
Make Approach Rate function for user definable option

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Do you support user-definable AR in ranked play?

Yes, with a negative multiplier
Total votes: 189
Polling ended
This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2,762
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Since everyone has their own unique best AR for themselves, is there any point to keep AR on mappers side?
Readability Problem? Map is Art? Everyone have their own thought and eye/ability for such kind of game.

I want to know many opinions from mapper/players side :D



見やすさの問題? 譜面は芸術かな? 誰でも自分の目や能力にあったARが有るし自分の意見もあるよね。





각자 자신에게 알맞는 AR이 따로 존재하기 때문에 꼭 매퍼가 AR을 정하지 않아도 된다고 생각합니다. / 가독성? 맵의 예술성? 이들의 기준은 개개인에 따라 모두 다르다고 생각됩니다. / 매퍼 그리고 플레이어 모두의 입장에서 다양한 의견을 들어보고 싶습니다 :D

(thanks KRZY)


หัวเรื่อง : ทำให้ฝ่ายผู้เล่นปรับความเร็วของ วงแหวน AR ได้ดีมั้ย ?
แต่ละท่านก็มีความถนัดไม่ตรงกัน และแต่ละคนก็มีความเร็ว AR ที่ตัวเองถนัด
แต่มัเหตผลอะไรที่ต้องวางระบบตั้งไว้ที่ฝั่งคนทำ MAP อย่างเดียว ?
เพื่อความชอบ ? เพื่อดูเป็นผลงานศิลปะของคนทำ ? แต่ว่าแต่ละคนก็มีความเร็วที่ตัวเองถนัดใช่มั้ยล่ะ ?

(thanks S i R i R u)
Ever 14
It's a really interesting idea.

Some players always say AR9 to hard for them, but on the other hand I find AR9 is much easier than AR7 or AR8 for me.

It will allow me play more maps with AR9 if I can choose it myself.
This is actually quitee an interesting idea...although would players be able to choose their own AR even with DT or HR?
Topic Starter
Maybe not, there should be mapper's default AR and HR will based on that = static one.

AR change enable for no option only is solution?
Interesting idea, but horrible in retrospect.
Approach circle speed is open to such a possibility, but the advanced time a circle spends on screen before you hit it needs to stay as it is, or unintended problems in maps such as overlaps may be introduced.

You also have to consider that faster circles means circles that start larger, which makes Flashlight easier.
Cyril Scarlet

自分の譜面でこの曲、この配置、このリズムだからこの AR がマッチングする。
だからこの AR で作成したいしプレイして頂きたい。






You also have to consider that faster circles means circles that start larger, which makes Flashlight easier.
This is my main concern regarding this...
Topic Starter
It isn't hard to make AR change option for none//no-option only.
Mod play (+/- multiplayer) use AR which mapper set is solution for FL/HL become easier.

also about overlap/readability, everyone have unique brain/eye or not ?
Gomo Psivarh
I ONLY support that you can customize AR and the custom AR will neutralize score bonus from mods.
most of old beatmaps created with ar lower than 8

and i used to ar 8-9

if this idea be true, i think i can get more score from old beatmaps
that's how it should've been from the start, but currently it will break the set game balance
Omg yes i'll play with AR10 all the time!
In most rhythm game you can set the speed without affecting the score I don't know why osu wasn't made this way..
But make this possible only for nomod otherwise people will set low AR and DT+HR everything.

MetalMario201 wrote:

Approach circle speed is open to such a possibility, but the advanced time a circle spends on screen before you hit it needs to stay as it is, or unintended problems in maps such as overlaps may be introduced.
If the "fade-in" time of circles remains unchanged, it would be largely pointless to customize approach rate. Why? Most players read maps and determine "hit order" based on watching the circles themselves appear, not based upon approach circles. This is why low AR Hidden is incredibly difficult, why very few people can play Flashlight (while those that can are often found hitting notes in the wrong order or hitting notes early enough to result in a miss), why Hidden is so easy that it's almost "no mod" on AR 8 or so, why there are people who hate overlapping notes, despite the approach circles still being completely visible.

So, if the advanced time a circle spends on the screen must remain the same, what about Hard Rock and Easy mods then? These both alter when circles appear and can cause stack leniency and readability issues that weren't previously present in the map. It's especially noticeable with Easy mod because most maps that aren't already "Easy" become completely unreadable. Maybe I should post a feature request to remake the Easy mod, I've been meaning to do that for a while.

Also, I believe the doubletime mod should have been set to retain the approach rate setting of the map, rather than increasing it as it does now. As it stands now, DT is difficult because it increases approach rate to be incredibly high on many maps, not because it forces you to play faster.
というのがあるかも知れません (mappingはしないので分かりませんが)

Topic Starter

Viola wrote:

というのがあるかも知れません (mappingはしないので分かりませんが)
(trans by dvo) mapper spent much time to make own map as ranked, and there could be "play this map with AR9"
so if there is option that will allow mapper to choose changable or not ?

About this, it is impossible to ask whole mapper to activate this or not, so all or nothing is current solution.

