
PIKO-TARO - Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, October 04, 2016 at 7:31:26 PM

Title: Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen
Tags: PPAP @pikotaro_ppap
BPM: 136
Filesize: 12894kb
Play Time: 00:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K // Hard Pineapple - 4Key (1.75 stars, 195 notes)
  2. 4K // Normal Apple - 4Key (1.43 stars, 153 notes)
  3. 4K // Rido's Extra Hard - 4Key (2.69 stars, 291 notes)
  4. 7K // Cham's Hard AP - 7Key (1.98 stars, 235 notes)
  5. 7K // Cham's Normal PP - 7Key (1.41 stars, 148 notes)
  6. 7K // Extra Power - 7Key (2.53 stars, 304 notes)
  7. 8K // Hard Pen - 8Key (2.33 stars, 272 notes)
  8. 8K // Normal Pen - 8Key (1.55 stars, 168 notes)
Download: PIKO-TARO - Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen
Download: PIKO-TARO - Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
cancer map, deal with it

ready for mod & not accepting GD

4K //
Normal Apple // 1
Hard Pineaple // 1
Rido Extra Power // 0

7K //
Cham's Normal PP // 1
Cham's Hard AP // 1
Extra Power // 0

8K //
Normal Pen // 0
Hard Pen // 0


Taiko //
Maniz // 0
Surono // 0
Suronookashi // 0

4K HD reserved
WTF pen
- Ly0572 -
Pipieypi <3
Topic Starter

awaiting 7K
PIyeiiiHeeyeeeeeeeeyyeyeyeiiyeyeyeeeeeehiiieyIpp. ,
oh my god lol
7K already sent

behold, people, the power of the pen :3c
Another Lie
gimana kalo metanya gini?
Easy = Pen
Normal = Apple
Hard = Apple-Pen
Insane = Pineapple
Insane keatas = Pen-Apple-Pineapple-Pen
:D just saran, kalo boleh GD ikutan dong :3

Suhomo wrote:

PIyeiiiHeeyeeeeeeeeyyeyeyeiiyeyeyeeeeeehiiieyIpp. ,


Another Lie wrote:

gimana kalo metanya gini?
Easy = Pen
Normal = Apple
Hard = Apple-Pen
Insane = Pineapple
Insane keatas = Pen-Apple-Pineapple-Pen
:D just saran, kalo boleh GD ikutan dong :3
berharap di bedug udah bole make gini2an (since sefruh2.. udah ga kliatan nekenin soal autentik, tapi tetep aja mreka vvivu.. pake avatar ngewaifu karakter tohow pula.. macem me weka weka weka), ya.. soalnya sefruh2 bedug orang2 nax autentik B^|

btw, GL for overused memes in here. I want beg on this memes but hel I don giv a fuq
Topic Starter
mas apris, buat bedug gak? aku buat footshoe sama mizuki kamu katana/kantin mau gak. lagunya gini doang 3 diff ckup.
Topic Starter
muzu bisa 2 kan?

yang penting setara density antara diffnya, bisa dibilang gak boleh jauh banget.
pick satu contoh aelah kwkw
Another Lie
udah bisa dimod gak ini, ajee?
mau mulai bedug? kalau konfirmitid ya oke gw mulai. sekalian ngefemuztt sapa tau kek seal memezs gw sebelomnya + ga ribet cari bi ein since hyburung mapset_an is izi pizi
Topic Starter
mania ready for mod, awaiting taiko from surono
I have a pen... I have a taiko..... ewwwhhh.... pengen tai ko!1!! faq wat dis., o ga perlu kanteen, SR 1.99999999999 sepatu gw

( DL no-video still downloaded da video orz )
bener bener owner mapper pengen buat yang main otaknya kecuci, otw auto bundir for bidadari bertytyd.

