
Loved Community Vote: Round 1 (osu!)

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Please choose up to four (4) maps that you'd like to see enter the Loved listing.

Reol - +Danshi by Evening (
aran - Graces of Heaven by rustbell ( [DEBUG DIFF. ONLY]
Ni-Sokkususu - Shukusai no Elementalia by Silynn (
Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses part I & II by Kotayo (
Nero vs After School - Sound In Motion vs AH (Fauxami Mashup) by galvenize (
DystopiaGround - AugoEidEs by Raikozen (
Hanatan - Kagerou Variation by RLC (
I See MONSTAS - Holdin' On (Skrillex and Nero Remix) by Blue Dragon (
Silent Siren - Routine by Shapy (
xi - Akasha by Jemmmmy (
Total votes: 17725
Polling ended
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Vote for your most desired osu!standard maps in this thread.

The top four maps chosen by popular vote from this list will enter the Loved category at the end of the voting, in exactly 3 days time from the date of this post.

Please read the round voting newspost for the full instructions of how this all works.
holdin on o.o
hello shukusai no elementalia silynn pls fix end part
Oh boi
rock time
please add this to next week's poll ;~;
Link for Hanatan - Kagerou Variation is broken
Topic Starter

Zeptaxis wrote:

Link for Hanatan - Kagerou Variation is broken
Added an addendum in OP, thanks.
That's too bad only Debug diff on Graces of Heaven is going for Loved, though of course I understand autofail isn't really acceptable (we'd have empty ranking then, lol). I wish the autofail bug was fixed.
Topic Starter

Wojowu wrote:

That's too bad only Debug diff on Graces of Heaven is going for Loved, though of course I understand autofail isn't really acceptable (we'd have empty ranking then, lol). I wish the autofail bug was fixed.
If we had the autofail bug fixed, I'd be screaming TEWI-MA PARK at the top of my lungs in all the newsposts and polls instead of what they currently are.
Yass red like roses
why can't akasha be ranked tho :c

QuillGill wrote:

why can't akasha be ranked tho :c

Who said it can't

Also what happens if a map gets dropped out of the pools? Can it ever come back?
Topic Starter

Default wrote:

QuillGill wrote:

why can't akasha be ranked tho :c

Who said it can't

Also what happens if a map gets dropped out of the pools? Can it ever come back?
It can come back, but probably not through voting. At least not the open-testing voting we're currently trialing out.

Default wrote:

QuillGill wrote:

why can't akasha be ranked tho :c

Who said it can't
no one did i suppose, but i thought it couldn't since it's been going for rank for a few years now (and they haven't ranked it yet) and instead are going to love it (which was a category made for unrankable maps). but i suppose it's better than getting nothing at all on the map so i shouldn't complain
Loved maps can still get ranked as long as they fulfill the ranking criteria if the mapper wants to, it's just that he's been mostly inactive for a long time.
Glad to see the "If its not uncreative jump map #6,148,891,100 its garbage" mentality reflected in the votes. At first i was completely up for letting the community vote for what they want but since the majority of the community cant even play the maps they want loved, i feel that voting should be limited to a certain rank, (at least for standard) maybe 15k could be the cutoff? OR we could just love every map with a certain amount of favorites with no voting.
Is the graveyard a requirement for Loved status? Or am I free to update my map right now and if it wins the vote it's still eligible to be Loved?
Why is sound in motion in that list? IIRC galvenize is still trying to rank it?

Reddit wrote:

Glad to see the "If its not uncreative jump map #6,148,891,100 its garbage" mentality reflected in the votes. At first i was completely up for letting the community vote for what they want but since the majority of the community cant even play the maps they want loved, i feel that voting should be limited to a certain rank, (at least for standard) maybe 15k could be the cutoff? OR we could just love every map with a certain amount of favorites with no voting.
It's clearly what most people would find enjoyment from, a lot of players only play jump maps because that's what current mapping enforces. Although I agree, a Graces of Heaven leaderboard would be a lot cooler than a poorly made "ULTIMATE JUMPS XXXTREME RED LIKE ROSES" map. Why don't they just bundle in the 2 coolest maps with the 4 that win.
Some quick feedback already: this isnt a good representation of what people want, it's a representation of what everyone kind of wants. We should be able to pick maps in order of preference and have our preferences be weighted. I voted red like roses, but i 100000% don't want it as much as graces of heaven; yet my vote doesn't reflect that.
I agree, I'd have voted graces of heaven more than once if I could.
Asda Meal Deal
id love to give all my votes to i see monstas :/

Weed wrote:

It's clearly what most people would find enjoyment from
yeah I mean I enjoy watching other people play maps i cant pass too but that doesnt mean the voting results should reflect that.
Raikozen and Rustbell :D

Liiraye wrote:

