Hello, I made a program that calculates your average tapping speed (per second) for you to put on your stream. It will run on the background.
I mainly made this because I was somewhat dissatisfied with the current NPS program I had.
The only problem is that if you hold only a single button long enough (LNs/sliders,) it might count as key tap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Fixed
Note that your computer will give you a warning because you are running an application from an unkown publisher, just click OK once and it will go away.
DL Link: https://puu.sh/sswKI/5de6b60f74.rar
Bonus: https://puu.sh/srNsn/c42f12e1a7.rar
The only problem is that if you hold only a single button long enough (LNs/sliders,) it might count as key tap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Note that your computer will give you a warning because you are running an application from an unkown publisher, just click OK once and it will go away.
Bonus: https://puu.sh/srNsn/c42f12e1a7.rar