Saya ada brain
Saya ada power
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
O V E R U S E D MEMES happens, good job life. , ppl i mean

barkkkkkkkk guk weff kweff. QUWAK QUWAK anda memilih katana, kantin aheuaehuaehuaehuhee. auto reng

00:21:599 - 00:28:658 - WWKOWKowkoWKowkow ANGHN anikis, 00:35:717 - JEDUAAAAAAAAAAARrrrrr wkowkwokw
Another Lie
I have a dick
I have an asshole
4K Normal
1. 00:19:393 (19393|1) - kenapa ga di kolom 4? soalnya suaranya sama "I have" 00:17:408 (17408|3,17628|3) - samain kyk ini
2. 00:20:055 - ga tambah 1 note lagi? consistency ini 00:18:070 (18070|1,18070|0) -
3. 00:26:893 (26893|3) - coba move ke kolom 2
4K Hard
1. 00:15:423 (15423|2,15643|3) - buat jack, suara sama kyk ini 00:14:540 (14540|1,14761|1) - atau 00:13:658 (13658|2,13879|2) - dan masih banyak lagi yg sama kyk itu
2. 00:41:893 (41893|3,42114|2) - mungkin bisa dibuat jack
3. [Saran] 00:43:658 (43658|1,43878|2,44099|3,44320|2) - mungkin ini bisa dibuat jack kolom 4
00:44:540 (44540|0,44761|1,44981|0) - dan ini mungkin bisa jack kolom 1
7K Cham's Normal
1. 00:11:894 (11894|0) - mungkin ini bisa di kolom 2, kalo aku sih ngikutin kolom pattern note sebelumnya
2. 00:15:865 (15865|6) - pindah ke kolom 6?
3. 00:26:232 (26232|4,26453|2,26673|6,26894|3) - mungkin bisa dibuat gini yah
4. 00:41:453 (41453|4) - pindah ke kolom 4 / space
7K Cham's Hard
1. 00:20:276 (20276|1) - pindah ke kolom 3
2. 00:26:452 (26452|0) - mungkin bisa pindah ke kolom 4 / space, karena ngikutin ini 00:29:981 (29981|3) -
3. 00:27:555 (27555|5) - pindah ke kolom 2?
4. 00:41:452 (41452|1,41452|5,41673|5) - mungkin bisa dibuat jadi gini
Happy meme's day :V
Topic Starter
cham's NM
1. 00:11:894 (11894|0) - move to 2nd column to follow previous pattern?
2. 00:15:865 (15865|6) - move to 6?
3. 00:26:232 (26232|4,26453|2,26673|6,26894|3) - make something like
4. 00:41:453 (41453|4) - move to 4th col

cham's HD
1. 00:20:276 (20276|1) - move to 3rd col
2. 00:26:452 (26452|0) - move to 4th / space, to follow 00:29:981 (29981|3) -
3. 00:27:555 (27555|5) - move to 2?
4. 00:41:452 (41452|1,41452|5,41673|5) - maybe something like

all done Another lie, thanks!

uploading rido's diff now
i have a rabbit
i have an ajeemaniz
ExUsagi Furry Wolf

Will mod tomorrow
Another Lie
oh pardon me if "Cham's diff" are not indonesian
Sorry for that ajee
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7k // Cham's Normal PP :
00:06:600 - the start , better follow the pitch and make it stair , maybe like also move this 00:09:247 (9247|1) - to 7
00:32:629 (32629|3) - make this LN? :u
00:36:600 -
4k // Normal Apple :
00:36:599 - coba gini , masing'' kata nya di pisah :u
00:43:658 - sama ^
00:45:423 (45423|0) - endingnya kok beda sendiri ama diff yg laen? :/
4k // Hard Pineapple :
00:09:467 (9467|2) - mungkin pindah ke 4 juga ? :v
00:36:599 (36599|2) - ini pindah ke 4 terus 00:37:481 (37481|3,37702|3) - ke 1 :u
00:43:658 -
7k // Cham's Hard AP :
00:23:143 (23143|0) - if this follow the vocal its not ended here 00:23:805 - ?? try with 25%
00:23:805 (23805|5,24026|5) - better move this into the center , its too hard to tap
00:27:334 (27334|5,27555|5) - move to 2 , reason same as above
4k // Rido's Extra Hard :
00:10:570 (10570|0) - LNnya jadiin 1/2 aja mas rido :u tp kalo ikutin suara pendeknya juga bisa sih @@
00:20:276 (20276|2) - 00:27:334 (27334|2) - double aja? :u
00:32:628 (32628|3) - 00:34:393 (34393|0) - ga di panjangin aja ):
7k // Extra Power :
00:08:364 - ga stair ke kanan aja ? pitchnya kek naek :u
00:09:687 (9687|6) - pindah tengah :c
00:32:628 (32628|3) - LN nya knp ga di taro di 2 ama 6 aja? terus end nya majuin ampe 00:33:070 -
00:34:393 (34393|3) - LN nya aja :u
00:36:599 - sama kek 4k normal :u
dahhh ajee , maap ga bisa mod 8k :u
btw goodluck ajee dkk ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)9

