off lol, try finding them yourself
  5. 01:26:538 (1,2,3) - different spacing is pretty senseless here bc they three have pretty equal prominency. Consider making spacing the same, too.
  6. 01:48:138 (1) - some random NC.
  1. RC wrote:

    If stacks are used, Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/1 hit objects to stack. Directly overlapping hit objects cause reading problems for new players.
    The same as for Hard.
  2. 01:26:881 (2) - that's off-screen.
  3. 00:08:366 (1,2) - you haven't fixed the spacing here.
  4. 00:17:966 (3,4) - idk if 0.08 matters but it's better to not make it differ higher than 0.05x because visually it's pretty noticable.
  5. 00:40:595 (3,4) - I believe it's better to place circle a bit left to follow the flow in the best way.
  6. 00:58:423 (3,1) - inconsistent spacing for sure.
call me back
Topic Starter

Namki wrote:

sup Hello!!

offset seems something like +12 to me Done!
50% hitsound volume doesn't give enough feedback to player, consider rising it up to 60-65% and 70% up to 80% Done, setup to 70%

[Harmonical Catostrophe]
  1. 00:41:966 (3) - would like to see this emphasized more. Too way prominent sound. I suggest you to just increase spacing. lemme explain,
    on insane, extra and harmonical diff i created a special interpretation for that part:
    00:42:664 - volume lower, lower spacing (stacking notes, black and white color for small intensity)
    00:44:035 - volume increasing, increase spacing (not stack, green and pick color for normal intensity)
    00:45:407 - Volume increasing more, increase spacing more (have some distinct sounds so, change patterns duplets/ 1/4 kick sliders change to red and orange combo for high/objective intensity)

    i hope u understand my explanation ooo
  2. 00:33:052 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it sound less intensier than 00:32:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - but the spacing among circles is equal. Fixed!
  3. 00:34:595 (2,3) - optional. Try kickslider instead as this double is pretty inaudible Changed!
  4. 00:56:195 (8,9) - idk if this works well. I think it's still better to have a slider, instead. i following 2 distintic sounds which occours there
    00:56:207 - 00:56:293 (9) - , if u notice the both have the same space of every kick slider represented in that section to don't escape from principal sound
  5. 01:41:452 (4,1) - ye, I recommend to increase spacing, current looks too low. Done!!
  1. 00:41:109 (1,2,1) - maybe move that slider a bit away to avoid tiny overlap? Just looks better with this stream 00:40:595 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - . Fixed!
  2. 00:41:966 - pretty the same as for the highest diff.
  3. 01:14:709 (3,4,1,2,3) - this pattern is misleading. While playing it would've mistaken with just a triple. I highly recommend you to stack them or space properly. done!
  4. 01:53:966 (1) - unsure about this slider. Like, path is kind of obvious so I think it's fine. changed!
  1. 00:39:909 (1,2,3,4) - according to the pattern I can say that music doesn't change so having this unemphasized is reasonable. BUT music does change here 00:40:595 - so consider emphasizing it by bigger spacing or something else you find appropriate. fixed!
  2. 01:33:909 (2,1) - consider rising spacing as well as here 01:34:423 (2,1) - . They're kinda prominent. fixed too i guess
  1. RC wrote:

    If stacks are used, Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/2 hit objects to stack. Directly overlapping hit objects cause reading problems for players of this level. fixed!
    Set SL higher.
  2. 00:22:081 (1,2,3,4) - smaller spacing make little sense because part is about to come to the peak and intensity rises as well as pattern's intensity should. Consider rising spacing. changed, fixed!
  3. 00:28:595 (1,1) - nazi. Maybe make it 1.7x to avoid that tiny "overlap"? fixed?
  4. 01:08:538 (4,1) - blanket is off lol, try finding them yourself lol, fixedd
  5. 01:26:538 (1,2,3) - different spacing is pretty senseless here bc they three have pretty equal prominency. Consider making spacing the same, too. changed a bit to equal!
  6. 01:48:138 (1) - some random NC. done!
  1. RC wrote:

