jesse1412 wrote:
Some quick feedback already: this isnt a good representation of what people want, it's a representation of what everyone kind of wants. We should be able to pick maps in order of preference and have our preferences be weighted. I voted red like roses, but i 100000% don't want it as much as graces of heaven; yet my vote doesn't reflect that.
Basically this, I think it will sort itself out once the most general known well loved non-ranked maps get through the cycle. At some point, there will be less known or more interesting maps that can get into the loved section.
However, yes right now it seems we have to deal with a lot of maps that EVERYBODY has an interest in getting into the loved section. Now, I for one hope one day to see in loved. But, seeing as its' at least going to be upwards of 10+ more rounds before we enter unknown territory for Loved. It's going to take a while...
The only problem I have with this system is that voting in maps that are still WIP is counterproductive and makes no sense as they just take up slots for other maps that are not going for rank.
Though I do like this whole voting thing, it feels comfy.