edit: 200post meme hype ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)
cacadas om, tekoh tehnya di reuplod dulu lah. ntar orang taiko ngemod mania jancieg..,, lachurs soalnya antek2 gw U:
not much to mod on 8k, but eh, for furry's sake <3

8K Normal Pen15
• 00:10:570 - 00:11:452 - 00:12:334 - 00:14:099 - 00:14:981 - 00:17:628 - 00:19:393 - 00:23:805 - 00:24:687 - 00:26:452 - Add note, clap sound
• 00:32:628 (32628|4) - Change to LN
• 00:32:628 - Add LN for PEW PEW loud sound
• 00:34:393 - ^
• 00:34:393 (34393|5) - Change to LN
• 00:43:217 - Add a note, for the finishing touch
• 00:37:481 (37481|0,37702|0,37923|0) - If you want to follow the vocal, move 1 step up with 1/8 snap
• 00:44:540 (44540|0,44761|0,44981|0) - ^

8K Hard Pen15
• 00:22:923 - Add a note, clap sound
• 00:26:673 (26673|0) - Move somewhere that would be "comfy" for the fingers, for the note pattern same on "I have an apple"
• 00:33:290 (33290|0,33731|0) - Too hard to tap on these, I suggest moving it somewhere "comfy"?
• 00:32:628 - 00:34:393 - Add LN, or 2 LNs, for the PEW PEW loud sound
• 00:37:481 (37481|0,37702|0,37923|0) - If you want to follow the vocal, move 1 step up with 1/8 snap
• 00:44:540 (44540|0,44761|0,44981|0) - ^

Overall: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen

now mod mine ~> Mysterious Messenger
Hi! Thank you for asking me to mod your map.
If this mod sucks, I apologise in advance.

7K Cham's Normal:

00:10:129 (10129|0) - Maybe move to column 4? Feels better and more natural in my opinion

7K Cham's Hard:

00:23:143 (23143|1) - Maybe move to right side? I know it's a hard difficulty, but it's quite hard to let go of LN like that for low level player considering the star rating

Sorry for the bad mod. Not much I could find... the map is already very good!
[ A v a l o n ]
ho . . . ly . . . shit . . .
- Ly0572 -

req from Ly0 and Syadow's MANiA QUEUE


4k normal apple
00:26:893 (26893|3,27114|2) - move to the left
00:29:540 - just for hand pleasure xD =
00:36:599 - suggestion =
00:43:217 - maybe add another one like u did here 00:35:717 -
00:43:658 - same as 00:36:599 -

4k hard pineapple
00:18:290 - add to |3|
rido's extra hard
00:20:276 - this is same as 00:19:393 (19393|2,19393|0,19393|1) imo so maybe add 2 more notes
00:21:158 - add to |1|
00:23:805 - ^
00:25:570 - ^ |4|
00:25:790 (25790|2) - move to |2|
00:27:334 - add to |1| and |4|
00:28:217 - ^ |4|
00:43:217 - ^ |2|
Topic Starter

Alsty- wrote:

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /// 8DD

7k // Cham's Normal PP :
00:06:600 - the start , better follow the pitch and make it stair , maybe like also move this 00:09:247 (9247|1) - to 7
00:32:629 (32629|3) - make this LN? :u
00:36:600 -