    If stacks are used, Stack Leniency must be set high enough for 1/1 hit objects to stack. Directly overlapping hit objects cause reading problems for new players.
    The same as for Hard. Fixed!
  2. 01:26:881 (2) - that's off-screen. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  3. 00:08:366 (1,2) - you haven't fixed the spacing here. My bad fixed too
  4. 00:17:966 (3,4) - idk if 0.08 matters but it's better to not make it differ higher than 0.05x because visually it's pretty noticable. fixed i guess?
  5. 00:40:595 (3,4) - I believe it's better to place circle a bit left to follow the flow in the best way. changed!
  6. 00:58:423 (3,1) - inconsistent spacing for sure. reformed!!
For top diffs I meant exactly that sound 00:41:978 - not the circle section.
Insane: Also, bigger spacing for 01:34:093 - and 01:34:778 - , you made smaller.
Normal: 00:09:064 (2,1) - spacing. Make sure you spaced every next object properly, this happens sometimes.
Extra: 01:53:978 (1) - is this supposed to end on 1/8?

once you fix them catch me ingame for recheck
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:D :) :P :idea: :arrow: thankiiiies!!! :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :) :)
omg i so happy t_t, this is happening again
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Its gonna happening again garden xd?

Uta wrote:

net0 would be proud!
Topic Starter

Uta wrote:


KittyAdventure wrote:

Uta wrote:

Thanks UwU

Kisses wrote:

net0 would be proud!
yeah!! thanks too :O
Shouldn't the source be listed as Pump It Up Prime?

Not actually sure of that, but that'd make more sense. Considering even Andamiro themselves refer to it this way
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Shouldn't the source be listed as Pump It Up Prime?

Not actually sure of that, but that'd make more sense. Considering even Andamiro themselves refer to it this way
Oh Hello! Answering:
Well.. yes, but... I particularly don't have a conviction that I had a difference in the source, and I kept going on, considering, seeing that have a recent mapset ranked with the same source, so... I and the nominators in question on this map feel safe about that, but if want i can request a DQ to correct this oo
I've no clue whether it actually changes anything or not. The safest bet is to ask a QAT member about that
Bakari is right, it should be uppercase.
fix fix pls, I'll requalify asap
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

fix fix pls, I'll requalify asap
done oo, meta fixed
While I'm here, can I offer some advice?

This is not an attempt at stopping this map at all; as it sits right now it is perfectly rankable and clean enough to consider a "good" map, but...

I noticed that a lot of this map utilizes symmetrical patterning, which I think is really cool, but there are several points where you decide to use a specific form of symmetrical pattern at the detriment of following the musical notes, which I feel rather defeats the purpose of making such a pattern-based map - if the patterns are not following the music, you are not making a map, just a collection of "lol this is cool right?" patterns that don't necessarily follow the music when you could easily make symmetrical patterns that do follow the music, you just need to be better.

For more specific examples, here's a few:
  1. 00:12:493 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Interesting juxtaposition, but the final 1/2 is still part of the little background trawl and would melodically fit better as a 1/4 slider.
  2. 00:33:750 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - No real need to NC spam this, the pairs aren't that spaced apart and the musical roll is still just an 8-note set, not four 2s.
  3. 00:45:578 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - When you follow the staticy trill under 00:45:578 (2,3,1) - but then ignore it entirely for the sake of symmetry with 00:46:093 (1,2) - , this is a blatant statement of "fuck the music, you're playing MY map", which i feel is not what a mapper should generally strive for.
  4. 00:51:578 (1,2,1) - The triple underneath 2 is so powerful and you follow it pretty much every time, but here your precious symmetry fucks it over.
  5. 00:52:264 (1,2,1,2,3) - This pattern would be amazing if it was something more like THIS, and could even more easily maintain a symmetrical pattern the same way you're doing now, but as it sits it's largely ignoring the music! a big ew to me.
  6. 01:04:607 (1) - Notes like this are 1/6, not 1/8. I'm not sure how the ranking criteria treats these at the moment, but technically the snapping is wrong on a lot of these. I'll leave it up to someone else to actually decide on this.
  7. 01:06:493 (2,1,2,3) - see symmetry strikes again - the first 2 would nominally be a triple to follow the backbeat, but you again ignore it for the sake of a symmetrical pattern that could easily be modified to still fit the music and be symmetrical.
  8. 01:25:178 (1,2,3) - Again, 2 is symmetrical despite the potential for triples to actually follow the music.
  9. 01:32:893 (2,1) - Again, 2 is symmetrical despite the potential for triples to actually follow the music.
  10. 01:33:407 (1,2,1,2,3) - same as the last time.
  11. 01:40:264 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Normally you have a 1/4 slider starting these off-beat start rolls off, but here it's a full stream? This goes for MOST of the streams in the last chorus...
  12. 01:51:235 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this is just all fucked up - the 1/4 2 should be a triple, the split double stream makes no sense, does not fit the map, and is a massive, worthless difficulty spike.
  13. 01:52:950 (1,2,1,2) - these are plain 4 rolls please stop trying to put awkwardly shoved in "inspired by hanzer but now is used so commonly incorrectly and badly that the incorrect and bad execution has become the normal definition" techniques.
  14. 01:56:721 (1) - nitpicky but imo this is more of a circle sound than a slider sound :shrug:
Agree with snapping but the rest doesn't seem valid to me. I will let Kalindraz explain his position first.
Again; like i said, i'm not even trying to apply suggestions - I made that post long prior to the DQ. I don't expect nor particurally care if any points are applied, but they are all valid if you ask me - there is no logical reason to force unfitting symmetrical patterns if you can create fitting symmetrical patterns.
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sorry for long late oo