これに関しては all or nothingで、mapperに選択可能にさせるという折衷案は現実的に不可能です。

Mercurius wrote:


To fit song. to adjust difficulty is mapper's though and this will break that ?
So I'm against this.

The first one is basically for mapper's thought, everyone have (like i said in first)
2nd, to use AR to adjust difficulty is intended usage of AR ?

It's a good idea "Approach Rate function for user definable option".
Because it will be comfortable to play osu! than ever before (for all players).
But...what to do with up to the present online score ? :o
star rateが変わってスコアが変わるRanked譜面もでると思うんですが、これはどう対処するのだろう・・・



もしもスコアに入れないと言うのであればspun autoみたいな扱いにすればいいと思います。しかしスコアに入れると言う話になると別ですね。輪が閉じるのが早いから難しいと言うものもあるのでそれをわざわざ簡単にしてしまうのはどうかと言う話です。難しくするのは別に僕としては反対じゃないです。


Difficulty change of AR change isn't always regular.
If player can adjust AR, score should be ignored.
Topic Starter

Lunet wrote:

It's a good idea "Approach Rate function for user definable option".
Because it will be comfortable to play osu! than ever before (for all players).
But...what to do with up to the present online score ? :o
nothing, ranking is so much important for everyone and that is main part of motivation to play osu! ?

Muya wrote:

star rateが変わってスコアが変わるRanked譜面もでると思うんですが、これはどう対処するのだろう・・・
t) star rate changed and score change on ranked map ? how to treat this.

Default AR set by mapper and that is used to culc score , so no change at all.


tobaku2784 wrote:


ykcarrot wrote:

Difficulty change of AR change isn't always regular.
If player can adjust AR, score should be ignored.
Score isn't main point of this request.

TKiller wrote:

that's how it should've been from the start, but currently it will break the set game balance
I know this is late, but if we can figure out good solution from here, it will be nice.


This will nicely solved one of the idea i'm current supporting:
so yeah i'm also supporting this.

nice one dvorak :)

dvorak wrote:

Score isn't main point of this request.
This is kinda my main point of not supporting this.

ykcarrot wrote:

If player can adjust AR, score should be ignored.
^ exactly~
And without scoring it's just the same as going to editor and changing it here.

Well except people won't be able to spectate you.

I think that the major problem with this is DT and HR. Unless those mods are changed, I don't think that this can work. Although it's an interesting idea, since some maps are difficult because the AR is just so low.
At least make this possible with Easymod

TKiller wrote:

And without scoring it's just the same as going to editor and changing it here.

Well except people won't be able to spectate you.

Kind of agree.
This idea is preposterous to me. AR has effect for map's difficulty absolutely.

actually, some map has fast and complex combos, high density of notes, but it has low AR(OD) intentionally. this kind of intentionall low AR can makes player's confusion. on the contrary to this, low density of note and High AR can makes difficuty. This Request can breaks these intentionall difficulty of the map. NOT FOR ART, FOR ITS DIFFICULTY.

well, but in same time, yeah. I can say this idea is interesting.
however, AR has effect for map's difficulty cleary. so I suggest these if you want using this option and ranking your score.

1. The map what is older than this option, can not use this option.
2. If mapper sets AR of the map with his intentionall, mapper can use 'locking AR option' on that map.

EDIT : And we must think about Stack Leniency of the map. If player use this option freely, some position of stacked notes will be changed because of AR. I think It can makes a lot of broken Replays.

EDIT2 : 'Can use this option freely but not ranked score' can be solution maybe.
Hell no.
Hmm...I'll mention from a point of view as mapper.

I can understand the opinion that mapper want players to play by its own AR.
However in many case, mapper set AR by thinking that which AR is most readable in this mapset, and which AR is good for beginner/pro in this difficulty imo.
And also I think that it is not a problem to be selected by players.

Therefore I agree with this suggestion.
Well...actually there are some problems about score, hidden mod, etc...
Anyway it's just my opinion.
Easy makes maps harder, you get a score penalty for it.
Hard makes maps easier, you get a score bonus for it.

And it's only because of approach rate. How the fuck does that make any sense?

This is one of those things that I can't see ever happening though. It could have been done when Approach Rate was separated from Overall Difficulty, but for some reason, it was decided to keep AR on the map side. It's really too bad, as this would make most every map playable, especially the crappy ones made before the AR/OD split.

And really, every single other rhythm game I've ever played, including osu!'s other modes have had a way to adjust approach rate on a user basis.

Bikko wrote:

Sounds like a crappy map to me. Hide and seek maps are terrible.
I support this if it's only for increasing AR
Card N'FoRcE
I read all posts in the discussion (except the japanese ones) but I'm still not getting the point of the request.

Are you guys asking to make AR a value chosen by the player?
In that case: hell no, are you all nuts?
If you can't read a map learn to sightread, that's a skill you have to master as well to be able to play a fair range of maps. Maps are not only jumps and streams, they require the ability to sightread stuff.
If you can't do that, improve at it.

I'm not asking people to limit streams only because I don't like/can't play them: either i get better at them or i don't play, easy as that.