4k // Normal Apple :
00:36:599 - coba gini , masing'' kata nya di pisah :u
00:43:658 - sama ^
00:45:423 (45423|0) - endingnya kok beda sendiri ama diff yg laen? :/ // ikutin 8K aaaa, tar semua diff di bikin sama

4k // Hard Pineapple :
00:09:467 (9467|2) - mungkin pindah ke 4 juga ? :v // pengennya, tapi biar yg ini di reverse shield aja
00:36:599 (36599|2) - ini pindah ke 4 terus 00:37:481 (37481|3,37702|3) - ke 1 :u
00:43:658 - // ^ sebagian di apply

7k // Cham's Hard AP :
00:23:143 (23143|0) - if this follow the vocal its not ended here 00:23:805 - ?? try with 25%
00:23:805 (23805|5,24026|5) - better move this into the center , its too hard to tap
00:27:334 (27334|5,27555|5) - move to 2 , reason same as above

4k // Rido's Extra Hard :
00:10:570 (10570|0) - LNnya jadiin 1/2 aja mas rido :u tp kalo ikutin suara pendeknya juga bisa sih @@
00:20:276 (20276|2) - 00:27:334 (27334|2) - double aja? :u
00:32:628 (32628|3) - 00:34:393 (34393|0) - ga di panjangin aja ):

7k // Extra Power :
00:08:364 - ga stair ke kanan aja ? pitchnya kek naek :u
00:09:687 (9687|6) - pindah tengah :c
00:32:628 (32628|3) - LN nya knp ga di taro di 2 ama 6 aja? terus end nya majuin ampe 00:33:070 - // sengaja pendek biar konsisten dgn diff lain
00:34:393 (34393|3) - LN nya aja :u
00:36:599 - sama kek 4k normal :u

dahhh ajee , maap ga bisa mod 8k :u
btw goodluck ajee dkk ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)9

edit: 200post meme hype ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yeesssh thanks!

DrawdeX wrote:

not much to mod on 8k, but eh, for furry's sake <3

8K Normal Pen15
• 00:10:570 - 00:11:452 - 00:12:334 - 00:14:099 - 00:14:981 - 00:17:628 - 00:19:393 - 00:23:805 - 00:24:687 - 00:26:452 - Add note, clap sound // i'll keep this to make it less harder

• 00:32:628 (32628|4) - Change to LN
• 00:32:628 - Add LN for PEW PEW loud sound
• 00:34:393 - ^
• 00:34:393 (34393|5) - Change to LN
• 00:43:217 - Add a note, for the finishing touch
• 00:37:481 (37481|0,37702|0,37923|0) - If you want to follow the vocal, move 1 step up with 1/8 snap // holyfk lmao will fix in all diffs
• 00:44:540 (44540|0,44761|0,44981|0) - ^

8K Hard Pen15
• 00:22:923 - Add a note, clap sound
• 00:26:673 (26673|0) - Move somewhere that would be "comfy" for the fingers, for the note pattern same on "I have an apple"
• 00:33:290 (33290|0,33731|0) - Too hard to tap on these, I suggest moving it somewhere "comfy"? // mm its for scratch so.. keep
• 00:32:628 - 00:34:393 - Add LN, or 2 LNs, for the PEW PEW loud sound
• 00:37:481 (37481|0,37702|0,37923|0) - If you want to follow the vocal, move 1 step up with 1/8 snap
• 00:44:540 (44540|0,44761|0,44981|0) - ^

Overall: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen

now mod mine ~> Mysterious Messenger

- Ly0572 - wrote:


req from Ly0 and Syadow's MANiA QUEUE


[4k normal apple]00:26:893 (26893|3,27114|2) - move to the left
00:29:540 - just for hand pleasure xD =
00:36:599 - suggestion =
00:43:217 - maybe add another one like u did here 00:35:717 - // added
00:43:658 - same as 00:36:599 -
// keeping any suggestion that changes the jack, the 1/2 jack are quiet slow to follow and it adds gimmick to emphasize the song 8))

4k hard pineapple
00:18:290 - add to |3|
rido's extra hard
00:20:276 - this is same as 00:19:393 (19393|2,19393|0,19393|1) imo so maybe add 2 more notes
00:21:158 - add to |1|
00:23:805 - ^
00:25:570 - ^ |4|
00:25:790 (25790|2) - move to |2|
00:27:334 - add to |1| and |4|
00:28:217 - ^ |4|
00:43:217 - ^ |2|
// all almost done
thank you for the mods! :D

for GDers if you guys are busy, i can fix the mods without altering the layering you made on your map :3
thank you peppy, you didn't send me noti emails so i though there was no replies. :roll:

processing map...