Shiirn wrote:

While I'm here, can I offer some advice? sure.

This is not an attempt at stopping this map at all; as it sits right now it is perfectly rankable and clean enough to consider a "good" map, but...

I noticed that a lot of this map utilizes symmetrical patterning, which I think is really cool, but there are several points where you decide to use a specific form of symmetrical pattern at the detriment of following the musical notes, which I feel rather defeats the purpose of making such a pattern-based map - if the patterns are not following the music, you are not making a map, just a collection of "lol this is cool right?" patterns that don't necessarily follow the music when you could easily make symmetrical patterns that do follow the music, you just need to be better.

For more specific examples, here's a few:
  1. 00:12:493 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Interesting juxtaposition, but the final 1/2 is still part of the little background trawl and would melodically fit better as a 1/4 slider. i don't get it, you can explain better, your words sounds a bit confusing to me =/
  2. 00:33:750 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - No real need to NC spam this, the pairs aren't that spaced apart and the musical roll is still just an 8-note set, not four 2s.
    well, this is your subjective view, right? I mean, doesn't need more/less spacing to nc that pattern, that pairs of 2 to 2(up and down and other forms) justify what I accurately hear, distinct sounds every 2 notes. NCing are appropriate to have a separation between patterns. In this sense, I think that the NCing here works good, have a lot of separation in patterns because of the instrumentation shifts(focusing on violin and the "noise/distorted sound"). i think that answer can be applied to 01:52:950 (1,2,1,2) - and 01:51:235 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1)
  3. 00:45:578 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - When you follow the staticy trill under 00:45:578 (2,3,1) - but then ignore it entirely for the sake of symmetry with 00:46:093 (1,2) - , this is a blatant statement of "fuck the music, you're playing MY map", which i feel is not what a mapper should generally strive for. fixed, my bad..
  4. 00:51:578 (1,2,1) - The triple underneath 2 is so powerful and you follow it pretty much every time, but here your precious symmetry fucks it over.
  5. 00:52:264 (1,2,1,2,3) - This pattern would be amazing if it was something more like THIS, and could even more easily maintain a symmetrical pattern the same way you're doing now, but as it sits it's largely ignoring the music! a big ew to me. reformed, fixed..
  6. 01:04:607 (1) - Notes like this are 1/6, not 1/8. I'm not sure how the ranking criteria treats these at the moment, but technically the snapping is wrong on a lot of these. I'll leave it up to someone else to actually decide on this. fixed.
  7. 01:06:493 (2,1,2,3) - see symmetry strikes again - the first 2 would nominally be a triple to follow the backbeat, but you again ignore it for the sake of a symmetrical pattern that could easily be modified to still fit the music and be symmetrical.
  8. 01:25:178 (1,2,3) - Again, 2 is symmetrical despite the potential for triples to actually follow the music.
  9. 01:32:893 (2,1) - Again, 2 is symmetrical despite the potential for triples to actually follow the music.
  10. 01:33:407 (1,2,1,2,3) - same as the last time. fixed.
  11. 01:40:264 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Normally you have a 1/4 slider starting this off-beat start rolls off, but here it's a full stream? This goes for MOST of the streams in the last chorus... another error mine, fixed..
  12. 01:51:235 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this is just all fucked up - the 1/4 2 should be a triple, the split double stream makes no sense, does not fit the map, and is a massive, worthless difficulty spike. i don't want break this pattern (01:51:578 (1,2,1,2) - ) like all did on this section (01:48:835 (1,2,1,2) - ,01:50:207 (1,2,1,2) - to placing a triplet, because that i place the 1/4 slider and not 3/4 like the previous(01:48:493 (1) - , 01:49:864 (1) - ).
  13. 01:52:950 (1,2,1,2) - these are plain 4 rolls please stop trying to put awkwardly shoved in "inspired by hanzer but now is used so commonly incorrectly and badly that the incorrect and bad execution has become the normal definition" techniques. can u affirm this sentence? well i study about pattern multiple times and i seeing multiple maps with the same pattern(i'm not trying to justify other maps into my, it's just to have a concrete base), that pattern its work good because the low bpm(175) give such time to reading without problems(unfortunately, the map was qualified for 10 hours and at that time only had 1 fc, but I believe that if it was for a longer duration would have many others fc present)
  14. 01:56:721 (1) - nitpicky but imo this is more of a circle sound than a slider sound :shrug: well, you right but, i hearing an intense sound on that point, i leaving the circle(single note) sound to inferior diffs like hard/normal/easy.
about "Again, 2 is symmetrical despite the potential for triples to actually follow the music." i said again, i don't placed the triplets because my focus it is on violin and symmetry i made 2 1/4 to make one mirrored to the other and the 1/4 can support the triplets beats.
Thank you for looking at my map. I don't have problems to fixed things and etc..
but you must imagine how hard it should be for any mapper who does something different from the comun (incomum) one having something ranked (not wanting to present any kind of drama)
I always try to avoid the fewest possible errors oo