Unless you're requesting this for training purposes and as an unranked mod or something: in that case I agree because it could be really useful.

If i misunderstood something, feel free to explain better what you mean.

ziin wrote:

Hard makes maps easier, you get a score bonus for it.
Everytime i read this i want to say this:

Then rage.

Try playing AR/OD 9/10 and size 5 circles in hard/insane maps, then we'll talk.
inb4 every map 1AR and SS .

Yes, the request is to make AR editable without having to go into the osu file.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

ziin wrote:

Hard makes maps easier, you get a score bonus for it.
Everytime i read this i want to say this:

Then rage.

Try playing AR/OD 9/10 and size 5 circles in hard/insane maps, then we'll talk.
Okay, I played those maps after I changed the circle size to 3, and AR/OD to 6. It was much easier using hard rock rather than without. Hard should make all maps harder, regardless of how well they were made.
Card N'FoRcE

ziin wrote:

Okay, I played those maps after I changed the circle size to 3, and AR/OD to 6. It was much easier using hard rock rather than without. Hard should make all maps harder, regardless of how well they were made.
Mods work differently depending on the type of map you're going to play.
Some maps are easier with specific mods while other may be more tedious with the same mod.
HardRock has a great difficulty gap when applied to a map with AR7 when compared to a map with AR6.

I know about the general issue that the Easy mod actually makes about 98% of the maps more tedious, but at this point isn't it better to fix that issue instead?

Easy could be:
  1. Circle Size -1 (one tick bigger feels like the perfect value to make things easier and not messy)
  2. HP Drain -3/-4 (makes it harder to fail, thus easier to pass)
  3. OD -2/-3 (lot more leniency for 300s and spinners, thus easier to play)
Now that the approach rate is a separate value it could just stay as it is.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

I know about the general issue that the Easy mod actually makes about 98% of the maps more tedious, but at this point isn't it better to fix that issue instead?
If AR is user selectable, then Easy/Hard rock will be fixed. But honestly, at this point in the game, it's too late to fix them. Osu!'s doing fine, and this is only a wish. Even if we get something that turns it into "unranked" play, people will still play for the points. After all, if you don't get credit, why do it at all? And that mode already exists in osu, thought it's probably even more tedious than easy mode.

I do find it funny how I am much better than some of the sub-1000 rankers on easy insanes, simply because they play better/are more used to higher approach rates. Of course, if you stick hard rock on there, there's a strong likelihood that they will not only do better, but I will do much worse.

ziin wrote:

After all, if you don't get credit, why do it at all?
I dunno, for fun? I play on relaxing sometimes =3
Not going to question the rest of the message since this is the only thing that caught my attention, please carry on with yo lives.
I'm with Card N'FoRcE on this one (except for the suggested changes on easy mode, I love it the way it is). I think sightreading is part of a player's skill and should stay as it is.
HardRock mod harkens to our Ouendan heritage, and the most recognizable changes of Hard ROCK! / Karei were the smaller circles, fast AR, and 180° flip. (osu! gets the flip wrong by only flipping vertically, not 180, but that's beside the point and can't be changed now.) Removing the AR change on HardRock subverts this. Providing separate mods to control AR adds too much complication. (This request is effectively for a "custom AR" mod.)




As much as this would benefit me, I don't want this. This is basically allowing an option to make maps easier. Everyone should have to deal with how hard it is. Bad bad idea.
Topic Starter
personally, I can play AR5-9 and don't want/need this option.

But how many people are enjoying this game for difficulty, or how much % of players can see AR9+ or AR5-.

This will reduce difficulty, and could work as negative motivation for player who trained to be able to see high AR map or low AR map(include myself)
But Approach Rate isn't the option to make map more difficult as far as I understand.

In other hand, this option will expand playability for low AR / high AR attack like no-speed / high-speed play in other game.
Also all player can enjoy easy / normal with higher AR, hard insane with lower AR.

We (means who can enjoy AR9 or 10, or AR5 or lower) need to remind that we are standing on minority side :P
Also remind how many normal map are ignored due to low AR / or played with DTHR

for PSPDS Eddie

どちらかといえばHighARを下げるというよりは、Low ARを上げてNormal/Easyが誰でも楽しめるようにする方が大きい。
ノーマルとかイージーなんてDT HRなしじゃプレイできないし、middle Player(Hard辺りをメインにやる人たち)ですら




dvorak wrote:

This all is very true and I'm all for this option.

But the main problem is not in how people will accept this, problem is that the scoring balance will be changed completely, hardrock modificator will have to get changed and lots of older records will simply look weird or even silly compared to new.

And there are no obvious solutions for this except the radical ones, such as only making this possible for maps ranked after the feature gets into osu! or just implement it for all maps without penalty and put a trollface on while not giving a damn about how people react.

I'd like to make more input into this, but I have to go soon, so I'll keep it for later.

AdaunanJP wrote:

Tbh, since I played almost all difficulties in mapset (which why my plays incredibly high I manage to adapt from AR2 to AR 8 accordance to the speed of map. I see this is a good idea, but as MM said some mods must be considered before implement this.
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