Another Lie wrote:

oh pardon me if "Cham's diff" are not indonesian
Sorry for that ajee
You have 2 choices:
1. Write that in English
2. Teach me Indonesian :D

kaythen wrote:

7K Cham's Normal:
00:10:129 (10129|0) - Maybe move to column 4? Feels better and more natural in my opinion
Sounds about right. Also, shoot, I swear there wasn't an LN over there when I sent it. (thanks btw)

7K Cham's Hard:
00:23:143 (23143|1) - Maybe move to right side? I know it's a hard difficulty, but it's quite hard to let go of LN like that for low level player considering the star rating
Moved to 4

Alsty- wrote:

7k // Cham's Normal PP :
00:06:600 - the start , better follow the pitch and make it stair , maybe like also move this 00:09:247 (9247|1) - to 7
00:32:629 (32629|3) - make this LN? :u
It's a drop sound so I think sticking with a one quick "pew" would be better ;)
00:36:600 -
Done but 00:36:600 (36600|4) is at 5 instead of 7

7k // Cham's Hard AP :
00:23:143 (23143|0) - if this follow the vocal its not ended here 00:23:805 - ?? try with 25%
00:23:805 (23805|5,24026|5) - better move this into the center , its too hard to tap
Moved from 6 to 5 with 00:23:584 (23584|2) moved to 3
00:27:334 (27334|5,27555|5) - move to 2 , reason same as above
Honestly, I never have a problem nailing those parts since the BPM is slow. Maybe it's just me.
One more thing, I just noticed that my Normal diff has unintended 100% volume. Fixed to 25%
Also, on Hard 00:31:746 (31746|3,31746|4,31746|2) the 3-4-5 patterns were changed to 2-4-6 because come on, consistency!

Files sent, thank you for notifying me, archy! :)
lmao that song PPAP hhhhhh
for modders are reqs'd to mod taiko, this diff. tanksh!1

absolutely get brainwashd cuz this song+video DANGDOET tarix mank!!1!!!

.... weff + rabiest...
yo taiko mod

OD 3/4/5 , bpm pelan dan sangat sangat sangat mudah
mungkin bisa pasang line di 00:06:599 - ga bisa skip, kelamaan

00:33:070 (42,43,44) - ganti kkk, kasih variasi
00:36:599 - kasih note, pausenya lebih enak disini
00:26:011 (31,32,33) - invert, dibagian sini 00:26:011 - alunanya dipasangin don semua, biar match ama vokal juga

00:06:820 - move 00:07:040 - gak cocok dibikin xx xx xx mernurut gw
00:15:864 (27,28) - invert ? hotsoundnya terasa weird
00:36:599 - add note ?
00:43:658 - add note ?

00:15:864 (41,42) - invert

yah mungkin segitu aja ;-;
yang di Muzu menggilas, gw konsisten ngikut snare drum semualah. aneh wae emphasis buat pola gitu ~_~

Futsuu buat add notes ga ah U: vokal doang mending diemin aja kosong kwkwk. kalau maslah penempatan d buat vokal keknya pas2 wae, cuma ada yg kosong *sengaja, buat neken sebagai 2plet. cocok aja dengan intonasi si powernya vokal*
ty mas Ronald bebex~

om apris, 00:06:820 - pindah ke 00:07:040 - sini di Futsuu
Another Lie
Revisi / Re-check dikit di diff 7K Extra Power
00:35:496 - ini tambahin 0.50x SV nya
I know April Fool's Day was yesterday but

Rank dis :V
Topic Starter
WTF dat bump

Arzenvald wrote:

WTF dat bump

It's overdue now xD
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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