well, I just wish you did not use offensive words (or make sarcastic/ironic comments)
i know u are good modder but your use of offensive words turn you into a bad person/modder =/

well, sorry for any english mistake
@Kurai can i imagine, You can't requalify because I did the shiirn's changes. unfortunately =/
@Namki and @Garden sorry for that mistakes if both like give another chance I would be grateful
well thats its
My language is designed to intone exasperation because these kinds of things should be noted by any modder worth their BN title, since these are often things that separate good maps from great maps or great maps from amazing maps, and thinking about these options and deciding which best fits your vision is your job as a mapper.

It is theoretically the job ofmodders to give you options tot hink about, not simply correct obvious errors. Most modding right now i feel is way too afraid to say anything that could be argued with. This atmoaphere of non-combativeness simply hurts creqtivity and innovation.

I apologize if you feel that my mod was insulting to the mapper. It was intended to point out the lacklustre quality of the mods you got to help your chosen symmetrical style flourish.
"01:40:264 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Normally you have a 1/4 slider starting this off-beat start rolls off, but here it's a full stream? This goes for MOST of the streams in the last chorus... " Thanks for pointing this out shiirn i forgot to mention it when i saw it bubbled.

Regarding the sliders that could be made in a triple consider it once again. Usually people just defend it but haven't really tried the suggestion, so my suggestion is to experiment a little bit more to see if it will be possible to make to your liking because personally the drums are too loud and would offer a nice variation in gameplay to where the triple is called for. Like shiirn I'm not insisting to make the change, I'm just insisting to try it and experiment a little bit more with that you may end up liking it more in the end.
Topic Starter

MaridiuS wrote:

Regarding the sliders that could be made in a triple consider it once again.
I already said my reasons about that, so.. No.
I believe it has a lot of visual impact shrouded in these changes and symmetry remains the focus around the difficulties, and as stated;
1/4 kick sliders can support triplets (not so present in music) I can enhance their visibility (by adding a hitsound and/or increasing the volume)

Kalindraz wrote:

1/4 kick sliders can support triplets
Yes, if you've consistently represented that particular form of triple with a 1/4 slider in the past, and continue to do so in the future, without a good thematic reason to do so.

You already consistently represented those triples as three circles before that pattern, and use three circles after it as well.

There is no non-bullshit reason to force that pattern to use two 1/4 sliders for such a powerful triple that you have always previously and always done after.

Except, apparently, "Because I want to use a perfectly symmetrical pattern here, not one designed around being symmetrical with 2 circles instead of a 1/4 slider".

It took me less than a minute to come up with a replacement example for 01:32:721 (1,2) - . This is obviously not the potentially best one, as there are many you can consider, but it took less than a minute to come up with a way to potentially have a symmetrical pattern that follows the music.

I don't understand what's so hard to understand about this.
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