Why is sound in motion in that list? IIRC galvenize is still trying to rank it?
a map can still be updated and go for ranked while it is loved, it will just be moved from loved to qualified if i understand correctly
it feels a bit unfair that my map is placed with some of the most wanted maps for a long time, and they're probably gonna get replaced with other extremely famous maps next poll (such as brain power or other 500+fav maps) while having no guarantee of coming back if it doesn't get voted like this

not like i have a better suggestion than what we have, but it still feels a bit sad that i'm gonna need to gather some votes so my map doesn't stay rotting in graveyard just because some of the other choices were better

also sad for the mania/taiko/ctb mappers which have even less of a chance

jesse1412 wrote:

Some quick feedback already: this isnt a good representation of what people want, it's a representation of what everyone kind of wants. We should be able to pick maps in order of preference and have our preferences be weighted. I voted red like roses, but i 100000% don't want it as much as graces of heaven; yet my vote doesn't reflect that.

Basically this, I think it will sort itself out once the most general known well loved non-ranked maps get through the cycle. At some point, there will be less known or more interesting maps that can get into the loved section.

However, yes right now it seems we have to deal with a lot of maps that EVERYBODY has an interest in getting into the loved section. Now, I for one hope one day to see in loved. But, seeing as its' at least going to be upwards of 10+ more rounds before we enter unknown territory for Loved. It's going to take a while...

The only problem I have with this system is that voting in maps that are still WIP is counterproductive and makes no sense as they just take up slots for other maps that are not going for rank.

Though I do like this whole voting thing, it feels comfy.
If a map drops out of the pool due to lack of votes, I definitely don't feel it should be indefinite. Maybe give it some time to cool off (like 2-3 polls), and then bring them back in and see if they fair better against different competition. With only two chances, it just doesn't seem right to axe a beatmap forever from being able to pass into Loved status via Voting.

Also as Jesse mentioned, a better way to show varying preference in the available choices. The ability to cast multiple votes out of the 4 for one map that was suggested earlier seems like a good place to start.
"Nero vs After School - Sound In Motion vs AH (Fauxami Mashup) by galvenize"


Are you guys shittin' me?

cmon it DESERVES to be noticed loool
how about all of the above
all of these maps are great
love all of them, what is stopping you

i am retarded
I'm pretty sure the broken link affects how much votes that Hanatan beatmap gets which kinda sucks.
There are easily other 4 maps in the pool that people would be fairly satisfied with, not even checking out which one this beatmap is.
where is the option that lets me put all 4 of my votes into graces of heaven
I Must Decrease

EnDy_S wrote:

I'm pretty sure the broken link affects how much votes that Hanatan beatmap gets which kinda sucks.
There are easily other 4 maps in the pool that people would be fairly satisfied with, not even checking out which one this beatmap is.
yea kagerou is an amazing map, rip :(

Xexxar wrote:

EnDy_S wrote:

I'm pretty sure the broken link affects how much votes that Hanatan beatmap gets which kinda sucks.
There are easily other 4 maps in the pool that people would be fairly satisfied with, not even checking out which one this beatmap is.
yea kagerou is an amazing map, rip :(
same honestly hope it has a comeback
(but srsly all the maps above are maps I want to see in the loved category why can't they all :( )
sampling paradise when
Yeah the idea of some maps not making it into Loved from the first poll and then having no second chances is ridiculous. Especially considering how tight its' between some of the maps right now.

There should be a cooldown period before they are brought back in again, I agree with. But, they shouldn't be indefinitely removed from a chance to get into Loved. Especially for maps that aren't WIP or have been decided upon by the mapper that it isn't worth ranking anymore.
Milk Crown on Sonnetica by Len
edit: mb how do i delete
Im going to be really sad if Graces of Heaven doesnt make the cut. This map is basically made for this section.
Seto Kousuke
I love how people are destroying this vote akepkeaopea
graces of heaven must win

Secretpipe wrote:

"Nero vs After School - Sound In Motion vs AH (Fauxami Mashup) by galvenize"


Are you guys shittin' me?

cmon it DESERVES to be noticed loool
map should be ranked, not just loved. no idea why galv has never pushed it toward getting ranked honestly

jesse1412 wrote:

Some quick feedback already: this isnt a good representation of what people want, it's a representation of what everyone kind of wants. We should be able to pick maps in order of preference and have our preferences be weighted. I voted red like roses, but i 100000% don't want it as much as graces of heaven; yet my vote doesn't reflect that.
I only voted for graces of heaven to account for this.
Hishiro Chizuru
Where is jesse1412's best map in this vote wtf
where is centipede wtf
Out of curiosity, could Eighto be loved? The map wasn't uploaded by the creator and the creators are both banned, does this matter? Idk if this is the right place to say this, but, Eighto is iconic.
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